Wehave secured the agency for the World's Fa COLUMBIA ORAMOPHONES |=" Whether you want to buy or not come in and hear them, it wil be a revelation to you who have never heard a really good talking machine. J. A HACKING. attention from both sides of the House. He advocated some sweeping amend- ments to the Criminal Code, especially as the-accidental killings which.contribute - utilities movement. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1907. RE PUBLIC OWNERSHIP, The following letter | has been received for publication. The writer, a Mr. C. T. Moffat, of Ottawa, is not 'known to us, and what his real object is in seek- ing the opinion of the Canadian' press on the question of public ownership of pub- lic utilities, we do not know, further than what his letter purports. However, if there should be any scheme behind this movement to offer. an excuse for Dominion interference with a question which rightly belongs to the ces and Municipalities, the voice of the press should certainly be heard in pro- test. At the present time, with the Ontario Government committed to a plan for furnishing electric power from Niagara at cost of production, and hav- ing the way for municipal con and ownership of public utilities generally, Dominion interference in our opinion is not called for, and any move in that| direction is open to the suspicion va private corporations or interests are the bottom of it. e Dome Parliament cise its hands off the Prov- inces and Muh' ga in ~ this public Ottawa, December, 1907. It seeming desirable to elicit Bs ex- pression of public opinion as 40 whether or not there should be public overs of public utilities, this circular Ieti ing sent to the more influential See papers in the Province in the hope that. its pabliceet may lead to a gen on of the subject. tet is thought that as 'aa ilie natural advantages that capable of being used for the general benefit of individuals in different local- _, vary 80 much, the best way to a Cc ression of opinion as ili: atilities should be undertaken digs minion, Provincial or Municipal pad eet ities yee it the Prose the sub- jéct io ¢ regard its political leanings, It is hoped waar you will publish this letter, and also all corres pondence which it may cause you to! the receive, and that you will feel sufficient interest in the subject to give some expression of your own views as to it, While some communities may think that they would be benefited by the proper authority undertaking on their behalf to improve a harbour, to maintain county roads, to build railways, to furnish or transmit electric energy for. power light purposes, or in some other way to benefit them out of the general revenue of the people, there are undoubtedly _othor communities. which would repudi- ate any such yiew and prefer to have matters left as heretofore, and to have such utilities provided by private means. The advantages or disadvantages of pub- lic ownership of such utilities, so far as particu ies are concerned, will be made clear by a free.cand general ne aie of opinion as to what each ity considers would be most-advan. tageous for sae ~~ through assistance received from public revenues, It is the pine to carefully note all expressions of opinion, and to endeavour from such expressions to determine what utilities, if any, it is generally felt the Dominion on its part, the Provinces on®their part, and Munici- palities on their part, should undertake. That there should be an equal oo for utilities to all who are taxed to pa: for public ownership of utilities | (what. ever the nathre of ~*be) seems to be a sound idea to govern all who are disposed to discuss this question Yours truly, C. T, MOFFAT, EDUCATION CONNITTEE'S REPORT Presented at County ¢ Council Meeting. ---- Stratford, Dec. 5.--At the county council meeting to-day the report of the education committee was received. The application of the school inspector to the government for the share of the grants was approved by the deputy minister of education, and ibe grant is divided as follows Salaries and certiticates.. Equipment and accummoda- 49,432.00 van. cxsssncsenty capeen Esrnntons 138749 Pobehisisisccvane apravadeaier wee $10,769. 49 Of this sum the several townships have received the following: Blanshard, _ $1,180; Downie, $650 ; $744 ; Hibbert, $570; Logan, $1,100 ; Mornington, $1,104 ; Wallace, $738, The separate school grants are as fol- lows: Ellice, $60.; Downie, #80; Hib- Mornington, $60; total Do You Get + Get Billons ? This trou bie ariecs f from a ea of the liver. =, ame ¢. Hamilton so many tragedies toour hunting sea- ee Mr. Lewis is optimistic as to the financial 'situation, and has suggested that there should be a savings bank Act to crimes against children, and as to age £ EE enfidence inthis simple mixture, ere at home when asked the prescription recommen: it as in addition to the present Banking bared Act. Dr. Chisholm (E Huron) made a dis- tinct sensation by his merciless analysis of the French Treaty. Mr. Elson, of Middlesex, made one of best address. ery, from the caught the attention of the House, and ne indictment of the ocr level cross- was listened to terest. paid his respécts to the French Treaty, and his description of the evil éffects of absinthe and spurious wines and brandies, Hae ened by this convention, challenged at- tention because he oo from thestand- point of a physician FRENCH TREATY A GOLD BRICK. 5 eee (E. Huron) said that -Ganada, and he sas seely ete the Government any credit to which it pplies to cheese, pesiaeats wheat, oats, A ange maize and jit is to un dues tothe French But," said the Doctor, "is there any jumer are poisonous, worth- less compounds, that esate a bg im- uding artificial and absinthe, a a deadly drug mien a sie not allow ed be used in the French y."" Mr. Roche (Halifax) denied that there was any financial stringency, except in Toronto, which he said was tho hom of frenzied' finance. ~ ants At six o'clock the House divided upon the proposed amendment by? Mr. Cock shutt. The Government was sustained, yeas 56, nays 95, Great applause greet- ed Mr Owens (Northumberland) and Mr. Beattie (London) as their votes were recorded for the amendment. LISTOWEL PUBLIC SCHOOL --ay First in County in Art, comer . and Nature te Study Wor Inspector Irwin 8 'Repeat shows School Good hes diti At the vegies ce monthly meeting of might beentitled. But he feared that | ¥ was a bri For Ota: matter MF. ss BODY FOUND IN THE RIVER. 'Bender $4.75, Fred, Howes $6.71, Holmes $1, H. Le ), Alex. Wilson | $1.25, » H. Dickson $12.88, J. | Thompeon $7.50, Hugh Spence $22 and | 98, W. Ronald $1, Harry Smith $8.19, George Karges $8.50, 'George McDowell $2, J. Coghlin $2.25, "Thos. Gommergon $7, Dan. Kaufman' $5 and $2, Jac. Ankerman $8, J, D. Cumberland $19.29, Cc, ati ae M. Daum $91.55 and $1, W. Roller $8.75, H. Cogblin Lag J. Jungblut $3. Moved by Koch Wright that the Engineer's. rr hes ses amounting to $18. be paid and char; the proper oved by Wright and Koch, that the Board of Hoalth a 20 .. The Council adjourned to meet on November 30th unt Sohinbate $2.96, H. Koch 91.16, G. Mehring $9, T. Salter $1, oun $1.10, Allan Nelson $1.60, Henry Bender agyne oe AGE hoe $8.85, J. M. Kincade Ed, Klein, Missing Since November | #4, E. C. ugh $70, E.G, Arnold : rte $8.50, Exra Beihn $2, J, McIntosh $8.85, said : y Smith 65c., W. Matthews He Was Employed Near Elora, but His | "40¥' and Moore, that the People Live in Berlin-- Money Found | foregoing accounts. be in ket--Death a Msuney. Moved by Koch an re, that this uncil adjourns to meet on Satarday | °° Bore: Dec: 8.-- "This afternoon some boys noticed a man's hand projécting through the io in the Irvine River, be- Elora, and on et Dhere. peat oF B. TT GUNN, M, ip 'under South 1 Huron's Palas in the dead poultry. Second 'Death ee the anions ) Session Opened. Since the : ---- wa, eas 9. Benjamin B. aaa Po a son of the late Donald B. Gunn. pec ae cee HUNTING FATALITY. While Attacking Wolf Charge of 'Gun Exploded, Killing Man, Sheho, Sask., Dec. 9.-- Details have fa dis istressing fatality received "Tin the neighborhood of Ebenezer, ae fifty miles. southeast. Geman (nam unknown) had come to the. district re the purpose of hunting, and went out on and struck it on the head with rels of his gun. = and again stock un, but somehow or other the gum exploded and the full chargé the 8 body in the neighbor- hood of the seit, killing him instantly. An inquest was considered unnecessary. e@ bar- This brske the hertals, struck the wolf with the © = Have You Stomach Trouble ? When you wake | up with headache and bad taste in the month, something the Public School Board held on Tues-| to settle the stomach is rat day night of last week, Dr. Foster was | dull, heavy acm taust be lifted and appointed to the chair. Other trustees appeti tirsntg Se Geta tumb- present were Messrs. Kemp, Tatham, | pour in a stiff dose of Nerviline, -You'll ere serves Bamford and Gib- | feel tip top in a few m Nervi- son # report showed number Ene invigo bi , tones, puts senlie 870. average attendance 811, or snap into movements. 83 per cent. You'll be fitted fora hard day's work Kindergarten 89 enrolled, average attendance 26. Accounts - ed: Steinberger, Hendry & Co., supplies, $11.60 ; Miss Schaefer, 60c. ; F, Howes, repairs, $29.02; Adolph & Bonnett $2.50 ; Miss Schinbein, 6} days supply, $7.80. Application was read from' Miss read. After giving the attendance and saying that the average present, 88 per cent. of those enrolled, was rather low for a town school, his report continues : The pupils are fairly well classified Some of the classes are quite large, especially those of Miss Irene Camp- bell, Miss pee Miss Nellie Camp- bell and Miss B: work cannot be done with such large numbers in the classes. by taking Nerviline-- neging better. Large bottle, 25c. everywhere. NIGHT ROBE CAUGHT FIRE, --o-- Stratford Woman Succumbs to Burns-- Was Lighting Stove. _~o-- . Atratford, Deo. 8.--As the result of her night robe catching fire while --r ing a coal stove early this morning, Mrs _|dane Battersby, Douro and Queen Streets, was terribly burned, and died a few hours later at the hospital here. Her cries of distress aroused some of the other members of tlic family, who suc- ceeded in extinguishing the blaze, WHOLESALE GROGERY ROBBED. --ea . Stratford, Dec. 9--The Wholesale Grocery was burglarized Saturday night, and suspicion strongly points towards @ man named Taylor. Chief McCarthy, who was hunting for another criminal in the vicinity of the station, met a dr the to escape. Taylor was arrested yester day on suspicion, m ness prevented pablhig 'sooner. dd R. G. Réperts, Clerk, Waki acavitie: The Rev. J. W. Stewart, B. A., of To- ronto, will occupy the pulpit of the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church Sun next at 2.80 p.m, Mr, Stewart comes in the interests of the mission work, as ~ campaign ip the Stratford The offering will be taken, which, it is to be hoped, may be a large ee over former years. he Xmas, entertainment of the Sun- day School ar ed Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church will 19th, A good Epeamine e will be siven of dialogues, readings reci tions, also vocal see by the S. S. church N. no doubt add much to the comfort of ose whose conditions in life are not as pee as others, O. Salter attended the Fat Stock diene at Guelph this week. Miss M. McMillan of North Easthope isthe guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks, ---o--- CARTHAGE. Quite a number from here gets the monthly fair in Listowel last Fri day: EE EAS ISOE ae. Edward (ilenn of ifiverion sent _ ees visiting at the home of Mr. D. Miss god Forbes of ee spent Sunday at Mr. R. Johnsto: Mr. John Gamble had the 'misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week from distemper. Mr, Ben. Johnston of Milverton was a visitor in our burg one day last week. Measles'are quite prevalent in this vicinity. At the last regular meeting of Court Evergreen. No, 142, F.,. the fol- lowing officers were 'elected for the coming year: C, D., Geo, Lines; C. R., Herbert Taylor ; v. Cc. _ Ed. Camp- beli; F.S., Hugh Wright; Treas., 5S. Burnett ; R.8., KR. Askin ; Chap., John Gamble; 8S. W., W. Dowd; Hastings; S. B., . Watson ; Court Physician, Dr, Pratt ; Trustees, Geo, Lines, W. Walker and John Gamble. --o~ SCHOOL REPORT. The following is taken by 2 for N V.--Queeme Jackson 81, Hazel San- derson 79. Sr. IV.--Lizzie Nichol Chapman 60, W:) Cur Jr. I adys Jackson ie 'Laura the ee the pupila of U. 8. 8.'No. 63, Olive Marin § Chapman lax Clyde 4 Jr. I1L--Sherwood Mann 69, Lillie Ash 64, Jimmie Nichol-6 _ d Curtis 72. Hazel Mann 68. Stanley Riehm 64, Ceci) Chapman Tog ay Hewitt 68, Lizzie Mo- fen Pt. ae Sanderson 81, Winnie MoColla es Bander- Sr. Ist.--Myrtle Wildfang, azel Dewar, Fred Lem m Aggie Wakefield, Jr, ist. --Hilda Hewitt, Wile Leni Trson, t Mann, Wilbert Lem- mexx, Tillie _MeColjam, eee meron Wakefie ~ , "4 A. E. Bright; sania, ning expenses of the orchestra, Ex-Mayor W. D, Morris says he will i candidate for the held on Thursday, Dec. } has 2 + | | of decay. Use 'errozone, which phy- sicians consider the most up- lifting tonic ever made. omeonne caren beeause it can. nis body sufficient nutriment and building ma Think the instant effect--at onc the appetite increases, deligh' color in the cheeks a that rich, red blood is being ulated. mus- cles are in fi and weight are added. Nerve force develops, and indie Price-Smashing, Stock-Reducing Sale Furs, Overcoats, Clothing and ~ Dry Goods, Starts Saturday, Nov. 30th, + AT GRAY, BERNIE & 60. Listowel' s Low Price Makers. anx! or work. In 50c_ boxes only, six for $2.50, at all oat oun -- Ison & Co,, Hart- d, Conn., = Kingston, Every little while we read in the papers that someone has run a rusty nail in his foot, or other portion of his body, and lockjaw resulted therefrom and the patient died. If every person was aware of a perfect remedy for such wounds and would apply sy then such reports would cease. e remedy is simple, always at hand, i be applied by. auyone--what is better, itis in- fallible, It is simply to smoke the y goes or any wound that is bruised or ed, with a woollen cloth. Twenty, a in the smoke wil! take the pain out of the worst case of inflammation arising. from such a wound. People may sneer at this remedy as much as they p' , but when they are afflicted with such wounds, let them iry it. The Woodstock public library board passed a resolution characterizing asa faible the i increase in the postage rates on American periodicals coming into Canada.. The resolution sets forth McCamus | that however good the intention of the regulation might have been, it was not in the interests of the Canadian people. While this country had to depend toa large extent on the literature from the United States, there was a danger that the very attempt to force British | periodical literature ona free people might have the opposite of the effect in- ten A copy of the resolution will be sent to both local the government. members and to Have You Bronchial Catarrh ? It is easily ete, ay by the d Reps h and hoars Not difficult to cure with Catacrbosone as Mr. Xavier Babin, MJ River Capalin, Que., 'No o! vege mea rfrom Bronchitis ts and gave im- relief. Since Bi it I = ve King Oscar of Sweden died at Stock- holm Sunday morning Over two hundred actors and actresses were indicted in Kansas City for viola- ting the Missouri Sunday law. As Monaco possesses ned guillotine nor executioner, Mrs, G may escape the death penalty imposed « on her for the murder of Emma Levine The Traveitr uucsees stat. A captious traveler in northern Arkansas stopped by a fence to criti- cise a sear cornfield which met his dix approval. "Mighty small corn you have there!" be shouted to the man who was superingending the growth " said the Arkansan. "Planted the veces kind." "Looks mighty yellow to me for this time of year." "Yep. Planted the yellow kind." . "Well," said the traveler severely, "I can't understand your method of 'farming. You won't get over half a crop there." ." said the Arkansan cheer- "You are shore a good guesser, stranger. Half a crop exactly, that's mine, 1 planted this on shares.""-- Youth's Companion. See s4to ----_-- For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak. lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You knowitistrue. And your own doctor will say so. Thebe ind of a testimonial -- "Gold tor over sixty Miw.4 0.5 All ad Ante | meld ec carer yers i as rece a AYCTS the formulas of al} a and will last 20 DA Many of the lines cost of production. See Bill For Commencing on SATURDAY NOV. 30TH, ¥5. This is your chance to buy up-to-date seasonable goods at reduced prices just at the time you need them and at the price you like to pay. are manufacturers' over makes which you can buy at this sale for less than Particulars. This is Overcoats and Furs Cheaper than You Ever Heard of Before. Your Chance. GRAY, BERNIE & CO. The Low Price Makers. _ Autumn Furniture Sale. | FURNISH NOW. SAVE MONEY. | The Parlor, The D The Bedroom, The Ha able to you. Why Pay More Everyone is interested in the inside of their homes now, ining Room, They all may require an odd piece or complete set. OUR AUTUMN SALE makes that very easy, and profit- C. E. YOCOM & SON, Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Night Calls Answered at Store. BARAESEA BEERS CHAMPION. "RANGES. The Library, The Kitchen, Than We Ask P ¢ ' Summit" OO I et a BS OS On OO 3 ol fuel. FOR SALE ONLY BY aS ARRAREAar--s -- The Top Notch of Excellence is Attained in the "Champion" Six-hole andthe "Champion Four-hole Ranges. We guarantee their perfect working with least possible Call and see their points of superiority and get prices. We Also Have The Elegant Peninsular and Star Oak Heaters, And There Are None Better, R. ROSS, WALLACE STREET HARDWARE. Lt NANDA « NA me"). ae THE LEADING SCHOOL. CENTRAL (Cy Wy STRATFORD, ONT. mA giving a better course of than that given by any alee similar institution in Ontario, e of the lea e @ teat and Telegraphic. Winter Term Opens January 6, ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. COOON710 0884 O7,6808 BAEZ A RAE AA BASS BBs i This is Very Much CHRISTMAS STORE With bright onl attractive things in -- vartety and better ran e for se- tions than ever before. e're part- 'cular ly strong in Jewelry, Fancy Clocks, FancyChina, Manicure Sets, Ebony and Silver, er Goods. Also a full line of Tuck's Post Cards Christmas and New Year's, etc,, and Tuck's Linen Toy Books, J. GABEL, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. -