ane NOTES avy Commenrs | @me of the important questions Which the government of tho now Augtralian Commonwealth will hove to decide is whether it will contri- bute a sum of money to the British 'Admiralty, the contribution to. be uged in strengthening tho Royal Navy, or whother it will create and minintain a xiavy of its own. Th' British Admiralty hos advised the |e farmer course, and Admiral Beaw- mont bas urged it in a memorandum addressed to Lord Topetoun, an tralinn Parllambat by Sle John For- rost, the Miuister of Defonce, treated thn protection of Australia as if it Wero purely a question of land war- fare. It contemplated the orgonizo- tign of o land force numbering ulti- imately nearly. three quarters of a million men, but the construction of pot a single ship. Of late, however, oplnion. Forrest himself now realizes that there is no naval os well as a mili- tary side to Australian policy. Ina, recent speech he declared: 'I am con- vinced that the present policy ot | Mero payments of money to ple of Australia."' matter finds ndvocates oven in the British press, the Spectator, for onl RE ample, warmly approving tho plan of forming 1 seperate Australian navy. As « matter of fect the Australian eolouits have for some time boen do- ing something for their own sea de-| fence. All the States have naval re- ictoria, South Zealand have gunboats of their own. It cortainly Soeq seem that confederation ought to quicken,,instend of chilling, the sealife of Australia, and that, even frqu an Imperial point of view, it wokuder) YSOiyE 94). oaalpo. Aposoat pinmoa 7] edt, oy) JO ydoous Taavu oy) 0} Auuod UT ppt Jou pom Bypysny Ay opuur wo;NQqUO8S yser UV yoy sO 4a), UOE @ BE 'oSsnidog 'duipraysimt sy ay 'ayqranepd, spanos UT OYA «3999 AuyoR-vas peprodurr 84] WouHny o; Aouour AupAyddns Aq SP st) op eo] Aum ysoq ayy yey) pun 'UJEVayy JO aomod-tos oy) Supswass -uj. Aq 4s0q jpos0y puayep [pfs Ur @ny Iq) "A[UIBU "}uOMIMday oy) 'Ay TMs y Ysa oy. AQ pavasoy qod yuu. Ul SHIN, Yorym Aovyepuy ayy sapoyixa soye~adg ayy, 'oauay ap Uno 4194) JO apis PuATU ay dojaa -op 8] podeznoaua Apprraads aq plnoys eaqyvisny wy ywatpadxa = umaye Pinom Vt SoU} stu Noo oy) aopuy odugy |= uDlssngy apoym ayy so 1 gqnop Anp.o} sf apus, oUsOq-woR By 10. aWNjOA 84 puT "qUaUUOD sce aU Ss, VIRaSsny =" UItvas UDI psny jo {ooyes Vo Huyuntay yo Ayrenqaod M0 04) sar 03 axrysyut ¥ a] pInom to a certain extent. Ti the United Kingdon recoived no cash contribu- ian from Australia, it would spend mata farthing less upon its fect, but would estimate the naval needs of the Fmpire exactly as before. IT, on the other hand, Australin spent her money on providing a naval con- tingent of her own, the naval force pravided by her would be n real dilion to e Empire's elpamgth, just os her military tingeats ure real addilions to the Imperial land forces. She kayo called into existence extra ships and guns, but, what is far more important, extra men. ae As for the assertion Lat Austral- fan' shij's would Lave to be built by the British Government and com- manded by lritish officers, the Spec- tator contends that it would bo bet- | * tor to | for Australia, like Japan, place ils orders with private firms. {t.ia mot disputed that, until Aus- tralian naval officers were trainud, it Would be wise to place the Austral- fag mavy under a British Admiral, just oo Australian military forces are placed under an experienced British | gmere!l. 'Aastrolian officers as quickly as pus- sible to take command of their own ships, in order that the Australian communily + might Acquire a keen Porsopal interest in sea power and its maiatenance. In certnin matters, go:Coubt, there would huve to be a stri¢é agreement belween the Aus- tralian Noval Office and the British 'Admiralty, cspeciaily in the mattor of) the gung and the ammunition used. So, also, outsido of their own | waters, Australian warships vould | naturally be attached to some imper- pas squadron. <A foreign cruise woul ft is probable en enough that the ex- istence of an Australian squadron would snake the people of Australi turn their attention to the sea -as notitinge "else would. Tt is certain, too, dbat the Australian Common- wealth, with its huge seaboard and maritine population, reo "s a Man--' 'ihe le , most lovable gig t she ? Just, the ue pe uM mover fall in love with, Jones tine has com come With his, wife to call on new --" Wonton it "are steady st. But, according to the Spec- |iron, Februa tator, the aim should be to qualify sellers : del Weak at 21f 50c for Januar, ae menn a ican of the vessel = te ig. Rech Adzairal ally. ° out G Fecete January 28.-- mar S prac unchanged 75c a Abang for red and white he freights. Goose whoat is uoted for No 2 middle ights. saa is quoted ot T4c for bo wheat is firm at 68c Spring No 1 ons owing = at 82c grinding in transit Sarnia. Flour--Is Sieg 90 per cont. pat- ents ure quoted at $2.90 in ol it bags middle froights. Cholee brands nro held to 20c h Manitoba flour for cars.of Hungarian patents and $3.90 for strong bakers' in car lots, bags ieee sha Toronto. | Millfeede--Is steady. Cars of shorts fire quoted oat $20 ond bran = at 18.50 middlo freights. Manitoba '1 millfoed is gee at §22 for shorts and $20 for bran in cor lots, sacks included, Toronto frelghts. Barloy--lhe market is steady at ela 1, 58c for No. 3, Glc to or No. 3 oars a 50c for No. idle frelght Huckwheat-Ie steady "dull at'55c middlo middie xed Is at 57c Oats--Aro - Bahr aged demand and white sold cast to- aase: svi aro quoted at er Las middle freights 5 ste for s nnd $5.40 for barrels on opis Toronto, and 26c more for broken lo | Pens--Are steady INo. 2 middlo CRN. COUNTRY ¥Y PRODUCE. Butter--The market for butter re- mains quiet. Dairics o of almost uniformly poor quality and are ~ ficult to soll, Crenmerics, as a sult, ure selling well. We quoto : Creamory, prints... -20¢ to J1lc tlo solids... .20¢ to 2le Dairy pound rolls "choice 16c to 17c io large rolls, choice...16c to 16)¢ do tubs. wl4c to 00c do medium and low... 10 to Exgges--Now lJaid in cuse lols still searesly offering. They oro quoted at "he. Fresh gatherod quoted at 19¢ to 20c; No. 1 Jimed are quoted at 18e to 1c. Potatoes--The ofllerings are fairly liberal and demand is good. Prices nea to 65c. Potatoes out o © quoted a | Poultry--Teceipts consist entirely of frozen stock and demand is slow. "y to. 10¢ and frozen begins Ducks are quoted at yee to 90c and] seeiog. at 20c to 5 aled Bepo Beran is good = and the market hos an ony, feoling. 'Cars on the track hero are quoted at 89.50 to $10 for medium to: choico -and No. 3 is quoted nt §8.50 i Baled Straw--The market is steady and demand good, Cars on the track here are quoted at $5 to 5.50. PROVISIONS Ilog products aro in good demand and are all firm. Dressed hogs offer fairly | liberally and packers will not buy nto mdro than. $7.60 per cwt., all hough holders ar Lard onk---Bannés short cut, $21.50 ; 0. Dry Salted Mcats-- tons 10{c, enacs, breakfast baeon, 14¢; hema, lsic ; rolls, Llc; ahouldors, fe; green menue of pickle are quoted at te less than smoked, Lard--Tierces pails Llic Ile, a Ilje and "nia CRAIN MARKETS, Bulla Jan, Wiest-Siprine dull ; $c; winter nominal; Corn quict; 655 26.--Plour quit. No. 1 northern, No. 2 red, 98c. o. 2 yellow, G6c; No. ¢; No 9 corn, G5c; No 3 Oata quict ; . & do, 50fc ; No. 2 io. 8 do, 4Bke : barley, Gc to T2c, to arrive, EUROPMAN GRAIN MARKETS. London, Jan. 28.--Close-- assago stendicr ; 'L california, iron, sollets ; iron, March Walla, iron, passage, 209 dd sellers; Se lage sagem passage, 30a 6d © selle Maize on passage quict and atonay. Wheat--Englich country markels of yesterday tinlly cheaper; French cquntry mar- | cts - 28.--Cloxse--Spot Wheat steady; - 1 standard aoe fornia, 63 3d No. 1 northern spring me futures ste en March Gs 13a; Gs 21d: 5 te steady Ba 7 Th to fs Bd tor bid nnd Ge O}d ,to°bs 7d for new; futures quiet ; F ruary. Sa-4jd; Murch, is vig: May. Sa Bs oo flour, 18s 6d to 1 Od. Jan. 28--Clo Wheat-- and { GOc for March and June. Antwerp, & a ya airs 'eipts included B10 ¢ cat- tle, 216 seen: yl lars, 175 ho =2 dozen milch cows, snd a dozen cal- oo is no change in the price of arn cattl a Doat space is 8t | Choice hogs, per cwt... at B25c bid for} are |' % binse chee four. 208 ad a8 par- |" of yesterday dull. \ Shoo 'Lambe. Choice ewes, per es 3.00.. Lam per cw . 3.50 oi 2 Milkers Cal 30 a. a. . 6. » 6 « 8B. rane' Hogs. fee other GEN. DEWET HOLI HOLDS KEY, But the Elusive Burgher W Will Fight for Tidopendenco A despatch from Amstordam smys | have f AST ORANGES. I. ibson Col. counties 'to combine thoi the cot ie pep Se on the y dotket kat 7 they need not attend. TO AMEND GAMB LAW, Mr._John Auld, member for South. to amend the Game Act. to permit tha killing of rabbits oll the year around, and to reduce the quail open season" froin months to one month. af Eagengron NUAL SEATS, has given notice of . H. Hydo i shotior of @ bill tho object of which is to prevent a man from liolding a --Sinco the Boors y apr to walvo their demand for independence of the South Afri- pa republics, great gloom has per- yates bod _beauquarters boro aad t Hilver: "Colonial "Gioceataxy Chamberiaif's recent speech, in which ho prom that there would bo no confiscation - property, ee that there would be a general esty, with polltical rights neatly, givon, seems to re duce matters toa point whore an rercemont is pors It is wdmitted that but for Gen, Dewet and other Boers in the Held, who aro still fant ria for independ- gnee, bones would be a matter of meee only 'Tho Boers 'here say that the of the war now rests Dewet's reputed determination fight until he has eupondee his 1 man end his lost cor tridge. pro- on to KILLED MANY BOERS. Yeomanry Dade a Gallant Fight But Were Overpowered. patch from Lodybrand, Or- 'an Patrol capt horses and three armed and unarmed Boers, Later, a smull tachment, with some natives, was sént to cut forage sown by the oor on o farm oat Lindequesrust, four d ain patrol going in another dirostion, thinking that tho s. a detachment wero pass- ing through the hills they suddenly encountered 150 who, springing from fight 7 ties --_ one man killed and seve wounded --_+>------- WONDERFULLY ~ ah Military Farms in Orange Ri ir Colony a Bonanza. despatch from Ladyly aces River Colony, says :--Tho m teary farms which were established in the protected centres of the Orange River Colony twelve months ago aro now moking o new departure. 'The oan average "900 morgen (1,- ros). Thoy were originally in- tended Solel grazing purposes for tired horsch and jaded uxen, and for foeding captured stock. They aro now being used also as dairy farms for supplying inilk and butler to the rand, Or- lugtraty the productiveness of Ludybrand district, it may be stated that 180 bags of oats, sown Inst September and just reaped, yielded 90,000 bundles, cach of eight Pounds. This product, if sold at the low penco Tf retailed Moemfontein, it @ould fetch 1fd to 25. Tho actual cost labor of plowing, sowing and cutting would not exceed £120, --_-- + MINERS PERISH. Twenty-one Victims in an Iowa Conl Mine. A despatch geet Oskaloosa. Ta. As the n provised morgue, and olght injured are temporary hospitul, An ox- plosion occurred at the noon hour, and is, wha is known as oa "dust Tho mingrs had just fired their usual noon shots, ane of whi lproved to bo a fizzle "The burning vowder ignited tho gas, and the Fanslon followed. The dead Posie in- \jured were found terribly bummed ~jand mutilated. t the time of the explosion more than one hundred mines, but wll of them, except those in the cast epiry, escaped with only PLUCKED our HER EYE. Woman Became : Seca Over a Text fin the Bible. A despatch lrg Nashville, says ---Mrs. Bula Abbey, ah young merchunt near S: Teak. og + of noted ious wo! - -- Pg: - © hogs teday sold at 5G. 74 ingdom,, and-steel trades * oe cally completed. Guest, Keen & Co. ine the Nettlefola Gampaales, a gi, Mas| Wi rime tater, Thal o the d te be of Ake Kind is rk the Unites} British er i . | eran _ | Wiscel lancous--§:100 ho| $1,500 for ; ss De ER ee KINGDOM, |™ Ta' dua! position as puble sciiool trus- tee and munici lor. As Inw stands, high scheol trustees are debarred from" running a4 council- Jors, but the others are not TO INCREASH EXDMPTIONS. A bill will bo introduced ut the pre- sent seasion to ye Lhe amount of income to empt frum taxa- tion from $700 abs "$1,009. ce As- sessment Comim'ssion is at present cousidoring tho bill. THE ESTIMATES. P The cstimates, for the year 1002 were Imid on the table ty Llon, Ale. The total amount to be voted penditure is §3,553,- account, $300,273, othor purposes $116,975, a total of $4,004,228, For civil go veennent: 'eee 0 ia required, as n»guinst $ 281,670 for last year. The rears ure $1,325, under inspection of public rons thase and $1,000 described as misevlianeous, th The. Attorney-General' f will bo run with Department $17,800 ns apainst A small reduc povik T re meal De- 'introduced bill | dueod tho etaadel Ue Act allowing ir assize and Mr, Preston iets Brant) intro- it of the Mayor o: municipality wane o strike or lock-| out xf throa' tary Glookliog) municipality and use his best endeav- ors with all partiea concerned to avert such strike or lock-out. THE POLL ga exempt income en $700 to $1,000. A LIMIT OF TESTIMONY. Hon, J. 'T. Garrow has a bill to which can on a to limit who can be called to side. a THE BONUS LAW. Mr. A Patullo wants the law moro clearly defined on the question| whother a municipality can olfor a bonus to an industry already tween the villages Markham, Mr. Patullo's bill provid- es that no such offer can bo mae. NO LAW REFORM MMASURE. Mr. Matheson, on behalf of Mr. Whitney, also asked: 'Is it the inten- tion of tho Government to introduce legislation during tho present session dealing with -the question of lew re- form?'* Tho Attorney-General replicd that there would be no general measure this sessloo. TO KNCOQUNRAGE FLAX GROWING, At the suggestion of the Govern- ment, Mr. Breithaupt asked: "* 'The othe § 00 peri sight increases. SOMB INCREASES. A new clerk is provided for the in- spection of public institutiona at : per year. The official Ga- wetle is to cost $5, this year, an increase of $1,000 over last year. An nerease of $100 is voted the. Legis- lative Ubrarian ond $200 tu the le puty Commissiouve of Public Works. he administration of justice will cost $148,581 as against $455,214 last A reduction of $600 is made in tho expenses of county Judg- ea in grouped counties. Provincial olice the Niagara and Detroit livers cost $200 moro than Iast FOR HDUOATION, For education $786,699 is asked, * ~i- tra $1,000 to the Normal College. The appropriations to public lib- raries and art schools is $60,900, or $2,000 more than a yeur ago. Two ants aro cut wolf under tho head of forinerly gri nt ed to tho Dominion Ed ducation, had $150 consulidating the eet Jaw and regulations PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. The appropriation for public stitutions and maintenances is $870, - 217 compared with $411,108 last pa- in- 4 culture $122,176, and for immigra- tion §$4,826.. There is a an experimental storage station. < HOSPITALS AND CHARITIES. For hospitals and charitica thero is an uppropriation of $187,765, os against $192,531 last year. of $4, cho Louse of cold {tefuge, Brant, were struck out. Government House Is tu cost $2,- Y00 less than last year. Tho somo ia affected by reason of the fact that a Duke is not this year to be en tained at an outlay of $2,900. Sularics for Osgoode Hall engincer, man and caretaker are increased. from $1,140 to $1,480. MIMICO ASYLUM AND CENTRAL. weet is i vote of $7,707 om ee As uecn str 36,25 for Mitice ; Central Prices is voted $8,400 for varlous impro ments, and ' the refitting of Osgoode Hall $1, s voted, nnd for tho Selon! of er tical Science $108,250 roads aro expected $10. 600 last year. will be rated at SOME NEW BILLS. tas 2 the age bills aro:-- tion a states of"insolvéht persons ich d the Assignments and Preferen- Ac Me. Paltullo--To amend the Muni- cipal Act by prerine ~~ aronting by municipalities of bon a established clse- olTO REFORM MEDICAL COUNCUL. Dr, Jessop ie, introdu to amend ario | Medi ore January, 1902?°" th regen ter-|}and the last 've-| on November 1, 19 assisting veterans in locating lends b 'o abolish the inspec-|and the ( t taken into consider- ation the question of utilizing Can dian grown finx in the manufacture of binder twine and rope, instead of procuring the Manila, New Zealanil and claewhere?" Hon, Mr. Stratton replied that the is understood that $5,000 will bo placed on tho supplementary csti- mates to cncourage the growing of flax in competition with the foreign countries named. ONTARIO"S BANK ACCOUNT. Mr. asked: "ITow much from any source between the Jist of 901, and the 15th of the question -was-allowed_to 5 es CONDOR PROBABLY SUNE. Vessel From Honolulu Saw Ne Trace of Her. et bas air from Victoria, "a 8:--The amer Moana arrive u on whatever of the and brings no later advicss train the. is- lund. The Condor is defined in the Drit- ish Admiralty list as n screw sloop and t long, has 333 fect beam, and draws 11 fect six in- 1es. Six four-inch quick-fire guns four three-pounders constitute her armament. Her speed is 13 knots. Ifer full complement of men is 180 Admiralty novy list gavo her tho following o ai Commander, Clinton Sclater; Lieu- tenonts, James D. Mason, Hey: Win- tant jay-master, Wi lin; Gunner, boca a foo Burns; Ma- gineer, George J. ly all ofg'per * pest crew joined Fer at that i GOING TO THE OITIES. -- The Urban ie: spre of Ontario Is Increasing. despateli from Ottawa says:-- E ° census "l os rural and urban compared w census 0 1801. It contains also the popula- tion of the several incorporuted cit- lwo in districts cla of the of the years, grouped census distric The figures are os follows: Ontario. * 1901. 1891. 2,182,942 oo 821 , eel ais ei certs tion ea ws Rural ... ... 1,247,1%) Urban 2... 1. th Munitoba, + 1001. 1B91. 25 162,506 184,714 111,498 41,008 Population... pi Ge pneeierenes i rs -------¢----- WAGGON BUILDERS COMBINE. Another Trust Formed . With ont #0000 a , Messrs. call, 3 andthe Oldbury Wegnen. Com- pany are te prime movors in the been opened ene the hy Aue Ys Com the Man , stern, Une of Universi' -compani ps a weavers is £370,000 f obabie | secre- 'Ss per acre seat dental "Gt meee heat, an fo plications for more than one samplo limit the number of expert: witnesses to edd be- Miners eaten to Good Pasture 5S tors have es at Haines' Mission ana- weeks' work a Mush C raw inaterin! from find subject was-under consideration. It pean of weoks. ° says:--An enormou -|fishePmen are misslug eo was commissioned at Chatham | P& ), and practical- A DO) 'ON. Canada may be roprosented at exposition ut Cork. Ireland;- renew rieties which have alates than 100 bushols ate Sp of of oa spring wheat, pareys | cela pose, | dian and potatocs. Tho tiraakieig of can sen' Wstiteatos street, 'if an individual receives n sample of! vernal ousand dollars d stores The Hamilto approves of tho proposed t for one hb Ps yioregzadic cannot be enter- management of the Intercolonial Fa These samples will be sent Heleay to the C.P.R. { charge through the mail. A commi of the Hamilton City Applications should be addressed | Countil = ring the questien the irec S Sxperceacat of -- e. fl at a cost of Ottawa, caused Sor annge to pep Leonard Tpoglan, of Hamilton, who will be acnat | is only twenty-one years of oge, an es asked for has serve seven in jail, has been for sentonced tu two years in Central |Prison for theft. we wea, The City Treasurer's balance sheot Pp a Hamilton ,fo or 1901 shows a sur- ae 'of the kind prota ex- oiae of $3,051.72, but there was an usted, some other rei aati will actual e apo ues of ap be vat in Its place. [poopriations of $5, 692 a a Kiagston Queen' 8 anit pexe mado an arrat nt with the Gen- RICH GOLD STRIKE. eral Hospital whereby they shall re- . colve medical and hospital brestanens 50 tion the sort or variety they and ould ar ----_ A despatch from Viotwedn, B. O., pect prying 60c. and recel says:--The steamer Amur arrived on benefits during the remainder of tho Wednesday from ay. brought nows that lich Day has been found running from 4 to 7 cents to the pan on Good Pasture Crvek. tampede has taken placo. Circle City is deserted. Good Pas- ture is « tributary of the Chiloa, which flows into the Tan other rich strike hos been made on No. 27 claim, Eldorado, where the sccond bed of rock has n reached. Pont ranging in value Patory $1 to $5 have been takén out. 'T'wo prospec- Sk FOREIGN. In Kentucky bank-robbers are hunt- ed down by bloodhounds. hi uring them ea against smoalipox. Philip Veidelburg. of Dublin, Ind., has just married his twelfth wifo. He has 32 "children. King Victor Emmanuel has confer- the Order of St. ee and St. upon Signor Marc Col, gS Bentley, of Bie 'sandy Valley, W. ey fought a duel with 'pistols t and Dent- a was killed. 'The Mayor of Rochester offers a re- ward of $10,000 for the capture and Dawson, despite the hardships and |con¥iction of heavy cost of provisions in tho Koy- Ez Beg bho to-go that city. -- and his mother, Mrs. W. B. Huckle barry, cre W i by about seventy-five of the Ieadin | Worthern Part of Transvaal About ee ane -- for maitroating the Clear fB mans & salad Last veut 119 Alpine tourists lost A despatch from one -- with $10, a result of two 'These miners, nson and J. FE. Miller, would not give the location of their At Dawson gront 'interest centres in the Koyukuk, wwe s rich finds had aro going from --p}------- NOT INCLINED TO FIGHT. (Ritir lives be crowned King of oly comunando Heyers, oors. there is that res show that Germany's trade Waterbuse a ast pore t Greentown, Towa, a mob stop dget this year is $50,< which th havo great increase. ood is bocoming scarco i aris, Newfoundland dogs aro the- Waterburg_and Poutuanabone dis. ane trained for police work. tricts. The Kaffir populatiun make! It is said that the Prince of Walesa it impossible for the Boers to movo | may visit India next autumn, about without the British being in- Chicago's trodo with id ag fo Meanwhile the Kéffira are img country Js rapidly gr 7 an impo 'ant source of the British .It is sald that John i Tockofeller food supp. 'Ss. Mealics in largo quan- will give $26,000,000 to the Chic- tities purchased from them, are ago Universi ' brougut in every month, Mont... railway sta- jewellery worth ---------1+-----------_ LANDSLIDE AT JUNEAU. 8 there. AND UMEAU, t Le Mrs. Eliza Black, 'oars, died from dropho- Thousands of Tons rook mies Crush bin, tho effect of a skunk nie. ° Mine Flum j Seditious proclamations have been At La Salle, Ll., , 8.C., : tide' occur- is a uprising agninst' the Govern- rag basin above Juneau at on January 13. It is stated | "< 'French priest named Julicn and the slide was 1,700 feet in width. two Chines converts have been mur- Thousands of tons of rock and dirt dered at a village in Kwangsi Pro- tumbled from tho mountain above ge China. lee Test Chanco ey Company' al A Missouri court has decided ccss flume nnd it fraternal insurance orders ust for a S gone distanes "No ce was in /operato under aws of Meson, ured. 'The wan brought here Which osc that it shall a the City of "Seattle, which salled aes that the insured util ited ulcide from Skagway last Frida, --o The conga 8 nows od has nt FOUND A 'WATERY GRAVE. | been suppressed. An Imperial orders that all news matter Two Hundred Japs syapaneee Fishermen Saiteetion or pasa Missing throug A-despatch from A despatch from Yokohama says:-- | e280" in St. Petergbur, A furious gale hos swept the Japan- + eso consts, and the Gshing foot has . ETIQUETTE moct with disaster, 'Two hundred POINTS OF QUETTE . tho or Queen sign their jn a visitor's book it is cus- AN EXPLANATION, A tiny gir) Dil big gave a Winner ty tho d for which that or other guests unless it be handed 'then? by tho royal visitor. Another amall point of etiquette connected umber of small maidons sat dcuns , With pens and paper is that in writ- to dine It was a real little girl's jing a letter direct to the sovereign dinner, and the hostess herself pre-/ jt should be written on thick white sided, sitting at the head of the! paper, on one side only, and should, table. She had been very anxfous, an looking forward to it, to do cnough to contain the letter unfold- ee ns it should be done. , "Maminn,'* sho asked, "'shall - ed. we! "Now, Johany, do you stent thoroughly Sei I am gol you 7" * temper this n to hit someone before you feel sat fied,"" 10 CURE THE STAMMERER. It_is said that stammerers' rarely, any impediment ot say graco 7 "No,' eait-m maimmme ; "it will be a very Informal dinner, and I think you need not do te That meant one ceremony the to be gone through, and was a re lief. Dut tho little lady waa coves to have all her guests understand So, as they gathered about the- titble she explained if "Mamma. says that this is such an infernal dinner that we need nap) On have grace to-day ! less ak WOMEN VOTERS. 16 In France the women vag od elect! tho protimipa [Ts tion. I women vote for all elective officers ex tives ; niso, U cep rese: rnd, in the one of the noxt "fittoes, ndirectly, for members) 4 the ordinary conversational tone may be "gradually employ . La ----< = 'P00 STARTLING, cllg pe omen for} "Too bad about Shelby, wasn't 'Joeal | it?" officers and on "What's the matter with him?" "He had a terrible shock the day; eeors yesterday, and may not recov~ Hada't you heard 'anything : about iv?' "No. E catek -- it Begs is a "Well, he h. to mect his Wile | of a a certain place in wes at 12:20 o'clock.' AGE be: bectioe and t started lor Ube rénde "He got t thera at. 'eaais the ape Pointed 1" shay 'dZ see. vnwraute'* "Hie on had bech there twelve im. s human na fi cited Individual--"Sysipathise with saa Great Roberts! He's "my dog!' He looked Uevpuiringly lite var up Neti ol ali Caney. "ET havo ha@ my misgivings," he sald, in a dull. passlenless voice, "but naw Tam sure. Your shoWa me you are ut turned ie. u _terrer, "aid * open my mouth as wido as that ? NEWS BRIRELY TOLD Tho Very Latest Toms From All --ae a water main on acattered broadcast. in Odessa, urg-" During ihe oigitage anys chai is: i