Listowel Standard, 20 Sep 1907, p. 2

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i , as ane Province, the Touraine and the ~ "Term ission examine Theodore Cooper, consulting' engineey, General Transatlantio Co. to 'Tnaugurate New Route. -- oo A despatch from Montreal s says: There} is now every sssutance <according to information received in Montreal from ren he com- pany has under consideration the bring- ing to Quebec und Montreat of so ef its largest and fosfest vessels, euch Tho" cheweeitian of the proposed id FiecoCansdiag line fs n direc' pernit of the conimercial ay watch, wding to reporis, has agreed upon by the Governments of France tnd Canada, On several occasions dur- as: fect that the trade between Frarice and ~ adau was not sufficient to support; on independent and direct line of fast steam ROBBERS STOPPED TRAIN. Mosked Men hayes i Great Northern 2 Mor A despatch ps " -- says: The Great Northern Oriental Limited train. 1, which left . Paul Tuesday -ourning, was held up by two masked tien near Rexford, Mont., carly on Thursdoy morning. The robbers crawled ever the lender and, at the point o their guns, commanded the engineer lo slop the train. The robbers kept Fs " continual hakings with --s guns | terrify the passengers, y then ant through the mail cars ant robbed me sucks of a larg quantity of registered tnail, Then they went into the express cor, which carricd on overflow of mail, express, and contained « Aller exploding ee dynamite charges the sale was opened and found to be empty. fi ding' the safe empty the ighwas men wh themselves to red mail, and after firing a sirllons volley isappeared, A rewor $5,000 is of- fered for their capture, -- 2 MUCH RAIN IN tile NONTH. Assoriion ol Surveyor ies in ntarfo Northern Ontario. "A despatch from Toronto says: "Rain has been so excessive that everything | & is full of water to overflowing," writes Thos. Fawcett. of Fort William, to Survey Department, ty solid ground. Of set character ef thr peo a are the surveyor says that ble 1 is rolling rand heavily hanbened ei "th @ Jast six miles. ch 'oO 2 js mostly timbered with spruce, furnarack, birch, poplar and pine, et) ' NEW CANADIAN iN BAG BOATS. Two Larger and 'Foster: Boats Recom- |! mended for Atlantic. A' despatch from London says: The Canadian Pacific annual report recem- riends the transfer of the Empresses of Britain and Irelan fer the Allantic, or allernatively two sicamers to be built for the Pacific trade. It is stated that probably a fast- ere and more frequent service will be niade conditional on the renewal of the mail contract between Live 1 and Hong a next ee 'Phe Mai} os yards it as a ne the direction o the "All Red pars RAILWAY WORK DELAYED. Government Road "Cannot Procure Stcel for Viaducts. espatch from Taranto says: "The a of certain viaducts on the way cr been delayed ow ing lo the lack al of these viaducts is al ndslide at fle for's Creek, south of Englehart, last eck. The scarsily of labor, too, kept work back. Men ean receive excel- tent wages bya a the mines and wilh prospecting p recent miners' strike has en nena the la- bor situation any, since any kind of labor commanded high pay at th mines ----_-- Fr. "CHIEF MORENGA WANTS PEACE, Germany's War in South Africa is About Over. A despatch from Perlin says: News from South Africa received on Wed- resday is to the effect thal the reve! chief, pry applied to the Governor | fe Le luded in the weapons and dive peaceably in his own eauntry. This news hus relieved the Government, as it is always possible that Morenga's presence in the vicinity ef Cape Colony will lead to complica ligns with Great Brilain ario--Rail-bet-industrt NO MORE ACETYLENE. Grand Triink Officials Issue Cireular Prohibiting iis Saat, A despatch from Toronto says: Circu- lars to the effect that in fehire the Grand Trunk Railway Company will not haul cars containing acetylené gas have been issued by. Superintendent Brown- lee ~-- en Vice-President Filzhugh, 2s follows -- "Owing to numerous cases of fire in railroad accidents which huye resulted from the carriage of or use of acclylene gas, this company will hercafler decline to haul cars carrying stored. acetylene gas, or cars with their own acetylene generating plant charged. Official cars equipped with acelylene gas for illumin- aling purposes will nol be declined, pro- vided storage tanks and ihe generating plunts or cartridges are emptied when coming on to the line, Failure to ob- serve this rule means instant dismissal." CUTTING OFF NCE. Congesied District of Montreal Regarded as we by Underwriters. F despatch from Montreal says: The fire underwriters have been iy or ying district at the vy. They com- Li thal the city is not properly equip- ped with ee Ae ei anmionrels Sev- rol companies have tried their ihredita into execullion: he Liverpool, is: preter. half million. © ine of abou one million. Down- business men are becoming - alarined at the turn of ratiaice PEERS ee KILLED IN SUNDAY CAROUSAL. ae Four F Boys ihe on ohn sale and One as Shot, oN despatch Rae St. John, NaS says: A shocking ae of affairs was reveal 'uesday by an t inlo the Ee al, Lilly Take: Rea er Peters, a lad. -Hé 1 shot. on Sunday. bya. comeade. Benj.; Beatty. evidence. showed had fene on Lake, - lem could procure liquor fey: and they, aie that Peters' companion be agninst for viclating: the vd and that Sunday law- lessness_ generally in the neighborhood Le suppressed, ----o-- POPULATION GROWS SLOWLY. Ontarla Had 40,511. More Pcople in 1906 Than in 1905, A despatch from Toronto 6ays: Com- Péralive statistics contained in a munl- cipal Hot oter of the ee Bureau ~show-t nthe yeary 1906 the soutien Or Ontario increas- - by 40.511. In the year 1906 it num- hered 2.141. 771, as compared with 2,- 101.269 in 1905, The assesséd value of _~ rMigicinnd'y in Ontario in 1906 was hk al In 1925 it was $978,249, assessinent In 1906 was $52. 592 an ry the previous year, $46,- 483,043; 1906, taxable income, $20 18; previous year, $12,577 762, te ae : . $1,036,910,130. e average axation r head was $8.41, and in 1905 37:90. Pe a BIGGER TURBINE STEAMER, Ship Builders Already at Work on New { for White Siar. A despatch from Belfost says: The Suipbuilding firm of Herland and Wolff mdmil cficinlly that d in a few months, and she will be fitted with reciprocaling engines wand turbines, iforma- tion received from another source, the nev ter vessel is lo be of 40,000 fons re- eister, GETTING DOWN 10 FACTS Evidence in the Quebec Bridge In- 'vestig ation. A despatch from Quebec says: 'The structure was bent. Eugene Lajeun. nesse, one of the survivors, tes there was a bend in one of the canti- lever arms gf about fwo inches, but there was no b thei 1 also go to New York io Oulmet and Lafrance, who testified that one of the plates of the shoe of the anchor was bent, will be sum- moned. One witness testified that this the} was not 60, but Pi it was sim ped. ply ce had been heard to te hag The Government com- the | Mission, however, intend to go fully into the matte, Three more were recovered on Thursday from the river. One was 'den. tified as that of Joseph it, Mon! é is supposed to be that of Ward, rowned from the bridge some time be. & Mercantile has OEE: it is ages Sd 'bin Were one million, the Royal cur | | uiled or is curtailing its policies tothe Tr accident, and fhe third is un- of Mani 1.0536 to Barley--No. Oa sic on truck, at Peas--Nonsinal i 43.50; Manitoba, Hey seconds, about t the saine Creamery, prin Large Poullry -- Liv --_ 9c lo lic, $15, in car lels o pails, 12%. clear bacon, fe 'Montreal, Taller $4.25 pound $0 123; kellle rete alive, $3.35 Buffalo, Sept. ate ay or 'ow. gp er No. midxed, Sic. NEW YORK $1. ern Duluth, Taran, Sept. and prices of co meee Market to fair to good bu $4.50; common £2.50; col cows, Light stockers $4.50 per ew, 84.40 per cw Government $34. ndilure was <rmuent for materin] and administraken 26; for govern peony which in mus, buildings, TUNDUS = lfc aroused ind protect Agreement With 2, 85%). ioc to Bac; No. 8° $4.60 to $470. eeuiiiéed "Bran, tside, made at 50}c to 'Sic 'per bushel, §\ The butler market is "ical at the re- Londen & Globe ds said to av cut off] cen r ' The North Bri do., lard, 10K¢ loa 4O%C; __ rendered Windso ed abatfotr eis oo BUFFALO = 2. hard winter, ay tei LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Heavy us, who are calting on the Sittite Government to take ive meas their countrymen United States and Canad S neds gs 3 i yetow, 6 to Wey. Now: xed, Thc. : aoe: 3 exira, ' nifloba No. 2 white,' ge. st f elevator; No: at Yc for No. ra first petenils, $5.25 to: to $4.80; sirong $22; shorts, $% to COUNTRY PRODUCE. "The butler. market is firm, with prices 5 as a week ago, IS ..:. ce +. 28010 R5e . quoted: at 12%c und e eitickens quoicd and hens from 7c lo Chee: twins at at 13¢ in job lots h Potators--Marke. is steady al G5c to r bus "ated Hay Prices st 7. hg 814 to PROVISIONS. Dressed ee £5 for Jightweights and $%.75 for heay Park--Short cut, barrels; mess, 820 to Lard--Firin; lierces, 12¢; tubs, 12%c; S25 fo $23 for 21. Sinvked*and Dry Salted Ments--Long to ile for tons and eases; hams, medium and light, 15¢ 183¢¢; heavy, H43ge to to 17c; shoulders, 10%¢ to fle; rolls, 1iXe; oul of pickle; 36: Je less than if; MONTREAL AL MARKETS. Sep!. 17.--The .local flour merkel is strong. fat spring wheat patents, $5.50; seconds, 84.90; wheal patents, nado to $4.75; nahn 15e; backs, 1 smoke a. winler oO $4.95; $1.95 to $2.10; rae Shes k 0 SI. is a stronger feeling in the There is ada for onts, rae prices further ad- need 4 per bushel. Sales of car tole of Senter "NO. 2 while were ex-" t} advance died st Spneile ane ae lo ' ke sain hips at t4e to 4 eee Short mess fo $22.50; "half-barrels, 'S185 to res clear fat back, $23.50 lo $24.50; long cut heavy - $21.50;" hall-borrels do. Sea to $11.50; ary | salt long clear ae to 11}¢c; bar- Rha re AM to $16; Persea 60., $7,50 to : barre avy ae $10; halt-barrels 50: pure, 11% 17,--Wheat -- Spring, No. 1 northern c.Lf., old, $1. 10363 new, m--Firm THC | No. 2 site, 88240, vhite, 54 Barley Nominal: WHEAT MARKET. w York, Sept. pr ge _ Spot, No 17.--Tride "was good {tle were steady at the to-day. uying was about steady in expart catlhe Prices were stendy al$4,00- to 85 for good: $5 to $5.25 $4.00 for medium and light. ~ Picked butchers' caltle, for choice, and $4.50 butchers' cows.%83 to $3.25 to $3.75 per ewt. were dull at $2.75 to $3 fecders sold at $4 lo Grain-fed lambs were easier at $5 lo 5.50; und export ewes sold al $4 Lo Hogs were. 10 cents lower. Prices were:--Selects, $6.15, fats, $5.0) per cw Cee esi ae COST OF PANAMA CANAL. and lights and Anmorican Government Has Spent 885,- ads A despatch from Washinfflon says The Panema ope cost the American » to Dec. 31, ecording to a Satanecn of the audil- up to that date The bulk of this the $50,000,000 ta the Frefich Company and the Panama Gey. for cana way and franchises, and ! property, rightofi $3,449,082 went ch alti For general expended $1.124.- nent and sanitation, $4.381.080. ond for canstruction and en- . 89.729.554. ; cludes rolling stocks. roachinery, second main track on isth- zone water works, etc. NOW EXCITED, Clamoring for Frotection From British Govern ment. A despatch from London says: vices from Lucknow siate that the ihe. dents al Bellingham and Vanco ncouver have the indignation of sures in the a ee FRENCH TREATY APPROVED. pone ia be_Com- pied 8 trea}. alta ta the 'Brith. Governinent as to ent ta says: The the Frenc ec} The lish urmy nuvigated against wind blow- ° iavanoke cent be law unressonable and uncon now $7.25 per {Stitutional. On account of t the surplus supply of t 'copper in the Uniled Slales the Ama amount to nearly von, Sask., shot his ed in ine grain, ee 'Darehesle farmer, London €or lers Have adopted a new game a the St. ee tetas They drop cigars ver "the si ocean steamers into wailing boalg iam 80 evade the. mn {cms officers, -- vd rough the' omission of 7 ag i "life" in act passed by the the Corporation is compelted to shod $25,000 wrongful ly collected in taxes from the life in- surance companies. GENERAL. © gan. re taee Neve souled The lake survey sleamer Genera} Wil- of uw wrec vuler miles nerih-cast of Coichventer hight, near De- tro' bse ari invurgis, killing over a hundred F) Four men from' tho United States" cruiser Chattanoogo were mobbed by iopanese al Ha le « China hes uppeinted a commission to report on the constitutional system «f Great Britaii, Japan and Germany. 'Re e five Central American Aare met 3 Washington to ee besis for a permancni 3 2 re 'frusateri statistician hos estimated fie number of yiclims of the disorders 1 Russian at ae of which number ry 144 were killed, GREAT T BRITAIN, new. nirship designed for the Bri} \" ie New York, aro victims of typho The Court of Common Pleas at Phil deiphia pak abe: Pennsylvania's (wi | gamated Company will close its mine at ; | Butte, Mont. : 'Protect an Convinded That Gensilion Government Can - Aliens, a- a }- dent in futufe. A Royal message has he ~matter. In @ quarre! over a pig, the Rev. John urnishts {ho clearest evidence Grant, a Methodist pastor, the | (iat the Tapinese have empathy in 'Rey. Martin Green, Baplist, al Galloway, official quurters. Moreover the powe Ark. of the Daminion Government ane n- has discovered ay Splitheria germs in the living h 'gan reo minutes. ™ The President of the Phoenix Bri ern ba wo years to reconstruct wrecked portion of the Quebec bridge. The Standard Oj] Company has ap- ° oo for # writ of supersedus lo prevent the United States Government {rom pro- ceeding to collect the finé of $29,240,000, account of the almost complete ear Esca destruction of the pastures n bana, Mich., by grasshoppers, the mi supply is seriously threatened. An allorney was charged jn a Ch court the other day with acting for both complainant and defendant in case which was belng tricd. orry over imprisonment on a false cherge,of burglary changed black hair te while in a few weeks in the case of Eligity, of Escabana, Michi- Chas. W. liams reports the pegs thirty-six Jeet o lwo it, After watching a sheriff's officer carry his belongings lo the streel in Boston for non-payment of rent, Walter I Brown went back Into the house, drank pcison and ied. Crazed with a desire to ailend funerals which she herself caused, Miss Adelaic Korizek, ag years, has been se 7 through the mai A committee of prominent educalion- have reported that estimated one-Uurd of the school ehil- dren in the country are suffering from ists from New York after investigation lhey at about huve physical defects. A German chemist at Coluribus, Ohio, an anti-toxine thal will | lie , and the idge Company has saiu that il will require at the dy vidual States is _ Brealer than that of Canadian police are ee eMcient than San Francisco's. T. therefore every feasin to believe "that the fullest tee will be give o our cotn- fPitriots in Vancouver." The. 'Hoch: Shimibun urges the ne. cessily of laking effective sleps for the protection of Japanes» abroad. The Kokumin is gratified af the fact that the Japanese, youths and men: haye shown themselves c¢ opabte of self-de- fence in whatever corned -- the -- tk | they may be, appre tion «f the altilude of the ine Brien pou (horities and newspapers. 'The calm- ness with which the news of the mob u- ae a = was received is mamly traceable fo Japanese eae in British friend- ship tie jus SH OWING 'HER GOOD WILL. "In thus refraining from demanding her és Jupan is showing her ri ARRIVALS OF J ESE, A despatch {rom Ottawa says: ports recewwed ut the Department of Trude and Commerce show that during the month of August the Japanese ar- 'Ivals at- Victoria were 3%, of whom 351 were males. Of these 102 proceed- td to 4he United States, In addition ts the above there were 226 arrivals who did fot land, Leing en route to the : three en route to other river at Victorin, of whom proceed- ed to the Uniled States. Man gralion patmoriiea and may go to the United Sta NO NORTHERN CONTINENT. _ Explorers Found No | Land to the North of Alaska. A despatch from New York says: The k] Commanders of the Anglo-American polar expedition which lest ils ship, the Wehess of Bedford, in an atlempt te md a new continent north of Alaska, relported to the American Geographical 1. | they made disclused no such Jand. The despaich cume from Eliner Mikkelsen and Uinest LeMngwell, the joint command: » and was duled al 'The explorers fe trip nerth of Is | Aluska covered five hundred miles of sea hey crossed the edge of the eculinental self twice Their "seund- ings tuken fifty miles off the Aaeenn const beyond, were ma depth of 2.060 feel, bul found no bi Lior, Neat year, they reported, tuey will con- tinue the exploration of Beaufort Sea, de | Dawson MUSITANLA MAKES RECORD Average 'spect Per Hour Still Held by the the Kaiser_ William - ti A despatch from New York says: A new slenmship record belween a Euro- {pean port and New York was made by {he Cunsrd Line's new -giant turbine ship, the Lus:tania, which arrived: here én Friday. The Lusitania left Queens- town, the ee trans-Allantic port lo Ow York. 10 p. m., Sunday and arrived off ay Sandy Hook Lightship at 8.05 a.m., Friday, making the time far the trip 5 days and 54 minutes, This is 6 hours and 29 minutes Leiter than the preylous _Queenstown-New York record of 5 days 7 hours and 23 minutes, hekd by the Lucania of the the Lusitania has for the time a pes- senger is actually on board ship. she has not beoten the oyerage sp hour reoord, both the Kaiser Wilhelm Il., which hes made 23.58, knots per hour from New York to Plymouth, = the Deutschland, with a recor 3.51 hnots per hour fo Plymouth, rave been telter time. The Lusitania's speed per hour on her maiden voyage Ys estimat- €' al 22.87 knols per hour. GAILY BEDECKED. The new ship was decked with flags and bunting when she made her ap- pearance off Hook on Friday morning, her four big red funnels lend- ing color lo the picture which was mac- red a the prevalling haze passengers lined 'the railings and. ervwded the different dechs of the large vessel, waving handkerchie {fs and A Tine Observdlory s ped thelr flogs in solute, other ves stels in the jower bay blew their whistles in greeting and the Lusitania blue en- sgn was constantly lowered and raised agnin in acknowledgment of the recep- bon given her. She steamed stowl) up {he bay for the new Ambrose Channe will be it first lo uso in entering the port of Ne York, FROM LAND 'TO LAND. flict mothe stitenient that white U Lus.tunia has made the speediest po 6uge from land to land, she has Lruken the speed record, hes in the fa tbat she travelled over , York fon 2.R2K miles, wii from New York travelled by the 'Deutschinnd, tonde her In 10030 the veyoze from CherLourg to New in five days @leven hours and ven st {cur minutes over a miks al an average speed of 23. knols, PILOTAGE FEES. Thre was nmech day as te whom the Honor of piletir the big liner would fall, for there is be ne partiality shown, and Ub me must go out in their turn as the line The pilotage fers will fU3 and 403 i of 2,782 mules, 575, 570, u Wwtal distance r vessels af more than The explanation of the apparent con- nol the Shortest , the distance from Southampton Cherbourg, pest course y- |] $200 on the Wabash Railway, course Of 3,034 speculation yester- feet, higlits lup, serveying the coust and making geologr cut und ethnographical studies, ee ee eee es ATTACKED BY BULLDOG. Kingston Lad is Admost Killed While in A despatch from Kingston says Pourtecn-yearold Edward = MeCamimon went in swimming here on Meaday wllerngon, and being ellavked by a bulldog in Ba aa ag mso serious Sociely on Thursday that the soundings | ghon injuries, boy becomin, %- huusted ne his Cftorts M0 fight off the animal when a couple of penilentiary guards in a prison tower half a mile ty] aw ay happened to oe Pi arugels through ther long-dist jumped into a toatl and Geinatenedane ' ldog with their rifles al range, At Withe hospital al was found that the boy hed been fearfully bitlen and his life was despaired of for a time, bul te- ay the plysicans think be wil re cc ver. we s- --------r GRAND TRUNK FINED 8860 ct -- Railways Prosecuted for Confining Catue i Unduly Long A despatch from Buflalo says. Judge of the United Siates Courl, on y imposed a fine of fs) the- Grand 'Trunk Railway, four cases ; $200 on the Erie Rlallwuy, one case ; and one case, for having violated the Federal statute 15} prolubiting the confinment of cattle in ruilroad cars more than 28 hours at a stretch. e sentences wert ay upon stipulations eniered by the roa guimilting guill ve | Hazel, ug -- METEOR JARS THE EARTH. to n rs Cloud of Sparks and Thundcrous Roar d Potlow Hs Arrivat. madly the largest ever pat ranging from $161, shoald the hiner A despatch fram El Paso. Texas, says. show a drought of eee feet lo) inetoor hit the earth neor Antarose, $167 for a draught of thirty-four NAM.. Monday offerncon and the thun- LUSITANIA'S LOG, derous roar as Ib bured atself was ful- - log of the al.usitania ives her towed by a vibration equal to an earth- sit s | tien eof am al pe es 5 aap and eit: quake. Huildings shook eo bial thet . = . ' or , r i Bi ules. and her time of arrival off tue] pee ple rushed out frightened. 1 ven H ; i tustiie e805. Her av. locomotive standing: ins the Nock Isiand Kandy 1 eal ap ny A "inate er hour | Yards was moved by the jar, The meteor pnd. the gp ick were 5 rales 5G, | WO* Seen by many people as it descend- 1 ay iF ed through a cloud of sparks. --_-- -- ---- = COAL FAMINE PREDICTED. NOWDIES SCARE CHINAMEN. Broke In Doors and Windows of Pre- mises in Chatham. A despatch from Chatham says: The Asiatic disturbonce in Vancouver Is has- ing fis effect tn Chalhem., (in "Thurs: day night several men whoa were ssn palhize rs with the rv ters of the western previnee, demonstrated their sympathy hy conducting a small cenepelgy against the Chinamen of the Maple City. 'Two Celestials all ed all stones and bricks, and, although there were Ne serious resulls, the poice were notified, and were forced to lend thet protective aid to the Chinamen. who were con: siderably alarmed and excited Over the affair. The identity of the men is shil unknown, as the --_: are unable to pet any definite clues from the Chinamen attack The Orientals | eheetgale piel Doo ne escape from being seriously injured by @ stone, -which was hurled through his oor, -- COLLISION AT CAYUGA. Wabash Freight Crasbes Into Rear of A deep = --_ Cayuga says: A west- beund Wabash Sires ah _ raaing v ceived [serious bul net dangerous injt ie, The keoomolive was) ba gangs from St. Thomas ond Naga bade the track cleir ty teat, cunployers are St, Thomas men 'STRIKERS CAUSE 8 DEATHS. Set Fire to Mine at Raab, Hungary Thirty Injured. A despatch fre i Rudapes', Tunga ke ground sifapped and several pe sons were killed. fe Was caused by = PLAGUE IN SAN FRANCISCO, Laborer Also Dies. ay = nese Six C Friday in Chinatown from Greek laborer who was taken iil in light, smashed inte heuse in Greens, near the waler front, train slan > etation ON} also died on Friday. The total number Friday m o' Gases fo date, since May 27, is weiting nor got water. | deaths 13. Dr. Rupert Blue, the Govern- eg ty ment expert, says there is no*cause for alarm. diy crip- The train suys: A fire Q steum: mili at Raa {tungary. caused the denth of agit persen Thirty ce recesnved seve ij Ute: A series ef aceuletls hee te ed the firemen in werk of rescue A cable that was used oon brings tte eveupants of the burning burlding Ik us ccna that the Prominent Chinaman a_ Victim--Greck A despatch from San Franciseo says 'o, president of the Chie companies, was found dead on 24:lihe exchange on Thu an < Lobor Supply in Pennsylvania Regions pled. The caboose and twa cars of the Below Normal, yaring train were smashed inta Sp A despatch from Philadelphia says. Ung wood, The apes Ing trau on {7 Anthracite and Hatuminous enal opera: ecarane: ofver fo St. 'Thomins, aril ts ws rs say thal the coal situation is grew: sald not ta hinve been figged, Wreck ing osetious throughout the State and P' that before midw inter there femine in many sizes. waiter has nirenady become problem on) te qauthracile region, Tee labor aupPly fs been below normal for several we PROTECTING THE YOUNG. Mr. Kelso Makes Some SuggeStions to Children's Aid Societies. now sixty-two Children's AN Soclelies in Ontario working for the improvement of @hild life. In a recent letter to the oS Mr. J. J. Kelso urges them lo tu the following werk in addition to 'ihat alpeudy in oper. Pirsl- eyeicmabscally ugitate against ali that tends ren of the right ko grow in an aliosphere of purity apd moral cleantin Geuond---SunpRis » and close up resorts of quesuionable character where children are permitted to cungregale, or where their patronage ts solicited, Prosscule pares who contri- » dewurds the delinquencies of chil- » WhO drifiate them ante vier, and prey upon their innecence for ceiminab or unlawful purposes Fourth--Cveste a sentiment for loblishmeng of countes-attractions lhe es- with Wholesome uplifting influences. such as small parks, play grounds, gymna- toms, free hathe, communal socal cen- tres und the Fifth--FE sats lish ersennl serviee corps, so that sndivtels be given to children by int and wanen, Sixth--Start an educational campaign on subjects reluiing tu child saving, such as laws with regard ty the care and stearic of minors, the compulsory eaucalion act, the laws regardin, child labor and other juvenile poser! a al attenben may erested mtn --_----+ A POWERFUL BLAST. Rock Hurled Five Hundred Feet Kills a Miner at Cobalt. A despatch from Cobalt says n Thursday while working on the Nipis- Suig property an Ausinian nomed cgcntl Rasta Was batlered down hy no rock ntup by & blast on lhe righl of wny the Kerr Lake branch of the T. & N OG, Railroud comsteuction work, which is being dane opltuctars. About 3 oclock in the afternoon werkguen on lhe, Tullraad set off uo illest lo remove a stump, The blast must have been heavy, as an eye-witness saw (he ee blown into the air at least feet fo where Kuorler wore working on the scoffolding of the shaft house that is being constructed over the Kendall vem. The biew felled the Austrian, the weund being inflicted an inch ond a quarter above lhe eye Hart of Co- halt relieved the man's pain by ret the skull off fhe brain, but he died at 5 eclock, He was a single man and had re relations in Canada. beth Living im Austria. iwe yeuts of age and Tad _ working for the Nipissing only a wee . in nah ect POLISH PRINCE KILLED. Automobile Snushed Into Wall and Party Thrown Out. A despaéleh froin Ror me, The the general public uly unfavornbly Gpoinst Wutemebiling. The Intest vie tuns are the Pehsh Pruice Wavieyski, yedfs of age. and tis chaul- whe is ie y ur. Cirognant, A car carrying: the Prince, his chaffeur. end three Mahan «nds, named Kussier. del Vecchi and Beronzin oll wel Kierwn spertomen as driven al au speed ef Su omiles an cur On the road fe Proko on Tuesday mepht. Three carts suddenly appcurerdk ho oncerner, The chauffeur by a rapid Deevencnt ayended a celtiswet, but he smushed the ear aghinst a wall The was wrecked ond the oecupints out The I ew were Threw chnultour were elhers inp the tess injured, ts! Heepilat. chr, Whi were mere or were renueved lo the near TOTAL GROP OF THE WEST «Estimated at One Ninety Miflion Bushels. Hundred and 7 A despatch from Winnipeg says: A total grain crop of 190,000,000 bushels, including wheat $0,000,000 to 85,000,000 bushels; oats, 87,500,000; barley, 18,500,- 600, and flax, 1,300,000, is the estimate a}the retiring President of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange, W. J. Beitingen, gave for the west at the annual merting of i ay afternoon ; monetary value he said it yield a larger return John fleming > and of its weuld probably than any former harvest. is the new President. Mr. Bettingen in his address slated that in 1905 the total area under grain cultivation in western a Ws us close as can be estimated 38 .000 acréS, In 1G this had grow: t ihe enormous total of 7,830,000 acres, our an increase of about 23 per cent: in a single season. Oyving to the backward spring and other natural causes, the in- erease Lhis season will not be so' phengs rucnal, but viewed in the light of the un- usual natural candilions prevailing this year they are fully 95 salirfuctory. v

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