J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers, BANK OF HAMILTON 5 ma lexan 1872., OFFICES : Palmerston - and | CAPITAL AUTHORIZED - $ 2,500,000.00 Clifford, 'se uit sh ' A. Halstead, Mount | Capitan Par Ur - + §$ 2,000,000.00 Forest and Shelburne. Reserve Foro - - §$ 1,500,000.00 A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DCMINION, UNITEU STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. |} Toran Assers - :- - $17,071,759.60 ESTABLISHED IN LISTOWEL OVER HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. Luli inl ae aia 2 . : . . A. @. RAMSAY, Vice Pugster. ° GEORGE ROAUCB Marsico acne sig T. WOW M. P.._ WM. GIBSON, M. F. Current rate of interest allowed. 5.90: A. cae - large amount of private fands to lend H.8, rR esa cok farm security at 4% per ara wit privilege of repaying annually. BRANCHES, Li Issued. |S Milton "| Marriage Licenses Issued, | acim = J. W. Scorr & Son. | Chestey sville, pei ay own Pilot Monnd. Man. iS) BRICKER, Grimaby Plum Coulee, Man - Port Elgin ranch Sensi Man. REAL ESTATE BROKER.) "secs; rere Hamiota, Toronto Indiyn Hi Head, ay. W. T. water, BC District Agent for the Canada |i Listowel Winnipeg, Man Life. Manton Man OFFICE.--Adjoining- Morphy & Carthew's Law Offices, Listowel. FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY LIST. * 4,000 will Drrenane 100 acres near Henfryn, its of $1 and u ware pilin. gle ig = pales allowed. em terest pri incipal te) May ani zuaxetane aise. receiv rate of interest. i Depoaitamay be withd-awn without formal- t bri fooned zazanle atall points in Canada at current OF CANADA. Capital a ") - $2,600,000.00 Reserve -- - - -1,860,000.00 H. 8. Howland, ret Wise: HEAQ OFFICE, TORONTO, D. B. Wilkie, Generai Manager. Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Mani- toba, North West Territories, and British Columbia. LISTOWEL BRANCH. VIN A DEPARTMENT -- Deposits ae oe hoe interest added to principal twice La geehey given to the discounting of RAFTS SOL! LD, available at all Pw in MONEY ORDERS tea on in a, Rateo--Under § nite He 'ot $20, 100 ; 826 to $30, 120 R. ARKELL, Manager. AUCTION SALES. Lo'clock, T. Mi Hay' auctioneer. Sale without -- asthe proprietor has sold his far Monday, Feb. ni --Sale of farm stock and ad ited Stu: engrtar ite re atari yay ator "'Drafteon G % reat "Britain and the continent of implements for LaMerchant Long, weat Selance di in olash, need "down, mall "orchard, arepe beer apd may half lot 4, 2nd con, Maryboreugh, com- 2 wel's. This farm is very cheapand must be) Pormers notes ni eins at 1 o'ciock, T, E, Hay auc sold immediately. 5 ? in orchard. and amall Agents in United States. frat. irae narod decry in ore 26 x 30, In Hew Xo ork : Hanover National Peak nud Fourth Tuesday, Feb. 18,--Sale of farm stock, kiteben, dintn; and wood shed, good stable, ational Bank. Boston 5 International T:nst Ge. implements, ote. for Wm. Wilson, lot also hen house JU x 8, A-t well. Thin property 18 Bank of Baffle. Detroit; De: Mh 0 Wallace, commencing at s, "Call ato a eee ieee te Be = 1 o'clock "T, E. Hay auctioncer. Sale $4,000 for 100 acres, 80 clear, balance in A-1 Agents in Great Britain. -- reserve as the farm has been h, xoil cl loam, P.O. avd 'school at at door, 6 z 80) tiles frow Listowel, on feeding fond; welldings | Metial Provincial' aukel Ragland, Tinited: | 7 os 19 Sele of Yarm. stock fair, windmill ou farm.--s maa vellers aro nowfied that the Bavk of iD a --Sa E19 $750 fora bea in Listowel, 1 acre, m ita Branches lasue Circular Notes and implements for J. M. Lynn, lot », small rcnagd ot: all king. of fruit, 'aise atoal of the my atiene Ereribeal Bank of Engigad. 4th co} Vallace, commencing at 1 o'- staan ; rury. desirable: pruperty Limited. w without change lock. T. F. Hay auctioneer. shoud sell at or troable ry pie part af the world. + Wek," SiccSataat fitos eck 35,000 will pe arch raze 103 acren, 8 cleared, 20 in Se H.STUART, Thursday, Feb. --s Mo bane: potfeulied, e bank barn 40 x 70, fetes L implements, etc., f Robt. A. omp. shed 40x 10, ie * tions in tair sha ere Soil istowel son, east half lot 3, 2ed con, Maryhoro, bites ree loam. 1; miles from Wal Oe t b alae! T Hay 34 ¢ from school, This farm shoutd sell at vacitoaaies sig ic : : $1,000 will pure a - Pept fine farm -in the Mr. R. Lennox and bride, of Lin- Friday, Feb. 2ist--Sale of farm. stock and Soe ee ide ee cleared, 15 | wood, made a pleasant call at Mr. D implements for S. L. Kidd, Lot 22, | lat' church, post otlice, pret ait soot shop within a vont or tlie, su ump atonce or you will rohai Do mt tasiay one moment if you reuine? . fers of this will buy quick. $000 will aDisthone avery fine houseon Mill atreet, 4 is ana as the house is up-to-date. Call at ence rare alt it is mecexsary for me to do is to show aud down she x fu wcres inthe Connfy af Bru miles from Patsier and 9 miles rape, ermis to suit no cha Pee: will buy a very men frame house and lot, in i shape, anc - Be op at $350. ted,--4 or Sacres with good house, stable --- ° reba --0 to 0 acres, with nn es 'Listowe Sy ver failing spring creek. | A house and BRICKER. GREY. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Mines was the scene of a very pleasant event, dunghter May, aton of Hamiota, Manitoba, of Morris. Rev. 4H. Ethel tied the nuptial bride was dressed iu white organdie groom was tvattended. Little Miss Masov, neice of the groom, was flowergirl. After the nsual congratula- tious the guests repaired to the diving room to partake of the good things provided by the hostess. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents, showing the esteem in which she is held. ATWOOD. There dicd in Atwood on Feb. 6, Avw Holden, widow of the date Joseph Montgomery, aged 96 "years. "The fuvera! left the residence of Miss 8, Stuart, Main-st., Feb. 8, at 2p. m., aud proceeded to Elma Cevtre bury- ing ground, where interment was made. Rev, E, A, Fear condacted the service, J. A. Mitchell, treasurer of Atwood Public Library, has received a liberal gravt of $15 from the members of Elma Council. The money will need to purchase new books. Scott avd Peebles shipped a car- load of choice lambs to Buffalo on The price paid was $4.50 Miss Moore of Palmerston P. 8. staff, spent Sunday under the paren- tal roof. DORKING, Only one mail on this route last week, on account of the prolonged storm, That ove came on Thursday. The concert at Glenvallan on Jan, B3let was s decided success, The yonnug ladies and the schoo! children are to be congratulated on tbe pro- gram given, while the Library officials are tu be congratulated on the proceeds, which amounted to $51. Miss Addie Coote of Crossbill is visiting her brother, W. H. Coote, Mr. Joseph Kraemar moved over, to his new quarters on the farm this k. Special mission services have been heid at Macton this week, which were well attended, considering the weather and t! e state of the ro WALLACEVILLE, The directors of the Marion Cheese Lenuox's on Thureday. Mr. D. Tiina. has rented from 3. Hewitt the farm lately -owned by CO. Laughlin on the third Jine of Mary- boro, Mr. Lennox and Mrs. Lennox will be greatly miseed here. During their two years residence they have made a host of frieu CARTHAGE, A number of our yonng people at- tended a party at the residence of Mr. Will. Moore of the townline, ov Tues- day night. Dancing and other amuse- ments formed the evening's entertain- anes Splendid music was supplied y Mr. lt. Martin and Mr. E, O'Grady. ie. O. Freeman and W, O'Grady act- ed ae floor mavagers. Dancing was kept up until a late bour, when all re- turned home, well pleaged with the evening's enjoyment, sod hoping that they might enjoy mavy more as pleas- ant evenings with their worthy host, r. Moore. Miss Hilliard of Wicgham ia visiting his. friends-in this vicinity. A. Johnston is wearing a broad smile these days, It's a boy and has come to stay. On account of the bad atate of the roads Very few from here attended the moutbly fair in Listowel last Friday. We are pleased to nee Mr. A. Urqu- hart around after bis late illness. WALLACE, Considering the almoat impassable state cf the roads, the Conservatives of Wallace turned out fair num- bers to the organizing meeting held at Gowanstown on Tuesday evening. Mr, John C. Monteith, the Conserva- tive candidate for North Perth, and Mr. Wm. Welch of Stratford, drove over from Listowel hasig several gen- tlemeo from that tow G. Poole wae called to the "chair, and the following officers and executive of the Wallace Conservative Association were chosen: Honorary President, Poole ; President, boa Nickel ; President, Joseph W Alvin E, Kennedy : Vice- power to add--No. 1, E. ©. Stewart, A, E, Kennedy, Joseph Walker; No. 2, Geo. Spence, 8 E. Smith, Jno. Mas- on ; No. 3, John Strong, A. Barnett, Wm. King ; No. 4, John ng, Poole; S. Wilson ; No. 5, Geo. Knight, Andrew Demman, Moore, John Nelson, Philip Nickel, Adam Gabel. After the business of the meeting had been got through with, Mr. Monteith was called upon and delivered asburt but pointed ad- dress, toncbing upon the work of Organization, and also dealing with some of the questions which would be _ issue in the approaching lee Messrs. Poole, Welch, R. T. Kem mp, J. Seburger and John Koch also spoke briefly. Notwithetanding that remov- als and the haud of death are making some inroads on the Conservatives of Wallace the township can be depended upon to roll np a big majority for Mr. outeith when the electios comes off, Me. Hon Charles Fitzpatrick has been sworn in as Minister of Justice. wet has again broken through the British cordon that was closing in upon BIRTHS. Lamont--In Toronto. on the 7th ae the and Butter Co. Jet the milk drawing on | ~ wife of D. ont af a danghte: Saturday, Feb. let. President D. _ hee = Marion was auctioneer, The following MARRIAGES. will conatitute the staff for 1902 1) woe Scureiser--Bartne--On Saturda 8th rad Ruppel, A. Gabel, J. Ar: sco February, mo the residence of the Arch- J. A. Bender, Victor Metz, Chris. bishop,' To , Herbert "Harry Schrei- Mehoke, W. H. Smith and F. Krotz. ber, to Olivia Mi Clara, daughter of All milk drawers witl be required to pi late L. A. P. he; Esq , of Mont- furnish their wagons with springs. Major Wooldridge was awarded the contract of. building the addition to the factory. Messrs, S, A. Greer and T. ©. Greer, accompanied by their respective part- ners, teft on Babasday for Shelburne, to visit relétives: They drove, and the roads are anything but Pleasant to gy Bea ¥ Eager is faiveres & the wood at has been 8.8. No. virtually Socal ee daring the fae a, week, few out -- Scat: Tuesday, Lith: 'Feb., by Rev. H. E. r, obn- aton, ' Manitoba, to Miss _ May Mines of Grey. DEATHS. Srzexce--In Ethel, on Wedaesdry, Sth, William Spence | roads ho oe? months and Bryaxs--In Morris, on Rea Se Feb, 12th, William Bryans, gdh 20 years, Mortoommny--In Atwood, Thuraday, Feb, 6th, Aun Holden the r velleh ot Joseph Montgomery, aged 96 years, . -- Wallace, i in rear.of" Fairview metery, Sale at 1 o'clock. T. E. Hay » auctioneer. The Bishop of Huron has appointed Kev. J. McCracken of Chesley rector of Thorsidale. The Winnipeg pny! Council - decided by a majority of one to accept Mr. Carnegie's 5,000 library offer, A motion in favor of Sunday street cars was defeated by a siini- lar majority. TOWN OF LISTOWEL Municipal Election To as a Councillor to fill vacancy occas. ned by the penne of Councillor Charles fone fe Public notice is hereby given that where- as a vacanc een created in the Muni- cipal Council of the Town of Listowel, in the County of Perth, by the resignation of Charles Anderson, one of the members o said Municipal Council elected at tthe Muai- cipal Elections held inthe said Town of Listowel on the 6th day of January last,. A D., 1902, And whereas it is necessary to hold « new election in the said Town to fill .the vacancy 60 cre! And J sei John Watson, Mayor of the said Town of Listowel, has by his oe this day issued, authorized, nnemes required the Revurning Officer and' Depu Returning Offivers appointed to bold te the last. Municipal Election for the said Mun cipality, to hold a new election in the said Municipality to fill the vacancy aforesaid in the manner and os the time provided by the said Municipal Act Therefore I, Withem te Bright, Town Clerk of the said Town of Listow el, under and by virtue of said warrant, an so by virtue of Section 214 of the Municipal Act, hereby appoint Friday the 21st Day of Feb- ruary, 1902, noha at 12 u'clock noon until 1 o'clock p, m., at the Town Hall in ssid Town of Liatowel, 'for he purpose of somiea oooh aptars for the office of Councillor t& fi vacancy in said Municipal Council, Should a poll be demanded the same will be held in the following placeson Friday the 2th ry of February, 1902,to open at 9 o'clock a.m. and continue _ until 5 o'clock P. m and no longer,with the hg per- 6 Deputy Returning Officers: Bismarck Ward at Goddari's Shop, Heury Goddard Deputy Returning Officer; Gladstone Ward, Town Hall, Wm, Bright Returni : Victoria Ward, Squire's Sho: Deputy Returning Officer ; B Morrow's a John Stewart al turn ning Officer ; Lansdowne Ward. G. Barber's Shops John Torrance Deputy Re- turning Office WM. BRIGHT, Town Clerk. Listowel, February{13th, 1902, At Goldsmith and Diamond Hall. Now that the rash of holiday trade is over we are giving special attention to TESTING EYES for Spectacles and Eye Glasses. a FSR al new peters to es this the ei sha for sOSPECTACLES. an GUNTHER'S 40 Main St, Went, Listowel. arenes 4S "IMPERIAL BANK [DO Y : | THAT OU CAN BUY . =Mtaa" Hla $1. So Per osibs? | J. M. SCHINBEIN, cx ALWAYS AT THE TOP" TWO QUALITIES order at the Mill Office. Telephone 53) A trial will convince you of its Superior Qualities. If your Grocer cannot supply you; leave your The Meyers [lilling Co., : "Two QUA! ROYSTER _YARA-YARA _ THREE HEIGHTS AT BACK 2 im 2Qhm. 2Qim. ROSTRUM ' Qu 25m LISTOWEL'S _ EATEST STORE. No. 4, Main Street. ALWAYS AT. THE TOP CANUCK THREE HEIGHTS AT BACK hm. Listowel, Ont. Sweeps them all. agency for. along your bill for that Milk Pails, Milk Pans. Wallace Street, > THB CYCLONE Let us show youa Sample of the CYCLONE WIRE FENCE that we have the We have already booked many rods. HOUSE OR BARN We will give you the very lowest prices and best goods. All-our stock of WINTER MITTS to go at cut prices. Have you seen the Improvements on the Imperial Oxford Range. Everything in Hardware. GEO, ZILLIAX Jr. Bring J ta toe, A f R | % OPEN BACK & FRONT | "OPEN BACK We have a complete range of all kinds Latest SHIRTS AND COLLARS. J. M. SCHINBEIN., EXECUTORS' NOTICE. All persons having claims against oi estate of the late August Stoll, d pig lease present the same personally riting, to the -- releusd for pi e Listowel. a* Having taken PHOT d can promi: ment, on or before Up-to-date Work Optician OF ELORA, will be at the Queen's Hotel, [UESDAY, FEB, 25TH. ONE DAY. ONLY. Ballard's Shoe |Store.. eeee A Snap! WINTER Goods AT COST PRICE." COME IN AND 'Price Them. G, B.- BALLARD. T. P. SMITH, CASTORIA } they alwaye will be so Jow, but juet now remain Below 4 Zero at T 1st Day of April, 1902. At Reduced Prices. No claim will be entertained of which we _| do not receive notice as above, For Infants and Children. ion of 8. M. SM. OGRAPH GALLERY, continue the business at the old stand, NEW PHOTOGRAPHER. ITH'S I will and examine and you will be clean with the quality of our work, 3 JORR ADAMS, secuon W. J. WRIGHT. is . . Entrance at G. N. W. Telegraph Office, NS ee ar every ( Trowbridge, Feb'y 1]th, 1902. ' Main Street. Great [Moving Sale FOR 90 DAYS. Have where in town and country. on in plain figures at the Great sia Sale. THOMPSON BROS. ou heard about it? It is talked of avery- hat? The real low prices that are pinned PLAID DRESS GOODS Goods ate E GREAT MOVING SALE. LADIES' SUITINGS. Regular . 150 for 9c Regular 12jc for 8c Tn all thé leading shades of Broadelcth, Beaver, Box- " 250 for 15c "6 25c for 9c cloth and Chevoit. ' 8740 for 19¢ 85c for17c Regular #3. fe capes suns Saeaiaeaees Sale Price - 0 " 450 for 25c " 850 for Bho] BBD es seine Seasiv ees en's Pe i. " 50c for 850 ae 650 for 32c ae He Sadie hiebmaicinte ual Sa eaeere Sunt ; 120 " 650 for 440 + 65cfor48c . seen) | Fe Sadie: ob ar aut ee 78 = 750 for 470 ae 1.00 for 69c ¥ ah Seu wisim Staab adie MaER ATE : oe " " LOU sake ascents winter e ears ' ste dela ata ENO Ree ec ves Sigal apes " 77 ce Dine apeteastiee. waa wets af '57 There's a February storm on prices of Plaid Dress ' A bolt from the sky conldn't knock prices any lower than they already are at THE GRHAT MOVING SALE, E GREAT MOVING BALE. REAT MOVING SAL Plain and Fancy Ribbons ' ' Men's and Boys' Underwear. Regular .03 @ Price .08 7 . 05 5 05 Regular 35c Sele Price 220 "08 . 35c id 250 "09 J 45 ae 84c 12 = oe a ae '18 7 55c a 440 14 = fe "gs in 8 Wessscestecess ' ae 470 crs "900 " B70 "30 © 1,00 ss 700 i) 8 LEB cosa vincseeed conn peecnvaas a 850 45 ae -1,.35 eee ee ee ee | a 960 Sar 3 05 8 LB cagepnoesecsesecccenees - 1 GO cca Sissicvictooweniesencssss -25 An offer like the one now made by eecnen ene 'is TS asccccccessvececensseveces o sure to be followed by an acceptance on the part of all LOO... 00 se ceeee case cee caeee who are in need of Underwear. We can't promiee that And the parrot said, Hoseay ! No wonder the bird ai tbat when he heard of the low prices quoted at THE E. MILLINERY, MILLINERY, At the Great Moving Sale Prices. Ready Made Clothing, Men's and Boys' Overco | ies and everything to be found in a general sto tomers for shopping early to avoid the rush in the afternoon. Se eee Boots and Shoes, Thompson Bros. ay ¢ We also have a full range of Boys' e also a 4 6 Thanking our many cus-