Listowel Standard, 21 Feb 1902, p. 5

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Feb. 21 YOU'LL SEE THE WISDOM. of buying here if you inspect our Stock of Jewelery, Watch- es, Precious Stones and Sil- ver-ware, and compare our prices with the offerings o other Merchants. Your VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY at this establishment. Our reputation would suffer if we sold you Goods of in-| ferior quality. A. ZILLIAX, JEWELER AND ENGRAVER IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS MEATS RIGHT - -- 'PRICES STEVENSON THE CITY BUTCHER. Beet Steak 8c per Ib., Lamb 8c, Pork Sausage 10e, Roasts 7c and 8c, i Meat from 4c to 6c, Pork 8c*o 1 eal Jc and 8c, Belogna Sausage 10c, Hams bin Side Meat 12c. 8. J. STEVENSON, Wallace St. F. S. HOWE'S SHAVING - PARLOR equipped with all modern facilities for first. class work. Give nk old Royal Hotel Block, Wallace St. Bridge. F,S. HUE, Prop. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITUKS AC, Solicitors for the Bank of Hamuiton. Notaries Public and dg pies uionera to La: Hi. B. Moxpny J, M, Cami new " Monay Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. Notaries epblinass Cones rence oney to Low tie Holicitors for oe Banking 2e ton and Unt. erin Bldg. & nm Assecial F. R. Rewicees Geo. , BUY i. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrister, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER CENT Difice, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Branch officeiu Atwood every Wednesday. flabee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Solicitorsfor The Mecesanbe Bank. Bon ov to Loa TRA TFORD. ONT. C.J, MaKiIna Ww. E 'Dingman, M. 'D. G RADUATE of Queen's University; mom ber of ¥ College of P By siclans and Surgeons, Untar Physician, Surgeon and Acocoucheur. uitice and Tealden co--Main Stree t cast. Thos. Fulla ine. ATWOOD ONT., Ihe EK of Marriage L! Comonssioner in Deeds, Morteages Leases am al atte vey Mo: to lend. R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UNT. C e 1 ASTea rence Company alo Ms ones te Co in any sama from $: upward w rate of Interest. Conveyancing of all pik Sl done @u easy term: Instructor. Music B. RAYNER, N, MARDOLIN, ITAR cent RIONET is prepared to e lesson either individually or im clase rms and joulars © known by enquiring at M y S. Howe's barber shop, Wallace etreet. 5 L. O. L, No. 370, Listowel Mects in Orange Hall first Friday in = month. Membera are requested to end all mening? gud visiting brethren cordally invite H. WILLOUG HBY; W. R. HAMILTON, ~ . W. M. Rec.-Sec G. T. 8, TIME CARD sins leute Listo vel station daily as under : BSTHATFORD "AND PAL" RSTON, Stratford.--Passenger, 9 a m,; Passeoger 2) Yor Palmeraton. pus Mixes, 11228. m.; Mixed, 3 Passenger. 7 PALMERSTON. For PRINCARDINE AN! ab RSTON. For pamper 1p. m; Express 7.45 Pp. m. For mn. a I9C2. In'Business Colleges as in Business, EXPERIENCE COUNTS. has teachers of experience. , 'The -rates are reasonable. The courses of the study are thorough and practical. You can spenda few inonths profitably with us. Send for our Journal. A. Fremine, Pres. ke Owen Sound. A. L, Sicvervas, Sec. ty . Listo THE 1e WEAVER. a Pirough the bony hour, with « trad of town, T weave all day a plain brown fi Ws actl 'ud cones gal deeiaeapheos There is clot! jewels rare > Ob, the realm of the oul fe a realm eo far! There's a fabric as pure as a snow white rear We is -_ of the thoughts my so white and soft as spray, On, tha remhan ot draaiaa € tak we dopare by den! There's a robe of the glow; deepest crimson heart that made it so. my feet, But I drank the dregs and cal led thers sweet. There's a garment epun of the sunsct's gold, And = dull, gray days, when my heart grows And the shadows deepen, and the lights burn low, 1 wind about me {ts golden glow. Ob, the thread of brown is not what it seema, For in and out in the mesh of my ms It is weaving the fabric of life toda. its regal army! --HMuriel Strode in Chicago Fost, --v A BATTLE ROYAL, A Port Hope Spider Fights With a Port Hope W A correspondent at Port Llope sends us the following: 'This morn- ing I was eye-witness of What was to me a povel sight -- a battle be- tween a full-grown wasp and a com- mon spider, The Jatter had spun a web that hung lke a fringe three or four inches deep from the lower front edge of « piece of scantling thut, formed the upper stringer of a bowrd fence. Against the fence, an underneath the stringer was an ol work be nach, on Which had been plac- ed some juicy sweet apples that had dropped from the trec. few yards as a wasp's nest, which I had left unmolested because fa yellow- jeckeled occupants had not in any way nen nie. Well known that wasps have 'a swabs tooth,' and cannot resist the attraction of a bruised ripe ap- ple or.pear. Having to work at the bench. 1! had pushed the apples to- wards the further side, almost under- neath the spider's web, where' they regaled my nose with their pleasant apple fragrance. Presently one of the half-dozen wasps that had appropri- ated the apples. in joyful exultation it may be over the lucky find, flew up and buzzed around In that fussy Way that wasps have. Presently, iu evident ignorance of the flimsiness of such a resting-place and of a spider's , this wasp Sn: on : of the cobweb as it ung from the scantling, and there- by. 'got its t badly vile in 'he 'spider's silken cor ut at first its Wings were ee "and it made yood use of (hem -- dashing wildly and violently in every direction and breaking the cobWeb in many Places in its) frantic efforts to regain its frecdom "Mennuwhile, the spider, who had come out of his lurking piace the mo- ment the wasp touched the web, stood at respectful distance, agbast, apparently, at the size and strength of his prey. For not more than i twinkling did he so stand, for, perceiving the struggles of the Wasp and the ruptures wrought = in the web. he at once went to work to strengthen the cords around the vic- lim, Whe was threatening to sinash the whole concern. Ilavingg quickly supplied half a dozen guy ropes to the parts surrounding the wasp, skil- fully keeping himself, meanwhile, out of harin's way. the spider confidently stood and watched, with composure, the strugules of his victim. seeming to know that soon it would become P) eXhausted In this the spider was uot mistuhken. for, presently the strup- gles became spasmodic, with inter- vals of west tween. In one of these the spider tuade « dash at the Wasp and gave hin a bite or two) about the head and showlders, carefully avoiding he business end of the Wusp, Where the stimg was protrud- ing fast and furiously. After being hus bitten the throes of the wasp Lecatie more and more feeble and soon ceased altogether i sat watching results an inch or two uwoy, T then had to leave the bench for a few minutes, and on returning to the scene of the conflict I could see nothing of wasp or spider, con- quered or conqueror, and thought at first that several wasps that were wround . perhaps, carried the dead body of their fallen comrade off the field. But no; looking. more care- fully, | found that the spider had drawn its Victim to the dark en- trance of the hiding place, and was quietiy regaling itself on the splen- did catch of the morning. Doubtless, too, Ht was reflecting in Its spider Inind on the easy victory that cool- ness and reseurcefulness had Won over blind strength and bluster," Leoking to Canada. Canada is being congratulated the progress exhibited last year. The fact the public deposits in Cana- dian banks amount to $400,000,000 is con-idered remarkable, and = 'The Motning Post looks to the time when the fertile acres of the Dominion will solve the whole question of the Brit- ish food supply, which is the night- many zealous Politicians not merely of the greatest anee to the internal development of the Dominion, but also to the fare of the Fmpire. As a whole, its solution would be facilitated by the couspicuous loyalty of Canada, whereol so many = =~ vently ben afforded." es A Canadian Zee. Mr. Howard Douglas, superinte dant of Banff Park, recently anther in Ottawa to consult with the Min- ister of the Interior in regard to certain important improvements the Government intends to have made there. From Ottawa a eae io dent Douglas went to New York t ronx Park, wit visit " ales getting pointers for the catablish. ment of zoological department to include specimens of all the a animals of Manitoba arid the North- west; afterwards he pr Toronto to oa t with Mr. Stuart in rogard the equipment of the sectoorolngieal yoo ol dni a ged Mountain, which, w it will be in July, will 'te ihe high- t observatory on the Co P @,600 1681 above sen level, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. wel. . °F it lt t\* wee see Beata ase WINNIPEG HOLDS RECO RO. «.} = | Coldest in- the Fmpire--Some Extreme Temperatures in Uritish Joss asions, * Facts abeut the weather and tem peratures of various parts of | the British mnie are very: interesting. A recent cle a éciersicit 8 Seat: set Mr. ten- dent of the Dominiea 3 Meteoro ological Service, at' work in, ew re- searches. It was found that © Win- nipe Manitoba, was the coldest city of any importance in British Siberia, and reports temperatures egrees below the capital-of the Prairie Province. -Win< nipeggers, when they come east,have Montreal or Ottaw prove it by the statistics which are so carefully kept at the: eee in Queen's Park, Toron Winnipeg's average aaa tempera- ture for the year is 32.6, while | the erene 2 for the winter months is 1.5 The highest tempera- er registered there ollicially. bert, Saskatchewan, is than Winnipeg. having a yearly av- erage temperature of 30.5, and a winter average temperature of 3 degrees below zero. The lowest on record at Prince Albert is 70 below the zero mark. Chatham and -- run another a pretty close race for ths ca nnu mean temperature is 48 degrecs, while the nihow point ever touched was 102, and the lowest 21 below zero. Windsor's high temperature record is 101 degrees, and the coldest per- iod sent the mercury down to below zero According to Pearson's Weekly, the temperature in Brisbane has reached 133 degrees in the shade, but no records at the local Observatory show anything like that heat. India undoubtedly holds the high tsmpera- ture record, for the average in the city of Agra is given at 95 degrees. Outside of India the warmest spots n British possessions are in Aus- tralia and South Africa. In the great diamond city of bear aber 112 has been recorded, and it is about as Warm a place as there isin that part of the globe, except on some kopje wheré'the Boers and British clash. One of the hottest places in Aus- tralia is Perth, on the west side of the big island. At this place 117 has occurred and been recorded. Things Not to Say to Baby's Mother, Here are some of the things you should yrs say to the baby's mother: When it begin to look intelll- gent? Goodness! really taking Do you think of ratsing it? Do you feel any attachment or affec- thon for it yet? Fd batiove the child fs Why Mountains Never Grow Smatier, The mountains are always moving Gown into the valleys. When spring- time comes, every stream will rum muddy in its course. At this rate all the soit from the gone were not this soil being constant- ly replaced. Water soaks into the crevices of the rocks, and when ft ezes it swells with almost trresisti- e. That a very little of it can {s split, and the pieces made in this way are again broken into finer and finer fragments until new sol] is made to take the place of that which is se rapidly moving down to the lowlands ~--Professor ker Home Journal. me ee For Over Sixt¥® Years. Syae ta for thelr ebikires INALOW 8 SOOTHENG - a sick chill» with pain of Cutting Tecth send at once and geta ttle of 'Mrs, Winslow's Seothi Tup thi tee bing ia p catant te 'the taste and ia the scription of ons af the oldest and be "phyricians and varses in the United States, Price twent 've cruts . ttle Sold by all Ba Be sure and drugeists throughout the ask fog "Mars. Winslow's SooTHina Syaer, ; " "AR TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. EE re Anacre and a quarter of land and-dwelling house, -- hard and soft water and_a lot of fruit treca, a comfortable frame dwelling hetee and ge el acre 0 on which there is a fine garden, fruit trees, small table, hard and soft water, For perio spply at tins office, or dox 83, Listowel P. U0 Sold by All Newsdealers Di Q n 7 } {- te ey agreat habit of laughing when the - "for Infants and Children, The Fac- simile Signature of Appears on Every Wrapper. 'THE erwraun SOMPANY, TT MURRAY BYAEET, NEW YORK Crry. Box. DO NOT FORGET THAT THE CITY RESTAURANT Keeps all kinds of Nuts and Candies at very low prices. Also Fancy Home-made Bon Bons 15c per Layer Raisins, Figs, everything you may wish for. FANCY CHEESE AND OYSTERS always on hand. Dont forget to call. "Dates, Oranges and A. B. GEORGE. sold. "AS we told you belore, can sell cheap. © DO YOU WANT A PAIR OF BOOTS OR SHOES RUBBERS OR FELT BOOTS, Either Men"s,, Women's, Boys', Girls' or child's? If you do, give us a call and see what we have. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. You will say so yourself when you examine ours. When we tell you that we got a big discount off from the Zinn stock, it means a saving on every pair we bought cheap and so we K. BRICKER, 1 Zinn & Greve'ssold stand: Wallace Street. We dan wicks aw any ke Yon likes j in some th With our make it is well defined. thing we know to your order costs from Tailor and Furnisher, WILL JENKINS, SIXTEEN TO ONE. il dressed ae and a well dressed man can make The dividing line between some Custom Made Olothes and the Ready Made Article is very slim. There's a out to it, a = Arata of line that makes it far superior to any- A Suit or Overcoat $15 TO $20. These prices give a wide range of material and perfoct workmanship. TRY US. SEE THE WINDOW Next to Post Office. fl « FOUNDYI GOOD BARGAINS IN DRY Goons. > a) 2) ee) et rR ae Ce Ae TO Ae DN A AMON Lee Ae Ae Ae ee we can give you for . Remember the Place, i Hy 0 4 i s We have not Leen making a big noise as some of the merchants of this town have, but come in, as we have lots of goods as low in price as any of them. Here are a few lines of goods to let you see what YOUR MONEY and don't make any tuss about it. Nice Plaid Flannelette 10c now 6c yard. Plain Flannelette 7 and 8c now §5¢ yard. Men's and Boys' Caps at 10c each. Ladies' Jackets from $2 up All other goods at a great reduction. W. SPEARS' STORE. of | >> Se ed ew ee te te ee et) et) ee ee Aer NY Ate te Jaistowel Sash and Door Factory, BAMFORD BRS. Builders . and Contractors, are prepared to contract for the erection of illciseses of buildings. Plans and specifi- catioas drawn, and estimates furmiahed on application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, ete., furnished on short notice. Planin ne done to order. Everything in the buil ing line will be given xrompt attention and FiRST CLASS aE -- 30 4R- Charges Moderate, Bamford Bros. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. prcs.aby Ag wee oe eg oe ---- NOTICE TO Parties Intending Building yards pega > well "poked 9 on - bind? ai LUMBER, such as Pine, Hem and Hardwood, } can supply you with ithe toub at such bargains us have never befure been offered in this vicinity. T ALSO CARKY LATH AND SHINGLES, You ask the reason why. every grade. therefore the in Well, we buy for Cash, problem i is solved. D. H. MARSHALL, Listowel Lumber Yards. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate of the late gai Stoll, deceased, will please prescat to the same personally or in writing, to the ae for settle- ment, on or before 1st Day of April, 1902. No claim will be entertained of which we do not recvive notice as a 5 JOHN ADAMS, AMOS SMITH, Trowbridge, Feb'y 1]th, 1902. STYLE If you buy your FOR . clothes here, you MEN, have the assur- ance of being well dressed. Our stock is always well sel- ected, and prices very moder- ate. ROGERS 2€ CO., EXPERT - - TAILORS. Main Street, Listowel. } Executore, and 27 oy vessels of war BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons. Te you want ard ems gi in 7 rene line, arge Mook cal hand and wiil sell at ceauk prices. A call at ay varriage shop will "al ince, \ J, F. WiLsO 4 Mill Street, 'Missoosl, 1 Great Britain 'will have ot Oe air 22 armored cruisers 'One-ot as Hinda twins operated up in dead, We iseteeerte Estimates American an ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Phone 4o. Main Sc. STOVES, RANCES, STOVES, RANGES, 'STOVES, RANGES. her Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Screen Doors Windows &c., at the leading Stove and inware House, ZILLIAX & SARVIS. ivenon Hot Water and Steam Plumbing. Canadian Coil Oil for Sale. Listowel. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Up-to-Date Grocery. of broken Sets. a margin. I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, Any quantity I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at Canned Goods and Fruits, New in All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS: ARMSTRONG. Stock. . VERS MOST iffe3g WEARS LON. BL. Shelf and Heavy Goods the Best Leading Hardware Merchants, P, 8.--String Bells welling AT OST te clear, THE OHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT HARDW ARE. Nails, Glass, Hinges, Barn Door Hangers, Barn Door Track. Prices the Lowest. ADOLPH & BONNSTT. Main St. Listowel.

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