ites ene Lin pie Tee pas 'Feb.14 | 2 SSR RO pete a eS SERS ae Pea L STANDARD YOU'LL SEE THE WISDOM of buying here if you inspect |. our Stock of Jewelery, Watch- es, Precious Stones and Sil- ver-ware, and compare our prices with the offerings of other Merchants. Your VALUE FOR , YOUR MONEY s at this establishment. Our reputation would suffer if we sold you G@ods of in- ferior quality. A. ZILLIAX, JEWELER AND ENGRAVER 1F YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS MEATS RIGHT - - PRICES GO. TO STEVENSON THE CITY BUTCHER. oat ero Se per 1b., Lamb 8c, Pork Bausa . Roasts 7c and 8c, Bo jling Meat aes 4c to 6c, Pork 8: %0 10c, Vent Je and on Boer Sausage loc, Hams Idec, Side Mea 8. 1 "STEV EN F. S. HOWE'S SHAVING - PARLOR is equipped with all modern rane for first-class work. Give him ac Shop, ot Royal -- Block oe St. Bri F. VE, SON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITURS &*. Solicitors for the Bank gf Hamilton. Notaries Public and Gommissioners, Oab. J. M. CaRlHEW Moneys Blewett & ray. BARRISTERS AND pone TTORS, F is eaias Public Bis ( v sanvers aie y to ton " S for mo Banking ll House and Ont ves m. Ihdg. & sant F. R. Reewnt., sk 'Bray. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrister, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER CENT Office, Maio St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Branch officein Atwood every Wodnesdas. flabee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Boliettors for The Merchants Bank. Moet to Loi RATFORD. ONT. J. P. Masses, KE. 0. Oo) MARIN W.E. Dingman, M. D. G RADUATE of Queen's University; member of College of Physicians » and Surgeons, Ontario Phys dolar, Rurgeon ccoucheur. © an Texidence--Main Strect cast, . Thos, cheb ATWOOD ONT. Vie of Marriage aajioner in Licenaos, Co Deeds, Mortgages, perk all Coures: Money to tend. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY. UNT. ASES? forthe London and Lancashire Rig urance Company. Also Mones aay sama from $200 and upwards at laverost. Press: nvasaacing of all descriptions done on onsy t [usic Instructor. B. RAYNER, Teacher on VIOLIN, MANDOL ee oe mide NE! rricolare mado wo by. enquiring at a PS Howe's barber abop, Wallace etreet. 45 L. O. L. Meeta in Orange Hall each month. Members are attend all meetings and visiting cordially invited. H. WILLOUGHBY, "OW, M. No, 370, Listowel first Friday in requested to brethren W. R. HAMILTON, Rec.-See. G. 'TR, TIME CARD, Train leave Listo scl station daily as under : STRATFORD bee r al WERSTON, Fo: enger, . Passouger 2 2p. 1m For almernton. --Mixed, 11.224. m.; Mixed, 3 i 0 PEINCARDISE A ax 4 PALMERSTON. For = ; Mixed, 10.55 " Yor Seedienitits Lp. m; Express 7.45 p.m. I9O2, In Business Colleges as in Business, EXPERIENCE COURTS. has teachers of experience. The rates are reasonable. The courses of the study are thorough and practical. You can spenda few inonths profitably with us. Send for our Journal. C..A. ---- Pres, wen Sound. A. L, "McIntyre, Sec. Listowel. CAPE BRETON. More "srt Than the se Scoteh--Here Gaclie i ppeninitee ei Is Much * Cape iectea, the wild, recky - is- Jand which forms the northeastern part Nova Scotia, is beginning out from the obscurity that veiled it like its own fogs so many years, and is attracting at- tention in quarters where its name was previously almost unknown. The main reason for this is that great iron and steel work be- ing put into operation there, and the island's own cnormous coal deposi are being developed in connection with aac new industrics rican, British and Cannodian cagttallate are interested in the -- eral undertakings. The iron is to be brought from Newfoundland less than 100 miles away, and it proposed to expert a large part or the pig iron und steel to Europe in an unmanufActured state. But aside ftom the commercial im- portance that Cape Breton has as- sumed there is much of natural and historical interest connected with the strangely formed island. In a paper which he read, before the St v.B., Natural History So- ciety 'recently, Dr. George F. Ma- thew ve the result of his observa- tions 'ete while engaged in geolo- gical work on Cape Breton T of the things that impressed Dr. Mathew most were the = racial integrity of the people, almost all of whom are Acadian, French or Uigh- land Scotch, and the strong, simil- arity which Cape Breton bears to the Highlands of Scotland. It was in that portion of the island i bited by the hardy Scots that Mathew spent most of his time, and of it he says: 'Here was country indented | by arms of the sea, ~vhere from water to water the distance was short. Gleus can be found among the rug- ged hills of Cape Breton with = pre- cipitous sides and deeply cut val- those of the western Highlands, and they are bordered by hill ranges, which, though not tow- ering up into mountains, close them in effectually. "Such a typical glen is the valley of Indian Brook on East Bay of the Bras d' East Bay itself is one of those broader sheets of water running up into the land which di- cx- pansions of the B add "No great ocean-swells throw wa- » the gravelly beaches of the r, and it exhibits to us the ocean in its mildest moods, The rise and fall of the tide is small, so that the water seems always to: bé lapping the samme line of the strand. Along these shores one may gather and the auahog or round chum, fancy he was strolling along the wig aed of Long island and Ni Lert anew » bred king. up of the - sur- face by the puimerous arm Bras d'Or, and the proximity of the ocean on all sides, give to a remarkably equab le climate, so that though so far to the north and east, Cape Breton has a mild win- ter, and, on the other hand, the summers ure cool. The differences of temperature between the night and day are light, and a hot summer's day is 'hardly know t least one recneet Cape Bre- ton is more on an Scotland Atael{,. Ss Says, here published. at oto a@ newspaper en- tirely in the Gaelic tongue, while not in all Scotland, it is said, is there to be i As to the pertinacity with these Nova Scotians have adhered to the language of their Mother Land, Dr. ee Says had 3 11 characteristic hospitality of the Highlanders is not wanting and we always found the people ig <4 to give the stranger a welcome. But it was difficult sometimes to gers ae understand one's wants, as in any houses no one understood English and the Gaelic was natural- ly unintelligible to us, As @ rule only the oid people and the young children are unable to under- vernacular. helief of the people Presbyterian. stand our The religious is iowitn Catholic or lergre Noman Catholic element ouletad wmong the Highlanders who eume to Cape Breton lr, Mathews says = "a y Were sympathizers with the Pretender and upholders of the Stuart cause and probably found the old land too hot to hold them. But with those of the Roman Ca- tholic fulth were a goodly number Presbyterians, and one finds in traveling in Cape Breton alternate parishes of Catholica and Preshy- Lerlains Cape Breton has long been known as affording the fi kind of sport for gun und rod, it has not been much frequented by sportsmen from the United States there being other and more access- ible fields at their disposal, Now owever, that the reach- h ing the island either sea have been so vastly it is probable that more improved A aig ns will try their luck in thes new jelds. Dr. Mathew gives some idea of the promise they hold. "Out of view frem the valley 'on the broad ' on the hill ranges, the moorlands.or as we would call them, rens, appear sinking into in the hollows, with here and thero a marshy lake or pond, Such tracts, "ne they are not fit for the farm: a paradise of the sportsman pee the fisherman,/are the of flocks of ducks and other fow! The great barrens of the northern peninsula of Cape Breton abound with game of various kinds, which are comparatively free from molestation, w Did She Koo aan ard 'in the darkened hall- al 'Darling !"" Pause. "Oh, George, you have started your moustache gut again, you?"' * Chiidren Cry for CASTORIA. Mr. Justice Lister died of heart fail- ure early Sunday morving. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. of the Canadian Province of. WHAT IRELAND DOES, The wrens Inle's les Share In ; Bepeles the World's Wan 'Tt sure! nig makes me laugh, tile talk. I ace in the Englis nd in too," ' said Mr. competition,' "English brewers are American breweries to save th selves from American competition,' 'Eng- ger brewery than a! you know that the. shipbuilders land can buy and sell the shipbuilders of England and Scotlan Ww that the 'canny Scot,' who is supposed by | American journalists to like his own harsh liquor, ee Irish products in thet largest brewing and world. handkerchiefs, shirts and puts on British tables the choicest breakfast bacon and butter. Tha Eniglish usually conceal the identity of the Jast twg named under the brand of ersey shows anything equal to the ship building concern of Harland & Wolff at Belfast. Yet there is nothing the English id the highest place in the world so far as tonnage launched *is concerned. The yards employ 9,000 ee and support @ aad sized town. 'The works cover eighty Teutonle and Majestic, ost famous at "4 hounds, were built there. s a byword {n the British navy that no breakdown of machinery, a thing so frequent, has ever occurred ip any = naval vessel built in the Belfast yar¢ "Nothing shoildy 'ever comes from Ire land. That is why the balbriggan is iml- tated by British and German manufge turers, Guinness of Ireland owns the largest brewery in existence. nets 500,000 excise every yeaK There are 13,000 British breweries, but Guinness produces one ont of every t ty barrels of beer credited annuclly to Great Britain, It is a funny thing, and o bad thing for America as well as Ire- and, that many native merchants sell the poorer grades American butter as 'Irish,' and pure Irish butter is sold as 'Dorset' or Danish.' Seotland--the can- y Scots, who'like none but their ow: a 500,000 gallons of Iris Artec' every year. up the ny boy, and you will see that I have i edeerated the amounts that Ireland gives to England annually, not oniy for her consumption, but in most cases fo: the purpose of soneiytions an English icenl before sale." Like Father, Like 'Son. A you man with 2 mechanical turn of mind was sent to the univer- sity by his father The old pent ian had been a carpenter once, and rose from chasing a plane to the dig- 1uw nity Gf a wealthy contractes, The son wanted to be 4 carpenter, too, and learn the business Ile like d tools und was handy with them But riches had swelled the old man's noddie, and he snid: "My boy, sate arate yourself with learning and bea lawyer, and | will pay the shot."' The young man passed and brought a brief bag. He has had five cascs up to date, ~ has lost three of em Somehow or other nature has stamped "Carpenter" on is teow. and all the old man's thous- apads will never efface it. a ee For Over Sixt¥ Years. Mra. Wis Soornma. Syrtp_las_been used 'by mitilen m8 a 'moubers for thelr children ahileteetbing. If dist arbed af nig ht and broek in your rest by a tick chill snf Children Veething. Iuw © the Spoordit ie anfforer immediately, Dene! ie on t 1 it. mothers, bere is no nistoke abo ares Dinghies tepilat-« the Stomach and lowtle, enres Win! olig, softens te Gumea, reduc » intlamimtion. ml gives tone ant energy to the whole svatem, Mra, Wi | Sy rap" 'for children tee hing j4 pveasant to the taste amd is the pre- «cription arene of the oldest and best female vhysicians and nurses in the Unit Stat Pits twe nty-Bve conte a bottle: Sead br 1 Te gute and ela aginte Lrongh= utthe world « for "Mir SLOWS SooTHiIne S¥RC Mo Sa ; Comnaen performers on the Piano or Organ, we will acnd you & copy of oo a j. W. PER, Publisher, Eighth & alles if tag Philadelphia, Pa. Write for our interesting books 'Ia er's Help" and " How you @ ire setae. Seud us & rouge skag-e 6 del of your t vention orimprovement asd we will tell our free opinion as to whether it is.proba tentable. Re! haveo fee ally by ns, conduct fully enipped in M and ington; t malifies us to prompt. ly aispetch work and qui ey secure Paten: ' brord ag the invention. Highest refi mm Patents procured through Marion & Ma- tion receive special notice pee over too newspapers contains "Sorta is the Childe . WHAT is =| CASTORIA Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription rty years'-use by Millions be Mothers. Panacea--the Mother's Friend: EVERY WRAPPER BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF for Infants an neither Opium, Morphine nor Sener harmless substitute for heats datos It is Pleasant. Its -Cas-- THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STACEY, NEW YORK CITY, prices. ox. Layer everything you may wish DO NOT FORGET THAT THE CITY RESTAURANT Keeps all kinds of Nuts and Candies at very low Also Fancy Home-made Bon Bons 15c per Raisins, Figs, for. FANCY CHEESE AND OYSTERS always on hand. Dont forget to call. Dates, Oranges and A. B. GEORGE. DO YOU WANT A PAIR OF BOOTS. OR- SHOES RUBBERS OR FELT BOOTS, Either Men's, ar Boys', Girls' or c id s? you do, give us EX, re what we have. Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders and Contractors, are prepared to contract for the erection of alletusses of buildings. Plans and specifi- estioas drawn, ind estimates furnished on application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, se. + furnished on short notice. nc to order, --_ ra line will be give: FLRST CLASS. " ORK ANT Planing MANSAIP 3 30 4R- EE). Charges Moderate. Bamford Bros. oy. Gabei, GPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. Near sighted | People See clearly close by, and for this /- reason try to get along without glasses, thereby suffering endless misery, and sometimes biindness follows. We are competent to examine your eyes. We use the most medera scientific methods, and guarantee Satisfaction. J. GABEL- "SAVE YOU MONEY, "You will say so yourself when you _ examine ours. When we tell you that we got a big discount off from the Zinn stock, it ; means a saving on every pair sold. As we eld you belore, we bought cheap and so we can sell cheap. K. BRICK ER, Zinn & Greve's old stand. Wallace Street. -»deistowel "NOTICE TO Parties Intending Building 9 yards being well well "stacked with all binds 3f LUMBER, such as Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood, | can supply you with the best at such bargains as have never before been offered in this vicinity. I ALSO CARRY LATH AND a You ask the reason why. n every grade. therefore the i Well, we buy for Cash. problem is solved. D. H. MARSHALL, Listowel Lumber Yards, Clothing Hvidence. No evidence can be so lag net as that of your own ey Drop in on us some day before ny get that Suit or Coat, and let us just show you what we are offering--and the prices. Then if we can't show youthat it-will pay you to buy from us, don't buy, We will be pleased to see you anyway. , ROGERS, PERT - - TAILOR. Main Street, Listowel 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Children Cry for CASTORIA BeGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and wagonk. call at my carriage J .F. WILSON, Mill Street, Listowel, --+ -- GREAT_CIEARING "ALF Watcher, Clocks, Jewelery, Gohl, Guta -- a Kimless Spectacles, and Kye Glass Up- 308 date Photograpis all sizs and 7 rege size Crayon with each dozen large Cabinets. 4 SUNBEAMS FOR 25c. Repairing prompt and reasonable. Ss. M.SMITH, At Telegraph Office, TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. -- OO Anacre and a quarter of land and dwelling hard and soft water ant a = house, 5 'lof fruit trees, Also a com dywellin house and q uacter secre a Led, on whish | there is 5 fine ye with = hard eae Foe reat thishodlles, or box 83, Littowel IPs 0.--6 SIXTEEN TO ONE. We can make you a well I! dressed man, and a well cid sinwy dau elle any ratio he likes in some things. The Har foro yaoi -- Custom Made Olothes and the Ready very sli With our make it is well defined. There's a cut to it, a symetr f lin that-mak - aewe pet 'y of line makes it far superior to any: A Suit or Overcoat to your order coats from $15 TO $20. These prices givea wide range of material and perfect workmanship, TRY US. WILL JENKINS, Tailor and Furnisher, SEE THE WINDOW Next to Post Office. ¥ Ff F'OU NDI £ te. GOOD BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. z We have not Leen making a big noise as some 7 of the merchants of this town he ive, but come in, as we ' have lots of goods as low in price as any of them. . Here are afew Hnes of goods to let you see what we can give you for YOUR MONzY and don't make any tuss about it. a a ee --_-- a a - e - Ta a oo eS eS eS Se A Nice Plaid Flannelette 10c now 6c yard. Plain Flannelette 7 and Sc now 5c yard. Men's,and Boys' Caps at toc each. Ladies' Jackets from $2 up All other goods at a great reduction. ae ae Remember the Place, W. SPEARS' STORE. PHONE 87. ee ee eee eR Aa Ae Aw LY A AT aaa ae ae a ES ee ae ae ee ee id ae he i a ee as "STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES, STOVES, RANGES: Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Screen Doors Windows &c., at the leading Stove and Tinware House, ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Estimates given on Hot Water and Steam Plumbing. American and Canadian Coil Oil for Sale. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Phone 4o. Main Sc. Listowel, " GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Up- to-Date Grocery. I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, Any quantity of broken Sets. I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at a margin. Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE. . Nails, Glass, Hinges, Barn Door Hangers, ; Barn Door Track. Goods the Best Prices the Lowest. ADOLPH & BONNETT. Main St. Listowel. > Leading Hardware Merchants, P, 8,--String Bells selling AT COST w clear,