Listowel Standard, 31 Jan 1902, p. 8

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J. W..0G.0 & Don, Bankers, | ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES: Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, also errand gat A. Halstead, Mount Forest and Shel A Ueneral: Banking ee, transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and S0LD, pefable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. , Current rate of intgrest allowed. large atiount of private funds te lend ood farm security at 4% per cent., i privilege of repaying annually, Marriage Licenses Issued, J. W. Scorr & Son. BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY OF ONTARIO. THE NEW ---Y YEAR _ R OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE MOST WROFITABLE YEAR oo wit The annual 'general meeting of the shareholders of 'the British 4 oo Riareetd: anager adian Bank of Com . banker, Lis- ! W, Machan, Mitchell ; W. B. Freeborn, Baa nage FF : George or Zo rat : John Bag pt by Pees McMillan, G. Me Davidson, H. M. J W. Gil- lard, John Parker, Robert Tye, joseph Baxter, W. Spence Loghrin and iF. Buckingham, The directors' report, the man- ayer"s finance ial audi statement, and tors' certificuwte were ORTG LOAN COMPANY OF on OTT FOR TLLE YEAR sat hd " nm the books were closed and the report cuiné ty be writ- ten for LuO0, it eae felt =e the [large measure of prospa which the Company bed enjoyed that vyeur and i sa many pre- ivus Years was Ekely to be long continual We have pleasure at the ond of the fust twelve Inonths of the age century in finding that ope is being so abundantly renting, of profit, wo have n Bout fh ' i. reater sui tras been pabd in div- Glends on the constantly increas- ing comtributions by t. the share- holders to thelr stock, rates of ipterest on invested capital have continued slightly to fall, yet the chr cumstances have fortun- utely been such as to enable us, while declaring the customary six per cent. dividend. and while carrying for the fifth year in succession $10,000 to the reserve fund, to suinething over a : pro- fit ond loss account than It stood at last year, We have sugested that thege results have [ollow- 'el UNUBUEL favorable cirecum- stances,tind it is only right to I _ mc aud circumstances 'ecur. But the years that folk z ere Is ny sign cin Viekbhe of the song cess of the company being theeke for want atuple * the assets have been invrens-<f by about $83,000; nor is there es! sign of weakness in cur iigh choss of securities, for they never were so sound. [It can be said) ogzaln pr oper "ty hands ; that not a dollar ha been | lebte; that there ij appearance a ehecevec that the company will in .the ear 2 be saddled with a sronerty or incur a_ loss. The most formidable condition we have to face is competition with a superabumlance o te et , Cape a goodly share of est on the reinvestment of t older and more profitable clasa of loans as ¥ Mature. But this is a matter of Bd we must not complain. We are hap- py to know that on equal terme as to rates we more than hold our own. A scrutiny of the fin ancial statement, with only a little than the nocessary funds on hand to pay the January div- idend, shows that we have not becn) wanting in customers for all our mee rule, bor- TOWers +5. their mortguges off, and t en their commendations of the fai and courteous tren tipint the. ve received tent to bring! oth- ers forward to take their places By-and-by. not a them will be found to Zaye accumulat- iin our say depar oent (Which continues a be ely a- Valled of) something sufficient to enter into a ged = riendly riv- alry wit metres, amd 'then those ood ome in an ia ite ae competion | eral amounts ied in the year. toe f will" be wed SANK OF HAMILTON Gases AUTHORIZED + $-2,500;000.00 Oariran Par Ur - - $ 2,000,000.00 Ressnve Foxp - ~- Sbeeegecped| Toran Assets - - - §17,071,759.60 ae rg A! N LISTOWEL OVER HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. DIRWOTORS: JOHN STUART Paesrpant: 4.G, RAMSAY, Vics i. "GEORGE ROAUB HN PROCTO { = AST: he's M, P. ------- MP. j J. TURNBULL... Ocn. M HB. SiLVER, Kost. Gen. H.M. WATSON, apector. BRANCHES, Beamaville, Mitchell, Blyth Milton B --_ Man Moose Jaw. §. WwW, Carman, Man R Fails, Ont Dein Owen Sound Dundas, Ro macdalk, Palmercie Ley Gnasyy Piam Conles, Man arric. Port Elgin ariilten imoo* " Barton §t. Branch Stenewall, Man: East End Southampton Hamioctsa, Map 'oronto Andis Head, N. W.T. + Vaneourer, DC is to Winnipeg, Man ieacnae Winkler Man tou ee ite ci. interes ae} i) wate war. Coates at current asitet eee in and eaten it allow Principal in mas = Bator eponiia Pee! rate of iaterent tamay be withd-awn withont formal- ity or di Drafts 5 an pa able atall points in Cansds and the caties Ss azope be ot Britain and the continent of seas tees in Telted States. York : Hanover National ask end Yours National Bans. bternationa! Trust Co. affalo; Marine Tank of Buffalo, Detroit; De- trolt Nations: Bank. Chicago: Firat National Bank- Agents io Great Britain, National Provincia! ank of England, Limited. are nmified that the Bank Hiatitos « and its Bran one inane Pircalar Notes ofthe National Provincial Bank ngimad, Limited, which can be pote without" " or trouble in any part of the world. J. H.8TUABT, Agent, Listowel Now ln previous report, figures were given snawing the gross earnings of the coeeny, to have grown from $4,140 in the year 1878, to 558,980 in 1898. In the year that is past thew amounted to $65,745 THOMAS aa) all FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE BRIT ISH MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY . ONTARIO. For the year ended December Slat, 1901. CASH ACCUUNT. ny by a k of Montreal D eoraten | Stat, 190 * 1350.08 Repayments on Loans, including in- on aL ted nia on Capital Stock. ween ra. err Received. .....--......--.-5 Gis site eee Sovies Rocelved .. Sm Gus rad UBLUFeMt. 0. csc cee even ee 140200 bd 2055, 164,95 DME hPEMENTA 213,901.85 asite wit hdrawn, GL4726 Interest op Deposits 8.160. Debenture monies par: 52, 8y8.7 ulerest on Debeot 2,623. Dividend No. 4), paid in in January. 11,660.82 Dividend No. 46, paid inJuly 11,973.78 Uttce agd all other expe 6,756.35 Municipaland Provincia! Taxes on lncome anid Capital. 4740 fl ofan isk oie on Losi apd Taapection aK of E Solicitor pa aid by Com any 113s Haeauce due Company, yy Prt Montreal, December, "er 13,051.73 9055, 164. {c) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. Cash Valne of Seca ition 91,220, 874.00 Cumpanyts Huildtuy. 6,00- Case lu Bank. 13,051.76 61,240,825.70 oe Paid on Capital Steck ---- ive SNL BIL77 Deportte amd accrued Ju t....., GELT.90 eoenTUres and AC 1 Interest GOoIR75 ne le ad pe. re Pa; odie dam, 2, 1d 12.49.20 Fund, Decemoer Gist, le | Added for 1001 Mw0.. 140,000.00 Dalauce to cedar 'Profit and 'Lees Account 3.40.61 " "iene Wa. BUckinugam, Manager, UINTORS' REPORT. We ce waite that wo hare sarelally audited the books of the British Mortgage Loan ('om- pauy of Untario for the your LW] ; that o have cxumined all vouchers, aud d them to oor ree with the eniries thervin; mod that the sore tement indicates the financia pono of the Company on the 3ist day of receptor, iM, C.J. Macougson, '] /M. LAVIDHON, j Auditors Stratford, January UWth, 1902. , in niddeag the adoption of report, dwelt upon its highly * satisfactory churacter, wing unusually large profits arising from more than one cause, e chief, which was that which now, had happlly become cu this Company, nes Ss losses and nv -property should gait oa 'the Company's aaa. & A bature Pee ulated to give coe fidence j rs and rowers alike Was that there haa been no litkrathon. All the funds en tee and trustees rm leave monies on deposit the Some ny and invest deher The. "Vie ice President, who se conded the resolution, dwelt par- ticularly on* the zsnundness of the securities. after in tte conjanction with Johnso the Manager, ae! every nor tg * the end the as it s & year - eee Company's bake Mr, Se thought, a share- holder. he 'had special reason for ride In the splendid position the eens had won for Itself, os he w © only re ning char- ter member and had age | a Dir- fe rest, and remarked substantially it a8 greater than it appe: being in, the statement, the bul ioe he & been eta pte figure, as, 'the amount to credit of profit and lose be | tke Fesorve. and purposes. par Mr. IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA. Capital (paldap) - $2,600,000.00 BReserre iw * ae eat a. 8" Howland, Preshient, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, D. R, Wikia, General Manager. Brauches in Ontario, Quebeo, Mani-| toba, North by Territories, and Britiah Columbia. = 'Bask, or ea Aas spas of Canada. LISTOWEL paca VINE 68 B DEPAR' a Pyrat aor' added to peep tebe cong SPECIAL attention giren to 'the discounting of DHAPTS 'SoLt available at al} polmte in ain United Bist Toned "es payable at any Bank in : note Hates--Under $10, 8; $10 to to R. ARKELL, Manager. concurred in, the eos wags uD- esers. C. J. Macgregor, M. A. iW. D: ; nt of the Perth Mutual, were re-ap- inted auditors, and eosrs. ynard and McIntyre the scrutineers, vv aah d the l- ection ition of the | ocevious Sanit of directors, co on. Thos n- McMillan, Scott, Innes, Parker, MacFarlane, Jonn- | 500 T by-law "\elerrea & o In the Directors' pence' was jihen con- firmed by the shareho! The usual aonasl grants were made to the President and Vice- President with wotes of thanks, and the services of the, Manager his assistant were also sult- ably acknow!] r. rea ppolt pr Shion romney and Mr * MeMIf an "Vice-Presiden Have Been Unseated, Mitchell's Mayor-elect gnd Three of the New Campartior Foroed to Retire, Mitchell, Jan. 29. --Judge Barron gave judgment to-day in the action Sponght by Fred Davis, ex-Mayor of Mitchell, to unseat Hugh Campbell, Moyer, and Councillors 8. RK. Stuart, Jobu Blowes und Isanc Hord, of the sane pluce. The election of the firat named defeudunte 14 declared illegal oo the gronudas of the interest which © was proven they took io the litigation reanit- ing iu the quathing-of the by-law for the closing ap of Rowland street, Mitchell, Councillor Hord ia sustain- as the evidence did not appear to reach him, showing bis connection with thequestion, 'The judgment does not disqualify the nnseated members from farther candidacy for the same office, It is reported that the design of the new portage stampe,-recently iseued in Great Britain, is fanity in eovergl re- epecte, and another issne will be made, TheC P, R. is applying to the Goverument for power to increase the capital steck of the company by $20,- 000,00. The object"is to increase the capacity of the roa Donald Brown, farmer, was found (lead with hie throat cut near Wiarton. There are suspicions circumstances, and the Coroner is investigating, The Harriston store-burning and larceny case was couelnded at Guelph on Tuesday. The privouera were all sentenced Boynton got three years in the Reformatory ; Wilson two months in jail; Howell three months jp jail; Morgan ten months in the Central and Sacky Hilte one year in Central' ee Sou ver vtts---In *, on January 26th, the wife of W vitlion Schatce of a gon, Rerres. ries eile, op January 23rd, the wi =ppel. of a nr Wison te, ktisto nary 26th, he w ife of rr Wolke of & dome DEATHS Sternan--In Listow el, on Janusry 29th, Caroline, beloved eof Wm. Stephan, aged 4 years, 7 months and 25 Bare: Camrreut--In Gray, on sennety, 27th, Jessie Coghlin, beloved wife David H. Campbell, aged 27 yeara, 9 months and 2 days, Isc1ts--In Elma, un January 25th, Eliz abeth Grosart, relict of the late John Inglis, in her 83rd year. At Goldsmith and Diamond Hall. Now that the raeh of holiday trade is over we are giving Bpecial attention to TESTING EYES for Bpectactes and a eee . is stock choose = aekie te this the heed place for. it BPECTAOLES. "7 GUNTHER'S | 40 Main St. West. Listowel. ~ > Children Cry-tor P 'CLEARING' WINTER 0000S A AND CLOTHING, [-d. W. "SCHINBENN, GREATEST STORE, Main Stet No. 4; EW. iiss: -'QOODS 2 h NEW.LACES,. NEW EMBROIDERIES - "sdleish to clear out my entire'stoc "and the bet 250). TAA Black, dreamy Coe: Produce Taken. Io order to make a, clear awe of sverythng in 'Heavy 'Goods, I bave AT AND BELOW COST. jot wide for 8c, er Whe; A | fa. Flannelette for Boy worth ldc, We have All kinds of Dry Goods, all comes! Dew Underwear, and a lot of Flanneletite & few boxes of Select Raisins at 5c, Per/ Pound. ur Stock of imported and domestic DEesa' laoos Gor Ginghams, Shirtin , Tweeds, Cottonades Cottons, White Cottons, ckings, Tablings, Cre- - tonnes, White and Fancy Muslins of the L Latest, 2 iS osiaa Gloves, New Waist Goods, New. | Under Skirts I say without boasting that we a hai the largest and most. attractive steck of Spring a this season. We invite you: to our store to see our go 50 PER'CENT. SiyENt in Embroideries on Saturday. morning. 50 pieces of the very best makes, new patterns, ' 8c, roc and t2c on sale Saturday. Your choice for 5c' Goods, Ladies? and Gents' and New Prints th con in; 33 inch IN TOWND, either in . M. Sign ol the Red Flag,' McGILLIVRAY, per yard while they last. | SPECIAL REDUCTION IN ALL WINTER Goops. 10 pieces of winter "Dress Goods 60¢ tor 35¢. 7 pieces of winter Dress Goods $1.25 for 65¢. A big snap in the balance of Fars. 10 pieces of Tweed Panting, regular price $1.25 to $1.50 per yd, job price for soc. Wallace Street. Children Cry for CASTORIA. Chiidren Cry for ° J. M. SCHINBEIN. CASTORIA. i Ee ee A HOUSE you will require. the goods the best. Stayon Barn places. | Wallace Street, ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD next summer ? If so, get our prices for all the Hardware You will find my prices the lowest and See that you use on your doors, they will not come off the track. SAWS, FILES: AND AXHES. A well assorted stock still on hand. a gallon of our COAL OIL, its better than you nee mest CYCLONE FENCE--Scee Sample. GEHO, ZILLIAX Jr. } Look ! Finely Tailored Business Suits Good Clothes with Style Distinction Fabrics Rare for the Money A Fit that is Faultless _ Ne Ee ee ee ay ar OR BARN Any man interested in getting the largest measure of satisfaction at a moderate price, ought to inspect our stock of Clothing, new and up-to-date. We have more of them than you care to look at, but your kind is here, and there is a surprise in the quality, Door Rollers Our $15 Suit is equal to a $20 tailor-made. A special suit at $7. _ Try us for a pair of fine Worsted Trousers, $4. "Ordered Clothing a specialty, fit guaranteed, material of the latest style. =~ Have you tried "A stitch in time saves nine." Our garments are DOUBLE STITCHED--"'SAVE YOUR MONEY." Woolen Mill. . ee ee sa Le ie i = et tt bi Listowel. ew Ba em] : BALLARD'S SHOE STORE | CLAWING OUT THE BROKEN LOTS of Women's Shoes at Reduced prices, for the NEXT THREE WEEKS, eee also the following lines of Men's Goods. é o@eeo Farmer'sBuckle Rubbers worth $1.36 for 96 cts, per Pair. Men's Overshoes $1.25 per pair Men's Solid Long Boots at $1-60 per pair. 'er <hoes 96 cts. eee oer Come in and sée the above lines, they are A 1 goods, Bring your REPA/RING and | have it done right. CASTORIA. GB BALLARD. . THOMPSON BRO Men's Feélt:Lined Leath-. fro Great Moving Sale Is now going on, "and has proved to be the most successful one that has ever taken place in Listowel. _ we are getting cn two extra hands, as with our present staff of thir- teen it is impossible to supply the wants of our customers. We have decid- ed to clear the goods on ess of cost, in many cases at half prite and to your comfort to do your shopping in the It will add great! to'the doors during the afternoon. as our store is crowde * Best made Reg. Sale price be in France. $1.00 $ .69 Regular .45 Sale M 450 1.25 .88 "65 " " dhe 1.85 -09 : be ' i 1.19 : . saad 1.25 bh 850 It is harder to D buut for lost To mk upaight! --_ and a _ opportunities With dignity " , Best sold than to fio new Dollar oo ones. You will oving Hale now in Canada 700 never » hers 'the chance sera to bny Gloves as cheap as at the Great Moving Ladies' Misses' and Children's Undrewear , Remnants and Fancy Dress Goods. Regular 180,.............. Sale Price lic 0 106; sspaeeewiws oa a9 ldo Cn Sean a r ee 160 Regular 200 Salo Price 00. Regular 150 Bale price Pag GEG ice caisieecs vas e 180 450 25e. 400 © BBs gievsae tears ie 220 * "500 '7 190, '* 26e Ls ine. B06. Gresiesses,- a 320 900 th 450. "* 600 a ee eee ee ut 870 " 900 " 55e. «450 a Fr a u 670 1.25 as 600. ; ee 2 | "" 790 Oftentimes fhe best ang is when the ag in You are offered ont and out valnes in these goods - most aoxions to sell and such © case now. determined to reduce our stock in this line during the andare missing the chance of a lifetime i* you not Next Seven Days, take advantage of this offer during the Next Seven Days. . The above four Special Lines will last for the Next Seven Days and we are ay peo that it will reach your highest expectations. People are come m far and near in answer to our Ads. and dre simply astounded at th great reductions in our prices. Come One and All ; and examine our goods and you will be cobiviceasih that we mean a business: f] ry fe Thompson Bros. r 2? hae ee

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