YOU'LL SEE THE WISDOM of buying here if you inspect our Stockof Jewelery, Watch- es, Precious. Stones and Silk ver-ware, and compare. our prices with the offerings of "other Merchants. Your VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY at thir establishment. Our reputation would suffer if we sold you Goods of in- ferior quality. ee | A. ZILLIAX, JEWELER AND ENGRAVER IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS MEATS Tr . RIGHT - - PRICES STEVENSON THE C/1TY BUTCHER Best, Steuk Be per Ib., Lamb 80, Pork ry ts 7c and 8c, Boilin as Bagne Pork Be to 100, -Te _, fic, Bologna 'Sausa, ge 10c, Hates 4c, . Side Meat 12c. 8. J. STEVENSON, Wallace 8t. F. S: HOWE'S SHAVING - PARLOR ipped with all modern facilities for frees pal Give him a call, 8h old Royal Hotel Block. Wallace Badge. «B.S. HUWE, Prop. St. forphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICTIUKS «0 Solicitors for the Rank of Hamilton. Notaries Public and Commleaionere. Money @ 8B. Momrnr aah: M Carinnw, Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Netarics Pablioand Conreyanvers, Bolicitors for Scott' Banking Houseand Ont, Pore. Bidg. & Loan Assnciatior. F EK. Riewerit. Geo Bray. b. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A., Barrister, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 44 PER CENT Office, Mala St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Branch oflosiu Atwood every Wednesday. fiabee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, «£C. Solicitors forTho Merchants Bank. TP. Maaee, E..c "Cr0.- Man W.E. Dingman M D. RADUATE of Queon's University ; mem'ser of ¥Cahere of ae * clans and ad Surgeons, Oncario. ad . TOmce | Be pL Nel Street cant. Thos, Fullarto~. ATWOOD OXT., [yee of Marriage Licenses, Coma eee Money to lend eselog done on pret le terma. R. G. Roberts. SHIPLEY, uin A$ Rae: for tho cag and oe Com any any sums frock pec oa : am easy term L.. O. L. No. 370, Listowel Mocta in Orange Hall first Friday in each moath. equested 0 attend al! meetings and visiting brethren cordially invited LNUGEBS W. RB. HAMILTON, a wi Reo, Seo. bire Fire aw Money te Loan Ip wards ata lor rate oi all descriptions dont Look at This. $500,000 TO LOAN lowest r "- ecg in sums over Sino to sult customers ries reasonable time arn it hy ris in, All Busineen iretrsos, Pea che Hamilton Provident and Los G. I. R, TIME GARE, Mized 10.55 * Por Kincardine --Mixed | p.m; Express 7.45 & I9O2. In Business Colleges as in Business, o: eg AND SEALMERGTON; For Lagiey : £02 a, ed EXPERIENCE COUNTS. Li Ly | Pe has teachers of experience. - The rates are reasonable. The courses of. study are thorough and practical. Winter terin begins Jan. 6 1902. You can spend a few months profitably with us. Send for our Journal. C. A. Fiemine, Pres. = Owen Sound; - Ae L. Mciuryas, Sec. =. - Listowel comes out: trium- --though phaht .corldusly--the densest fog at + sea does not disturb the 'saloon or the fg that?. The word 'fog" has not been traced further back than the sixteenth cen- tury, but the thing was 'known in the early years of the fourteenth. commons, with the prelates and nobles visiting London for the parliaments and on other-occasions, united to peti- tlon Edward I. to compel the burning only of dry wood and-char eavy ransom and fines were infilcted for disobedience. In the case of recalcitrant brewers, oF. ers and o artificera the furna oud kilns were destroyed. But the = striction Was evidently removed, for In $250--probably equal to about $4,- 000 pow--was pald from the exchequer 'or wood and coal for the coronation of Edward II. The Game D ying IL th Sald a railroad engineer: "The ever- age man has no idea bow many anl- mals and birds are killed every year by the cars. If you will walk along a railroad, you will see toads, frogs and snnkes almost every mile that have been cut in two by the engine. "But these are not the only forms of I bave run ia, hedgehogs and pretty nearly every otb- er sort of small animal. Once lI saw a ruffed grouse sitting on the track. It waited and d did not seem at all afrald. When at last it did get up, the engine was 80 close that it struck the bird and tossed it to one side, dead. "But the strangest experiences [ ever had were in the south, I was running an engine on the Queen and Crescent road, which goes through Lake Pont- chartraln on a long trestle. Ducks and other water fowl were numerous on os lake, ~~ the sight of a headlight med attract them, just os the tight in : lighthouse attracts many birda, e night w e struck a flock of ducks that medida Into the engine and cab as thoug® it were them from the clouds, They broke the forwar! windows of the cab, and we gatherc. up enough ducks for two good, blg game dinners. Kindred Vices, The Rev. Justus Forward, settled in Belchertown, Mass, a hundred years ago, once reproved a workman for swearing while be was plowing a new field. "Swear!" sald the man. "I guess si by swear." Z ard took the plow and pik rea 'after it, indignantly di charge. Then, os the fleld code more impassable, he began panting: "I never did see the like! I never dld seo the Iike!' When he bad gone once round the field, he stopped breath- loss gaid: "There, you see I didn't find it neces- gary to swear." "No," drawled the other man, "but you've told more'n fifty Iles. You said you never did see the = apd you lowin'." saw it all the time I w Youth's Companion, efalness. It is a great satisfaction at the close of life to be able to look back on the years that are pust and to feel that you have lived not for yourself alone, but that you have been useful to others. You may be assured also that the same feellng ls o source of comfort and happiness at any perlod of Ife. Nothing in this world Is so good as usefulness. It binds your fellow crea- tures to yon and you to them; It tends to the improvement of rour own char- atl To gives you o real lmpor- voclety. much beyond what 'lal stution can Lestow. eter, tuuee in 7 nrtitte Palefal lynorn « Wiilis ~ Dive, w ere | is th' Isth- Wha rr Isthinns of Panama? Witte, vo vou men to tell me that you howe heen efadsing grammar two pers aol set deat know where the 1 i ina of Panuma is? Ef yoo ain't atle dae ES acte the Isthmus of Pan organ w+ by tomorrow nlgbt, I'D bhe re u go lo bed at 6 o'clock? A Query. I fessor (lecturing) -- Oxygen, gen- Ulemen. is essential to all animal exist- cace. There could be no life without it Strange to say, it was cg ' ere'! retil a century ago, wh Rtudent--W hat did tbey do be before it was discovered, alr?, Me Wasn't Surprised. "Bee here! I found two pebbles in the milk bowl yesterday!" "I'm not surprised, ma'am. The wa- What is the difference flirtatious man and a poor tennis play- er? rn Ore courts the missés and the other misses the courte.--New York Times. Reading about success is an incen- tive, but without action it is Just about os useful as steam in a k day Evening Post. Faith {In your own ability is two- thirds of tbe battle --Chicago News. a Cutting, A Scotch lawyer was prell repraved prhen, seated by a fully aware of her own plain looks, having bowed ta his hostess in z f FF rt i ae z LS © z y <A "~ » Th followin eee ate takea 8 g fig : se - }the'snonal 'some Sg of 'e jhe {68 season, 1 -oba,070 Shei saa attuees for séasdn, 248 amennt ; a' 289.74; total cost fork suling milk tor' : Beason $1,216.25 ; total coat of manu- facturing for.the -season, - $1,053.07 ; average - to pound of cheese for season, 10.7590 Jbs.; average roe gaa per Ib. of cheese for seasov nomber of days factory run, 189. Tout reoeipte, $13,720.18; total expenditare, 1 : Des. 27th, 1901, cash balance on hand, $188.70, Rev. A. B, Farney, of Aylmer, preached his larewall sermon in Bt. Stephen's Church, Gorrie, on Sunday, Jav. 191b, toa very large congregution. Mr. Farvey has been rector there for the past four yeare, aud doring that time made many warm friends, who are sorry he is leaving to take up his eeriience in Aylmer, where he is to be- e Rector of Trinity Church in that ptien On Monday evening about one hondred of his Gorrie congregation assembled at the-rectory and presented him with an excellent gold watch and Mre. Farney with oa handsome silver and a half -- Farney responded on bebalf of bimeelf and Mrs, Farney, after which a very sumptoous supper was served by the ladies, The remuinder of the evening was spent in music, gamos, etc., and everybody epjoyed themselves im- meneely." For Uver sixty fears 8 Soornrsa Sraur bas been of Syrop" fer Children Tenthiog, It at celle c . oat, -- su Tferer lmmediutely Depend + Diarthon Zbcat it. Tt ou rmyulltes the Stemach and Bow rela, res W Colic, softens tho Guan, reducts infatomation, and stone and tas | fo the presi ption wenty- gists th redaboub BS. Winslow's cents 4 o bot! le. Bold by" ai dra the wo ed Be sure and on THING Synor * LISTOWEL BAKERY. Cher penis i eeming and now is the ime tc eall and leave your order for YOUR XMAS CAKE. We make the best in the country, ato Reasonable Price, a'so make Scotch Bread--the real stuff, Calland get a Loaf of Whole Wheat Heead, xlso our Gluten Hread, they are the most wholesome Breails made. Wedding Cakes made om short notice At the old stand, Main etrect vast, A. YULE. BUGGIES FOR SALE. Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Roa Carts and Wagons If you mais ana en in the eabivte line, tow ia the arze atuck on Land ee w ill soll at closest. prions. A call at my carriage shop will couviner, J. F, WILSON Mill Street, Listowey Clothing BKvidence, No evidence can be 60 convincing as nx that of yourown eves Drop in on us some day before you get that Suit or Coat, and let us just show you what we are offering--aod the prices. 'Then if we can't show youthat it will pay you to buy from us, don't buy, We will be pleased to see you anyway ROGERS, EXPERT - - TAILOR. Main Street, Listowel, flusic Instructor. |: R- RAYNER, Teacher on ¢, MANDOLIN, GUITAR LIN, an tCCARIONET, Is prepared to aive ri en ising a at Mr Yates Ftrest. 45 elther Kadsyidiee rp i ticulars mad own Pi & Howe's barber shop, GREAT GREAT CLEARING SALE IN Watehes, Clocks, Jewelery, Goll, Filled and Rimless Spectacles, and Glasnes. , ' Up-to-date Photographs all sizes and A large size Crayon~ with each dozen large Cabinets. 4 SUNBEAMS FOR féc. Repairing prompt and reasonable. Gold Eye S. M. SMITH, 5 eo : velne! oft. "for. 'infant 4. THE Cemra ' 4 ~The Fac. simile ree of Appears on "very Wyapper. PANY. TT EWNNAY OTAKET, Hew We wish you all Model Merchant Tailors. - LISTOWEL CLOTH. HALL. 000404448 A HAPPY NEW YHAR. We will give you a New Year's Gift for 380 DAYS ONLY OF A 20 PER CENT. DISt DISCOUNT CASH SALE. MacKENZIE BROS., Main Street, Listowel. Box. DO NOT FORGET THAT THE CITY RESTAURANT Wilfhave all 'kinds of Nuts and Candies at very low prices. Also Fancy Home-made Bon Bons 15c per Layer Raisins, Figs, Dates, Oranges and everything you may wish for. FANCY CHEESE AND OYSTERS always on hand. Dont forget to call. A. B. GEORGE. sold. can sell cheap. Zinn & Greve's old stand. DO oO YOU WANT A PAIR OF ° BOOTS OF SHOES RUBBERS OR FELT BCOTS, Either Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' or child's? It you do, give us a call and see what we have. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. You will say so yourself when you examine ours. When we tell you that we got a big discount off from the Zinn stock, it means a saving on-.every pair As we told you before, we bought cheap and so we ' J. K. BRICKER, Wallace Street, Listowel Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders and Contractors, || re prepared to contract for the erection of allcisases of buildings. Plans and specifi- tious drawn, end estimates furmahed on application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, ete. Furnisbed on short notice. Vlanin order = Everyth' ing in the "pall done sepa will be given prompt attention and RST T CLASS Wie lon NSHIP SUAR- Charges Moderate. Bamford Bros. : J..Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. NOTICE TO jParties Intending Building My yarde being well stocked with all aig a lag such as Pine ook: ina been achat : this vicinity, lasoc LATH and SHINGLES, ta esery grade. You ask the reason Well, we wer for Cash, therefore problem is solved. D. H. MARSHALL, Listowel Lumber Yards *z TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE An acre anda quarter of land and bch house, stable, hard and a lot of fruit trees, Also a soantortable, "theme on which the e fruit trees, small stable, water, For particulars epnly at this office, or box 83, Listowel P, U.-- NOTICE. Notice is bereb: ven that Ue Annual Msctina ct the oe rs of the HOWICE FAKMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSU. | ANCE te aig hy be beldin the Township Hall, G - Friday, Feb. 7th, 1902, at 1 o'clock p. m,, for the purpose of receiv- ing the anes of - Dirgetors and Audi- tors for th for other busi+ By onder fape ofl the ls : W. 5S. McKERCHER, Secretary. Gorrie, Jan. 17th, 1902. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. | SRL He We can make a well dressed man, and a well <dreased man can make ings. - | any ratio he likes in pome th "The gs era, line between some Custom Made Clothes and the Ready -Made Article is very stim. With-our make it is well defined, te Sate. to it, a ereery of line that makes it far superior-to any- i A Suit or Overcoat to your order costs from ; ; rm $15 TO $20, These prices give a wido range of material and perfect workmanship. TRY Us. WILL JENKINS;: Tailor and Furnisher, SEE THE WINDOW ' Next to Post Office. _. ,. | BARGAIN DAY NEXT WEEK. All Crum Prints 12% cts., now 10 cts., and as low as 7 cts. Remember we have the largest and best Lire, of Prints in town. Ladies black and white aeck Ties 50 cts., now 35 cts. ; 35cts. now 20 cts. Ladies' Shirt Waists, from 75 cts.-to $1.25, now 25 cts. A large Stock of new Furs just arrived and will sell them at a very low price. Also a full line of other good Flannelette Shirt- ings and Cotionades, Remember our Goods are not cheap Goods at a price, but GOOD GOODS CHEAP. Call in and see our Goods for yourself, it will cost you noth- ing. All farm produce taken as cash. LIVE POULTRY. 1 have a larger contract on ever this Fail for live Poultr and will buy all that comes to me, und will pay the bighest market price for TURKEYS, CHIOKENS, DUCKS and GEESE. Bring in your Feniey alive aud save the trouble of killing aud picking them Rem the place. wm SPEARS, Main Street West. =z) , 8 ee ee ae aa eT ee eee ae eee 2 ee ee ee ee on ee ee a ee ee ee STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES. Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Screen Doors Windows &c., at tbe leading Stove and Tinware House, ZILLIAX & sons st = Se SARVIS Lanates given on Hot Water and Steam Plumbing &c American and Canadian Coal Oil fr sale. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Main St, , Phone 4o. Listowel GREAT BARGAINS r AT THE UP-T0-DATE GROCERY, ---- I will give all kinds of Dinner Scts, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for ore month at cost price. Any quantity of broken Sets I also carry a ful! line of Groceries, which will be sold ata margin, Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS, ARMSTRONG. We Ara Prepared to Taxe Care of Your nega in Coed Sprine ® Fence Wire FOR SPRING DELIVERY. =| tomes Prices, rg ie Lowest Freights. Prompt Delivery OUR AIMS ARE _ a Remember the Place. Quotations on Request. ADOLPH & BONNETT, Leading Hardware Merchants, Main St., Listowel,