Listowel Standard, 24 Jan 1902, p. 7

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7 tg * ight --a Eeling Prices in Live Stock |Scs' and Preadstufls, BREADSTUFFS. anged at 75c' d-' age for No. 1 bard, 85 for i northern, and S2c for No. 2 north- grinding in ensit, via Sarnia, | January shipment, and Ic lees via Horta Day. Flour--ls steady at $2.90 bid 90 per cent. patents in buyers' bags, middie freights, end pene asked fic for more. Choice ands held 15¢ to 20¢_ higher. Manitoba got is etoady $4.20 for cars o nts and $3.0 for strong ene in-far lots, bags included, foron Milifecd--Is about steady. Cars of shorts sold to-la ut equal to $20.50 in bulk middle freights, ard bri ia quoted at Sif 50 to $1 middle a yr Manitoba mi'lfced is frm at $22 for shorts and $21 for bran fe rie lots, sacks included, To- wont. Pela --The market Is ee at 66c ta No 1, 68c for No. 20 for No. & extra, and coe 'o. 8 middle freights. 2, 5 "ter Buckwheat--Is steady at SS$c mid-, half way across seas. dio freights. Nye--Is unchanged eat S7c¢ middie, hag treichts. Corn--The market is stendy at S7c for Canado mixed and 5S7jc for yol-) swap suntiments. u low weat. Oats--The market is quiet ; No. 2 white ore quoted at 424c onst, and 4l1$c to 42c on a low ount to New, York pt middle freig' the track Toronto, and 25¢ more for broken lots. Pene--Are Stendy at 84c¢ for No. 3 mide freights. COUNTRY P' PRODUCE. Bulter--Creameries are in good do- mand and selling well, on account partly of the decline in the quality ef dairics. The | ro are vers - eatisfactory and arc most difficult to} : Liverpoo to, Jan. 21,--Wheat -- The wheat quict ; o ania, for Treleo messages wore buyers; iron, "loading, BOs 44 Walla Walla, ary January February, 290 74d peli ay ; . se Whose, gountsy markets of yesterday, dull ; sountry markets of yesterday, : 1, Jan. . 21 .--Close--Spot Iesgrre no Gs 2}d steady: Fobruary, 3 \Sed; May, Se 3$d; flour, "198 ¢ dd. Poris, Jan --Wheot, stoady ; January, 21f pie: A eaten and~ Jupe, 2°f OFe; four steady: January, 27f P0c March and June, 28f 90c. Antworp, Jan. 21.--No 2 red win- lor, 174f. W.ABELESS SEA TALE. Ocean Liners Aerially Conversa for A deapatch from New York saya:-- Capt. UMeggman, of the North Ger nun Lioyd steamship Kuiser Wilhelm der Grosse, which arrived on 'Tues day from Uremen, bad the longust wireless sen talk on record with the Cunarder Lucanin on her |p trip to* Drenen from this port! Tho ships held aoriul conversation nearly three days, or until they were about The Lucania suiled three hours before the big Kaiser, on December 14. Of the the Cunarder was 60 tho two ships bogan to The signalling was ght long. At dny- break Sunday, the ships wes, in sight of onch other, At : ib 9 m. tho Kuiser pass aul= four miles to the southward. | k, When miles abead, Pas ni -- ASSEMBLY. phage. OF 'PROCEEDINGS ii wicca to ate HOUSE. PETITIONS FOI PROHIBITION. Tho business of flooding the Legis- lature With petitions in behalf of a Prohibitory law agajnst the sale o! commencod yosterd liquor alxo ay. Chose in uced came from quarter- ly or official bourds- of Me ! church - = places heard from 'ere: dor, cult, Thorndale Circuit, Mount For est and Morrisburg. NEW NIAGARA AGREEMENT. cod A bill to egret ihe' completion of the work July let, 1004, by which timo the company must have completed an outflow tunnel suMfciont for 100.100 | horse-powor, and must have actually w _ " Sunderland. Grimsby Circuit, Smith's Falls Cir-| oo BIG. BRITISH. BUSINESSES| Bi ae ons? 'aim or Over m85,000 nical schools in the Province of On- tario at such as may be de- a recent voyage tho Oceanic rmined by the Juture. carried 857 first-class passengers, 89 fi par raounicipalities. AGE ACT. ty THB MARRI Added to the prico paid for eargo- A wos given to the Attorney-General's bill to amend the | hte -- rg fines ma ab Rhea Marriage Act. 'he . al! th explained that it did not amend © | Com - any aweee by the, White way marriage law, but it wos thought don during BR voyage. ro ex- sirable that the provincial sta ponses are in the nolghborhood of should show what the problbited de-| od grees of consanguinity Were. 'The |, 'Dominion Parlinment could alone al- ruady for use 20,000 horsn-power. It is also provide that one Bp 1st. 1902, tho' compan ati an actual expenditure of yrhly O00 in machinery on the ground and in la- Te] one epee dollare, re addition to the = ea a et roieants of hia at, the Coin- that tho sum of $500,000 hna not been expended RETURNS ASKED FOR. sent by pose songers in the Lucania to tho I' aiser ed transmission to the to whom t ufter Sighisadl on Sunday the of neither ship were visible peal ihe other. They were ine still in touch telegraphically. At noon on Monduy the liners exchanged messages, an their commanders found that they | 'were forty miles apart. Early in the evening off the banks the Kaiser ran 1 . recta ght aclapeom Oe oS aoe. into a thick fog. He struck into do SOUS... cess cose 19 to 20c | clear weather later, and her Murconi Dairy pound rolls... <a 17e to GOe | M8 sent this message to the ship do Jaro rolls... ... Ane to astorn:-- "Tw pape et miles east of 'do tuls.. 14c to 16c ; Danks. Clea thes, The Cun- | do medium and low... ..20¢ to 1Q4c arder thus ackinnwiaagid the receipt e trictly sew te nid in caso Of the Gorpeteh =~ 'Thanks. Am still are practically not offering. |im_a Ublck fi Choice limed are accordingly in wood ho liners were then 60 intien | demand, and choice fresh gathored &Part During the night the clicki- when choice, bring 24c to 25¢. 1 Ifmed soll at 2Mc Potatoes--Oficrin, are plentiful Cera on 65c. market is easier. Ube track here are quoted oat Pa@tatoes out of storp sell at BOc. Poultry--Onferings are smal! mand is weak. The market Is steady at {¢ to 10¢ for en fe to Ve ducks and Cars on tenck here are quoted nt $10 fee oh $2. um No. 1, and $8 to 88.50 for No. 2. se raw--There i od dae the market is st iy. Care on 'the track here ave cuoted at | 5 to 65 'ii ' PROVISIONS. 'Nw demand for hog products its slropy and the market continues | iy. bogs in cnr Ints freely at $8 per cwt. but as the all have largo stocks is not keen, and few B car @ breakfast bacon, I4c; hams, 17%o to "Be: rolls, 11c; shoulders, or backs, ¢; green meats out pinklo are quoted at le lesa than Lard--Tie-ces llc, tubs Lljc, and pails 11§¢ to 11}c. OATTLD MARKETS. Toronto, Jan. 21.--Th ab the Toronto Cattle Market » ond the prices wero ort. cattle wore in the d and advanced slightly Ee The market retelpta wero 652 de, which included 915 cattle, 617 and lambs, 4468 hogs and 8 boat in Tnport"Cattle--Were a Uttle Ormer, or demand being fi Class. The best offerings sold wt. um oxportoers 20 per c Drought $3.50 to $4.50 per cot. 5 Cattle--Were steady, sell- ing at $4.25 to §4.50 per ewt. for phxed lots, $3.65 to $4.15. for Ganics ones anh §4 to $3.65 for com- mon Lo falr offerings @eeders and Stockers--Wore stoady, saliliag at $3.60 to $3.75 for slort- keep $2 f to $3.50 wy stockers. --Wero stoady, selling at §3 tg $3.26 for export ewes. *S sleo@y, selling $8.50 to $4.50 per cwt. * Wora steady, selling a' for <a and $4.12% for ---- at and ie abourd tho Kaiser grew fuinter and faintor, and Unally, when there were about 85 milus of sea between the ships, tho instruments stopped work- a EVIL DAYS IN IRELAND. Boycott Enforced in Sligo and Disorder Feared. A deepetch from London mate of a 6 in frejund n saysa:--Tt in raaily untey have any idea | which 4s ago created such distur- bances in Ircland A woll-kuown = Irishoian said tho other day bo considered things so serious King and Queen 'would not pay a visit to Ireland this | Tie nlso said that. although |"shooting hadn't commenc expressed it, he was quite sure ona! might hear of ~" things any day. POOR DESIGN ON S STAMPS. Canada gt Likely eed solos the English Pa A despatch om Ottawa sayr:-- Tho officials of 'the Post-Offce De- 4 lp artument ai not very greatly enam-| Sinking fund to meet the debentures of deaths. increase is distribut- Uses | 100, tons of cl ing ¥en Lored new English postage |/"%9 they mature, and any surplus af- cd all over the different provinces and 1,509 tons of coal a i : item | stamps, "which roached here cae) meer ter mocting othor will bo and not confined to any particular om ad -- = re : 4 bree d it does not e t nll eel into the treasury of tho Pro- oontiey. The total Indian popuig- OTders ee oe a eee ay, com "a le total number of omployees Is aver littely that tho English desiecy will be vin peer geting ver} . ° cceptod tor Ona rap TO TAX INCORPORATIONS. loreune 0 617 over tho provious yuar. | Doulton one of tha few ranco tho # pers ofa Mr. I. J. _Pottyplecey introduced a | Beltish praduets. chat dovs not reed on aoe Mg Saintoen toe Rechts bill to islature which he WANT TO SURRENDER. jto fear compotition- oven from Am- yoars, and it is thought that a much | %#!ms will result in their paying t jerica. Prormouoe Bo spite " tho 60 ed U moro striking and distinctive do- Sal seer troasu times the Fighting Burgers Are Anxious to mt. -- Doultou ted find secured. sign could have been --_--_--_ HH} INSIDE BRITISH SPHERE. De Wet a About im the trict. A ae Jot L Mr. Durr has asked for an order of sent if the boundaries of a school Only aix of the P. and ©. ficat are | the louse for a return showing the section are changed the matter can- vessels of loss than 12 knots speed. | number of pervons confined in the not be reopemed for five years Dr, xnother big dritish line is the-- ditioront jnils of the Province os in- Darr wants the five-year provision Elder, Dempster, & Co., with 89 igent persons, unable to support struck o ja. Thie line Is really several, | themselves, and the length of timo Mr. fio i introduced a bill in- ai) under the same own=-ship By iy each person has been conlinod; also tended to disqualify a school trustes way of giving some Idea of the mag- 'a return showing tho mumnbor of in- from being an alderman or comncil- pitude of its operations, it may be, has been 'contend, {reason for being so confined, STANDING ORDE tS. ter tho law In et of the disabil-: ities of blood relationship. Rig sil sent bil) provided thot Whero = al- d of all ship-bullding terations wero mm tino to 'and ship-ownlng countrios, Brituin's time the Lioutenrnt-Governor-in- piggt amazing Ogures, are to be could require these to ap~ found among thoso of her shipping © rovised stututes of the frms. Take tho Peninsular | Oriental Company, for Instance. Sir ennounced at l annual meeting that bse income of the coimyany for soar £3, ,000, white villages of a county. tle polite mAg- thatr coal bill alono had amounted to Istrate and the clerk of tho mun'cl- yowards of £750,000. The P. and polity bt form the Bourd of Registra- Gg feet consists of ne fewor ten; provision for a third cteymers, aggregating 313,892 "tons | member 1 if require bargain Dr. Barr also gave notice of a Mica ate lto amend the Schoo! Act. At L profit of © oO FOR A VOYAGE. | pear 'prov NEW BILLS INTRODUCED. Thom. Dr. Derr introduced a bill to Ox- their last tend m toard, of wh aieatl he | a me under o fag of this Liverpool house are insu for a total o BOER PRISONERS "CLOTHED. over e a maa Batic ob thar ughly fool- th Vv few men can love a girl as much after they bave seen her pick ovur cheap gloves at a bargein counter.: At tho coming Coronation ceremon- jos Qucen Aloxandra. will wear the crown made for Mary of Modena, the consort of James LI. Lord Roberts makes no secret of the fact that y foretold to him by « "fortunc-teller" and that he was so impressed at the he had full fnith in the prophoc; 'The 'Bishop Livorpool is a plain, downright simple preacher. The story t on one occasion an old lady went some distance to hear him preach. Aller service she was found in « state of grea tribulation. * she 1 thowt I'd hear something great. But L could understand every word he said.' The Btandiog Orders G t sae' to th Who Can- ahs figures of vaipbullding Hie met and organized for tho tomslon, not Purchase Them. even re wonderful Nake the 4 id | Dr. McKay, South Oxford, was A New York despatch says:--A mails- Elswick shipbuilding any eominaorinis eee chairman, Two bills werd jtaken impression being upparently Goyer 9 having grown to ia idely prevalent that the prisoners i j The Pembroke Southern Railway of war in Bermuda are not clothed bles ghey sad rag ohaeshed ; Company's biti Ing for an exten- by the British Goxernment. Percy hip a02, this amount being distri- Lame of time in building the road, Sanderson, Lritish Consul-Ceneral bu 1 amon 95,018 men. 'The yoar~ for an extension of the line, an E akg passed on to the Rallwav Com: | mittee to be further deult with. nat bill of the Torunto & Iiamil-' TEMISKAMING LINE. A bill was introduced providing for tho immediato Tomiskaming line. Lumbor along tho line of the road and olsc- where in the district of Nipissing will be avt aside to Lhe extent of 20,- 000 acrea per milo of the proposed road, this way it is expected that the Province will be completely limite o indemnified for the construction and © the railway, and tho ature for jequipmoat of fany cash pront whatevor gone rallway is to be kaown as tho cmiskeming and Northern On.arlo in the b jol a commission Poot lesa then three or moro than Ove persons. Tho |r vail is to run from North Bay to 7 point on Lake Temiskaming, muy acyuire reciprocal sacle ,Pewers and equitable traffic ments ho any other railway with | which it connocts. The railway is to be built as tar as practicable of material made and purchased in Canada. No alion is to a that the workmea are to current rate The commission ie have nie to issue dybentures 'or the coostruc- tion and aeeesien of the road Tho revenuo derived is to be used In paying interest, in establishing a now. to the Assoasment Act, and provides for the appointment Board of Asscaso whose duty it those corporations, alter the stylo of the systezn ip operation in Indiana, says:--Gen Wert is rg od about the Reitt algeriot, The Dethlobom oO CHASED SEVEN 2 MILES. General nae = Sxietoalty Eludes aptur a A despatch from 'onda Lord Kitchener reports to the War A Office that General Louis Botha Just | ang and other States. (board ix to consist of three mem- bers, whose salary shall be $2,500 ren commandocs are with | ,, enses -- nape, loside tho British sphere ke ae oe are aie) of epcratio The British comuander-in-chief re- bie Th a pie dvd ila Eide ports that sinco Jan. 6, twealy itary, at o calary not to excecd $2,- Boors bave been killed, nino have | gy been' tounded, 20% have been taptur- o + and nincty, Nese surrendered, mn ae ey * ae eee ee Shall bo deemed to include Ror pro- perty, real or personal, belo: an eibpet® to taxation under nie Act, (Including right-of-way, coad-bed, sta tions, rolling stock, telegraph and telephone. poles and wircs, -- all Properly owned or the used In carrying on the Tene construction of the 29 ge- ending Juno ciause ing as thoy a Provinoial doespat ors, will be to valuato the property of to there, has been requested ie the G consumption was 195, ernor of that Colony to mnke public tong ta 1900, to say nothing of '6, 'the foct that all euquiaites 'Bouneg 18 949 tons of coke. may be mentioned that in tho 000 orders are received yearly, while ne disposal to buy their own cloth- is this part of the book of 1,260 pages lasta elght days "Sits Eixcollency atntes that there is only. Ingots up to BS tons" In win the colony a quantity of weight are dealt with by the big cluthing pe to !ermuda for tiie hydraulic prosses, and a single plece prisoners of war which is pot requir- of hollow steel shafting 83 {cet in ed, and that Uf, notwithstanding, any jength hes been turned out. new and unused clothing is forwa rd-. The Urited States boasts that sho_ od for the prisonera. of would not be erie sta from receiv- but, ing It, though it has found ne the great shipbuilding vine at a. essary to prohibit further distribu- port Newa, ot comp intercating as are the figures of tion of worn gt Sta as a matter of sanitary Woolf, of Helfas recaution, snd In deference to th NE WEORT NEWS HAS advice of the melita auhoaitien, ctoved men at meek, a their ts in hand are Praag millions abertlie ¢ out they resid 'only one real record. That isa a swing of 126 inches, therefore, of turning crank-shalt ever put into a steamship. Just across the Thames Houses of Parliamont stands a °" tory--or, rather, a group of fuctorics of which holds more records than any other of ite kind In the world. Fruim 'Their Progress as es by the and capablo | Departmental Report. The annual report of tho Depart- ment of Indlan Affairs for the year 30th, was issued Thursday. The Deputy Minister ? cepartment Mr. Smart says that the Indians throughout the country continue to be law-nblding and con- tented, and to be more self-support- togprryoere ove ar c n numbors Thoss who aro engsged in ag. ture are making good progress. The vital statistica shew that there ere 2,333 ae ane and 2,557 deaths, mak ng an over the previoua | year of Vie int in the number of births! ,° and «a dearenso of 317 in the number sent out weekly as 6 jugs, filters, tiles, vases, otber articles of carthenwaro. This gront frm, founded BY Sit' HENRY DOULTON | road mark A Ladybrand, Orange River Colony tch saya :--Stragglers from i Is various Boer commanidoes continue hovor around the Kurreusberg dis exported. ha pleat t wool combing and mnanu- fac curing firm foun works a letter- |" war they owns the biggest shipyard on varth; | C) ing from the Unit- with Elswick, eer with Harland eer uae from the fac the 70 acres of bulldingy which the of drain-pipes and 92,000 y In all, onc third of the firm's out- ded by Sir Iseuc or two older tr, . Holden is only a Sea Bhda'a tle On ledtinotag Doultons, but its growth and chased them in the direction of 8&9 beon cqually astonishing. The Boxburg. Tho British took two oer great factories bolonging to the frm have over 40 Prisoners and captu oor space, and some years ago Three burghers surrond The health of the British troops in Were 597 wigs and 547 combing' tho brand and burg dis. machines at "e"k, accomplishing the tricts Is excellent. The cattle and /#bor that would res tuken 75,000 | sheop are good condition Sor an ae met Sao in the old days mounts are difficult to ob in| olden and Lister had these districta, owing to the "Pace sot thelr rast to work to improve anista with which they i the m that all those eae i ave already aps it may givo 'gan business. P t plant to say peak) y to surrendor ong tho 'presen hein burghere in this neighbor- er million posnen: et Wool lg . y enough, if bal to iva hood than for a year past. about 120 lengthy I ob teaina, DANGER SIGNAL IN THE CAB. SOME BRIGHT THINGS. Soiac husbands ore domestic LA 1 r: 1 - soe er escaped General Bruce Wamilton af- of said corporationa and companies petri Die = San ae some are iinpor 'in aan cs | ter a sevin-wile chase. One Doer | ang all o an sonal pro- There is an ounce of seledodh at the re ey was killed and 393 taken prisoners. |nerty owned by them, und all fran-| A Chicago despatch says :--The} root of ay groy f bap here Some rifes, cattle, etc.. were cap | chises, said franchises Ret to be di-jnew device design provont, | Whes man {6 Hopelomaly in love it 3.60 2.05 ee ened rectly assessed, but to be taken into} dents on railroads, and adopted by Pedy "increases + ooo san Heuring of u : ideration in determining the val-|the ©. and B. R. R., displaye a sig- # character is often shown ee <7 Boers at Knapdoar, Uruce Hamilton | ue of othor property." nal in the of locometive. | by what he considers laughable. sae Mae Went to the spot, but only ty find! Provision is made for the obtain-|The track is wired in blocks, the; 'If w young wowan bids you take "S00 BT the Hoers had been given the alarm |ing of all the details of the proparty |rail belag used os the Shaye aes heart, you can probably tuke bers. 3.00 2c and four hundred of them were trek- | owg corporations from of-|When there is ying one (rin No invention, we think, ever caus ee ' 5) king three mules distant, with Gen. |g under oath Any person re-| block tho signal in the <* will "tasks ed quite so much talk op the tele- in « Cape cart, leading. fusing to give the information re-| White. Sheuld an nother ain. touch | phone dq I 2.50 3.001 Bruco 'Hamiltun chased the Boers, as quired will be liable to a fine of | the same Fyre the jight x instantly |" If in doubt about an experiment Mitts Rods. eas ne Ge mm stated, until bis horses /$100 day until it is forthcoming . which paar dan-/ get somo other fellow to try it first. Sheep,.export owes "s00 g.a5/8* i™ LEVYING TAX RATE ger. T - eet ee ; A mun seldom gets so full of emo- Taawie. ver ' 260 4 -_--_--_+---- Att snow o| or by weather of ny 'tion that he has room for din- Hows, Stale, . est 0:00 SPREADING HAPPINESS. Che rate Of Ceeatian te to be cnrmek [ees one, ib Sil de its cruseings a8" . og, fat, per cwt... ..... 6.124 0.00] 'I bave but one rulo that I follow | from 'be the + rigan pd pay oar croge NES As The love. that is dumb until it Hogs, ligt, per cwt... «i. 0.195 0.00 [absolutely in this life, and that is to clerks %6f municipalities, who will bey") "» °"_A-- ge a oT Pe NWEALO GRAIN MARKRTS sible' Well' oa a oon ip reigdlig g fed beg CAPTAIN STRIOEKEN BLBwp. The... harmless' piece of orange-pesl ie t to : 4 onal property --_ is often the first step in a downward --Flour--Quiet. ough then, at what/the municipality asd the assessed Barque's Borrer age Eads) carecr iI say other | value of such real_and pereonal pro- Ee" Oe ee northern, B4o ; a) was that ?* "Sha anon 'ane the ie tate 'olat machine inte which No. 2 red, that Porty TT sell ailho the rate wan puts his money and takes what i ues 6,7B0rH ,O UyOp Oo overhear the ee ie ae A St. Pei 's, Nfd., desoatch says: Froach Mig is worse than a giratle with fore thront? A centipede with phitblains, ; Childred are like flowers in 'that they sometimes need a stick to Keop thém straight. ° The woman whe wishes to be a doesn't really knew What it is to be a '| Most young mattiod couples 'begin ea of the enormous puwer ot, d/in obtaining sittings. and | ¢df.'" a jealous wife. During the tem- eorake: absence of the wile Galatea Was about to throw herself into the aris of Pygmalion when an old lady in the audivace called oul, warning- aa "Don't do it darlint! His wife's ar of Stow Bardolph, whom the King appointed to be one of bis chaplains} in ordinary, in pluce of the Kev. Dr. | Moule, the new Bishop of Durham, is Cabul to avenge the m sir Louls Cavagnari. At the Bands of Churasioh in 1879 be saw a wounded Lascar retreating whom he rescued under fire. Sir Francis Leaking is cvor juvenile, and one of the cheericst, test, and witticst doctora in London. He is @ great favorite at dinners, dan- and I'm hanged - 4 a isn't younger than over!" . yee, _ amartly; " Uke my Bors ees up."" Lord Overtoun, the millionaire peer of Glasgow, bas conducted a bible cl thirty yeurs, and as o a onal and Gvangelist he lo demar Ho is regener! year to devote hlinself to the work of an evangelist. He is a keen fsh- man, is gore than a fair shot, and is not Lo bo despised at golf, | A Parisian journalist has been in- quiring as to the method of living of e great actresses, Yvette Guilbert belleves in baths; a bath on Fiawe a bath before goty to bed, af oars ago his great |. they ®/ march from Cabul to Canduhar wus | 49 ~|NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD The Very Latest Items From All * Parts of the the Globa, anaciaenis. 'The * tolls collected on the Ridcaa Ca on amounted to $4,- 114, which is less than 1 Jon. David Laird, Indian Com- Henry A. Professor of mi gy to the "Univorsity of Oxford, oni i the Yukon, writes to the Gov- ernment that a comparatively small been wi Part of the Klondike has rk- out, Mr, Seta" Motinarn, solicitor of Li i iven the op the entire council of that town ara disqualified for two »because violated the statute which re- ed banks, by speadice Collogiute In- stitute sinking fu 'armer aaa " Comp bell has foind nuggets of gold in he sand of Cypress River, in Manitoba. Tho gymnasium building in connec- tion with the Noyal eras aoe loge, Kingston, will cost $30,00 Neals of Binsen ea Man., i lowed his false teeth and died from the effects of a subscqucnt. operation. It is likely that Lieut.-Col. wood, of the 48rd Regiment, Ottawa, will command the Disley team this year. The Canadian Soo Canal d the 246 days of, last season had 204 vessels puss through it, 1,123 More than any previous season lie Jones and bonne. of Montreal, have been awa ed certificates by the Royal Humano Society for life savin An iron girder, 120 ips long, weighing 89 tons, has been shipped Dy the Hamilton Bridge Gowpane for the C.P.R. at Fraser River, B.C, ri 4.- FOREIGN. Paris as a league warring agatost as impure milk rway Government may c-~ o tablish a state lottery, as they need the moncy for national finances. Landrath Von Nonnigsen, son of a Promineat German politician, was mortally wounded [nm «a duol ut Hon- en. culls, ae now bundreds of besten' well-d m are copylog th stylo. Mrs. Hanna ©. Sprinkle, of Pana Til., has been m and times to oe extent of $15,000 with- in two yeu Tho Western Pickle Packers' Asso- ciation of Chi Oo fear a famine in pickles, although tho price has ad- vanced 50 a barrol over Inst year, and ore consigering another ralse. en is epidemic at Lafayette, d Lord emer will go on a foreign cruiso shortl Supreme Court up- holds the eight-hour law. An Anti-Duelling League has been ny. 'he fhext world's Sunday School convention will probably bo held in Jocrusadem. | OF coca made a coal torch and burned to death at man, formed in Ger) Inte Jean de Black, Russian Councillor of Sta ueathed $225,000 to charity. Mra. Josephine rg domely of Milwau- tr! kee, Wis., has Just been granted her seventh divo: ten 'so bours, golng straight to bed without ! eat ing --< on returning from tho theatre, curtains to ber bed: she an freely and awakes in good temper. She never! Trouges, but complains of thus sparing her skin, sho is not psirea O and really looks more than The Ger Prince showek as an ompnce with the valk br AD Princo Eto! Frite, isa charming fel | low for all that, and est as! Ta charactor ho more lect and varied talents of tho latter, along with his passion for suldicr- Whea the Princo was a littie fellow of throes or four yeors old he h a way of looking a soldier up end down as Lf bo know evory dotall of hia uniform from head to foot. belleve,"' said an oflicor, "he'd see by looking nt your [ace if the gold lace at the back of your collar were tar- nished!*' . | It was Sir Heary Irving who gave Mr. Onslow Ford hie frat start along the road in which he a met with so much fame rtune. Tho that, in spite! ,cae and sculptor, who from ais boyhood ae 'always admired Irving's Shakespea can per! sa story: "I ; again and eqaia, an | 'a statuo of him Ip t get an introduction to still longer tima -before [ su Recognizing | that I was o youmg man on the frst rung of the ladder, he agreed to give mo Pr odin witimately. pur- ch the statue when it was finish- --paiegeanier. . RHODES TO BREAK TRUST. Gets Meat Contfacts Amounting to Millions A a despatch anys --Cecil seoured Rhod ntracts chtniting te to several million. pounds sterling for s Africa, es all Hritish troops there, with fresh meat, to South Africa im refrigerator vos- sels The long-stamding differences bo- tween Rhodes and the head of one of the South icam celd atorage con cerns, which, at present, practically con i the freah-meat irade, caused Rhodes to aan. KING'S NEW BODY GUARD, Will Be GO : At Wichita, Kan., Netlie Corneili- ears old, cut the throat of three-year-old sister. cod Nowport.. R. 1., Assistant Sur- J, Huchnnan, U.S.N., his. Naar 'with a razor and dicd. H of Prussia, will repre- corona- rl At Montalto, down ano ground room was found full objects of the Roman time. John Scott, known under ths namca id » Was arrested at Uniontown, Ky., and ad- extol that he is the husband of eight WAC German basco ae an officer ia the Prussian ed at Nice, France, a being impli- cated in a sorious case of csplonage discovered there. Chicago is signing a petition to prohibit tho further exportation of horses and mules from any part of 'tho United States for use against the Boers in South Africa. ree cas, a barber at Hamil« ton, Ohio, _ de velo caso ol smallpox, and the' authorities ere now iooking oe his customers in or- * | dor to prevent the spread of tho dis- case through them. Lord Curzon, Viceroy, of India, is 1903, to celebrate the coronation Poa Ki Ed , and has especially vited the Ameer of Afghanistan. --_-- + TRIALS BUT TEMPORARY. French Tomment on the King's: Speech Favorable. cific and calm as ing- from the lips of the head of on empire, whosw trials are bus temporary. MOTOR FIRE-ENGINES: Tho" -first- town in England to de i reelus tL piled the e uses wih power ful ttle aataen, which have novel su 'ul in covery woy. e five meno, fuur ladders, rds of hose, two sland-pipes other applian [t is driven by a double cylinder seven horso-power water-cooled engine fitted.with var iable ignition, of a Sq of In Cavalry. A Londoil despatch says --1" is ru- TN Edward has decid- ed to establish a hae ar evi Xi acs foe ee os A bar ef Swedish iren that would) a ds, would 4 weight of 19@ poun 202 ener when converted into bear best stecl a SEVEN TONS OF COPPERS. Mr. of the London County Council, recently ane that woven tons of coppers -- Pays amie = tram 'tthe conn natubered 127,00 000, per encum nmeneges Tess--"'Della ella Mode wants 1s oto try wonder if she'd vae."' wonder. Why, - ean the Plainest bind of peaplo look alce,"'

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