Listowel Standard, 24 Jan 1902, p. 5

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Jan. 24 YOU'LL SEE THE 'WISDOM "| of buying*here if you inspect : camer "E ourStock of Jewelery, Watch- | hog es, Precious Stones and Sil- 'od anil 4 wed " whieh -vereware, and'compare our | Cds) She ee prices with the offeririgs of Se ne ee ae cater cane | other Merchants. 'Your: - sildnases othe Foe, Lang and Brow ba | wo "Of rma VALUE FOR missymeglaae ge Deon "Yous MONEY at thir establishment. Our reputation would suffer if we sold you Goods of in- ferior quality. A. ZILLIAX, JEWELER AND ENGRAVER IF YOU WANT FIRST- CLASS MEATS RIGHT | oe "PRICES STEVENSON touk Be Ib., Lamb 80, Pork Saomge 10c, Roasts Jo and 8c, Boiling Meat 'rom 4c to 6c, Pork 8c to 106, Veal 7c and Be, Bologna 'Rausage 10c, Hains l4c, Side Meat 1 Bb. J. y aetevacneone, Welles St. , F. S. HOWE'S SHAVING - PARLOR ith all i facilities for ass "eae Give kin « ca ee * Royal Hotel Block, Wallace St. Brid F. 8. HOWE, Prop. lorphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICTIVU = «0 Solicitorn for the Dank of Hamilto Botaries Public and Gommisnioners. "Money 8 #B. Momrnr J. M. Camaew, Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Notaries Public ond Can veranoert, ney Bolicitorn fer peott's Banking House and Ont. Pers. Bidg. & Ass nolation Geo Bar. B. A. F R. Reewet. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A., Barrister, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER CENT ce, Maio St., next to Dr. Foster, mee % Branch officein Atwood every Wednesda Mabee & Makins, "6d. Max W.E. Dingman M D. ATE of Queen's University ; mom 'yor of Gare of Physicians and Sargeons, Oncario. er tye, Surgeon 'and Accouah Office and Ee ec Main Street east. Thos, Fullarto~- ---- ONT., an caver Ib ea, Stortgages. Lone Money to len end wioleg done oo reasons' R. G. Roberts. SHIPLEY, UN. and te Fir Afiiarapee for the aay, Sire senate glia operas ry fal pach arg descriptions don ialarest, Grovevancing . 7m easy te L.. O. L, No. 370, Listowel Meets in Orange Hall first Friday is --< month. Members ire reques trend ail meetings and visiting brethren Saisie, W. R. a Look at This. _ Seon. 000 TO LOAN eof interest, in sums over ery lowest rate po tt Sie al B wei an iret erates rit Sant . Al a a fot cnr Agent fer the Hamilton ca a and Loan Bociowyr G. T. R, TIME CARD. 'Trains leave Listowel station daily as under :-- ND PA Ul eee For STRATFORD | -. ae Oa Oe gt h rd.-- 1 Pg or in. a iy Pa 1.22 a.m; Mixed 3.00 P- MERSTON. For pee Sa Au aren ESS | © For Kincardine.--Mixed 1 p.m.; Express 7.45 I9O2. In Business Colleges as in Business, ~ ENPERIENGE i our: Varpal : epee ho In Went York the revised returns give Campbell 111 majority. Chief Justice MsColl Columbia is dead Don't Forget About Your Corns If they give you pleamure and you have thom asan adyrament don't apply Tut- Corn and Wart forin twenty-four hours they would be entirely removed and their beauty destroy. . Now thisisknown to nearly every- rt lips including your druggist ; ask him if it of Britivh Mre. Carrie Nation dropped ker hatchet and ont her big toe off. Clarence McRitchie of Bothwell som mitted snicide by hanging Mexico. Children Cry for CASTORIA. Three buodred lives were lost by an earthquake at Chilpancingo, Merico. Mr. W. A. Whitoey, editor of The St. Lawrence News, dropped dead at Irequois, Smalipox is reported in Morrison, lower Puslinch and Flamboro' Town- ships. Chitadren Cry for CASTORIA. Mr. Wiliiam Brown, Assessor for Owen Sound for 25 years, died endden- ly last week. The returns of West Durham by- election give Robt. Beith (Liberal) a majority of 22. Sir Thomas Tapes has ordered an- other cup yacht fro r. Fife. She will be named beara III. Chitdren Cry tot CASTORIA. Complete returns show that Char- bonneou, (Liberal) was elected in L'islet, Quebec, by twenty majority. Mr. Leonard (Conservative) wan elect- ed in Laval, Queboe, by 18 majoirty, There are vow fonr vacancies in the enete, and when they are filled the House will consist of 48 Conservatives aud 58 Liberals Since the Cupadiau contingent to the Sonth African Constabulary, numerivg 1,200, left for Cape Town last March, 31 members uf the force have died. Uver Fifty Yenrs Mra. SsLOw's SOOTHING SynuP has been aned by Tpillion: sof mothers for their children while teething. If cisco at night and oles ta ngand crying + el - fo Chiluren Teethiag. lt ile reat "ike AS little sofferer immediately De upon fh cauthern, these tw po mistake bout . he sal 'Diarrbus cathe Stomach and Bow ela, cures w ind Colic, softeus the Guon, red i pe and ane a tothe whole Fy les inslow's Soothing Syrup' is ploasant Lo the 'tanta and is or presorptin i one of the oldest and best fomalcy yysiciana ated om it. th © Cnited States. Price twenty-tive tent the. Soll by wll druggists thronslout the wank Bours apd mak fo~ 4 Winauow's SoorHine Sreur The later election returns show that} gre ed ope. "Naw," growled the custodian. "We have to take "em out of thy holes first." ' Mistress--Bat "tant Mrs. Uppert:n when you told ber I Servant--No, ma'am. 'She simply gave o sigh of relief and sald, Tene" ons drove away. elor. * he says, "ts ge which in itself commands, and should command, the + ee © church; preevieaiieise 's cimlemalsing the home; and when there is nothing left to revere--may the Lord have I! comic colimn of any Popular Paper, and all the so-called 'funny' er ,~Or most of them, bride and bride- a mother-in-low, on angry father, a smart brother, and all the impudent, sassy, lecherous, and smart gang that terrifies the ian who would be married. a " 'Father: Old better "The reader is supposed to laugh As a matter of fuct, it is ecent girl It is a sncer at nough to know He who instituted marriage. "That is only 2 sample. Lying on my table as I write is a Sunday pa- per, and onethird of its so-called sheers at the inarriage When a young fellow decides to get married he breaks the news to his friends apologetically. shotld he? Will some girl tell me why? Many «a moan has been married in secret rather than run the gaunt- let; orer Men won't take the chance at all.' Absorbent to Collect Dust. A German absorbent collecting dust in sweeping is made by mix- ing 12 parts by weight of mincral sperm of! with 88 parts of Roman or Portland cement, a few drops of mirbane oil being added. The asy, sandy mass retains the ~~ of the surface being cleaned venting the rising of the par ticles, and it may be used repeatedly. Harry Badgeley wae sentenced to three years in Kingston Penitentiary by Chief Justice Meredith at Toronto for the killing of Charles Mayray. BUGGIES ; |FOR SALES Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagorts If you want anything in the vehicle line, now isthe time to buoy, as I have o Inrge stock ou hand and will sell at closest prices. A call at my carriage shop will convinces, J, F. WILSON, ill Street, Listowey Two o'Clock Edition, "25 This edition is published especially for towns, villages and rural districts in Western Ontario. It wives all the news ay : ONE OCLOCE each including Foreign, "Canadian: American, District, Sporting. Tt contains elght to twelve five Gays a week, an etx! pages on Saturday. Half-tone and other {lustra { rt doings an nent people appear every The organ edition alone tx. worth the price. Subscriptions | recelved at any time. Address The London Free Press Ptg. Co LONDON, ONT. Mention this paper. ---- q PATENTS lothing Hvidence. No evidence can be s0 convincing as as that of yourown eyes Drop in on us some day before you get that Suit or Coat, and let us just show you what we are offering--and the prices, Then if we can't show youthpt it will pay you to buy from us, don't buy, We will be pleased to see you anyway. ROGERS, EXPERT - - TAILOR. Main Street, Listowel. 'lusic Instructor. B. RAYNER, 'eacher on VIOLIN, MANDOLIN GUITAR eat iLARLON, i yee pe to ainhes individsall 'naling, at Mr. Pu aes backer cep abop, Br, lace etreat. 45 [a ~> ie In 1 Watchde, Clocks, Jewelery, Gell, Gold Fill aed' Rimless Spoctaties, and Rye | GLaghes. Up-to-daté Photographs all sizes and ~.. 4 BUNBEARS FOR 26c. Repairing reasonable. RS SM SMITE, Sera iin ot --~ uel Pitcher' : Di Sem _ talus fe "et Bega for Infants ahd isa THE CONTAUA COMPANY, TT MURRAY ETHEET, NEW YORK CITY. Morphine mats We wish you all We will give you a Mode! Merchant Tailors. LISTOWEL CLOTH HALL. O2044000 A HAPPY NEW YHAR. 30 DAYS ONLY OF A 20 PER GENT. DISCL DISCOUNT GASH SALE. MackKE NZIE IE BROS., New Year's Gift for Main Street, Listowel. ee | me sold. As we told you. before, can sell cheap. a) Zinn & Greve's old old sap DO YOU WANT BOOTS OF SHOES RUBBERS OR FELT BCOTS, J. K. BRICKEHR, Either Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' or child's? It you do, give us a call and see what we have. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. You will say so yourself when you examine ours. When we tell you that we got a big discount off from the Zinn stock, it means a saving on every pair we bought cheap and so we Wallace Street. can make you a well o he likes in somé things. The dividing line between sotith Made Article is very, alim. With our make it is well defined: thing we know o! to your order costs from Tailor and Furnisher, SIXTE EN TO ONE. dressed-men, ond 'well detsoed man cam make Custom Made ciothaba the Ready There's a cut to it, a ery of line that makes it far Somer to any- A Suit or Overcoat $15 TO $20. These prices give a wide range of material and perfoct workmanship. TRY Us, WILL JENKINS, Next to Post Office. SEE THE WINDOW NEXT WEEK. BARGAIN DAY low as 7 cts. 35 cts. 5 25 cts. ings and Cottonades, Se eee eee ee eee ee ee ee eee ee eee ee eee ee eee ee i GEESE. by of killing and picking them, emember the place, Li + ®. a a All Crum Prints 12% cts., now 10 cts., and as Remember we have the largest and best Lire of Prints in town. Ladies' black and white neck Ties 50 cts., now 35cts. now 20 cts. Ladies' "Shirt Waists, from 75 cts. to $1.25, now A large Stock of new Furs just arrived and will sell them at a very low price. Also a full line of other good Flannelette Shirt- Remember our Goods are not cheap Goods at a price, but GOOD GOODS CHEAP. Call in and see our Goods for yourself, it will cost you noth- ing. All farm produce taken as cash LIVE POULTRY. I have a larger contract than ever this Fall for live Poultry and wil] boy all that comes to me, wD market price for TURKEYS, CHICKENS, Bring in your Poultry alive and save the trouble d will pay the highest UOKS and WM SPEARS, Main Street West. [Pepneratener stants siete re Ty : "OMEL BaYERY. ERY. te call and leare your order for YOUR XMAS CAKE. We make the best in the country, at 6 nable Price. We alao make Beotch Bread --the real stuff, Calland get a Loaf of Whole Wheat Bread, aloo our Gluten Bread, the; are the most wholesome Breads made. Wedding Cakes made on short notice. At tke old stand, Main street caat. A. YUE. Listowel Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders and are prepared te contract for tho erection of allciseses of buildings. Plans and specif- datious drawn, end estimates furninhed on application SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, Furnished on short notice. Planin done by ost yl gon cae in the buil ing Unk pt attention and FiRST SLAs WOR aged 3U04R. Contractors, oto. Charges Moderate. Bamford Bros. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel- | Listowel and 'South Wallace | Agricultural Society Christmas is coming ond now is the Lime | ANNUAL MEETING, The annus! meeting of the above Societ hig take place in the Towg Hall, Listowel, 2gth ba of January, 1902, HY. HEMSWORTH, W. E. BINNING, Pres. Sec'y-Treas, Listowel, Jan'y 14th, 1902, Molesworth Cheese & Butter Company. The annus! meeting of the Molesworth Cheese and Butter mpany, (Limited,) will be beld in the Orange Hall, Moles- worth, Saturday, Jan. 25, 1902, at the hour of 1 o'clock P m., for the pur- pows of poy ti the Auditors' and annual ieperte Soe for emi year, the election of business conling before Fh meetin y be nec By order of the H, COGHLIN, Sec'y. Molesworth, Jan, 8, 1802. NOTICE TO Parties _Interding Building _---_-- My yards belay well stockgd with = kinds of LUMBEK, such as Pine, Hemloc and Hardwood, Ican su upply you with the hest at such bargaing as have never before been offered in' is vicinity, 1 a so carry LATH and SHINGLES, in eve You ask the resson any. Well, we buy as Cash, therefore the on is solv: - DLE. MARSHALL, Listowel Lumber Yarda SO YEARS' . Main St, STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES. Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Screen Doors Windows &c., at the leading Stove and Tinware House, ZILLIAX & fF ARVIS Estimates given on Hot Water and Steam Plumbing &c American and Canadian Coal Oil f or sale. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Phone 4o, Listowel -- of broken Sets. ata margin, I will give all kinds of Dinner Sccs, Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price. Any quantity GREAT BARGAINS AT THE UP-10-DATE GROCERY. . ae a Tea Sets, Berry I also carry a ful! liné of Groceries, which will be sold Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS, ARMSTRONG. WANTED. ~ 60 FARMERS TO PURCHASE 50 HORSE BLANKETS AT REDUCED PRICES.. Now is your chance to get a bargain in Blankets. ADOLPH & BONNETT, Leading Hardware Merchants, : Main St., Listowel,

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