Stratford Mirror, 2 Aug 1946, p. 3

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wo ts i ' ee Pe See ip nee eae ° mame i a PR 0 nn cn BOONE ae ARE SIL Pra ee Tee ae se ecauias wept Bie --, bay Ni nla aorta a ae cues ay ss agit scant ™ Or fi Astana aa Si ok 5 Rca La ld NR oh Aa RR a ia i ah Mes dei ea as as aN ad Den Get esc eee ee ee a "ate * E cy PR RoE Bic . f Friday, August 2, 1946. THE STRATFORD MIRROR THE STRATFORD MIRROR dingy Agee Good Advice To Vacationing Motorists "The worst example of folly is the |and thereafter decreases gradually. person who takes a vacation as a/It is impossible to determine the act means of rest and relaxation and/| ual point at which driving efficiency then exhausts himself in driving| drops beyond the safety line. How- * either to or from the place where| ever, the Interstate Commerce Com- © ' he plans to rest and relax," declares | mission now requires that truck and an editorial in Hygeia, The Health| bus drivers be off duty eight hours New Arrivals In 'CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer PATI TF YFTET YA || Aitchen Needs V), lé Gu Every week more and more of the things that make kitchen work easier and more efficient are coming back on our shelves. Here are a few of the latest arrivals: V/ Vy | Magazine. after driving ten hours. Unquestion- bsg Y i Y ' ® @ ® A ore 4) Shel-Glo Cooper If one is planning to drive by|ably, safety requires the average Vs 7 4 motor either as a form of vacation motorist to avoid long, uninterrupt- 25 24 Y 25 26 Y 27 PLASTIC FRUIT JUICER OVEN THERMOMETER ] V IC O ] a or as a part of a vacation plan, drive| ed periods of driving. The latest in- Yy, Yj, Reamer of this Fruit Juicer is | Can either hang or adage only a few hours each day and get) vestigation shows that at least one 28 Y 2a 30 WSi larger, making it exceptionally | oven rack -- correct oven tem- plenty, nt rest a pee Ais poset in every hundred is due to Y Yy fine for citrus fruits -- both j perature gives better 50c ween the periods of driving," the the fact that the driver was asleep. 4 i reams and strains -- complete | baking results................. magazine advises. People who fall asleep while driving Y ae 33 Y 34 a iw : with juice 1 00 Discussing motor . accidents on/try to conceal the fact. However, if Y YY, Yy 1) enntnintt ci ea ° MEAT THERMOM- i 50 Hl iV O Nj D) AY American highways, the editorial ai record is kept of the amount of R me TST Y, 38 =q Y, a0 a. 1a2 PPE her ir ' dhe says: sleep that a driver has had previous 4 Y Y, Combined "Sudden death still strikes on/to the time of the accident, one can | ZZ Y) SHREDDERS and SLICERS TIN TEA KETTLES 79c . American highways. Traffic fatali-| get a fairly good indication as to the 1 45 aA Y 45 Y Ao ii read d straight English. Make.............--. ties still continue as a major cause) need for sleep at the time of the ac- | 7 YY, Y, ily haan t i a 7 MUFFIN TINS of death in the United States. The! cident. It is not always an unintel- | 48 aa 50 7 51 siege sanahaitd 25c Holds 9 Muffi 38c A U G U S ; ; Sth, 1 O94 6 time epee be come when the motor a ay man that falls asleep at the 4 47 Y YH Oe ie Uc olds nifins.. car wi e known as Public Killer wheel; it is, however, always a care- 4q 'A. , No. 1. With a record of 35,000 killed less one. i 7) TITS loa BS W750 COLD-PACK CAN- . and at least 1,300,000 seriously in-| "Ina series of studies made on this | Y . Yy NEMS, Ate 9 2.80 | Pura Hin HY-Law of the Municipal 4, heteby fared ese. yest J. cpotar areigcets| potet 1 és found that aoe aT se yc 20 | appoint Monday, 5th August, 1946, a Civic Holiday, more deadly than- the threat of|ing home from a long vacation, an- q Yj, 'S ; A R p W A RE and respectfully request its observance by all citizens. meee ef: ie day ae October one bid iga qd spleen ed eee E UA // Jbl Y 62 Yy, . 4, 1940, when. eighty-five people morning for a conference, a third a Vs Li LZ A. WALDIE, Proprietor were killed and 1,496 others were) was a farmer who had been cele- at 7-16 Det ; dV ish critically injured. Sixty-three were | brating on a visit with his nephew in -- | HORIZONTAL 46. Mohamme- VERTICAL way (abbr.) awe Pros, Paiste any ¢ sree. Wy : J M auri ce Kin men and boys, and twenty-one were town, and a fourth was a clergyman at 1. division of dan princes 1. written 10.glistant 8 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 10 4 Sg I women and girls. One was a phil-| who got up too early in the morn- eat anextended 47. frog official 11. awaken i : MAYOR abi did cm was a ee ne to keep an appointment." ah poem 49. crowd agreement 13. restaurant- . ent doctor, another was a university | " mi 6. cut ; 2. Hebrew car e professor, and still another was a WILL TAKE TIME TO MAKE UP gerne cy Syratneiead month 16. groove CENTENARIAN SAYS HE worker in e sugar-bee ields. 4 disease f 3. nothin 19. consummates AW LEE SURRENDER Mayor's Office, However, the motorcar accident is ee oP hOINE: EN) See ql 12. labored 53. cannes into 4. swaying 22. symbol for ' Vet George S. Brooks, who H af NS) thy resbectat of ouebonen The "er There are a number of reasons q : tantalum eteran George ».-- , ave 1our ort Stratford, Ont. p p great f ' / ; a 14. correlative view 5. Thessalian d his hundredth 20th Jul 1946 and the small, the high and the low-| for the shortage of men's shirts, says 1 of either 56. Odin's mountain 24. oceans reckons he passe is hundre y, ; ly are figured largely among the the magazine, Textiles. : 15. abates brother 6. astral 26. entertain- birthday two years ago and says he Sh R 1 d wreckage, cli ho ere AT hotein the gt-yaster ostomy go foal served! Genetal Giant as perenal| | OCS SP "In almost every case the driver Sire : pee q scale 59. follows 8. signature esny derly in the Civil War, is under ~ : ; shirtings from England being admit- j f 1 fruit ee ee s of the car Js responsible, Occasional: ied to Canada free of duty, he Canc | 18 Shoshonean Sk shanks OF ADPTOVET ag Fetckers_| treatment at the DVA veteran's home Now ith Puen, now bceuian bh aiepienes adian endageiattad these poole none '|| 20. high aa week fase' ay ion of in Winnipeg. He served with the i} ey. : + 5 ; 7 "| sequently did not grow in the inter- tt 21. solar disk Answer to Las eek's e iscor : i Fi Great World-Famous Artists Bring You Finest te ree de aedident than ie any |WemInE Period. Imports from Britain 1} 23.feel == TSTAIDIOMNETLISIEMMAITIA] °° (arensic Pe at ie aig aa ay breakdown of the machine. For that Pde acai' pe By - palm lea i is col ae vp@atae: ie "t : ; years and it is not known when they | 27. goddess of ) (LIE |X BeeNIE [AIR git iM) 37 Turkish Brooks recalls the sale of his col- Classical and Popuiar Music in Victor Health rey hy seg tea id gl eon Lgigmeain in fs pee it 4 malicious MIAIDIE Ba VIATL | [D]! |TIY me eae oured mother on the slave auction ee if S d » : : s that this condition will con- || ischi i chologists, biochemists and a biome-. tinue undoubtedly Canadian ce be ' ; 28 sre tings LIN{S |) |OJE RIA} IL 41 small cleared block. He was born into slavery (e) tu S trist, has completed an intensive! tion will be built up again but this 4 official S|EIC BePIRE |PIALY woods himself at Brookville, Kentucky, and : cere a Poa kiibies naan Ng will take a little time. 29 ram OlvIAITI! [OINPMAT || [DIA|L| 42 part ofa followed Grant's army as a youth. ecor ums mental and phic Fatigue graced vc Not every man in Canada wears 4 down RIE|T UR IN Gea L |OINIE |LY Sot Lee's surrender is recalled by the Pees ing from hours of driving under act-|Stirts of fine material, But all wens si symbolfor TAIRIEICIABATTAINIGILIEIR] 44. sie aged man, who says ne was sanding || -- 24-HOUr Service a anette Sages soars ek ania: ;.| Supply of fine shirting is one of the | 32. uttered is S[L [UL (CIE Ba IC\E) 48 air: comb. leader approached unsheathing his Everyone has his own taste in music, but there are certain A ala np ese We eee mabe in ly several ways in which the shirt , 34. govern SIAIG/OBsS|L|I |DJEIR phe sword and thrusting it into the e classical masterpieces that have a universal appeal. To hear Be) P'Y | shortage has been aggravated. ) 36 note in the TIRIUINICIA(T JE BO}! [EIT ope valle sandy soil. almost to the hilt while after the first two or three hours,} The record of ts of scale 54. adult males d iting for Grant to ap- SUPERIOR their haunting melodies and stirring passages is a musical - --- == shivtings oe Britain bas out et i 38. clip Ol (CL BBAIGIE |S MEGIUILIA| 55. compass meas ig he aes ee ees fos h | thrill, and to have them at your command through Victor TeaO ak. 2,254,910 yards 3. 40. heave ALT teed JE re] Bete IML LT pote Peplace his sword and to walk to SHOE REPAIR Records guarantees many a happy evening. P ATIENT'S 4/5 RSet: eps 301,966 yards 43. prefix: three bathed 58 : oe Mads him as a surrendering officer, T9442 ay, 22,372 yards 7, 45: ne Average time of solution: 21 minutes. of admiration Brooks says. ; : J. J. DuCHARME BRAHMS' SYMPHONY NO. 2| RICHARD CROOKS in SONG SHOE REPAIR Hee pee bakes i antelope _Dist_ by King Features Syndicate. Inc 9, above ee gk eit aaah tecede owe: With the Philadelphia Orches- Accompanied by Frederick 1945 EMG rel oe none 4 papers daily and keeps up with Phone 941 113 Ontario St. tra lead by E Or d iad ra lead by Hugene Urmandcy. | Schauwecker. Fast, efficient Shoe Repairing In most other textile lines, Can- current events. PIRATES OF PENZANCE : at Reasonable Prices ape ps hanger was more nearly : --_----- ais Complete Recording by D'Oyle STRAUS POLKAS equal to normal pre-war demand, "J oe Carte Opera rch Mg ee A Played by the Boston "Pops" is It was the gradual building up of AS | SEE IT \ =a Conan" | Bagel mints Sree | || ge atnmms ornare (Cutting oecce eea CLOSED | ¢ : . enable e industry so well to mee : PIANO CONCERTO Feidler. (Opposite clea Hotel) the war and. civilian needs between ; i Sepigreet ible te ont ie Pda Featuring Vladimir Horowitz an . Perhaps it wou same 14-seater flies clean through -- Van . and NEC. Symphony Orch- TRIO IN B FLAT MAJOR Patronize a War Veteran have been better if the industry But they don't take chances. They check and double check. estra under the direction of | By Schubert -- Rubenstein, had Kept of Making time. shirtings, 'They sent us back at Winnipeg -- for the final check showed a Toscannini. Heifetz 'and Feuerman. faulty radio. They got it switched before we could drink our extra Until Further Notice STAR! coffee. & iJ 2 s * * * a Drop in and hear th d ther f tists f : English, Fine Quality THE POOR REFUGEE IS STILL SICK. HE WON'T EVEN In order to install additional machinery that will Mics digored ining ts aoengg Cnemendigeagle wed Solera ae read the headlines -- about strikes. . : sy: : yourself. Or, if you prefer, just call us and we will arrange D i N N E R cS EF T he) The passengers are tired now -- the air is chilly. We all settle pcan nt tage our ability A give the best in prompt, a private performance at your convenience. : : * @own for a cat-nap before Kapuskasing. You remember that's where efficient laundry service to our customers, we will e Fragrance Pattern -- 38 Pieces.........-.:s:sseeseeees $9.95 they had the German prisoners in the first war -- we called it the te dlosed until further notice: G6 PieCOae. oc es. ok ee ee $23.00 "last" war then. nee | i The trim twin pilots are racing for home now -- making up : The Music Sho LIE: ee ee ee ee a wae AVON LAUNDERE NS or two hours you ride throug right 1 oa WO Sl p a ° | BRADSHAW eer reflection sitting like a ball of fairy fire on the plane's right 108 Downie St. Phone 388 16 ONTARIO STREET PHONE 2458 84 Ontario St. CHINA HALL Phone 179 'Again a perfect landing. The guy from Alaska, behind'me, says | ci Sr SRE eran aren aoa AAA A A TA EAE RI A A Canuck pilots are best in the world.

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