Listowel Standard, 28 Feb 1908, p. 3

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ot A despatch from Ollawa says: Sir Wilfrid Laurier has given the following nolice of motionY "That it is pear to provide that the sum of $300,000 appropriated towards the preservation in a suilable manner of the historic bat- tiefitld of Quebec in connection with the (ealaagmands of the: suid cily of Q thes amount will be handed to a commission of four or five men, who WHI have authorily to devote a por- tion which they decide upon-to the ter- centenary fund and a portion to the ballloflelds park scheme: The Province - Of Quebec will contribute $100,000 and the city of Quebec $50,000. In addition cther Provinces have promised .cisink and as ave 'ate tions amount to a large s ere is Lite reason to doubt that ventaalty the ag- ito amoun suficient to 'curry out the project on a scale worthy of the events it is in an pees clude Sir George rammon real; Byron E. Walker and Colonel G. T. Denison, Torento. lon Adelard Turgeon and Mayor Garneau of Quebec have been mentoned as possible addi: Senal members, a YOUNG FOLKS HiS CARNIVAL, _ Little Davio Baker's father was going & Montreal to the carnival, and Davie a ice pulave und the tobogganing. hou he cried a lite about it, grand- "she would have Billy, the echere boy, think up something thal would Ee much ae hey decided to have i carnival of (heir own, Billy and Davie, efter much consid- rh ering, begen preparations. There were two yreal, walering-tubs in the prt where the horses were watered. It wa ould weather, and al night they were frozen over an inch or two in thickness. and through the d: nol disturbed, 7} ly got two or three empty yraiuboxes.--big. shallow -Ones.--and afer honking snow round tham fo kes tien from leak: ng. he pumped then full of water and let thm freeze dver, These ico-cakes B lly curefifly removed os often as he cauld yet them [e-zen, and with n three days, by ocons:unt watching, he had many, a5 cloar os erys'al, crove duwn pairs of tall stakes at tho corners, ard as many along the sides *s were nesded. an The preat ice-cakes were then dropped into place belwen the stakes, forming transparent walls. On the lop of t "svalls single id. and more iee-cakes laid over them for u rouf, Al in early stage Davie hed written thig Invitation lo the beys of the Bit eecanatan jwaving one 7 at each doo: hoe For davie Bakers carnival bring Yure bowguns 'Nita i thursDy had been moneyed he storeroom there The fall before ear. and in t - from 'illuminutions." Mamfa gave Davie Billy made a.cross and tacked rows the four eayes and down the corners. Two big p les of dry branches cre in the procexiings, 4 whole boxful of wax condles: tefl ore - A nou 'up from the Revit of his pocket, with 2 handful of aconn shells and ginger. ead crumbs, That quenched Davies spirit al once, and he stoutly resolved hat he would learn lo spell batter be- {cre another year,--Youlths Companion. ---),-- -- MURDER FOLLOWED FUN. Ttaliqn Quarrel #1" Back -Yard Ended by Stifleto. A despatch {19m Montreal says: An [takan named Antonio de Lucca wae foully aurder another Ital. two mon, who out of work for soy ello had his thumb 'Titten vot by an who then drew his sliletio and stabbed =| prostrate Lucca." His stiletto plerrcs h- victims heart, who expire! ab on Viti then coolly anose, wiped his wit ello and disappearet. . IMMIGR! diate RETURNS. - Nearly a Quarter ENS a "Mililon. Pecple in Last Ten Months, E A a the first jen qmonths ¢ urea ae hs cal- year, ending with Barnet tal cmmigrateon to Canada Was: 240,855 835, se cf hing drink Be sick people follows: Make a strong cup eon is made 1 coffeo, Jadd cream and a litile more sugar thin usual, and let it all come fe a boil. Then pour ft over a well- from the woods were heaped u ut le distance on each s ithe 5, Iwas a yery sill! night, iL wus aan the boys came, all bund- led up, and tho fun began. Billy first lighted. Innterns and sel them inside Uhe then he lighted all the candies, and last the bonfires. and twinkled and As_800n_ as} How flared glitlored! Great clouds of sparks from the bonfires went sai!ng up almost out of sight, und such shoul ny and whoop- ing anc dancing was never seen nor an bour the children coasted down the hill near by and ran races on their snaw-shoss; then Davie's mo- ther sounded the hom, and they all fosked into the dning-room, where there were greal plaics of apples and buns and snowy corn-balls. They all thought the "carnival" just splendid, nnd declared that they would have one every year, But a very tittle thing came near spoiling it all. The "ys had come armal with howguns and bows ond ar- rows, and evcn p>p-guns ef all descrip tions, much to Davie's ament, "Row-guns!" he cred, in disgust. "I sad 'boggins! Terl oggins!" But one of the boys fished his note "When the scum arints re ainesiors ty for about an sae then strain it through a fine sieve o: napkin, let it stand ten minule: to Gee the clear tea. y be boiled. till it is thoroughly tender you may mince it and pound It omi make An excellent way to boil an egg so as to have it soft and fluffy, suitable for con is to cook it eiglit a The a in the kett'c must he ng. Carefully place the egg-- which. feeclanaly has been dipped in warm water 'o remove chill, as sidden change in temperature would crack it-- tn the boiling walter, and cover, leav- ing upon the hot stove io get the heal. } Al the end of eight minutes take egg {rom shell, salt and butter to taste. and you wif have a soft, palatable, casily ai Russia's programme of navai recon- struction: involves an expenditure of $1.078.090, The Sultan of Turkey has assured the Czar's Government that he has no de- sire to quarrel with Russia. TERRORIST PLOT FRUSTRATED -meomeFesperate len and 'Women Arrested at'} St. Petersburg. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: ih i oourt-martial trying 'the generuls the si Wer of Pert Arthur de ares its judgment on Thursday. Gen. Stoessei was i rd obs be shet, ana Gen. Fock = reprimanded. Gen. Reuss and Gen. Smirnoff tg von Meo At 8.39 the sock entered by |S it. be ae Ses Vodas' the sae walked to "centre of a dats, and: stood Bawiein the portrait of the cz , silence -in- the court room, for a suppressed gasp when Gi Stoessel as condemned to death for surrender- ing Port Arthur before all means of defending the fortress had ex- heusied and a t the, protest of his fellowofficers 8: without the oe of its commandant, Gen. TEN YEARS IMPRISONMENT. The court had, however, Gen, Vodar annw petition winced, to the Czar graciously commute the sentence c . = years' confinement. in a fortecss | thur, beset hy overwhelming forces, de- fenced iiself under, Gen. Stoessel's leadersh:p with a slibboraness which asionished the work! at the garrison's hero. courage, several assaults Were repulsed with the infliction of nie mendous les-es on the enemy. that & Sticss 1 'hr ughout the sege soteined {he courage ef the decmders. and that he had: on. ean y hres campsign Al the declarali mm that he tdged worthy of death, Gen, lace' betrayed purticipaled in was ad- Steessel's momentary uneasiness, tul cthiewten he was outwardly unal. , and he stood with soldierly rig- idity, with his eyes fixed on the presi- den court, Gen. Fod sk, whose reprimand was for offences against discipline, was grimly unmoved. Gen. Smirnoff looked quietly egy and Gen. Reuss' eyes filled with | he dinette the senfences were de , Gen. Stoessel. received sympa- thelle embraces and handshakes from | busy months numerous f: He left urt room. leaning on "tho shoulder . h's san. who was also a military. office: - at the co 25.--M Whea » $1.16 34; No. @ horthern, Ontario' Wheat--No. 2 te ie 'outside; Fag 2 red, Hays Bie, Re ; goose, Sic ene y--No. ri "Ric 10' 72c, pee o quality. "pgp 7c, none offering; inferior, 626 Peas--86c to 87c. Rye--No, 2, Bic to 85c. Buckwheat--No. 2, 653¢c to 66c. Oats--No. 2 while, 58c te 53c oes Sic on track Toronto; No. 2 mixed, te 500 outside, Flour -- Manitoba grape special sramds, $6; seconds, 85.40; strong bak- ats' $5.30, Winter wheat Beet, very dull around $5.50. Bren--Full ' cars, $24 per ton. When esha the price ranges from Shorts $24, ied bags. -- COUNTRY PF PRODUCE. Poul Young Turkeys cre choice. iptbetees geese oung geese .... 2. b> eevee) SOLOT1 Young dicks .... ....... aig to tie Chickens, choice Gabe ce veves CW LIC SQW rica scan secs seeee fo 8 iherlor peng and fowls +.» Sto 7 Butter: creamery. pr: sere ae vee SOClo Sie do 561 keel wasicvscs nese SOO WOOD Higa ints; selects, 25c- to la Chee:e-- Steady at 13Xc for wa! and "Xe for twins, in jo Beans--F! o Pp per bag in car "cr pound for und pails, and 12c t2 130 for he to noone pails. Combs +t $1.75 fo $3.50 per dozen, » Bated Siruw--Show: at aboul $10 per le oy track here. led Hay-Timothy is ig at $16 k here. ficrsit in car folsom PROVISIONS. 5 > "Pork--Shert cut, ar to '$22.50 'per | sei varrels: hed $18 to. sspateh Tiam eines says: eae : : and Se ees Rolled Oa' rent reocipis, 28¢ to 29c. rd--Tierces, Ke; tubs, 90) pels. : ree per one 'nciuing bags, $34. 4, 480; igee a ase Mane oe 49c 49360 ushel. Eggs--American fresh, 30¢; Canadian Selects. 27¢ to 28c; Monireal limed, 2ic tr 220 Rarer westerns are ing at 13c sig asc or white, and 1Si6 colored. ta 13%c for Butter--Grass goods, 290 to 3c; cure cut-mess arrals shor! $22.50 50 to $23; half-barrels, $11.75 to $12.25; clear fat backs, $23.20 to $24.50; kmg cul heavy mess, $21 to $24; half. barrels do., $10.50 : Xe: 14 15}¢c; fresh killed abatiotc:. We: hams, 12c¢ to 13¥¢, accdri- A to size; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15c; Windsor undressed sega $8.25 -1o-$8.50; BUFFALO M: O MARKET. Buffalo. Feb. 25.--Wheat chised: Spring dinar firmer; No. 1 Northern, $1.0534;_ No. + $1; Winter, otey: Comintern No, 2 yellow, 62c, Strong; No. 2 mixed, 52%c; No. 2 white, Bre. Barley--93¢ to $1.08. Rye--No. 1 NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New ee Feb, 25.--Wheat--Spat firm; No, 2 red Puck clevator; No. - red, 9$8c [.0.b. afhat 1 Duluth, $1.12% f.0.b. 'afloat; No. 2 ure winter, $1.07 fo.b. afloat CATTLE MARKET, Toronto, ig 25.--The oxport trade = show ral being' Reise forward, The prices aes from $4.75 to 85 per ewl. for good bo og ice. af the small arrivals of sutchers? caltie, choice offerings sold 4s nah as 35.15 per cwl, lueds were worth $4.60 to 85; and com- mon and medium loads soki at $3.50 to $4.50 per cwt. For the best cows $4.25 per ewl., was paid ip several inslanoes. The range was $3.60 u mmon and medium cows brought. $2.50 to 83.50 per cwl. lulis were quoted at 82.50 to $1.40 per ewl" Choice milch cows continued to sell at $80 lo $50 each. Medium and com- mon were sold al $2.50 to $3.50 per ewt. Export ewes sold up to $4.60, and bucks were quoted at $3 to _ per cwt, Hugs were unchanged at $5.15 per ewt. for selects, and $1.90 for lights and fats, ---- IMMIGRATION PROSPECTS, Shipping Men Believe Business WAH be Greater Than A deapate from Montréal says: Ship- recel' word that the John during March beoked in second Port" Arth kaye been heavily and third classes, tis, moe tats No, oe 1 Gives Notios af Mation in House "On of Commons. | mm--Firm; 3 yellow Aimerican, "3c fo 6346, Toronto freights, Okt corn,« ts on track here. Honey--Strained 'steady al lic to 2c water. E 'ings Abas the a, year. | Manitoba proposes to fine m i eS municipal councils for the failure the @ proper sort of aninais t Derlin publlo Ubrary hes 9.231 vol umes, oda REE R Sh maine &t Keewatin, ts Hastings House of Refuge at Beile- 49¢ | vitle has 24. inmates. Montreal treal refiners. have reduced su- gar 10 cents per 160 pounds Prince Edward come. doctors haye decided' to increase their 'Guelph Horticultural: Sostiy offers prizes for the best-kept lawns. The population _of of ureh is 33.00, { the sssesame: Canada collected in: duly sy ois $3,930,941,.a decrease of $165,847. -- Canada's imports for January tofal- Aid $23,084,563, a decrease of - Canadian exports last month tolal- led $21 676,782. en increase of $4,031,- 517. Immigrant inspectors find that im- migrants with femiiles ere hardest to Place. Brantford is clearing eul its -ccllars in anticipation of tho freshets of the Grand River, The Montreal Shippigg Federation } 13 decided to cael down 'longshoremen's wages this spring. Minister. of Marine proposes -a Subsidy. a rapa per year for a di- rect line een Board is peli- the Government to make the webcc bridge 190 'ha, above tide The aay Hamilton foundrymen claim their moulders~are~paid a rate higher than 4: paid elsewhere snd propose a reiuc- mn, Obstruction tactics in the Montreal Expt have aldatats Shoe the Mos tease of who removed from the aneats. yor eh first ten months of the pre year Canada's 'customs col- 'eatone moti 5 $49,251,155, 4n increase of 8,451,816. The annual report of the T. a) & Northern Ontsrio Rallway akcered On increase of $16,581.45 in net earn- embers any ssa eeraead fo check us "weeds. enman of Paris, Ont.. offered to pantribiite > filleen thot Joseph Gilbeault died in Cobalt Hos- '| the row for six hours, 'and had hands t frozen. aqbrant county jell Bis twenty pris C.F. {he story of 'the Montreal ing Hobeika, who is en nocent. Allegations 'of © fhe ' Montfreal- Street Nailway Seay thal "the civic pay list for remoy: snow was padded will pebehly aenelt in 'an investi, tion of civie affairs .at Montreal. Lo en at Quebec are reported te have determined -on an' increase of five cents an hour when navigation opens, and the demand may cause the fo make Three Rivers the ter- minus for its Atlentic steamérs, "~~ Mr. Daniel Jackson of Guelph received word from New York of his son's death, iga- with a request [rom a firm of undertak- ers lo send for funeral expenses. Afler the money was sent a message was received from the son, saying he was all right. GREAT BRITAIN. It is rumored in London that Tho Times may be offered for sale ut pub"c h Government will probab ly carry cient without alteration tho naval programme presented by the Ad- mirally. UNITED STATES. The question of giving voles lo wo- mea is now before the New York State | Assembly. i paged men were killed in on es a powder mill at Wharton ee Ohio teacher punished a = "for violaling her rules by, driving a tack ae his tongue. mond rings valued al none were stolen in broad ei ag from fotpanrs Eye aaa stor S. Cox, a Philadelphia broker BF Paints with forgery, fought the de tectives who came lo ar rrest him and attempled suicide. Celia Peterson, a girl - . - rested at Chicaga, told the police had taken part in fifty roto roll Four white men and over twenty-five Chinamen were killed in on explosion in a powder mill at Berktey, Cal. French ouiposts at Casablanca have been routed by the Moors and Gen- eral D'Amade"s .communications cut. The Detroit (Mich.) House of Correc- tion cleared last yesr $35,000, which will be turned into the city treasury. The commerce of PA increast of 10 per cent. on the commerce of i Col. Thomas F. Kelly. a noled Fenian leader, escaped from the British police at Manchester in 1867, is dead et New York. During a dinner party at the home of Frank Jones, of Memphis, Tenn., Garret E. Lamb and wile. guests, of Clinton, Se were robbed of jewels worth §20 Relations between Russia and Sweden have me strained hecause of Rus sia's establishing a. naval siaiion on Aland Island. A flerte campaign is being fought out in Italy on the question of religious eae from won ie Teoeived by a a ure He lay helpless in EN one: in the Government primary TANNUITIES): =| Mr. Fielding Gives Notice of Measure in - the Commons. A despatch from Oltawa says: Hon. Mr. Fielding has given nolice of a reso- + hu! for the establishing of n system of Government annuities. The resolution states that it is adviseble to i annui- pnui- = an dollars nor more then six hundred dollars per year, the annuities to be purchasable either {he rate of interest to be allowed in nultant to be repo to y jer defraud creditors, who, upon jycomputalion of values in the tables which are the basis of such purchases; such-annuilies lo be payable after.the annultant has reached the ago of fifty- five years or has become disabled; should he die before the annuilies are payable, the moneys paid in by an an- yable to his heirs, with three per cent. compound interest, The property and interest of an ennui- tant fo be unassignable and to be ex- empt from legal process, except contract be entered into and consideration there- for paid, with intent to delay, hinder such intent being eaudidiet, shall have the Tight "A er present worth cf the annulty." CHARGES FOR CARTAGE. Railways toIncrease Rates to Two Cents a Hw A 4d tch from Montreal says: Oa March 1st Canadian rallwaya will in- creeso the carlege charge on livery of consi ts of freight froni one and a helf te two cents. per hun- dred pounds. This increase has been rendered necessary the enhanced pe of delivery due to the greater - ol bk ge keep of horses, and other es, whi have led the big delivery R. states 'that the | increase will not meet the amount charged the railways by the cartage companies, which is well In excess of two cents per hundred poun --_----_ ----_ SUNDERLAND LABOR TROUBLE. Drafted in to Assist the Local Police the railways. he Artillerymen A despatch from Sunderland, Eng- -- says: In view of the recent de- te a" the unemployed here, whose € being augmented daily y the pa tlt allied to the shipbuild- i trades, 300 men from the Royal Artillery garrison have been drafied to assist the police should occasion arise. The engineers went on strike two days ago, afler voting by an overwhelining majority not to accept a reduction in wages. --_--__---_--. SCARCITY. OF ARMY HORSES. Gen. Hutton Recommends Purchasing . Agencies in Colonies. A despatch from London says: The United Service Institution on a the serious shortage berse sala og the militery -- Sir BE, Hutton spok ada and Aus done "all in his power to draw atte tion to' the importance of doveeping the class of uired. horse most req' the caso of both countries a horse-pur- be formed by. e-| sult of handling poiso DISEASE IN THE MONEY. Cashier of Cheap Lodging Hotel Dies of msg sme fe A desp fro York sa John oD. "Honkirs iy 'Sond as thee Uicpkirk was manoger ot Mills Hotel, No. 2, and from the money which he handied he contracted malignant. scar- latina, a disense which is usually fatal, He was cashier of the hotel, in whic cheap lodgings are given to the poor, and in that capacily handled hundreds of dirty, germ-laden bilis coming from the slums of the clly. The physiclans say there is no doubt that the disease was oommunicaled through these bills. Ll LET WARSHIP PASS. Allowed to Use Canadian Canals en Route to Lake Michigan. A despatch from Ollawa says: Canadian Governmen ment for the passage of another United States war vessel {hrough the Canadian cunals, to be used on the great lakes. The latest addition to the United States naval Molilia on the takes is th> Nash- ville, of some thirteen hundred tons. She is to te used in the -- ba the Michigan naval reserve. the fourth naval vessel which ues ted ab lowed to pass the Canadian canuls, ----j CANADA'S OLDEST WOMAN, Death of Mrs, Funn Near Waterford-- An Aged Indian. A despatch [rom Hamilton says: wont | f was received here on Wednesday of the the | death near Waterford of Mrs. Elizabeth woman in Canada. regen aie should the Wi old woman, Ts deceas- ed had been drawing en allow- ance, * Pigech, 'the SE Vincent de Paul con- | he ces far | the year 1907 was 83,387,919 tons, an;purc Court-Martial Sentenced Gen. Stoessel to Die for lt a sen 8 were ous parts of the city, aggregating fifty snot and women. is is 'ealest umber of terrorists mc taken by the roles in Rog capital. - BAGGED FIFTY TERRORISTS. The operations centred around the pelace of Grand ged Nicholas Nichola- ievitch, who, it is surmised, was the immediate object of the plot. Late on Thursday severa: gendarmes drew a Pati around an eniine city block in the vicinity of the Grand Duke's- palace, comprising six hundred occupied apartments, Agents of the police searched these apariments from :ytop to bottom and unearthed stores a explosives and firearms. DYNAMITE IN A MUFF, A {foshionably dressed woman arrested on the street. muff in which was co! ay of dynamite, and w: a man who wore flat under hos belt an infernal machine of a new type. Both opened fire when the police approached them, -- {hree of them. an who wos arrested the entignos tb Ussupolf Park killed " policeman during the struggle. Two men were arresied in the Grande Mor skaia, one of wham is a nolor.otts Itall- an Anarchist. While the police wero arresting a terrorist on Basile Is he dangerously wounded s It ls expected that the police will make further efforts to roun ther - bers of the terror who have been organizing vigorously and planning outrages on a large scale TOWN SITES FOR SALE. Grand Trunk Pacific Will Offer Some Bargains. A despatch from Montreal says: The and Trunk Pacific will pul sixty-two town sites simultaneously in the spring. Already three of these town siles are ready for sale, namély, Rivers, a divisional point, 1462 miles west of Winnlpeg; Nokomi, 88 miles west of Winnipeg, and To- * | held, on Beaver Lake, filly miles east of Edmonton. At the divistonal polnls the prices of -- lots will range from $100 $500, while in smaller places taey will run sinitle lower, al' hough the rates for the latler places have rot yet een fixed. Lots wil} not be auctioned cff at the ord!nary town siles, but will be sold al fixed prices, and wi!l be al- lolted In the order of precedence of the application, Atready a great number of hasers have sent In requisilions to the office in charge of Ihe sale. This, of course, will not apply to Prince R pert, the Pacific terminal, where the will be a historic. gale ol building lots for the future city when the road is ready to open the aution sale. & = 2 § ----_-- FEWER LOANS AND DEPOSITS. January Bank Returns Indicate a Gen- eral Curtailment. A despatch from Ottawa says: he January statemént of Canadian charter- ed banks was issued by the Department ef Finance on Thursday. It Indicates shorlening sail led in 'during the mg hus, as compared wilh December, tho banks decrensed their note. ation to 866 : and deposits demand fell pend "s137, 185,414 to $146.- 797,963. Thus the labilities of the banks were reduced fn all by aboul nine mil- lions ----_--h--____ SLIPPED INTO HOT VAT. Newly Arrived Englishman Mects Ter- rible Death at "Soo." A despaich from Sault Ste. Maric, Ont., saya: William Gcddard, employed in the venoer nii!l of the I.ake Superior Corporation, wes so severely scalded on Tuesday that he dicd fmm injuries in the hospital the same night. God durd went out inte the yard. where vals c@ntaining scalding sleam and wood alcohol vapor heated to great intensily are located, = some manner unknown he slipped into the entrance to one of the vals, through a hole 24 by 26 inches. He was in the vat 30 seconds, his screams bringing sasisiance, Goddard, who was 22 years of age, was an Eng- Iishman and hod been in Canada about six weeks, ------j_-___ BROKE BABY'S ARM. Man Namod Babcock of Murvale Charg- ed With Cruelty, A despatch from Kingston ssys: A man named Babcock of Murvale wos arrested on Thursday, charged with in- aonad treatment of . four months old. Because it cried, it Is al- west of Winnipeg on sale! homeste! GIRL'S FIGHT FOR LIFE. Walked a Mile ond a a Half With Cicth- ing Burned Off. A despatch from Miss Edith Knopke, Emo, Ont., says: who lived on a death in her solilary cabin, and had the aést trying axperiencea which ever felt bo the lot of one of her sex. She was oooking meat when her ciothing cought fire, and the wall ps- efleclive measures, and when she out lof 'Lhe ca! er clolhes were liler- ally buried from her bedy, end she was suffering terribly. Her heme in ruing and she in a naked condition and alone in foe wintry woods at night, she made a pucky allempt and succeeded in walksag a mile and a half and reach- ed the niger ot a nei ow, John Ritd, who, with the help of other ne'ghbors, did what he cout jor the unfortunate woman, Medical aid wes summa and (olegrams were sent to relates In the east. The badly burnod young lady was fixed up as comforlable as pos sible and taken by train from Fort Francs fo Minneapolis. Hopes are ene le lor her ulllmate recovery. She Is twenty-seven years of age. and expeciod lo piave her claim to her homestead In about four months, ---- +. SEED IS NOT SCARCE, Enough Wheat in the West For Ail-- Onts Must be Lmported. A despaich ae Otlawa says: G, Hi, ; Cisrk, Dominio: told the Agricultural Cammiltee on Wed: nesday morning that the losses in west through the bad season last year were practically confined to twelve per cent. of the formers between Port 4r- to the exclusion There was enou west fo enable the purchasing there of all thal wos required for the sactions n gs of tt. Seed oals would have ta ot ee tn considerable quant an and Prince Sdwerd as the places whence the most of it would come. He predicted that it would be found to be c! exeelient quality. Mr. Clark, how- ever, suggesled the advisabiltly of every farmer im the west testing barley and oat seed before planting. --_--_4--_--_-- LIABILITY FOR FIRES. Mr. Kennedy's Bill to Make Railways Responsible. espalch [rom Oltawa says: Mr, fo: all damage done by fires ca sparks from keomolives was alsoussed in the Railway Gommilttee of the Com- mons on Tuesday morning. Mr. Hal McGiverin, on behalf of the railways, suggesied an amendment that if a com- pany ocmpensated an owner of proper- ty which was Insured, the amount of the insurance should be paid to the rail- leyed, he twisted ono of ils arms till 4t broke. The mother and infant wore taken to the Kingston General Hospital. way company. The committee seemed te favorably receive the idea. as held {he bill over for considera WOULD RUIN THE FALLS To Grant Franchise of the Ontario Power Company. A despatch from Washing!on says: Dr. J. W. Spencer, the British scientist, commissioned by the Geological Survey of Canada to investigate the Niagara Falls problem, discussed on Wednes- day the effect of the ulllization of its "lwalers by power plants upon its scentc beau ty. At the instance of the American Civic Federation, Dr. Spencer has ap- peared before the House Rivera and Harbor Commission, and presented dala uest of the Ontario ler per sec- Ho! "as the beginning of these rapids || d marked by erin over which the flow Iready thin," ol waler is @ § , "the diversion of the water said Dr. | the Ci would destroy abcut 800 fect of the flow the easlern sido of the great Horseshoe and break up the American falls into separated stream, Tho total length of both falls would be contract cd, roughly, from 4,000 feet to 1,600 feet, an: the diameter of the great falls from 1,200 to 800 feet. This diversion of the water will produce @ sh ge , Horseshoe so that what remhains will be er on the adian side o boundary Line. He i er that the lowering of the water in the basin vane, Ge upper rapids would ap he of the increase { river so that the surface of Lake will be lowered three feet, which 'o , This amount of lw tncludes that of "© Chica which al present is (aking ree and cdnals thus the United States' engincera: : calculated that to increase the care at g@ Canal even cost a * a1, 00000,

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