. deliberation. Noy. 27 LISTOWEL STANDARD Y. P. 8. C.E. CONDUCTED BY THE PERTH ©O. UNION. During Dr. Clark's visit to London, England, aC. E. rally was held in Spurgeon's tabernacle, which was crowded to the doors. It was presid- ed over by Rev. F. B. Meyer. God does not measure our service by the amount of work which we do, but by the willingness we show in do- ing what He wantaustodo. He may call us to do some great work or He may require from us only the smallest Bervice. But whatever be the work assigned us we should be willing to say, "Thy servant is ready to do whatsoever my Lord, the King, shal! appoint." Twenty-two members of the Junior society of the Methodist church, St. Marys, have not during the last three months missed church service, Sabbath school or Junior prayer-meeting, ex- cept when detained by illness, and then a text of scripture was sent to ve read in the meeting. Tweive girls comprise a Junior C. E. Society in an Industrial school for girls in Toronto. Last year these children gave thirty. dollars for mis- sions, all raised by their owa efforts. We would like to' hear from the fol- lowing Societies through this column, Cromarty, Mitchell, Gowrie, Knox church, St Marys, McIntyre's, Atwood, Monkton, Millbank, Listowel Method- ist, Zion aud several Stratford societies. Write to this cgylumn, Endeavorers in these places, it will assist the work throughout the County. As Endeavorers let us thank God for the blessings He has conterred upon our Society. Any progress we have made, and any success we have gained, are due to His help and guidance. As a Society we can truly say, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." The subject for prayer for Decem- ber in the world's C. E. prayer chain js a most important one, "Pray that the month muy be celebrated the world around, as Christ's natal month may be marked by the gift of a multitude of young hearts to Him, and by the more complete consecration of all His people to Uis service. An Endesvourer of the town of Berlin, a young girl 17 years of age, visits the Honse of Refuge every Sunday with a supply of good literature. The poor old folks anxiously look for her, as her visit is to them the brightest 'time in the week. Next week will appear hints to pray- er meeting committees. Send in your suggestions before Thursday morn- ing. . Seagram Horses at Auction Noy. 18.--An important gale of throngubred horses commenc- ed here to-day. The largest contri- butor to the catalogue was Mr. J. E. Seagram, M. P., the Waterloo turf- man. All tie horses catalogued were put up aud sold with the exception of Economy, who had been injured, and Springal, Rossmar and Eppleworth, who did not arrive Nashville. Another contributor to the sale was Mr. Haines, of Owen Sound, whose im- portations, which incladed Morpheus, Halfling, Farthing, and the dam of "Deacon" Duggan's colt Foam, have been winners on the turf. Before the sale began the anctioneer called at- tention to the fact that all the horses belonging to Mr. Seagram that would be offered for sale were richly bred. He further explained that Mr. Sea- Toronto, from gram was obliged to sell some of his thoroughbreds, as it had beet found i ible to jute all the stock at the breeding farm at Water- loo. Thirty-eigbt horses were sold at prices ranging frum $15 to $210, Vicar of Wakefield und Lady May bringing the latter figure. Roddy Pringle bought the first-named and A. E, Gales the latter. Wait. What a great advantage it is when we have wisdom and grace enough to omit aJl the hard words and sharp criticisms, and keep right down to solid, sweet and convincing logic! He is already defeated along the line of perfect love lost his head enough to show it, Sharp words and sharp writing and sharp publications ought to wait until wrut to use them. Bleep on them. Wait » day. Waite week. Wait s month. Perhaps by thattime you will be ready to wait forever. Perhaps you will then be glad you did not speak or write or publish such words under the heat and haste of a wounded or bad spirit, and you will say ; "Well, I will not say it or write it or pubiish it at all. I will use something else that sounds like perfect love." No one ever regrets Many have bitterly re- who has we are sure we Wills For. Probate. The following wills have been enter- ed for probate in the surrogate court at Stratford : John Dow, gentleman, Stratford, $1790; Catharine Dow, executrix. Mrs. Eliza Jane Oliver, Madras, In- dia, $2,200; Albert Ellis, executor. George Morse, gentleman, Fullar- ton; $7.256, personal; Dr. Matheson and Sydney Fraleigh, St. Marys, exe- cutors. William Smith, farmer. North East- hope; $895 personal, $5,000 real; Ellen Smith, Abram Smith and William Mc- Gunegal, executors. William McCabe, farmer, Wallace; $1316 personal, $6,500 real; Anna Eliza McOu:be, executrix. . Mrs. Jane Jones, Mornington, $1200; C. W. Jones, executor. Joseph Lawton, farmer, Blansharil, $1200 personal, $7,350 real. Joseph Grant and David Crawford, execu- tors. James Brownlee, stonemason, Strat- ford, $3950; W. Brownlee andG. F. Ingram, executors. August Neeberlein, farmer, Fullar- ton;$925 personal $7,000 real; Lenhard Hoffmyer and Peter Arbogast, execu- W. McG. Murray, yoeman, Downie; $2,000 personal; John Murray, execu- tor. W. McG. Murray, yeoman, Downie; $5,200 personal, $800 real; "lizabeth Murray, executrix. T. 8. Byers, caretaker, Stratford, $600; Clara S.. Byers, executrix. George Blum, South Easthope; $12, 639 personal; John Schaefer and George Blum. executors. Mrs. Jessie Crerar, North Easthope; $3,627, personal, $4C0 real; James Crerar, executor. Aun Robb, spinster, Stratford; $1,- 200, personal, $600 real; John Me- Caffrey, executor. Sumnel Dotzert, farmer, North Easthope, $1,138; John M. Koch und John Roth, executors. B. F. Fitzgerald, $960; Clara Ann Mitchell, Fitzgerald, farmer, exocu- Willows, personal, Fullarton; real; Susan farmer, 350, $4,000, Willows, executrix. Daniel Dempsey, farmer, $570, persunal, $3,500, Stock, Peter Stock and Crowley, executors. Jacob Bolander, farmer, Wallace; $650 _peasonal, $2,500 real; Mina Bo- lander, Henry Mitz and Daniel Strick- er, executors. Ellice; real; James Jeremiah Death of Mrs. Scott Siddons. THR FANOUS MLOCUTIONIST AND ACTRESS, 80 WELL KNOWN IN CANADA, Paris, Nov. 19.--Mrs. Scott-Siddons, the celebrated actress, died here to-day. Mrs. Maury Frances Scott-Siddons was a daughter of Capt. William Sid- dons, who was a grandson of the act- ress, Mrs. Sarah Siddons. She mar- ried Lieut. Scott, a British naval offi- cer, in 1864, and two years later made her first appearance on the stage in Edinburgh as Juliet. readings from Shakespeare in London, and appeared at the Haymarket as Rosalind. In 1868 she gave readings in New York and acted at the Fifth- avenue Theatre. Since thn: time she has performed in most of tue cities of the United States, Canada, Australia and England, appearing mainly in Shakespearean characters, and also as Pauline in "The Lady of Lyons," and as Coralie in "Ordeal by Touch," writ- ten for her by Richard Lee. At Two Hospitals. FIVE YEARS IN THE TOILS--NOTHING BUT DODD's KIDNEY PILLS CO¥LD TOUCH THE SPOT. Nor. 23 (Special) --Mr. W. a telegraph operatorof this had an experience which of value to Brussels, when known, every man in Canada. He says :-- Whithont relief for five years, I have gone from bad to worse with kidney disease. Have been treated at two hos- pitals--Chicago and Mortral,--and took the hot springs course allto no purpose. If have iaken doctors advice and their medicines with the sume re- sult. My cure commenced as soon as I started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills, and after taking ten poxes [am happy to say that my cure is perfect. Rubbing It In. Never use a liniment for rheumatism. says a high medical authborit Jon't ru it in--drive it out ake something that will rerrove the acid poison lood-- take something that will " Lauees your digestion, and baiid up the body to the' per- -- of rcbust health. That "something" Scott's Sarsaparitla, a remedy tit ob- re the best resulisin the shortest time. &1, of ail Jruggists. In 1867 she gave. Bad Blood Between: Them. syste: enjoyment of life. : ities the blood, strengthens and vitalizes the syatem, and spcedily restores the bloom of health to the checks, It cures when all others fat ail. Foriescew--Hello, Glisby, how's your wife ? Glisby--In pretty bad state. Fortescew-- Anything serious ? Glisby--i should say so. The fact is, she's gota girl with whom itis im- possible to find any fault. Why, she's been in the house only two weeks, and my wife's lost ten pounds. A Forty-Year Old Grievance Removed In Bath, Ont., Chase's Kidney Liver Pills area standard remedy. Joseph Gardner, of this town, suffered for 40 years with in- a and with its ever present acone ime anc nendac K. & L. Pills are the © nly remedy that por him relief. 25c. a box, of all druggists. One pill a dose. It is reported that the four Wingham "whitecaps" have had their terms in the Kingston Penitentiary reduced to one year each. A Comfort Sometimes. When health is far Bssare in Consumption, then sometime only ease and comfort can secured from the use "a Scott's Kmulsion. What is much better is to take this medi- cine in time to save your health. Here, waiter, why i is it that you charge me seventy-five cents for this small steak? Dat's kas we cooks fiah, sah. Papa, why do they call language the mother-tongue ? Because the father so seldom gets a chunce to use it. Sheriff (to trembling prisoner)-- it ober a cold Braceup. Don't let them think you are afraid to die. Prisener (indignautly)--I'm not. 3ut I wish you'd get it over The chair looks so much hke a dentist's. Giblets--I hear Growler threw up his old job because he got the rheuma- tism. Joblets--Yes. stiff joint. Giblets--Well, he got one anyway. Joblets-- One what? Giblets--Stiff joint. Joblets--How's that? Siblets--He's superintendent of the morgue. Don't you find childfen troublesome, Mrs. Tugby? No our dear babes are all right, but the neighbors' me nearly to death. Afraid of getting a youngsters worry Unele Theophilus, what is an ego- tist? He isa fellow that listens intently when he is talking to yon and never listens at all'when yon are talking to him. The Vatican is the coldest palace in Rome, because of its immense size--1,- 100 rooms. 'Lhe principal ingredient in all these patent medicines is the same. It must be a powerful drug. is it? Printers' ink. What Fdiih-- Was Algy cool when he pro- posed? Maude--I should say so! His teeth chattered, Old Gruff--Waiter, you don't mean to say that this is spriog lamb? Waiter--Indeed it is, sir. Old Gruaff--H'm! What year? The fever has somewhat abated in the East Zorra district, the result of extra precautions beiug taken by the Provinciai Board of Health. 8. B. Morris recently shipped from Rodney 3000 bushels of beans, making the largest shipment ever made in one day. He reports having shipped over 16,060 bushels within 30 days, paying as high as 65 cents. W. E. & C. Stanley, of Lucan, have contracted to supply five car loads of turkeys, two cars to go to Quebee and three to Manitoba, It will take about 10,000 birds to fill the bili, bnt there seems to be luts of them in the try. conn- The story of a Caribou potato raiser offer of 48 cents a barrel for eleven barrels of potatoes, declaring that he would have $5 or nothing for the is matched by a yarn that comes from Grand Lake Stream, of a man who recently went after a calf that he had pastured ont all summer and asked what he owed for the pasturing. '*Well," says the farmer, "I've got a bill of $7 against you, but I will take the calf and call it settled, providing you are willing." "No, sir," was the answer. 'I will not do that; but I will tell you what I will do. You keep the calf two weeks longer, and you can have her" who refused an load, A. Houghton, Mich.,- despatch says : In the eighteen asys since the open season begat only six deer hunters have been fatal- ly shot in the peninsula, though the crop of minor accidents is up to the average. A new joint stock company has been organized in Stratford for the purpose of manufacturing what is known as the Anchor Wire Fence. The rights of the patentee have been purchased, and the company has applied for incorpor- ation, the amountof stock subscribed being $90,000. The manufacture of the material will give employment to a number of hands, and the works will be locate! in Stratford. St. Mary's is going to have an elec- tric light power supplicd by Weir & Weir. The committee, in awarding the contract, figured it out as follows : --24 lamps at $34 per lamp amounts to $816 @ year, amount of tender of Messrs Weir & Weir. Twenty-four lamps at $22 per lamp, practically the price per lamp of Messrs. Carter & Co.'s teuder for power only), amount to $538, leaving a difference of $288 to pay am electrician and purchase car- bons for a year. At the convention of the Irish race last month in Dublin, two speakere» who had come from the United States, contributed the following sentences in the course of their speeches. One of them, in giving some details of person- al history, informed his hearers that 'the had left Ireland fifty-three years before, a naked little boy, without a dollar-in his pocket." Said the other : "Until last week, I had never set foot in the tand of my birth." Lionel Grey, Supermtendent of the Bur. dett-Coutts stock farm in England, who was in attendance at the New York Horse Show, is thus reported:-- I was told that the interest in the breed- ing of the hackn+ys was dying out in this country. I don't know if it is so, but if it is, Lamsorry to hear it. I wonder if the breeders of hackueys here effort to impress upon Americans the good points of that type of horse. Keally, there have made any is not & more useful member of the borse family. He has not, to be sure, the great speed of your American trotter, but he has much more endurance, iy stronger, and is capable of sustaininga greater speed fora longer time. We think nothing of driving our hackneys eleven or twelve miles an hour and keeping it up for thirty Hackneys are ready for such work twenty or niles. 365 days in the year. Where can you yet a better, -round horse? loads, They are able, too, Acartain peasant aud bis wife in Germany were married on the same dsy as the Emperor rnd Empress, the peasant's Christian name being Wil- liam. 'Their first child, a boy, born on the same day as the. Prince, after which they other sons, each of w) 1 at the same time as th boys of the Emperor. The royal couple were informed of this, and were exceedingly interested in the very strange coincidence, but this in- terest was intensified when, on the last occasion of a royal birth, viz., the little daughter of the Kaiser, it was learned that the peasant's wife in question had also given birth toa daughter on the same day. So aston- ished were the Emperor and Empress that they stood as godfather and god- mother to this little girl, and have well provided for her future.--Liver- pool Daily Post. There isa story of Sir Henry Irving jn connecticn with a meeting of a lit- erary society in London, when the topic underdiscussion was Shakespeare. Sir Henry Irving was present, but with cbaracteristiv modesty he kept himself so well in the bsckground that not many mem bers were aware of his pre- sence. A gentleman was on his feet eloquently deploring the improve- ments in spelling which had resulted in so mauy new pronounciations, that there was grave apprehension of the Elizabethans turning in their graves. 'Jf Shakespeare were to rise from the dead now," said the orator, "l make bold to say be would hardly compre-_ hend his own words as they are spoken at this.time by our representative He wonld be shocked were he seat in a re- actors. to hear Irving."" From a mote corner there rose a slender figure, and from ao pair of thin lips that twitched with mirth issued the -vords. "Or see him !" Square, Pianos. r sale at a bargain--or will be exchanged bed wood or lumber, Zescmaay _ repaieas since taken exchange. and ay SALLOWS and ALEXANDER which we expect in a few days. practical manner. At Cost. Having a few more BABY CARRIAGES left we are disposing of them AT COST in order to make room for our large stock of FALL Goops Everything in the Furniture line still being sold at the most remarkable low prices. Undertaking attended to as usual in the most thorough and Don't mistake the place. SALLOWS Ge ALEXANDER'S, Main Street, Listowel Cheese-maker Wanted. To manufacture ch eese for the season of 1807 or the Molesw theese & Butte ir Co. Cheese- orkmanship and labor in connection with the manutactarect chees (except the cheese boxes.) Teauders will be receiv- od by the undersigned up to one o cece m on the itheof 'of November, 1806. , Fo- further Sierectios caeiy to the Secretary. The loweat. tender not necessarily sccoptats . COG BLS, Secretary. Molesworth, Oct. B8e. G20 9 9. @ 66 & 6 @ 8 BP oA MENTHG lo a" Boe Pe aSre§ J re bree: Titel wd Menthol Pi Plaster ina nat te f nearalgic aud rheumatic pains, rot e & ° ° © ° oO Lv) 8 a cfitech tation = bd Beck e e}: ., Bora ox "a » Bost: on. ers sets Lew hee very instant and permanent sibel, --J.. Moone M.D. Washington, D.C, It Cures Sciatica, Lumbayo, Ne ralgis, Fatns 5S eee Side, ae Muscular P: Price ; Davis e Co., Ltd, 250. | Sole Redes late Moxrveat. &s @eeeo eeeeos © Jas. Armstrong,|" Listowel's oldest eatablished Grocer, is to the fore with New and Fresh Groceries --for family use.-- CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEE, NEW RAISINS AND CURRANTS, FRESH CANNED GOODS, PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS. Bargainsin CROCKERY end GLASSWARE. Orders filled and delivered promptly. Our long wedeal squarely and give good valne for the money. JAS. ARMSTRON sh swtwet Tea x THE WORLDS rIOM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. onsoon * ap is packed nnder the au ision and is a advertised a1 nd so) hem jue For that reason - os ioe none my nn rests jaar ed go into Honscon packag hats «he "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, canbe acid at the same price as inf It is pot - in ies of % Tb., x Th, and 1» vand sol a three av vours at 40c., and 6oc. Vl wour gr cee not keep it, tell ne, to write eS CEEL, UAVTER ECO, a and 13 Frent St. wt, £@s i ae CURES, CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION. DIZZINESS ERUPTIONS ON THE BEAUTIFIES « CompLe " gree~bic vaxutie and NERVE TONIC. Bold ios: Drv. pean De sent by Mail haa 50c., and $1.00 pe Bam' KO NO 2s The Favorite es st OT PENG Sold by J. Livingstone, Jr. Druggist. eco For information and free Handbook w reall "Ss CO., 361 | Bhoabwar, Nuw weer. Qi ui for uring patents in America, n'ont by us is brougns eters n free of charge in the on of any scientific paper fin bard <Spienaiaiy situsteated.. Xo Intell man should eek ar; $1.5) six months. ye, & C ee Pears aknr, 3614 Druadway, New York City, Who can think Wanted--An Idea 2% erence aoa bint of two aaptageon. DS SE Og Be ate Gtuldren Cry for 28c. "Phe MORRIS, FIELD, ROGERS Co. Ltd. Pitcher's Castorla. Listowel SASH & OO0R FACTORY BAMFO2D Br0s, Builders and Contractors en to contract for the erection of all classe of be a din Plans and specifica 1 ons drawn and estimates nralehe «I on applicatio 'Sash Uoors Frames, Blinds, eic pale pet os -- otice. Planing done to in the building line will be ant Charges Very Moderate. Bamford Bros, FARMERS I will pay the highest casn price fer good © Dairy Butter at my RESIDENUE, WALLACE ST. on ° Mondays m Sales conanctea in any part okt' of Perth, Huron and v ellington. THOS. E. HAY, 31 Auct, and Saturdays of th Ask your 'Drussist for Murray & Lanman's - FLORIDA WATER CORAL EXTRACT -cnilef. Toilet and Bath, * ne TAIN »®) When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, Whon she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, 'When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, he had Chol. Castori Consumption. wo bole medicine seat Bree ' Sufferer. Give Express ». Noted ra ee st CUM CHEMICAL CO.. Lid. PSYCHINE an St-RREN.) iSuUM ON, Lung as Throat Diseascs, pAgiel as ju ery sufferer. Give Express and Toronto, Cam te mie 2 | fe t i. clncum Chemical Co. Lts.. URES $Tt t ing vor breath for feat. c ecffocetion. Mee and i OTA we pL matl TART TORONT =. ie, | Or. ST HMA ee