: THE ABO GINAL TAANKSG:VING. Se he oee : Coe TURKEY, iy al Literary Young Man {at a pi | THARIESAIVING DAY. Me Vurtons yr se Ways to Pre onre the OMEWARD aoe ue Jones, nave ate seen a . rane to noe 2 : bets is Thanksgiving 5 resthe) {awa of old Poe es? Young y (scornfully)-- Ting plex nll-madet . othe lodge was not aware that crabs had tails! Let's nce in the pantey-- If you have he Agieh of a Nokomis, 'with Hain' ertra sies in your Ow eth And ibe seven days TLagetary. mite Mano (covered wi vak a Soeaporink ae fy the We f feta hea | Confnsion)--I--I beg your pardon; ? Hatn't a she ful! uv- goodies? awaken ¢ ere T } be's Tal My. how we Ade heart of your Jord and master, zon wilt and completed. ehonld an raid read Orak ales. Whe we yeot chalice tae serve your turkey boned + Bet a oe mere wae reais 2 Lady (scurnfuliy me pte Tackle tarkey, meat rid of much of the difficulty in car! ng: Where he wrestled | And I was not aware that red cra Thet turkey's stuffed ex 'An easy way to bone a turkcy Is with Mondamin, tails, eith 1 it = be oc . tcrgotten nor | ils, either, youug man | ull ez he c'n ktick! slit the skin down the back with a neglected n ie Guess, though, "{ain't no fuller sharp knife, and, raising one aren aie Wate the grave where Student--Laert year i had six Dew NUN be pretty quick time with the fingers, separate the flesh = min, ' °° SE wish they'd hu from the bones until the wings and | Sleeping In the rain 'and "runing, ate snits made forme. Planers time aie re ea legs are reached; unjoint these from he 4 Png Beg aye shew Aen nd garme! Fnend--I didn't suppose that thera When 4 feller's walted itt site the body, and, cutting through to the Ber ty aay dia Hinwatha -- were so many éallavean: town, han 'orenoon, yer know. : © |Go to walt and watch bestd i . ere she comes, ersteamin! y r Kept the dark mold soft above It; Returns received by the Russian Hip, hip, hip, hoc ray! Ss. De ¢ Ou K Pazogorie, Kept it clean from weeds and eet eel ! Saye There's nothin finer ops, Godfrey's Conilal, many =. wT d rove mway, with ecofis and she shoutings, Government show that the yield of the 'N Thanksgivin' Day sid ina aaipivel ladies hae j p SITU DRy ae F < se, the k . ae : 2: dae ehitieen an nee noend cis ae Tea Rngth the « small gr cen. 'feather principal cereals in 50 governments of THANKSS SIVING way. korichioren ans: cor pease BP sot et SE P| yi . : . * et e : Frou the earth, shot slowly upwe Russia ie 16,500,000 duartera below K c-remiend momphtne are ete.£~ing pantie plzeast And before the summer ended the average yield during the last 13 | Thoughts Suggested 1 by the Annual Hur- i most Countrigs Orngristi sre rus i. titted te call narcotics years. year Festival. oY ~ " Harvest festivais of Thanksgiving . For Over Fifty Years 5 5 eats @ =n t5 > riven 7 sd have been by no means peculiar to this zed » a» to > g:ven your child until thoroughly done, basting often soap see add rsd aeaue ee bests ue country, or even to modern ages. In- walees you c: i Lunaw of whas is bt curs ? : nillions of mothers for tneir children w » rr eat a with galt and water and a litle petri teething. If disturbed at night and broken o deed, the Hebrews had their harvest Bio Vor: Geees tt Castoria ih purely vey... "resection, cud thats 20 of your rest by n sick child suffering and crying with | feetivals, the principal one being tne . " . : Forve with a giblet dressing, to whic has been added a cup of strained ¢ = toes. pain of Cutting Testis send a once $ Bet alautumn feast of incatherin:. (feast of ~ ". a Chilren Teething. It will reliev he oee nets he Tabernacles), a thanksgiving for the sufferer inmediately, Depend mpen it. mothers | 'vhole produce of the wine press, of the make a giblet dressing for rust there ix nomistake about it, Tt cures Diarrhea | fruit orchards and the corn fields, Sim- turkey, put the giblets and neck in & Bj + DI ? =e saucepan with cold water and add an 3, agile seep he Bae owels, cures Wins | jarly, too, the Greeks and Romans had of ali othor remedies fu: onion, sal 1 pepper and a slice of vives tone and energy t to the agin, yetem, festival seasons in honor of Demeter, * t and pepper 5 rv er ; . Do" ¥ou nev that tho Patent Office Dom >) dry bread that has been made very ni rennet ing or Ceres, the Goddess of riculture, to the brown In the oven, Boil until the gib- in shor tha sate sta 'ot fe 'nal ysiclann nnd All these. were sanctioned .by religious as countries, have issed oxchzcive night t to Dr. Pitcher > ° lcts are done, then strain the stock, nie ny 7 Pees twenty-five | F rites, Games and joyous indulgence in $a Wend its Chop the giblets fine and put them aa ve by : "lenge six throughent |} the pleasures of the table. So our 7 the stock back into the saucepar. nd ank for "Mix. Wivslow's | phanksgiving day has a noble descent Do Yor Know that one ef tho reasons for gramins this cowsrs se dredge with a little flour, add the brown _ __ in history. because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely barmlos.? gravy from head be »ttom of the pan in Mowever the day has been shorn of Do You K - , = ; . aot for 85 whieh tt 1 was cocked, after sitim- Fo Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint yon | its religious quality in the minds of Do You Knew thet 35 sverage doses of Canteria aro farce for esi r off ie 'ta at. Serve het in a gravy havea printed g guarantee on every bottles of | {he masses, who sacredly enjoy the oents, or one cent 4 dose ? ho: Shiloh s Vitz alizer It nevet faivs to cure. Thanksgiving turkey, its connection . seas uk iis A cocd.old-fashioned stuffing is made with worship is always earnestly en- D> You Raow thot when possessed of this perfect } cnr eh Miron may by mixing with a loaf of stale bread joined by Federal proclamation. It is be kept well, and that you may have unbrokes rest ? half a cup of butter, an @ alt, pep- F indeed the sole religious festival ob- : (33! 2 p Gerth knowing. They arn facts per, sage and thyme or celery to tast>. you can keep cerved in Canada by virtue of civil au- "Wel, those things ere certh g- Thez are farts. all brought to the a entene of mush thority. by the addition of hot wate I Nowadays, however, the overshadov- Tho fac-simio facesimilo CRME 45 on own 1 3 consi Jered an 7 1 on ovary An oyster dressing is a Pp ump you are rd feature of the holiday in the way signatnre of LANE wraprer. amurements is the prevalence of the -- great footbal! a other games select- almost safe. S for that date. It is made the occa- Children psi for Pitcher's Ga astorlae and salt and pepper to taste, rain / sion of most brilliant athletic contests. om the arg from a pint bois pair MONDAMIN. T * ap Ont of the cities where the more im- SEAT R AED PD heat it anc sur over e breac orant of thes y uniiul aad on eee and mix all the in- | Stood the malze In all ite beauty, hinness pores | these friendly battles would . 8; w ith Its wi ine robes about It, naturally occur local games are ar- rredients well together. A little sweet milk is a great improvement. Most delicious of all is a chestnu* vtuffing. the rich nuts giving a pecu- liarly delicate taste to the fowl, make it, boil the chestnuts, remove yellow tresses, fr 4 ranged which perhaps evoke as much sisi = ' -- watha . comes om not being interest among the spectators. It is ---- in Asciidlacaeslnt curious to observe that among all the kt Nokomis bl ha: strong and servile nations this tenden- ater; able to get W:) t you cy to connect national festivals with athletic contests has been all but uni- S064 2V8V8B --e v eo x ¢ . i " of bits ainirouk vis on, the shells and brown skins and mash fo hix wrestling and his triumph, "| ehgseid from our or- versal, B. B. B. -B B BS them. Mix them with a few grated ew gift he nations, y The religious exercises of Thanksgiv- . bread crumbs and moisten with sweet | W s r foml forever, ing nearly always look ray : ater, when the autumn ; y ays look in some way "Fr rns cream, add a litite butter and season | A IM tater, x eas Chin EM, ' food. iQard. tatters Of ational gratitude u with pepper and salt. In filling the The » T juicy Kernels rather than those of individual thanks. ng as not cron s on ss r ike w a hard and yellow. So we expect the church addresses to a oOo wW up the openings and tle or skewer y . dl i * tripped tite vithered husks from off them, he largely of a political character, deal- P legs and wings in shape. Ru" | a je once had ata Appet "l the wrestler, ing with sith of public morals, Our Bhickly with butter and salt and dredge | Gave the first feast of Monda lamin + ministers naturally avail themselves | 4 : 3 t th e . ' . 7 with flour. Place in a dripping pan tis paid git of the Great t Spirit. af this escape valve to discharge views ; ( q Into Rich Red Blood. : : ; of political questions once a year. ----_____---- i RURAL THANKGGININGS, But, after all is said, one must con- --_ fess that the true modern significance of -- td Wie Thanksgiving is that of the feast day-- > Bern the bird occasionally to expose all A City Girl Thinks They Are Not All che fame coset day. eee ve S$ Parts to the heat. It should be tender They Are Cracked Up lo Be. scattered 'branch shes together from far 4 h perf ] heali d moist and a golden brown all At this thme of the year we read 01 ~nd wide to sacrifice at the altar of $ No other remedy possesses such pe ect cleansing, healing when done. Garnish the dish with | the old-fashioned family gathering at family love, where are enshrined the | © and purifying properties as Burd ock Blood Bitters. It not Mmal) balls of fried sausage or friel | the country homestead, where on 2] fazails and Penates of the old home. @ only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, | genie and parsley. Serve with a gib- | Thanksgiving Day grandpa and grand. There is something of this feeling, too. | @ all sores, ulcers, abscesses, sores, blotc! As, serine aot qpaebecren | Be ee ees lee tee ne et cheintmas, but te cbiey touches the | Oc, leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken inter- * . ; ' indiv Mraiviuale of each family branch all morbid effete or waste matter from the One Man's Memories. clont aval i CoRveyile Te: Achy fi Ou; even if ou Thanksgiving seeks the gathcring of |] @ ® nally it removes ' Mts all right to say, that the old time | Vals from: the station, and the old is ory' ' y the a aud Gecanien fe many cases @ system, ai and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, @hanksgiving dinners were the best farmnouse oe tet sacar ik perhaps the most beautiful and de-| @ restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action. ver caten, and thet the features of a her wut ca the aunject i | ee only a little thin. lightful occasion of the year, full of the} @ In this way the sick become well, the weak strong, and those the day's celebration when we were | eather beaten! They compare tne | Boott & Bowne, Belleville, ont, | P& joy and sweetness, a veritable | @ who have that tired, worn out feeling receive new vigor, and Boys incomparabiy better than the foot- eat * y Dp J fountain of refreshment. The spectacle If hall and other games that are chier | Tecords of the thermometer for yearp | _____ --| af three or four generations of a fam- 4 buoyant health and spirits, so that they feel like work, your features now. Put if you were a coun- | back waite boi o eau gra a at ily assembled together o distant e appetite is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B. try hoy 30 or 40 years ago you micht the ly ne growth of 7 hi dwelling places under the anclent fam- 4 will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life. eemeaner some pecultaritics of he 007 | chitdren present : iymotueee ceca mii tars | @ Tg Oe paananenencecececaseacenes plensanter. For Instance, the sermons The grown up sbHaren are is xe hat it warteits the belly with tooth- wath T used to have t i attend w sre | Kitchen or pantry helping grandma i. ° le 4 inti u that ZZ tee 7 7 dost Ay ' th a t " a oe with her Thanksgiving dinner, which, some ard succulent ae - ie : . ' Mt ele reid amare, t a i maak Co is the same as it was last year, and it fills the soul . ul of -- he 'tae y id e paige tong on us nd the year before, and the year before sympathy, effervescing anew ge & si i" = rie aie h m ee that. It will be the same next year abgence. This is the truest ae sr Custom Tailoring Dyeing | nomen ade sia --- bed ' wien : = and so on till the end. sacrifice of the day, and so the dinner A in their delivery. Ben és th "age e poor old lady is in a great flut- tatfle becomes perhaps the most Sed ~AaND-- was a big one at my father's et, | ter of excitement. Her face is scarlet erated shrine of all, though no bloc . ' and it took days and days to get ready | from contact with the fire. She Is out of the grape is poured out in libation Cleaning Works. | for it. But during all this time of | o¢ » from running up and down there. . oe parrtion dle e --_ a burden. ith the cellar steps. The turkey, cranber- It - a -- he sina 0. we ce wid w lry " . in > ss io o an vin are 'oun work roc therfore cross and "te a it 7 aioe mee, meni, rte Sgn turkey cad ements ple, not Ltake pleagure to announce to my many friends k busy tb 1 oin tte. are all there. The pump is there with | a2d customers ave returned from Strat and when I was not kept busy helping | gigo--in the back yard with terrapin and canvasback; Ww ford Hospitel greatly improved im health, and; them I was being shooed out of the t ts becaming rather out of date sparkling apple juice, not with cham- have opened shop in my house on, Wiliam Stren | AY me P = | Senth, one 4 rom Raptist Church, where - way, so that I poet fay soentere this exaggerated praise of the dear pagne. The crisp, pure alr, the as gd trust that si] whe wish to have o well made and * with the progress of affairs, So many | old homestead down on the farm. tien of rural life revived again with | oi fitting writ will find me. Latest sty persons were asked to dinner that we Having been on a farm for the past exhilarating freshness, the warming } good fit guaranteed. : a © if "hi © , ° "o. - , ti a ponmect ion ve martel a weitg and ase af Bat ee ee raleigh py year, I find the romance and glamor f family ties, the homely, ee Cleaning Works, Cotter ended en goods dyed. | there were Papen six or seven of us. | have vanished into nothing. I long 'ishes, into whose concocting the coo Lam prepared to give satiafaetic , Now, my father was the chief deacon | most sincerely for a modern Thanks- has poured the purest love and joy of Kid Gloves and F eathers clemaed aml dyed ant | \ of his arch, and the minister's boy | giving in the city where we arise at a 'he heart as well as fragrant spices and | made to look like new. Goods renin per ex i 5; . press, chorges paid on parcels one Goods ~ was always one of the children who | reasonable hour in the morning, have cweets, make up something which NO | Canad for-anddelivered to any jart oF the town. | } "walted." He was such a mean little | plenty of hot water in which to bathe hunquet of Lucullus could equal. Many | Your patronage solicited. { NA ( chap that we never got on well to- | and a nice warm dressig room wi Yer fate Oy ai , werldworn spirit has found in such Ww STEPHAN. } (is ; gether while our elders ate, and I gen- | all the appliances by which to make T.Mireu RN &Co. y occasion a new sense tlaming out of M.S / erally had to box his ears. Once 1 | one's toilet properly. No dressing in ARON the ashes of ennui and weariness, that, N A. Leflar, licked him good," and then my father, | a es below zero and, " after all, Hfe is well worth living. And Penis wei Oils and Needles kept | the deacon, licked me better--so w eli lieu of a "path, having to go out in the en may it be always . i Result of a that I couldn't sit down to eat the cold | shed to pump until one's arms ache, We have said nothing in this article dinner when it came time. Moroover, ; then hasten to catch a tiny stream of about the giving of thanks, which the - a nn terre Ne lected Cold I was always so hungry when at last | water in the eo and souce it over name of the day emphasizes. Well, : g e it came time to eat that I forged my- j the face for a bat R ' perhaps the indulgencé of love and in- } eee 2 self terribly with the cold food. end ------= 7 nocent joy and the new birth of all e Ny | DISEASED LU NGS my dreams those nights would be aw To Boil « Boned Turkey. the be t smypathies of one's nature are "os ful. I remember that one year, having When it is stuffed, roll the fowl tight perfect a f rm\of thanksgiving to ¢ li OP ite i ee ee great faith In the efficacy of prayer, ! | in a piece of cheesecloth and tle firm- = the great Creator of all as prayer and ¢ ~{t Wed, CUCU) | Whic' Doctors Failed to Help, prayed that next year everybody might ly with twine to keep secure and in jsalm singing within the walls of the . forget all about Thanksgiving. When | shape. Place In a stock previously Sapel, Without the first named all | ¢ pe ae CURLD BY paees: the day was remembered and observe. | prepared by putting the bones in cold | is but as "sounding brass and @ a by Tt | ss . else 4 Manufacturea by Tt. as usual next year, may faith reveived | water with some herbs, an onion peel- Me | tinkling cymbal." Cook Co., Windsor, Ort., ; | 9 a reat shock, which lasted till ] re- | ed and stuck with a dozen cloves, a i ( and Detroit, Mich 'Sethe ¢ | embered that faith to be effectuo! | carrot and a turnip sliced. Boli the An Aching Vold. te ee At membe 4 only known safe, relinbie 4 | Pectoral must be held by the righteous, and turkey gently four hours at least, thi di on which I ac. | ite € tena a8 . a the cloth ed ¢ monthly medicine us 7 "s -_ this | knew I was not. _ -- it --_ roan : e cl : can depend in "the hour a Ie contra PF Tihleh settled an ace or. a dish. Strain the stock, 7 7 ; on my lung. an l what { te 'live Thani eine the fat and set over the fire. S = é of need." Every lady w { iu such case neglected it, thinkin rit would . Bel Us itive Enanisy : ' this is re ested to inclose twe o BWAY AS if came: abut I fornd, after a f latin di Ived { q Chat is impoverishe 1 soul which | 4dd two ounces of gelatin dissolv n ¢ ddre: ' | litle while, that slightest exertion a : egiving Cay lft itse!? cold water. Strain the lMHquid jelly ') age ae ith her addres. |) pala Bh i iving Cay » | through a fine sieve over the turkey. Fi i praise. 'This is the festival o ! le 2 . " It d D to households and the festival of common. When peer int Rita parsley or ¢ ue © ai Ue 4 onsu e a oc r salihs. Has not God been good to our | Cresses. Ane Slicec who found, on exam' t he mes and pa te our common. To make oyster sauce, put a pint of | ¢@ and ad particulars, which we will ¢ , on pper part 0 beramining my te Pe anes ibe ae tad befor: | Mall oysters, wih their liquor, inte | o send by return mail in plain. sealed | He ve me some medicine which I took as ao --_ a Ss ae =a a saucepan, and heat them to boiling | y envelope. yi ¢ irected, Pat + did not seem to do any goot!, z 3 bi be gd rt ee te CUE homes. point. Skim out the oysters and add } q An old physician, 35 ¥ earscon- ¢ | a meegegg ft Se © ve Ayer's . Are ou 'famitles unbroken? Are w to the liquor one and a half pints of ¢ tinued practice treatin diseases of @ Pectoral had cn others, and T determined to are OnE a * he left milk. and when it is boiling add one- F wonien, has char; - e office, a d 9! give itatriaL After taking a few doses ry : sing in the love of dear ; . | third «f a cup of butter creamed mie @ can be consulted by letter or in ; trouble was relieved, and before I be mel Fle é us? Let us give thanks to the God o: ' : ish dt tie I ve ired.""" a 1 three tablespoonfuls of flou Docter--There, my good man, is eorie- é -- oo. ie office ( Orangeville, Ont. 4 households, Gout . our land. | With sett and cayenne pepper, and tet Rien ive you us appeut..tor sour | 2 MPANY. : 3 hin ot, cote mare to our and | Sic ti Ge Pen 208 soe ee meson) ¢ Tag coon coment Ayes Cherry Pectoral j Fave we been spared the pangs 0) sters, and it is ready to serve. Ne ee et doctor, can't youl? "¢@ i war, famine and pestilence? Have our : -- e Patient--Yes, bu or, '4 flelds given rich harvests? Let us ~ A Thankagiving Thought. ceive Me a dinner a go with the app-- ta Cook's Cotton Root om Highest Awards at World's Fair. a thanks to the God of nations.--Inde- There is something lacking in the ONE PILLAD °, Ch tite? Q fasola by all re: nsible wivslanala ¢ 4yer's Pills Cure Indigestion. ndent. sincerity of the man who goes, into the --_--_----_------ and retail dru ei nthe Domin emple on Thanksgiving da: ack- Chestnut Sauce for Bolled Turkes. h é ofC and United States for One ze § i Be Cheerful and Gratefal. 'ledge the good gifts of Providence » Shell and blanoh three dozen Frene anada A nowledg Fo Boll in water enough to 4 Dollar per box. | site gathentd Garretts: Hin weal be ee ee a ts wee ee chestn vem for 20 minutes, Drain off |¢2BBBVeeens --. Wanted--An Idea 25 a of mine and mill, the product of sea, | the year or on this day to uplift ae | aw Se rene ee op one | COVET nagar Sound i sta ts . (gee a air and earth, the priceless jewels of | fellows, to bring sunshine into sunless the water 3 Mberty under law, all the fruit of ma- | hearts and to distribute In some mea- a. & i "a | paste. Add a hier setae par news) Waahington ing aa. D.C for a and intellectual vigor, warm the | gure the benefactions which we. all Lun EE TSS a dash of cayene -- Tk. Rub the 3 , heart with the cheerfulness and grati- | hold in trust for the benefit hes the help- Ale wenten oid Detlef medicine sent Pree t "ay 9 faces a a = of m paras set Children Cry for Children Cry for ' 'tude of the true Thanksgiving spirit. | less sons and daughters of men.--Se- ny ugh coarse sa ; g, cnt and place over the fire in a double boll- ?itcher's Castoria. Belected. lected. and ieok for half an hour--Selected. Pitcher's Castoria. ' ' % . sy .