Listowel Standard, 10 Jan 1908, p. 8

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' Of be Prettiest Pai id spay Rell Up. Borders same price - pet ro}l | 4 as paper. _ Choice Vatistics Fresh | Carrot, Mangel, Turnip and Lawn -- Grass Seeds, -- at J. Livingstone's DRUG STORE. 'J. W. Scott & Son, BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. - "@oneral Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all partsof the DOMINION, UNITEU STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Jarrent rate of interest allowed. A lar, ss vate funds to lend pat ity at re. rates, wi eo ing ols re-paying ann Marriage Licenses Tsoued. J. W. Scorr & Son, Listowel. MOUNT ROYAL SAFE IN IRISH HARBOR. Reaches Queenstown After a Month on Atl 5 . pr For Fifteen Days Saw Nothing But Walls of Water--Leaking Boilers and Gales Compelled Return, Queenstown, Jam. 7.--The Canadian Pacific liner Mount Royal, which sailed from Antwerp just one month coed to-day and which was reported in yesterday's despatches as having been sighed 250 miles off the west coast of Ireland after having been almost rene up for lost, slowly entered Queensto to- ncaa ~ nm a tes. pcning mber' from here attended the monthly fair in Listowel last Friday. the order of the. day with our young people. * Some of our sports attended the hock- Listowel. C. P.R. have the steam shovel at werk on the paseo cut. whe. Jobn Martin and Mr. J.J. Carson wton were in cue burg one day fast we wok looking after votes, also Mr. We are glad to report that master R. from his Now that the elections are over every one has settled down to again. last Sunday at Mr. Thos. Mr, Chas. Ewing is staying at Mr.Jas. Riddle's for the winter so as to - near the schoo], Se THE OLD COUNCIL FINISHES. - -- Be Final Meeting roe on Tuesday ast meeting meee the 5 Tosi Coun- el of 1907 was day under her own Ars proceed On their arrival the passengers vat wit of his new factor. sembled and thanked Capt. Parcells for] in Listowel in 1908, Otherwise all he and his officers and crew had ons comp out 'their for their comfort during their trying | 9#™eement with the town and he ask- month on the Atlantic. Tho officers of | C4 the e for the Mount Royal state that after leaving they met the worst gales ex- perienced in years. The_ boilers to leak badly in consequence of the buff- eting. They were then~in- latitude 50 N,, longitote 40 W., 1,100 miles from As the engineers panel that they m y repairs, th fight against the violent head gales and 5 vessel, with her stern to the hurricane only steamed 66 knotsdaily. Thepassen; were kept below decks neatly all all the time, but they ga ---- in the as- surance that the was seaworthy, and that the ates visions were ample. The children were" remarkably cour- agieous, The passengers described the terrific nature of the gales, declaring that the ship almost stood on end sometimes, and they saw nothing for fifteen successive days but a wall of green water on each --_ of vessel, which sometimes fell tremendous force ONE MONTH ON OCEAN, The Mount Royal left Antwerp Dec ith for St. John, N? B., with 800 Hun- wis first definitely sighted off Old Head, of Kinsale, 16 iniles west of this port, carly yester- day. She was then proceeding stowly under her own steam, and signaled that she was coming in here. clined the help cf a tug that was sent out to assist her, and came in alone. 34 CARRY BY-LAW 49 VOTE AGAINST oo Result of Local Option Vote in Ontario Municipelities The result to date of the local option vote Monday in the 96 municipalities shows 83 places heard from, as follows: hi victories, closing 100 bars, and 49 de. Those carried are as fallows : Mulmur Township, 461 to 196, ouhind of - off six hotels. This put the whol Dufferin County under local im McKellar Township. --_ Township, five licensec cut eet, two licenses c Somerville, vote 226 to 137, an licen - 8e8 5 out off, Seymour, one license cut off. The measure was defeated as follows : Camlache--The sufficent three -fifths | majority waé lacking Chasey Suficent three-fifths ma- Hin k Township. Mosa Township. On motion of Reeve Hacking My. Hibner's request 'd of the a graceful specc ceived personal ber, after which the couppil journed, ' fig FF -- A seats coemear = gg HORSEMAN. ad- An- Aarecelive tal Notice -of + anil aC, Kidd in Canadian Sportsman -e In a recent wsne the Canadian Sportsman published the following notice of one rg our well- -kncwn oiti- zens. It sa Some men stand out dl hs apotodl ently in the b 8s they nected with = © attract omnes at- tention onspicuous example of this is patron: in the oxample of W. C. Kidd, of Listowel, Ont,, He may fairly be termed a re all es 10 the course of the year, both Leavy and light, but his name is undoubt associated with many of the fastest performers n- adian harness turf that he may!'also assed oes? In is pecan indi- ----, thel argest owner of stal- lions in Ontario, and tha high quality of those he owned amiiferirseon om- manded for them an extensi * pt ronage. In connection tberewith Tames are sugg pin me 2.191-4; D. improve tke br » He 8 attention to the rage age n of which or . | BARELBY--CODE wenpnite. A -atint welling eve Dy at Mus. Mary L. Code w 'SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current 96 Branches throughout Canada, LISTOWEL BRANCH. | 2 re Bart |. bree es es ok the | circus. pownetig A Wallets tk a with Fren iennes, viet cay Oy ine uncle, Mrs: Joba R Code, sigter tha bride, played the wedding The ceremony, w ow! |-reavement in the rami, el Be immediate aati the usual Voougretulations the its repaired to dining-room, wine was Beentifaliy decorated the occas: The lent of many ta, 64,000 MILES CRUISE. t. M. §. Cambrian's "Showirg the Flag" Record, The crew of the Seed Cambrien which abip .wrs paid off at Colombe last month and i ormniatastoned with der the command of aunt, an officer" of ata mn birth, of Sib rt courage and wide ce, who was the first Britis} the Base troubles" an was commissioned for the Ans- tralian station, which is nowaduye the region of the world for ai peniar, ous incidents, but she has wandered wide, not only amongst South Sen islands, but on ies coast of South and Gentral America. ane remote and little-visited spots en senrohed out by the he Cambrian, and the Britiah of satiate all dur erro: mony Ag everywhere. and replanted ut t talande which head ie its existence. Her deci have _ es many lonel the = = ects ap nwoy in the rons uaky hiefa, in- cluding 'he Kit King Ay Tones, and by the Presidents of the Republics of and Honduras. Her crew to to k some discontent ed chiefs in th th Bena, and f Seemingly eve island wn- der the Bouthers tecaa hi hax been made a place of call, Cape Horn has been sata a dt easing coverr< pended no less than 14,89 tor 1s of coal. ~ SAVED BY D BY CHAKCE ROPE. Shipwrecked Sailors Helped by Relic From a Previous gen coast. The Netherholme, i "i bound from Liverpool to Barry Doc'! truck the { which' co: nects Penyholt Stack with the main- land. The crew, 14 in number, swam ashore, where there are cliffs rising some 70 feet. The sailors were cower- ing under the cliffs when one of noticed a rope hanging from she to One by one they climbed safely " the top, and to their surprise found no one about save their own party, nor were there -- ouses in sight. At daybreak the malperoe sre sailors were discover y astguards, who took them to Col. carn mpton's house, where they were given dry clothing e rope is <a steam trawler: Shamrock was aloe at this -- spot, and the crew were, Li" up the cliffs by cuast- a lucky chance the rope was oe sanonun and --_ proved of service to shipwrecked sailors The Netherholme was badly damag- When the vessel struck the cap- tain was ee of the new light. ship off Lin , and mistoo it for 'Fey "Though the latter is many miles to the southw 3 An Elephant Story. A sensational accident, im which an elephant and a circus employe B- me m elephant E e the elephant to drink at trough in front of Swanston's Cricket Club Hotel. While the ---- was i attendant struck it ance . of the hotel, would probably have been c Mr. nston ted and waved his wa arms at th regain his k person against whom proceed, so thatthe latter may have ention. crn complaint and vgisieme dence of notice the iar will da duly considered by this Departm a the consent of the Attorney-General given or withheld as the cireu stances seem to re require., Raaway Tickets of Gora. All i rincipal railway companies in En issue railway tickets, made polo ag of gold, whicir- entitle the e in- vn watch chains. These tickets cannot be bought, but are pi by the directors to per- sons who have earned the railway oenrents gratitude. each T0 PARLIAMENT. Notice is hereby give cation will be ven that an ap E- on béhalf nece t cons f the said Electric L' Municipal C 'ouncil '3 Ua vide such ap inact ad unt byt the Electors) that the sa' or the_proceeds thereof 1 beapplied to : ioe purposes mentioned in the "a. tore remove doubts to have it a t~+the-clauses, lettered A ey: Foti th elusive, following paragra Municipal "Ret 908, vas not ap) proention ct roe a ju oe rio the Council herent a it further decarei that it 'shal 'not the necessary for the Council of the said Town before ing any such By-law or ing dobe as above seentioned, or in issu- deben: ereunder, to fix any Ee rie Light Camp to any, Gas and ec' mpany, Gas Company aie Light t Con mpany, or snd Mote nee, firm ee or wi which is beretere un pee as or Electric Light in the = towel, or which has rated for orin the Municipality of t the 'own of Listowel, or to furth- , person or persons, or any thereof, or the purchase or expropria: tion of any such Lage and any |< thereof, by th Ape Munieipe ra' WETT & BRAY, Solicito: mm my the Applicants. Dated at a is 80th day of ember, A. "Outeél-doors" with a STEVENS-- best thing for a grow! boy! Learsiag to sbeot well and | 6; ecquiring Listowel Agricultural ociety Annual | Meeting. The Annual Meeting ting of the above So- ciety will be held in the TOWN HALL, LISTOWEL, on Saturday, January 18, At 1.30 o'clock p. m., to receive the reports of the Directors for the t year, for the election of officers for the ensuing year, i dark any other business that may . and others nbarented in the welfare of ted to be present. . EL BIN NNI Ew Sec-Treas, en Listowel, Jan. 2, 1908. Wallace. Cheese and Butter Co. --o-- The annual meeting of the Wallace Cheese and Butter Co., Limited, will be held in the Factery, 3rd line Wallace, on Saturday, Jan. 18, ai At the hour of BS o'clock p. for the the ensuing year, and.for other Tesi ANN ING, eer, Wallace, Dec. 81, 1907. Molesworth Cheese & Butter -- specel meeting of the iciae The worth e & Butter Co. Lim i hg held ao the Orange Hall, Moles. wo SATURDAY, THE 1TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1908, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving the auditors' and annual ta for the past year, th = of officers for the comiug year any other business coming before the meeting "ya ast be necessary. By order of the COGHLIN, oe Molesworth, Dec. 24th, 1 \ Winter 1908. King oe are modeled in all the correct shapes fo: days ia Winter wear, and this Season wont ae il ing some ght es for the Young trouble to ahow them. JENKINS, Tailor and Men's Furnisher. dee s expecially STORM We lave Just Received a Shipment of Storm Doors. These are first-class doors, oiled and grained, which we are ' | selling co:nplete with Hinges, -SMALL SUM OF $2. DOORS. Latches and }Hooks for the TRY A GALLON OF OUR Best American Coal Oil which isimported direct fromthe Refinery in the United States, Pe pe & Bonnett, . WILLCONTINUE All This Month. You Can Get Extraordinary Values Here'This Month. White Muslins from 1244c. to 20c, Sale Price toc. The best Crumm Prints, new patterns, worth 15c., Sale Price 110¢, Ladies' Jackets at Half. Price. Dress Goods. what we are giving Dress Goods at. We have put on Clothing Ready-to-wear. sale another lot of Suits on bargain tables at HALF PRICE, They range trom $1.90 to $5, $6 and $7. A Big Snap in All Wool Blankets and Kinds of Furs. Flannelette Blankets. J. M. SCHINBEIN. BED BLANKETS. 'Don't forget that the best place to buy Bed Blankets Is : where you are sure of getting good quality andthe kind that will wear ps yea OURS A E THE BEST. White Blankets, Grey Blankets, in an sizes and weights, and guaranteed to be all wool. We have a few pairs left which are slightly damag- ed, and selling at a remarkably low price. | : Bed Sheetings. rleaw na light, in grey or white, cut and hemmed to any size rat AAD IE OE BPE DOD Special Attractions in Men's Underwear. Many odd lines in stock and will be sold at greatly reduced prices, Striking inducements in this line for the next two weeks, which should result in active buying. you can save money. Don't our stock. On every garment fail to have a '30k through = Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys. : B. F. Brook & Son. ARAN ARAN ARARRARARNARRG SACRA JANUARY _|Big Cut-Price Sale FURS. I have decided to offer to the public the best opportunity ever put | within their reach in this town to purchase Furs, For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS I have decided to Sell at Actual Cost Any of my large stock of Fur Coats, Ruffs, Muffs, Caperines, Caps, Storm-Collars, Gauntlets and Robes. First buyers have about 100 Coats and Jackets to choose from. Listowel Fur Store. J. E. DIAMOND. yee 8 a er RADARCARADARA CLEA BAAR BARA AAAS For the Next Two Weeks: Before-Stock Taking we will offer the follow- ing lines at Specially Low Prices In Order to Reduce the Quantify : Winter Mitts, Skates, Hockey Sticks, Hand Sleighs, Axes and Handles, Cross Cut Saws, Willow Baskets, Lanterns, Lamps, Bells, Coal Scuttles, Snow Shovels, Stable Brooms, Ensil- Enameled, Tinware, Straps, scissors, Btc., at R. ROSS, Wallace mtg et: et cea REGULAR $5 TO $6 SKIRTS FOR $3.50. . : It will do you good to call and see ' ; 4

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