FIREMAN om pat ae a IRN 1 3 De ees ia Fides Aaeask 2, 1980 THE STRATFORD MIRROR | Page 3 Make Them Last! Page 2 THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, August 2, 1946. ni 0011 1 SS? 0010 0 NOW IN LONDON Hitler's personal standard, the iW | When Your Requirements Call For Leather Goods.. remember we carry the best in BILLFOLDS HANDBAGS PICTURE FRAMES LUGGAGE | and many other Leather Items Gold Initials Free on Purchases over $2.00. e : Mtargetts Leather Goods : | 123 Ontario St. |sumer Section, Dominion Depart- | Job Printing with Quick Delivery LETTER HEADS TIME SHEETS BUSINESS CARDS The Stratford Mirror Press Tel. 115 123 Ontario St. Canada's Nutrition Program Sponsors Say-- "EAT RIGHT - FEEL RIGHT" HM) The Diana Meals provide the proper nourishment. Not only that but our meals you will thor- oughly enjoy. '| ia When You Eat Uptown Eat at the Diana Restaurant Phone 2578 John Tatulis, Prop. 95 Ontario St. a DIANA RESTAURANT Hl Supper menus are a real problem at any time of year, but with the thermometer soaring in the eighties such difficulties are trippled. People who work must eat, and unfortun- ately most people must continue to work whatever the temperature. They must also have the right food whether it be hot or cold, but as the weather changes there is a de- cided difference in the appeal of certain foods. Hot baked beans and meat dishes are excellent for winter zero weather, but vegetables with eggs and cheese, in salads or cas- serole dishes tempt the appetite in summer. The home economists of the Con- ment of Agriculture, suggest these dishes for summer suppers. Vegetable Marrow Casserole 114%4°cups milk 1 cup stale bread crumbs 1 cup grated cheddar cheese 1% teaspoon salt lg teaspoon pepper . 2 eggs--well beaten 12 slices vegetable marrow (1 medium marrow) 2 tablespoons chopped onions Scald milk, pour over' bread crumbs, add cheese, salt and pepper. Let stand % hour. Then add well- beaten eggs. Arrange the vegetable marrow slices in a greased casserole. Sprinkle with chopped onion, pour Eggs Au Gratin 4 cooked potatoes 1% cup milk 4 green onions (% cup chopped) Salt and pepper 6 hard cooked eggs 1% cup grated cheese Slice potatoes into a greased cas- serole. Heat milk and pour over potatoes. Cover top with sliced green onions. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover and bake in a moder- ately hot oven, 375 degrees F., for 25 minutes. Cut eggs in half--length- wise. Arrange on potatoes, cover with grated cheese. Return to the oven and bake 10 minutes in a mod- erately slow oven, 325 degrees F., to heat eggs and melt the cheese. Six servings. Liver Stuffed Eggs 8 hard cooked eggs 1 cup minced, cooked liver 3 tablespoons chili sauce Salt and pepper to taste 2 cups medium white sauce (hot) Shell eggs and cut in half. Remove yolks and mix with, liver. blended iH Tasty Supper Menus For Hot Weather with chili sauce. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Fill whites with the yolk mixture and reheat in the white sauce. Serve on toast, Serves four. Eggs may be placed in a casserole, covered with the sauce, sprinkled with some of the crumbled egg yolk and reheated in a moderate, 350 de- grees F., oven. GOOD PEOPLE WANT TO COME If Canada waits till all the indus- trial disputes are settled and until everyone finds gainful employment (which they never will), before drafting an immigration program, many of the good people who would \like to come to Canada will 'have gone elsewhere. In the British Isles, in Scandin- avia, in Denmark, and in the Neth- erlands are thousands of young people anxious to emigrate and carve out a career in less thickly populated lands. They are good .|people and we need them here--in spite of what Labour may say, and in spite of the hostile attitude of the Province of Quebec. Canada needs far more people than we can ever hope to acquire in the next twenty-five years through a natural increase in the present population and now that good people are look- ing for new homes we at least ought to let them know when and under what circumstances we will let them come in, Will Do The Work BASEBOARD OUTLETS IN- STALLED WITHOUT FUSS OR MUSS Hydro Shop estessassastsessssesscessssesstethssssesssssesssss ers sitss sss ses tte setts sess ese teet Sst esctse rales | Drink Milk For Health! MILK IS * + + 3 * « > 3 * + + + .4 > + 3 + 4 + > 7 ba $ > > ¢ + + $ ° + > * ¢ o4 * 4 « ¢ ¢ > + 4 Drink 3 or 4 Glasses a Day! The Milk Foundation of Stratford A FOOD ¢ ?) >< roo OSOO4 oOo oS eoooees oF SOSSOOOES $6004 6000556044 6904 4 seesssessestessessetesssesesstes sseseessesaesesteat a i 2 3 + * + i i - have it. The only one I remember Just Among A regul 001 0000S 0S HER WEDDING GOWN Dear Miss St. John: As I have read the letters for a write a letter myself. ~ I expect to get married next month. It will be a very quiet wed- that ba take) th : ; you were rash in ta ing e ding and I am not wearing a wed- ride from here to London with two ; > : strange ' : a a = aa have Stee band would not be so dismayed if Metta 020 ME heghiaeial he did not consider you So precious. ding dress, just the dress Ill go a child there was a verse about the colours brides wear. I would love to is: "Tf you marry. in red You'll wish you were dead." T am Irish and I'm a wee bit sup- erstitous. Could you print the whole verse in The Mirror? Thanks a lot if you will oblige, An Interested Reader. Answer: I believe I know the lines to 'which you refer, Interested Reader -- If you marry in green, You will live like a queen, ' Tf you marry in red, You'll wish yourself dead; Tf you marry in brown You will live out of town; If you marry in black You will want to turn back; If you marry in gray Your love will stray away, If you marry in pink If you marry in blue Your love will be true; If you marry in white ar department conducted for Mirror readers by Ina St. John. a A ' Sunday so I'm hoping to see your long time with interest I decided to} answer. O u iL SS) Cc lv we, S i silken, black swastika surrounded by by gold eagles, which the Fuehrer boasted would one day fly over Buckingham Palace, is now in Lon- don. It adorns a wall at the Germany Under Control exhibition in Oxford FUSE NEUES | street, together with Doenitz's per- sonal standard, a gaudy emblem of : aes He he HSE sauc ie Ae Ere Get ie oa oats black crosses encircling a golden and we come over nearly every eagle. Good shoes are hard to get and very expensive! Make them last twice as long by bringing them to us for expert repairs. We specialize in vulcanizing fine leathers. ERIE SHOE REPAIR ' Bubbles. Answer: You must admit, Bubbles, Read The Mirror 'Ads'. 24 ERIE ST. PHONE 1787 men. After all, your hus- So do forgive him. Ina St. John. CANNOT AGREE Dear Miss St. John: My fiance is wonderful only for one thing. He is very foolish with money. He is a very successful pro- fessional man. We could live luxur- iously, but he actually gives away large sums of money every so often --for religious purposes. I spoke to him about it. I told him when we marry I can use any small fortunes he can spare. He was shocked and hurt. He said he would never change. He does not believe in lux- uries. What can I do about this? R. W.N Answer: Well, R.W.N., if you do not care enough for the man to ad- mire his generosity and his high ideals, would it not be best to give him up! He has told you he will not Dear Miss St. John: When I was in the hospital re- cently for a short illness I met a You are sure to be right." Hoping you will wear the right colour for happiness, Ina St. John. THE FIRST QUARREL lady who was very friendly. She was in the same room and we be- came friends. She asked me to visit her when we both recovered. if would love to go (she lives in the Dear Miss St. John: We are a bride and groom married last month. Hubby is mad at me. I did not think he would ever be cross but he is. The trouble was that I took a ride over from London with two young men. They came along|son is ill and ha waiting for the bus out with another patient, naturally they when I was at my Aunt's farm. They said they become quite were going through London where we live now and they'd take me there. My husband saw me get out of the car and he was very angry.|less you hear He said he thought I had some horse might be wiser sense and a lot of things just as tion. mean. I still say I did nothing | country) but it is now some months since we were together. Do you think I might go out for a day and be sure of a welcome? Rose. Answer: Well, Rose, when a per- s time to "visit" friendly. After both are restored to health, their interests are apt to lie in different directions. Tt is a case "Yarrow Unvisited." Un- from the lady, it to forget her invita- Ina St. John. Turn Those Empty Bottles Into Money help make them more plentiful Kist dealer. DO IT NOW! Everybody likes Kist Beverages -- why not self at the same time by turning in your empty bottles for cash at your grocery store or any We Appreciate Your Co-Operation Stratford Orange Kist Bottlers STRATFORD, ONTARIO and profit your- BEVERAGES i It's Vacation Time Again -- Saturday Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 'Commencing Monday, August oth "Holiday Problem" ..- We solve it by closing the store up tight for two complete weeks. Tts a bold move but we feel it pays generous dividends to you and to us. It means that when the store is open for business our staff is at full strength and no department lags in giving our tradition- al prompt and efficient service. di . V1 Think Ahead ... ' If you require a few extras to see you through, please shop Saturday, August 3rd, when our store will be open as usual from 9am.to6p.m. Like school child- ren we are anxious to get away for a change and a rest ... like adults we'll be eager to get back on the job to serve your requirements. "Monday, August ee Store will be open for regular business. Several lines of our New Autumn Merchandise and Wearing Apparel will be on display and for sale. Stylists and manufac- turers have joined forces to create handsome, fashions from rich and luxurious materials. You can safely plan your future at Crosiers. J.J. CROSIER $22 wie QUALITY VALUE 4 ; le F milk and egg mixture over. Set in a Your love will sink; 5 i ; be h f Hitt ENVELOPES sey ae a, water and oven poach il If you marry in yellow ee ee not Be Haney st WILL | | | STATEMENT oderate oven 350 degrees F., You are ashamed of the fellow; |° * '--Ina St. John STORE CLOSED FOR TWO WEEKS | a | . Ss te one hour or until custard is firm. If you marry in pearl, : ; BE | t iF} IX) SERVINGS: You will live in a whirl; HOSPITAL FRIENDSHIPS I i we ---