Page4 THE STRATFORD MIRROR Friday, October 4, 1946. _Northway's "= Headquarters for Girls' Coats | : Girls' Popular Loose-Back Coats Tailored in all- wool Val-Dur Fleece Cloth with padded rayon | linings for extra warmth and comfort. Colours are Wine, Red, Brown, Teal and Green. SIZES 7 TO 12 | 14.50 *° 16.95 SIZES 12 TO 14X 16.95 ° 18.50 \ le Oe & SON AS I SEE IT (Continued from page 1) Erected to Hayabusa Butain (Fal- con Force), No. 2380, on the eleventh day of the second month of the ae pace year of Showa (11 Feb., 1942). % % * High Cost (?) Of Advertising How often have you heard the statement, "If it wasn't for all this advertising, the cost of living would be a great deal less than itis... ?" suspected war criminals for trial and says: revolting conduct as to drive a per- son to lust for wiping such human while engaged on such work, we also come on different action by, other members of the same race. In: such moments, I pray God that I may never lose my balance of judg-, ment and heart. "Fellow-Canadians of Japanese ancestry stood beside me as we struggled to get just the exact shade of meaning from a composition in such a Japanese high literary style. A sickening sense of shame came over me when I thought of the Can- adian bungling which prevented one group of loyal fellow-Canadians from expressing their loyalty to their country -- of the thousands of British lives that might have been saved had we responded promptly to urgent British pleas to supply their armies with Canadian Nissi." * * THE SOLDIER'S LETTER TO HIS wife ends: "My recent contacts with Orient- als have produced the conviction that racialism is the greatest curse of every English-speaking country. If we should now lose the moral leadership of the world to the Rus- sians, which God forbid, we can at- tribute our defeat to one cause alone --racialism." THE SOLDIER TELLS HIS WIFE! about his job of helping to cull out 'surprised that the agencies of public "T have learned of such incredibly | We have heard it so often we are informaton haven't done something to place the true facts before the public. For too long has advertising been used as a convenient whipping 'boy for so-called economic reform- vermin off the earth. But, even| ers who prefer to deal in misconcep- tions and generalities. When the true facts are known, \the public readily realizes that hon- est advertising earns its salt. They come to appreciate the fact that ad- vertising, rather than increasing the price of commodities, actually re- duces the cost to the consumer; this, by stimulating demand and conse- quent mass production at lower unit cost. But let's not deal in general- ities; let's get down to cases. For instance, the advertising ex- penditure on a popular branded line of bar soap which sells for about 'seven cents a cake is only one fifth of a cent; on a nationally-advertised bed sheet that normally retails. at $1.95 the cost for advertising is only one cent. Then, too, a company sell- ing a widely-known breakfast cereal at 15 cents a package spends only three-tenths of one cent per pack- age for advertising; the cost on a 12 cent can of soup is ony one hun- dreth of a cent. And when you pause and refresh with a nickel glass of a popular soft drink, do you realize that the advertising cost is repre- sented in a few drops of the con- tents? The cost is so small that it runs into a five figure fraction of one cent. Many other percentages could be cited, covering a wide range of ad- . vertised products from peanuts to A GREAT MAN SAID: o Friday, October 4, 1946. THE STRATFORD NO IMMIGRATION POLICY NEW CANADIANS TURN Members of the House of Com- TO COMMUNISTS mons were obliged to go home with- (From The Scene) out learning anything from the Gov-| A strike m which one-half of the ernment in respect to immigration--/| workers, mostly native born or An- whether we are to have a policy, glo-Saxon, stay on the job, and the now or never. Our sister dominions | other half, mostly new Canadians of are quite ahead in this matter and foreign origin, go out on strike, is we should know soon in Canada, caused by something more than dif- whether anything is to be done to, ferences about wages and _ hours. build up this population and devel-| There are deeper causes which the op our great natural resources. people of Canada may find within Regardless of what our wishes are themselves. | in respect to immigration the pop-| We have failed, almost complete- ulation must needs be_ increased. ly, to recognize the values of the Eleven or twelve million people will cultures which new Canadians have not be allowed to possess half a con-. brought to complement ours. We tinent. This may be our last chance have callously _ignored their need to administer a peaceful immigra-jfor understanding fellowship. Our tion policy. spurious superiority, which is no less The bringinng in of 4,000 Poles infuriating because it is false, has from Italy to help on the farms is created resentments that boil up the start of a useful program. How-, through every crack in the national ever, there are thousands of people economy. : : i in Britain, Scandinavia, and other, A human being who is derided, areas of Northwest Europe, who when he is not ignored, by those he svould like to come to Canada right meets, inevitably makes common now. No doubt we shall be admitting cause with those who treat him as a them later on, but the Government comrade. He is an eager and loyal could start by allowing in young ally of those who befriend him, par- men who are willing to spend a year ticularly when they offer him a or two as farm labourers during means of getting even with those which time they would become ac-, who have taught him to hate them. quainted with the country and ac- Resentful, frustrated and inade- quire some skill in our' agricultural quate Canadians, new or native, practices. i who, through our fault or theirs, Apparently the Government is not have failed to find appreciation and ready to even make this one step understanding among their fellow- and perhaps will not be until Labour , Canadians, turn to the comradeship quiets down. of communism in Canada, which needs to offer them nothing else. A widely travelled writer, whose "In other countries the relation- ™ ship of employer and employee has been more or less accepted as a class) relationship not readily to be broken through. In this country we insist, as an essential part of the American way of life, that the employer-em- ployee relationship should be one between free men and equals. We refuse to regard those who work, ame and work we cannot recall, said that the civilization of a nation might be measured by its appretia- tion of the different. Canada should be civilized enough to appreciate and conserve the cultures which flow into it; and Christian enough to extend its fellowship to the new Canadians who come to help us build a better Canada. 83 ONTARIO STREET LN STYLE with the times 5 os, file. whi Us % Lan Ei noege, Timed to the stars... styled to the minute _.. those are outstanding characteristics of our precision-made watches for ladies. And we have an equally impressive display of handsomely masculine wrist styles. Back of every watch we sell you'll find our reputa- tion for dependability and integrity. We invite you to look over our large assortment of beautiful, dependable watches. E. G. SWANSON JEWELLER PHONE 95 automobiles. But these will suffice to point up the truth of the matter. JOHN NORTHWA Phone 192 with hand or brain as different iy Mrs. Nextdoor: "What has your| Old Lady: "I am sorry for you. Ij Traveller: "What is this place not- or inferior to those who live from : F " : am going to send you a cake. Would | ed for? ay Ae : their property. But our workers oe Ne gg Oe you prefer apples or dates in ite Guide: "Sir, this is the starting . 7 j 9" > with hand and brain deserve more) '17 Nayber: "He has learned that| Prisoner: "If it is all the same to|point for any place in the world. LIMITED 54 Ontario Street GOING UP TO COME DOWN Mamma: "And what did Mamma's little baby learn at school today?' Now Is The Time To Join The Y.M.C.A. od Gym Classes and Recreational Activities For All Ages 'There Are No Race, Creed or Social Barriers To | Y.M.C.A. Memberships | Join the Y Today soi uit Young Son: "He learned two fellas not to call him Mamma's little baby." A new invention seeks to over- come some of the present hazards for airmen who have to fly fast and high. Mr. Leslie Irvin and Mr. James Martin have devised a parachute technique by which the pilot is shot up into the air clear of his plane, seat and all, releases himself from his chair, and then decends until he reaches a pre-determined pressure level, when' a small barometer re- leases a trigger, the pack opens, and the canopy streams out. The airman then makes a comparatively slow. descent through air which he can comfortably breathe. Provision is made against the blast of fast-mov- We are known for fast watch repairing. Our standards are high and our prices moderate. G. SHEARD €.N.R. WATCH INSPECTOR 148 St. Patrick St. Stratford ing air when he is shot from his plane. SFALLEIESTA. OF COSTUME JEWELLERY In Mexican Silver Lovely Earrings of bright Mexican silver in a wide variety of sizes and designs; exquisite Glamour Pins, fashioned into audacious donkeys and pert little horses. Brighten your Fall wardrobe with these gay jewellery pieces. Jean Ferguson Ladies' Wear 26 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE 471 el Fp a a - @hbn. ceghect for WGit Janey: phe | he'll have to be vaccinated, that his} you, mum, I should prefer a file in| You can start from here and go any deserve a practical protection in the| s opportunity to use their labour at 4 eyes aren't really mates, that his return adequate to support them at; teeth need replacing, and that his a decent and constantly rising stand-| method of breathing is entirely ob- ard of living, and to accumulate a_ Solete. margin of security against the in- ay evitable vicissitudes of life. eee eee ecrititstitstssssssrsssssitetesees) "There are those who fail to read | Scott, Crane both the signs of the times and Am-| erican history. They would try to, refuse the worker any effective power to bargain collectively, to earn a decent livelihood and to ac- COMPANY M sire i ipalpaig 3 It is ges une INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE sighted ones, not labour, who threat-| 33 en this country with that class dis- INVESTMENTS sention, which in other countries has led to dictatorship and the establish- ment of fear and hatred as the dom- inant emotions in human life." --FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. PHONES -- 633 and 2413J } 110 ONTARIO STREET Deetttsterssstssssssses: Stitssses Mestessesteresss] Fhe eto oe. 5 44455O4OOOOOOO0 > > 4 4 . WE SERVICE AND REPAIR TYPEWRITERS Adding Machines Sewing Machines We rebuild, repair and re-condition typewriters, adding machines and sewing machines. Prompt service and guaranteed work at moderate prices is our slogan. Sewing Machine Market 19 ELM STREET PHONE 2991W : place you want to." Please Note: Our Store Will Be Closed All Day Saturday In Observance Of A Religious Holiday reenbhergs 103 Ontario St.