ew -- Time Table. "Morning train due 7. 7.45 a.m. going B. Morning 10.25 W. ii Cae Lee oe eee Afternoon " 1.29pm "% W. Afternoon" " 320 " " &E. Mietg oe BOP OW A mad dog, in the upper part of 'Enin township, has done a lot of dam- age, and the Council has ordered all dogs to be chained from Aug. 28th. FRIDAY, SEPT. 15th, 1911. Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. Act At Once THIRTY YEARS Our Seven Colleges have been established during the past 30 years. The largest trainers in Canada. wing to our connet- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other school. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Edueators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It is Actual Busi- ness from Start to Finish, and the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Houses. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Fall Term From: Angast 28th Write, bo or phone for oulars: WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Chas. W. Burns, Principal. President. and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. H Name. Address Age... ..... Time rupture ........ Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. SMITH 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. TRE ATWOOD BEE is printed . Every Thurday $2.00 8 year--or $1. $1.50 when in arrears. Advertising Rates Rates :--One va ai $5 per per y' ray pear advertaerieaita, 6c per line Se per line each subsequent vertismente without nga Cong tions inserted till forbidden, and charged acco! ly. Aiverticsil of articles or animals lost or found, sorticles for sale, houses or rooms to rent, etc.. four times for one dollar. One column measnres 20 inches, ene have no heat rates. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free. Job Printing of every description exe- cuted in neat and fashionable style, and on short notice. WANTED A live representative for WA OOomD and surrounding District to sell high class stock for The Fonthill Nurseries It is said that Honeywood is the home of the youngest married cou in the province. The groom,is 17 ie the bride 15. They sre the son and daughter of two well-known residents of Mulmur. John Pascoe, of the Firs Farm near Woodstock, is receiying the con- gratulations of his many friends on what is belieyed to be one of the best wheat yields im that section of the province. He got 700 bushels from 12 acres after threshing, an average of 55 bushels an acre. | More fruit trees will be planted in the open of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than © ever before in thé history of Ontario. The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. *}We teach our men Salesmanship, Tree culture and how big profits in fruit-growing can he made. Pay weekly, permanent employment, exclusive territory. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Toronto ---- That the farmer is destroying his} ; best friend when he wantonly causes the destruction of bird life is aptly shown by the experience of a Wis- consin orchardist. by careful and painstaking work, suc- ceeded in bringing his apple orchard up to a point where it was capable of yielding fruit valued at $8,000 a year, only to have the trees girdled by mice and practically destroyed in one winter. Nailed up on this or- | chardist's barn door was the carcass of an owl, which he had shot and put up as a warning to other owls to keep ata distance. After his orchard was destroyed by mice he applied to the agricultural authorities of his state fora remedy. The expert sent to investigate cut open the stomach of the owl's carcass nailed to the barn door, and to the astonishment of the farmer showed him the remains of nine field mice, which the owl had destroyed. This orchardist by des- troying owls and such like birds} which prey upon mice, had made it easy for the mice to multiply and fi- nally destroy 'his trees. No more striking illustration' than this could be given of the value of bird life to the farmer. There are birds which keep insect pests in check, There are others, such as owls that prey upon the larger pests such as mice. Such animals as foxes, weasels, mink, raccoon, and even the odoriferous skunk are enemies of mice. people will destroy these at will. All these things and especially birds tend} §/Fee=e to keep the balance of nature and to keep in check many of the pests that are to-day a menace to successful agriculture. What is needed to-day is an edueational propaganda for the protection of bird life. It would be a good eubject for Institute speakers to specialize on this winter. This grower had | Promotes Digestion Cheerful- INFANTS. CHILDREN |} ness and Rest.Contains neither m,Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. A ect Remed for Cons | tion, Sour Sto , Diarrhoea, oeren: f Worms ,Co ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of ions,Feverish- |} Bears the CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Infants and Children.. The Kind You Have Always Bought For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NW YORK OfTY. DRIA FREE JUST WRITE THIS: FOR THE ASKING "Send me postpaid your Fil and Winter Cutalogue for 1911-12 Address your postcard (or letter) to "T. EATON C2.ns Toronto, Ontario, and be sure to give full name and - address_.or nearest post-office. -~_To'think that this simple transaction should mean so much to you--so much betterment. The far-reaching buying ability of this great Mail Order store brought to your own door--for your own choosing--quiet, unin- fluenced decision--offering you so much in genuine help- #4 fulness--let's tell you how: 73 YEU G68 REWS > Supposing you had in mind sonie somie article you wanted, \at some price ycu usually paid--ard alcng cemes this helpful book we speak cf and init you find just what you 3 THIS BSSK BRINGS fm =want--ata price that mo. ans asaving to you. Then ia due course you receive your purchase, promptly (that's EATON service), and you're more than satishe.l--cn- raptured with what you receive--good news, isn't it? a = Well, that's just onc tiny part of what's in store for you if mm =you'll but use this Book. There never was a Catalogus issued by us that meant so much to you--to the upbuild- ing of home economy--to the ultimate greater satisfaction. 1A FREE DELIVERY THAT RINGS TRUE ete. v agi esis ZANL AND YT "ant AL SUE ee Feat NITEM UMMM ' Po WwT PELAY > Send in your request fer this Cig, Handsaric, © Helpful Catalogue & We believe that what we are about to say vill jinpress you with its sincerity. the quality is high, undoubtedly--and aur Pree Delivery offer is fair and just to all. we ship all heavy goods listed in this Catalogue Freight Pail to your nearest reilroad station, This includes Furniture, Farm Hnplements, Pianos, Orgens, Sewins Machines, Gasolene Engines, [ eaaaineedeonog 9 i ott as re . =* se Le ge ee Petes te! Our prices are low-- For imstanece-- Boats, THE EATON MAIL ORDER WAY IS BEST FOR, YOU 5 2 Bear in mind the fact that with closely whittled prices predominating throughout this Catalogue, the akove free | ingly if you mus delivery offer is an interesting proposition that most | customers will want to take advantage of. Won't you favour us ? Satisfaction Guarantced Absolutely or Your Money Refu with transportation charges paid both way by us. . solict a trial order. At least we All other merchandise is sent freiht paid on all orders of 525.00 and over. GIVE US THE CHARCE TG PROVE CUR STATEMENTS Accept this Catalogue from us--critically--aye, doubt- | there. t--so much the better, but don't stop Give us the right to prove alf we claim for this Catalogue in EATON service--lastly and primarily for your s2tisfaction--in quality--prompt service and-- Aad That's ouf olfer -- what's your answer? . THOUSANDS NOW ENJOY THE EATON MAIL GROER WAY--WHY NOT YOU? ] Our Quarantee knows | no exceptions,it protects |; you absolutely TORONTO &T, EATON Cours | A triat order witl spenk louder than words. We await your commands. CANADA I HYSLOP $25 WHEELS When you purchase a Hyslop Bicycle you know for a fact that it is the very best your money can possibly buy. It could not be anything else thoroughness, apy sort. Your assurance is 21 years of absolute re- liability, and a responsibility behind it that eliminates every possible risk. bicycles are intended to give the greatest amount of all-round efficiency at a popular price, and are built on lines ed Folder, and see the surprising yalue we have to offer before investing in a wheel of HYSLOP BROTHERS Shuter and Victoria Sts. and bear the Hyslop name. Hyslop of absolute Send at once for Flustrat- LIMITED Toronto a THREE COOKS AND THREE REASONS ese three Soa oe differ witely in ability and vd eae bot alt are atreed thet con and placed a moces: met in the stove oa whic k, GURNEY-OXFORD RANGE 'or no pam penis much on' pe Bae cooking i = done; ow matter what the fiven or requ requisi sites hes furnish these -- essent ials--stead diate that gives air to the ane with . gr ot ft tchea range. tad "paking jscilitie, and 8 and a even For these three probleme--on wh: which all a aN cous are opaa ae GUENEY OXFORD three good RANGE has three anawers, -- MIZBE DS email! for th bape ma THE OXFORD fe) m i eects remarkable sev -Oxfords. agg Coes toy fo Oa. lanes but smoki ae Divided | Flue Sule distributes the heat rare securin evenly, é against failure i in in fuel as well as ways dusting? The Gurney- Are you Oxford Rever< sible Grate aa saves sdirt and labor; one-half tarn and theashes wy Tuer plea of a ona wied ine, ¢ med we wil Come ta ant 088 oe ie will convince you. demonstrate