ages Se ae ae Mt ot Mee ied nh tate he > Me me me wee Re Re Ae ae Ne Ne Ae Ae ' DE Ac ho eal tet > ME > Ms MOY oe Me ee pt Pes oe oa XXX. 53. saan uianit gs Te pret age aca tage agen pg co ; GOING WITH ~~ RUSH. Big J anuary Sale F January is so Now is the Time to Buy Remnants, Our Tables are Loaded With Them So Drop i Hf People's Cash _ Store. Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce Of All Kinds. Cash or; Trade, URS. Stock Taking Time and Buy What You ant at the 1 : | | : | eet i el ee ee ee ee et et ee ee ee r R. THOPIPSON, : (Dental Depa: T.J.McDOWELL,D.D.S.,L.D,S, DENTIST. ; a Royal College Dental Sur- Gridaate ap ro aa of Medicine Office over e Bevtabela! 8 Store, ae entrance as Murphy & ae, Terhune and Dr. Moc E. towel, f coaiataas Thu Octobe! DR. BUTLER, LONDON, Will be ' the Arli Ey: ton Hotel, e, Ear, Nose and Th on Thursda ah A it 29th; Fai el th ; sihareday, 24th ; Thursday, ember 28th. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. THE BE street ad entries should New Telephone Directory Changes of firm names, chan dresses, LL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Is about to publish a new issue of the OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, including the TOWN OF LIS' OWEL. pany has hed another succesefu! mick te| nn which in the face of the financial oe ne Ie Sine be handed in AT O J. H, ennai Local Manager. Lis- tended to all. Admission 1 Mr. Chas. Baker, i in the Geo, Loree, formerly of this town, is leader. Charlie was a valued member, of the 'Listowel orchestra and will be missed here. His associates and friends wish him every success in the West. Surprise Party.--Mr, John Upper was given a pleasant pac Friday night last, when his home was invaded by aparty of his friends, "eagles nearly sixty, from town and country. The ovening was spent most agreeably with music, games, refreshments an dancing. For 2 bachelor's dance the affair was pro! ced 8 t success, and Mr, Upper on much pleased at the compliment paid him. EVANGELIST SCHMELTZ BeGins His SERVICES. -- Evangelist Schmeltz, of St. Thomas, arrived on Tuesday even- ing to aid in the Revival Services now Hear conducted in the Churchof the United Brethren in Christ. His dis- course upon St. John 3: 1, was much appreciated. Three seekers at the altar professed to find salvation. The evan- gelist will continue services each night until further notice, ; Free-will offerings. A Successyun Loan Company.-- a 29th annual report of The British age Loan Coens of Ontario, Strattord, appears jin another part of this paper, The report shows that the Co! e soundness additional pia of surplus profits have been added to the reserve, which now reaches $200,900, SToRMY AND CoLp.--The mild winter [ Indivi MAIL ENTER ANY TIME. good positions. Other col- leges engage our graduates as ---- ual instruction. oh 'in Matricula- tion, Civil Service, Penmanship WINGHA Ontario report low read- and Winnipeg and Arthur re. port 26 mabey. gp eae oe aa 18 below. Europe is also suffering f cold, Paris, France, reporting 10 below. ak a who. 'fon ped Pte s has bag on Lees of the Teoarint Bank ne. fat- ree of the oash, m cently taken.over from the Sov reign by the | ial. Mr. Mar- on, of the joeal: staff, bs - BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY.-- A r plessant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. James Stewart, Alma street, Monday night, when a few friends very unexpectedly gathered at her home, it being the occasion of the 51st anniver- sary of her birthday. After having some music and singing, an as read and Mrs. Stewart was presented with a beautiful hand-painted plate and. fruit dish and jardenier, to which she replied very feelingly. Following is the address: To Mrs, James Stewart mes my pleasant duty, on behalf of your friends assembled here to-night, to re- mind you that we are not forgetful of the fact that you have reached another mile stone in life's journey. For some- time it has been our privilege to know you in genial friendship. In the varied walks of neighborly and social inter- course you have contributed abundantly toward making life pleasant in the circle in which we have moved. We do not forget that when the laugh was merriest your happy presence added pleasure to the scene, and when sorrow visited our homes your words of consolation and sympathy made the sorrow lighter. Recalling the pleasant years made agreeable through your acquaintance, your friends herewith desire you to,ac- cept of this present as a small token of their undying friendship. We trust that as you look upon it in after years that it will bring to your mind fond memor- ies . = yone days. prt ae may also bo gy le the closing stages of your life be more joyous than the earlier ones a been, and that your life in general may be as the maple leaf, "more beautiful as it fadeth." Now, in conclusion, we trust that you and your dear husband may yet be spared to enjoy many more years of health and happines, and should it be the will of Him who rules our destinies that we should never again have the privilege of meeting together on a similar occasion asthe one that brings us to your = to-night, we trust that we shall all " tay Signed on ied of the friends gathered here to-nig LevaN--Boussey. -- The Amberst- 'om | burg Echo gives the following ;particu- lars of the marriage of Mr. A. H. Levan, event fowl years, particularly in family. social and business life and conditions, and while misfortune and "'fallinys by the way' have occupied a regrettable portion of the weekly chronicle, the individual successes and the general advancement of the community, in comfort, wealth, intelligence, and improved facilities for healthful enjoyment, afford much cause for thankfulness and congratulation. That Listowel and neighborhood will continue to keep abreast of these pro- gressive times and advance still more rapidly than in the past is the Stand- ard's hopeful wish, and so far as lies in our power it will in the future, as in the ast, our aim and ambition to pro- mote. To all our readers and patrons we return our sincere thanks for past favors, and especially to those who have taken the Standard from the start, or nearly so. May they be spared and en. joy its weekly visits for many years to come. GOLDEN WEDDING, o-- Mr. and Mrs, Jonn Stewart of Wallace Celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of Their Marri age. John Stewart ued Mary Chamney were united jn marriage January 23rd, 1858, by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, Metho.- Episcopal Minister, of Listowel, The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, on the 3rd linc of Wallace, opposite the present ro- sidence of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. The jubilee of that happy ovent was cele. brated on the evening of January 23rd, 1908. A large number of relatives and friends met at the home of the honored couple to offer congratulations and to erect into the memories of their many uaintances a memorial of the fiftieth anniversary of an honored and prosper- ous married life. After a fostive supper, Rev. D. N.McCamus, pastor of the Methodist Church, of which Mr. and Mra. Stewart are worthy members, was called to the chair to conduct a pro- gramme of devotions, addresses, music and song. The chief interest centred posed the address presented on behalf of the children by Mr. Andrew Torrance. The affectionate and grateful words of the sons and daughters were accompani- ed by tangible gifts, to Mr. Stewart a gold-headed cane and gold-rimmed spec tacles ; to Mrs. Stewart a gold ring and a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. Mr. Stewart in reply expressed, on behalf of Mrs. Stewart and himself, gratitude to his many friends, and above all toa kind Providence. He recited many interesting incidents of domestic, social and relig. ious life. Then followed from neigh. bors and contemporaries impromptu speeches, amusing, instructive and pa- thetic. 4 Stewart are in Rood health and have fair prospects of seeing their ear jubilee, Their children are : Anzela Walker, Ed- ward C. Stew a. Ethel Theresa Mc- Keever, John Wesley Stewart, Rebecca Long, Richard H. C. Stewart, Miller. | Mr. Stewarthas formany years been ' LISTOWEL, '0 DAY, JAN. 31, 1908 4, Gsm Mowing Aelita i dng tin ent eng bet Steamy tein, ealny ped | CHRIST CHURCH. « e as The } Furniture tactory started up| bank of green foliage and a suspended farmers of Wallace township, andalsohas - } 4 Rev. N. A. Frrzroy Bourne, Rector. g ae b again this week. brass grill with droppings of smilax, the beon tlie township's capable and trusted % Pepa ate eres ec ; Bie oe \ Lasrowen Seep Farn.--The second | Cormmony -- ee ee H. jay eae as well as being a Justice of 4 ¥ bruary 'ourth Sunday ter]... ees TL) ee Fitba! } annual 'air of the Listo 7 ren, pastor o ie 15) arch, 'eacc. e- rt ee ck 'Bpiphan ; init tle | ealtural Society he held in tho es lagen oe nugnitonnty prwoed fa ----_--- lla. a Mccsing Prayer and in Bend =<} town ball on Friday, Febr 14th, f.¥ russels net over white duchess ; : 3 "ft 5 Mo Sermon. , mes aE Sty lg er cary Jath. Foatin with ckumings of' while' satte TOWN LINE WEST. : ¢ ee | 2-80 p. m.--Sunday School and one ' : ae "pwhite-'and black oats, Mandscheuri and | tbbon and German val an ied} Mrs. E. Greensides of Atwood spent Class. . Sg of boquet of 'white roses: and ferns. She | a few B q 2 : Other varieties of barley, field pees corn days last week visiting friends in 4 SLASHING 0 DAYS' SALE t 4 - re ie sae ci a mi tor busking, timothy red an Dew " gk phd a -- Hickey of | this neighborhood : meeting BOD 'alsike 'olf, Who wore e m M d Mrs. rtertield z. , i the rare = 'lo en Pag st frien: fae gh with val trimmings and voted pink | visited at the latter's | parents Test # ? y at fo aa r roses and ferns. @ groom was snp- Mrs. Hamilton sr., who bas been a. FROM . ' ported by Mr. Killier of Stratford, | seriously ill, is slow! : a ' + sareRe rile al ia ed = Helen Adams, daugh-{| Mr. Wi ay Hele? we les last +, " : ; ; | on séed | 68, gowned in white} week with | FY Januar 25th to ebruar 15th ; GOSPEL SERVICES. nee Ff interest to) .} point d'esprit over white silk with] Mr. Alex. Metoocken has engnget : } { » 2 Js Hall over Miss Schae Ss tendan trimmings of white satin'baby ribbon, | with Mr. Robert Menzies for a year. é F store every Sunday night gi at ck. prize jist, cab 'obtained from Mr. y, | carried the ring in a gorgeous whi! Mr. Peter Davidson has purchased a. Th Will b D i J. Hi. E. Binning; : cala lily. After the ceremony the | new cutter. 2 ese e Days of Interest to All. 2 a ER ae guests repair e dining room,| Mr. Perry Brisbin is breaking bi r Farmers' Instrrvrs |.Mertinas:-- ANNUAL MeBTine OouNTY L. O. L.| which in pi cole ee $ P| Supplementary mectings 'of the, "North Prat t---The < shtinsl meoting of the North |and white streamers. ore te Fink hackney Somers ia dandy cath . . 2, b 5 . 0, had gn t tl } Just before Stock-taking we are bound to clear out © * ay Far 8 Institute ~will bé, id 5: ge Ledeen will | roses, and partook of @ dainty dejeuper | this week oe } oer Beste Dene cen mask ees oo Sn cn 5 bot. raee of the bride. e bride's going fol : Thousands of Dollars Worth of Dry Goods, 'mace int at, mace afraog a ak [ea Speman, | era eo ware are on aged ff Si on Sate q § fen i" : [ Bul in| brown broadcloth, with Persian 'mb ast, Several of th Clothing and Furs, BS ilar calle recites at) t = cee a m nai aor nag wart arg trimmed with mink,and small mink drawn on account of ig bidding' and S 3 16, bank, 0 and t ion of a p 0) C) { with touches of 1 d I "link of : aed EWel- | cox z e ve will be} pink "au 'The. ne bie 16 "the at Sees calle badly blocked + You will find the Goods all marked in plain figures. 4 putter particulars see snnouncementa on zoe Seem: Brincipal business to be bridesmaid was a handsome brooch, to | on Scoount of the heavy snow storms. ' { t page. aS se bas 'll veil is fey meme es a watch fob, to the rt. Kenny of Manitoba is home on & 4 - CARD OF THANKS.--To the : = | Listo ve the celebration | flower girl a ring, and to the four girls an to his sister, Mrs. Henry Nesbitt. } -MEN'S AND-BOYS' CLOTHING. ee et |e yes andi toe. than probable | a Nee ; owes Oe of Listo : ; probable | who carried the ribbons, Sbeautiful fans. --e-- . z 199, A. 0. U. W. rel _Letee Ne. that several neighboring County J es | The young couple were the recipicuts WALLAGR. , ore Suits, Sale Price for the 20 days only $7.50 § eee : héreby desire to a many costly raed Rei, seg Tuey | 'The annual meeting of the Mation m Tal ora shor a 10, " am = a . nee Fa 'y ea oleae oe thanks to the honeymoon through Ontario, and on cision, samme Wee held FF 00 Youths Suits " i 3.75 & |4-0.U. W., for' their courtesy an Cee ma we vik ths Klde's volt] aon There sens the Wetel oliondian F 4 35 = si i Pe 1.98 ; Sympathy kindly shown during my stay i _ <a =, --* enehre = such meetings wal Sovatal.readlicg ok Z q Listow ure for ina, W i ? } $60.00 a Astrachan Sable trimmed Jack- p Y fins burial of aut nety care W. up housekeeping. The ont of town renee wore, "dinsonad te ie aly F ets, e Price $37.50 Y | Tallman, fot git eed ee guests were Dr. and Mrs. Hamlin, Dr. Se we eee 5 $100. Ladies' Nenren ae Mink trimmed Jackets, } of the $2,000 beneficiary beldbe tie in and -- Bein igle, of caper : Miss Bertha Sided pitt tea me Pescara p sizes 34 x 36, Sale 'P 60.00 @ ly x52) 3 Great Ruler who : : W. "ox of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Niffi- | read to tf ting b r Tr $40.00 'Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, Sale Price, 22.50 a does all things well and wisely, 'bless | Council on 'Tuesday, ppfiag:| W. Bro. J. N ie Kelly, W x i|mniger of New Haven, Mich.; Miss | ~° sec'y-treas. cf the to east V. aaa * 35.00 18,50 your order and its membership,' Very | teeve of Milverton dem: {J.-Donal 7. Bro, 'inlay, | Levan: Toronto ; Mrs. Levan, Listowel : | Poccived aud adopted 1 a 0 " " re "a. 17.00 Bb} sincerely, Mrs, BARBARA TALLMAN.» | Mr up Sete we S. W. ; Bro. Jos. Ainley, | Mr, and Mrs. Ulch, Kingsville ; Mr. and Pcie iy Gun uten, | without much di q ' : 4 aes Shee 37 bro: John Roe, Chaptain ; V. W. | drs, kner, Misses B. and Tena Rose, Met ny nay Dey: : 4 oo s Calf Coats, Sale er) i 25.00 4 AUCTION SALE ~ raga B a F, Brook, Treas. ; -V. W. Bro. J.| of Essex. The Echo extends congratn. | 28 Pi ee atc economically i i en's Rat-line Oat with Otter Collar. "s tI eee > ¥Foster,-Sec'y ; Bro. N. Blackmore, S. | lations." : conduc! y the board. Mr. a ft first class shell, Sale Price ' 52.50 qc of'farm stock stock and impleme te Sek Siraea he work |: aa T. E. "i J. ms W. Bro.| | i Pane --_ presen -- = 25. s % . '3B. Morphy, te) ; W. Bro. &@ practical and valuable 088 } peda i of Lamb- lined Coat; Fur Collar, 18.00 } whi, Pa February Sth, Bth, Fe Vand: on the - Gordon "cut od lagt fo," . a, Organist ; Bro. W. N. McKay, I THIRTY YEARS OLD. on an ie gener care of milk, for 3. week ~ been, am G. M. Ya .8.: Bro --_-- @ receiv a hearty 'vote of h . i. ier B Bent "Trek: | vy, thead, J. S.; Bro. J. Seburg With this be The Preside i 4 = 5 ; - urger, number the Standard will » The ident being absent 2 LADIES JACKETS---ONE LOT. hs M.. peers ond pas 48 costae <W. Bros. A Haw and | have completed ~its _thirtioth year of | through illness, W. M, Smith occupied i * : j u $18 and : : BOLT J. Livingstone.jr., Auditors: Bro, Wal. | publication. The fir t paper was issued | the chair with his usual ability. The } $8 to $10 to clear out at $1 to $6.50 per Jacket. a p | or $8 PE eet ary, bro. FR Blewett and | on February 1st, 1878, the year of the | Board will meet "tor "organization on Fy aed Cosi Cat Jacker Whore Prices. Allsm os ral : tae ia. ae = Bro, Sie Thornto: 'ick 'Con er oe Tito Policy. xetcumy 15th, and let the milk draw- » Furs at Cost. Caperines from $1.75 to $15. s Fu ie hea ae 3 Caps from $i-u Pp $ $ Men' . : : DR. WH 1 TF i E LD, han's effects on'Saturda ', | offic Betnard * Chapter Roy; ating rene ite'make-up, it' bas con _ ie ee cielo aoe School In. 4 You will find hundreds of other lines here that will in- ~ 7 |" New. York, Eye Specialist, tiorieer : in intns' = in paren he tor io Conger? ford, ac yeep oes hours wary planaie <n y terest you. Be with us during this SALE, it will Payyou. = 7 Will be atthe tarning to Berlin this Rook, seo ivative pr We. think shat tha | at the home of Mr. G. V. Poole, poe Fy TERMS. OF SALE--CASH OR PRODUCE. Glogann cenzrat nope, | Mist Ose ei isa nyse rer et eae geen et pibapleenessc5s-2 a . : = kon aoe i? ABVATIO' On Fri- wg J. H.Blackmore; 8. N., ae | g | i = " : ; Walter Bros. 9] rs resmsrm, jaca tecae a6) S0 anattes cor ci eee me eeretee eee i Se e Salvation y will be + Geo, Hawkins ; Treas., Comp. B. F. | roan 0 he -_ of the commun- i ving mec -- Be ; naan be en- q Prepared to Exami a lecture given. Hay of Brock P.S., Comp. J Ainl 8. S., | ity, and this thought gives us encour- | J° t ne friends | orn- ; Eyes and iy el Glasses Your ; 'entitle y Two Visits to ot: Blaslonees | ka S., "Con map. A. -- - the a pea have | ington and Wellesloy. GIS cn Lene elem et iran tng tinting | = te Indians on the Satherand; Janitor, Comp. i. Seburger Spe er eg WALLACEVILLE. The Bell Telephone Company's rep. resentative was busy staking out the branch line to this village on Friday and Saturday last. Subscribers here were rather surprised, as they had not ex- pected to see it staked out till spring. However, the surprise is a pleasing one, and itis uow hoped that the 'phone may be in use before long. This con venience is being realized as a necessity, tgking in consideration the many differ. ent ways a farmer can make use of it, and as a night service is included, 'phone is going to be one of the neces- saries in connection with farming. The Farmers' Institute meeting will be held in Giowanstown hall next Mon- day afternoon and evening. It is to be hoped a good representation of farmers will be present from this vicinity. to take part in discussing better ---- relative to successful farming, a give experiences obtained by penotioal wor Mr. M. . Adolph left Monday to take a short course at O. A. C., Guelph, Mr. Wm. Irwin, school Inspector, paid a visit to the school in this section. Mrs. H. Pommer is visiting at the home of Messrs. William and Luther inca Sacramental services will be held in the Methodist Church here next Sab- bath morning at 10.80, No Sabbath School in the afternoon. DONEGAL, There died in Donegal on Jan. 24th, 1908, Robert Cooper, in his 27th year. Although in failing health for some time, yet his sudden demise came as a e whole community. While attending a funeral some three years ago he contracted a severe cold, which settled on his lungs, and that dread disease, which slowly but surely nips the bud, followed. All that medical aid could do for him was done, fought against tho disease himself with all tenacity, but of no avail. His suf- ferings were borne with Christian forti- tude and uncomplainingly ; he was al- ways kind and attentive to those about him, and during all his illness showed that same kindly spirit. Cooper was a member of the Methodist Church, where he will be missed, although un- able to attend for some time back. A father and mother, a sister and brother, mourn the loss of a loving son and de. voted brother. We are again reminded by this death that the old must die and the young may die. Here we have the young. We cannot see God's hand, but know it must be there., Though our hearts are sad, yet we rejoicg in the hope we have of meeting in the life beyond, where there is neither sor- row nor parting, and where life = glory never end. The funeral too! place on Monday to the Donegal Metho. dist cemetery, under the auspices of the C. 0. F. of which deceased was a member, A large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave des- pite the stormy weather, showing the respect of _ community for- the de- par he family have the one of the most thriffy and progressive? men' sympathy -y counts in their. bereave: t.