Listowel Standard, 7 Feb 1908, p. 5

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5 7 eae. ; 4 | AREER oF "THE TIMES" Known oe ~ Imper ial Bank AS THE 'THUNDERER." ts : S| RQ] OF CANADA.' For » Century it Affected Great Bri- D R. Wilkie Pres. Hon Vice-Pres, tain's Policies--ite Enterprise. As ee - R. Jaffray tonished the World--Influence Was 7 CAPITAL AUTHORIZED - $10,000, 000.00 MONEY TO LOAN AT. 4 1-2 FER CENT.| Potent -- Criticisms Tremendously aE CAPITALPAID UP - .- $4,860,000.00 & &, Ruawerr. mB. A. Feared--Example of Its Success In ba a Range why not buy the best ? RESERVE FUND - * $4,860,000.00 Procuring News. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. The passing of The London Times, _THE CELEBRATED ' General Banking Business Transacted. Barrist -, Conveyancer. -- ry naiy asa yee oop ALtention on, from the control of Arthur Special 2 bail MONEY TO LOAN ar 4; PER OENT Walter to that of Cyril Arthur Pear- Savings Interest allo date ot See Othes, Mata S., sect rte! Foster, apenas, son, representing what ahr yn rates and added to oe A ig times a year. barony We ot ma At every 7 seriously paliaes: to be the aration Bank. mee may be wi = by cheque without ° ype of wspaper pu ication, marks a ca. in journalism, says The barone ----_-- | Money forwarded to depositors by mail on LZ _ BRUCE, Daring a latpy partiot sia 135 years | Sod tm2ieeMNy tees on are "mest : ' E hog arge part of its ears by _ } OR. W. of publication" The Times has "hie. ne ene became he Covativone re 'SECOND TO NONE . Far ' B | eer = ------ ee ey Wai. sistently stood for British conservat- | Caves, > i ° Farmers business & pecialty. Sale notes s collected and 384 - sHBm RODS, omg nS, 2 Trinity Val: ism and, backing by do matic utters Sir Genille only the second ------------ advances made thereon. $4 37 Pressuotl Dentintry, ances its serious view erythin , but der brother, wh: ~ . . soueeranored trom aid ate ts to rooms over W. including itself, fairly earned its title 1s seats ae ee He Ta 1880, : Cheese Cheques poet Yites Ganet or taken on de- "Ratherford, Main St. Livtowe.. of "the Thunderer."* when the missing heir was quite a e = With the first rumor of its sale it | boy. The latter was packed off in e€ ave e est ine of ---- | was generally believed that the pur- | the navy at the age of 12,°and was We chaser was Lord Northeliffe, for it | serving in @ gunboat on the Austre- ' ' a BRA ANCH, R. G. Roberts, had been understood that for a long | lian coast when the whole crew de- : Heatin St T SHIPLEY, ONT. time he had been anxious for the own- | gerted'in a gold rush. Young Gen- oves In own. AEST tor the London a Lancashire Fire ership of The Times. Report has it | ille and the ther officers were prac- ; : : Insarance Com meee Also Money te Loanin | that i offered $5,000,000 for the pro- sexily alone on board for several Siacent Onaver el wards at now fois of perty in 1897 and that. his offer was ~ pu easy term peorntully refused by the Walter "He et the navy, and enlisted in a 4 F. HOWES, 3 bay ee T= was eee in 1785 by chatalne piste tates cotmant He ie john Walter, a okseller and pu took part in tha second Nile expedi- a ; FRED. VANDRICK, | jon, Wi Gharing Cross, but it was | tion under Lon Woleeley, ie ig e Leading' Biaidware, Stove Tinware and Plumbing erm me asia May ae Pee Cee sequently serve in India. ra D a | egister. e title in 17! came ed to t be E a : LICENSED AUCTIONEER The Times spe Daily Universal Regis- fone with 'an eee ie en , Spot, Phone No 40- . r For the Counties of chet Huron andj ter, and in a short time the double } attack, when he saved the life of an ; ee shoTownsip of Maryboro title became The Times. When John } old fakir. He got a slash from a eese Bg ape to Landis at 'kinds of sles { Walter, the founder, pee in 1812, The | tulwar, which gashed his arm from a first-class manner, Times was firmly ¢, tablished as the | the wrist to the elbow, and he bears once O T d J "Oelenk left at A. J. Vandrick's sorts Lis- | leading newspaper St nan day. The | the scar vat The fakir, aratetal for n ues ay, anuat y 14th towel, will be given prompt attenti next owner was John Walter. He | his help, got him out of the danger | ---- - xe Alicola APPLICATION T0 bd improved the paper grea aly and intro- | zone. by byways, practically subter- HORSE SENSE. duced steam printing eT Seta A ranean, which he knew well. g ---- PARLIAMENT. or years and yea e Times | , ; } S DAVID N. WATSON, y pee sa aN hen one poate Cave-Browne- 'The Kind Laoag cag Naps by ~ Animal, mt : continged to aces te Its enterprise care, sppeare de Let rine we LISTOWEL astonished the world. Its influence Dee POMS rc eres te ey ox SOAs I wonder if any one can give a rea- With a manner that attracted every- Notice is hereby giv given that an appli- Will commence a LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR was potent wherever it chose to exer- body who met him. He had a mod- sonable excuse for watering horves 28 | cation will be made on béhalf of the general STOCK TA KING "teed its criticisms tremendously | erate allowance from his father at | soon as they have finished a meal or SesPrrerion at the Town of Listowel to SA LE, All winter lines to be cleared, All short ends PERTH i COUNTY. fe this period, but got into debt, went | just before goimg out for a drive, says tive Assembly of the Pro-| o clear at PRICES that will Sales conducted iw in any" parto An instance of its power was given | to tin cuetes lentor: who informed awh Suburban Life. sid first | Vince oF Setar at its next Session for ill effect a quick clearing. County. Terms moderate iy ee the. Crimean war, when Dr. | jig Spee ' Pac cake een out ot th an Act for the following purposes : 0 m tion guaran nteed. Sales can be arrang- William Howard Russell, who had Genille, his fate, waited | Place, oats are out of the 1. To authorize and empower ur i | Go at Full 20 hi duct 0 and dates fixed at Standard office. | been sent to the front, so sharply criti- | for Sir Mylles at taht de la Zouch | stomach into the intestinal canals, | the Municipal Council of the Cor- h' | i il. cized the mismanagement of the Brit- railway station, and there was a vio- | where they cannot- be digested and ee of the Town of Listowel iT ap ta fas naper that a erent sen: | Rt Scene between father and son. | must be an active iritant, and, in the | °° Pets 8 By ae op iloctrie Licht : % ectric Li s LOUIS GABEL, sation was Eborik Shroneied the a F&O. finer, which he lett sr second, a stomach full of water makes | and Power Works in ee Towa = Listo- Farmers Bring Your Prod uce. . a ae & borse dull and logy. A little at a | wel, and for acquirin iran country. those days, © | Hong Kong. . some time in ch build. ' MOPTISTOWEL Avoncyent ' paree war nudes the Gitoaiin 'ot Col, Meee and ine rar East, i fr of | time and that often is a good rule in land and or erecting thereon sock bu Cash or Trade Will Participate in This Reduction Sale. elane, it was said that The Times ' watering stock, ings, could make peace dr War at willy « (a et ia New, i he ~ Did you 'see that warning signa! | Council may -deem necessary or desir- Sales conducted in any part of Perth er} _ An oes of The Times' success | When the Boxer rebellion broke | which nature threw oat the other day | able for the proper construction and Wellington Cousties at is sor rate charges.| in procuring news ahead of all its | out he made his way to China and | as you stopped -your horse for a mo- | 0peration of the said Electric Light and J -- Batisfaction guaranteed coanpetiten was exhibited in its le won the D8; 0: ante f then mude his:| ment? As soon as it halted one fore- Power plunt, and for supplying Electric = 'ni Sales may be arranged for at cena ee of ee ke pecs He ee way to America, and the next that | ¢oot was thrown forward because ae ee mans hic enri Georges Stephen de. : 1s heard of him he w i : . - is correspondent Times eter pf Bim he was a comboy in | something was wrong and there was | ing the streets and buildings of 'the the Paris correspo! of The 'Arizona. Water as @ and was sent to Berlin speci wo on the ontesments in Kansas | Pain. Municipal Corporation, and for other ne report the Berlin congress, in ioe -- then be inherited $100,000, and | If you had examined the anima! you Manicipal purposes. -- APPLICATION T0 1 RAILWAY G T.R TIME CARD Bismarck. Disraeli, Salisbury have settled on a | Might have found some heat about the | 2 To canals cRAN D TRUNK * and M. Thiers took ats On his ar- serene idea of one day re- | coronet or some sensitiveness along the | Municipal Council to provide i in and b Pp AMERT. SYSTEM Tratus teave Listowel atation dally as follows: | Tival at the Rerlin capital "M. Blowitz 'shattered fortunes of his | muscles of the pastern or about the pad aut dy nag ode or apy: at Tay be WIARTON, OWEN SOUND AND" PORT | put up at 'the Hotel Kaiserhof, on ankle. Your friend says, "Call 2 veter- | 8°,Passed to time for issuing VER--Golng south :, eons 5 the Unter den Linden, and struck See ees his father: Bir Myles, | inary and have bim uerved." debentures to 9 an amount not exceedi Notice is hereby giv given that upon _ th painouger 12.5) p. m. vpasseane 30 = "Going u friendship with the secretary of | t ry in the whole the sum of £25,000.00 (suc! lication being mad be | B acth 5 Pastouger 8.19 a.m. ; passenger 11.31 «. m. M. Thiers nes yet a anderer A better way is to stop using for ® | amount or amounts to be ap med vr rime ca tnd ing ms age le = walt et the iy aaa s PALMERSTON AND KINCARDINE -- For He sie arrangements with him fo eareimits hr "and though pe few days, remove the shoes and let the | by the Electors) that the said deben- | the Legislative 'Ansermbly Palmoraton : Passouger 7.42 a, paeenaee t 1205 that the secretary should drop a note "horse stand on peat moss if an earth | tures or the proceeds thereof beapplied vince of Ontario at its next Gente te for | P trace of ranged was Pi feaseaiea by th the or | teager Prorat For it "ary Mt rae into his hat every day on leaving the | searching parties. floor is not to be had. Of course the | to the purposes mentioned in the pre-| an Act as mentioned in the Notice 5 congress, stating what had been done. The search for Sir Genille arouses = tation must be greatly reduced a thereof dated the 30th day of December | This was cleverly managed by Blowite | the greatest interest In the dist euag® be 3. 'To remove doubts to have it wa 1907, which appeared in the Listowel | ] : seein mn - etre tht in re- woert d Ashby acta wr 7 the heels have been cut 4:3, both ncusve, follwing lettered A lege January are, 2th and 17th, ; A , urn too owitz's. By this means rt Mylles resided at ow strai a wring paragraph and is to continue rein during ENTIRELY NEW STACK OF and the Help of a diplomat, whose eta hadi a ancial trouble 'to low ato stra the muscles of tbe | { of section 866 of the Consolidated this and the three following weeks, the CCOL/INT OF name he Would never divulge. the as- | srose, He sat on the Astiby bench. | ctrig ti Municipal Tope 1908, do not aprly tothe | said lative Assembly fill be asked tute correspondent obtained the text 3 that a London friend stride or the foot is not properly bal- | Corporati the Town of Listowel, | to include in said Act. ON TARIO Pure Drugs a __ it is stated ha fancies sade pak anced. "No foot, no horse," is an old | nor to the Council thereat, and to have g of the whole sixty-four articles and is now in correspondence with' the it f d 0 1. Authority for the ee Municipa 1] then aay wanted the preamble to | missing beronet, who has given in- adage. it further declared that Star ge not be! Corporation to purchase the Elec trical ; r] d Ch | make a Sey of the treaty correct. structions for the control of his Eng- Why not take away those cribs and tcc | for the Counci ok said | Plant and appliances of the Listowel Gas EEDERS an emicals. He went to M. Thiers sss sald that lish estate, He prefers to keep his | !et your horse feed from the floor? It | Fown before passing any such By-law or | and Electric Light Company, Limited, ; --o-- he-had-all. the treaty except the pre- | \ asent-addresa-a secret,.as life in the | Will require more time for It to con- |; a diahante a th men den : go issu- | (saving their boiler and oy for the | R. A. HUNTER having | tmble and asked the ees to fay- td country has no charms for him. | sume a meal, but that Is surely no ob- ing " i. om or ar er, to G poy sum of Twenty-five Hun Dollars , EX H I BITION fe oe : ZT} or him with a copy o . Thiers jection, and the animal's digestion will | Fiectri ee ht Cor © id Con and | (2500.00) pursuant to the provisions of | ' acquired the sole interest, will | refused to do this, but geld dat he Year's Lifeboat Work. be improved. . Electrie Li bt Com as gre the resent entered into between the | in future attend to the want] Nowld recite it for him. which he did | 7y_ weather throughout the year | How about that horse which is #0 | corporation, firm, person' or persons | Sates one Pisth day of January, 19 | Tickets good going Feb. 11th and ', dis roice, « ; % - , ot his Customers personally, | rushed home with it in his head and 197 was dhoroughly onesies. Fong | kayenous for grain? Did you ever try supplying ot which has he heretofore, sup- (which said Agreement is toteconfirm- | 12th, valid returning until Feb. Family recipes a specialt : rote the preamfle without mistake. ie b ae S hk P one of those cribs with cups to prevent 97 bet 1, gest Sam a ed and validated Cd such y Act) and after 115th, 1908S, amily P pecialty- As he could not send, the treaty by ied audi aoe M ke d the ri pe boltiag of the grain, or'have you ex- he: gh or in the Municipality of i) 'the taking over anid miecizicnl Plant and a telegram from Germany, 'De Blowitz | C295 perimented by scattering the oats pliances or after the tender of the said . .) a --R A, Hunter hired a special train to go to Brussels, A ret 'aig As aa yet along the side of the stall floor so they Town of Listowel, or ep ag hice = of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars | Equally low rates tro all stations To wee iggern nes Hagiemage me § paichto 4 iguetttation- 'were: "called out for. ser- | must be eaten slowly? Any device object the Fixing of s price to be paid pay raficita ce ore sane -- in Ontario. eA A pete Handa AL ee Ls ia Si d » for- | Whitt necessitates ---twice--ths time the Municipal Corporation for -- the 5 Times on the morning that t ty | ice unusually often, -and were fo DOr SOF PO lecting to-carry out the purchase - Weak dicned "ih Beiter hat the treaty | tunately the happy means of re aon aeeky sunsened Se putting --- -- and plant of any such Company, movie or in the said Agreement, to | Secure tickets from any Grand There was no interruption to The ing hundreds of ators he derstata "th ples noon meager 4 of ten tel reruns Ry expro ri pass any necessary By-law or By-laws Trunk Agent. Times' snecessful, career until the time | children the t ited. "Scineten a The appearance, sc! and condition of a tion of an ath cance anh rt Ls roviding for the operation of Electri¢ . . of the Parnell letters. Tt was after ae ~ a rth reat S007 " -- thereof * the "aid Mu Munici al ashe aut Power Werks spd for supply. | J. A. HACHING, Town Agent. the defeat of Gladstone's home rule | b®8¥ om Re eth Bie veeb nage q | De you stay with your horse while catice," pal } ing Electric Light and power in the said | bill in 1886 that The Times published | Ted a aril "On the frat | Be ® being shed? How, then, do yoa FPO , WETT & BRAY, | LOW? for commercial and domestic. =a A. M. SMITH, Depot Agent. a series of articles under the heading | the 13th- er li ener. ved, 18 life- iknow that he is belng kindly treated? Solie Pn ap bs the Applicants. poses as well as for Electric street lingt- | of "Parnellism and Crime,'"" whieh occasion 18 lives bane a Ist d I saw a good smith strike a horse over | Dated at Listowel th this 30th day of Dec- |" and for such purposes to acquire | -- contained letters in facsimile purport- boats being launched; whilst during head other da rasp, such property 'cia privileges as may be | ing to have been written by Chuaties the December gale 23 lifeboats were Pa sie ° 5 Ont tae wr aad tuemeg Sevan | Parnell and seemingly proving his | launched, resulting in 13 lives and | aod the marks of that blow will re 2 Authority, 'to the said ee cemplicity in the erimes three vessels being saved. Between | main for weeks. Corporation to pass a a By-law or By-laws OF ALL KINDS On the nicht of their rm bliedtion the Ist January and the 3lst Decem- Many valuable animals have been A Famous Detective. providi for the issue of dshentives ot le ve %4 . . 7 ber, inclusive, the institution's life- | permanently injured by such blows t ---- inn he fama anaone | Bs were, inched on service 60 | Gren under inte, te ert of vex: | Supenguenden ied Teaeh, of th | nat exceed S100 forthe purchase | a 2 Ao it wey , 8 tt ' times, in addition to which crews | ations switching of tall or struggling: land Yard. is retiring owing to atk 1° e said Company's E ectrical Plant 'S | KIDD & SON and eventually mroved 'to have been mt were ee in iia for ser- and appliances pursuant to said Agre = ' zt oot well and iournalist ho je o § Spain, where | os not aitheataly teaatred. detective. The rclrensantl twill in- a electrical plant end oppliances us may , having purchased the Butcher acquiring qualities of he committed suicide. Tr the action The number of lives saved in 1907 | foot and the frag to be cut away sim | volve a general move up in the ranks | be deemed advisabie and for instailing Business of S. J. Stevenso SBLE Ann = sige! eg ws Fg -- i ne by the lifeboats was 932, and by "ra ply to give a more pleasing appearance. | of the criminal investigation officers, | same in the first instance in the Town continuing the business m th tor = Fi fe ao aad s ens shore-boats and other means, aos By this one makes certain contrac- {| and eight officers will rise in rank. | of Listowel aloresaid, such debentures | g in the reali Haiped 9% which the institution granted tion of the heels, with all its attendant | Superintendent Leach, as head of the | to be repayable in equal antuul instal- | ein the tant Spit The Timea | Wards, 224, making a grand total for permanent ills. This tissue is the mat- | Convict Supervision Office, had to | ments within twenty vears from the is- | Shop on Wallace St. » the last few years The Times q } hoof expander and as such mast | dea! with convicts liberated on license | sue therecf and to hear interest at such | ' me ma . If you cannot pbtain, e = woe ae cx you has had to compete with two cent. and ill ' and during their tenure of te not eding fi d half han fcntof Cai Spee one cent papers of excellent character. a pat eg ay ae Berm loo. be chesely guarded. supervision: and the police ofheians roles oa anans thr Menke where they die only the Sake esa ' To retrieve its fortunes it took up TI - sramiber at { lives for the saving Ome of the most successful stage | stats that there has been no officer Council of said Cor oration shall direct, Srezed i tas Pace ii rutrated Catalog Mailed! 7 + with outside ventures, in a sort of = : drivers of the old time toi me in the annals of the foree who has | and dispensing with the necessity uf : Choicest Meats of all 8, ic e boat Institut has te In a ot which the Lite DORs ANSHEEEOR: Hy ago that a had such ae personal knowledge of | taining the ussent o* the Electors of ing officer. One of the most imper- 3 For suct other ii hts, powersard Home-made Sausages, lor Hangeote ip Roser tor yout : partnership with a keen American, - room--maiied for 6 cents in sta Mr. Hooper by name. One of its en- lished on the 4th of March, 1824--83 longer notorious criminals as has the said Municipality. : - and terprises had to do with the sale = years ago--has now reached 47,345. | peas fitted 5o ey i iB F batt the Eneylopacdin Britannica. 1 the institu. | he was right. Take a look the tant cases, from a public point of Sureioeitie- s° \ t ieidental to the ' Catepee Pai Mas, 0.8. A, et Ste uc beeen a Ae Tee ea ent gab lifeboats in ) time you drive out and see if the view, with which Mr. Leach had to | utove os wi joes mene ed in' Bologna, Summer Sau- - aie ge ry . # + uJ . ons e a seemed that it vaight se largely to 'pti ed et eancel gover rodhy oa ae a oe he personally en Notice d eo a2 : pas | | sage. Cured w.eats, Ete. ite Iroug this insure i Mi . te tor th ' ' operation, but before long it became | received from the public in annual | moving and yet not bit, if the collar nironinistanoes pk thle strodoas ance | Dated at tineee thir Bund oly of dune i Our stock is alw hs tl the very 60 8° involved in a bitter war betweon the | Subscriptions and donations is not! ats the breastplate or holdback is not murder, fer which Read was execut- uary, A 1908 ' best, and prices EXPenieNce | bck club and the London publishers, | neatly sufficient for the purpose. tee high ox low of the eadiie toe te ol nt Cheimsford, are fresh in the | Give us a trial and ill / Pit that the sale of books at low . you w who felt t § Do ' Acquitted forward. A better public recollection In order to trace come again 4 rices by the book club injured their _ Magistrate--You will admit that} St @ woman will at a yp Be detect the murderer, the Southend police | . gain. usiness. ; ; a you entered the house of the prose- | #*stbing wrong | sages Oe ene a 2 Seated 2a FARM Fi BR -a EB | 3S: L- KIDD & SON. he Gold Coast. cuting witness by the door at 2 o'clock | permission to give the assistance re- . | Garbutr Kidd, Manager The Gold Sanat is a long way from | in the morning? Grenfell In Hard Luck. | quired. Part of the evidence against | OR TO RENT. } F the Cape of Good Hope. The latter | Prisoner--Yes, your honor. The herd of reindeer imported fram Read was the original telegram sent --o-- ix one of the termini af astern afr | "What business had you there at | 4 Mtay by Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, the by him to his victim, making the | 50.scre farm, being north half of Lot ; ca; the former is wholly in west Afri- | that Fal of night?" t. y isalonary, landed «oappointment prior to the murder. | No. Ist concession of Elma. Lund LISstow-i en. The Gold Coast takes its nanos "I thought it was my own house. tt Cremaiile Harbor wafer «This was compared with the hand- | all sduteed nod in excellent state of eul< from the precious metal a Then ys did you, when this lady i | writing in the ledgers and books at | tivation, form py ane ot Sash and Door Facto discovered there in abundance by the approached, leap through the window, The deer were placed on beamt the his office in the docks, and was found well fenc of ry. early Portuguese and English navigs-| "Your honor, I thought it was my kteamer Anita at St. John's, but em to be the same. Once this clue wag | Water, good orchard. On the farm is a rs. wife. $ of numerous ice floes the bost obtained the skilled detectives were Soe aes ee kitchen and woodshed ; BAMFORD BROS. -- umable to get near the shere. The | not long in bringing the murderer to s good bank barn and hen house - aC peoriorn were lowered {rom the.steam- a. Mr. Leach also traced Ben- For further IB srg ge apply to Joseph Buiiders an ontractors BUGGIES Por Over Sixty Years. to 2 body of ice. tt, the Yarmouth murderer, who so~ mile and a half eas of prepared to contract for the erection of . "When deckhands started te drive brutally did his young wife to death | the farm, or mF to the ed owner. all cleasce of buildings, Plans and specifi FOR SALE used by tailtions of neathaet' $a tbe Meuieee the deer to land it was found the | on the seashore. The finger-print de SAMUEL ROBINSON. | catious drawn, and estimates furnubed on while . If disturbed at nightand broken | joe was very thin, and, in Pongo Ye ent at Scotland Yard, which is application. Top Bu gies iu xonr rest osiek cd on Reridg and eying | smarts of the men, poe, yeti practically an innovation of recent . & +. Nettie of "bite: Wreshee's Seekie ae pong ot broke through and perished. The bull | years in the work of criminal inves- SASH, DOOR FRAMES, Open Buggies, Obiidren Teothing. Tt will relieve the poor little | bf the herd wae driven ashore safely. tigation, was under Mr. Leach's spe- in the Asylum. : BLINDS, eufterer imae ¥. Depend spon mathers, A phort time later a storm arose, cial supervision, and it is interesting Now, Jones waain a padded cei, Road Carts the Stomaah and 'Bowsls, cares 'Wiad |and the Anita was foreed on a reef.| to recall the fact that owing to a But Sroith, he had an added etc., turnished on short notice. Fising Scie, setians the Guma, reduces inflassmation, Hi bottom was badly damaged and sight Anare impression upon a cash- Insanity--so mad was he d.aeto order. Everything in the bui ree ve re wines xo A « gides were by « huge ice | box brothers named Stratton He bad his brain calla padded! ing line will be given prompt arate he a . or carried against the | were pale and convicted for the -- Firat clang Workmanship ¢ teed. ee ty remained afloat, | brutal murder of an old shopkeeper Pay Da : pss able to reach Bt | and his wife in Deptford. Mr. Leach poll ni it Charges Moderate. ee: es arrived leaking | Tetites tipon a substantia! pension "What a procession is that at the os with the good wishes of all the off- | Paymaster's office!" Bamf rel B --- = eee '

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