"there is probably country 'in the = worteave 'ne per , the Congo--where = eRe life is hel cheaply. as in"the of mutilated Lay GENERAL INFORMATION. Interesting Tit-Bits of Knowledge About 'Most Everything. Ry igh kg of ie ase are never closed, as mney os feet high will sway ma in a high wind without Ganger. ate past hundred eats whale- in price from _ $150 a om ny "$15,000. In France 4,000,000 tons of pilainis are' annuelly used in thé manufacture Red to ane black snfoke le, gave J. :R. Sie ahs th without gas coal, and millions of tons of straw corncobs, =*. as ults worked - three years idea and last month there was ir Beatrice, Neb., his work--a gas plant which used the igh priced coal and_oil, but +4 si of the shoulders, that some com-|¢! starch and' alcohol. 'paratively trivial offence had been the} Wedding-rings were worn by both | ply the waste matier of the farm of this ghastly punishment. _ On| Jews and "Rativens at dates' long prior | ew not on experiment one occasion the writer pul the qeeton, t the Christian era. on (be small scate, but instead, is » to-a maimed Berber, the withered sfmp) | The uverage size af Australian sheep- | full- manufactory, and. its of whose indicate vat runs is 36,000. acres, while sneer cid Product is lighting. the streets of the ro than o fiers brutalily hed in South Africa average only 5,500 |<lly in addition to furnishing gas for tended the loss of his hand, writes Frank acres, 7 [heating and lighting hundreds of AN EYE FOR AN EYE. * "How was it done?" was the ques- ticn, ae the maimed creature's reply nd accompanying gesture wero anmely significant. . The saier--or exe- culioner--said the 'fellow, had slit the skin of the wrist with his knife and had off the hand ! id you scream?" was the fur- ther question, The Moor shook his head. "One does not pro rolest " he said, ene sil dose his head as well os and. course, throughout Morocco the lex talionis is everywhere force, The lileral exactness, and although the al fernative of a money compensation is accepted in theory, In practice, it is sel- dom allowed. in ferocity that Furopeans can ill conceive. necessary outcome, peshaps, of the Tict of bloodshed that prevalls through- out the land is the existence of the sanc- oe that ore scattered all over the niry. laces are ordinarily zine the tomb of some holy man or rine commemorating some local saint, THE STORY OF ARRUZzZ1. Whosoever takes shelter in one of the he murderer or bandit, or merely a fugitive {rom what passes for? juslice--he is immune from pursuit or punishment for so long as he chooses to Temain within the' spcred recincts ; moreover, the tu the shrine are constrained by custom i provide os and drink for him. And| ga nasnm@Ch as these sancluaries are very ppl cl 't wil readily be guessed: that -- put a premium on deeds of vio- { it were not for these shrines there would probably be but few bri- The most common form of crime is the abduction pf children for purposes of domestic » and fi cause resuit - ple of the Duar nearest i ,. 2a, pepiilation of of cea British Empire t 20,000,000, 2 wine approximately 348,000,000" are n live races Germany's colonies are five times as tg as herself, those of France eigh- een times, and Edom ninety-seyen times bigger than h Wf all the land in the' United King- m were divided among its inhabi- tants, a lillle over 1% acres would he the scien of each pe { portion of A ally tant The ratio of white popula- tion in Northern Australia is about one <8 yes ies, e of Iceland are so hanes A ccmnical foot-race was recently wit- nessed in Paris, Nineteen men, each ith a wooden leg, were the contest- The winner Tan a mile in ti twelve is ik good deal of moncy edical doctor. hest lines oA iamibaienes mposed of the [ossils he collected in ie pape, is lo erected in a Bath cemetery to the meni- ory of an engineers, who was an ae gc0) eee ring a thunderstorm a remarkable ine! ident happened at a house near Deal, the lightning lenis a Jae pho- to, of a flower vase on a grap telore which: it stood, » but Algeria elo the record, lows to the acre, Like the soph Egyptians, the Australia is virtu- |' me thou- | cornsta Rapides ya rae LOOKS LIKE FEED STORE. nsigad of: polkas A oft hundreds. ff sicliare every 'd. Fuilroads for cielerset from which to ce plant buys up straw, oobs, corn- iks and matter gf that kind, throws fhem into the retorts, and the result is 'a splendid ges with ten -per- cent. mcre healing power than the best coal ton as known. And ton for the straw and cobs mi sixty per cent, more €0s than s 00S -best gas coa The Beatrice plant looks more "like 'a wigantic feeq slore than a gas plant. On every side, instead of poe a coal of oe ure eles ofh ° There is the old 'familiar odor of gas in the atmosphere and all the appurlen- sore usually see und ant, fs not found where coal gas is made-- ands in that little room are the secrets a Here are the formulas and the processes which represent the three * work done by Mr. Couits, ree years rns of which the completed plant is the * Beairice is - aly of aut -- Ww gas com open- without a ate custo- Jap- Tieekers| anese are accustomed to store mt huge public granaries the Soa ai bs Rae of Cee Aa against the sped pr need which 'am may aie sess, The reason for this is ee sim for wealth in Morocco brings patociice on its owner. One of the best-known bandits of modern times was a Berber named El td Arruzzi, tales of whose atrocities are even yet WHISPERED UNDER THE BREATH, ailhough their perpetrator is no re. uzzi was nol less brave then fero- wives--one of oat, by the way, Soins. a_beautiful girl who_accompan him on his many plundering expedi- | tions and was well- nigh as intrepid as pe hin ustice is not far-reaching, but any villainies drew down he vengeance of the law, Mooris h-jus at length his upon him Arruzzi fled from shrine to shrine, but at = length found himself surrounded in a woo! away from the sheller of a sanc- Yuary. There he fought like a wild beast at bay, until, covered with wounds and ulttrly exhausted, he recognized that he all into the hands Of his enemies. His fair companien Ss also wounded, but still sought to make a shield for him with her body, é soldiers closed in upon the > pair, but before they could reach Arruzzi slabbed his wile to the heart, and then, turning the i on himself, pul an end to his Ife. RAISULI AS RULER, Iam not sure that it would be correct io to describe Raisuli as a brigand. Law- less and ruthless he undoubledly is, and mauny cold-blooded crimes have commilled by him, bul it should be pointed oul that his hand has been against the Government rather than against society at large, and it must be sllowed that his many followers regard him as being the rightful ruler of the land, Incidentally, of course, he has perpetrated many rob cries, and net a few murders, but these have, in the main, piel necessitated by his lack of private urces. All Moors are cruel, but l pm pe know thal Raisuli is unduly &). His methods, indeed, may be favor- ably Sanpete with fhose obtaining at the Moorish Court, BLOOD-CURDLING HORRORS. argu- tment thatiseldom fails to obtain from fis victims the secret hiding-places of their wealth, In bes entourage are two highly- trained wre of huge stature. 1 fom. their master these ruffians se. the caplive, and throw him into the air in such @ manner, that, according to te tin trom "tear ener i hie In order be able to of Holy Trinity nedatorst Wells, has decided to 1 the sacle: phone al short-distance fares from: the pulpit pot : a special 5 In if a doctor is wanted suddenly 4: = "ihe night, redlaker of flying Tound in a cab or rushing wildly from .| End in mhcauenate "Hilewile" 1 doctors who are always cn bight nt duly in their turn. culated that it 'all the matches used the the United Kingdom aah day were placed against each other the 'ould cover a distance of 15.000 miles wood he Ninety. -three tons re) daily in England in the Hkndtnciere of 500,000,000 m jure received "The 'Union 4 Nel- hip, the Victory, "ne which is remains on the journey .by water to Greenwich Hospital, has been cold in London for or guineas, According fo recently- ned sta- tistics Germany possessed at the be- ginning of 1907 no fewer than 15,700 motor-cycles ulilized for private pur- poses, and 254 for commercia purposes Prussia alone furnished 6,369"motor- <y- cles serving for, amusement and sport Bavaria 451, Saxeny 463, Wurtemburg 66, Baden 145, Brunswick 117, Hamy burg 161, ani A 5eC milion River, is unique in ge it is ballasted with d of the gravel used S been found to contain from 50 res worth to a dollar's worth of the precious metal, in the shape «f fine dust, and a syndicate is -instnl- ling machinery for extraction, Large Bag ring are contemplated in the near future H Instead of. dreaming of to-morrow the Successful mean is ne ake to the op- pcrtunities of to- It is sad to learn, 'from oMmicial sourc- es, that, in spile of the march of oiv- obit in average of nearly 30,000 naddressed letters find their way lo the British 'oe Office peg 4 and that over $30,000 per annuni is, this way, presented to the National - Exober equer, The amusing part ef the matter is the wuy in which many lellers are addresk- ec. "Obanvidock" was, on on jon. auct; was found to was al- leged to be phote-phonetic; but most experts collapsed when it _caine "Hesclfeach in ro production, + was the best: "To the Cee. tery of Wore, a *y Osbicile;-London, Queen Viclori Emulsion. ~ RM. Consumption is less deadly than it it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment? Hope, rest, fresh air, and--Scor?'s ALL DRUGGISTS: 60c. AND $1.00. in | fore le British the vi isle gus produced Ot units of eat a Abe. same oO y TON PRODUCES 10,000 'CUBIC -FEET. One ton of the best gas producing laid down in Beatrice costs caamnicns 16,000 cub! grade of gas than does the coal, steers gas is extracted 600 pounds of the best coke ae tainahie: In Led case of straw almost = carbon re . And this coke 3 burned eneaih the retorts, thus pro- Sucing the heat necesary lo make more gas and more ce. The Beatrice plant igo $80, in- re) r op shout "92.000. oth her fixtures are the samo for both . --_--_--+ INSECT-EATING BIRDS. oe 3 Ready to Change Thelr Hlablts When Introduced Into a New coun: When setiiement -- in w Zea- land farmers gave o hearty iavitetign to -. "small birds of England to help in the great work of colonization, says J. Drummond, writing Tho Saturday Peview. co sad plight then, caterpillars, which threa farming on anything like a large scale gathering of tog in- nstormation, ad- vanced through the country in es, devouring crops and ae fields as bare as if the seed had not becn sown. A telegram published In the leading New Zealand newspapers aboul that time stated that the morning .and even- ing trains between Waverley and Nuku- moru on the Wanganui district, on the west const of the North Island, were jbrought to a sinndstil] owing to count- sanded before the trains could continue their journeys, Some of the native birds performed good service by eating insects, bul the native birds of New Zealand are shy and will not dwell with men. The set- tlers, therefore, turned their attention to the insecLbealing birds of the old ecuntry. The sparrow, the ge-spar- the song-thrush, the black-bird, the the chaffinch, the goldfinch, yellow-hammer, the cirl- the row, greenfinch, Ihe redpoll, , the starling, accepted task allotted to them, took up their perinanent residence in the colony and fed on the fat of the land. Bul the colonists felt that they repuid kindness with ingratitude, 'The regard that was once feit for them has Leen turned to hitter hatred. There js #--hue ond cry againsl them, and mast of the furmers in the colony would now willingly panish them from the land if The writer adds: ° The verdict is written on a circular which 1 prepared ago, and which the 4 partment of agriculture issued for me throughout the colony. . . All the evi- dence | have obtained points to the fact that birds are quite --_ to change their habits when they are produced into a new country. a Se Friend--"I am afraid your husband hos @ very bad cold; he's _cmieaally It's a painful to yt ue. don't you him?" ie Coane "rm waning just a few days because it amuses baby so % eee his fethor aeoees* tohgues-of ae pointed through | red waste matter on | Hess. 4 tire on ae least soled deg skylark and | §c¢ he : prove tha: aor h rok wever, and- is merely the rest of 'topo 'aulty or, cut of every hundred im. into persons this world eighty are congenitally am-; bidextrous--that is to aye _ will in- obj remaining twenty seventecn will be right-handed, while og other three will show a natural bias toward the left. hand. The julitvelion of ambi- dexterity, therefore, offers no ins able difficulties, ied penal, physiological advantages rmous Tt is saig bain ge lagantes soldiers can weapons with oe skill nh either Mane. for they are a to be ambidéxtrous and mechanical The students are gti to saw, d hammer as 1 with the hand as with the right, and the econ mical and industri Bottinice "7 ringer is arly pressed upon the minds of young men and women, ere ey WEAK, sickLy PEOPLE. wan Find Ney Stren oth Throtigh the, Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, A great many young men and wo- 'men se ec, ren with weak- © appetite fails them; they snd beco pale and thin. Cy Fa 8 = & EA af = e 5 Cc 2 iJ a f pos sible, so 1 went to spend several weeks ier an uncle who lived in the Lauren- ~ 1 was in the hope that the brac- weak- Tr n cured through the use of Dr. Williams' a; Pills, and decided lo gi em trial After faking four ma of the pills I felt greatly. impro 60 continued their ust for some 'time fully cured me. J] am now able go "| Abo: y¥--work..as H_as---ever-4- did and have nothin t greatest bu a" for Dr. Williams' Pink: Pills." dis the secret of hoalth. If the blood {s not pure the ody becomes diseased or fhe nerves ° r. Pale make "ek, red blood. aiaxt rh hy cure ansemia, rheumatism, miigelon headache, backache, kidney trouble and the secret allme Aang of girl- ea d and wonw - Sold at 50 wnls @ box or six boxes for $2.50, by adic alers or by mail from The Dr, a Medicine Co., Brock- ville, c »-- OUT OF THE PAST. Historical Traditions of Some English Schools. Some of the old customs kept u niversary © her ; English schools by way of Seetitien womans chief aim in life is to not look seem very curious {to the student «f| th , td : in the past, <4 rob! they play a senseless part af school life. "Within the 1 last quarter of a century many of these practises heave been abolished in the con viction that, however valuable historica} tradi lion may be, much of it is ber, hindering progress. as for many years was Rorminally in force at Elon, was, on very face cf it, both useless and ridiculous, The river at Elon w being "in bounds"; - uld go Pie at any time without per- ission t the road which led to 4 ver was out of bounds. lo this per- tonians must go on for- O! course this rule could not be actu- ally enforced. When ao masier met a boy on his way to the river, the master DODDS Kio Mey - PILLS 1 observations have shown that o to there have been two succssive ms' | Oul a bottle of F E ] f : I : B i : ri Hy iE ? i I ; R pu ~ | looked oo hed way, me the boy m. ng a rn ketler of one of the old custo hs cording to a statute of Henry. VIL on one day of the year every colleger was' Nigger to reocive threepence or half , dhree pennies being the valuc of 'halt a sheep at the lime the law was Passed. On appointed day the bur- ser would appear in -s hall and BIVE | is rae boy his threepen ne r, and suc- for the boy a next day after his corporal cin ie he met his totuor, who happened to be a sympathetic man, wilh a keen sense umar, "Masler Bramwell," he said, "I hear You have agers Now, boy, what would you like w € "Pte sir, goose!" slammered the delightea 'Jad, and fe had goose, CANCER UAUNTS TIOUSES. Startling Theory :Advanced by Paris Physician, The sanitary authorities of Paris, France, have reached conclusion hat ho an be infected with can- cer, and that rooms whic patients have inhabited will convey the disease long afler the victims are dead. Ob- again when occupied by other families. This fact has so often been noled thal now-a census has aboul houses Wied during the There are 1,062 houses on the list which willbe watched to sce if the new residenis affected with the dis- ease, Already in ipeivs of the houses patients t six months cf cases, Dr. Armand reports that in a vil- loge of only 400 inhabilan's there were lu the space of years €leven deaths from cancer, all practically oc- block of houses, bo ~eg had sheltered twenty patients. e docior concluded that the houses ae holbeds of cancer germs, and thal m amount of disinfecting would drive them away. Dr. Fillasster makes reports of a house where during thirty years there were five deaths from cancer, all in cifferent families. Dr. Lambrier men- ticns o farm-house at cighl f ~y ch ny developed one or lwo cases the disease, question as to whether cancer is neallery is not to be attributed to {he same couse. Interesting results are xpected from the observation which is now going on © person should go Irom home with- Dr. J. D. ee Dy- seniery Cordial in their possession, us change of waler, cooking, climate, "ale. ' frequently brings On summer Complaint, and there is nothing like being realy with a sure r y at hand, which oftentimes saves great syflering ond frequently valuable lives. This Cordis} has gained for itself a widespread re- putation for affording relief from all summer complaints { men were to write their own epi- laphs marble cutters would be com- pelled to work overtime, Alter celebrating the bwenty-fifth an- birth, the average on Digestion Should Wait on Ap- ave the droga well is lo * nervous system well, Very are the digestive eran, In sme so sensitive are they that atmos- pheric vanges affect them. When they ie comm dhsarranged no betler regulator is pre¢urable than table Pill. They fian so thet the hearty eater will s fer no insonvenience and will derive at. the benefits of his food, WIRELESS NOW MADE EASY. Be Carried By Three Men. Keenest interest and discussion has been aroused in German séientific army circles by Herr Heinricke's new system 0 wireless telegraphy. The new inven- is being exhibited at the cctonial exhibition at. Friedenau, near riin, end the Kaiser's military authorities have made frequent trips to the Ile wn to see the discovery in practical operation The features of the Heinricke piggy 2 erest to the army are {ts j simplicity, its portabiiity, genre the facility with which it te hg in the field and its cheap- easily on o 'otal wi -- is only nineteen kilo. poe mes. = mplete station, consist- ing of this tteries, a 50-fool ead a network-of thin sar te can be © land German Invents a Portable System to ' a rich farmer cf induce farm- liezekian Wright, wood, Indiana, come Massachuscet's, Illinois, lowa and Indi. ana. Every mail brings a dozen or two. Wright's crops were suffering because he = not get belp, so he made his offer of $9 a week, board, room, horse buggy on Sundays and the com- pany of is daughiers. on the buggy rides. of the applicants for jobs enacentiy: war a place for life rather than just for the harvest season, and ask all sor's cf questions of Wright. Some of those asked most frequently are How much are you worth? When are you likely te die? Have you made your will, and, if so, it in favor of your daughters? Are your daughiers good- 'ooking. wel) educated and companionable Many of the applicants send requests fer pictures, of the Wright girls, and ask that jobs be kept open for them urntll they are able to see the photo- erap LEAPED FROM CHURCH TOWER. Demented Girl Chooses Strange Method Suicide An exiraordinary affair, culminating in a tragic death, occur in the vil- nae of Saggart, n . enler the tower of ths Roman Catholic Church, and a few minutes la appeared on the roof, 120 feet above the ground. arge crowd gathered at the foot of the lower, and were made to rescue her, but she had locked the door behind her, and threatened to fling her- seli down if anyone came near. The Rev. Father Seaver, however, succeeded , and few yards of the girl. Fach lime he approached her she rushed '© the parapet. He then knelt and three hours, when the girl sudde aid gave a loud mys threw up her artns and fell tc the ground She ino terrible injuries, caused death, and a = to fect was returned at the inques' which is ef- Dumber of varieties -cf He--Loak at that woman on the olher elde of the strect w She's dr scribing her new hat to the other woman!" When a girl says she never col ge fe gel married @ bas ton money than he knows what to do with, Merchant--"Yes; we are in need of a perter, Where were you E apieree last?" = Applicant--"In a sir." Merchant--"Did you clean i oulr" Ap- pane sir. The cashier did that," Deo wot delay in getling relief for the Ullle folks. Mo Graves hgh Eaterm:nalor Pe i. Pleasant and cure. If € your child oo do you let it ate par aon & remedy is near at hand? Husband--"You shot should be more eco- nomical, my dear, and save somethin for a rainy day." © Wife--"What's the use? I can't go Shopping and spend it ou 4 rainy day. {ferd's Sanitary Lotion Seld by al! druggists. Doctor: "Do you eat well, my litle man?" Lille alan: "I ought to; I've pevies practising since | was two days The rtron; wind that ever blew can't rip away a Larger covered with th aetftocking "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Rain can't get th h it in 2 years ranteed in writing for that tong --tood reall t auch jor a antics ly)--fire x There a ourns. Roteway, 8 Com Cure will re- trove any of them. on on hd drug: gist and get a bolle a Knicker--"What is a selfamade man?" Mrs. Knicker--"One whose wile doesn have to wear a self-made hat." Rose-colored spots on the bodies of sre Mag agpteore mistaken fo: . agin The trouble roseola, a local 'disease of the skin; Promptly cured with Weavor's Corate. -<- Fathers who think Uiey have the trightest child in the world should keep the thought lo themselves, A man is foolish a go round o_o lor trouble unies: strenuous enough to take a fall oul of it. A Pill for Generous Eaters. are many persons of healthy "appetite and poor digestion who , ore subject to The food of which they have purtaken les like lead in their stomachs, Head- ession. 4 smothering fecling One so afflicted business or work of any kind. ecndition Parmelee's Vegetable wili bring relief. They will assist assimilation of the ailment, and used acoordin lo direction will restore feollhy digestion, 3 Matrimony makes man awfully restless a litte while "elane and for- ever afle Askill--"Whal is the quotation about "A fmend in need?" Noi t--*A friend in need keeps a man broke Overworked Persons, either mentally physical should ¢: '0 ned verve and 'pick! ly recover strength and bealt! Hostess--"Mr. Litewnyle is going to sing a comic song. Guest- a knew something would happe I ov rturn- @t oa salt-cellar 'at the dinner table." Tourlst--"What do the ae round tere Live on, Pal?' Jarvey--"Pigs, sorr, ins the winter, and ioariela in the sum- mer." Its Power Grows With Age.--How many medicines loudly blazaned as panaceas for all hum an ills have come ; tomas' Eclectrie it remains, doing more good to human The PEDLAR People &i ow Leadon Wianipeg OHENILLE OURTAINS LAOE OURTAINS >r=2, Write to us about SOrrian AMEMOAN TEINS a. eex 4, Montread ry ae Like NEW, = WILSON"S FLY Kilt them all. No doag ties ORVCCISTS, CROCERS ano CENERAL STORES 180. per packet, or 8 packets for 25. will last a whole season. FOR $2.50! We will mall on ere @ magnificent of mens' $5.00 GAUNTLET DRIVING GLOVES Partect in FIT, FINISH and FASHION The Swellest Gloves Obtainable nih untry, THE PARKDALE CLOVE WORKS TORONTO. ily than many « preparation more high- vaunted und extending its virtues wider and wider-and in a larger circle every year, It is the medicine of the tnasses. Hadsum--"! want a good revolver." Pealer--"A six-shooter" Hadsum -- "Betleor make it A nine-shovter. It's for eat ne xt Goorl' -- QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY River and Gulf of St, Lawrence Summer Ornises in Oool Latitudes 8S. "Cam with electric Nghia. slectsto belle and all wodern 'comforta. Te F MOWTREAY ON MONDAYS bes : Pande tember, and Notatghils ae for yt ll y, Perce, pm ae P. yer, and ie Cora 'Orand _BERMUDA re Fares, tte 6th and 27th Novem Te re tea sea breezes 20 jrember a Bivor i feet each, and its lotal weight is ly 30 a ' Tr omerk remarkable feature of the ew invention is the {acl t it cen be degrees finest trips of the seasun for health and comfort, ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebea A. F. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agenta 29 BroadWay, New York