= ---- LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY THE PISHERIES TREATY: United States Has Not Passed Necessary Legislation and Canada May Withdraw. A despatch from Ottawa says: It now looks as if Canada is about to withdraw from the internation. fisheries treaty concluded with tie United States in 1908. It will be remembered that, under the terms of the treaty, regulation govern- ing the fisheries in interaational waters were drawn up by the com- missioners, Professor Prince for Canada and Professor Starr Jordan for the United States. These re- gulations were to become effective after concurrent proclamations. by Appalling Disaster in the Yangste| - 'to enable the @ Governor-General of Canada and the President of the United Btates. The necessary legislation proclamation was passed by the Parliament of Can- ada during the session of 1910, re- ceiving the unanimous approval of both political parties. The Ameri- can authorities have' failed, how- ever, to pass the legislation re- quired to put the treaty into effect.. After the regulations had been drawn up it was found that cer- tain interests, notably in the State of Michigan and. on the Pacific coast of the United States, were opposed to their promulgation. These interests desired changes' in the regulations to harmonize with their views. It is understocd that representations to that end were made to Ottawa, but it is now known that Canada months ago positively declined to suggested modifications, and it is generally supposed that the Govy- ernment has served or is about to serve the United States authorities with notice of withdrawal from the treaty altogether. In any event it is no longer a secret that the Ca- nadian authorities are resolved to not accept the changes propoted by the United States. 50,000 TREES AFFECTED, "Little Peach'? Disease is General in Niagara District. A despatch from Toronto says: Mr. Hodgetts, Superintend- ent of Horticulture for Ontario, stated' on Wednesday that 50,000 peach trees in the Niagara district would have to be removed on ac- count of the "'little peach" ycst. The disease, he says, is prevalvit throughout the Niagara district The inspectors have been working recently in north Grimsby and Fonthill, but have not found these places worse than others. Mr. Hodgetts expressed the belief tirat the measures now being taken tu eradicate the disease will prove cf- fective. Og GOLD SEEKING STAMPEDE. @ush From Ashcroft, B. C., to New Rich Field. A despatch from Ashcroft, B. C., fays: Something like the feverish petivity of the early mining days pized Ashcroft at daylight on W ed- pesday morning, when stampeders jtarted fur Springhouse to stake rlaims on a silver, lead and gold}! -- ledge recently located by a pros- pector named Perkins, who reached juwn on Tuesday with news of his strike. Springhouse is a point in Cailleetin County, north-west of Ulinton, and about 250 miles from Asheroft. "st 100.0609 PEOPLE DROWNED. Valley, China..- A despatch from Shanghai says: The flood caused by the overflow of the Yangste River is the most cx tensive and deepest in the memory of man. Nganhwei Province is sub- merged ty a greater depth than ever befure and widespread famine threatens. Besides the 100,009 per- gous reported drowned, nillions are homeless, subsisting or herbs, facing starvation. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVEB THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your Eyes. CANADA, The Co-operative Union of Can- ada is talking of starting a cannery. D. A. Bucknell, a West Oxford farmer, was fined 85 fur whipping a boy. Another advance of ten cents in the price of all grades of sugar is anneunced, Oswald Gage, a thirteen-year-old Hamilton boy, was run over by a freight train and killed. Complaints are made in Hamilton of pictures shown ia the moving- picture shows of an anti-British character. A Cleveland company is to build a million-dollar chemical plant at -- that will employ 1,000 'Louis Robert, a seventy-year-old millwright, fell off a hundred-foot trestle at Three Rivers and was killed. The steamer H. M. Pellatt col- lided with a drawbridge over the Welland Canal and put the bridgo out of business. GREAT BRITAIN. Burgess swam the English Chan nel, occupying almost 23 hours. British exports for August show 1 decrease, chiefly in manufactured moods. The Duke of Connaught at. the farewell banquet to the Canadian artillery team said he would be sailing for Canada one month hence. GENERAL. The Chinese rising against Goy- ernment railway project occasions anxiety regarding Canadian mis- sionaries inglisturbed area AMB OUS PRINGK RUPERT Agreement With Grand Trunk Pacific to Build Drydock and Shops Carried. A despatch from Prince Rupert, C., says: The agreement signed Tune 8 with the Grand Trunk Pa- rific, to establish great industries iu town, was voted on on Saturday, and carried with a majority of four lundred and eighteen. The com- . pany is to pay taxes to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars a year, for ten years, on all railway iands here, and give thirty-two hundred feet of water frontage, also a u2um- -ber.ol sections for parks and a City Hall site; also sixty acres for a ce- work at once on a two and a half million dollar dryduck. The station, machine, car shops, and round- house are to cost a million dolla's. The plans of these works are here, and work has commenced. The majority for the new water- works and electric plants was «uc hundred and eighty-three to ruse five hundred and fifty thousand dollars to be 'paid off during the next fifty years. This will give work to a number of men for the noxt "year, ile .uader. + 8mith--became confused." cust -uc-, MAING SAFE. INVESTMENTS HOW THE PRINCIPLE OF INVESTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIRE- _ MENTS WORKS OUT IN PRACTICE. =: John Smith, Who Was Recently Appointed Trustee of an Estate, Finds 'That tn- vesting Requires Some Thought--An Il- lustration of Some of the information Which we Have Recently studied Affects Price. (By "Investor™) 1 e first of this series it was shown chat * distribution of risk" Is an im e investment exper): malsand even to many who snoull, understand its actions thoroughiy. whis is the principle of investment "io accordance with ul requirements." John Smith went into a bond dealers office to invest some money which he held as trustee for the childrem of his bro- ther, who had recently died. He had never been possessed of sufficient moncy before to invest, so, naturally, knew lit- tle of how to go about it. Therefore, he did the best thing he could think of under the circumstances, and told the bond dealer that he wanted to. invest $10,000. "Well," list. said the dealer, "here's our You can pick out something to suit you from that lot," and he gave him a booklet containing a list .of so many bonds and securities of various sorta that man with the bill-of-fare printed French, he cast his eye down the until he saw something familiar, and said, "I guess ['li have some of those," pointing to a preferred stock; such as some bond dealers carry for some enta of a semi-speculative turn, "Cer- tainly," said the broker. "Those shares constitute a very fair speculative invest: ment with good prospects of apprecia- ie But as the company is not yet rmly established we do not recommend them to investors who cannot afford to lose thoir capital, nor to those who wish something that is readily salable. 4 the company is small aud the demand for the stock not great, it is possible to sell only when orders such as yours come in." As most reputable bond dealers and investment steck brokers are equally frank with their customers and cliepts, Smith was no more fortunate than the average investor would be. It is lucky WAS 80 his case, for he at once changed his mind as to his decision, "I'm afraid it won't do," he' said hast ily. "The money I have to invest I hold ax a trustee of an estate, and have to turn it over to the heirs when they come of age. The eldest will be twenty-one in eighteen months and the two others at intervals of two years or so after, So you see I shall have to turn over the securities or cash at that time, and as cli- > it in 'lose $40 of your capital, which IE allow Tike the" Irish: | ~ cost you $404, and in June, 1914, you will receive $4,000. However, don't forget that out of the $200 you receive cach year you must keep $13.3, which will amount to $40 at the end of the time, as you for in the interest rate, for I say it yields you 45-8 per cent, which means you get 458 per cent on your investmont and enough to save the $40. Then for the bal- give Northern . which are absolutely safe, and which can be got in maturities to suit almost any- body. These will yield you about the same rate and therefore sell at a price depending on the time they have to run. Those due in a year and a half I can sell at 1003-4, which will: yield juet 412 per cent., while one due in five years sells at 1021-4 and yields the same rate. You don't understand the price? Oh, the 1021-4 means that for every $100 6f par value you pay $102.25. So that for a $1,000 nd you must pay ten times the price of a $100 bond, or $1,022.50, while for a $50 bond--if such were ever issucd-- you will pay $51.12 This is the way stocks are quoted too. Bank of Com- merce sharea sell at 208, but as they are only $50 par value the actual cost 'is $104 per share. The price is always given very much obliged, doubtedly saved me a great deal of worry and probably financial loss." : This i while i is typical of what often takes 'plane be- tween broker and client or bond dealer and customer. It shows admirably how the various pointa we have been illustrat- ing during the past few weeks are used iu practise, and indicaies clearly that pyre not merely theoretical "bosh." serioua, practical questions, be overlooked with impu- nv' which cats nity. ws VAST TREASURES FOUND. Church Proverty Hitherto Unsus- pected in Oporto Cathedral. A despatch from Oporto, Portu- gal, says: Agents of the Govern- ment, while taking an inventory of church property, have found in the underground vaults of the cathed- ral here a great amount of trea- sure, the property of ancient friars, most of which the authorities of the church had little idea existed. The accumulations of wealth date from centuries when Portugal was a rich colonial power. The chests discoy- ered are filled with gold ingots and plates and gold ornaments studded 'ith enormous rubies. The altar furniture is of pure gold. The dis- coveries have caused a sensation in this city. It is presumed the treasure will revert to the State under the separation law. i. SUCCESSION DUTIES, Total for Ten "Months Near Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars. A despatch from Toronto says: Unless contributions to the On- I have to give each his third of the f10,- 060 in cash I weuld prefer to put the. money in a bank and rot worry over it. Unfortunately, however, the income at; five por cent is little cnough to support, thom, although they are at work and earning a little. I cannot, of course, buy anything that is at all risky, and! {I must also have something that I can: sell at any time at just about what 1! paid for it. I intended to put it into mortgages, but I fortunately remember-; ed that no one would want to borrow for! only 18 months, or even three years and | a half-that is, no would et' abf to pay back the principal at the end of that time without delay, and, perhaps, the expense of foreclosing. Then of courae, I know how hard it is to sell mortgages except a heavy discount from their face value, because I've tried for two years to sell a small one. No, sir! mortgages wont do." "Of course not," said the bond dealer. "It is very fortunate," be continued, "that I know now just your requirements, You say you want something safe, which will yield you about five per cent., that possesses the feature of ready converti- bility into cash, and one that will retain its market value. In fact, the only im- portant feature you don't seem to re- is prospect of appreciating in Your's ig certaiuly a difficult case ore who at because five per cent. is a fairly high rate to accompany the three other foa- tures when they are present to the high | degree you require. If you had wanted | only safety and stability of value I: could have chosen a dozen good bonds from our list of municipals, For muni- cipal bonds are not dealt in except through private sale, and, therefore, are not subject' to market fluctuations. If you had wanted safety and convertibil- ity I could have picked several public service bonds, or even Ontario Govern- ment bonds, which are quoted daily on the Canadian exchanges, and can be sold, readily, or if you wanted moderate safety | and a high rate and good prospect of appreciation I could pick out a number of excellent bonds of manufacturing con- cerng---we call them industrial bonds -- which would have suited you to a T. What you want is a bond close to ma- turity, which will be paid off at par and which many people are glad to buy for that reason, and which will give you a good return, as they sell clore to par. There are not many such bonds. I hap- pen, however, to have about four thou- sand dollars of a municipal issue which is-due in three years time, on which the interest is 5 per cent. 1. (ot, which will; sell it at tario Treasury during the next two months fall considerably below the 'monthly average since the begia- ning of the fiscal year, Hon. A. J. Matheson will be able to report a round million in succession, duties for twelve months. The financial 'year closes on October 31, and al- ready up to August 31 the total is | $891,294 compared with $540,488 for | the same period Jast year. The! August total was $44,041, compar- ed with $51,973 in August of last year. er THEIR OFFICIAL TITLES, How to Address the Dake and Duchess of Connaught. A despatch from Ottawa' says: According to an official notice is- sued by the Secretary of State's Department, Canada's new Gover- nor-General will be known while in the Dominion as "his- Royal High- ness the Duke of Connaught, Gov- ernor-General of Canada.' It has been the custom to address the Governor-General as '"hiy Excel- lency," and as many inquiries were received from cities and towns throughout the country desirous of presenting addresses of welcome to the Duke, official notice has beeo promulgated. The Duchess will be known as "her Royal Highness the Duchess of Connaught.' -- ----t HIGHER OCEAN RATES: Increased Wages for Seamen Causes Ten Per Cent. Rise. 4 despatch from London says: In consequence of the recent. de- mands of the seamen and firemen for higher wages, the shipping com- panies engaged in Atlantic trade will demand a 10 per cent. increase in freight rates from next week. nay AVIATION FATALITY. German Offieer and Passenger Killed by Explosion of Engine. A despat@h, from Berlin says: Senior Lieut. Neumann, of the prmy Aviation Corps, and Aviator = Conte, his nger, were killed by the pel the en- ne of their machine while flying etween M FOR MAKING SOAP, SOFTENING WATER, REMOVING PAINT, DISINFECTING SINKS. CLOSETS, DRAINS, ETC. so Lo VER HERE REFUSE. SGestitures PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS LEPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA, Crices of Cattle, Gratn, Cheese aod Other Produce et Home and Abroad, BREADSTUFFS, Toronto, Sept. 12.-Flour--Winter wheat, 90 per cent. patents, firm at $3.45 to $3.50, Montreal freight. Manitoba flours--First patents, $5.30; second patents, 84.80, and strong bakers', $4.60, on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat--No. 1 Northern quot- ed at $1.09, Bay ports; No. 2 at $1.07 1-2, and No.3 at $1.06. Ontario Wheat--No. = kite: mixed, new, 84 to 85c, outside. Peas--Good milling qualities, 93 to 9c. Oats--Ontario gradcs, No. at 38 to 28 1-2c, outaide, and No. 3 at 37c, outside No. 2 Western Canada, 45c, and No. 3 at 44c¢, Bay ports. Barley No.2. probably worth 75c, out- side. Corn--No. 2 American yellow, 681-2 to 6%, Bay ports, and 721-2, Toronto, lots outside, 72c. sed? or Bran--Manitobas at $22, ronto, and shorts $25, Ontario bran, 822, in bags, to. Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beana~Small lots of hand-picked 62.- 2 per bushel. _Honey~Extracted,*in tins, 10 to lic per Ib. Combs, $2 to $2.2). Baled Hay--No. 1 at $11 to $14, on track, and No. 2 at $10 to $11. Baled Straw--86 to $6.50, ou track, To- ronio, Potutocs-Car lots, im bags, $1.25 to $1L.- Poultry~-Chickensa, 15 to léc¢ per Ib.; fow], 11 to 12c; ducks, i4c; turkeys, 15 to 1 Live poultry about 2¢ lower than the above. BUTTER AND EGGs, Butter--Dsiry printa, 21 to 22c; infer- ior, 16 to 17¢. Creamery quoted at 2&5 to 26c per Ib. for rolls, and 23 to 24 for solida. Fegs-Strictly new-laid, 23 to 24¢, and fresh at 20 to 2le per dozen, in case lota. Cheese~Large quoted at Ico per Ib. and twins at 141-2c. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon--Long Clear, 12c per lb., in case lots. Pork, short cut, $23; do., mess, 620 to 621. Hama-Medium to light, 17 to 18; do., heavy, 15 to 151-2c; rolls, 1134 ta 12; breakfast bacon, 17 to 18c; backs, 191-2 to re Lard--Tierces; lle. 101-2c; tubs, 103-4; pails, BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Sept. 12. -- Oats --- Canadian Western, No. 2, 451-2 to 46c, car lots ex store: extra No. 1 feed, 451-4e; No. 3 C. , 45c; No. 2 local white, 451-2; No. 3 local white, 441-2c; No. 4 local white, 43 1-2¢ Flour--Manitoba Spring. wheat patents, firsts, $5.40; seconds, $4.90; Win- er wheat patents, $4.75; strong bakers, $4.70; straight rollers, $4.25; in bags, $1. 85 to $2. Rolled oatsa--per barrel, $4.95; bag of 9 lbs., $2.35. Corn---American, No, 3. yellow, 72c. Millfeed--Bran, Ontario, $23; Manitoba, $22; middlings, Ontario, 826 to $27; shorts, Manitoba, $24; mouillie, $26 to $32. Eggs, selected, 24 to 26c; No. 1 stock, 20 to 22e. Cheese--Westerne, 131-4 to 131-2c; easterns, 131-8 to 131-4c, Butter, Toronto, 4 choicest, 2 to 261-4c; seconds, 251-2 te 8 WHEAT AT WINNIPEG. "Winnipeg, Man., Sept 12.--Cash wheat-~ No. 1 Northern, $1.02; No. 2 Northern, 61. 00; No. 3 Northern, 96c; No. 4, 921-2c; No. 5, 851-2¢; No. 6, 79¢; feed, No. 1, 70c. Oats--No. 2 white, 411-2c;. No. 3 white, 40c; extra feed, 4034c. Barley--No. 3, Tic; No. 4, 65c. Flax-No. 1 North-Weat- ern, $2.30; No. 1 Manitoba, $2.28. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, Sept. 12---Spring Wheat--Ne offerings; Winter, No, 2 red, 921-2c; No 3 red, %e; No. 2 white, oc. Corn--No. | 4 yellow, 681-4c; No. | track, through billed 463-4c; No. 3 white 4Sc, Barley--Malting 2 white, 4 white, 1s 15 to $1.20. Minneapolis, "Sept. ber, $1.031-4; December, $1.055-8; May $1.091-8 to $1.091-4; No. 1 hard, $1.06 3-4 No. 1 Northern, $1.041-4 to $1.061-4; No. ! Northern, $1.001-2 to $1.041-4; No, i wheat, 91-4c¢ to $1,021-2, Corn-No, 2 low, 631-4 to 631-2c. Oats--No. 423-4 to 431-4¢c. Rye-No. 2, 801-2 to Bi Bran--$20.51 to $21. Flour---First patents $4.90 to $5.10; do., seconda, $4.40 to 34.65 first clears, $3.25 to $3.45; do. seconds $2.25 to $2.40 yel LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toront», 12. $6 to $6.25; choice fat. cows, to $510; 3 to $4.40; canneras, ers and feeders, good $4.25 to $4.85; light very slow demand. Sheep -Market steady; ewes $3.25 to $4.25; bucks and culls, $2.5¢ to &3. Lambs- Market a little firmer at $5.25 to $5.65. Hogs Market steady t< easier at $7.30 f.o.b, igre od 15 fod and watered. Montreal, Sept. 12.-A carload of mixeé North-west cattle brought $5.55, and ¢ few steers at 86. Eastern steers, choca $6; good, $5.65. to $5.75; medium, 85.25 %& $5.50; grass bulla for canning, 83 to $3, 60. Cows, best butchers, $4.65 to 54.75: good, $4.25 to $4.50; poor to medium, $5, 50 to $4; canners, $2.50 to $3. Old sheep easy at $3.75 to 84 each; lambs were way off at $5 to $5.25; bucks and culls, $2.75 to $3, \Select bogs, $7.25 to $7.50; heavy fais, 86 sows, $5.50, and stags $4 per ewt., weighed off cars. Calves, $3 to G10. Sept. Exira choice heavy medium choice, $5.50 to $5.80 $4.50 to $5.25; bulls, 3! $1.50 to $2.75, stuck. quality, firm ut commou stockers, paiat ations" oie R VAST COLO NW. ATION SCHEME, a Over 30,000 Roman Catholics te Settle in the West. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The largest colonization scheme oi recent years will be launched im- mediately in the North-West ot Canada. GC: Manning, of Ciieae: representing the Catholic Colonization Compaay, returned south on Thursday night, after hay: ing completed arrangements with Western realty agents whereby four million acres of land went ui- der option, tS be settled aad pur- chased by Roman Catholics. It t expected by Mr. Manning that be- tween thirty and forty thousand Catholics of the Central States, wil! be brought in within the next few 'months. an ames Dorothy--"'T'm afraid papa wer angry when you asked him f "eae, wasn't he, Jack, dear! Jide -- "Not at all. He asked if [ knew any more respectable young men who would be likely to marry your five sisters if oe eae 10 LOWER FOOD PRICES. _ Ameliorate A despatch from Paris says: The Cabinet at its meeting on Thurs- day approved the budget for 1912. It carries appropriations amount- ing to 4,503,187,587 francs, or about 900,763, 517, an increase of the ex- penses provided for last year of 173,000,000 francs (about $34,600,- Premier Caillaux submitted 'French Cabinet Approves of - Scheme to Conditions. of Commerce and Agriculture re- spectively, made a report on their investigation on the--present high cost of living. The report stated that th@®same conditions prereset throughout Europe. binet approved a scheme to ameliorate the situation by facilitating the im- portation of 'cattle and frozen meats by installing refrigerating and storage plants, of which a i he railways lower ' : oe 12.- - Whaat- Septem 2 white" common mixed cows and bulls, . ave a lack ia France, by demanding - their rates --_ i, 1