- Rockefeller Institute Adds One More Dis- -- covery to Contributions fo Science. A remarkable story of ffansplanta- tion of organs from one phimal to an- y Dr. A Institute for Medical Research, New Yerk, in the current issue of the insti- ties journel. . r, Carrel succeeded in transferring the kidneys of eh to other dogs, of cats tu olher cats, and in one nce placed a dog's 5 kidneys a ap vere accom- plished feats that hb © been vainly at- = oe by Henle wiserds for a de- nis work, which is being w gras dis- cu 4 physicians. thought, brought much nearer th hr clgploe hope of years: replacing d parts of hu- man anatomy with Paks parts from "animals, These particular experiments, rs Baid, a rise to the belief that the time not far off, Pa yodagy oa pas Bright's disease ane dia scourges of mankind, may = A teal the ex- isung Ust of i ae the kidneys of an 'animal may anged to another ani- mal, the Aoi ae speculated, and suill operate healthily and normally, why a they not operate as well as in a human body? ae CURE FOR DISEASED ORGANS. "I believe the time will come, as a re- cure ver, ki will te. : new liver, kidney o said a conservative pase after rea ing of Dr. Carrel's Dr. Carre} first experintniot ona He removed [rom a hewlthy animal ee only the kidneys, but righ ae vessel. nerves and nerve-ganglia led with those organs, which in itself I is a delicate piece of surgical work. All the remov parts he laid aside 7 'a vessel of isotonic sodium chloride solr _Those parts, naturally, were'then dead. fay from life-giving material. mind, one of the marvels of the experi- =e ~ they should afterward receive he meantime while these parts were sda ay cf the ¢ other anna Ben | : e- Similar itt that the organs "ol. No. sulured or grafted in a ir proper : aces in the body of "the hos This was done. Svithin a iew hours, in very experiment, the organs adapted os -- to their usual funchions in the ne v body, rete THE BEST SUBJECTS, 'arrel later discovered Uiat cats | gry were eller aubjects fer such experimen: | fation, and his Jaler tests ' le with them. More than bad new kidneys installed, and in his ving up, Dr, Carrel says vanit is =n onclude from these results '. rians of the kidneys re-es- hemselveg after transpkinta- yeitored fi whack to the 4 the espedffents that most of mais Sq 'equently died, They an Veet beesy riods--one cal for 'idl hen died- from Heoal ee with the trans- Sturt Ns ir lives abe the operations ph during the the action of the transferred organs was nermutt, Dr. Carrel makes no mention in his report of possibilities of transplantation from animals to humans, But itis along that line that his experiments are directed. Last summer, in conjunc- tion with Dr. C. », he succeeded in 0 dia veins anit arteries from one animal to ce a in Beth veins do the work of arteries, This ¢ periment was made vite the idea that wrhaps in' time veins may be trans: plane in ee and a flow of healthy "ord -- cd to--hrpercrished-or-dt oan par A io wilh the eosin of the ockefeller Institute worker Carrel will not discuss his capestennild, except through the medium of the Journal of i> perimental Medicine. But the fact that he has set them forth there is re- of their gegen : nother an C nica HO. triumph for the ---- Oil king The lalest two noiable agplevements reconded "all the institute were the dis- every of a new mcagice gh in the a Oy f Dr. S. W. of cammon Epsom salts, Metzler, and the discove o a ae ar cerebrospinal meningitis by Dr. Simon Flexuo, the institution's head. _--_------ t+ DOUBLE SURPRISE, 'The Friend; "Your marriage to Sapp- head was quite a ca ie om The ex-Widow : "Well. Fue' SS. Sit was more of a surprise to him." a en SHE WAS WILLING. 'and besides." concluded the young 7s " was in love, "I have moncy to ot hat 'being the case." rejoined the fair og in the me 'seene, "I am willing - strike a match." er NENG SDI x Palo Faces; Dizsy ay Salle, Paint. ing Heait, Headaches and short- ness of Breath are iyapam of Angmia. 1) sysiem. Watery b for nearly all the headaches and_back- aches and sideaches that afflict womun- kind. Watery bod is | responsible for the dull eyes, sallow cheeks and the listless, dragged-out {celing that ds found in so many growing girls. wood means health, and good bioed. actually comes through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Weak, ailing, despondent women who use this medicine are strong; listless, palefaced girls given new health, rosy cheeks, bright new. sense of happiness Chesley, Ont., says:i--- "My daug was ill for a long time Lake sana and would offen be confined for lady ' iteins* Pink Pills, and I got half a a boxes. By the time these were used there was a marked improvement, and I got a further supply for her. rhe change these pills have weer in her condition is so great t you would jot think that she was the same girl. ] will always have & kindly focling fer Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c_a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, a dog. Ont, DRUG GURES ALL FAILED SAYS DN. J. C. DUNLOP, INSPECTOR FOR SCOTLAND, -- Experiments in Institution for Inebriates --Detention Has Reformed Many. Drugs os ehionrras for drunkenness are] deciewa 4 be useless, and even oie than useless, Dr. ers ¢. Dunlo speclor for Scotland under Las pl tiles eae "A 'specific drug {reatment,"-ssays Dr. punlops pen tried in Girgenti, but was found to be a com- eet failure. The experience aban the trial of that treatment Sais: because the resulls were "sume ently definife to ig conclusive. "atropine, quinine dure much vaunted for the cure of in- <bricty. 'I try the effects of such treatment, ed-for inmates willing to submit to it, and 22 volunteeréd and underwent a full course. The resull in every case bee us aes for everyone of the women ted has since discharge relapsed tte arumnent habits, OTHER RESULTS. "Girgenti has been successful in re forming some Inecbriates, but of those subjected to this drug eure none huve been reformed. The experiment is «f er eat value; it has shown the -useless- ess of diny such treatment when deal ine with the degraded class of inebri- ailes committed lo reformatories. No Sliert road to the reformation of the Section 24 of the Inebriutes Act has yet been discovered, no means of obviat- ing the prolonged and necessarily ex- 4 NSIVE treatment. of detention in a re- formator Forly-seven per cent. of the patients discharged: oe the Inverneith "licen- Sed retreat," _[in. good noncis! self-supporting, have eer given' 'proof recovery Or promise to-do s6, and . Dunlop regards this ve very sSatis- factory. Nesults in the w¢cformatorics, where the Volice' Court habitués . go. are not nearly so satisfactory, however. Of all the cases {hat have completed their sentences anc sn discharged, rather less than ony hove been re- formed, and Dr. Dunlop thinks that this rafe is as high as can Le expected So jong as the cases dealt with remain © the degraded type at present FOUND IN THE REFORMATORIES, "But the amount of reformation, ' the report olserves, "is not the only test of the ulility of these reformatorics. 'he benefils obtained from the main- fenance of a certified* inebriate reform- glory may be Ki for more in Tre moving the pernicious influence of the worst of drunkards froma town or from possessed a ot ® tertifica inebriate re- furmatory of sufficient size to deal wilh al: its most degraded drimken women, and since ils establishment female ap- prehensions by the police have diniin- . by 25 per cent. Thus these re fermatories should be considered os jreventative" rather thon as curative institutions, and their value estimated . accordingly. linked together. easily digested form. sus sah It is a food that builds and keeps up a! girl's strength. pe lat We ALL DRUGGISTS! BOe. AND 81.00. Girlhood and Scoff's Emulsion are The girl who takes Scott's Emul- sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period when'a girl's digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion provides her with powerful no in EAT we made active and}$© n Mrs. E. S. Bee Bes one reformatory, | ~ ammonium, solu, and alsine, a mix: 5 managers, desiving to sal garde stil bedlin acgenerate incbriales dealt with under ing whe re the inmates are all are a district, than in the refermation of a few To mos sge agi this, the experience: of Gree fod. That town ts things have for suicides h Wien Paap itis: doub 1-if anybody ev oe wife for a cirange inh hich has just piecing Pierre Saneane a young jocksmith- in} Paris, F , 0 speedy exit from this world. For Pie resne now lies' in a hospital In a critical con- hice ne People who like its flavor compro: with their noses for t Sake of their palates. Plerre's parents ate of it at every <iinner, Pierre always protested when it was brought on the table and sin nasty things about the tastes of people who would load their jomachs with such offensive stuff. Angry discussions followed. -- The fa- att fist on the table for it, and. furthermore, he didn't care a hang whal his son thought of it. . When a big Marolles cheese made its appearance on the Dufresene table the hola day there was a more violent * than us elt resnocting pig would not eat such nauseating stuff. The elder Dufresne pounded the lable and avowed his be- lief that porcine were pos- sessed of truer filial feeling than Pierre. Mrs. Duf.ésne slopped cating the cheese lung enough to indorse her husband's cpinion. An elder brother joined in the reproaches against Pierre. The young man rose from the table na declared that he could endure the dissusting ae aes Marolies chrese no banging the door behind him, le later another bang was a pistol si! Pierre hod fired a. Bullet at his heart: but his sim was bad, or his knowledge of anatomy dé- fective. and the bullet lodged in his soniaeh, w'th the result (hat even if he rs his digestive organs Is himself sieadily on cheese of t anoles ieee BEST - 'EVER EVER WRITTEN EOE wore ANYONE CAN Sitar MIX AT HOME. aid to "Overcome 'Kidney and Bladder _Afflictions _ "Shake pen bored: ents: Well in Boitte. well a! "Mix the forlowing oy aa a bollle, and take in t mace ul dos ract -- Dandelion, one-half Compounds Syrup Sarsapariila, ounces. A p t physician is the gredients can be abieioct s at nominal from uny Gruggist, ¢v towns. The mixture is said to nonging and strengthen the clogged nective Kidneys, overcomins feaheletnt Bladder weakness and Utinar y trouble of -- all kinds, if taken before Nike stage of Bright's discase, : Those who have tried this say tt pos- ilively overcomes pain in the back, clears the urine of sediment and regu- lates urination, especialy at night, cur- ng even the worst forms of bindder weakness every man or woman here ne feels that the kidneys are not strong or act ing ina healthy manner should ns this prescription at home and give il a trial, as lo wonders for' many persons, he i; _ TYRANTS TOMB NOW-A-STABLE, Curious Memorial of the Ruin Solano Lopez Brought on Paraguay. A curious memorial of the tyrant Sel- no Lopez, who wasied and depopulsted Puraguay between 1862 and 1870, stands in the city of Asuncion, the capital of the republic. It is the large and imposing rmausoleuni that he built for the uldmate housing of his body Sut it rm never used for that pur- ose, . Wh ; Tepes Was Overtaken and killed as be Ais fleeing his -- did yt care to give him a decent burial, Dr, Vallentin, the German geographer, who has just written a book on Para- giuy, says that it puzzled the people to decide what to do wilh the mausoleum. 1! was finally turned into a stable and is a serving that humble but useful pur- "Gras ss is growing upon the lofty cupola and weeds protrude frem every crevice in the walls, Ik is a monument to the ruin Lopez brought upon his country and himse often been called the Nero <«f the nineta dith century, but some his- terinns say that-he was worée than Nere. Dr. Baez, the historian of Paraguay, says excuse ever made for nim | : that he wn insane, He was President of Paraguay and in- tended to muke himself King. He pro- veked and oe a five ye ars' bed with the united co Argentina and raguay. He had a crown made in Paris to bo ready for the coronation Just as soon as he could declare himself Kin cf more -- half of ag Amer = His idea was to build u ydom, not by Bi 'its reeourecs, but by iG unding a military despotis He am _- * . w holly unre- i is countrymen his sisters publicly flogged in the 6lreet. Ai a sister was kept a prisoner in E asco man and "ye bg could carry a gun was impressed i he army. and as the end drew near ty compelled many hundreds of women to fight in the ranks. when & human et i The land was ncthing but a wasle been completely stripped of cat- sheep and goats, not a plan- 8 ay. ae fs has recovered slowly from experience. She sow Sees @ popula- eeficeri at atau i The | $20 eau of it noes resembles that -of } fro wi na te worse stule thon if he had ale (nO ry) en in the, Burglars broke into | MM. Martn & ---- melt the me i] The 'case recalls one An Antwerp re- cently, when the thieves. melied e safe Sg a combined oxygen "and ace acetylene 8 The police here believe that-the Mar- stilles burglars are past-mas'ers of the art, and that probably naf more than a- dozen phat Se aces apparatus ke lamps are in sat: use. In se, t even tha finest lock or the best steel safe can resist, { ' say pol' A, Be lei foke fm using oxygen and ace'ylene lamps byow-p) lem ta so oko = THE METROPOLITAN BANK. A Most Successful. Year. Although the Metropolitan Bonk may b> considered one of ( eine are youngest banks. hav.ng been as recent ly as 1904. the sp endid rsuilso. ts oper- ations forthe past year, 5) : markable strength which it-has eela. ier Life no longer worth Ifv- g if he was fo be confronted with it| el in w lime, reflect greates LF meee day. Te fled from the room, | credit upon its * manegenient. Com ;|pared with the figures for 1996 those ho for 1907. show a Steady mereeee all niong the Tine. public reached the large tole! of Ba railiion and six thousand dollars as agains' inillidns six hundred thousand The amount of its imme- rove its amaunt to aid up capi Heusond dollars. The p "ital oe this instilution is one apes cellars, behind which of another million oalark lars in. divi and Roerinpadat ten thousanil dol- luvs from bank Brent ee eects ihe subs'antial, balance of et 532 has been curried forward to next "year. The profits for the year es nt to $147,819, which is equal to 14.78 of its copitol. The hundred dolar shares of this Bank Gre to-day stl one hundred und Tiodtseleec dol eee tad Hea be "these demorstrate in uncertain fashion what success a Co ad bank can achieve ides capable and judiciously conserva delat Fuauene- ment ond werrant the. trust of the Canndian people in this young 7 iinencial giant. Se gee RAILWAYS IN INDIA. The length of railway in operation n British India was Aprreanly | a during the d énding with , the length of kine in working nt the close of 1906 be'ng 20,- 097 and the progress made during the fen years being 7,980 miles. The chief extens'on was in State lines, which ex- panded during the fen years to the ex- tert of 5.046 miles. Mines now in operation amounts to a milage of 21.719, Of the original guar- asso systems the Madras Railway is sow the only one lefl; it comprised tost vear 904 miles of line. -- Native States have been judiciously encourag- ed to develan railway communication, tive Stale lines had grown fro miles in 1897 0 3471 miles in 1906. "ot 29.097 miles of line in oneration 'n . miles were more or le Ss under Gov- ernment contro}, a A WORD '16 MOTIIERS. Baby's Own Tablets is the only medi- cine for children that gives the mother the guarantee of a Government analyst thal it is absolutely free from apiutes and poisonous soothing stuff, The Tab- Y¥els cure all stamach end bowel trou- bles, destroy worms, break -up colds and simple fevers, and through painlessly, ' sound natural sleep move the cause of crossness and sleep- kssness, Mrs. Ralph Judd, Haven, Ont., suys: "Baby's Own Tabicls have given me great satisfaction both for lo troubles and constipauicn. id = inedicine dealers or by mail at 4 nis a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., » Renee, | Ont. Father: "you my can't have him!" Daugh- ter: "Oh, papa. you once sa said you could deny Bs nothing :" Father: "Well, he comes as near being 'nothing' as any- thing. 1 know of I" Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator beenuse they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms Little Ethel: "Mamma, don't last three thought I'd. betler tell you." Where can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely. cured of my corns by this remedy and 1 wish some more of if for my friends. © So 'writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. BACK K TALK. "Let me see," began Mr. Henpeck, "the baer wedding is the fifth anniversary, isn't i NOY 'dl a his wife, "when o blockhead it's the ph sbi Black Wateh The Tobacco Sale manufacturers mee a new prob- peone~pomyey ee That's the ba easily, -- no hammer and snips. Simplest thing you know--can't get 'em on "Oshawa? Shingles lock on all four sides--whole roof tools but a claw- the leng'h of State | ¢¢ th pega atethe-close-of-iest-year~alt put 116 peapl ey ied get punished for telling the a ; uy ask?" speathes pao fora 2 century. We'll GUARAN- | is prac one sheet of double-galvanized steel, that TEE in every way for a tury--from never needs | painting. now till Nineteen- - . -Two. EN - peers t overlook that, Gesr. Guaranteed inwriting |} "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel seal of s company with a for 26 years--and you |i Shingles are GUARANTEED in || tsttermillion | capital,-- needn't ever paint it, foe's in plain even! 'That's saying || every, way for Twenty-Five Yeu without any if mething, isn't it ? Ought to Last a Century Ee toe & ong What would you "That's the srgument in T™ili-man say ioe i--cost the same asked him to coder shirighes foreven 3 ; e~proct, water-proof, .rust- ten years ? Sarit world e remarks |! Brook uta prook dn Oshawa 5 Geccnaiien And even the best cedar-shingled roof will be Tell us the measurement of an y, Foot, and Hi we'll tell leaking badly inside of ten years. _ exactly what it will cost to roof Seven out of ten of them leak the t with lees work and for less money. time it rains. Plenty of facts that concern your shingled zat te ae for . Foo ask or a © ng soon - minute, an e first high win ptr * Roofin, Hat catchion loose, & a | rec pe A post card will do to Me cty tho next Scernahip. Why don't you ask now7 -- The Pedlar People. sieeonu st. W. ee Ps aici A of Qehawa -* fi) saering a 76 Lombard St. A CHANGE IS NEEDED. a ones the tong winter one needs a change. Why go South when "The | Welland." St. Cotharines. offers an en-} vironment " moderate cost which will ) ( / F minister to tired nerves and worn out | A QO R rest Try the tonic infiuence of "The Catharines big d the restful in- pisacs of "The Welland." Apply the sigag St. Catharines, 3 any ------ of Grand Trunk Railway ys stem i FINAL ARGUMENT. a woman can't convince hersell any. other way that her husband loves her she can do it by remembering he told her so before they were mart --~--- "Mr. Deeply," said the hostess, "won't you oblige me with one more -- "Oh, really," ceplicd the eminent ba "the hour is so lale,. I'm afr ion my ae ing will, --e the neighbo mind thal They've got a co whose howling at night disturbs us [" ------ A. Tonic f6r the Debililated.--Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly, hut thoroughly, on the secretions of the body ure a valuable tunic, stinu- lating the lagging organs to a health ful action ond restoring them to full vigor. They can be taken in graduil- j doves and so used thal they can be discontinued at any time without re- turn of nd ailments which they were used to a He: "T notice that you call a good many of your acquaintances cranks, I ope you do nol consider me a er: wnk ? i eCortainly nob! A,erank is a persoan with one idea, and f never he ard any: body accuse you of having one s 1 ¢ is dependent upon good hoalt a nba "iy y » ULE i esble, Tako * Ferrovlin Sa io beat $1 bottles All modicias dealora tonic, The Doctor: "You aoe don't you, that this is only lo be i on nally?" 'The Patient's Wife: aaure, eir | ulus makes him get oul o bed to drink tr ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches on} every form of contogious lich in Tr or animals cured in 30 nee by V ferd's Sanitary Lolion. UH never fails. Sold by all druggists. MEAN OLD CODGER, "Uncle Cyrus Meanley ae diven our Willic a peanaerer * said Mrs, Popley, "The idea !" claimed her sister, "How did he we pac to do that," "oO 1e'S fuken a sudden dislike . Papley and me!" Nip Discase in the Bud.--It is aim. cult lo cradicate a diseuse afler it has become sented, therefore it is wise to take uny ailment in its initial stages, and by such remedies as are sufficient. stop it in ffs course, Cold is the com- monest complaint of man, and when neglected leads to serious results, Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil will cure the se- verest cold or most violent cough. Blox: "Slykerr seems lo guard his han- jealously Knox Well, | dan't hilame him--he has such a 'tue bit Jeft, When in town, buy "The D&I" Mentbol aster. tt for new ic or rheumatic pains t is the aod aimplest thing and wil only sos t2sc Miss Vane: "I know he was talking to you about me. Now, wasn't he?" Miss Speilz: "Wel es." Miss Vane: "I thought I heard a Boao ot a hid a thick head of hai Ditd "Partly correct. He didn't penton your hair, however ver. Power, Heat, to Lease for a Central location. About four floors and basement WITH Standard Fire Sprinklor System. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Electric Light, Term of Yea 3- ten thousand squaré feet In Exoellent shipp nz faollities Low Insuranoe rate. COME OFFI To the Editor: "What will ae hair come out on & bald head 7-- Answer: "Don't be silty, hasn't any hair to come oul." x A "ia head ---- Old Gentleman: "Well, Bertie, how mnny nis have yeu gone = ong the road fo learning today?" Ber "Oh, we dont ae by miles ul our s¢ eM oe we figs) by rede is Bickles Anti Consumyp- So aa sie uf the draughts, or sath perature, Uiit druggists a nd at) dealer am patent medicines keep supplies oi band ta meet the demand, Tt is sant to take. and the use of it puurna- tees freedom fram. tbroaband lung dis- She: "He is a person of perfect case and | sett. posscess'on, ured is es ug aiid afl heme anywhere He: " heoever ms. the facully of making vou fret : tulal stranger in your ow house. olding Winter colds is difficult ; courted whos Sa not bard if you take Allon's Lung [alsa Bogin when th er we tins ng and not wait until - sett'es on the lungs, f then, even bee ation! 8 ung Balsam, compete 'ollel will be -------- pr NO AMPUTATIONS IN CHINA. It may occur to people that they have never seen a Chinaman bereft of an -- = uly. TE reason for this is that Gricials nuintain a profound objection to surgi- cn! operations. Indeed, (hey much pre- fer ta die rather than to be deprived of a member, because as it is undeniable that Ihey come into the world with two arms, twe legs. eight fingers. two thumbs, ete.. they must of necessity go out of it with the same number. Otherwise, onee on the olher side, they tinighk be sent to hunt for a missing member and spend the greater part of eternity in finding it. Perhaps the nearest approach to inter- nel surgery that a Chinese doctor will attempt Ls to stand on the patient's body a w bare t move about on the part afflicted. In dentistry the Chinese hove reached the discovery that the nerve is a worm and the best method to treat an aching tooth is to loosen it by driving i wedges in order that the worm may escape es To Prevent is Relter Than to -- --~A litle medicine in the shape « wondertul pellets which are known. as Parmelee"s Vegetable Pills, administered nt the proper time and with the direc fions adhered to offen prevent a serious alluck ef sickness and = save money which would ga to the doctor. In all rregulurilies of tho digestive organs 'hey are oan invaluable corrective and ty cleansing the bkeal they clear the skin of imperfections. TOOK. Miss Gellington {archly): "I hear P hag are thinking of matrimony, Mr. McG Bap McCoy: "Me? Say what do pl e for?" w Miss Getlington : "Oh, Jack! For het- ter or for worse, of course--bul this iy sc sudden a "Maria," said Mr. Quigicy. entering his me in some excitement, "I want you = xt wonderingly asked Mrs. have just been no rey 7 a. public affice." he faltered. 1 don' you to find out what 'vind of a man | really om." plea- | CLEA A NM 1 N Ge 7 , waning LADIES'. aurina Onan be done perfectly eon ons Sven Wrnaean, to «4 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 08. MONTREA!, TORONTO, OTTAWA ry QuEBEO Every Woman wh interested as and aeoald AN Ee i letnace | Saar Urry co. wa ey | AGENTS WANTED es, a Active Agents can Earn a Substaa tlal Weekly Income. tor particalars. Write at once GENERAL ACCIDENT ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, Ocntinental Li'e Bulldin=, Toronto MAKE YOUR OWN COUGH CURE AT HOME and chemists to cure co ing-cough, colds and bronchitis: _ Fluid extract Licorice Fluid extract Cascara.. Elixir Tolene .......+--e+e+: Best rye whiskey Take a dessertspoonful every two or three hours. Children in propor- ion. You can buy the items separately and mix at home at a smal! expense. NOT ALARMING. . Youngman: "I can't make th: Ing oul of that case. |----- His Wife: "What? Dr. Youngman : "Oh, don't get scart. I mean I don't understand it; of course "in making money out of it." any- There is no more obstinate skin a le than Kalt Rheem. It sometimes lingers for Woaver's makes short work of | ie 'slo, tase Wea' nk ou. "Mildrod, why did you fie in bed tll nine o'clock? vou fal me to del "ib knoe aia, | oonly wanted the pleasure of knowing thal 1 wus yeing to 6leep two hours longer." SHILOH'S Quick ease for the worst cough--quick relief to the Legge mm old--and SAFE to take, even for a c hut fa. Shiloh's Cure, Cures Id under a guwantee Coughs Sold un ni ; to cure colds and coughs quicker than any ed & Colds your money b S4 years QUICKLY! oe success commend Shiob's 'Cure. 25e. we '