Baye eo ap Mnging Re ' " F : -- a - i ae ee eee ee ee a ee ae eee ae a Ne eo ' : | Bl: ; . SLASHING 20 DAYS' SALE + : <a FROM - January 25th to February 5th. ; ;° These Will be Days of Interest to All. . E Just before Stock: taking we are bound to clear out J ¢ Thousands of Dollars Worth of Dry Goods, r : Clothing and Furs. You will find:the Goods all marked in plain figures. 2 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. = _ 4 i Suits, Sale Price for the 20 days only $7. 7.50 a 7.50 " "a " " " ee 2. 5.00 Youths Suits ee « 3.75 5 $60.00 Ladies! ih Astrachan Sable trimmed Jack- ae 'ad tS, ~ ; $100.00 Ladies" Neuter uae trimmed 'Jackets, Ago 4 es & $40.08 00 Ladies' Adtrachan lackcts, Sale Price, oe } -00 "ec " ae "i i $ = 25.00 17,00 '= 35:00 Men's Calf Coats, Sale Pric 25,00 4 3 65.00 Men' : Rat-lingd Coat with Of Otter Collar, aus d first class shell, Sale Pric $2.50 + 25.00 imication of Lambelined ¢ Coat, Fur Codar, rs on sale at 4 % © } LADIES' JACKETS---ONE LOT. : $8 to $ clear out at-$1 to $6. 50 per Jacket. -- new afte-tip-to-date Jackets at Wholesale Prices, Areca, 4 Fatey at eau Caperines from $1.75 to $15. - Men's ¢. Pou wil Nid hundreds of other tines Here aise afl ' : terest you. Be with us during this SA LE, it pay you. -- a. ities OF poet OR PRODUCE, n> a> at ae "A RUSH. GOING WITH we Cte tt ee Et he > = =a So Drop i q People's January is Stock Taking Time so Now is the Time to Buy Remnants, ant at the Of All Kinds. Our Tables are Loaded With Them and Buy. What You Cash _ Store. "Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce * Cash: or; Trade, ¥ 7 i al at ~~ ee ae te re ee ee et ee ee et Pe ee a) roa car = wee ee OTe ae wee eS ' R. THOPIPSON, T.J.McDOWELL,D.D,S1L.D.S, bse t RK DENTIST. Graduate Roya) College Dental Sur- cian Detrab Collee, of Medicine ieee over Schinbein's Store, sammie as Mu ni ind eaten J. EB Terhune Set Dr. DR. BUTLER, LONDON, Will be at 7 Ailington Ho Hotel ore towel. for Throa conbaltations pe Thursday, it th; Thursday, September thy a 24th ; Thursday," Novesies 28th. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Is T 3 New Telephone Directory THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA about to publish a new issue of the OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, including the y OWN OF LISTOWEL. of firm names, a3 ges dresses, or orders fo! Chan reet ad r du oe should be handed in AT ONCE to J. H. GUNTHER, Local Manager. XN ' ' ENTER ANY TIME, leges. WINGHAM 7.80. ca Lamar ig agg to be - -Brahmas--will_ba_the _ topi ome cand wall be ta the hands of Mr. gle Reserved pamane ABSOCIATION:--The oe meeting of the Listowel Poultry Assoc- iation' will be held in the Public Library rooms on Friday evening, 24th inst., at A. J. Collins, with Mr. W.'T, Gibson as critic. Mayor and Mrs. Foerch <<" the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Wm. Den- stedt of the 8rd _ line, itab+vorcegh, on leaves eight smal! chi -- place from Milverton to tock cemetery. Mrs. cng fe her daughter, Miss ane psd es spend the balan i with friends at Paris <a Winona, and Miss Perley has gone to Cincinnati, where she intends following her profes sion as trained nurse. ~ and Mrs. Hawkins returned to Rochester, illness o Miss Helen' Hawkins, ae in training at Hahnemaéan: left on afair way towards They feel gra' for kindly enquiries and sympathy. EvMa DisTRIct L. 0. L--~The offic- for the Loyal Lodge of Elma fo Listowebgen, Tasodey meeting the 14th ingt.,.as follows ; "A, Willongh by, D. MgB, J. Sproule, D. D. M. Andre: 1» pod. y sop, Rap: Bes, 7-0. A. Batdlernon, F. 8 ; 8, 8. 'Treas. ; Geo. Sanderson, D. of ©. 3 G-B. y Dee Lee urer ; PD, A. Tho a . ANNIVERSARY SeRviIOEs.--The 25th of . St. Paul's "Lutheran Lis! BUSINESS COLLEGE ul DEATH OF HaRoLp T conducted 'in East. TATHAM.--Mr. and Mrs. Sidford Tatham have the unity's if pen Dlg tate in the ; lots vineyard. CHAPTER,--The Roy he being. Will Robb, of pe a Bank. ill: 'eter in- tism .for'nearly a C) ting i : hela at Stratford on. the Tith " net: racing dates were arranged f the circuit for the coming season. " The following representatives were Farwee' W. C..Kidd, Listowel; M. Broderick, Seaforth ; Wm. Bishop, New Hamburg ; Ed. Perine, Doon; Ed. Baker, Toron- to; A. H.Brener, London; Jas. N Massey, Chatham; H. M. Bernstein, Toledo; Jas. Billings, Detroit ; H. Knell, jane John Carmody, J. J.0° Brien, Pért H ates were aereaged as follows Chatham, May 2 25, 26, 27; 3, 4,5; Wingham, "Seaforth, June 16, 17, ;. Strat- ford, June 29, 80 and July 1 and 2 Preston, July 7, 8, 9 SMALLPOX INA BANK.--A "Monkton 'correspondent says: Great stir and con- fusion was _ "mag ae on None evening when the pread around that small- ie eat pening out in our midst, the only victim at present qe i=} : 7 precaution is en to stay the disease, and inv entigations are tak- Pp to ascertain the seriouspess o it: Some places are already placarded against admittance, and orders given to Monkton being in two differont town- ships, but this is partly overcome by the persons keeping to their own places all the time. We sincerely hope that this dread disease will be checked before any new cases are discovered. - oo _ toe --A quiet but Dare ny daughter of Mrs. at. he Bamford of town was united in riage to Mr, George Shambrooke Dun. das of Markdale. The young couple, wb were unattended, with were extended to the happy courte, ther left on the 7.42 train for Toronto repens other eastern points, amidst shower of rice and good wishes. will be gone about ten days, after which rad igh esteem in which § Companion Cain and his g Woodstock-- Goal, Chantels ; point, Tree ; cover, Stove ; rover, Betnertaue 5 centre, Gunstone ; left wing, Pascoe right wing, Schemerhorn ANNUAL iain Royal ScAkLeT nual meeting of, the al Scarlet Chapter of the District of Elms, North Perth, was o be tinued in the Orange Hal! at Britton, At about 8.30 on Friday evening the Chapter was duly opened, W. C. in Willoughby in the:chair,, One cand in C. ; Goer T. J. Tughan, . 1aplain ; . R Wit be tween the Listéwel Gas and. Light Co. and the wel was Light Compan vides forthe sale and p electric light plant for Gnsone ot The schedule, which forms Co motion, st by Councillors Lee and | Climie, 46 aoe cind former ti Council respecting the purchase of the -clectric light plant and preparing .¢ pri- vate Bill was read, the motion substitut- ing the following im licu thereof : "That ied action of Blewett & Bray in_ prepar- ng and having signed by the Listowel Gas and 'Electric Light Company, Limited, an agreement providing ford the sale of their electrical plant and appli- ances, other than their boiler and en- gine, to the tswn, and in also preparing the drafi private Bill or Act to be ap- plied for by and on behalf of the town, be ecessary petitions or other ts on behalf of the municipality a bo ues wife, who no pains to make it a success. When ample justice e to the good things provided, the brethren returned to the hall, where an hour or two was spent in speech making, sing- ing and social conversation. About -- Companions were in attendance, had it not been for the blustry nell of the weather during the after- noon and the heavy condition of the roads, it is safe to say that there would have been at least double the atten. dance. However, all present were well pleased with the proceedings of the evening, and it is expected that -some where in the very near future there will be-another rousing Scarlet nieeting held in the Orange Hall at Britton. During the past year twenty-seven candidates have been exalted to the Royal Scarlet in the Elma Chapter. PUBLIC --. BOARD. Grgsatzation Mee anting for 1907.-Dr. oster Appointed Chairman. The first meeting ot ta Public School Trustee Board was " Id oon Wednesday night last week, present Messra. Foster, Seburger, Kemp, Gib- son, Jarett, Bamford and Tathum. 2 motion of Messrs, mp aud Tatham Dr, Fostér was appointed chairman for 190k. For four years ' nb bag been held chy Mr. H. E Morphy, who has dévoted a great deal of tume and work lo the position, and to his eftorts the present efticient aud progressive condition of the schools; beth staff 4nd equipment, is in no small degree due, He wished to tetive this year and the choice of successor tell on Dr. 'oster, who has -- an active meim- ber ot the board for the past four or five years. He thanked the meim- bers for the honor dons him' a hoped for continued good work on the td, The standing committces for the year were then selected. Mr. W, Climie was re-appointed represents- tive on the Public Library Board and Mr. George Bray was re-appointed High School Trustee, 'THE BANK OF HAMILTON. iniigges An Increase in Profits uver Year's Record.--It Hol In Every Rangest Last ds Its Own The Bank of Hamilios Presents a statement which shows a gatisfact- ory increase in profits, even over the record of last year, being at the rate of 15.9/ per cent. on the paid-up carp- ital. In consequence, the bank is able to carry forward to credit of profit and loss the' very handsome batlnce gap ante as compared wiiti $110,270 last yea The general scans shows 'jittte change [rom ast yea The deposits are pru tically the same, and in this (respect the Hank of Hamilton has ~ fared better tes the majority of institu- tions, there having been a decrease in the deposit i in most cages. The capital stock and reserve con- conditions prevailing in months the Bank of Hamilton ia to E ing the iptv '8 tomlin for said private Bill or $ in i ts amended form they le."* pie ir opine the deal per the installetion ofa lighting system, both arc and incandes- cent. He advocated oceéding with te original application for a private Bill to relieve the town fronf the opera- tion of the Conmeo clausés. Reeve Hacking aud Councillors Climie, Wat- n, Lee, and Walter spoke in favor of he resolution and agreement. The yeas and nays being taken, the motion was carried, all the members of the Council excepting Mr. Hawkins voting yea. By-law No. 520, confirming the purchase, was then introduced, read and passed, and both it and the agreement were signed by the Mayor and Clerk and the corporate seal attach Theelectric light plant will not be taken over by the town until after the private Bill ratifying the purchase has been passed by the nhegrlatats: WALLACEVILLE. The news of the sudden demise of the Thomas Marks came unexpectedly to this community. Deceased had been in his usual health until Friday afternoon last, when he suddenly complained of: Le in his head, His son John waa The funeral se re largely at- tended by relatives and friends of the departed. Rov. James Elford conducted the services. The remains terred at Mt. widow and children survive. Deceased was one of tlie oldest settlers in this section, being in his 88th year, nspite of the almost impassable condition of the roads on Sunday last, a large congregation assembled in the Evangelical church to hear the Rev, John Hauch, a returned missionary from Japan. Mr. Hauch has spent the past eight years in mission work among the » Japanesc, and thoroughly acquainted with all the hardships ofa missionary 's life. His address on mis- siops in Japan was very i i seven couragements in connection with work, and also spoke of the encourage- ments, which indicate a bright future for missionaries inthat country. Among these most important was the support given by the Emperor of Japan different institutions that were helping to improve the conditions of the Mr. Hauch stated that the pan and that the great need was moro laborers i in the harvest field. echtel ofBerlin con- ducal sacramen ntal services in the Evangelical churchjon Sunday afternoon. GOWANSTOWN. searlet Chapter of Wallace District was held in the Orange hall here on FJan. I4th, and the following -- were elected for the Ww e@ year; ball, W. C, in C. ; W. J, q C.; R.H. Sheppard, Ex.' C,; W. E, Willis, Com. Chap ; D. ,Schafe, ; Wm. Gilmore, Com be congratulated on holding ita own 8a ob: Ash, 2nd Lect. Simpson, com,; John Barnett * and com.; D, diate cl. Her.; J, G. Willis, 0, documents which may be required in relation tothe. - be'the means of defeating. but only to see his father expire shortly. . annual meeting of the Royal ae os