See eee Oe ee 'Pure Drugs Jan, 24 Morphy & Carthew, - BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 20. _ etl Balls 'Sad Gowenasoners" Money i. B, Morea, 7. M. CanTaxw Blewett & Bray . RRISTERS AND SOLICITO: oracles Publicand senha ak Cecil Hamiltén, B. A. Barrist 7, Conveyancer. "MONEY TO LOAN at 4} PER CENT ag se one is Atwood 'very' Wednesday = OR. W. Ht. BRUCE, L.D.8.; R.C.D.S., evn D. D.S. Trinity Uni- voruity, a ere Post Graduate Haskel School- at Feostbetlo Dentistry, Chi Office oved from old- ata: to rome over W. Spears' Btore. Raotrance by same stairw: Dr. Rutherford, Main St., Listowe,. R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, ONT. he Lond Fire pani thy etarears any sume from a mare stalow nies'. honvevancing o! easy term FRED. VANDRICK, ° ----em LICENSED AUCTIONEER r the ap of Perth, Huron and the Township of Maryborough, ™m prepared wl handle. all kinds of sales na ra se S08 man: Orders left at A. " 'Vandrick's store; Lis- towel, will be given prompt attention DISAPPEARED I" CANADA. Romance of English. Banker Whe Fied From' Home. .in the extreme is the tale of = Lert Bs romance sur- R. Lidderdale, - W: er and bridegroom elect, which is just_|. now ag ager Ma British public " vying in 'interedt. with the fam Druce - case, Somewhere in' Canada, it is be- lieved, is William Lidderdale, either working for his own living and that of the humble wife. of his choice or else supported in Naxury by a wealthy No whe- leclare William Lid erdale dead. At any. time he seed the next six months such action may -be one: en, ~But it will not so clive th tery. The law may be satisfied "put not yb ublic ers ma lready know from the 'aiet cable diapaichee, application ae been made to ym High Court of tice in London to determine the death of Lidderdale, "ve disappeared nearly sixteen years ago. So-many remarkable and romantic facts came searched for more inform Sends $2,600 to Fiancee. Briefly the facts are these: Lidder- = oy was manager of a West of an ance asa wealthy American eon, infatuated witty i That was the last heard directty from the nm Miss Vining's yacht, the Foresight, x a result of an acci- dent on Was more romantic than bis wooing. which {s described in his own narra-. tive? He had been driven from Italy ini 1836 and lauded in South America, where he joined the struggle then be ing carried on several small states against tho efapire of Brazil. He had with bim 'twauny devoted comrades, whom he loved with his whole heart. One day, however, be was shipwreck- ed on the Brazilian const of Santa' Catharina, and several of his dearest irlends were drowned in getting to Bhore. The survivors at once jolued the local army, led a successful attack on Laguna and were hailed as Nbera tors. Garibaldi was made chief of the captured Brazilian fleet. He paced up and down the deck of bis flagsbip, but in no victor's. mood. The loss of so many friends had flled him with mel- ancholy, and he began to feel his lone Iiness, 'His-mind turned to a outurai remedy. He determined to seek o bride among these people who so idol d him, "The loss of Luigi, Edoardo and otb- ers of my countrymen," he wrote in his own story. "left me utterly isolated. T felt quite alone in the world. I need a human heart to love me, oue that I could always keep near me. 1 felt that unless I found one at once life would become Intolerable. "By chance I cast my eyes toward the houses of the Barra, a bill on the south 'side of the entrance to the la goon, where a few shuple and pictur esque dwellings were yisible. Outside one of these by meaus of my telescope 1 espied a young woman, and forth with I gave orders for my boat to be got ont, as I wished to go ashore." DAVID N. WATSON, LISTOWEL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR PERTH H COUNTY» Sales conducted in in any part of the aunt ity. ich a presi a ph 'ete fixed Pr Standard office. = LOUIS > GABEL, ees "AUCTIONEER. LISTOWEL P. 0. | memed Sales conducted in any part of Perth ee Wellington Counties at moderate chai Satisfaction guurante a may be arranged for " Standard office, 36--0, * SCOTT & DICKSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Por Perth and Wellington Counties, Ps Sales promptly attendedtoin any pare these countics, and satisfaction guaran W. W. SCOTT. GEU. DICKSON Mcorfieeld, Oat, Arrangements for salen can be mede at Standard Office. G, T. RB, TIME CARD Traine ieave Listowel! operon Sova aa follows : WIARTON, OWEN Rr DOV ER--Going Pa aon x ma: passenger 1259 p- ee ; passenger 0 = ™. Going ne ip pttoager 8.19 am. } passenger 11.31 a. m, aa PALMERSTON AND KINCARDINE --For Palmerston: Passenger 7.12 a,m. ; passenger 12.05 Pp. ™.; pasaenger 3.42 p.m. For Kin cardine: Pas- pengor 19:10 a m.; passeoger 1.10 p. m., and B15 Pp m ENTIRELY NEW STACK OF -- and Chemicals. ow : R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future-attend to the want ot his Customers personally] Family recipes a specialty} R. A. Hunter. Cook's aioe Root Compound. en Prepared in tye degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2, No. 1.--For 0 el cas! hd is by far the best' doll he eee 0. or special cases-- legrees three eollars r box. La k you Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures or imitations ar pore 1 and No, 2 are sold Sangero re men by all \ Crusgiste in she Dox tuinion of Ca ft prios and tour's tage 0! ice an ur "cent amps Whe Cook Cc pos Win aro r druggist for Coo Sold ia ene by J. A. Hacking and J+ Livings weekly, ctr scientific 7 ti ny joarnal. Id sree Yo ¥ 8t., Washington, ATENT > [PROMPTLY SECUR solicit 7 neers and Sinare Who realize the advisab!: of having th thelr sty Faten t business ing's visiting cards, the address cut off, and on the back in Lidderdale's writing the words: as true to Reva tempts eraiuecwee niore de- tails of young Lidderdale' 8 i proved almost Jntile pe ntly it was also disco Julia Vining had lived'i in "Tiddeniale's 5 neighborhood and that he knew her. She is the daughter of a laborer, but hs in hee cir Toumstances Many THe But No Proof. There are many theories. One is that the at Miss ak (whom Lid- decane described as a creole of New thal rand Maa ee eloped to ph aah § u i tes, to help him out- of ae tifficulty of his 'near marriage to Shapman, _ ert hid notice ERPs "death" in he There ¢ mh other friends of the fam- ily alse now say that for certain rea- sons--physical affliction is mefitioned eee declared it would be honarebie Si m ather than other name to a new lifein the gti States or sought William Eobecere Lidderdale was the son of a Berkshire physician, For a profession he took up banking and through family influence secured a position as a junior clerk in Stuckey's bank, a well known financial institu- tion of the West of England. He proved a good man at the business and rose, rapidly, having every few years a sition in various 889 he was appoint- ed manager ot 'the branch at Ilmin- ster, a market town not far from the historic Glastonbury Abbey... His sal- = was a year, with a .resid- 'nee in the "upper floors of the Pre: building. Lidderdale was a man in every way. Slight of build, he was good-looking, si blond hair and moustache, He was popularand a le aoe mani at all. 'Seas and city a as also-an officer of the local volunteer re giment. Becomes Engaged. When he was 28, nearly eighteen years ago, he became engaged to Miss Elizabeth Shee a pretty brunette f 25, niece of a wealthy jute manu- facturer oomed Shepherd, who em- ployed thousands of*hands in his fae- tories at ber It was in every way a most desirable mateh for a young banker. Lidderdale insured his Jife aiso k out a He had a few thousands in cash of be own deposited at his bank, and ome shares in local gas companies poor such things. He made a will leaving everything to his future wife. The $2,500 received by Miss Chap- man is still infact. The money is in notes drawn by Lidderdale from the bank six 8 His accoun were perfectly straight » left much property behind, which has increased in value. It is the trustee of the estate who asks the court to declare Lidderdale dead in order to collect fhe insurance poli- cies. Miss Chapman will not touch any f the money. e has plenty of her heart is dead, but kidnappe . by the rich and mysterions Vin patiently sixteen She will wait She ee waited years for his return. until the end. The solution to the mystery, it bes believed by many, lies in Canada the United States But will it be sol Who ean answer? BUGGIES, Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road: Carts _ and Wagons This girl was Anita Riborss, slant: | een years old, a young womap of un usual beauty, of great bodily streugth and endurance and of an unusually fife type of Intellect, as romantic as Garibaldl and nas Sas. as he In ber labors for libert "Tt landed," a Garibalii, "and, mak. Ing for the houses where I expected to find the object of my excursion, | n I wet an inhabitant of the place whose nacquaintnunce I bad made soon after our arrival. had attracted me.ashore. We Doth re- mained enraptured and silent, gazing on one another like two people who meet not for the first time and who 'seck in each ers' faces something that will make it ensier to recall n for. sotten past. At last I greeted her with the words in Italian, 'Thou. oughtest to be mine.' "My Insolence was magnetic. a had formed na ie, pronounced a which death alone conld saul og ie young woman was at that time betrothed by her father to a weulthy sultor whom she had refused to mar As her Paha Srey the sultor were etermined, ho r, and she had no option the satival oe Garfbaldi "must have been extre! mely welcome, In a moment she had giren her life to him. Her father refusing to change her goers Garibaldi came ashore with a all party a few nights later and cues her off by force--with her en- tire consent--and they were married at another port. Later, when he was fighting for Uruguaynn independence, she rode with bim through privation and starva- tion over the prairies, and on one march, while they rode together, he carried thelr three months' old son In n handkerchief slung round his neck. Never were man and wife more pas- sionately devoted to each other than these two, and when in the terrible retreat from Rome in 1849 she sne- -eumbed-tofever_and cted Ina but io- the marshes of the Po delta it seemed to the soldier that not only the light of Italy "ry the light of life Stself bad fone o a Lord Brampton's Innocent wie. Lord Brampton, Sir Henry Dawkins, was a picturesque figure who for years five variety and spice to the dull rou; tine of the English courts. Some of his lordship's ways were unpleasant. When Lord Brampton wanted to get a ly grasp the intricacies than When, however, he meant a case to Inst then he was the high priest of In- nocenee, There was not a game or trick et cards with which he was not familar, yet when the counsel men: tHoved the ace of ¢pactes. vAce of spades? What fs an n be spades?" cooed his lordship. "it--cr--it's one of a pack of cards, of--er--playing cards, mn'lud," gasped counsel, taken aback. "Really, thoh I must ask you to put ft jn," sald Hawkins. <A solicitor's clerk was sent firing to a statloner's to get a pack of cards, Upon his return the face was extracted and counsel banded It up. "M'lud, this piece of card is one of fifty-two such curds which are cnll- ed playing cards," said counsel. "Tie card which I now venture to ask your lordship to examine ts called the ace of spades." Hawkins took the card, examtued it curiously, marked ft, plac- ba it with his notes, nk yon. Proceed, please," be said. With legal expeuses averaging $5 a minute this little byplay would cost o fifty dollar bi S "No, sir." said the self made man, "1 don't believe in biding my light under a bushel." "I don't biame you," rejoined the home grown cynic. "It would be wasteful when a pint cup is more th 1 " , 4 For Over Sixty Years Mra. Wixstow « foorn: Soormmus erae bas been weed ey millions at ne thelr sbidren dietorkea = ¢ night and brok Ee, sick Sooty paterine and aying 'Mra. Wialow's Jon's Bosttts, rep tor Wt Baste Testking. Tt wil sete ee ute mothers, ' was the fame of _trarelerand-I-st . everal i Mine 5 * fi # ae he Wheryng «Rao why not buy the best ? THE CELEBRATED PY THOUGHT IS; SECOND TO NONE. We Have the Best Line of Heating Stoves in Town. Depot, 'F. HOWES, Leading Hérdware, Stove Tinware and Plumbing Phone No. 4o. SLIND MAN'S BOFF. a "This Common Game Is of Great An- tiquity and French Origin. Blind man's buff is of French origin and of very great antiquity, having been introduced Into England in the train of the Norman conquerors, Its French name, "Colin Maillard," was that of a brave warrior, the memory of whose exploits 'still lives in the chronicles of the infddie ages. In the year 999 Liege reckoned among its valiant chiefs one Jean Co- lin, He acquired Rame Maillard from his chosen weapon being a mal- let, wherewith in. battle he used liter- ally to crush his opponents. In one of the feuds which were of a pitched battle, and, so runs the story, in the ke onset Colin Maillard lost both pret He rad his esquire to take him ip det thickest of the fight, and, furi- ously brandishing his mallet, did such, fearful yeasty that victory soon de- clared itself for him, When Raunt of France heard of these feats of arms he lavished favor and honors upon Colin, and so great exploit that it was commemorated ff the, pantomimic rep- resentation that. fg part of the dra , of the age. By degrees t act It for themselves, and It took the form of a familiar sport. The blindfolded pursuer, as, with bandaged eyes and extended bands, be Rropes for a victim to pounce upon, in some degree repeats the action of Co- lin maar, the tradition of which is niso traceable In the name "blind man's Sur Loudon u P. An, Anonymous Tombsto "Speaking of gravestone inscrip tions," said the.commercial traveler. "about the most Independent and de fiaat 1 have ever rend J discovertd in the quaint Jittle southern town of heraw, 8. C. "While waiting for a train a fellow rolled over-to-a_dexort- ed ttle cemetery across the way from the railroad station for the purpose of whillng away the tlme by reading the inscriptions on the weather stained We discovered notbing of particular interest till we came across a stone n most entirely hidden [n the weeds Thouge was geting dark, we man aged te _make out the following iv- scription "My yarns, my country, what are they to Whether 'hen or low my pedigr Thou knowest Its use; it hides no matter whom. --New York Times. Two Great Poets Who Were Blind. In the roll of the great poets of the past two who bokl tbe very highest places were for ag important period of thelr lives unpossessed of the power of vision--Homer and Milton. MDappi- ly these renowned followers of the Tuses made good use of their eyes in youth; otherwise it is scarcely poss!- ble that they could bave left to us thie ; finished etures of natural scenery and other visible objects of creution which are to be found among their compositions. Homer had reached manhood and bad written a considers: ble portion. of fhe "IInd" before he was attacked by that disense of the eyes which robbed them of their mont ed powers, But the whole of the "Odyssey" was composed nfter the oc currence of this great mishap. Milton Is stated by moat blographers to hive permanently lost his sight tm Mob aft er a progressive and warniug decay of years' duration "TPapaelt cr Lost" was bot published till ii oane it was composed when the port was perfectly blind. Lucky to Be Alive. he Woe tured one "day, now her tamb ts ficeced. ' Pertinent, "I nee that some doctor says autome bling hurts the face." "Whose face?" Careful, The. -- on land and sea uch saucy -- That cary soon it may not be Quite safe to oall the them "Japa." , AFGHAN WOMEN. High Caste--Mothers- Have = Lonety; Lazy Time of It. If there are any women in the world who have a right to die of ennul {t Is those poor creatures of Afghanistan. the upper cluss dames. They spend thelr days doing absolutely uothing. for they disdain sewing, cooking and general houschold duties. They leave the care of thelr children to slaves, and they can nelther read nor write. Generally in o rich house there ts one chief slave, a core of housekeeper, rather a grand person, whom it is al- ways wise to coneillate If you Intend having wany dealings. witb that estab- 'shment. In summer she is always ress in purest white. In winter Yelvets and brocades are not beyond her reach. She is generally an elderly Person, with considerable influence and & good deal of authority. Then there is another who Is a sort of maid to the lady of the house. She Is another person with whom it Is not wise to quarrel. She is always very much in evidence. She It is who pre- pares everything for her mistress' toi- let, as also for ber master's. It is the wife's special duty and privilege, how- ever, when the things are p: to wait upon her husband when he is dressing, to pour the water over his , sprea to put his favorite dish before him, and s0 on. It is difficult to appreciate the exact position of these Afghan women until one sees the way in which mothers are treated by their sons. They may nurse them when they are sick, tend them when they sre young, but let the boys grow to be eleven or twelve years old and you will hear them tell their mother to "chup sho" (shut up), send them to fetch their caps and expect to be addressed by a mothers as "agho gul," or "ag jon," which means "my precious an as " "master dear." Kabul mothers seldom bave much affection for thefr children er their ebildren for them. They do not nurse them as babies, end their babyhood is a particalarily long one, for they are very backward. They belong to their Durses more than to their mothers till they are two and one-half years old. and after that it is their father who notices them and not their mother. ge. Canada and Australia. Canada's refusal to renew the Aus- tralian steamship subsidy is recery- ing much attention in London, and it is understood to be ag ype chy as men and politicians in Far- believe Canada's spirited 1 r will cause Australia to thitk twice ubout the prohibitive " tien."' eing that this incident is fienant that has happened | aince the he. ginning a Chamberlain's tariff reform campaign, as it demonstrates that whatever else tariffs may do, they do not seem to make for that ternal goodwill and Imperial unity which was the raison d'etre of Mr. Chamberlain's tariff acheme, Canadu's action towards Australia has greatly illic gh the Britsh Free Trade argument that it is futile to hope to bargaining with a' c and the big revolver in the other. Business In Short Meter. "RBlest be the ties that bind," Thus spake the merchant wise. "The ties that bind the customer Are known as 'aocdvertixe.' Political Methods In Ja Lafcadio Hearn through his. wife and a few pupils had access to the lutlina- eles and courtesies, the customs and legends and superstitions of the past, which made his happiness. But the necessities of his livelihood brought him into contact with a colder world of polite, critical, practical persous, whose habits of mind jarred at every point on his more wayward and emv- tiona! spirit. Writing on behalf of a we friend, whom he considered to have been harshly treated by orlental employers, he sald bitterly: "Japanese officiaidom is not lovable, and it ts ori- ental when unpleasant. It does not say, 'Here, if you don't like things, get out; here's your salary!' On the con- trary, it suddenly becomes coaxing, ca- infinitely sweet, and invites you out for multi ia fog combinations unimagined and un- tmaginable and reed rans in a hun- Gred ways. blow sething to it 1 pity a chi letters im the government service ig a - 2 wieder Ye bearer, T mperial Bank OF CANADA. _D R. Wilkie Pres, Hon. R. Jaffray Vice-Pres, CAPITAL SUTHORIZED - -- $10,000,000.00 CAPITAL PAID UP - "34,880,000.00 RESERVE FUND = "e $4,860,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted. pecial Attention given "to this Department." © Interest allowed from date of deposit at current and added to to the principal 4 times a year. 4 wn by cheque without Savings |. Bank. | "is f Farmers' Business a Specialty, fm ° OO erence made thereon. Cheese Cheques a 'without without change, or taken on de- wi LISTOWEL BRANCH, H. C. SECORD, . PAIS Stock Taking Sale. atten te ieee eee On Tuesday, January 14th; J.S.GEE Will commence a general STOCK T SALE. All winter lines to be cleared, All AKING O clear al "PRICE S that will effect a quick clearing. All Furs Will Go at Fully 20°, Reduction. Farmers Bring Your Produce. Cash or Trade Will Participate in This Reduction Sale. J.-S. GEE. Listowel Agricultural Society F --~--o--- Annual Meeting. | ' cay sel 1 Delightta ve So- lowers, Fruit and Sunshine. l WINTER RESORTS OF The cael Meeting of thea will be held in thé TOWN HALL, LISTOWEL, af California, Mexico and Florida. Tourist Tickets at Low Rates. For further information and tickets apply to Saturday, January 18, At 1.30 o'clock po m., to receive the reports of the Directors for the past year, for the election of officers for the erumaling year, and for any other business | that ay be nece sary. a menbers | and athens intere sted in the welfare the Poa os requested to be Pireent. \ J. F. WILSC W. E. BINNING, mie nt See-Treas, Pr Listowel, Jen, 2, 1908. | NEW FUR STORE. ------4 ee | J. A, HACKING, Town Agent. A. M. SMITH, Depot Agent. Or write to J.D. McDONALD, D. R, A, Toronto, Ont. FRESH MEAT Renovating Fur Gos, | A branch of Gellman's Fur Store has been opened in the Old Royal Block, Wallace sweet, for repair- | ing, remodelling, dy eing and onae ing Furs of all kinds, We 7 first-class workmen from New OF ALL KINDS, York and guarantee first-class -- work. Nocharge made unless our S lL. KIDD & SON, work is satisfactory. be found very reasonatie. and see our work. GELLMAN'S FUR STORES. Owen Prices Sef call } Cat |having purchased the Butcher ; Business of S. J. Ste venson, are continuing the business in the Shop on Wallace St., where they handle only the Choicest Meats of all Kinds, Home-made Sausages, Bologna, Summer Sau- sage, Cured Meats, Etc. Branches at Listowel, Sound and Chesley. FARM FOR SALE OR TO PENT. 50 acre farm, being mete half of Lot No. a Ist concession of Elma. Land all cleared and in excellent state of cul- tivation, farm partly under-drained, well fenced and abundance of gooc b Our stock is inte ig the very water, good orchard, On the farm is a est, and prices m good brick house, kitchen and woodshed Give us a trial and you will also a good bank barn and hen -- come again For further particulars apply to eg eph gain. Srawford, one mile and « half east of | &. L. KIDD & SON, the farm, or te the undersirned owner. AMUEL ROBINSON, Garbutt Kidd, Manager "Dear, oh, @ear," sighed Mr. Sallow- day, "I wish | knew wotne good way to acquire AD Appetite pose!" giridimed his wife. What do you want with an appetite? It would only give you more dyspe) sla." Listowel Sash and Door Factory: BAMFORD BROS. uilders and Contractors are prepared to contract for the erection of all ciasses of buildings. Plans wpecifi- y Two Hai "TI begin to realize," sald young Mr. Kallow, "that | am no lopger a mere catioas drawn, and estimates furnished om youth now that I've got a little hair application, ou my lip.' "Yes," sald Miss Pert, "and I su SASH, DUOR FRAMES, pose In a month or so you'll have an- BLINDS, other one."--Exchange. c etc,, turnished on short iar og seto order. Everyth ie bar ing line will be a Prompt at chhsndion aad kmanship guaranteed, ret class W or! salary "1 know he's well paid, but he's one Charges Moderate. of the feliows who spend all their mon tien © Are Plenty Like Him, i | weisdae what has kept Jones poor? He's always made ao good s: ey trying to get something for noth Bamfor da Bros, seta SPO isi