Listowel Standard, 21 Feb 1902, p. 3

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~ FORTUNATE MISFORTUNES IT" S AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS N OBODY GOOD. Many Marvellous Triumphs of Mind Sad het Brave A great actor has said that man can act until he has atlaceshs Be that as it may, it is an open sec- ret in the '"'profession," that the wonderful character impersonations Well-known tragic._.actress_are largely the ofispring of her own do- miestic infelicities. It would be in- circumstances are unde*iuble. arried at an carly «ge to a, dis- solute man very much her peed be she was specdily disillusioned as to his real character. Instead, however, of going into retireinent, or a !unat:c asylum, she threw herself heart and soul inte her profession. She has succeeded, beyond her wildest dreams. But her ---- little suspect the secret of he ing love, jealously, the fierce hate, and the one thousand and other emotions which her sunlime art conveys to them in turn, thrill them in so extraordinary a manner. And yet it is so simple. She really feels the emotions that so many of her craft -- ape. She actS as intensely Ss 6 has suffered. says Pearson's Weekly" , So anneactoser was Oliver ( sari' sirith, that it is doubtful whether he would have given a single work to the world had it not been for his grinding poverty and his hounding misfortunes were own choosing, and lar- gely arose out of his Hibernian ver- satility He nearly lost his sivar- shi at Trinity College, Dublin, through pumping on wu constable. and giving a ball in the college atties "THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD." After vainly trying Se ae he wpplied for ord:nua- tion, But as he appearsd clad in flaming mete he was turned out of the bishop's palace. He "a, but lost all his The same fate oy the Con- tinent, he brought his aveary limbs back to Londen where }s teok a miserable "rarret he top of Breakneck © Steps overhanging the Fleet Dite On one dceasion ei F ae hav-,; ing called in a sheri officer, Dr. |i Johnson was hastily ta for. .John- son arrived, only to find that guinea he had sent in advance was already changed for a bottle of Ma- deira. Irritated beyond measure, the doctor was suddenly appeasl by the Sight of a manuscript, which Gold- smith had hastily turned out under the combined pressure of hunger, cold and duns. That MS. was '"The Vicar of Wakefield,"' immediately sold for £60, and the Popularity of which has continved i of Goldsmith's . the great devtor produced two of his best known works under the stress: of gteat mental agony. The loss of his wife, who, by all accounts, wer nei- ther beautiful nor lovable, : ainod his---mental balan turning "dogged to the completion of his great work. For three vears he sex atecly raised pen from paper At the end of that time his grief had | abated, a JOHNSON'S 1 was given to the v Owing to various benefited but little financially from his great work. oeeermen sy later, his mother died, t at the "_ old age of ninety, he was unable to pay even her few debts and funeral ph So haunted was he by the ph that this beloved relative should rIONARY .auses, Johnson leave a pauper's reputation, that he immed- jately commenced a novel whero Straight to the p Without even so much reading them through, he accomplished lis superhuman task in a weck. In this way he raised the necessary £100, and his publishers Fees vived the world- | famous "Rasselas Emile Zola and many other famous French writers were driven by sheer hunger, With with Goldsmith, it was write or starve His early Parisian days were passed in a tiny seventh floor garret, where he had frequently to sit in his shirt sleeves, because "uncle" had charge of his only coat. Doth Alphonse Dau- det and Victor Hugo were goaded on by the same gaunt hound When Hugo was in Relcium his miserable attic Lad several unauthor- ized openings to the sky, and small that to fame _ his bedstead stretched t seventeen, penniless Naudet was tramping streets of Paris, glad to beg a bei from the first friend he could meet: whilst Balzac was only a shade more comfortable in a yarret, the wind whistled, lon through his flute, though not so pleasantly. "SOME DAY." erhaps one of the most successful as y one more proof that, despite him- roy the shadow Wrests a ma him. Briefly, the 'history of "Some is as follow Pollings 'Was absent . from a@ yachting cruise, when word was brought to her husband that the tiny craft had met with an acciden ise dh - length it became too late to teleg All, that night he sat up in the ut- awaiting the deep significance you dead, or do you live?" at once 1 im, whilst almost un- consciously, his tuneful genius sug- ted a@ fitting melod. "that brought the glad tidings of his wife's safety, saw "' n en to the world. Deép in the Great Snioky Range | ®? of South Carolina mountains, lies a ee, J gio called "The Thou- * markable creations with grey he has thri of two conti- cies " half a doven | decidid to} the | which Johnson | wn so; evens "lonely epee snr ae ock Holmes: his wife--a loss that shattered his |. Two ounces of impure soap. ting his career. heart he is, Gillett ae cae and soul into his wor ult, has been the most famous ry all 1 his suc- cesses, a stirring drama now play- Ask for the Octagon Sar, TEVER One ounce of Sunlight Soap'is worth more-than If, your and trial sample of Sunlight Soap eating, hiss UNCOVERED COAL. . load of coal is left out of ed eae qualities. placed the ground and leit ' thee and pantie ton is placed under "fe shed. the latter loses about 25 per his name great saving of cual to have it in a covered over on all sides. Sha ing at e Lyceum Theatre, Lon- den. TINTS -FOR-GIRLS, HOW TO PRESERVE HEALTH AGENCY SHO AND GOOD COLOR. DE own MIC OF DIPHTHERIA. plague has been carried across seas by rats on board ships is a fact de- monstrated by science. It is also said to be demonstrable that malar- ial fever 'is disseminated amon ------ of tropical lands by the Within the Reach of A From the Sun, Orangeville, Ont. Miss mene Brownlee, of Orange- ville, is a young lady well known to he residents of the town and great- | ly esteemed by all her acquaintances mosquic whee chowsands of other young girls bee cheerfully ae eset throughout Canada, Miss Brownlee | ood poison from putrifying car- fell a victim to anacmia or watery) oecos to human beings. But it is | blood, and for a time, as she says t so veenoraity known that many on feared she would never again t iseases of humanity may te i robust health Experiences t favorite of all i r t fait S contracted by tha purring cat, and communicated Geer ough it to human beings. dole statemont In ae locality in Canada where a quickly fatal type of diphtheria was prevalent, the spread of the disease was or a long time puzzling toa those who engaged in fighting It, As the community was widely scattered and the popular fear of the disease very geat . it might appear to have avoid contagion. But [kindly consented to giv }t e Sun for publication. ii sitesi said Miss Brownlee, "came jon very gradually, and at first it 'inerely seemed as though it was a feeling of depression and tiredness. I hept getling worse, however, and finally had to give up a good posi- jtion. I was at times ecupied with a throbbing, rackimg headache ; my | appetite: gave out ; ecg lenst | hn and my heart would | i beat painfully. My limbs seemed to until a king of panic n long distances set in, and most ie of the uninfected families shut them- feel like weights, and at other times | i ; inn. d refus- there was a sinking asnastion mite hj Selves up in their houses, and 1 jed all ee with friends, 1 can scarcely describe. I we ed by a good doctor airs eho i ' re . without any number of remedies, but with Tees with des atie effec <. antil x clue improvement in my condition, and 1 ¥ rive ; u jhegun to fear that I was doomed 'to | was ae omen iven bs tno sean he an invatid. ;|)farden from the doorway of her issingr traveller to' in- quire about che paid apie eimic. inh here wus r house within a nile or two, the maine was little used a hae he er or visite lpr. Williams' Pink P s interested my mother + bought «a few ones, i and in the a aking n A een oe tins Bossi there was no and the family had so far escaped 4 , he plague: room for doubt that they were Help- t nya ap loncly' fs can bo," tho ingy anc IL continued taking the pills) young w aoe decinred. "Wo BO No- i . nths or more, | -- * -- Bch where and nobody comes her¢. The | Whe mS, a eens y excitement is er the cats, for jever it 2Cn. : ie : | since I gave up taking the pills, and old Jim is very » and the little { have not since felt the need of any | Manx tortoiseshell is dead. We can- ave the Williams' Pink | Dot think what in matter with them ae words came back to her friend | 'medicine. I think Pr. ills a grand medicine, and should | be taken by all pale and feeble girls: |e he stood at her graveside two |" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make rich, | anys later and Heard that two inds lred blood with every dose taken, | 0 the houschold were also in the | thus restoring the ln of~ health, | stip of diphtheria. . jane tho brightress and freshness of | Then a woman of means in a neigh- | yoush male and sallow cheeks. | boring house asked the advice of the | 'Phrough their action on the blood! local practitioner respecting her An- they cure 1 diseases as anaemia, | £ora, which had a sore throat. On , rheumatisin, ---- Lapa aed he refused to have . dance, heart | anything to do with grimalkin, but diseuses of the kidneys, advised 'foin ng wey with it at once. ail- st ead of og tpl the advice the cy 8 life by Tiwee sulphur down Sold in boxes, the wrapper around| its throat, The next day she devel- {which bears the full name--Dr. Wil-| oped diphtheria, and within the week liams' Pink Pills for Pale People.| her baby was buried and she wa . an be procured from druggists, or fighting between life and death, from rill he sent by mail, 'which struggle she escaped, a physi- 5Oc au box or 8 cal wreck. 2 laddressing the Dr. Williams* Medi- After that the cats were looked af- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ter, when to the gencral surprise it was discovered that very few were | ne to be found. Those that remained had short shrift of it, but rificed to the public good. When the plague subsided there was not a pussy in the community and it a long time ore the settlers an importing ther Evidence and courts for the year 1900, recently subsequent result aiewiad to prove published, show some --, re-| conclusively that the cats had been When the system Was Inaug- among the most potent factors in urated it Was hoped that the owe the spread of the disease. -And the 4,692 IMPRISONED FOR DEBT. al |Work of the ~ English med Courts During the Year i w The returns of the English county en given to tradesmen to suc for small omect of their sickness was farther debts in the local county would muin- rence than could. have been imag- mize the growing evil of small carn- | ined ers abusing the credit systeni. | Dee foxes began to be The result seems to have been the | | about the stone piles in the Haeirog opposite of what was expected, While! and the farmers' wives noticed that its other functions have been scarcely the young turkeys and chickens were used, the county court has now be not molested by these sly thieves. come practically a huge debt-collect- |The word was sent around that jing agency, and the figures show | something was killing off the foxes. not only the poor, but the, A connecting link was discovered thriving part of the working-classes when an incredulogs live on credit to an enormous along and was heard lamenting the tent, refusing to pay cash when t they lack«of cats, wherewith to bait his can get credit either in good or bat fox traps times. The following figures will il- "Nothing wil draw a fox like a lustrate this 'eat," he said, divulging what was It must bs remembered that cases bie idently one of the secrets of the involving more than £50 can © trade, since very fey people had brought in the King's Bench, and the heard of such a thing before. inajority of county court cases are Then i During the -- 000 debt ety, counts: year 1900 there were eases tri ed in English c = o a s a c] pI E] R o a r=) pa c 7 2 "TR ox F] a4 5 R were successful The pare ti of the itude in the woods. So it ce 'be a wonder that gad mainder 327,055 failed to pay within country were passing away? the statutory time. For these judg- But effects of the i ge nid ment summonses were issued, with among the ents did not end ther the result that 123,430 paid before From the their cases were heard, 'The remain- | porth came the inf der were heard and judgment was Indians had made requisition given, failure to comply with which , the Department of the Interior entails imprisonment for contempt of } through their local agent for wint court, and 4,692 incurred that pen- | alty. | hereditary hunting grounds as usual The London Times urges that this | y that the law should be the tribe had ng pel It suggests that debts un- 'and in fright returned fro m the p der £5 should not be/recoverable in | liminary spying out of ory eeccine the county courts after they have | | Toutes for the winter's work, with -- due six months, suying: "While | the information that ord found the to let custom- | martens, fisher and mink h the knowledge | directions. Three or four bear skins that at any time within a few years | and one lynx skin were brought back they can sued in the county | which they had stripped from ani- ourt, there will be a statutory en-| mals found dead in the bush. couragement to the system of mak- Some sickness was about that was ing many families tithe houses, | clear. bound to buy at reaain --- goods, whatever be their quality th ases to foxes of the The devil--Matche Manitou-- , or there was so) ing wrong about their charms; it bad medicine to be in t ie Indians said. So the hunters determined to re- main at home and to set the medi- cine men to work upon a new set of incantations, and te allow the- Gov- ernment to f them that winter. Not long ago he was in Beyond a doubt the fatal sickness troducing to a younger cler had spread from the cats to the wild widow, a former parish! anim: kinds over a good i of his own, no lon to. be dealt with by the judge |was in * suitors cases aggregated £483,017. ---- BADLY POT. The venerable Dr.' Thurston is said er young, | Many re miles of territory, un- extr mecifities 0 the fact. Nib at t it reached® humanity "My brother,"' said Thurston, again { ta the persons ayers the yoting In- lending the lady forward while ~ bis dian runners. face beam i ine affection, During the last epidemic of oe ca' "this is a, Almeda, Seen one sheep.' of my old ess in far By Ge bronae not unlike that panies ioe i Mlnard's Llnlment Cures LaGtipper Tach nie co many people ty ihe -aw DISEASE SPREAD BY. CATS IN AN EPI- Pale, Sallow, or Ana emic Girls _-- Beings | ee an Hixsten Restored to - > right Fresh- mals Next Affected ness of Yo -- Natural . Means -- 'Good e That the microbe of the bubonic our domestic animal friends, the s!eck world is ste | po. and valuable constituents undergo a ease may have been flue-to some ex- Pai went-to-tho-visits-of the domestie-pet---- to cat friends suffering from its rav- es. gs might be wise to subject. pussy's visiting list to strict supervision at times of sickness and epidemics. pts Monkey Brand mee is a cleaner and polishor combined, but won't wash clothes penne. ea MARRIAGE ENCOURAGED, Tt is -- i any induce- ment to marriage Was more ---- able than that Sedantly pe ward i a well-known Austrian Bede who was anxious tO Cncourage matri- mony -- hr ay nag on his es- te rtook t rovide each bridegroom ah tabesco supplies for Ceylon Tea Is the finest 'Tea the world produces, and Is sole only In -- packets Black, Mixed and loin: 'apan tea drinkers try "Salada! Green tea, 8 o THE ONLY SAFE WAY. life and each bride with four pairs of gloves per annum. The generous of- He k the money out of his fer ane » and very soon Pocket and Ig og it. ere ree a single paanrgaed "Too tt com vemaiing' on the nobleman's vast e He put a an Sio bill back. in oo pock- tate. is dress "Why are you doing that?" cee his wife. "We're going to the church fair to-night, aren't we?" he returned. ee ---- THE OAEE, OF. BABIES. A Great Responsibility Rests on All Mothers--Baby Should Al- ways be Bright and Cheerful. Babies that are Well, sleep well, eat weil, act well and play well. A child that is not lively, rosy-cheecked and playful, needs immediate attention or the results may be serious, Prudent cUne A COLD 1s oxe a mothers should always keep ready at Take Laxative Brow ° Qui nice Table ots A'l safe yet effective me stocu -- oy effective medicine to = Cp ent At fale es to ure. jemergenc, "Well, I know just how much I afford to let the ladies of the church guild get, and I'm taking no chances."' Such a medicine is Baby's Own 'Tablets. These Tablets t act as the so-colled "sooth- . They do not have 14 ounces of cheese, 21 of rice, | or 6 Ib of fish are equal as food to 2 1b of bread. t - I ! on the contrary go right to the seat , and by removing se Minard's Liniment ent fo Rheumatism ec _--_-- rence of the All mothers Of any 1,000 convicts in gaol tn . have usud this medicine praice |}the 'United States 675 are white, it and always keep it in the house. | 325 colored. Mrs i difficulty. G. Daines, Six Mile Lake, ° SS says: 'he Baby's Own Tablets tops the Congh | hich IT ordered came just in time. ka off the Ce old. _-- very i vi i ig U4 | i eta cure By aby" wa wor ih wit igen, | fapaces Bre anis fae ari te ) loses and he is now | There are 15,655. Metropolitan po- 1 him after a ad ' lice, and ,002 City police in Lon- n lI°em the mother of 'and I thust say I have never had a medicine «I, thought as much o Baby's Ow n Tablets, and T have cried < the old remedies. I think mothers Iwe to kee them in the neues ene Sak omer a Gentlemen,--Last winter I received These tablels cure all the 'minor ail- | great benefit ses oe use et --s ments of children. sueh as constipa- on = ices, a . -- a tion, sour stomach, colic, bia } indigestion, und simple fever. 5 quently "of Tafammation. effective break up colds. d |in cases of In prevent croup, an Fa of ail gems saceyaueahved In W. A. MUTCHINSON. pcures 5-0 * They arc Alssolued in Water , te en With absolute safety to the youngest, infant. Sold by ail druggists at 25 cents a box, or sent postpaid on receipt of price, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medi- Messrs. C. O. Richards & Co. ora--"Was it a Jove match?" Ma- cine Co., Brockville, Ont ner and kept hiin out of gaol, I ° say it was rather a safety England and Wales have 14, 708 snaten," miles of railway: Scotland, 3,891 -- miles; and wane & hus 8, 78 open. CALIFORNIA -- = Bi nga EXCUR- cago, ; 'The Chi Minard's LIniment | ls the Best = \ Gasek day in the year. | The Ch Line ru t tb 4 : Denlend aad sntant, plying, between ee and Oregon daily. Personally knots on the whole passage. to) For Over Sixty Years lufad, leaving Chicago on Tues- Mas. Wrasvow's Soetusxe Sraur hes been osed ays and Thursdays. Lowest rates. shillione of ¢ seothers fos for ihele 9 eaten hile teething Shortest time on om one hese tsoets sed me. aliays pain, Cures | & 0. _ Inqufte of your neares' 4 col! the ray the scenery q we oe flnicethetcomac nod Sosa oe a ticket agent, or write HH. Bennett, . Bold by druggists througout the world. Be sure and ask for * Mxs. WINSLOW .NOOTRING BYRUP." 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. "HOME SWEET HOME"; with delicious NSOON on the tablo and-a few friends-to-enjoy--it,there-is-no--place--like- home... Granges, Lemons, Fresh Fish | of All Kinds THE DAWSON COMMISSION 'co. Beans, A ited. TORONTO. pies, BL wusathon of Besatia Eggs, Poultry, Honey, Beans, Potatoes, Solio! A, oo 5 o 6 "4 : | a 1S A. at mi ie The Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made--good openings for good agents; write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog. THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO., -° - WELLAND, ONT. (Brass Band EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE "A "BAND "No; T won't | give you a piece of my apple!" snapped his sister. "You mean thing!'"-said the boy. "Wasn' t it me that spoiled the piano, so tha you didn't have to practise for a week?"' Ww Lowoat prices ever mated: Fire catalogs PC! 116 seaitustrattons,matied tr ran in Masic WHALEY ROVOR b 00, "Limited, THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRIO " ' a - Toronto, Ont, and Winnipeg, Man a or tes ' ALEGMEN \" AUTOSPRAY , SAHBOLI rooTh WAN i -- a ere a Bait ona Preserves the teoth. Sweetens tho breath. Sirangthens the gums YOUR OVERCOATS WoOoDa pyory. t a AVING _ Bas BAY Ant A TOROSTO Dominion Line Steamsnips Montieal to Liv: and faded Suits would look better d If no agent of ours in your town, write direct ontreal, Box 158 pool. Portland to "rte ay Poston BRITISH AMEGJCAN DYEING CO La vor nd Fut 8 shige. or secommedation Montes, = Toron +O» Ottaw a, -- tor ail clasers of m rantebagen aed Materooms -- rates of ease = apply te any weed aOn. a heme ead Portiang Nursery Equipment. io mother can afford to be without Clleadino. Babies' sores and acoldents ll call for CHeadine. . Large are 750. Druggiste or sHeadine Co., T onto, CO I OD er ae ae er SYSTEMATIC. \AVING Sar Saving SUCCESSFUL AVI Advantageous facili' the cumulation of spare sums of $1.00 'aod upwards, with the pegelae addition of e prof'. producing inte: seat axe afford- ed by the Savings Department of ties for THE CANADA PERMANENT and WESTERN CANADA MORTCACE CORPORATION Toronto Street, TORONTO Aor Kate, T. Aifalte, Spelta, ot, (fully iy werd a pooch wih ee Meunisg, ae 6.5. 609 40 010006 00.80 9 6 hat Dar eat et tat Dae a Dat Dae Dit Yat at Dat Se Det Stat Dt Nad Dt Dat Dt Dae Da Da a De ae at et Da) of 8 9 oo eo 8 ee 6 6 9 6 8 6 so 9 go 5 on go og og ow wa tt) bb Be Oe PD eR ORD OBE EE ET EES ote In every 1,000 British men there re 35 widowers; in every 1,000 British women there are 78 widows. inard's Linlment the best Ralr Restorer Only one in 200 of English crimin- als is sentenced to imprisonment for NOTICE g TO King Edward Vil, Royal Purple Amethyst Y READERS The following letter contains an offer of an absolute gift 10 you. You don't have to buy anything @ year or over. to get it. It is a bid for your "THE FOUR TRACK NEWS." This is a Monthly Magazino of Travel and Education, published by Walker--"Did you hear about Smith | J removed?" Talker-- how did it happen?'"' ~ Walker--*'By changing his name to Smythe. --_----+----_ Our Solid Arizona Silver Deafness _ oe Cured by Jeoal, ey cannot reach the aplemip Thong one aber inony ome ional remedies, Deafness Iv ~' sed of a m inflamed por of the mucous Haing oliite Tube. When this tubs is rooch overlaid with fine flamed you save arum sound or im fect heari: at wher it 'rely Iinpes deafness isthe result, and ess the inflam. males oan be taken ous gk this tube reatored ts of the mucous su A 4 ee eee + fy S / line. It contains a fund of in- yf teresting and instructive read- . NL Gian This Gugar Ghell Is act ing hatter, and, Nhe al) oth- -- ~al A QIFT TO EVERY LADY is likely fon south ortaaiden of poss becsehald ae oe chore hly ep toed i one f our best business men and , Fi gh'y _up-to- this Advertisement. 3 coher as tccom oe | | DEAR MADA : eee ty cents a year from eo effort of this kind. fer | jpoon EB, Davies Cenk Bare. Ag" _ Send us your name and address on the below | Mose ters"Wwo'win also mod you & cates New Yor request, and we will take pleasure in sending ye loge eres me Ciseues Het of Paeenaeiey aN ees of any charge this SOLID ARIZONA SILV ----_--_4____--- SUGAR SHELL. hid ae Sugar Electine Remedies to sell, if you can, at 25 cents and we will give you, absolutely free, a Butter Knife, a Pickle Fork, a Set of 6 Solid Arizona Silyer Teaspoons and a They look as well and wear longer, and are guaranteed fer 50 years. Coronation Brooch will be appreciated by every loyal British subject. nificent Royal Purple Amethyst mounted on an exquisitely designed ust return the attached request to-day. The Sugar Shell and Medicines will be be peony mailed, postpaid ; and. remember, even if you fail to sell the goods, you at least an elegant Sugar Shell worth 75 cents for simply making the effort. As we don't Titan to keep this offer open long, we would ask friendship, and if ove#looked it wiil be a loss to you and a disap- 4 iene to us. Shell we will send you 8 Boxes of Standard each. Then return our money beautiful King Edward VII. Coronation Brooch. Premiums are fast superseding Sterling Silver Sra leah he elegant ™ is com- sign and gold. This is not an opportunity to put off. you to favor us with an immediate reply. - We will give One Hund nit be cured by Hall's cae gy or We are constantly receiving Puch i ara ME. REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. SHMedicine Co:, Limited, Toronto, Ont. immediately, 1, + Solid Arians pont Sugar Sheil aid Eight ee of = Sadie T agree to earnest effort to sell the ediines, to receive fo Rem money, with the cgerioge ics givens "that1 ami to for this service a 9 Fark, Siz sll Size Silver Teaspoons and also a Ee ae ee Si caicina X will nara It to you within $0 Gays and retain the Sugar Shell as 9 ¢ gift from you, iz Please write very " very" plainly. 40

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