a Dec. 31 Fai.ure Impossible. When Nerviline---nerve pain cure-- is applied. It matters not of how long, standing its Penetrating and pain sub- duing p6wer is such that relief is al- most imstantaneons. Nerviline is a nerve pain cure. This statement ex- pressesall. Try it and be convinced. TOWN ACCOUNTS. All counts against the corpora- | tion, or 'the town fo Listowel have, to be representcd or on before the 15th day of December A. D. 1896, as the council under the new law save no any account of any kind against the town make out your bill at once and send it to the clerk. Town Ticker Oerices Cuiostnc.-- The G. T. R. and C, P. R. have enter- ed into an arrangement for the inter- change of tickets, and have decided to do away with about all of their out- side ticket agencies. Listowel is a- mong the list of places where the agencies are being withdrawn. Mr. John Livingstone, jr., who has been agent for the C. P. R. in town, has al- ready closed his agency, and we under- stand that Mr. Hacking G. T. R. town agent, shortly. Whatever may be the bene- fit of the new arrangement to the Ry. Companies, it certainly is depriving the public of what was a great conveni- ence, another making the railways uopopular. a th. at A, expects to do likewise very and is stride towards Hind -- ters of beef ut de J. Vandrick The Canadian Hone pubiished in edited by the well-known writer, Fuith Fenton, Inte of 7he reached nv. It is artistically up, fall of the Xmas spirit, well illns- trated, lays claim to be the leading ladies' paper of Canada. Lady President of the Natioual Council of Women, edits and controls the depart- Journual for December, Toronto, Empire, has just gotten and in every way justly Aberdeen herself, interests of this Music, Art, The Household, fus- cinating and seasonable stories written bright, time- ly articles on books, people and cur- ment devoted to the influential organization. Fashions, Games, specially fur the Journal, rept events nre among its leading fea- tures, and commend it to every woman in the cents, or $1.00 year. Dominion. Siogle copies 10 Address, Home Globe Build- Journal Publishing Co., ing, Toronto. A Britiuiant Wrepptne.--The wed- ding vf Miss Lorne Campbell, second daughter of D. D. Cathpbell, Esq., and Mr. Aa G. Bastedo of the Bank of Hamilton, Winghem, which took place in Knox church, this town, on Thurs- day afternoon of | quite a brilliant and fash, snable a The decorated with t week, eburch was prettily palms and flowers, and with the elegant array of gowns and bequets presented acharming sight. A wedding march was played by Miss Sutherland, organ- entered the rich costume of white with honiton lace trimming, while the brides- Miss Bastedo of Newmarket, ist, as the bridal party ehurech, A satin, adorned the bride, maids, Miss Campbell sister of the bride, and Miss Scott, wore white dotted silk gowns and black hits, trimmed with and viclets. Mr Fred. J. Cumpbell, manager ef the Canadian Paper Co., aud cousin of the groom, was bestman, and Mr. G. F Campbell, of Boston, brother of the bride, and Mr. C. Campbell, of Wingham, were the ushers. W. Cooper tie. the After the ceremony a reception was held feathers Rev. knot in his usnal pleasant way. at Argyle Place, where a large number of guests offered their congratulations to the kappy couple. the recipient of many sents, Mr. xnd Mrs. quently left on an extended bridal trip. They willtake up their residence in Wingham. The invited uests were: Mr. and Mrs. D. Dz Campbell and Misses Camp- Mr. and Mrs. The bride was pre- Bastedo subse- handsome - and Mrs. I. E. Rg Miss Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. . Hay, Mr. Stuart, Mr. L. 8. Host. sr. 'and Mra. J. N. Hay, Dr. and the Misses Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Mr. und Mrs. M. Bricker, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bricker, Mrs. P. Campbell, Miss Dra- . Orr, Wm. Chimie, H. Climie, Mr. urger Fraser, Mr. Carroll of Lis. towel 5 Mrs Lee, H., Lee, A. » Lee, Lee, Mr. and Mrs Lee, Mis abel Lee, Mrs. and Miss "poss ag ae toa" and Mrs. J. R. Roaf, Mr . J. Leckie, Mr. and Mra. J. F. Mickie, Ww. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, 'acarter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rran, Miss 'oods, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Morrison, Mrs. A z &F Ryan, ant Rg Mirwes Davies, J. He Knight, Harry Gray, Miss. Tweedie, of Toronto, Mr. anti Mra A. F. Mc- Stratford; Mr. and T. H. Haines, of Berlin; Mr. and aan J. isses Bas- tedo, Maxter Cec n Bie. C. G ee er Tg. G. ao esac E. ort pat fed E. s. Gacaon of 'Montreal: G. eek For Yor C. Lee, of Winnipeg ; Mrs. and 'lhe akebee Bastedo, and Mr, and Bastedo, of Milton; Mr. and Mine' Bastedo, of aber h am. _Mrs. Park a 'Woodstock ; Mrs. P. Deccnank: of Denton: Mr. and sand the Fer- 7M ampbell, of Quebec; A Ferguson, Q. £.. of Ottawa, M owman, © awkphaw, N. B., Mr. Bc and Mm J. Boesin. Mr. Chipholm, Mr Mrs. Cortecgid, Mr. McLeod, of Wingham, BOUNDARY LINE ° Bsr. Tho beantiful snow has come and nearly gone and we have had the beau- tifnl slush, but what comes next ? Why, our Entertainment of course, on of Dee. 11th, to be held in Union 8.8. No. 2. And if report speaks truly some of those who are to take part in it have won their laurels already before crowded houses. The hummocks are all knocked off the road now and there is nothing to prevent us having a bumper house. It is only 10cts admission. All are welcome. Doors open at half past seven, concert to commence at hioncanil DONEGAL Mr Thomas Léshe and family are aye to remove from the village in ew days, and wil] in the future reside on his old farm, con. 12. They will be much missed from the burg. The patrons of this cheese factory were paid for the September make on Saturday. All of them felt thankful. Onur storekecper, Mr. Anderson, is doing a large bn«iness in buying fowl of all kinds. He pays the highest prices. A number of Foresters from here attended the funeral of Tobias Dorlaad of Milverton on Sunday lust. James Barton has purchased from iis. Thomas Whaley lot 29, con 14. The lot is well timbered ; price about It ts now clearly unde stood that T. J. Knox will be a candidate to repre- sent Division No. 2 at the Connty Council. He ought to make = good man. having had a. o:t 12 years exper ence in county work. SHIPLEY An accideut befell Jacob Godfried the other day. While catting corn his hand sunees into the kmfe, suffering an ugly et Jobnny "Rapple returned last week after spending eight months on a farm in the State of New York. claims a vast difference in farming there and here. Old Santa Claus is again in our midst having left part of bis pack besidesa trade mark at the blacksmith shop at Kurtzville: Mr. Hotel always comés in or numb Our annual school entertainment passed off very successful on Thursday evening last. The honor of being chairman fell to the lot of Reeve Poole who ably filled the position witlT stand eredit. The Nichol Bros. were again on duty rendering sume _ excellent music and were oft heartily yencored. The programme was lecal, barring a couple of comic singers from Listowel, whose darky songs and weird manoeu- vering gratified at least'a part of the audience, though the majority felt as if unbecceming liberties we taken. The readings and veoiatient given ky the young folks were of a sentiment to be appreciated by everybody, and on the whole a happy and enjoyable evening was again speut beneath the shadow ef the old walls of the patriotic Shipley synagogue. The Huron ond Ontairoe Electric Railway, running from Kincardine and Goderich vin Walkerton to Eugenia, the junction town, thene norih to Mensford and Sonth to Port Perry, is to be begun at once. 'lhe New York contractor states it will be finished by January, $898. A meeting of the pro- visional dirgctors te ratify and sign the contracts will be held in a few days. This will be quite a boon to the peo- ple north and west, and will no doubt give quite an impetus to trade and help bnild up some of the smaller places. BIRTHS. Cresa In A debe eaabadt Nov, $'th, the wife of pare ow Crem DEATHS Derein--to Wallace, Dec, xth. Fentinand Detrich, aged 43 yearn, Dowp--Lp Mo rer gten; on the Gth Dec. James Doud, aged G1 yea AnkNOLD--In Palmers onon Sumlay. Dee, 6th, Emma chk nell dager of the lat a vo, Arnold af Listowel, age yearsjand 11 month: Doxt. ax -In Milverton. on Friday Dev. 4th, Tow ot Leortanal. aged 273 years, T month an A GREAT PHRENOLOGIST COMING! PROF. A. H. WELCH, OF TORONTO. TO FAVOR LISTOWEL WITH A SHORT VISIT. 'incall We aro pleted to to announce that Prof, H. Ww eleh. phrenologic: _ "rmneter reader will be in the Town of Listowel Monday, Dec. 7th, '96, and remain for one week. He brings testimonials from some of the most head men in Canad tis profession me at the Arling- top hotel ue eave an exam nn ures comes evening and publicly cLamine candidates selected by the | audience CONSERVATIVE MEETING A meeting of the Wallace Conservative sociation :|Tuesday Ev'g, Dec. 15th, asinatts All Con- nodied to a ALVIN E. KENNEDY, Sec'y. sel ~, at 7.9) o'¢lock, servatives are The British Mortgage Loan Co. of Ontario. Divipenp No. 37. N° TICE I5 HEWEBY Dividend at the rat SEVEN Pi CENT, bs a on the paid-up Capitalatock of this pompany . for the half-year ending the 31st Decem- ber, insta; nam thisday been declared, and that the kame is payable at the office of the Company, in the City of Stratford, on and after SATURDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF JANUARY, NEXT. cre THAT A The trausfer books will be cloacal fronts pe 10th to dist instant inclusive, Hy order soars WM. HUCKINGHA Manager Stratford, Dec, 7. 1806. NOMINATION MEETING. First County Council Di- vision, County of Perth. --~+-e------ Notice is hereby Bix veld pilreneal 3 to the ( te Town Hall, Ge Vallace. on the Twenty-first Day of Decem- ber 1896, between the hours of one and two en that ms nee ig will be 'ounty Councils Act, 1896, at ewanstown, in the Tosiateg of clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of neminating eandi dates forthe office of County Councillar for the wart County Coancil Division of the Connty of rt eo fa ater number of candidates are moninate el than are equine ed to be elected, the polls will be opened at the polling nlaee 4 for eae i at the polling sub-slivisions within the atthe dintric the Fourth Day of January, 1897, the polls to continue a from nine o'clock in th morning until five a'cloc onger. Datei the first day of December, 1496, R. G. ROBERTS, Nominating Officer. PEOPLE = Who had not been our regu- lar customers, but are dealing considerably with us 'lately, are greatly surprised at the Excellent Quality of what we sell. When we Reduced the Price of Mondav . in the afternoon sud no Meats, many thought the quality would be reduced also. Such lias not been the case and what we sell is rather above than belowthe standard. The prices also shouid be considered : Round Steak 7c, and 6c, Fresh Pork 5 Sliced Ham only 7c. TEA AND COFFEE are specialties : Our 25¢ line is extra value, actually worth 25¢ RICE and Pot BARLEY c lb Le GR Cail an Roasts 5 and 6c, aes equally CERIES $ $ save $ 38 Wallace Street, ] WM. McKEEVER. LEADING MEAT MARKET. A cheap, Fresh Pork on Saturday. The citizens of Listowel will always find the Choicest Meats That the market affords, at low prices, delivered promptly to any part of the town at G. P. PORTER'S, Main St. West. ~ HOUDAY Gods at Special Prices. HANDKERCHIEFS. 'Ladies' and children's plain, white and colored border, 6 for 25c. Ladies' white Lawn, hem, Special at 5c. Ladies' Fine Embroidery, Lawn, special 10, 15 and 2oc. Pure Jrish Liner,- hand- drawn and worked, special at 40, 55, 60 and 75c, GLOVES. Ladies' black, white and colored Ringwood _ gloves, special at 25¢, Ladies' fancy colored Ring- wood gloves, heavy camel-hair cufls, special at 50c. Ladies' black, tan and cream French Kid gioves, laced and fancy Pearl buttons, Special at $1.25, NECKWEAR Men's Silk and Satin derby ,| and four-in-hand ties, special at 25C. Men's Silk and Satin fancy Brocade bow ties, Special at 25C. Men's Cashmere'and Silk mixed Mufflers, special at 20 35, 50 and 75¢. SUSPENDERS--- Men's Elastic, web silk, Embroidered, light and dark Suspenders, -xpecial at 25e. Men's tine Elastic Silk ends, Kid back, special at 400, GLOVES-.- Men's tan and brown Kid Gilaves heavy Wool lined, special at Toc. . Men's os: Napa Buck Glove wool lined, special 00. Men's et Buckskin well made, and lined, spectral at $1.06 ALBUM _--- Three special lines--Photo Albums, Cab- inet size, special at 70. 1.00 and 1.29, M. McGILLIVRAY. MeMillad's Old Stand. I in. web, Listowel, Ont. ss eaesigmcmnainies HAVE YOU SEEN B. F. BROOK 2 SON'S WINTER CLOTHING. The place where the BIG CRY OVERCOATS is heard. cece [c) We manufacture our own goods and sell CHEAPER than our merchants buy whole- sale, for. We defy any store in town to produce EQUAL QUALITY AND VALUE * Ifyou call and see, you will be satisfied we speak the truth, LISTOWEL WOOLLEN MILLS, 45 WALLACE ST. Not Forbidden Fruit. Had it been in the Garden of Eden Eve would certainly have ri quested Adam to get the household necessities from it We have in stock 'more temptations than ever for Fall Trade, viz: ° COOKING STOVES, COAL STOVES, HEATERS. Tinware, Lamp Goods, &c. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Main St. - Repairing promptly atcended to. Next door to Hacking's Drug Store, Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fittings, Furnace work, & American and Canadian Coal Oil Adolpn Bonnett HARDWARE MERCHANTS. SKATES 2 Now is the time to buy them. We have just received our large stock consisting of Canadian and German Acme Nos. 5 to 10 steel, silver plated. The best in the market. LANTERNS The very best, cold blast, AND large burner, large tubes large well with street lamp top. Everyone guaranteed, COW CHAINS This isan important article among the farmers. Be sure and get 'the best,-which can be had at this store, . We have the open ring, closed ring and chain both in English and Canadian makes, these are the best. Axes and Cross-cut Saws a great specialty. American and Canadian Coal Oils always on hand at Adolph & Bonnett, (SUCCESSORS TO R. MOORE.) We Supply Hiverything in the STOVE, FURNACE," TINWARE TRADE. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Hot Water Heating a Specialty BROOKS & ALEXANDER, STOVE AND FURNACE MEN, MAIN ST. BRIDGE, LISTOWEL, FOR XMAS TRADE You can't do better than call at J.-S. GEE'S STORE. *") Oranges from 15c doz. up, Lemons, Dates, Figs, Nuts all kinds, Cranberriés, Lemon, Orange and Citron peels, Candies from 5c Ib up, also Sweet Potatoes. Head Quarters for CHRISTMAS - TREE - SUPPLIES. (0, 000 LBS of Butter wanted by January 1st, 1897, for which we are prepared to pay you the Highest Market Frice for No, 1 quality. So tein' Jour Sie to J. 8. GEE'S wher® a can get ap Fr with Staple i 4, Cotfees an d Chocolat tes, superior in y aity onl pee er a = FOR ONE WEEK asa specialty we will give you 14. tb Best Granulated Sugar and 2 LBS ot Best 25c Japan tea for $1-00 J. S. G EE, ~wms Listowel}