Ge t : -- Bip Baral ain in Wall Paper , _ during the months of / JULY and AuGUsT. ' This is dul season; and we will age eae ao We have on hand some of the _ better class of paper that we offer at ~ 26 per cent. Redaction oft the Re- gular Pri = cent sched pe. you "s o " "se This reduction applies to all a Paper. If you will be wanting aed ar on, buy now and save i. A. HAGKING. We have to make room for new stock-in the fall, so-every- thing has to go cheap. ~~ ListowelStandard FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, sand MR, BORDEN'S ENERGETIC "CAM- . "Flanenr" in Saturday's Mail Empire comments on Mr. R. L. Borden' S energetic and altogether successful cam- paign in the following terse fashion : The energetic campaign being con- ducted by Mr. Borden Ginbaaoes the country will, undoubtedly, have con- ~ siderable effect in rallying the Conser- vative reed to make ready for a good steady fight. In any case, such ben indictenent aa tell, bécause the is so clear and theevidence soabsolutely incontrovertable ; but Mr. Borden is marshalling his tse with remarkable clearness and precision, and the only kind of reply 'being attempted Bf era: Hetic. Actually, there is no defence, and the game is to shuffle out of either explanation or responsibility, As one gentleman, closely in touch with the Grit machine, remarked toa friend of mine only the other. day, "When any- thing unpleasant for the party comes to light our policy is toignore it; our papers are instructed to leave itseverely alone," Anyone following tlhe Government pa- pers cannot fail to see that ben is so} as little reference as possible is made to the long list of acts of hacen of which the Laurier administration has been convicted. On pi other hand, the "argument" used by the Governnent- kept sheets is the lt one, and in stby stance is ag W hostice you like us 'or not, whe lor bad, you luave no one fit to souinee US j at Op- position has no material with which to build a Ministry." This was the inpu- dent ba with which we were ed before the Bacay election, and yet as soon as we turned the Ross ras- cals out, we soon found the material, as , be same.again ; i people, at the next Federal elections, will onl themselves and give ' Borden and his construct a Minis- 'y, one, too, which will work well and br Mr. Borden at his recent meet- ings has been arousing great.enthusiasm, not among Conservatives only, but among that large class of independent Liberals that has outgrown the tutelage of partisan dictation and does its own thinking. This class probably holds the balance of power, and Ontario be followed, there néed be no fear as to the result. Rotten as was the condition of things here, it is far worse at Ottawa, and of course on a much more extensive scale. It is the duty of the Conservative press and poli- ticians to keep well in the public view all the cases of nepotism and plunder that have been exposed within. the last J . This is what Mr. Borden is doing in ere campaign he is con- imi matter is in the malpractices of which the Ottawa Gov- ernment stands admittedly convicted ; it is now the duty of all men of honor and intelligence to close their ranks and clear the way. ar 460 LIVES LOSTIN 9 MONTHS ~o-- On the Railways of Canada, --o-- 603 Were Injured -- Not One-Tenth of the Number Killed bed Were Passengers, Ottawa, Sept. 61 --Theo casualty re- turns of the Canadian railways for the nine months ending the first of April oo 460 killed and 603 injured, as fol- 42 passengers killed and 210 in- frend ¢ 812 employes-killed and 317 in- jure 206 other persons killed and 76 inju ured. The level posing een show 44 killed and 22 inju 'Two were killed and 32 injured " trespass; 46 were killed and 29 injured while working on the railway tracks; 44 were killed and 169 injured in head on collisions. Sixty-one bodies have been found on the railway tracks and bridges during the period in question COLUMBUS TO ) MEET Tos TORONTO, Columbus, Ohio. 5 Sept. 16.--Beforg twelve thousand people yesterday Col- umbus won the American Agsociati pennant by defeating Louisville by - score i10--4 in the & frst, ame 0} double header. The winning of this Same cinched the pennant. However, S i] ndianapolis 8 air somgged pitched splendid = ~ 'Coleate closed th without a sing ste efen at thp hands of the Louisville cl The second pane was won by inesiay tin by the score of 10---2. bus has won three straight pen- nants, and is more than willing to meet d from fn majority of the killed were French. marliene use of the accident, fficials here, was the mis: of orders sent to the crew 'of the freight An original order 'had been issued giv- ing this freight a clear right of EY north out of Canaan, but this order aan and allowing the passenger train the right of me m some-un- explained manner the orders were cbn- fused, thé freight crew pitting the 'first came ae ina dense fog. So ss was the fog that the engine crew th trains say that they did not iar sight of each other until they were only 200 feet apart. Both e engine crews escaped by jump- ing, the engineer of the passenger train spraining his ankle. Both trains were going at highspeed, the freight ona down grade of fifty feet tothe mile, The impact was terrific. The engine of the passenger train telesco he baggage car, day coach and part of the smoking car. The engine and six cars of the freight were piled in a heap. * NEARLY ALL CANADIANS, The greatest loss of life occurred in car, The occupants of this coach were for the most part French-Canadians for Manchester, Nashua and Lowell to work in the mills, and en route from Sherbrooke, 8 soon as word of re wreck reacli- ed this city two wr ibis made up and sicrind 40 the Sete On them were sent all the doctors and nurses available, The accident occurred in hl ania settled section and there were pas to care for the injured. With Ge of the injured were hurried to Con- filled ad bee added to the regular train from-Quebec City. These French- Can S came ori y from Sher- brooke and vicinity, and the Fair each year is the occasion for family reunions, ALL KILLED IN ONE COACH. if the example of. be blam e ie baggage car were ail killed, This a crumbled like paper wh en teleseop- ed by the baggage car and engine, 'and escape for the occupants was impossible. The railroad officials gave out a long statement to explain the accident, and announced that a rigid investigation oe eae made in the hope of fixing the TERS, eee ae PRESBYTERY: OF STRATFORD Hereafter Only Four- one Will be Held Ea ach Year A daily. soustitied meeting of tho Stratford Presbytery was held Tuesday, 10th inst., in Milverton, with Rev, -P.. 35.2 Moderator, ber of elders' com- missions were received. Mr. Dickson -° o of Atwood was examined and certified. to Knox College as a student for the ministry. A report was read, compiled by a committee, regarding the lectins of the Presbytery. It was decided that hereafter tale four meetings per year would be held instead of six, as hereto- fore. The standing committees for the year were then struck. Rey. J. D, Ferguson, of Monkton, ony oobi pre- sented estimates - for Ar- rangements were also ad for the holding of three Sabbath School Insti- tutes at Milverton, St. Marysand Mitch- ell, on September 30, October 1 and 2, They are to to be conducted by Rey. J.C, Robertson, Genéral Secretary for Sab- bath Schools of the Presby terian. Church in Canada. A discussion fol- lowed on the question of settlement of vacant congregations. FALL FAIRS, --o-- LISTOWEL, scsscasasensnedare' sept. 24-25 Palmerston Sept. 19--20 Seaforth Sept. 19--20 Slyth ....3 Sept. 283---2 Durham Sept. 24--25 Ripley... Sept. 24---25 Wiarton ........cccccccsee veseee Sepé. 25--2 Milverton...... .....000. seoees Sept. 26--27 Harriston... Sept. 26--27 PR IMUNIN sssices: sniskaneiil cadens Sept. 26--27 rig dae aveaensectopseess Sept, 26--27 -Oct. 1--2 rane song aprebasven eosseuons Oct. 3--4 Howick, Go: Oct. 5 a Doctors Change Their Methods, © th fought c catarrh by in- ternal al ont. this ruined rain f E mids Frome Sherbroeti Fir, | or according = a atensennt given out br the vail rid J ie arrival of the wrecking treins a h » | through Western Ontario > make Ducklow ' cooper, John -- Pletsch, i Bemuel Foreman and Gentlemen of the Alans inquesf&.--There is only one case of criminal impert betere zou at this = ting. Itis acase of some im as the charge is for tie. "taking fee a human life. The charg paces eee. There are two degrees i homicide, the intentional taking of life with malice See by anyman or woman, and there is a degree of man- slaughter in which 'life i is ealcaes without malice aforethought. When men go out fight they wish to see who is the bet- ter man, which may have been the case here. Manslaughter may only te the charge. The case we have to deal with here is a quarrel. There is no evidence that the acoused and the déceased had tried wes (0s the grand jury case in which Harry Lock yer, the prisoner, was accused of man- slaughter. "{t will SE remembered that on June 15 er and the unfortunate victim, Noah Hills, while in an intoxicated state engaged in a fisti- cuff bout to settle their dispute. Only one or two blows were struck, when one Lockyer Sofood Hills on the jaw, causing dislocation Noah Hills, he pleaded guilty. Hi counsel, Mr, J. C. Makins, of this city, made a very forceful and eloquent Shy on behalf of the Usage ue a the facts that both friends i the encounter was not t ciecal into with forethought fall Warning to refrain ffom drink ae eerie: let him off on - The tat ove civil action taken ap' was that of of Daniel peer vs. ee ral t| LISTOWEL-LINWOOD BRANCH ep Will Probably be Extended to Stratford d Next Year, Saturday's Guelph Mercury publishes the following in connection with the Guelpli and Goderich Railway : Engineer Peterson of tie Guelph and Goderich was seen at the new Goderich station, during the celebration by a Mercury man: Among other einige ing statements he decl hat his a tention now will be turned to the Wonk of surveying a route from Linwood on to Stratford. "On to Stratford" seems to be the slogan at présent. Mr. Peterson seemed to be thorough- oe ee pleased with the-road,now-that has been completed to the last details. "tt is not for us to say anything about * he remarked, "but people who have ridden over it say that there is nota better road in Canada," ip » ar to the smooth running, so arent the journey up, and explained th r great care had been taken in the grad- ing, ballasting and levelling The hardest portion of the work, de. clared Mr. Peterson, had n between ¥ yth and Goderich. However, all tacles had been most successfully overcome, Asked as to the extension of the Linwood-Listowel branch on to Strat- ford, Fa stated that as far ash6é knew, no definite decision had been reached, but at any rate, he was to devote his time inthe future to that particular b anch, In case the extension was de- cided upon, work would be comic eee in the spring With acelin t» the Guelph new station, Mr. Weterson was unable to say when it would be started, but he would not be surprised were operations com- menced in the epr: In Goderich in "talk is centred on one possibility--the turning of the Guelph and Goderich into a highway to and from the West. 'To improve the Harbor and have the lake land goods there to be 'carricd on by rail to the east is the plan, which ail believe to be not only feasible but highly bea There can be fio doubt <ey os route thus suggested is the most . nl But probabilities do 'not stop there. It is whispered in Goderich that the Canadian Northern ace considering the advisability- of building main lime direct connection with lake ic. Further it is said that Goderich i is likely to be the terminal point. Biue F Pills Ke » Longer Used, ' When oo ntomac ch needs. cleans r, mercurial . Ha saiieen' 8 Wemetable = pectaten a un m conatl- pation ops iheradeto trouble, easepttonally sot edhe ndigestion, no medicine' is oni versally in ever ee as Dr. Hamilton's Lise Good for ze he Ld iton's swarehinn in 25 a boxe arraigned. 'To the charge of killing }. T, shipped Weduneday a ined car of cattle, aw and Seas) to Toron Lent by having several coats of pain _ The work was done ry F ote May, the Oemnen mill's en- gine rea brought 18 nt loads of marl from the and ase ase the and the former figures are the number of cars so dors brought ~~ from the marl beds in a single journ Mrs. Art, Hinks of the 12th a, who was Visiting friends near Owen nd last week, returned home last Saturday. She went on a yisit to recuperate her health after her recent attack of fever, but while away was with appendicitis and was very ill. She vis- ited Mrs, Ike peey on carina on her way home,-- ELMA, 'the report of the Engineer nat snag pro- posed - McCourt Drain be riourlék'the vitalise the nerves, get more flesh 2) usiness, ved by bert Buchanan and Wm. Cleland, that 'ou must build up, blood. It's the abundant nutrimén¢ and build- |. material in Ferrozone that enables nich YOtt 880 my health failed I grew hin and Seatinely pale, At times I so prostrated wi ih wecvows and sick headache. All day I was tired. At nian it was difficult to obtain restful p. My eppetite was variable and indiges tion bothered By oe pg a became mo! suffered from week from Ferrozone. Color cam: ik to my cheeks, My vitality and ay appetite |, renewed nerve f nd boxes for "At alld C. Polson & Co., ton, Hartford, Conn. U.S.A. Ont., and - A quiet wedding took place~ at noon Tuesday, Sept. 10th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bridge, 10th con, of Maryborough, when their daughter, Sarah, was united in marriage to Mr. J. H. Cross, of the 4th of Minto. The bride was dressed in point da' esprit over white silk, and entered the drawing room on the arm of her brother William, while the wedding 'march was played by Miss Grant, After the ceremony had performed by Rev. Mr. Campbell of Moorefield, the guests rage' to the dining room where a wedding din- ner was served. The bride's travelling suit was grey with hat to match, and Mrs, their home on the fourth of Minto, According-to The Gore Bay Conserva- ter, the farmers of the Manitoulin have the poorest crop in ten years. It is said that many farmers have not enough feed to carry their cattlé through until January. The tor suggests that the heads of munici palities should meet, determine the quaitity of hay and oats required to each municipality into the spring 'of 1908, and pledge the municipal credit for the sums require Why Chest Colds 4 Are Dangerous ed by Buchanan' and Gielen 4h that the ince of the Engineer to report upon the proposed Improve. ment of the Hanna Drain be extended a by, the women of Log: an and Cleland be -operate with the Bes to co payers in the Craig Municipal Drain with a view to having the same put in a proper state of repair--Carried, oved by -Scott and Cleland, that By-law seeiiboe 584 authorizing the Reeve and treasurer of Elma to borrow from the Bank of Hamilton on the notes of the Corporation to the extent of $3,000, meet the current expenditure, at the rate of six per cent. per annum, as now read a third time be finally Carried. . Moved by Ticlinzen and Cle. land, that By-law number 535 of the Township of Elma for levying County, Township, railway and other necessary rates for the year 1907 as now read a third time be finally passed--Carried. "Moved by Buchanan fe Scott, that By- law number 586 of the Township of earl mown as the McCourt Drain y, be provisionally adopted, and that the clerk be instructed to haye a copy of the said By-law served on each of the parties assessed, and that the court of revision on said By-law be held in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Saturday the 28th day of September, 1907, at 10 o'clock a.m., for determining he appeals, if any, to the said court of evision -- Carried. Moved by Scott and Cleland that By-law number 537 for levying the rates on the different School Sections and Union School Sec- tions in the Township of Elma for the year 1907, as now pad athird time be finally arried. Moved by Scott anBuchanan. that John Chap- man be paid the sum of $200, part payment on the Posliff Drain contract, as per Engineer's certificate. -- Carried. Moved by Buchanan and Scott that Messrs. Curtis and McGrath be paid the sui of $400, part payment of the 14th Concession Drain contract as per En- sinecer's certificate--Carried. -- by Buchanan and Cleland, that Geo. L Griffith, C. E., be paid the sum of $600, as part payment on Boyle, Drain report --Carried, Moved by Sochanan and Scott, that Messrs. Petrie and Henry be paid the sum of $400 as part payment of contract on the Gilkinson Drain as ver Engineer's certificate -- Carried. Moved by Scott and Buchanan, that Messrs. Morphy and Carthew be paid the sum of $179.92,-being the amount of Plaintiff's costs paid by them to Makins and .Hanley, Mr. McClory's solicitors, and that the same be charged to the Logan-Maitland drain as per Referee's order--Carried, T. G. Ratcrirrs, Clerk. BRITTON. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Alexander have gone for a trip to Manitoba and Saskat- chewan. Misses Jennie and Rebecca Lowry, of New York, and Miss yes of Ottawa, are visitors at R. J. Lowry Alexander Bros. have Sevared 3 Staety of water for Mr. N, in and are now drilling at Mr. Alex, Maybury's. Lorn,~ At Britton, on an Sep- tember, znd, anOT, to Mr. and "Mrs. A. Bes, @ : ra anna " Oe _ Do You Feel the Pinch ? * Not ¢ of ch ee Gora' Ents bo Sete 'Putnam's' -- bottles, --n They lead to pleurey an pneumonia. xf GRAY, BERNIE & C0. Listowel's Low Price Makers, NEW | (DRESS GOODS OUR FIRST SHIPMENT NEW FALL DRESS GOODS has arrived. We import thein Direct From Scotland which insures our customers goods at Lowest Possible Prices 'All Summer Goods Clearing at Big Reductions. GRAY, BERNIE & C0. Follow the advice of Powles of Powles' Corners, Ont., who says : used to ro =" sal - -- and al though I nothin relieved adickly. 'ill r discoverd, line. I eet Hiniment on earth = i Polson de Ni bottles sold In celebration of the 148th anniver- sary of the capture of Que Grey decorated the monument io Ww olfe and Montcalm on the Plains of Abra- ham. C, Reginald Jamieson, a Toronto Uni- versity graduate, whose letters under 4@ pen-name of Jdnius, Jun., caused the investigation into University affairs, was drowned in French River. Mrs. Carrie Myers. a professional bal- loonist, fell a thousand feet from a para: chute at Olean, N.Y., -- had every bone in her body broke Classical scholars are ooking to the troubles in Morocco to bring to light the lost books of 'Tacitus' and other" manu- scripts, which they eer are hidden in the libraries of Fe Mrs. Kirkpatrick, a widow, of St Catharines was beaten in a brutal man- er by a : nogro -- whom she sur- ised her The intruder escaped 'Girongh the window. opeee J. McDonald and 'Thomas Giles Were sentenced at Orangeville for forgery, McDonald to a year and Giles to six months. Moorefield Fall Show will be held on Sept. 26 and 27. The 91st Highlanders Band of Hassilton w a be present ~ day Friday, Sept? 27th, and give grand Concert in the new tow nship hall in the evening, Cassie Chadwick, the witch of finance, tiary, where she is servipg a ten-year A doctor in W iNiamsbury Hospital, Brooklyn, has succeeded in curing a case of virulent tetanus hd the persis- tent injection of anti-tox Chicago woman has offered to allow horsalf to be asphyxiated in order that Virginia. inventor uiny attempt to restore life with his artificial respirator. a. we The Songy of the Hair}: There are four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor F cures dandruff. Verse 4, Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair-food; this is the real secret of its won- derful success, ' was stricken blind at the Ohio Peniten. |: And if you Want ' Furniture, Springs, Mattresses, Pil- | lows and indow Blinds. | We have a large' assortment and | ------ fs * 2 It Will Pay You to 'Give U5 a Call. Sunday 3nd night calls promptly attended to, W assuias BLOCK. | . H Residence over the store. Undertaking» a Specialty, ! Call bell at front door. U | Ic E. YOCOM & SON : L | ~ WALL PAPER BIG REDUCTIONS. For the next tew weeks I am a in Wall Paper, All New Stock Latest Designs The public are invited to inspect my stock before buying elsewhere Bactog | Social Bargains Paper Hanging done."on Short Notice. J. SEBURGER, AUSMANS OLD STAND MAIN STREET | 8008880 ae-~eenees! We Teach Telegraphy. - VEO Ce STRATFORD, St AGA We have three departments : Commercial, Shorthand and = and we assist wortey. ti T to get A MONEY-MAKING EDUCATH should oats & ot new and rticulars, This is the cate tke of the year to enter our Aelia & McLACHLAN, | Look Here | J. GABEL, LEADING JEWELER, hag now a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewel- ry, Silverware,Spectacles Fancy Goods, Toys, Etc. -- Everything will be sold at - REDUCED PRICES. Marriage Licenses Issued.,- * ' J. GABEL, 20 Wallace Street. '