VOL. XXV.--NO 3 A-8t, Geo. Hawkins, Editor & Proprietor, THE GREAT WINDING-UP . SALE. Timely Warning! Our Great Winding-Up Sale has inaugurated by us in Listowel. been one of the most successful sales ever That the closing days will be memorable days for shoppers needs no further argument after reading this list of Winding-Up Prices. our customers timely warning to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CLOSING DAYS. onan We now give all Winding-Up Sale of Shoes. 125 pairs Men's, Women's and Boys' Shoes in various kinds of leather, placed on one table, mearly every size in the lot, windipg-up sale price per pair........ POC er Terre ' large 1 table Women's Slippers, heavy and light weight, also Children's Lace Shoes suitable for school! wear, in assorted sizer, winding-up sale price per pair... 6.6... cece cet eee e eee eee Winding-Up Sale of Cretonne and Wrapperettes. 1 lot Cretonne in neat, bright patterns, iv all about 75 yards only, winding-up sale price to be ard. 1 big lot Wrapperettes in ussorted light and d ark patterns, this season's goods, regular Price | 9c 10c, winding-up sale price per yard Winding-Up Sale of Dress Goods. 1 large lot ot Dress Goods on one big table, consisting of all wool serge in as- sorted colors, colored.Cashmeres, Shepherds Checks and tancy Novelty Goods, all double fold. This lot i is well worth 25 and 3oc per yard, our winding-up sale price to OG, PET FAG s o's cawbsce cscs cs ceeente cd eat new eese Bee oeE ee RS Ce ee bc All Men's and Boys' Readymade Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats at Winding-Up Sale Prices. All Ladies' Fur Coats, Fur cape, Fur-lined Capes, Caperines, Ruffs at Winding-Up Saves All Ladies' Readymade Whitewear, including Gowns, Skirts, Corset-covers aud Drawers at Winding-Up Sale Prices. Winding-Up Sale cf sisal 1 lot, in all about 200 yards, white lawu em- broidery, regular price 8 sale price per yard.................. 00 cee eee and 100, winding-up 1 lot about 350 yards fine cambric embroidery regular price 18 to 22c, winding-up sale price to be per yard LONDON. LISTOWEL 2? POPPA ~~ SF LALLA Pt SP AN LINAS PAPA PA PLAS a goods for the right money. PDI II IP WIS SOO Aa LOE Rn nen RAAB PAAA DNL SD GELLAR AP RUMMAGING SALE. It has become famously known throughout the town and country that WALTER BROL'. _ is the most profitable spot to deal, notwithstanding all winding-up and moving THIS STORE TAKES THE LEAD. -Make this your shopping place and you will be sure to always get the right Dress Goods to Clear. 24 pieces heavy weight, in so Grey and BD ak see _ ice 750, sal 6 Plaids, Plains ye Stripes, reg. price "00. tale PPIG S55 vssienmaie sere wareraees ae l5o Sw LAPS PRP NA PPL PPP AI SIRS Aw COTTONS. taney te emg good value 180, Friday and 1 lot White Spreads, extra large size, WEES ~ 25, sale p 5 Col rice jored | Spreads, blue and white, 'eile price $1, sale price...................0-000- ow LPL, PAA All light colored 12} Flannelettes now. : pair Wool Sepa, dig | $4, sale price . Saw APEALOL OSGI ow PIII II IIT RANI SEA NON PODS SII A OIE SGA = aS , sale price. . 49 Blankets reg. $2.50 enle price 1. 99 Horse ot Horse B Blankets, reg. $1.26, eale price.. We will quote a few prices and have you judge the rest: Carpets and Lace Curtains Away elow Zero. Brouesels and Tapestry, regular price 90c, Mle PrIOe 6s ceicecies oe ee oes Co Ke werwewewes 650 Union Carpets, regular price 400, now .... 25c 50c, pow .... 350 Hemp Carpets as low as, per yard ........ 12}0 Japavese Matting from 10c up. > LACE CURTAINS. 92.00 Curtains nOW «ccc cise vevewe erences $1.69 2.60 Curtains now................ peice sarees 99 1.26 Gartaine 000 65 cis waeecwas ca peewee .99 1,00 Curtains now.... 0... 0... 74 1 lot Curtains... 0... cee eee eee eee 25 "A large caro of Whitewear just arrived, all bright new styles, all to go at RUMMAGING PRICES, THE GREATEST STOCKS THE GREATEST ASSORTMENTS THE GREATEST VALUES ARE AT WALTER BROS. Sign of the Elephant. Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs. DADE PIPPI LORE OD DF OF. ad Ae EWING SoS Main Street West. * I ~ = POY. Oe OOOO ROOD PPA CAPA PP DD ODL DCD DDD PPG NIN Se ric ws htm st co 2. CAuL and te new sew oi Hacking's, ioe Miva we bran and | on hand at J. H. McDonald' Wired a making, Apply PP Walter Bi Bre For Dry Goods of all & and Boys' Clothing go to Mel Mins Noble of Elora is Miss Godfrey, Raglan # Miss McGill of Simooe ig? vi =m J.B. Meyers, rage $2 ce. Morlock saug a 4 ac- ceptably in Knox Church 0 unday evening last. Swedish Quartette at | Music hall to-night. Plan Guuther's. Mrs. M. Rothwell of Bardeton visiting at her sisters', Mru,' Tehuston and Mrs. Taylor, in town.) # Mrs. J. RB. Smith and sop Norman, of Plum Conlee, Mun., are giesta o Mrs, J. J. Stewart, Elma otteat. A hockey match, Bonedielg ¥ fr, Bach- elors, is announced to come, of iu the rink on Wednesday evening Bext. man. who has had ex- vto° Bamford --4 eDonsta' 8 # open at Wastep.-- A good -- us fireman, Apply 3ros,, Contractors. New Prints, new Flannelettes, new Erm. | bruideries, new Laces aud newDress Gouils, allat Bankrupt Prices, at MoGillivray' . Mr. J. C. Breithaupt of; Berlin was in town for a couple of dayn 'thie week ou business in connection, with the Breithaupt Leather Co. 2 Fall floor plan will be reserved for Swedish Ladies' Quartette. to-night. Several good seats left." Doors open at 7.45. Ooncert at 8.15 eharp. Miss Gillies of Teeswater, who bae been the guest of her ffiend, Miss Norma Gabel, for the pasar or three weeks, left for home ou Wednesday, Rey. Mr. Hardie of Kmox church is assivting Rev. Mr. Haig, pastor of the Millbank Presbyterian Church, who is aie revival apricea this rk. wee Fon Sau Ts assy Haiti binder, verg latest patt vnly been used a" cut toety aren, "w ibe sold at a barga' y to Wm. Stesensmn, near lumenal High School. H. Hemeworth, President of the a Listowel and South Wallace Agri- cultural Society, is in Torouto this |~ week attending the anvnat Jncoting of angel. Livtowel's datcware June 24, 35 au Mr. and t Mrs. B, F. Moon of Butte, Movtaua, are the guests of Mr, and rs, Jus, Rogers, Raglan street. Miss Edith Rogers ef Toronto bas also been making a short visit at her parents' home ia town. MucKenzie Bros., Merchant Tailors. have removed their Tailoring Establishment A Macdonald's Gents Furnishing store bext door to seen drug store, Wallace street. Mr, d's business will be continued in she ct store, Mr. 8. S. Jennings, florist and mar- kot gardener, has a. fine display of primroses, carnations and hyacinths in bloom just now, very appropriate for bonse decoration. é cap also fill orders fur celery. Telephone No. Mr. Bert. Hatecbison, sou of Mr. Ri. Hutchison, who bas been in Mani- tobu for the past few years, is spend- ing a few weeka with his parents in town. [le purposes taking up his residence at Sault Ste Marie, where he will open a jewelery busiuess, Miss Wooldridge of Palmerston, pupil of Mies Florence Godfrey, town, who has been taking the "Toronto College of Music course, bas passed her first year examination with first- class bonors. This speaka well for Miss Godfrey's careful instruction. J. H, McDonald, gro-er, controls the the Robert oldest and most reliable 'sell houses in a. Miss McKay of Toronto, who has been the guest of her cousins, Misses Gibbs, for the past few weeks, will re- turn home to-morrow. Misses Gibbs gave a social evening in her honor on Foendy, at which a large number of young ladies and gentlemen were pre- sent. Rev, James Livingstone, pastor of the Windeor Avenue Methodist Church, Windsor, has decide d to decline the offer of the pastorate of the Methodist hohurch in Dawson City, together with the $3,000 per annum and free trans- portation attached. He will go to Petrolesa after July 1st. Do ni a jabeens your Poultry, Improve your trek both abe and -- use by can og ing pure br very cheap. Egga for hatching, Mr. and Mrs. Isase Whaley, whore been calling on quite a number of their ------ thie week, previous to hoagie ng to Wellesley, --< they pg sais with hter Py the present, They vo er them a host of = wishes, To th Our D aking Department, which haa See two 'imibe, will ker, who is been in the employ Mr. C. Prneter, has bonght Mr. Riehm's takes Chrest's numerons friends here ara sorry tosee bim leaving town, bat wish him all success in his new field. Army Horsze, -- Major Gore and party were in town again on Wednes- day and Thursday selecting "nr ae The number offered was not slarge as formerly, indicating that the large drafte which have ade from this section have thinned out the available stock. A fair proportion of those offered was taken McKenzie Bros., a tailors, have removed to A. McDonald's store on Wallace street. They will ocvoupy one part of the store with their tweeds aud cloths, and will make use of the rooms up-stairs for their tailoring business, Mr. McDonald will continue his geuts' furnishings and boot and ae Wanteent in the other part of the stor, --_-- Herald : Last evening the Hamilton public was again entranced by the beantifal and melodious singing of the Swedish Ladies' Quartette. Such bewitching harmuny aud perfect phras- ing are bard to imagine, There is not aweak «pot in the whole quartette; each lady poxsesses a voice of wonder- ful timbre and range under perfect onb@vaticn, Don't CLeax Hovse--Until you come here to look at our new stock of exclusive Wall Papers, suchas you will not find elsewhere. Will be glad tu suggest novel und up-to-date effects that can carried out in inexpeusive papers or fabrics, « PLETSCu The Wall Paper | Man, Main street. Norta Perra Lb. O, L.--A_ apecial mecting of the Orange Vounty- Lodge of North Perth will be beld in the sake hall, Listowel, on Tuesday, Febroary 25th, 1902, commencing at 10.30 a. m., for the consideration of uofivished and general business. A full attendance is requested. 8. Casweun, C. M. H. Witzovaersy, Seo. Atwoop Bre . The Assembly held in the Town Hall on Wednesday even- ing vf this week was a success, About forty couples were present from this vicinity, Listowel, Milverton and Brussels. Joseph McKay did tbe catering. The "Toi Orchestra, under the leadership of Fred. Howe, furnished excellent music. Nosunation to fill the vacant -eeat in the Council wil! take place to-day between 12 and 1 o'clock. Mr. Chas. Anderson will again be a candidate, d will most probably be returned by : t. his fitness payer admits, it wo 'Putting=th: own to a needless expense to force an election by putting any otber candi date in the field. A Cuose Catt. --'The a puke of Mre. BR. Jones of Mooe ,wW agcompauied her mother on mie Sehr visit to Listowel, bad a narrow esvape from instant deathwhile on ber home- ward journey, At Sault Ste Marie, iu helping the little girl on the train, the brakesman élipped, letting his charge fall beneath the moving train, For- tunately she was instantly rescued from her perilous position. Herlune basket was cut in two by the car wheels. Mr. Robt. Thompson, of Thompson Bros., dry goods merchants, who has been suffering for six weeks or over with a sore elbow, caused by striking his arm against a nail while in the store, has gone to Toronto to consult a specialist, the injury having affected the bone. Although not considered serious, it does uot cane signs of heal- ing, and is botb painful and inoonven- ient, requiring him to carry his arm in asling. It is to be hoped that bis visit to the city will result in a speedy healing of the injared member. An AppreciaTIVE Reaper,--In re- pewing her subecription tothe Stan- dard for another year, Mrs, Stephen Hudson of Moose Jaw W. formerly of this town, makes the fol. lowing kindly remarks: 'We like our home paper very much, and it seems Jike renewing old acquaintances to reaf™@p over. We are having a lovely wia.er, with just enough snow for eleighing, sod the weather is quite mild e meu are kept busy team- tis out belt grain. They have over ushels to team ont §before aap." Sootan Gatuenrsc.--A 'number of young people from town and vicinity assembled at George's hall on Wednes- day evening of this week, the occasion being a farewell party to Messrs. A. George of town and J. Millburrc, boundary west, who intend leaving for. the west in the near future. The gathering sesembled about nine o'- clock, and the light fantastic was trip- ped long past the midnight hour. Altogether a social evening was spent, and before retiring to their homes the company wished Messrs. George and Millburn success in their uew sphere. pao Services. --The faikeas ser- ces which are being' held each Wed- enday evening in the parish room of Christ Church are attracting good cou- gregations, and Rev. Mr. oore's disoourses on the Apostles' Creed are highly interesting aud instructive, and are much appreeiated by all who at- tend. His special sermons during Lent are also very edifying, his subject each Sunday morning being t the Ser- mon on the Mount, and in the evening the Ten Cockezednents There was @ good turnout at each service on Sanday last, and on the deep in- terest manifested these discourses will be. closely followed throughout the lenten season, ~ A neliing the --7 lex groet Cuan. Factory to Srarrt NW, Weex.--The new Chair factory, it is expected, will be ready to start mann- facturing on Monday next. The machinery is vow nearly allio place, the putting up of some belting being about all that is now required to com- plete the ontfit, and this is expected to be here and attached this week, The elevator machinery is being placed in position, and the levator will be in readiness with the starting of the factory. This will be. a decided con- venience, and will facilitate the haud- ling of stock and manafactared gouds. We understand that the Company has a Dumber of orders waiting to be fill- ed, and will start off with a fair com- plement of workmen, to, be added to ae business warrants. Death oF CunistorpBeR Weis.--Mr.: Christopher Weis died rather suddenly on Wednesday evening at his home on Bismarck street. He had been in poor Lt | winter, euffering from dropeye but had aa able to be around ouse. Hetook sanddenly worse = Wednesday pesca aod expired about 5 o'clock. Deceased was pative of Germany, and previous to removing to town about twelve years ago had resided in Wallace, where he farmed fora number of years. He lost his first wife while in Wallace, and on coming to town married aguin. His second wife survives him. The funeral willtake place on Saturday afternoon at 1,30 to Farview cemetery Service at the Lutheran Church after interment. Recerrion.--Mr. avd Mre. J. W. Ferguson of Wiarton spent a few days last and this week iu town, the guests - Mr. aod Mrs. D--D- Campbelil, Argyle Place, On Satarday afternoon Mrs, Campbell held a r.veption in their honor, nearly a hundred ladies and eutlemen availing themselves of the opportunity of renewing friendships apd felicitating Mr. aud Mrs. Ferguson, both of whom were former residents of Listowel, An afternoon tea was served in the dining room, which was embel lished with pink decorations and was exceedingly beautiful. Mrs, Scott and Mrs. Stuart presided at the tea table, Misses M. and . Bricker assisted Mrs. and Miss "Campbell in the drawing room Altogether it was a most pleas- aut social fanction. A, . W. Grann Lopae.-- Mr, George Strath, M. W., is representing Listowel lodge at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge being held this week in Toronto, 'he meeting is of more importance than usual, the ques- tion of raising ws rates beiog under discu The @ ravd Recorder's re- 348 new members being admitted "to the order. Twenty new 'lodges were organized, making 49 lodges in Ontario = good standing ; 42,552 certificates n good standing ; 346 members died in 1901, at au pei age of 54 youre 8 months and 1 week ; $632,000 wer paid out last year for death en ; balance tothe credit of beuveficiary fund, $71,636 23. Receipts of general fund, $49,110.82 ; expenditare, $48,- 913 35 ; amount of reserve fund, $226,- 845.69 ; total claims paid since organ- ization, 36,889,108 24. The death rate has been 8.13 per 1,000, Deato or Mne. Henry Nessrrr.-- On Friday afternoon last Mre. Nesbitt, beloved wife of Mr. Henry Nesbitt, passed away after a short illuess. She had been in her usual health up to within aday ortwo of her death, which was due to maternity. Deceased was in her 35th year, avd had been married only about four years. She was the only daughter of the late James Guive, of Mornington, pear Dorking, whose death, along witb that of bis wife, occurred about @ year ago. Five brothers are living, namely, Robert, hardware merchant, and William and David, of Glenallan, James in_London, and George in British Columbia. Besides her be- reaved husband, one child ie left to mourn the loes ofa loving wife and mother. The funeral took place on Sunday to Glenallau cemetery, a large number of sympathizing friends from town and country attending the service at the house, which was conducted by Rev. H. Irvine of the Methodist Church. - Towx OCovuncm,--An adjourned meet- ing of the Town Council was held on . Friday evening, 14th inst. Members presevt, Mayor Watson in the chair, aod Councillors R. Woods, J, Sebur- ger, ©. Prueter and H. Maloney. A pplivations were read for the position of Assessor from Messrs. B. B. Sarvis, Campbell and A. W. Feather- stune, Mr, John Stewart's -applica- tion, previously banded in, had been withdrawn. By-law No. 410, for. the appointment of an Assessor was theo iutroduced, and in committee the name of 4, W. Featherstove was filled in the By-law, salary $35. The By-law was then fluully passed. By-law No 411, for lhioensing, governing and regulating exhibitions held or kept for hire or profit, and places of amuse- ment, and mot being exhibitions of wax works, menageries, circuses or euch like shows, usually exhibited by showmen, roller skating rinks and other places of like amusement, was intreduced, read and paseed. The fees are fixed as follows: For side- shows and merry-go-rounds, $5 per day for vot less than threo days, aud $10 per day if Jess than three days ; for theatres, entertainments and simi- lar exhibitions, $2 per day for each day exhibiting. Amateur perform. ances, not for personal gain, e exempt from payment of liceuse, The peesiy attached for infraction of this By-law is not less than $2 or more than $50 for each offence. Mr, as Assessor, Ww. Festheesicee was conan and sabesibed to the declaration of office Council then anjonrned, Oxe Houxprep Yrars Ago, --Mr, Wm, Stevenson, town, left at this office a few days ago a copy of the Goaniy Gazette, published at Kingston, New York State, by Samuel Freer & Son, the date of which copy-ie January 4, 1800, a little over a hundred years ago. It is a small four-page -- -- is neatly printed in clear Rom type, the only noticeable aiends the nee of 'f" for **s" in some caves, Tn Place of the generel and local news service of the modern 'weekly news- paper, o large portion of the paper is occupied with Americaa Congressioual reports aud lengthy extracts from Lon- don papers "to the 20th of October, inclusive," received by mail, The number is of special interest, both on account of the home and foreign intel- ligence therein contained. The inside pages are in deep mourning, and con- vey to the Gazette readers the official apnoupcement of the death of "the father of his country," General George Washington, who "departed this life on the l4th December, 1799, wt. 68." The annonucement of Wash- ington's death made in the House of Representatives by Genera! Marshall, togetber with the resolutions p relating thereto, are given | in fall, one of the being, 'Resolved, that a committee, in con- junction with one from the Senate, be appointed to consider on the moet snit- able manner of paying honér to the wemory of the man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his couutry."" The addresses both Houses cent to President John Adama, aud the latter's replies thereto, are also given io full aud are fittingly eloquent tributes to the memory of the illustri- ous Wasnivgton, Under the heading, "Washington Entombed," and date George 'Bown, Dec. 20, au account of Washinugton's fuveral is given, the closing paragraph of which 18 as ful- lows: "The sun was now setting. Alas! The sun of glory was set for- ever. No--the pame of Washiogton-- the American Preejdent and General-- will trinmph over Death! The an- clouded brightvess of his glory will Ulumioate the future ages!" A poem op the death of General Washington also appears io this number. The uropeno intelligence tells of the evac- uation of Holland by the Britieh, the defeat of the Austro- Russian armies by the French, and other snecesses of Napoleon Bnonaparte, whose estar was then in the asceudant, Several colamus are occupied with legal acd general advertisements. In fact about the a "news" of a local uature appear- gin the Sake tte is to be found in ite a" "are both atril ng nd o riginal as forinstanoe, *'Luthor Andres & Co. have this day, been opening goods following articles will be received in payment: Wheat, rye, buck-wheat, oats, corn, butter, flax, ashes and raw hides. Cash will not be refueed."" Another advertiser offers for sale 'tone half of a sawmill, with a convenjent place for bnikling, lying in the town | of Rochester. By the mill is an inex- haustible quantity of pinewood. And also, a stout, healthy, active, negro wench, by person inclined to pur- chase may know the particulars by applying to John Schoonmaker jun,, at Rochester." Peter Ten Broeck, sheriff of Ulster Connty, has over a colamn of execution votices in this number, which altogether is a most in- teresting old newspaper. SOUTH WALLACE, Rey. A. P. Moore of Listowel will deliver bis famons lecture, 'tA Tri California," before the Wallace Liter- ary Society, on Friday evening, 28th iost., in Stewart's Chnrch, 3rd line, A treat is in store for ull who attend. Mr. Adam Torrance held a very successful auction sale on Friday last, both stuck and implements bringing good figeres. We regret losing Mr. aod Mrs. Torrance frow our line, but our loss will be Listowel's gain. They moved to town on Tuesday, 'There are still some- pitch-holes in this neighborhood, asa driveon any of the sideroads and some of the con- cession lines will as anyone who has any doubts amas TROWBRIDGE, Mr Amos Smith, the well known Short Horn breeder of Grey town- ship, has made another high-priced aud valuable acquisition to his herd. Last week be porebased the roan heifer 'Clara F, Sth," imported by H. Cargill & Son, of Cargill, Bruce county ; calved Sept. 9, 19090, and bred by Sylvester Campbell, Kin- ellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The Clara tribe is a goud old Scotch one, It came to Uppermill, Tarves, Aber- deevsbire, many years ago from the fiud 'old herd belonging to the late Mr, Sheppard, . Shethio Clara F.. 5th'e sire was Waterloo (75861) whose grand- sire was the celebrated Ear! of Nether- dale (65427), belonging to the well kuown Blythesome or Butterfly tribes" He was got by First Consul (57814) a Croickshaok Cicely by Commodore (54118), out of Butterfly, by the great William of Orange (50604), who proved such a successful stock bull thet his blood is probably more in demand than that of suy ball in Scotland or America On the mother's side Clara F, Oth's pedigres rons buck to the origin ofthe Clara tribe. Witn bis recent parchase of the imported bull, Golden Couqueror, from Meesra, Oar- gill & Sov, Mr. Sinith hus nnodoabted- ly the finest pair of Short Horna yet brought into this feighborhood, and his reprf&tiou asa breeder will oon- | tinue to grow in proportion to hig enterprise,