Page 6 EE EE EE THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, May 31, 1946 Patronize These Merchants Where To Go For It Aind How To Win Cash Prizes Buy in Stratford ACCOUNTANT Mirekal Revd Gallnaith ACCOUNTANT -- AUDITOR Established 1942 52 Albert St. AUTOMOTIVE Murray Auto Parts 'The Store With the Thousand-and- one Parts" HOME APPLIANCES -- RADIOS NEW AND USED PARTS 155 Ontario St. Phone 489 ------ paid BAKERS T. V. B. BREAD CO, A. H. Zurbrigg $6 Huron St. Phone 2345 --S--_ BOOKS, STATIONERY S@HOOL ZUPPLIES, GIFTS GREBTING CARDS Patterson Bookstore Wellington at St. Patrick Phone 711 << BOOTS and SHOES LINCOLN SHOE STORES Ltd. Men's and Women's Shoes. 93 Ontario St. Phone 1285. a CLEANERS JARMAIN'S (STRATFORD) LIMITED Expert Cleaners Dresses, Suits 83 Downie St. Phone 289 ---------- Phone 2427 spelled words. one word of the slogan: 1946. of the slogan: Contest Interest Growing Throughout the advertisements in this issue there are mis- The wrongly placed letters would make up LINCOLN SHOE STORES LTD. Men's and Women's Shoes Pick out the advertisements having these misspelled words and send the list to The Mirror Office on, or before, June 5, Remember, the incorrect letters would make up one word oil ae LINCOLN SHOE STORES LTD. Men's and Women's Shoes | The replies received having the correct answers will be put in a box and a draw made therefrom. The lucky one will receive a ONE DOLLAR BILL. be awarded for the month. have been asked not to give week. be given. In addition all those sending in correct answers for the month of May will have another chance. (1) Two Dollars, (2) One Dollar, and (3) Fifty Cents, will Three prizes Members of the Mirror Staff are not to enter the contest and out any information which might be to the advantage of one contestant over another. One person only in each home can enter the contest each Then the Mirror had one of its advertisers make the draw. THE WINNER MRS. W. H. MALLION, 146 ERIE STREET If the winner will come to The Mirror office the prize will "REGAL id Means the Best In Everyday Greeting Cards Samples Cheerfully Shown W. SENIOR 46 Trinity St. or 366 Albert St. Phone 1893 Phone 1208R GROCER oor BANNISTER BROS. FAMILY GROCERS Who Give Personal Service 153 Nile St. Phone 989 HARDWARE McDERMID & KYLE HARDWARE Complete stack of Paint, Varnish Enamelware Lawn Mowers Now Available Established over 45 years L. Mair, Prop. 28 Wellington St. ' --s LADIES' and GENT'S WEAR Red Front Stores NEW SUMMER DRESSES SMARTLY STYLED Visit Our Downstairs Ladies' and Children's Departments renee omy MACHINIST Lathe Work Acitylene Welding General Repairs FRED. BAUN. 199 Ontario St. we S MUSIC Phonograph Records and. Accessories THE MUSIC SHOP 16 Ontario St. Phone 2458 _ Friday, May 31, 1946 eS '3 a " # * ge ae % * etait Be THE STRATFORD MIRROR MAKES STRONG PLEA FOR PREMARITAL BLOOD TESTS The case for premarital blood test- | test also prevents in that it detects ing--boosted recently by legislation| hidden syphilis, for the benefit of enacted by the Prince Edward Island | and Manitoba legislatures--is well set out in a pamphlet issued by the Health League of Canada's Social Hygiene Division. Such legislation already is in effect in Alberta and Saskatchewan, while a similar Brit- ish Columbia law still has to be pro- claimed. The pamphlet emphasizes that the war on V.D. is not over, and reveals that in Canada in the first two months of this year there was an in- crease of 25 per cent. in cases of syphilis and gonorrhea as compar- ed with the same period last year. It calls for protection of marriage and newborn children through fur- ther legislation for premarital and prenatal blood testing. It is emphas- ized that while the ideal preventive is any measure or measures that will tend to prevent exposure, the blood both the already infected and the uninfected, or the newborn. The pamphlet notes that in the case of the expectant mother, treat- ment within the first five months of pregnancy nearly always assures the birth of a healthy baby. Avail- able information on prenatal legis- lation in effect in the United States reveals that such laws usually re- quire the physician, nurse, or mid- wife attending the prospective mother to arrange that a blood test be included in the regular prenatal examination. There are no prenatal blood testing laws in existence in Canada at present. In regard to premarital blood test- ing, it is stated that since 90 per cent. of all Canadians marry--the majority of them between the ages of 20 and 30, an age group in which venereal disease is rampant--detec- CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer 2 3 4 5 6 ee Bie 11 7 'S) 13 + Wa 3-30 Ladies' Personal Stationery There is something quite distinc- tive in fine quality paper with your own name and _ address neatly printed at the top. Few things will give you greater satisfaction for the small amount involved. See our window. CThe Stratford Mirror Press 123 Ontario St. Phone tion and treatment of V.D. on the threshold of marriage would go a long way in a short time toward stamping out V.D. PATSY PIG AND FAMILY EXPRESSMEN'S PROBLEM Winnipeg, Man., May 31.--Prob- ably it was the excitement of the triumphant return of Winnipeg's champion Monarchs hocky team, or possibly the hot spring weather, but Patsy Pig had the express sheds of the Canadian National Railways here in a turmoil recently when she Make Life Easy.. HAVE YOUR WASHING DONE AT THE Avon Launderers 108 Downie St. Phone 388 up and gave birth to a litter of little piglets. Pencil and paper, even adding machines were insufficient to keep up with her. First it was two, then three, and a fourth and H. E. Fraser, general agent of the C.N. Express, was congratulating himself and his staff on taking care of everything satisfactorily when whoops, there were four more. ' This was too much for the usually OF PSOE EO SEES OSES O COOL ESO SOO OCS DRESSES JEAN FERGUSON LADIES' WEAR -- Exclusive in Strat- ford for DEJA Dresses. 26 Wellington St. Phone 471 = DRUGGBST The quality of any I. D.A. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES BENNINGTON ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Oil Burners, Stokers, Stoves, Washing Macuines. 92 Ontario St. Phone 595 teen cacatatsaanasnamttemaaensntltan tations aseities | cagetaesnan FUNERAL DIRECTORS GAS and OIL GREENWOOD-GILBART Fun-|"REDB' DALE'S SERVICE STATION FURS S. A. WILKIE Furrier and Designer 8. Evil Spirit 9. daughter of calm and collected express depart- ment staff and a hurried order went out for straw and warm mash to make Patsy as comfortable as pos- sible. A veterinarian was called and he pronounced Patsy in fine con- dition "but a bit tired." - The pig arrived in Winnipeg en- route from a farm at Hartney, Man- itoba, to Barwick, Ontario. On the waybill Patsy was valued at one MEIER NOVELTY CO. Where You Get All the Records VICTOR -- DECCA -- COLUMBIA BLUE BIRD Phone 103 85 Downie Street UPHOLSTERING Stratford Upholstering HORIZONTAL 47. discovering 55. absorb liquid 1. eccentric 49. new: comb. color wheel-part form - gastropod 50. hero of poem . vend by Hood . eggs 51. skin dis- . window turbance section §2. English . operatic measure solo of length . Steep, as flax 53. German war . restraining eriminal . astraddle 54. accustomed Nyx 10. linen fluff 11. falls behind 17. flies aloft 19. trill, as of acanary 23. pastries 24. Queen of the Fairies 25. wine vessel 26. European river-basin VERTICAL 1. feminine name 2. the birds 38. signified 4, European country 5. pork fat 6. restlessness 7. to the right House For Sale 2-family brick, one vacant, private entrance, heavy wiring, furnace (water system), corner lot, 7 roonis and sunroom, near Collegiate. P. C. PRIDDLE es a 299 Ontario St. Phone 1790 cmaaioaaiieen ernie pa = aaicoaieies == wat sod Sie eltana aaa SCBA IEES a: Se Se ee SSS = ~ = SSS ---------- Product is guaranteed by K. KALBFLEISCH 75 Ontario St. Phone 306 eral Service. 46 Erie Street, Telephone 1760. OVER FIFTY YEARS OILS - TIRES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES - Phone 2515 Stratford. (Successors to Clifford Upholctering) Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Free Pick-Up and Delivery 42 Brunswick St. Phone 579 Those Old Shoes 3 May last a long time after we have repaired them We repair Rubbers and put on good Rubber Heels GEO.WELCH SHOE REPAIR 146 St. Patrick Tel. 815M GRATUITY TIP FOR THOSE WHO WERE IN ROYAL NAVY Numerous applications for war service gratuities have been receiv- ed by the Department of National Defence, Naval Service, from ex- members of the Royal Navy who had previous service in the Can- adian armed forces other than the Navy. These applicants are qualified for a Canadian gratuity, but it is advised that their applications should be made to the branch of the Canadian armed forces with which they last served on active service. ' - 3 § ae FAMILY ALLOWANCES Better health and greater hap- piness for children are expected to result from wise spending of the Family Allowance, it is stated by officials of the Department of Na- tional Health and Welfare, Ottawa. A family's basic needs include ade- quate food, clothing, shelter and medical supervision. Family Allow- ance officials suggest that, when all these things have been provided, parents use what is left of their in- come for extras calculated to add zest to living. -| FRIGHTENING THE FISH A fish fence is among recently- announced inventions. It consists of one or more rows of metal electrodes --rods or strips--in the water. Elec- trical impulses sent through them set up an electric "field" which gives the fish an effective but harmless shock and sends them scurrying away. These "fences" can be used to. keep the small froy away from the larger fish that would eat them, or to prevent fish from being destroyed in the water intakes of irrigation projects, hydroelectric plants and industrial works. | BF a ay . hop-kilns . eternity . extend over ' Answer to Last Week's Puzzle 27. crazed 28. Shoshonean . fertilizer As) Indian 'ay >it . disturb . . variety of German beer 29. adult males 31. type of architecture . feminine 33. penetrating name taste ML >DImir . property left 36. bracers after death . abominable . cereal DIM Mr 38. separate entries 39. incited OOM DE™oMs --|2| DEM <|O}D grasses 40. Biblical . British name Arabian protectorate Disk 2sou 41. unqualified 42. Luzon Negritoes nO bua Cau DIM |m|OmE DIO] Zim || PRT) 2 || I Ol > VIM] O}= (oe) 4 . set of Japa- nese boxes rip er) Fa DIM Di Clon] OM DP 44. English 39. extremity 40. Italian-make violin 43. faultfinders Average time of solution: 22, minutes. Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. 48. Greek letter 3-30 queen 45. trust 46. only hundred dollars but with the meat situation the way it is her stock has 24 William St. Goderich soared. GIFTS). For every occasion and every purse. Choose from our beautiful selection of China, Glassware and Pyrex pieces. Whether the gift be practical or ornamental, you'll find it at J. L. BRADSHAW 84 Ontario St. CHINA HALL , _ Phone 179 "eg 7a bes Se b i. va ee terre reer er