Listowel Standard, 13 Dec 1907, p. 10

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UTI 'From 5 cents a Roll Up. a Tarnip and Lawn te Kinds rf Colors! Of the Prettiest Patterns, ' Borders same price 1 as paper. Choice Varieties Freshi| Carrot, . Mangel, Se = J. Livingstone' S DRUG STORE. J, W. Scott & Son, BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. Gymeral Ban! Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and 8OLD, Payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN MOnnS DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowod. A lar, aap of noel agard funds = lend on curity at current rates, wi privilege | ats re-paying caneally. Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scert & Son, Listowel. PALMERSTON. Mr, Hugh Hyndman, town clerk, was operated upon for appendicitis o on Friday aq and ig now progressing very favora| The Jooal option by-law received its first and second readiny at the council meeting on Monday night, aud will be voted upon on January 6th, --o-- TOWN LINE WEST, ite & number of the young folks of line attended the opening of the Getman olbaca Church at Kurtzville on Sunday. ee Ss. E. Smith was i Stratford last week attending the December meeting of the County Soult Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Coghlin, town line an a at Mr. John Coghlin's on epee Valentine Schinbein spent a few days last week visiting friends in How- A number of farmers are complaining of ret wells being dry in this neigh: "the teeskeesiat U. S. 8, No. 8 have engaged Miss Hammond for the coming year,' at the same salary as the past year, Mrs. Hamilton, with la grippo. sr., is seriously ill SPECIAL AL_ OFFER. We have ae arrapgements with The Weekly Mail and Empire, of Toron- to, one of the leading and most influen- papers of Canada, by which we can offer the Standard aod The Weekly Mail and oe until January Ast, 1909, for the extraordi accepting this offer subscribers get the two papers for a price very little in advance of the regular price of one. The Weekly Mail and Empire is un- questionably the greatest weekly pub- lished in the Dominion, and the broader outlook on Canadian Na- tional life. It is essentially a paper for the home, and is valued alike in town and country. Its news service embraces ag recognized source Of information ; ts special correspondents are in all important centres, and over its nin leased wires it receives the happenings of the whole world, and publishes them simultaneously to the papers in all other places. The Agricultural Section is an ac- cepted standard authority on all matters relating to the soil and its a Contributors to this secti eminent in the world of squicelincal The Magazine Section is a mine of and the home, many of the which are embellished with bright and instructive illustrations. The Weekly Mail and Empire has no equal as an expositor of House of Com- mons and Provincial Legislature hap- Altogether the to price for which is one dollar a year Send aes to office of this paper. COMPEL VACCINATION, 8 ratford Public School Board Will Enforce Precautionary Measures Be- fore Schools Open. F + * Stratford, Dec. 10.--At the last meet- Board lic Schoc! for 1907, last night, it was decided to enforce i and teachers before January 2, w reopen. Ww. appoin principals 58 A Bank which has conducted a conserva- tive business since 1872, and has steadily increased its assets until they now amount to over thirty-two million dollars, is surely 'asafe institution to be entrusted with your savings. BANK OF HAMILTON SE Lat | eRe Manager. Fé cE and Anthony, aged 16, 17 and respoctivaly, itis believed tha z F iF FF fsbie EeeifE g 4 i i PE Fe upin modern sty! three ere soaey on' the charge of burglarizing wholesale [stared J. R. ares. hardware, pleaded guilty, bu' ft the other two pleaded not guilty. WINTER SESSIONS; -o King ys. Hiles Only Criminal Case on the Docket. --o-- Stratford, Dec. 10.--General Bes- sions and county court opened this udge Barron, There is King vs. Hiles. Was imanag the Western tario Cement Com It is alleged that he had ctitious E i his t, cases, in which D, H. Farrow is tiff, have been postponed to next with a jury. AN EVENING ATTACK, The Easy Way Travelers Are Held Up In Savage Europe. The Balkans ca: bast of cities which are miniature replicas of Lon-_ don and Paris, declares Mr. Harry De pede the author of "Through Sav- rope." These unre civilized cen- rl mre the remoter districts are, as of yore, hotbeds of outlawry and brig- andage, where you must travel with a revolver if each pock pass the night at a squalid inn where our driver had taken us. Failing to persuade us, the old villain disappeared and so effec- tively plied our driver with sliwowits that he could not sit up on the box un- til sunset. 'as therefore dark be- fore we could set out, along a narrow through dense pine forest. But the gamo little team dashed along and must have covered about a mile when there came a yiolent lurch, foliowed by a crash, and I found my- self in the dusty road within an inch or so of unplensantly active iron heels. The driver had been hurled by the shock clean over the horses' heads and lay motionless. Fortunately my companion, like my- self, was uninjured, and we set to Work to repair the damage and sare the plunging and terrified ponles to -- their-le A pine tree which had fallen poke the track was the cause of the d ter, but the carriage was luckily para and only a trace was broken, which 1 hastened to repair with the aid of ropé and a jackknife. Then a curious thing happened. "Look behind you!" 'suddenly ex: claimed my friend, and I turned has- tily, to discover perhaps twenty silent, shadowy forms, which had apparently sprung out of the carth around us. There was no "Your money or your life!' business about this strange band, but its methods were quite as effec- tual. "You will give us 200 dinars"-- about £8--"and we will help you shift that tree," said the spokesman in Ser- vinn, and I instantly recognized the voice as one I had heard that after- noon in the Jnn. esistance was of course useless, for a match was kindled by the speak- er ostensibly to light a cigarette, but probably .o° reveal the gieam of fire- arms in every man's belt. They num- Lered more than twenty, we only three, and one of our number half stu- pefied with drink and terror. There was nothing for it but to pay op and look pleasant, and, haring re- mored the barrier, obviously placed there by themselres, the robbers van- ished as rapidly and silently as they liad appeared on the scene. College of Brazen Nove. The odd name of Brazen Nose nose) arises from a combination of cir- cumstances. some of which are among moet interesting features of the history of Oxford university. From the earliest period the members of the university and the townspeople were engaged in continual broils, breaking out sometimes into such Violence that bloodshed ensued. The townspeople, however, appear to have had the best of it, and so again and again their an- tagonists withdrew from the place and left Oxford withiat a university. At one tite Northampton was the place of their retreat; at another Stamford, in Lincolnshire. At this last named place were the remains of a Norman gateway belonging to one of the col- took place after a little time, the mem- bere of the college took the name with them.--London Anewers. Korwegiae and Lappe, the world's tallest and shortest people, live side We --3 as. ae Nenad GUELPH 'WINTER FAIR Draws Large Crowds, Guelph, Dec. 10- \--The winter fair of 1907 opened this morning with a bum- per crowd in attendance. By noon all the entries wore in and the judging of the cattle, sheep, swine and poultry started in the afternoon. . noon the building was jammed by the large crowds in attendance, in spite the rather unfavorable weather, which put the roads ina muddy condition. From the standpoint of the spectator bers in every a and the saree is very much better, cording to the unanimous opinion ra stock m 'The civic luncheon was given by the council cham over by Alderman of the reception committee. DIED. THE MAYORALTY. To THE ELECTORS 0 OF THE TOWN OF LISTOWEL. e ra ers of the Toon, i have de- ae fer ability een AS ents, vous Obedient Servant, ANDREW FOERCH. T. J.McDOWELL,D.D.S.L.D.S. DENTIST. a " radeate Detroit oleae of Medicine (Dental Departm eas Murphy & Carthew, E. Terhune and Dr. Moore. Notice of dale of Horse. Notice is akay given that 2 bay horse, about twelve years old, was le: at my place on Nov. ist, 1907, by so: parties who are unknown to me, and that un unless gaid horse is claimed by the on or before Jan. ard, 1 I will have said horse sold at the Listo- wel wake: The,owner is hereby notified that hecan have same by paying all ex "GEORGE WELLS, South halves Lots 23 and 24 = con. Wallace, Gowanstown P.O Refurn of the FAVORITES. McDONALD'S MUSIC HALL, Saturday, Dec. 14, Jerry from. Kerry. Go. In New Comedy. BETTER THANEVER. PRIGES--25c., 36c., and 50c. Seats How On Sale At LIVINGSTONE'S ' Drug Store, Photographs ~ | and see our work. LISTOWEL MAKKETS, Dacempen 12, 1907. _ Wheat, per bushel ...... Standard...... 90 Peas, "= dase, % Oata, a Hay per ton eons 1200 13 00 23 00 ' 25 00 Butter per B. 2 2 per 35 pe bales 7 9 Flour, 100 Iba. 275 280 325 350 ; 3 00 Hides 100 Be. 3 00 5 4 6 Wood iong, 80 70 Wood y 250 320 Dressed i 800 800 Live Urge 7% 750 Lambe. 400 500 Best 500 6% ureeeee Devel College Denta) Sur- fi Office over nani Store, same 1% entranc J. taken up to the 15 DECEMBER Will be Finished for Xmas. A Kcdak makes a nice Xmas. present. LE E'S Studio. :|NEW FUR STORE. Renovating Fur Goods. A branch of Gellman's Fur Store has been opened in the Old Royal Block, Wallace street, for repair- ing, remodelling, Net bip it clean- ing Furs of all kinds. We have first-class workmen from New York and guarantee first-class work. Nocharge made unless our work is satisfactory. Prices will be found very reasonable. Call GELLMAN'S FUR STORES. Branches at. Listowel, Owen Sound and Chesley. TOWN OF LISTOWEL. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, 1908 Snes notice is hereby id i that a meeting of lectora of the roby Listowel will be told in fing pate Hall on Monday, December 30, 19097, at 10 o'clock a, m,, for the purpose of Nominatin, Candidates for the offices of Mayor, Reeve an ner, and atihe same place regent 12 o'clock noon, to Nominate Candidates for the ottices of neiller aed Pa ne peat tT auates, with Wm. it, Retarnin, Should a demand: ae 'amb will" be bei In the pelted places on Monday, the 6th Day of { January, 1908, | at9o'clock a.m,, aud continas open until ger, iki ide oe Ct B sare, Depaty Re jit alle Hall, W. R. Clayton, au ve Mahe Wht Ww Shop, W. H. 5 Squires' agon Returning Omicer. . oa Ward, J. J. Kemp's house, Robt. 'Woods, Deputy« «Returning Oficer. Lansdowne Ward, Barbers Blackatnit i Shop, John Torranca, Deputy Reining Ofice Lis aivuiee Dateer. Listowel, Dec. ith, 1907 TOWN TAXES. NOTICE. Notice is eereby | given that the Col- lector's rollis now 'or id on or before the 14th of December, 1907, after which date fi cae cent. will be added thereto. Ratepayers will govern themselves ac- ly. C. TABBERNER, paste Nov. 20, 1907. Collector. TOWNSHIP OF WALLAGE NOTICE } RE TAXES. pM to law. G. H. | Wallnee Nov. "19th, 1907. ae, | the focal coal. dealer, is prepared to deliver the best coal 'ket toall residences in Lisrowel independent miners an sence of any association or com- » | after October 15th. R, PARTRIDGE, on the mar- Mr. from Is nota e p Partridge buys all his To prove the superiority of his coal Mr. Partridge is publishing the following analysis : Moisture 1,30 Volatile Matter. & 10 imap Carbon.. Avcating value per Ib. coal B.T. 13920 c This an runs very high in all the heating properties of coal, and is far above any other anthracites n B. T. U. of neal Which is the papas of all coal oaks arpoaie the Post Office, Phone ; R PARTRIDGE. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acre farm, lot Ni No. 38, in the 8rd a, . and drivin e farm is w and fall work all done. apply on premises to For particulars ALEX. HOWE, or to box 17, Listowel. TROWBRIDGE CIDER AND CHOP- PING MILL Will run every day except Monday JAS. McCRAE, ---- Holiday Greeting, 1907. We would be very glad ofan early opportunity to show you our Clean, Fresh Stock of New and Beautiful Christmas Gifts. Goldsmith's Hall is always prepared to welcome you and show you the many hand- some presents you can buy here for very little money. Taste, Quality and Novelty } are the features that lead us ~~ --¥ictory. with REASONABLE PRICES. J. H. Gunther, JEWELER. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Next door to Imperial Bank, Main St., Listowel. teen Tentfng ingen eepen Great Clubbing Offer, § The Weekly Mail and AND The Standard FOR 31.30 Up to the End of 1908. ae ced Empire ae a We have effected arrangements whereby we can make this unprecedented offer, which means Two Papers for Almost the Price of One. Send in names at once and get the full advant- age of this great clubbing offer. ee and tables every day. | Coats, Jackets, Tlortgage- 5 Fog Our Mortgage Sale is Growing Bigger Every Day. People are coming over twenty miles to do their shopping, and 'they all go home happy, are getting here, and feel that it is worth thelr while coming. pleased with the bargains they OurStock has not diminished in any Way, in fact we are puting BETTER VALUE on our bargain counters If you have not already been here do so at your earliest convenience as the Must be Red STOCK Mg ,5 Reduced by the Xmas. Goods. We have opened up.a lot of extra special in all kinds of Xmas Goods. Xmas. Parasols and Umbrellas. Ice Wool Scarf: n Knitted Silk Squares, oo ae ane Scniares Dolls, Rabbits, Teddy Bears, Fancy To Dishes, Toy Whips, Toy Pianos, Paints, Horses and Canecs Toy atches, Drums, Trumpets, Candles, Baskets, Horns, Placques, Fancy Cushions, Tray Cloths, Ornaments for Xmas, Trees, Table Cloths and Napkins to match, Cushion Cords and Tassels, and Hund- reds of other articles we could mention. DRESS GOODS~--You evenly should see our Dress Goods bargains, and our Men's Suits and Overcoats. Ladies' Fur-lined Ruffs and Muffs, Men's Fur Coats ata great discount. Special for Next Saturday : All Kinds of Shirt Waists. See Our Window Friday. Special Value in Groceries, J. M. SCHINBEIN. ai eS A OPAPP WA SO PPP LL PPP LALA PED ABADI AAR AAARS Don't forget that the best place to buy Bed Blankets is where you are sure of getting good quality andthe kind ARE THE BEST. White Blankets, Grey Blankets, in all sizes and weights, and guaranteed to be all BED BLANKETS. | that will wear for years wool. We have a few pairs left which are slightly damag- ed, and selling at a remarkably low price. Bed Sheetings. Heavy and dieht, in grey or white, cut and hemmed to any size ordere Special Attractions in Men's Underwear. 4 Many odd lines in stock and wil! be sold at greatly reduced prices 'Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys. Striking inducements in this line for the next two weeks, which should result in active buying. On every garment you "ack money. Don't fail to have a Sook through ~ our stock. PAS ADDS PDD PPS PPP SPI PPD OPP LPRP PPP PPP APP PPPS OPP PPAR APA AA OAR RRA ROP OPP OPO REOPP SFAAGASY LARARR-RQR PRP RODS oe LL So NIN AAA. AAAS AF RADGIAA aa AA AAS B. F. Brook &S Son. ODDS ISLS DD IOSD DGS SEARAEER AEA S NN NINN *RRRAGIIEODRAS CARR ODS AS RARAACSOSOAODE™ Qa The Largest STOCK of FURS Ever shown in Town, and at Prices that compare with any of the large cities, has just been opened up in the M. McD. Fleming Store, Main Street. The following are a few of the Prices : Ladies' Fur Jackets $15 and up. Ladies' Fur-lined Coats | 83s and up. Men's Fur Coats $10 and up, Men's Fur-lined Coats $15 and up, Fur Robes $5 and up, and Small Furs, such as Ruffs, Muffs and Caperines, Caps, Gauntlets, etc., at all prices, Call and inspect our goods. I am prepared to take young cattle in exchange for goods. Jj: E. DIAMOND. ~ FARM FOR SALE. The fine farm of of the undersigned, - ing lot 29 in the 3rd concession of Elm at Britton station, containi acres. | SELF-CONFORMING. : . ats Mer of it tile | drain ick cottage, with large ' good bank barn 66x52, with roothouse underneath. | kitchen ; school and ce within a few; rods. Fall plowing will all be done. , P io! Ist of March next. | Further particulars by apylying to the , owner on the premises. 386--A JOHN SPROULE. Valuable Town Property for dale. KING HATS ARE SELP-CONFORMING, JUST WHERE THE HAT TOUCHES THE HEAD. rr 8 A oe y white brick house Ping This feature makes them fit the head a ples, pears and small fruits, fine lawn naturally, Free at at nat: | The New Pal Stl ae hr fine and sof! ter the vd round, stable on the premises also. Situated on J E N KI N S west. For terms apply to 9 STEW. TASSIE, and Store, Listowel, 4 - Failor and Men's Furnisher-

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