Listowel Standard, 24 Jan 1902, p. 8

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J. W. scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. : Listowel, Palmerston | and OnTICeS alto with J: e: Halstead, Mount Forest and A General Banking Business transacted. , DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. J A lage amount of peteate fonds to lend farm security at 434 per cent., with pr privilege of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. = ]. W. Scorr & Son. ie ESTATE BROKER. men's. BRICKER. REAL ESTATE BROKER. eae, cleared, 20 in $5,000 will fed, Large 100 or a 2s io ap mil "A We 'Watlnce on: shod 10.5 40, iam or ron Wa i i mite frome pchoo! i Larm ald sell at " 1 purchase a very five farm { be $1,000 w wi township of wlarybure; acres, BS : office, blac! i dae at once or you will rsa _ $8,500 will buy 190 acres in El ge ban dt house; wol! fenced ; large orchard. Thi farm ea era -ker jack. De not delay one moment if you require a fact ol this H,000 wl bay an excellent farm in Minto; i ba: 100 acres ; bank 'barn d.straw hag bo honse, first-class wells. small avel road, aud f ees Faimerston. " A splendid chance, and one that will ge quick. £2,900 w will buy a very fine brick ck ram, nearly new, up-to-date, modern, town, mast be sold, party leaving town. #000 will purchasn a very greed Pury street. This is a snap-an the sont ih toante, c 'all at ones asall it is necessary for me ptode show and duwn she goes, jand, only O miles from Wiiuy ep ra F218 aren ic srodced a 'on 4 oata are bores this year. also ala ble. A al 'or ef pom PTorms aay 0 fo 'ta Niaonual the flues farts in the Town, ani of Bruce, A-t brick houre, lar orchard, ro in fair sbaqe adi failing #pt ercek. Terma to suit porches T have soles caren bullding tote for sale. Now # the time to buy $100 will buy.a very wice frame house and lot, in Al shapewamd is cheap ut 0. i ws Wantel--i or 5 acres gens gow nae, stable an dorchare 3. HRICKER. CARTHAGE. Asleigh lond of the youth and beanty of this vicinity drove to the residence of Mr. Wm, Burnett, Elms, on Friday evening. The evening was very pleasantly epent in games, music and social chat. Wm. Campbell and R. J. Moore are buaily engaged getting material ready for the erection of new barns the coming summer, Yourt Evergreen No, 142, ©. 0. F., are holding their annual oyeter supper on Plage evening. Mre Mobr of Milverton visited ber assisted his brother, merchaut, in taking stock a "Tew duya last week, The North Morningtoo W. F M. 5. held their sovual meeting on Tuesday atberngom: at the residynce of Mrs. Jas. Boyd Mr. Fallis, our teacher, spent Sun- day at his home on the townlipe. Miss Moore entertained a uum- ber of her fripuds last Thursday even- ing. MOLESWORTH. The members of the W. # MLB. met at the mause oo Monday aftervoou aud presented Mra. (Kev.) Ballantyne with a beautiful dinner set of chius dishes acd av easy rocking chuir. Mrs. Ballantyov bas been president of the society for eight or nine yeare, aod the address given and presentation were only evidences of appreciation for the valuable services she bas reu- red. Rey. G. Ballantyne ie conducting a successfol series of special services in the Presbyterian charch, ts Jas. Menzies is at present very ill, having taken sick while attenaing the sick bed of Mrs, Thus McDonald. Tho pupils of Moleawerth seboul ou Moudey afternoon last presouted their teacher, Mr Chas. E. Leppard, with the following address end presenta- fon : To Mr. Chas Leppard--Dear Teach- er: Itis with the greatest pleasnre that we,-your pupils, have met this aftcrnoou for the purpose of offering to you and your esteemed wife our heartfelt coogratoiations aud best wishes, You have always proved youreelf to be a faithful frieud and an excellent teacher, by doing all that lay in your power to advance our interests alongeducational lines, By your faithfulness in performing your duties as teacher and helper, and alro by your mauner of life, yon have en- deared yourself not ouly to us, but to this whole community. We now take be o g@ our appreciation of your services by pre- senting to-you thiaconch as a mere token of the high esteem in which you are beld by ue, Whun the lody is tired and the brain wary, ou find sweet repose by :eclining on this beaatifaleouch. Again you aod Mrs. Leppard a long aud eles life together, we remain, yours sincer- ely. Signed in behslf of bf -- Mary Spence, Mar Fraser, Adam Menzies, WALLACE. Singleton Wilson and Mre, nt Seturday and Mr. Wilson of Elma 5 Suoday with bl . Poole, ma Wal- nce, Mr, Wilson ix one of the pion- eer settlers of Elma, and has been one of the many who have contributed its rapid development to be one of the gee oF args 7 Dg 2 It ie donbtless to gratify the Porat Assets - Pearle M y Fred. Elliott," Will. "Fraser, ; SANK OF 'ALTON 1M 'Carrran AvrmonixgD - $ 2,500,000.00 Carrtat Paro Ur - - § 2,000,000.00 Reserve Fuxp -« - ESTABLISHED IN LISTOWEL OVER 27 YEARS, HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. DIRECTORS : op CAAA" fa HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, D, B. Wikio, General Manager. Branches in JOHN STUART 4.G. RAMSAY, Vion Puearo JOHN : GEORGE ROACH A.T. WOOD, M.P. WM. GIBSON, M. P. A,B LEE|(T ) H. 8, STEVEN "Lest. @ » Asst. Gen- . a. M. x. WATSON Laspector. BRANCHES, Beamsville, Mitchell, | Blyth Milton Beriin Morden Brandon, Moose Jaw, N.W.T. Carman, Man Niagara Falla, Ont Chesley Orangeville Delhi Owen Sound Dundaa, Wan: Dandalk, Palmerston Georgetown Munnd. Man. Grimsby Plom Coulee, Gerrie. Port Elgin Hamilton "Barton St. Branch Stonewall, Man; East End m than p dots, Mas Toronto Indian Head, N. W, T. Vancouver, BO Listowel Winkipe Man cknow Wiskler Man itou Man vings Bank: vier & ig me epreita of 8 A teres ade we Pelelpa (a sia ant and weriabet each Deposits also rece! veut of iutercat. ity ae iamay be withdrawn without formal- Drafts ble and the United hynny stall points in Cansde Draftaon Groat Britain and the continent of eos and sold. Ors no at yctarent Agents in United States. New York: Hanover National Bank and Fourth National Bank, Bonton ; Internationa! Trust Co. Marine Bank of Buffalo. Deirott, De- troit Natioaai Bank. Chicago: First Nawional Agents in Great Britain. National Provincia! ank of England, I imited, rell oufied that the Hank ton and Its Erevakes faaue Circular Notes the National Provincial Bank of Linlted which can be caabed without me or trouble in any part of the world. J. H.STUARBT, Agent, Listowel -- some = intbe prairie prov- and med a very favorable 3 option of ie resources and advan- tages in making -money. They will make a enccess of-fariping in the west, we feel assure carry wil them the beat wishes of a bost of i, ene neigh Mr. and Mrs. Wa. 'Ellis of Drayton visited pos friend, Mr. Eri. Schrigley, on Saturday. be Marion Cheese Co. will let the gti i. the milk on Saturdsy, Feby. 1 Milea Bacon, general agent for the Massey-Garris Oo. in Manitoba and the Territories, is renewing acqosino- tances after av absence of five years. He spenks highly of the country, and would advise parties wishing to make a slart in life to go west. Covxcm.--The Manicipal Council elect of the Township of Wallace met in the township hall, Gowanstown, on Monday 13th January, 1902, at pelt o'clock, and the members having m declaration of qualijfication and ofties, took their seats as follows : Joseph Walker, Reeve -; Samnel E, Smith, Joho Boros, Jobo Koch ood Andrew Demman, Connrcillore. The Reeve in the chair. Moved by Burns an Demman, that BR. G. Roberts be re- appoitted Clerk for the year 1902, at u salary of 3180--Carried, Moved by Smith aod Koch, that Joho Stewart be re-appointed Treasurer, at the same sulacy ae last year--Carried. The | miuntes of last session were read, and 'ob motion were adopted. Applica- (ious fur the office of Agsessor were received from Adum Strong sod Mil- ton Kreh, ov y Burne end Smith, that Adam Strosg' be appointed Awsessor for the towneltp of allace for the year 1902, at aculary of $48-- Carried. Moved by Koch and Smith, that W. J. Turpbull and Harve; Ellis be appointed Anditore of the accounts of the township of Wullace, at the same salary os last year, and a by- iaw be introduced confirming the ap- polutment--Carried. Moved by Dem- man aud Boros, thatarrears of taxes against lot No. 31, con. 1, baving been paid to the township treasurer, the clerk is hereby directed to uotifiy the county treasnrer to etrike the same from his booka--Carried. The followiug acoonute were presented : John Kiapp, tile drain, E A. $ Jumes Tremain, balf cost gravelling townline, §10 ; Alvio E. Kennedy, LD BR. O fee, 86, Tohn Mason, do., $4, RK. G. Roberts, ; do, thy KG Roberts, delivering ballot boxes, ete., 85; Robert Drive, half cost repairing culvert T, 1; Daniel Laugh5ran, balf cont yada town. line, $2 ; Four polling bouthe, muauici- pal election, $16; Christopher Ash, plank and repsiring culverts, $3.40, William Felker, balagce on gravel, 40c ; H. Ooghlin, Engineer's certifi- cate, $1. Moved by Smith and Koch, thet the foregoing accounts be paseed and paid--Carried. By-law No, 363, to appoint certain officers for the town- ship cf Walluce was introduced and read, Moved by Demmad and Borns, that by-law No 363,as now read three times, be passed and signed--Carried. Moved by Smith aud Koch, that this municipality gravts the sum of five dollars to the Hospital for Sick Child- ren--Carried. Moved by Smith and Koch, that this Council adjourps, to meeton Saturday the 15th day of February, to receive the Auditors' report and to transact geperal busi- ness ir pom tirg R. G, Roparts, Clerk. Sold by All Newsdealers in Ontario, Quebes, Mani- ts North West" Territories, and ritish Columbia, reserve Mr. Whaley is giving up farming. 'T. E. Hay, Auctioneer. BIRTHS. Parse--In Amanecer. inet, the wife of Rev. J Friday, Jan. . F. Parke of a The oF: died Sunday morning. Rae. revs po Jan. 6th, the wife of Elijab ian Dirrie. wines on Jan, 15th, the wife of « he Dipple of a daughter, MARRIAGES. Camesxeti.--Scorr--in Boston, Mauss, 88 Devon St., Sc dawns 16th," 3902, i Rev, Jas, J. Dunlop, pastor of rragbent on Chareb, Misa M Boston, an Mr. Geo. F. Campbell of Boston, na son of Col. D, D. Campbell, Listow: Tohlectloths, Ail hborwekeepers fike te have tale cloths froned wah only eve fold throngh the center, To Keep then after this lavmdering they are best rolled ou a stick. Eneh tablecloth lis ite own stick, as long as the eleth is wih: when folded length- wise through the center, the sticks beibg neatly covered with, lirst, several folds of flannel awl atterwerd with muslin, When the cloth is ironed in one fold, one end Is evenly pinned to the stick and the cloth loosely rolled on it, go that it Will not crease. Afterward tha whole is slipped into a lorg., unrrow bag ond lald in the linen closet, or in the long drawer of the sideboard, if that is kept for the purpose. Light hiborniage err Tf one or 'wo: piec WALTER BROS. [dM SOHINBENN, cats Se) Lack Here ! &4 Ladies' Jackets, new style, 1-3 off regular price. : Ladies' Jackets at Half Price. \ ra No. 4, Main § iss this great opportunity. 1 lot Men' 8 Ulaters, 1 lot Boys' Ulsters, = One lot odd vests Reg. Price $1 vely prep pride one single sy!lable into print but, what we can carry ont, .We will quote but few prices to give you a -MEN'S AND BOYS'GLOTHING. 1 lot Men's Ulsters, Regular Price All Men's, and Boye' Suits at a discount of 25 per cent. AGENTS iN G GREAT BRITAIN--Licyd'aBank, \ + boneouy Seep fora voen | -- 25 Children's Jackets at Half Price. 4 or oto apy Canada. * The has with us, and we Jook forward to . - . . oom BRANCH. like p Jn the mi Yea wwe know bat boxines waccas ca ae Wé have a lot of nice Caperines which we are offering A | ARTMENT -- rion business © bave before th: enon, monstrate " yee see tree aes See er er not our methods are based on such Thess -- tate tees My this Cost, : geuciat. attention given to the discounting of | their shopping place during the ero ately tel aoa that there is no und, : ; . Per ¥ poten. aralable at ll poate ia ish Aye poh por oe oe heey seers in er coved nd moutia to 38 Men's Heavy Overcoats At Cost anthsome Below Cost. CAMIONET, ORDERS leeued "pa le ab any dieing GENERAL CLEARING SALE: ae ts catomery vith any up-to- ; . ' ae oe ee ee All our Men's Heavy Winter Suits,At Cost. eee OUR MOTTO = oats SPEGIAL VALUE Auction : venison 2st omar et! NOTHING MUST Be CARRIED OVER implementa for Mr. Iaaac ay, a In all kinds of Underwear, Prints,.Flannelettes, Dress Elma, west of Listowel, Sale will begin ter goals mast. be cleared out at, some w. Goods. If you are looking for Genuine Bargains we atl oekek sharp, and will be without money avin yon bay. _We have i nce :saidials fanaa have them. WALTER BROS. for pe A therefore we positi- J. M. SCHINBEIN. ight idea of what this sale means to 87 50 Sale Price $4 97 5 49 LADIES' JACKETS. rs $5, $6 and $7 Jecketent.. $2 79 $9 and $9 50 Jackets at.... 5 29 all $2 50 Jackets at........ - 649 FURS. 1 only Coon es size 48, reg. Poveeeeeee $60 (0, eale pri 9 Rock Walloper Coats, size an Fa Pale: reg. $20 00, sale 2 Far I Lined Coats, sizes 39 « 42, reg. $37 50, sale price One lot o of Caperines and Raffe to be cleared ont at coat price. DRESS GOODS, 1 lot 65c and 750 Dress Gooda f4 inches wide, sale price oo lot, regular $1 25, sale 69 1 Rb to lot, black, browu and Eres 40 inchea wide, to clear a 15c Gefen fing nen iat ; 5 00 " 3 19 { , " . 25 to $1 50, Sale Price 99 t Look ! t p Re. MEN'S OAPS. t ney ere Business Suits a '00 nines with Style Distinction All $5 and $6 Caps at........ $8 | ¥ Fabrics Rare for the Money + rg A Fit that is Faultless 4 LINEN DEPARTMENT, | 3 Fy 2 yds wide bleached Tabliog, - 2 reg. $1.25, eale price......... ag yw Any man 'interested in getting the largest measure of ; 2 yds $1 10, sale price.........- ma satisfaction at a moderate price, ought to imp x 1 line 60 in. wide, blesshed, reg. eel our stock of Clothing, new and up-to-date. 3 , a sale _ ee ate | 7 have more of them than you care to look at, i ct ine, reg. a) nisate Best Be Cotton, aale price 6o per sd. | | me kind is here, and there is a surprise in the ; Flannelette, 28 in. wide, sule price bo; d q y° { par yard. __ & Our $16 Suit is equal to a $20 tailor-made. : GROCERY DEPARTMENT. , & "> Special suit at : Try us for a pair of fine Worsted Trousers, $4. 22 Ibs best Granulated Sugar Ordered Clothing a specialty, fit guaranteed, material ee er $1 00 of the latest style. > 23 Ibs Brown Sugar for..... . 100 4 Ibs best Currants for....... Pe ; - = . ss 5 Ibs Raisins for..........-- 25 'A stitch in time saves nine. Our garments are 10 Ibs Green Coffes.......--. 1 00 of size oe fecloned in a small bataie halt tull of olive oil and kept for some Little time, the sir space in the bot- the will become filled with a phosphores- ceng capo fade, but w ew simply un- corking the bot Sufficient light will be given out to tell the time by. makes and Nolses. Tt Js a curious fact that there are cer talo kinds of noises which attract enakes. The whir of the mowing machine Is- one, x months as many as alone bave been killed on o grass farm in India by getting in front of the advancing machine. bliging. Lady (to village jobber, who for days s been "working" in the house)}--Can you tell me when you aro likely to have finished this job? Jobber--If you can tell me, where I'm Ukely to get another. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE mar, Ano acreanda quarter of land and dwelling house, stable, hard and soft water and a lot of frnit trees. Also a comfortable frame dwelling house and qoarter acre of land on which there is isa fine garden, with fruit trees, small stable, hard and soft water, For particulare apply at this office, or box 83, "Listow wt P, O.--61. N OTICE. Notice is hereby Bes on ~~ the Annual Meeting ct the me e HOWICK FakMERS' MUTUAL "PIRE INSUR. ANCE CUMPANY will be held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Friday, Feb. 7th, 1go2, atlo "clock p. m.. lor 'the purpose of receiv- past year, and for other bue'- pens, By order of the W. S. McKERCH ER, velary. Gorrie, Jan. 17th, 1902. NOTICE Tu CONTRACTORS. Sealed me ndera, ~~ i ghana ill be recvived by the "padkeale a luding Monday th he Bd dy of Feb includip onda LJ ebruary, 1902, fr the fi "undes ie wont heating) pies th: the 4 coined ofa Town Hall for th the Village of said pla d specideata seen at the olen of ithe illage Clerk, Drayton. Brick can be secured at the Drayton iy and stone and sand farnished by the Satin security will be uired for the omer Age the wa No tender necessaril: Y A.C, WOODMAN, Clerk, Drayton, On Saturday, Jan. I8th, we will put on packed, to sell Highest price paid for ali Farm Sign of the Elephant, at 10c. Come early and get y yee choice. Walter Bros. sale a large case of 12}¢ Print, not yet un- ree ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ea Woolen Mill. Main Street, Listowel. | -- = 3 --_ : DOUBLE STITCHED--"SAVE YOUR MONEY." : ee ee ee ee ee rn i SP eee a ee LISTOWEL MAKEETS. one ,,. il - ssa we BE ow 8 SQ eos eu o S2aSssosetuass = awe mis own Chafing Dishes . . There is nothing nicer than a Chafing Dish these He days, You can, if you have one, Siew O ysters, Boil Gags or Book a Stew iva very few minutes. Sea them "7 GUNTHER'S for $3, $3.60 and #4. New Goods have arrived in Fancy China, Silver- Ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Etc. * Special actention em to Watch Repairing and Adjusting at Goldsmith and Diamond Hall. J. H. GUNTHER, Jeweller. 40 Main Si, West. Listowel BOROOR DS O888084 Children Cry tot CASTORIA. ing you may wish FANOY CHEESE AND DO NOT FORGET THAT THE CITY RESTAURANT. - Will gt? sit pace of Nuts and Candies at very low Also Fancy a tng Bon Bons 1§c per = rage Raisins, " Figs, Dies Oranges and _always.o on Spee: Dont forget to ae OYSTERS THOMPSON BROS. Great [loving Sale Is now going on, and has proved to be the most successful one that has ever taken place in Listowel.' We are getting on two extra hands, as with our present staff of thir- teen it is impossible to supply the wants of our customers. We have decid- ed to clear the goods "ee of cost, in many cases at half price and less. It will add great] our comfort to do your shopping in the a as our store is crowds e doors during the afternoon. wee KID GLOVES. CORSETS. Best made » Reg. Sale price in France. $1.00 $ .69 Regular .45 Sale Price ido 1.25 88 7 fin + dio 1.35 * 99 "5 Mig 570 150 119 "1.00 e 70e «1.25 oF 850 It is bor ler to hunt for ear To walk upsightly and etand opportuni ties with dignity you should wear ' Best sold than to find new our Yegaulee' Dol Dollar Corset Great Moving Sale Price now TOC im Canada. °"** You will never bave the chance again to boy Gloves as cheap as at the Great Moving Sale. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Undrewear . Remnants and Fancy Dress Goods. Regular 20c Sale Price 90. Regular 150 Sale price 8c. " 450" 2a = 400 B80, o 506 i. 190. a 250 ae 12}0. "oa 900 " 55e. o 45e ae 930. "eo aa 60a. You are offered out and out values in these goods most anxious to sell such is the w. We are and ara istoaie ing the chance of a lifetime i' you do not determined to reduce our stook in this line during the take advantage of this offer during the Next Seven Days. Next Sev The above four Special Lines will last for the Next Seven Days and we -| are satisfied that it will reach your highest expectations. People are ba erg e : from far and near in answer to our Ads. and are simply astounded at the [great : reductions in our prices. Come One and All | and examine our goods and youwil be clans that ¥ we, mean business. ' i, Bros. ee le ne

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