Listowel Standard, 21 Feb 1908, p. 7

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/ F] MEAL TIME "MISERIES | hdiceica terol ts} * Ton'c Treatment of Dr, Williams' ~Pink Pills, There is only one way to cure findl- cr and nee is to eve yo $0 much sod that "the . fem good, _ slomach' will have rents enough toy- 60 A natural eal in a healthy, vig- way, yspeptics dose the megan with tablets, syrups and olher things allege ist in digesting "food, but these things merely give tem- porary relief--they neyer > cure indiges- fion--and the trouble grows worse ond worse, until the poor dyspeptic is gradu- mat starving...Ina--cuse ol indigestion | a half dozen boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are worth all the ge eg and £0-callod te aienal foods in the eae cure indigeation trengthen and tone the . ts enabling it to-do the ure 'intends it should do. | Charbonnenu, St. Jerome, Que., says: "For months--1 suffered tortures from indigestion... After every: meal the misery was: intense, so that' I finally ate most sparingly, +} tried several so-called indigestion cures. bul they did' me ono'. good. My géneral health began: fo run down. 1 sulfered e Often afler the Tight-| est meal To would: be amicted with a smothering sensation. oy Pink Pilis. Undér the use of this ie theine--the trouble began {to disa ond in less than a couple of months 1 chad campltely. recovered: myt health and ¢ well It ts blood that Nr. Wiliams' Pink Pils @ ways cure indigestion, anaemia, rheu malisin. heart) palpiiation. neuralgia, sciatica, SI, as any one." able ills of girlhcod and womanh Solr by mediciv® sptelers on hy" ae cenls a box af six 05 er The Dr. Williams' Medining & Bro ville, Ont. --$--f. -------- | 2. WIth TMAGEDY ON TRAGEDY. -- 'a Happy Reign. -- _Fitly-hine years ago, on "Decem 1848, the Em: fs The Hapsburg' family might 'sell be cellel a house of tragedy. With oc e ml Paint other members of the fam- 1}, hraneda ienaiialy ptiee Maxmitian ho--was--married ton sisier of Kin "Leopold of Belgium. became Emperor of Mexico. He was supported *by _Na- Jeon Ill, who afterwards dese¥led + The United Stales Government dtimately a in ape an, und fe nt as ito ANer 'the the sae geal of the Crown ~@xinca Rudolph, Archduke John Salva. | for, "One of the heirs-n picsumplive to the | ae: Frreunced his rights; Adopt ng the name oF agnn Orth. hie set out for America, but ssa in which! he salinl was never heard 9, . and) ote archiduke's fate is unknowh $0. this) These are only {wo of the dramatic Stories encircling the 'house of Haps- burg. It would seom as thaiigh 'grief, hatred. and unhappiness were the in- evitable lol of members of this Roval house. _ TO CURE. A COLD IN ONE DAY Bay EAS ATIVE BROMO Quinine fehtan by 'und money ff it he! sa cure, natare is un each b Alaska babies do net cry. They ity it and then give up Ane bad hahit Ee iu lhe Need of her tmnenta with tho liquid, and seulris it ints the face of the weeping anfint. If the cry increases in fore, saadoss the stoom of water. No word is spoken, no Mow! is struck . bul the victary is sure. Vow ige pe 'infant begins to connbet wee the squiriinu of water in its "pesdaiine firmly 'convinecat that the two fhings are inseparable, if de- can now enjoy a hearly meal as} Vitus dance and the head- [> aches. backaches and other inde=erib-4. rr "France Joseph Has Not Had action on the kidneys highly 'beneficial, amd usually relieves ce of ordinary lame back in # day or Be sure fo gel the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared A 'Leach Chemical Cincinna' A New Denim Cartsins EW denim curtains are with trees and art nouveau flow- "burlap, the design true that it gives a sort 0: toa ream. bul 'but when nised | t ir rt the table blossoms: of BBrISp AC on fatter cane, of course, t 8 han er. caren are not suitable sor mmer, country bows in a lar; ed because they make new: rich |e Vi people get mae t he' really w: Immediately a kina fairy stood. be- axere, ee "you- canvas she, sud vanished. Pregas hed to his canvas nd meal. ere stood he sala, tempting cinner any "But I mustn't Bim SClUENw anoth Mr. quickly "painten.¢ fine the fairy had \ tender-nearted erefore. Th *, min \ erable man is painted the: Pepast With onThis tch, however, proved his gratitude leas toon as he stepped fro: the gatho ring: ete 'dine ne es wi Rr ted Me, Pim to the emergency. Sctsing bad ms police dashed from aSeuene aA owith the th n Mr. Bae in the rtis titoughout al ayes eat The 3 Kind 'of Ligh Officer (on board Aloft there! La teen fae e}--Aye, . air? cer--Can 4 rene pad ou sls 'a ight? cutee gad Fi Ai, no pere, Well, what tight is it? Oflice Lad--Dayitght, veel trimming of curtatas of elther dentm or pasted on machine stitched sae ds the age. a ie Aer t a tox fro! The B Br. Williems' Melieine ¢ cx Brock » Ont SEES Generous Mr. Pim: 6 Ove IF A rages nea ecoregion can Aicheoue jar groaned : Mr. Pim, the unfortunate artist, who had vainly: 'trying for years t6 make- @ great painter "paint..upon...cour will become a reality," Sear $ equa hits brush, Faia an extremel Th He: canvas and auteiely vited the Boticaman anes lease. e fairy"s patrousee. cee it. oa ship)-- . A Boston weak and sickly. entire body. NOW? ey. was tall, ° were soft and flabby. His arms w He didn't have a strong muscle in his The givasen who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott's oe To" foal that boy's arms you § ---- "9 contrasting color-- Ba! Y in Smhe library eir appearante js not un---| ponienica® c eg ay the winler makes Peruna a Populares rem-) of |edy for these ailments. - tion not nang extept something is done to relieve il catches cold is to take" a tew doses "of Peruna ellatah the anak: Peruna would reak up ae cold and prevent all 'the aes of symptoms which usually how. "But, where oold has been neglected and hoarseness or cough jus developed, Peruna can be relied sate 'bo give prompt and per- manent ro ro} oe of coughs and colkia in E ae What. Gieud be done when & person He tfroub of | Mrs. H; Girdlestone erento Ont.; says: "My "dau nasty sores matterating end smelling badly, I saw Zem-Buk- advertised in the newspaper and immediately cae for a obese nahi applications could see t improvesnent, and asl nate ths tho. Zain-Buk treatment daily {he disease was soon checked. The | Tasty. sores ware thoroughly. cleaned banished from the child's scalp in a weeks after commencing gon ae Buk. ff cannot reoommend Buk too highly." Zam-Buk cures cuts, burns. chapped hands, cold sores, ilch, ulcers, eczema, Tunning. sores, calarrh, piles, bad legs, Ponce _neursigia, sclaticn, SPPSSSN and disedses of the skin. OF att aropeale. 'and Slores, 50c., er post poid de 'reroipt of price. from Zam- Buk t0., Torsate. ay boxes $2.50 ON THE LID OF VESUYIUS > a THE POWDER ULL IS') LIKE A GIGANTIC BOMB. Thousands Upon Thousands of Men Work In These Dangerous - Places. Working in a smokeless riniane mill is like altling on the tid of Vesuvius, only igerous, 4 still Stil. thousands renege ag 'thousends of grumbles and rumbles /ond quakes, giving ample warning be- 'ture belching forth ils lorrents of fire and jleva. But the powder mill is like a ire i with tons upon tons of opllroglycerine un-cotlon, primed oid ready to explode ee a score of known and unknewn reuso: -Somelimes when a 'aanees house blows Lup, tearing me within to aloms, rend- ing' the building inte matchsticks, and * ge 'uging a gaplig hole iiety feet across til ducks und gravel. it bs impossible to lei, even what ca the accident. 0 es the. disas' or ag tg the cause, when the crash | mes, it the most inooncei ee to which the human ner umen creatures can be inducs to i he as of working in auch ie - AN EARTHLY INFERNO, Healed by, Zam-Buk. ae most troublesome ise 'obstinate gworm. of 106 Fewwaen Sty iy ughter } ri ah. | % yet 'isolation yeu opprosc ited in eid in @ mén of years of exper- ee to caution 'hog it has habit. exetcised lik bodes ~ THE MAN IN CHARGE family has worrying about ind You notice he ts Resting rubber-soled hoes wherein he fc Ei silent and ghostlike, sa he o door-o of the Bab josie healed to a temper- ature 0 degrees, a pee of hot air from aihin sirikes You see what ap fotos fo be chunks ot and slabs aml wi dirty white batting paper heaped in metal pans two Uiree feet and set in a serles of spa- chous racks like SO MANY BIG PIGEONHOLES. Even now there 5 nothing in the ap- pearance of the s! ent you from Uhvowing it out of your way as it _ were an old piece of paper, and yo wcoiler afterward at after all this eming rubbish can be the dre aivaatoce aemere fifty pound: Meg nko en 18.000 ton Dreadnonght to mn. tuff to preven Yet the ca eee sudden jar egainsl even a pinchg6t this eaten appear- ing subslince and there would be fash and a crash that wv mat shake the naga for miles around, and nothing bet a pall of smoke drifling skyward he remain of agains and oiig would be annihilated. es canes VERSE Se a A gentle word,- gently O!! saves your face 'iy a broken, he man who can say "yes" and T "no" at the right time has, a sufficient |" command. of janguage. ------------=--=--=z------------_----_-- . J HOaDS ol ped ger Sa nd coady. to Nast horror, may seem past: Cai cit mb dried ser scd by Mr. Lowell m DRINK PLENTY WATER ~ oe as you bh one }or-if-your back aches or you [eel that ouse. or mee The slightest -| grain of sand underfoot to cause friction There They are. Dificrent tw Us, 'Whether or not there is life on Mars ity of the existence some kind of ars will exchange intelli- he could not attempt to draw an in- aginary picture of the "Martian crea- at is coriain Sarid if there are ang " he said, 'they on ae Sntraty ditverant from Gatthing tha we know of at present iat their forms cannot be even imagined NEED STRONG LUNGS. "It is also. certain: that their breath- ing eapparalus must be equaily inoon- ceivable to us, for the air on the planct isfermore rarefied than thal on the summit of the highest mountains in the Himalayas, and the temperature Is ex- tremely low. : id, in my' lecture, Schiaparelli, who discovered the peculiar markings on Moers in 1877) called them 'canali,' but the ward did not mean canals at al, but hollows or channels. In my opinion these markings, which can only cumsiances, - a but are probably a ser: es of na- formations. A series of such for- atl which would appear_as 'dots' cou'd easily be mistaken for a siraight line. ASTRONOMERS DISAGREE. "Mr. Lowell, who has studied Mars from Arizona and who sent an expedl- wtienty miles high, and the object lo be seen throngh a lelescope of the pow- ust measure at Teast twenty miles in one of its dimen- ions." -------- $$ KNEW THE SEQUEL. Mrs. Grinkam--John. I think you might as well gel ready to go for the Grinkam--Who's ill, now? Mrs. Grinkam--No one, yel; but I notice that mamma has just found a new patent medicine almanac, and is reading the page of symptoms. TRLLS HOW TO CURE RUEUMATISN AND THE KIDNEYS. d. | Gives Readers Advice--Also Tells of a _ Simple Prescription to Make a Home- Made Mixture, Now is, {he tinie when the doclor gels and the patent medicine manu- facturers Fenn the hervest, unless geet care is taken to dress warmly and keep he a eumatism and Kidney trouble wea- ther is here, end also tells what to do in case of an attack. Get from any good prescription phar- macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar- go ounces Compound Syrup Sarsapariita. Mix by shaking in a bol. snd at bedtime, Also drink plenty of water. You can't drink too much of It. Just try this simple home made mix- ture, and don't forget 'he water, at the first sign of *Mheumalism, the kidneys are not acting just right This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain ee or all forms of Rheumatism, which ts caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to filler out. Any © Lean easi! "4 prepare this at home and at rsmall cost Almost any BS in 'the ameller towns can supply f ingredients nomed, as they are commonly used in the § P Soh ---- . Yo nol delay in gelling relief for the little felks, «Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator is a pleasant and sure cure. li you love your child why do you iet it suffer when a remedy is so neur at hand? A railwsy through the mountains north of the Adriatic Sea, comstructed by the Austrian Government fo build up the trade of Trieste, though. only 136 miies long, has 679 brids ues and via- ducts, It atso runs through forty-nine tunne There sre a number of varieties. of Holloway's Corn Cure will re- move any of them, Cail on your drug- gist und gel a bottle at once. The cotton handkerchiefs provided for French soldiers have printed upon them a number of sanitary precepts to ah -- on the merch and during mpaign, and are further decorated wil ith medallions containing pictures of . the different uni- forms being so that a French private can lell at once fo what grade any officer he may see belongs. . ic possibli- |- ta ike lea of Sir Devid laughingly declared that]. is and take a teaspoonful aller meals}, Laxative Bremo Quinine gare Tur weatn even Ye cunt 2 bere m cum mat. Always remember the full name. Look CU. foe' this signature on every box. 25. We Will. Send You a Genuine Oriental Rug for wie Dollars oe iH "-- 5 te £8 4 bome fs Canada should have one or more nine © ulia omy of rng! Sots We make a special bargain of two of our Py yalar small-sized ra; Thoy ao suitable for door mats, bath rooms, to lay in front of fre; 23, oF pianos, theea are nice in bed: er for foot rugs, Ono kind is 2 to 8 fect heme cs audit to Ip feat wide icalled Anatolian runt seraed by the tatives of Anatolia, in Asin Minor; 1 Bea on account of the soft Sonera y of the colors; many of them are antiq éharges $2 prepaid o t a spect. , each a is 3to Persia, while inet sheen eh ry 'Anatolinns, they perpoces. 'They are in attractive patterns receipt of price, 'each tetas and colore: cent Yulted. Sent o: 4 feet lon Spend + to 8 fect wide made in are usefal ame way and for tho same ry Canada' Whenerer you want quotations ony, dnqulry. 9 We send rugs of any size and ¥. rom We have the largest stock of Genuine Oriental Rugs, Art Goods and Brassw on any COURIAN, BABAYAN & CO., 40 King St. East, Toronto. fing in our line wel will be glad tc to answer VENTE 4 JOHN HALLAM ~ HIDES MISSED. - Bess--There's one pleasure denied the rich. Téss--Whats thal? Bess--They can't go go Dargai hunting. A CHANCE 18 NEEDED. acwoek th long. winter one needs a chang Why when "The Wel- land" at. Catharines, offers manager, St. Catp- ile or ny Agent of Grand Trunk Raf- There may be hy hypocrites In , life church--but think of the vast sia oulside of it 'There $e. ne-queh tht = Ratan harmless ae An orchid {that b takes a drink when- ever : aga thirsly by letting down o the walter ts a botanical-curio- sity which grows 'in South Africa, The tube, when no use, is coiled up on top ot the plant, Mild in @@helr Action.--Parmelce s |, Vegetable Pills are very mild in their action. They do not cause griping In the stomach or cause disturbances | 1ere as so many pills co, Therefore, the most delicule a Pigroe them with- ~ fear of unple t results. They an, (oo, be ctenturiste red to children witjout imposing the penalties which ollow the use of pills net so carefully ecole Immaculate Housewife--"My good man, did you ever ae a bath?" Un- washed Tro "No. I've never took anything biggern : silver spoon." ITCH, Mange Prairie Scratches and ur animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel- ford's Sanitary~Eetion,... IL never falls, Sold by all druggists. "Lions, tigers, and other beasts ef prey at zoological gardens and mena- geries follow the example of mankind in eating by day and sleeping al night. In their native slate these animals sleep | away the hours of daylight end bunt for their food at night. | Great Medicine--Tonti, one of the) «& pioneers of French aed lost a n hand | and wore an iron hook us a substitute "| He was in the habit of taxing the ears | ot refractory Indinns wilh this tren | hend. and they have reimarked that it was "greal medicine." Dr. Thermas' Eclectic Oil is greal medicine: it takes hold of pain with an tron hond and knocks it out of the system. There isn't much hope for the man ivinee himself that better than his who is unable fo cor he isn't just a liltle neightor. Ie The trouble with "mnasi true stories 'g! that it is necessury to add a few Hes in order to make them interesting. who are mado een, Pre Import ied' fn the "tacs thai " Verrerpa beat tonic ever oom ie gives react and alls sili Inside the Cat HE little boy had promeet te wetch -- the old lady's cat and while she spent the "afternoon visiting Upon the lady's return she imme- stall boy. He ded her o beset, with tng a nares ah de) to i ree se T anzlously pur- nigel sil the open wif dis« Paide. seebd the bar right," sae oe eee I's cod fo take things es they come if they are coming our way. The average ano of ivory obtained from a single elephant is about 50 Se 5c ES Fae 4 Jewsiry to mala 18008 cue Wh every form of contagious Itch on human j i = CARPET DYEING = apecialcy BRITISH AMERICAN DVEING ca dierene Bex 6%, Montreal. wit tenes you thes xe a ee ae mi) Mrs. c., PECVIDENCE,. Ble u. Ga Hust ond--"You don Mrs. Sweetie." Wife--"Tho q I hale her! Next time wa meet her only once, and J shan't osk a her baby." rs. Buxom--"That hateful Mrse Knox made a very mean comment up¢ on my ago lo-lay." Mr. Buxom--"Did she say you were gelting old?" = Mrs, Buxom--"No, indeed! She said [ 'still looked quile young.'" A boitle of Bickle's Anti-Consumptiv@ Syrup, taken according to direc will subdue a cough in a short time, This asserien can be verified by hun dreds who have tried it and are pleas fo bear lestiinory to its merits, so tha ali may know what a splendid medig eit Is. Mt costs you only. 25 cent fo join the runks of the many whe been benefled by ifs use. A woman's curiosily is a ; Si ty that of a man who says he hasn't any. have WHAT CAUSES = fat) to May, Colds are the most f Saami Fe 'ache. Laxative IO Me. UINLNE removes canie. ae An undertaker is probably so call-: ' Lecnuse he eventually overtakes i ; Test of mankind, of eczoma Pore k jee tvon'., ia toca ~ il pend pb Jerid blood DONT, The Dentis!--"Now, Johnny, brace Up, iii be all-over in a minute ; Boy--"Yes, bul--gee, think of that minute," They are a Powerful Nervine--Dysy pepsia causes derangement of the nervy. dtebilit PILES CURED IN 6 Lee be. DAYS. ous system, and nervous ' PAZO OLNTMENT {3 gurrantowd to curs any cuce engendered is dillicull fu dea lind, Dieting, or Protuding -- en «Speen coven : tals tise in Stotedaze or money rofanded. Sc. -, With. There are many teslimonials .) the ellicescy of Parmelee's Vege 'tab Fills in treating this disorder, pe that they never fail to produce gi results, By giving proper tone to the, digestive organs, they" restore equilly brium to the nerve centres, BADLY TANNED. "Ever Been in Siberia?" asked the 7 porter. "Er--yes," answered the dislinguishedy Russian refugee. "I took @ knouting there last summer,' pounds. \ a ee! Neane 1 poe will pigs:

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