Listowel Standard, 27 Nov 1896, p. 5

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Nov. 27 LISTOWEL ST. TO LIVE 100 YEARS. THERE'S NO TROUBLE ABOUT IT IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Directions For the New Woman House- keeper by Which She Can Prolong the Lives of Her Kindred--The Food to Eat and the Viands to Avold. t is possible for a woman to so re- easily live to be one hundred years old. It depends very largely on what iz eaten after the age of thirty years ia reached. The first thing to do is to avoid food that contains Himelike properties. For- swear table d'hote dinners and live strictly according to Eat fruit of all varieties. Fruit this neutralizes the effect of 'chose elements which make old age creep fast upon us. The next thing to avoid is bread. It is queer that just the thing the world eats most of is in great degree contributory to shortness of human existence, but medical science declares this to be a fact, So we must cut bread off the bill of fare alto- gether. But if you must be careful as to . you must also be doub- old age at thirty, race of people, the Chinese, drink only rain water, if they can possibly ob- tain it. It might seem a simple matter to keep lime out of the system, but when you come. to exemine the matter great difficulties present themse:ves. Every article of food contains lime. All vege- tables gather it up from' the earth, The cows and the sheep get lime from the vegetables, and man gets it from both. Of course there are some artl- cles of diet that are freer from lime than others. and if these only are chosen, then something can be done about lengthening the ordinary span of lif e doctors say, are admir- » great food of eastern races--lentils. Fish is really thing, next to fruit. Rice comes a little way behind. Then fol- lew eggs and pork. After these come the different vegetables and then veal, mutton, beef and fowls. Decimal System of Time. The decimal fanatics, says the Lon- don Chronicive, have broken out in a new place. As soon asi the French Chamber gets to work arain, M. Etien- ne, the Deputy for Oran, will introduce a bili to establish the decimal hour-- that is. an hour divided into 100 min- utes, each minute consisting of 100 » seconds. M. Etienne and his support- ers contend that many laborious cal- culations would be avoided by this innovation. reform, however must of necessity entail a rearrange- ment of the circle, and a consequent modification of the received methods 'of angular measurement. Moreover, there can be little doubt that the most thorough-going advocates the change aim at the ultimate institu- tion of 24 hours--an idea adopted for a brief period by the convention, and employed by Laplace in the calcula- tions of his "Mecanique Celeste." To this scheme, it is true, many eminent French physicists are utterly opposed, in spite of the alluring and sometimes fallacious simplicity of their beloved decimals. There Is yet another pro- ject for setting up '"'a universal day," A Glowing Painting. Decorative artists are naturally in- terested In the description of a novel precess «ff nainting recently brought to notice by a Swedish genius, Mr. sth, Uf Guinenburg---a process which, i seems, renders it possible to adorn * glass with artistically-executed paintings in such a way as to serve as panels for A e or as articles a ou, Henk To so - high degree of beauty. in fact, has this curious application of coloring been carried t specimens exhibited in Berlin by the originator are said to method pecullar to Mr. Swen, the em- Ployment of phosphorescent matter in the colors produces a glowing bril- Nancy, which, in semi-darkness or en- tire obscurity, Hlumines these panels with a glowing light of singular at- tractiveness, As represented, this kind of painting is not only fadeless, but, being protected by the plate class, is indestructible. Glass plates of this decorative character are by experts pronounced much preferable to ma- jolica lilies on the score of beauty and durability Physician's Seale of Fees. Apropos of this subject the Medieal Record says in a recent issue: The country practitioners in Austria eom- plain that the fees which they reveive @re too small. e of them has roposed the following scale (the equi- valents being given in American money): Office visit. 15 cents; first visit to patient's house, 30 cents; sub- visits, 25 cents each; antitoxin injections, 80 a bacterio- sopic examinations, 80 nts. The prizes of the profession angut seern 'to He in Austria. Nice Dish for an Invalid, Pound up the meat from the tender- e&t and whitest part of a boiled chick- en with an equal welght of stale bread crumbs, > broth of the - chicken, stir well, put into a sauce- pan, and after boiling for two minutes rub the whule through a sieve. She Freed Her Client. Miss Lorabji, the only woman lawyer fi. Asia, has just achieved the dis- ae of frecing a client murder. paar to haye charge of a murder case. mie Vraddon's Aversion. Miss the novyetiet, is so op- pure . * } l that sh re & hotogrenks of her ced 'tie sold, > that | ' ALevel-Headed Mayor. ~ His Worship of Montreal Does Not Think Winter Carnivals and Ice Palaces a Good Advertisement for Canada. -. * Montreal, Nov. 23 28.--A delegation waited upon Mayor Wilson Smith to- day to ascertain if His Worship would consent to preside overa meeting of citizens to discuss ways and means for organizing awinter carnival, if such be considered advisable. The Mayor expressed the opinion that sports, summer, as well as winter,- were de- serving of ull encouragement. He, however, doubted whether the erec- tion of a beautiful ice palace and the publication of pictures of it abroad would have a beneficial effect upon Canada, There was decided risk in this way of frightening possible emi- grants away by leading them to sup- pose that this is a land of ice and snow. Probably the ice palace could be left out;a week or two of sports could be organized in such a, way. The Deer Crop This Ygar Short. Toronto, Nov. 24.--It is reported that the number of deer sacrificed to the huntsmen's sports this year has fallen off about 2,000 from last year's kill. Among the suggestions for the preserving of the large game is that of increasing the bounty un wolves te $25 per head. These animals are responsible for a tremendous amount of deer slaughter, and it is thought that the increase in bounty would serve as au incentive to the pests. Frozen to Death- AN ONTARIO MAN THE VICTIM OP A KANSAS BLIZZARD. Windsor, Nov, 23.--News ceived in Windsor to-day that John M. Moran has been frozen to death ina Kansas blizzard. He was formerly proprietor of the Stratford' Herald aud teacher of the Collegiate Institute, and was leadeing inspector of schools from South Perth. Was re- A Catholic mass meeting was held at St. Boniface and e# resolution passed se the schoul settlement. . J. Davis, M. P. P., Provin- cial Qooretery, has issued the follow- ing ee ae ae the °. having been appointed by His Excel- lency the Governor-General to be ob- served asa day of general thankagiv- ing to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest and other blessings with whieh Canada has been favored thin yun, notice ishereby given that Hin onor the Lieutenant-Governar has been "pleaned to direct thut all pilin offices be closed on that day," Seibert Otto, who has beet a tenis dent of New Hamburg for the lant 40 years, died at the residence of hin non, John Otto, very suddenly on Nev, 17, in the 8lst year of his age, When Mrs. Otto brought the deceased his supper she found him dead in his chair, and 'itis supposed that rheumatism, of which he was a great sufferer, had touched the heart and ended his enreer. Many years age deceased carried on a blacksmithing busiuess and helped bis sons with the tannery of those days, but owing te his great ailment debarring him frum further active life, he retired and lived seclud- ed until his death. He leaves three sons: Henry, of Ann Arbor ; William of Wvuodstock, and John of Hamburg. GATORS idchdamehaiai \ Copvineing Ancument in Favor ef the bituess of Things. Erastus Pinkley was sitting on the of the fence throwing corn ts the pride of the household and thy hvpe of Thanksgiving, a solitary tur- gey, says the Washington Star. Ife was about to shell an ear of red corn, when his mother called to him "Hol up dar, chil'! Ain' yoh got nv respeck foh de feelin's o' dat bird?" "To wusn' sayin' nuffin' ter 'Im, mam- y. "Actions speaks louder'n words. Yoh wus gWinter frow dat red co'n at 'im eh min' ain' on yoh bus'ness, Yoh': been a lis'nin' eroun' tér dese men dat talks 'bout de free coinage vo' bimetal! jism, tell yoh duoan' know whut yoh dotn'." "Dar ain' nofinsult ter de tu'key In red co" n no mo'n dar is in yaWler. Co'n's ca'n* "Mebhe 'tis, But er tu'key doan' lik. t mad whenebber he sees hk. an' I deen' wnt 'Im fretted, case dat sp'lls de meat." "Wal! Lr dat ain' de foolishest! De idee ob er tu'key tu' nin up 'is nose at xood victuals' @se de co wisdom ob ain' got only 'telligence " H nature dat 'nuff ter eat: "Sense can't hut nobody "Da's er mistake. Hit kin be out 0' place same ez anyt'ing else pos'n dat tu'key wus er onderstandin' ani- mile, Fir d go erhaid an' worry hisse'f vty ad de 'lection an' de flancic hunters to kill off Horse Deal in Waterloo County. - Berlin, Ont., Nov. 22.--The now well'known stud horse case of Crerar v. Holbert was concluded. at the assizes before Judge Falconbridge at noon yesterday. The defence testimony' occupied an entire day. 'he defen- dants stated on the stand that in sell- ing the stailion to the syndicate of farmers they had had no intention to |, defraud or effect the sale by misrep- resentation, The horse had taken two second prizes and a fourth at the World's Fuir in Chicago. He was re- gistered in both the German and Am- erican stud books, and, as a whole, was just what the syndicate were led to believe he was. Justice Falcon- bridge reserved his decision, and the case will probably be argued at Os- goode hall, Toronto. The outcome will be watched with considerable in- terest by every farmer in Western Ontario, as it may affect many similar cases. It is said Yankee horse-buyers are in the habit of picking up good- looking horses in their country, for which they pay probably $300, and bringing them over here im order to palm them off as the highest class ie to Canadian farmers. In this case the BY ndicate gave notes to Holbert, of Iowa, for $3 :000, pay- able in three years, and they brought the snit to have the bargain declared offand the notes voided. Cheese } Marketa: Ingersoll, Ont., "Nov 24.--Oflerings of cheese, 4,325 boxes; no 81les; market dull. London, Ont , Nov. 21 --At the cheese ee to- day 30 factories boarded = "ing boxes Uctober and balance season. 350 October at 9¥e, and 120 sl a Se. Attendance fair; market duli ee BIRTHS. Hay ain oa Nov. 2,th. wife of John C. Hay of 1 me . Vv voll Wallace, Nov. 22nd, the wife of Rich and Vines, of a son, MARRIAGES COLLINS--RA -At the Methodist ye Mt. Forvet, is 'the aims Dr. W itt jane, Se the sth Nov. Mr ealey M. ¢ 'ollins to Miss da S. Raveill. all of tis. The discussion of 'Ian Maclaren's" book, '"fhe Mind of the Master," by the Toronto Presbyterian mivisters has aroused great interest in New York, and several prominent divines in that city take the view that the writer's theology is not strictly in accord with that of the church to which hé belougs. PEOPLE -- Who had not been our recu- lar customers, but are dealin considerably with us lately, wre yrectly surprised at the 'Koollent Quality of what we sell, When we Reduced the Price of Meats, many thought the would be reduced also, Such has not been the case and what we sell is rather above than below the standard. The prices also should be considered : Round Steak 7c, Roasts 5 and 6c, Fresh Pork 5 and 6c, Sliced Ham only 7c. TEA AND COFFEE are specialties : Our 25¢ line is extra value, actually worth 25¢ RICE and Pot BARLEY c lb, A cheap. quality GROCERIES L Cail and save $ 38 Wallace Street, WM. M°KEEVER. LEADIY iC MEAT MARKET equally Fresh Pork on Saturday. The citizens of Listowel will always find the Choicest Me ts That the low prices, delivered market affords, at promptly to any part of the town at G. P. PORTER'S, Goods and Groceries. MeGILLIVRAY Fie orecedencea Offer in 'FURS. SATURDAY ONLY. 3 only. Wool Seal Capes, 27 - long, full sweep, best erty, *regular $30.00, Saturday only at $16.75. 1 only, Wool Seal Cape 28 in. long, 110 in sweep, Grey Opposum trimmed, regu- lar $35.00, Saturday only at $19.75. 1 only, Electric Seal Cape 27 in. long, very full sweep, beautiful garment, regu- lar $34.00, Saturday only at $19.25. 1 only, Australian Sable Cape 26 sin, long, regular $21.00, Saturday only at $12.50. DRESS GOODS SPECIALS. 42 in. Fancy Boucle Tweeds in myrtle, brown and garnet, regular 5o0c, clearing at 374c. 42 in Fancy Knicker Tweeds, newest combination of colors, regular 35 and 4oc, clearing at 25c. 44 in. Black Mohair Bro- cade and Stripe Dress Goods, regular 60 to 85c, cleafing at 50C. These prices are for Saturday, Nov. 28 only. M. McGiLLIVRAY, Listowel, Ont. MeMillan's Old Stand. GIAL- _ About twer- "ty-five styl- ish, up-to-date Mantles, to clear at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. M. McG. There's a. Cold Wave Coming, wil! be here after Thanksgiving Day You'll be thankful if you've invested in one of our STORM ULSTERS, Prices, Quality and Style all right. WE KNOW or we wouldn't sell so many to people who iovk about before they buy. Take This for Guide--- All Pure Wool Frieze Ulsters, Tweed lined, deep stort collar and all the fillings of a storm coat, manufactured by us and sold only at the LISTOWEL WOOLLEN MILLS, Compare our $7.00 all wool coat with the coat sold in our stores at $10.00 ard judge for yourself, Not Forbidden Fruit. Had it been in the Garden of Eden Eve would certainly have requested Adam to get the household necessities from it We have in stock more temptations than ever for Fall Trade, viz: COOKING STOVES, COAL STOVES, HEATERS. Tinware, Lamp Goods, &e. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Main St. - Repairing promptly atrended to. Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fittings, Furnace work, & American and Canadian Coal Oil Next door to Hacking's Drug Store, DO YOU SEE-- OUR WINDOW ? IT 1S A LAMP: WINDOW. A Window, that if every Lamp in it was filled with oi and lit, would light Listowel better than if you had Electric- ity. There are Lamps of every description : Hanging Lamps. Hall Lamps. Vase Lamps. Library Lamps. Hand Lamps edroom amps And every other kind of Lamps. : Don't forget to call and see our Lamps, and get our prices, ° which are-away. dowm oe a- Adolph & Bonnett, (SUCCESSORS TO R. MOORE.) Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Main St. Bridge. N. B.--We also sell the very best American and Canadian Coa! Oils to fill these Lamps. We Supply Hverything in the STOVH, FURNACE, 2"" TINW ARE TRADE. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Hot Water Heating a Specialty BROOKS & ALEXANDER, STOVE AND FURNACE MEN, MAIN ST. BRIDGE, LISTOWEL, Special offer for the s. -- NEXT TEN DAYS. 27 lbs. ot Standard Granulated Sugar 4 Ibs. of UncoloredJapan Tea FOR $2 CASH. =. We make this exceptional good offer in order to introduce 'We sell it at 25c. per Ib. in the regular way, in any quantity. Call a Tea that can't be beat inthe market at 25c. per Ib. and secure a $2 purchase. The Tea will please you, being superior in strength and flavor.

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