Listowel Standard, 7 Feb 1902, p. 2

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LEADING MARKATS. Tho Ruling Priees in Live Stock and Breadstuffs, BREADSTUFFS. is quoted at G8c for No. 2 middle _ wheat is quoted at 72c east. Munitoba Moore co steady; No. 1 hard is quoted o No, 1 Northern at Sdc and No. 3 "Northersi peonds are held at Lic vk 20c Naber: Manitoba tlour is steady at $4.20 for cars of Hudeesian outente and $3.90 for strong sarod in car lots, bags included, 'Toro! Pores wos Pge raeoniy: Cars of shorts uot t $20 and bran at $18 eile irdighta. pated at $22 for shorts Manitoba millfeed and $20 ee b an in car lots, sacks included, . Toeonts frei oe Barley--Th_ arket a Steady at 56c for No. 1, BSc for No. 2, ple for No. 3 extra and 50c for No, 3 middie| frei _ Buckwheat--Ta steady at 54 to 55c riddle freightls, e--Is steady at sir es Corn-- --Is firmer at 56c for Canada mixed and 56$c for yellow west. Oats--Are in -- demand, with sales ay export via New York and Portland at 41c middle freights. Oatmeal--Is heey at $5.25 for cars of bags and $5.40 for barrels on the track Toronto, oud 35c more for br se lots. 56c middle s--Are casy at 82¢ bid for No, 2 middle freights and 81c north and trest. COUNTRY PR PRODUCE. Butter--The butter market contin- ues unchanged, demand being indif- fercnt as to dairies and strong - creameries. Dairies canno pended upon for quality at Presa end so creamerics are much in de- mand. Creamery comma sta ee '21c6to 22¢ oli nes did 2ic to to Be annie a 00¢ io micdTuin and low --- ia 12}c i pga of new- Jaid ar¢ in- creasing, case ° 5 2 3 = : ga ply and a = 19 The market is Oe rs on the track eusy rs Potatoes Sor out of store at here. 5 . Poultry--There is but little choice stock offering. Irozea stock om- « Imurket is w illed Turkeys and _-- are que ol ed for frozen stock ese. Bale@ Hay--There is a tele demand With modorate offerings and a steady ---- Cars on the --s here are quo at $9°50 to $10---for choice toothy and $8.50 to $Y for med- tum. Bated w----The market is sloady with a fale demand, 'ars on the - truck here are quoted at $5 tu $5.60, PROVISIONS. The market for al! hog products is strong, the dem ome tings = good. Dresse@ bogs ro yw, there } 9 gs re very slo being little or no demand, and that unwilling to rise to markes a ta-; tions, which are $7 5U to $7.65 por} cwt m car lo gigas Aa cut, $21.50 to- $22; heavy 1 50 eile and ley ance Meats-- Long clear bacon, tons lite, cases Okey breakfast bacon, lic; hams, 1% to 13«e: Hs, Ile; shoulders, €0$c; backs, 14¢; grvea Ineats out of pickle are quoted le less Uaau smoked. x Lard--Tierces, Lic; tubs, tljc and pails, 11 fc. BUFEPALO GRAIN MARKETS Buffalo, Feb. 4. --Flour steady; fair fc ad Wheat, nothing, doing. | 'an stronger; No. 'yellow, Gate; , No. 3. do, G8jc; No. 2 corn, 63c; No dp, G2hc ats strong; No. J whita, 48§c; No. 3 do, 47}¢; Nu. 2 nixed, 46)c; No. 3 do, ite Barley | fy sothing doiug. Rye, No 1, 655 EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKICTS Londoa, Feb. 4.--Close--Wheat, uiet and steady; bout Ne. Lb Calif, ou cargues 29s sellers. Maize, on passage, quict and steady; February and March. 29s sellers. Wheot, FEugilish country markets of aay generally cheaper: Vrench uotry markets of yesterday quict but steady. Liverpool, eb. 5.--Close--NSpat | wheat firm; No, 1 standard Califone | 8d; No. 6s Id to Gs' 2d; No. 1 Northern spring. ts 1d 6s 2d; No. L Northern spring, 6s 1d to Sed; futures jet, arch 6s' td; spot ide stea- dito os 6 ew 3s Bid to pny td: Nora i guiet, jBeoew a N Paley Pas lh stea- ay, anuar, 21f GSe: March and Sins, 3 22¢ 70c. Flour steady; shaunu- 65c; Marc ud June. 237 2 BOG -- Feb. 4.--No, 2 red winter CIVG STOCK MARKITS. . Western to-day the reccipts 45 carloads of live stock, 800 cattle, 334 sheep and ogs, a couple of dozen ws. 9 rum Was exceptionally a light cattle from $4 to °. ng was ta choice butcher cattle. also -- at from $3.80 to $4.25 per . jum to good from $3 to sa.70 per c and feeders are steady and --. unchanged. Good heavy 'feeders are Milch cows are Worth from $25 to i a There is a steady demand for good veal calves Lambs advanced in price to-day on a light run ory an Saas demand. Sheep are changed. Hogs aro baht at sie "decline to- ay. Choice hogs to-lay sold at $6 per cwt; light hogs und $5.75 per cwt. _----_4------- BIDDLE BROTHERS SHOT. self-inflicted bulict 5:45 on Friday afternoon, ling one. 'The scene was But barn, n a onchorse sleigh, rysville, and © after jumping out of the Biddle was c = ° covered Soffel and the Biddles and camo ba and trio had Canada 6 jail on Friday night Edw pidate "called fur a priest and iio the following statement:--"Mrs and sho l vlgas dit 'al SAT SUPPLIES. é Tke T: Sroken a voyulists in broken ne meat i¢ naw im =the Contractor ape ay satisfactory arrar Ge drawa from frit --_----+-- FOR PALMA TROPHY. American Oltuwa A despatch from says that | Cal. 'Tilton, live Committce of the DRA. beea adoise re Uhat the National Rifle se at a tvam f "sn to campete during the R.A « tuceling at Rocklilte for the Pi sire trophy. Jt will be remember- | si a team of Canadian ri mnen, Under command of Major Mason this trophy at Jo, he ressol's search ight SNow INE ENGLAND, A despatch from - London hacp frosts and the United Kingdom, ing many casualties. Cross-channe traffic is interrupted on account of a workmen employed at building yards are idle, A despatch from Qnawa, wapeiy lait we fat hogs at Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime quality, and not below 160 nor above 200 Following is the rapge ot quo- tations:-- Cattle. bagel adiekel per ewt sb 50 $5,374. Do light... ... we ives 4:20: - 4,50 Butcher OICO 2.4 see 000, 40) 4.50 Butcher, ord. to good, 3.25 3.75 Butcher, inferior ,.. - 75 3.25 Stockers, per cwt ...... 3.00 3.50 Sheep and Lambs. Choice owes, per cwt... 3.00 3.50 OWE ro wasiee = 4.90 Bucks, * per pow ea benant .50 F Milkers and Calves COACH... we ose ase 45.00 Calvés, COCK on cee eevee #00 aie "To ogs.- Choice hogs, per cwt... 6.00 6.00 Light hogs, petty ewt.... 5.75 5.75 eect ho; D er ewt.. 5.75 5.75 ws, per wee ve 8.50 4.00 Stem, per ~~. ese see ves) 0.00 2.00 The Murderers Who Broke Jail Captured | brothers ig the Alleghany County aid»! by M is a thril- jasked this the snow- at once opened fire on io. The Biddies returned the sleigh. shot in the left * After the Biddles fell to tho snow- ficers picked up the apparently lifeless body of Mry. to Butler, bringing tho stolen sleigh, = strenuously to get away with toward us in getting out of the rsuatded I told her I Late guilt- trol to have power to revise School } which I was Board was d to my sugges- _|municipality to regulate the sale of y Has Been A despaleh from Pretoria says:-- Great satisfaction is oxpressed by the the Transvaal that the meat monopoly has been practically and that the supplying of the troops in South Africa ' h "own on Thursday after mak- ugemoents with Bifemen Will Compete |" t Rockliffe. Storms and Wrosts Impede Work SaVs:-- heavy snows are ereativ impeding traffic and work in and are caus pe | snow storm, and thousands the ship- psionic DEAD MAN BROKE PROMISE. Intended Bride Sued His Estate) Iowa, the best recover a erties of LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS IN " (HE ONTARIO HOUSE. NO LAW REFORM MEASURE. Mr. Matheson, on behalf of Mr. Whitney, also asked:-"Is it the inten- tion of the Government to introduce legislation during the present session th the cay of law re- =o of gl would be n this session TO ENCOURAGE FLAX GROWING. At. the suggestion of the Govern- ment,. Mr, Breithaupt asked: " the GCovernmen en into conside ation the question of 'utilizing Cana- on the supplementary to encourage the growin, countries n ONTARIO'S BANK ACCOUNT. Mr. Wardell asked: money 15th of January, 1902? money did the Government a tele, egram from Butler, Penn., December, 1901, and the 15th of Edw iddle in jail dying, valde pani & the fret bot Joh Biadie riddled with buckshot ith: .rengre fo the Great par Bue in a precarious condition and| the question, _ the Premier replied Mrs. Poter K. Sotto lying in the hos-| thet $2,180,345 stood to the eredit of the province. tho question was allowed to stand. NO SMALLPOX LEGISLATION. Dr. Bryce states tail, Sotfel, the wife| ments to the Public Health Act re- of tho jail warden, 'hursday |lating to lumber camps, passed' last | morning. The story of the close of |scssion, proved so workable that) the Biddle tragedy, which came at! no further legislation is likely to be | year. |pox danger tions: of the pr tricts scare in Sarnia, owing to the that a man with recent LEGISLATIVE / ASSEMBLY. TORONTO'S REQUESTS. Mr. Crawford introduced the of Toronto bill, embodying a of legislation applicd for by | City Council. Among the requests Sof-|are the reduction of tho voter's pro- oe Ww | perty qualification | from $400 r $200 ; municipal election on members of Board of elected by general | dof Con estimates ; a special police officer to have the power to prevent indecent posters being put up : th ks ; to authorize Council construct subways ] vernonts ; to mailing of notices -to tenants on tho initiative ments. MUNICIPAL COAL YARDS. Mr. Powell (Ott a bill to ena r awa) ae introduc- f He abolish tho aes 'qualification for aldermen, ASSESSING RAILWAYS r. McLaughlin (Stormont) moved the second reading of his bill to pro- ids for nt Administration to supply the re- the anaeten ssment of railway | ee cumps an the s basis that '|Companios on drainage works. It ithe Lruops will be supplied, which is'Would be a boon, he said, to S$d as against Td, greed farmers living along the railway ie in the previous contract. The lines province. The railway wing will amount to £755,000 an- Companies would not allow them to preety All the meat supplies will tebe drainage works through or inh Colonies, jay ss the roadbed unless th com- C) ') | panies did the work themselves and |the farmers paid them for it. ba Attorney-General said the bill important, and might be beyond the" ig of tbe Legislature, because ealt with all railways, including postales railweys. 'There chairman of the Exxecu- | should be ample timu to consider it, has'and he asked = m over to let it stund for a @hi aughlin said he gma oon- taken ' ny TH ONTARIO. | j "ou Seugirt, Mr. Wardell asked :--H many | A despatch. from Ottawa says jJast seasou during the a anatch- | bona fide settlers went int S thist por- Of the life prisoners in Canastian es of the Milericaas Associati 'tion of Ontario lying norts westerly | penitentiuries Juno last ; pa Se \from Lake Temiscamingue and thunu sixty per cent. are inaancareten @RAND RECEPTION. tween ake Nipissing and Abittibi in Kingston. In addition to those i -- uring tho year 1901 ? serving a sentences there are 26 The Sultan Entertains the British! The Crown Lands Conumissioner re- con victa erving sentences of 20 inis 'pli --Tho mber sons tak- | years or uk and Inspector Stew- A despateh from Gibraliar says:-- %6 up land as bona fide settlers in |art suggests that when a convict-- Mulai Abdul Aziz. Sultan of Morocco ; Lhe Pemiscaminyu region during | whethur --_ life sentence or other- entertained the British Minister, Sir 10V1 according to our returns, w iso--by ually served twenty (Arthur Nicholson, at the seaport. of 957. No count of how many persons years or ee his case shall be re- 'Rabat 'Tuesday night The gtfair 'Ahere were in cach family has been!ported to the department for | con- was uauspally splendid The Sul- kept, but the agent estimates the |siderntion, Of tho 1,382 convicts 938 fan's band furnished the music fer 'Permanent -- increase oun population | were from Some 132 from Eing- the entertainment--an honor hitherto J during 190i to be 1,5 land, 87 from Ireland, 13 ro unknown a Te ONTAIUO aenteat, "eR, pgs Te ' ft the ---- 'The British nian oi-war Iilustrious. In the Ontario Legislature yester- States. In reli gion were Komen Which is at present_at Rabat, per-'day Dr. Jessop (Lintaint moved the |Ctholic, 282 * Church of Engin. forined various Vandnoenvres for the second reading of his bill, which is |141 Methodist, 105 Presbyterian, 6 j benetit of the ASultan, who was de- intended to reconstitute the Ontario Baptists 23 utheran, "31 other {lighted with the firing of the Curret Medical Council by having the entire |cteeds, and 2 no creed at a = | guns and with the aii of 30 members elected from th pro- The total prison population in- ession generally instead of five 'ing appointed by the homeopathic 'practitioners and eight by the -- cal- eges, as at present. McKay (South Oxford) said the bill should jot be paswed without the fevasecht of the homeopathic = pra 'tilioners of the province, o threw with the General Me cal Council. Attorney-General d \favor the feature which aimed at 'the * | eliminati of the distinction -- be- 2 e¢ hoimeopatiric practitioners. there was wei pathic i should bo own, Dr. o (East Toronto) said the present constitution was a 5 cul thought the bill should go te a com- mittee, where it could be discussed n Tho Attorney-General replied = Oo gencral m je manufactur and by limiting tte open season for gs flax in competition with the foreign nu "How much was on deposit in the banks iF the credit of the province on the How much receive from any source between the 31st of The latter part of that the umend- mier Ross both Scan: a cautious licy: and reference to a committee on. The bill was * then given a second reading and n eont to the Private Bills 'Committes. RAT th PORTAGE'S WANTS. < Mr. Conmee ~introduced a deputa- tion from Rat Portage, Consietingsp Mayor Cameron, Angus C chaél, A. J. , and Geo. A. Gra- ham, requesting that the Government grant $2,500 deepen the chan- els between Shoal Lako and Lake of THE COPTON-TAILED RABBIT. h Essex) movod Se wood h abbits, to be killed at any time, a to one mon - Hon. Mr. eeeciiord, ae Public Works, said he intended ° introduce ii abiilar amend- of membe: be - killing rood athe with guns on their own mise He carlicted re some restriction was ae as to allow anyone to carr and kill the rabbits anywhere matte be dangerous to quail. thought the ~ gr stroy them unk Dewiotly. Mr. Latchford said it was not : farmer, but the worthless. 'e! who would be tempted to shoot the quail, Mr. Matheson said - he had been" reading Ernest Seton es wae nel ook, und among his herves was the In fact the small- has shifted from the | covered road two miles cast of i junsettied districts to the older - In tho latter fact spots on his 'face ae» over night at a hotel there City grist the Jocal make optional thé system of local improve- cotton -- tailed aaa He felt. like standing up for Dr. Barr (Duttorth) said the far- mer's interests : hould be preferred to sportsman . Kribs (st uth Waterloo) asked here was any evidence that the cotton-tuiled rabbit over destroyed fruit trees ? He did not think there |was. The cotton-taited rabbit was that public nt coostantty entitted to the same protection as orks against 'tho authorities. T ther game animals. ; two fiddlers who brought the dis- Mr. Auld said he p p resented last ease into Ralei Tow none t year a petition from 300 residents Christmas have ern of the fruit district of South Essex, to their credit, ohne '- Tilbury in which it was stated that the rab- East two boys are down with the bits destroyed the fruit trees. They disease as a result of ing with Werr getting to be as great a pest oys from iho quarantined district |@38 in Australia. Unless something of Dover Township. s also 2 /¥"9 done, there would be nothing jeft in his riding but telephone poles and barb-wire fences. (Laughter). The bill stands for the present. BIDDING FOR INDUSTRIES. Mr. Pattullo (North Oxford) move ed the second reading of his bill to interpret and make more eficctive the the Municipal Act which to prevent one municipality from voting a bonus to induce an industry to leave another municipal- ity | Mr. Whitney said it was an emin- ently proper provision. He alluded to the vicious propensity of some 'municipalities to bid against others. Mr. Pattullo said he would like to Will Receive £60,000 Annually for Five Years. A despatch from London' says :-- Tho Government has issued the terms of its five Canadian conveyance of mails, pohcigit stores ~ monthly janie or Montrea! and be- 'of age, 575 from 20 to 30, 348 from the |-ured py a series "s vecoruplteated want Barr (Dufferip) and Per or an annual subsidy of £60,000, of "hich the Dominion contributes £¥6, ja The most interesting stipulation is) that the vessels of th ompany are liable to war service, the pany; fagroeing to construct all its mail (steamers unc Admiralty super- yision, providing gun platfor and ot ting them out so that they cun be used as armed cruisers or troopshipss Similur contracts have been con- cluded with the great trans-Atlantic Government thereby obtains a pre- tion of eighteen of the largest and swiftest steamships, while thirty others aro available for an emer- geucy without further subsidy. NATIONALITY ¢ OF CONVICTS Some Ficag. Nope Facts Concern- ng Prison Population. clude 147 who wero under 20 years a o 40, 195, from 40 to 50, 74 from 50 to 60, and 43 over sixty. CURE OF CLUB-FOOT French Savant Says Every Case an Be Treated A suena froin Paris ys :--At ¢ Academy of Medicine on Wednes- . pen orgects ex which ha delicate operations. The doctor sa most cases of th kind = HARRY H. RAWSON The Vice-Admiral Now Gover. nor of New Sowth Wales.. espatch {roi Kone eh Vice-Admiral Sir Govrhocabie, which _ long been a sore point with the « the armies the civilized "wotld bag he all 4,000. Soe RS two nations will learn to know 1° ; ONTARIO A COUN, AY. The Magnitude, the hig. sren og Rich neas of This Prov: of ORE islatare re variety and richness of or Pron ce of Ontario, says The Toronto World, In Canatia, Ontario is merely a province. have a population as large as geo of the entire cise ee and think we are safe saying that bs will have such a pareintins within timber and mineérat year ought in oe output from We are pleased to notice that the Government proposes to take steps to increase our timber reserves, 80 as to establish a_ per- manent source of revenue from our forests. tarlo needs to adopt a comprehensive forest policy, one is commensurate with its forest wealth and possibili- ties. Millions of acres of excclient timber lands are available for re- usipiiin, and this work should be undertaken on a large scale, with a view to securing for the province o& permanent rovenue. Onturio is at las making substantlal headway |. in the development of her mineral resources The search for'gold in the Rainy River district has proved ; the ex- nickel more or less visionary, but ploitation of our iron "a mines has" revealed tho fact that | Ontario, possesses illimitable sup-| plies of the eful minerals. The: co tains valuable inecales gimber ana 'agricultural lands, the coming summer ought to witness a large ingress of ers and miners. Our Legislature ought to grasp the idea that they great country, not'a little province,*to deal with. We are not giving sufficicnt atten- tion to the great undeveloped = re- i ur railway up for set- country Theré has been unanimity of opinion for a decade on ae advisability of constructing a railw James' Bay. e can hardly procegd fast in the opening up of Greuter Ontario. Indinas Carry on Raoching. An interview with Rev. J. R. Matheson, who, accompanied by the Bishop. of Saskatchewan, arrived at Edmonton recently from Onion Lake, appears in The Edmonton Bulletin, which says the trip of over two hundred miles was made in four days by the trail north of the river. is 12 miles by six miles square, and - ns some 800 residents, Indians, half-breeds and whites. @ ch industry of the natives on the re- serve if ranching. This enterprise os several years ago, when . G. Mann, then agent at the lake, eee a herd of 60 cows from the Government. There were, armed out to the Indians, my = } ¢ japan fea tgalty, ee ent ging herd being replaced' ty, tne produce, an 6 India fa Commit ievvont™ to tho Municipal the mothers of the herd. This ----- rangoment has led to a dual nature, [ GPR, ~ > pea. +ba mnane s mw t0 CER, | herd, the descendants of the given to replace those-procured from the Goverament, now numbering he- tween 700 and 800 Poe and being held in xen this herd each i ancmer Be- hes a | private herd descended from the cows secured from the Government, and ; numbering from 7 to 25 head. The va Ong « nestor THIRTY YEARS AGO. It is a well-known fact- that noth- ing shows more wasil} the tide of irs the changes in the every- fae life of any place; and does any- » looking backward, show more thirty y Oo a8 compared with the . Geet! of January in the second year of the new century? Then ne towns had plenty 'of military, military!" as the scornful saying = eid spoilt young women of those was apt- egg ear of the then little thought of and now worshipped militia. It was aN Year's Day when the dashing oficcr of Hussars, artillery or line could have a glorious time indeed. For days beforchand tho toilettes of the: g consideration, and by 12 o'clock the drawing-rooms for callers. The hostess, and might be one or many daughter: with-often some bright additions the shape of sh friends, was an see in| F seed i. Huppy New Bn F some of ante the dining-room table set with a medley of good thitges bot and a large iced cake bein | amongst the articles of cuisine most in favor; hot~- coffee, punch, and, above all, mulled aise and cutacoa | Seng greatly in oe = ta- of ass ere Res ; tho shape pont pattern so well known | in those -- brought out by ace el, the chemist, famou "wlass counter") in the pretty old silver coasters, and labels of filagree silver, the inevitable iced cake, s beloved of children, and liqueurs, of- | ten erry brandy the rarest home-made quality, and what a point of honor it was that each visi- tor should te pressed to purtake, and, perhaps, sometimes too often. Afternoon tea was not the ordinary thing of life in a day's hurry, but hot coffee was there later on. Surely the snow jolly little red 'cutters with a frolic- some horse with his curious belt of | bells. All the male part of the pop- ulation turned out, young and old to greet their friends; uniforms were galore, mense number of visits, and I nermber hearing of the boast of ono man that, jumping out of his sleigh he rus in, shook i g3, rushed out, and was in his sleigh again oa fore it had time to come to a_ full stop. One beautiful and most hos- pitable home will always be remem- | u dinner party every ay, wh t the arrange | m that fo an grin: bered us lightful Year's ments ered f - gathering a yr far that ner: 7 and aaah was tnvactabier ca a kind and handsome host standing t6 i t. e The custom of "New ag 8 calls" wus carried e Southern States later than ours, but on it was a trifle more artifici - 'nature of the country 4 and comprising the reserve is ad- mirably adapted by nature and lo- cation to the needs of the rancher, and this industry, alone brings year- ily a large amount of to the natives Besides ranching, each native has. a plot on which he farms to a aiageene or less degree. Oats, bar- ley and wheat are grown of splendid quality, the two former being the grains most grown. | ------ Lake £t. CJair-Lake Erle Canal. tails of the proposed Lake oninLeks Erie Canal are given in The Engineering News. As at pre--- i a the canal will be thir- one-half miles long, through low-lying land, with underlying rock more than 20 fcet below the bottom of the deopest cu A uniform depth of 21 feet is proposed, with a.canal 156 feet . wide on the surface and 72 wide on the bottom. This can anal | would enuble vessels to avoid tho fogs, shoals and rapid current of S p & in course would be unimpeded by locks, and speed of six miles on hour could be maintained. The saving in dis- tance by the canal would be 79 - between the foot of the St. 000,000 per year on the 40. a4 000 tons of freig! now annually pass~ ing through the Detroit River. ' Prisoner of Eiel Ttevy. John Henderson, Methodist minister at Minto, Manitoba, has sent an Feige of the burial of the late Jr Jock. The latter, ho =r a veleran of the North- Scott, but was released together! with some others, while poor Scott! . Jock was a very) and traveled a great | He had a bright memocy and| fataous as a raconteur. He! on the banks of the Souris | and after two years age buried in Minto cemetery, 'Rev. Henderson officiating, ----»--_--_--_--. WRITES TO BRITAIN, - The Negus of Abyssinia Expresses His Friendship. A despatch from London says :-- Emperor Menelik, says the Times, --fhas acknowledged the a of an mj Dlscalne ted a books from the British ale in a friendly letter. The esses a desire to aid N expr British travellers in Abyssinia for _ sake = ong and says pes that, w that tho dominions] ae "Great Britain and Ethio; are closer her, the people of the tely, 2 | of Boston, Mass. with the house belog shut. up o blin ds and windows, and gas tighted everywhere, while the loveli- est of-women arrayed themselves in full evening dress, a trifle incongru- ous, perhups, but so pretty a scene bi those lucky enes. who were ushered but- great refreshment offered there ut.that timo was the delicious e flip, a creamy mixture insidious | with brandy or wine, and wonderfu sponge cake, the golden flakes of | which never could be made as the old colored "aunties" made it. Hun- | dreds. of callers of all degrees made' their bow at Government House, to the accompaniment 'of mych jangling of swords, glitter of ee lace, and feathered cocked hats New Year's was a brilliant function in the days gone by, and veg ll remember it with affection. So lot us say with "Tin ny wisn," "God ning us everyone.' Our Fisherman's Luck. Although Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness befor ir Is- reel up out of Egypt. yet his won- thy example is not without imi- tation in the life of Spence, who for the lust 40 years has wan-! dered along the teen of Ilay ay 25 miles west of of the "hed spots which await a fish- ermu Iie can give a practical deniceritintind of the skill which he | has been so long acquiring, On November ist 'of this year he caught on line three rage gr eighing respectively 864, 15§ "pounds, pike a | + pounds, besides several smaller fish. Hay Bay favorite resort for truc lovers this sort of sport, many of whom come from distant parts such as Mr. Kiug, banker, of New York, Mr. Lon- tio, of Wall street, and Mr. Nash. the jolly Spence, the visitor will most a suredly return to gladden the hearts | of fiis friends with tangible results, Ld [ -] Many From Ove. T&s--So you're really engaged? Jess--Yes, and to think I should do it after reiccting nearly 50 propos |: a is. Tess--Fifly? Well, well, persistent young stun he must be, CANUCKS CE CHASED DE WET. But the Enemy 'Meanie Too Num- erous for Them. A despatch from London says :-- pea gs the New i nad s Day of ty. -falt-slightingly--on|- h of five housts out of six were ready it } e larger ost ------ 0 | oyster soup, an cnormous jellied tur- Deu | key what @" } the tended to embody the NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. | Phe Very Latest Tiens From AY Parts of the Globe, _--~ DOMINION, A new town hall is to be erected a& Moosejaw The C, P. R. will ect a sg sum- -- rehen at Rat Vo Worth Coun nip bee a surplug Receipts for last year tablishment of his system of 'birclexe ad in Can- S Dever B. Holcomb was killed in" the ;main bie of the War Eagle' Mino at Toss. The Trade and Labor Council of London, Ont., will form a !abor party to study economic subjects | Ottawa favors an annual live show, to be held in tho winter. $1 0,000 worth -- &. ey L. J. Denetlars of the 1 st ffice giao hoe bus been appointed superintendent of the ad = Letter Branch roeatiy estabe lished at Vancouver. : The Government farm at Longueuil has been sold Campbell, of 'ew York, for §31, v0, sat the Property will be used in connection with the nl a bridge acrosa the St. Lawre: Rudyard Kipling is on the voters'. mo Vancouver. Le bought some pret pri while on his way to Ching and still owns it. So far $16,000 has been raised or Promised for the Grant Convocation all in gyro With Queen's Un- iversity, Kingsto Oxe of the chit features of the an- nual report of the Minister of Jug tice is the reference to the ticket-ol- leave system, which has proved a uccess | The D of A making arrangoments to hip anothe er consignment of 5UU to of tour to South Africa _" response to an orm der from the War Ollico Tho Wolverine ° Motor Works of Grand Rapids, Michigan, have writ- ten to the Board of Trude of Guelph suggesting the $50,000 factory for the manuiacture their gasvline engines, FOREIGN. An gpg pee zeaaue is ac tively at work in Lon il has het struck rm " ahch quanti- 'ties near Baker City, Orego Great suffering from famine exists in Akmollinsk Vrovince, Russi In Northern Japan 200 soldicra ssed admitting women as jurors in all courts. A bill is in the French Chamber to piel = 000,000 for Waterways and c¢ | The a hee richest = = been tern Aint in the Iowa House 'pro- hibiting hog playing of baseball and ball on Sund rte | foot! | The new > Peeek, cruiser, Chateaure-- naul developed a speed near liy twenty te feck . ft Anat of Afghanistan bs. - ~admission--of wbacioanader to his country. . The drought is drying the spring crops in lLengal, the northwestern provinces and in tho Punjab. Frenchman has planned a ship canal between Paris and Havre Miss Stone has not 'yet. been re- leased by tho Bulgarian brigands, and the prospect now is remote. One thousand cases of atoatipox - under treatment in London, an venty fresh cases were aearieh oa Wednesday. A commission will be appointed in London to enquire into the evils ar- ising from unrestricted alien imurhi- | ration, with-a view to introducing ni | Ina riot which broke out in Cairo -Thursday . over backsheesh from visitors, a hotel doorkceper shot: te dragomans dead and wounded.a t A _ has etl dnteoducedt we Wash- ington to ensure the searching of traine into the United --_ from Canada or Mexico, with a view to pe ii if aliens, not renidetit of e two countries, are on bourd. NEngland will seek permission from urkey to erect a telegraph line from Kowoit to Fao, in the Persien Gulf.- In a New York City court a widow was cives $10,000 against a street railway company for killing her hus- band. s | The Choctaw Railroad will rear a | baby which was found abandoned on one vol the cars east of Fl Reno, Ok- | Iahom: d-| A coal famine is on in St. Paul, | Oconomo- luke ports , Woe, Seatasenn oad other 'and northern 'ities. | Three people were Killed, two fatal- ily hurt, and a score more or less in- 'jure two runaway electric cara at Pittsburg, Pa: . | At Wichita, Kas., . Mrs. Angeline | Anderson was bound and gagged in broad daylight, and robbed of $1, 100 worth of diasnonds and $1,500 in mo ony | The new Russian Criminal code provides --" capital punishment be done away with, and banishment by |order of votre, nbolished, various |forms of imprisonment being substi- tuted. ----+-- DEPOPULATION OF OF FRANCE. Premier Save it Will be Made Sub- jec of Legislation. A despatch 'from Paris says :--The procles . Waldeck-Rousseau, pre- sided. on Wediveeday at the opening and too many deaths in France. The Premier added,- in- Government, ra ey Canadian scouts with Rimington, ~ome gion's labors in future legis- when near Wilger ee chased. a lation, number of carts, a a farm. They y Socontinasa "Friday may be an u arneey - the chase owing. to the enemy becom-|for some people, but Thu oe . ing too numerous ek their safety,| mine. "That's tho cig! ou hl c : and it was subscequentl ed | proposed. " d the et rtain tha raping arts contatwiel Christian | De Wet and his retinue. ng 1--"How did Dick get run aS No. 2--"He was picking up horseshoe for luck."* Ob.' rejected you 2 NO; she are was the u most range. 2,000 yards of the eeewt. guns at pat bate tle of Trafalgar, : and Governnient it assist Signor mare es

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