vvvT Canadian Pacific Railway. - Cheap One Way Rates to » Nelson, Robson, Rossland, Van- couver, Victoria, coma, Wash., and Portland, Ore. ~ $46.90 With stop-over at Winni ipeg or * West. This rate is good until APRIL 20, 1908. C. P. R. Colonist Special Trains To The Canadian Northwest EVERY TUESDAY During March and April. Call and get a "Settlers Guide, " giving i LIVINGSTONE, dr. Ticket Acent, C. P. R, Marriage Licenses Issued. J. W. Scott & Son, BANKERS, E ESTABLISHED 1872. . 'General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTE! DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Jurrent rate of interest allowed. A large amount of private funds to lend on gor security at current rates, with privilege of re-paying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. J]. W. Scerr & Son, Listowel. DELEGATION VISITS LONDON. --o- Examine at Producer Gas Plant in i Oy, Works, A delegation from. the town cil visited tha M nh coun- seh, and a » took them ov- er the plant, explaining its working. in detail. At the- house -- pee par were fortanate in iinet Gi Vice-presi- dent and general manager of the Mc- lary _ who placed at their dis- pests N}. the information* oa eam pony had ther perience with the 'Flant, in operation, he saj mg very satis{actorily and would enable them to make a very considerable saving over the use of steam, 'they have beth steam and gas plants in oreration, side ae side, of the same capacity, 200 horse power cach, the power eeping track of Westminster, : B. C., and Spokane, Seattie, Ta- |" BANK OF HAMILTON Money placed in your care, temporarily. or otherwise, by relative, friend or organt~ ation, should at once be deposited in a Savings Bank-- for your own pro- tection. Weinvite ' Listowel Branch. J. M. CAMPBELL, Manager. and Mr. Andrew Clement Alexander, WALLACE, a wealthy mine owner ca Pider Soot Alaska, which was one of thd Boci- Counci, -- The Council of Wallace ety oe of the season = that city. | met in the Township hall, Gowanstown, The mance of the bride's ieanerk Davin, 215 boty and was Loins ed . G ray. T! or he gine was pink 'and "white, which was handsomely exemplified in 2 protus- ion of a ana ornamental palms. Davin attended sister as oe of honor, and Dr. J. 8, = the 8th of February. mem The minutes of last session were read and adopted. The Reeve arrived, took his seat, and made a thorough explana- tion of the Grand Tru as best the little Misses Irene Vancouver, B. C., and Lucile Kelly, appoint San ot petted gato k to meet representatives ie ag sere sep eces een one panne velvet | mun to the peculiar move- ment of the G, "T. R. Co. in the mattér of the Stratford and Huron Railway Co., and that they communicate with A. F. P.-- . Esq., M. + Auditors' was read. Moved by n_| Arnold and Koch, 'hat the Suditors' 'Te- Reto gil wate id Koch; ety Ovi pping an t Turnbull, A di be paid th oi 'urn uditors, je sum »} eight dollars maiden hair fern. Mrs Davin wore last of March, whenee they w: ras Fairbanks, their pets 2a home. TRALEE. ed a number of young people last Wed- qt Ake . DEATH OF MISS LENA McKEE, nesday night. All report a very en- joyable time. Lena, tho second daughter of Mr: A friendly game of hockey was play- a McKee, late aM, Hibaa te ~Hesson-at-Hess Treharne, Manitoba, on the Pe on amet tien the score being | 19th ee aihyas se Iness of mx in favor jon uration. ye Mr. R. -Harris paid his farewell who was twenty-one years of age, visit to his friends here before he leaves | "ught cu bpess sates ane etice ; 4 7 ie r Tomato Bap hee eee off its effects. The death is the corteous and upright man while em kina happy f sther | purse ployed as chief engineer of the' Linwood yeaTs ago, and her and Listowel branch of the C.P.R. Py disposition xia stg ariieg Mr. C.F. Smith of roche spent the heavior : oo the bereaved fon hi "Sunday at Mr. S. Burnett The remains were pase home to iss Millie ses visiting friends refs Hae Amey sep John in Mia epee d aie ie Nurse return. | Hacking, paper, pens and ink, $2.85. | iss Jennie and Minn 'the | Moved by Tipping and Koch, that this pet two wooks with Mx aad Mrs youncil adjor to meet on Saturday eeaio weeks with Mr, and Mrs.Sam the 7th of March.--Carried. San : : fgecnt __&. G, Roperts, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O'Grady entertain- | eas rs : a i FRG dyes for ipl and Silk, nations of of imitation - an ne to color all ma' dye. Such dyes E ef i st: } Fak if : Right Black. e Rar pa ome class of | proofs and particulars thereof aay and Silk, and another Wool ee: pregame WELLS & RICHARDSON Co., P.Q. an gigi u Within eo miles. of Listowel dress, Box 71, Listowel, P. O. ae combi- | Book. | Lawirep FARM FOR SALE. A first-class farm in every mare' FOR SALE OR RENT. 100 acres, Mo ; township, near Burns. snap atonce. Apply to Box 4, Baro. ' Pply Assignee's: Notice to Credi- tors, Notices ishereby given that Charles r Yocom 'arner Yoco: the firm name a ea of under C.E eS ae eae Dealers of the said ° 897, Cap. 147, and ts, of 'all theirestate, cred- to Robert Ronald of the = Creditors will be beh. ot thes ice of J. Cecil Hamilton, Barrister, in the said "Town of Listowel, Thursday the. = day of. Feb- 1908, At the ite of - ° Felock in the after- age to receive a statement of affairs, 'oint inspectors, and for the order- ing bt the affairs of the estate general- Creditors are requested to file their claims with Assignee, with the 's the said Acts, on or before da of such meetin notice. Dated a So a Feenary, 1908. ROB RONALD, Assignee, By J. GuciL HAMILTON, 'e's So icitor. SWITCHES, CLUSTER-CURLS, CORONET.BRAIDS, TRANSFORMATIONS, WAVES, WIGS, Etc, COMING PROF. DORENWEND and satisfaction as xz would get at our ro ronto establishmen our Store to your i the greatest H the world has ev ever owes, is HAIR GOODS. Nt Will be at Grand Central Hotel, Listowel on Thursday, March 12. During this visit we will be show- the ian of eines air Goods Artist coming wi J. M. SCHINBEIN. LISTOWELS' GREATEST STORE, Every year at this.time we make short wick of of the bal- ance of our Winter Stock of Men's and Boys' Suits and Over. coats. Fur goods of all kinds. Selling Now Below Actual Cost in-Order to Insure a Quick Cention, $7.50 Overcoats for $5.00 $10 ' 7.50 $12 . "e 9.75 $15 ' $10.75 $2.50 Men' s Odd ~-- $1.25 Vests 99c. ty 3s to $2.50 Boys' Suits going now at 98c, Suits on A dol Lot of Men's and Bo Table at Half Their Regelar Pri. This week we have Opened up our first shipment of the m Handsome Clothing. We have ever put in our Store, at Prices that do not cover the cost of making. Valces like these speak for themselves. Spring Jackets, and Ladies' Suits and Skirts to Hand This Week. The ey a are Certainly Nice Goods. -- % You all to Come and See Them. OUR BIG FEBRUARY SALE OF Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys Will Commence on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST. We are going to sell during the four weeks of February without thought of cost or profit in order to lower our much too large stock of Clothing, so as to make room for our extra superior Spring Clothing buying, so please remember this, Boys' 2 Piece Suits for $1.35, $1.50, $2 to $4. 50. ions. same choice fener word, we brin, --o-- CARTHAGE. Mr. B. Lawson of St, Mary's was a visitor at Mr. Jas. Riddell's last week. A friendly game of hockey was played j yeara ago Mra. on Carthage ice last Wednesday after. | with her family at "Molesworth. her own family, the Armstrongs. being noon between Burns and Carthage | Cid vealdants' of the nection. OF the power dev sorda by the gas plese and the coal used, and as. far had been recorded he placed ths tie: ures at the disposal of the delegation. 4 careful exumination was then made of all parts or the Flant, ander the direction of ayton, and the delegation were impressed with 'the substantial character of the machinery and the caro with which it had been fjnished and adapted to our, On the 2lst theengine ran eleven hours and the meter showed that 1001 kiowatts had been trans- mitted _, the power wires. Allow- ing for cent. efficiency in the aleatre Generator this would be 1570 horse power hours eeroneges by e@ engine. On that y there was iburned in the gas is Ae 2485 pounds of ne equal to 1.59 rounds per er hour. In steam de- velopment the Ieast that can the same service ag this is five pounds ot coal, he coal' used in the test from which the a above are taken w was shown by the fact that. there was 1570 pounds * = takev from - From this it ws evident that with good coal tho plant could easily be operated om a pound and a quarter of coal, as claimed, The man in change of the ess than once a ne A MR. CLEMENT AL- . XANDER. Our readers will remember well a former townsman, Mr. "Clom" Alex- ander, who went out to they Yukon in the carly days, the nc They all nearly perished, and it was ot en pitee Mr. Meunie has pros d the north om came south this winter for a brt. The Detroit Sunday Free' Preas of the 16th inst. printed he account' of the wedding, as follow A number Ps Detroit. 'peopto went to Ann Arbor Wednesday evening to Povey the marriage of Miss Eleanor hockey teams. The game resulted inf late a victory for the Carthage boys, ssa score being 4--2in Carthage's favor. ied daugh M Mr. G. Dowd refereed the game to the Teriend. caeiding. fie satisfaction of both teams. bers of her sons, r. and Kauffman of Buffalo' working at Treherne, and two daagh- rs. are vee the latter's parents, Mr. and , tera 5 home. Mrs. artin. "daughter, Lena, w Skating i is engaging the atterftion of sie ke her sistera, very mumcal, and 'or some years a valued mem- ou yoend people ene ber' of the Methodist shureh choir at GREY. >. Was 7abOn Pel Molesworth. joved by her many oune: companions and ~"Miltleris-visiting- ~her-daughter,- revepges Pow) a Tek of Clifford. '| eles, and her death at so early tn Mr. John Pearson is attending the! 96° 0 ia Self mont Keenly by thom all, Temperance,Convention at Toronto this ---_- pa week asa delegate from Ethel Circuit, LIATUWEL MAKKETS, The sympathy of the community is FEBRUARY 28, 1908. rd. extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. King in | wheat, per bushel aaamed Standard...... the death of their eldest son, Lawson, hers ' -. who died' of pneumonia on Wednesday ! 2tfsy, ' of last week, at the age of nineteen Hay ses B years. 8 % The Epworth League of Roe's Church pg --. = purpose holding an Irish Social on St, | Petstess por bag, tL Patrick's day. Flour, per 100 lbs. 73 H We are pleased to hear that Miss pomee 4 Emily Mason of Toronto, formerly of seme Rec 300 Be 40 ; Ethel, who had het back hurt while | Sbespekins 25 tobogganing, is getting better, Wood, long, oe 3 Miss Gladys McQuarrie is visiting Proceed faze, 800 8 her sister, Mrs. Lawson, in Hamilton, Live Hogs He: Lamba. $00 5 Beat 500 6 "om TROWBRIDGE, Miss Lydia Moore is visiting her | sister, Mrs. A. E. I'elton of Innerkip. Miss Lillian Salton of London is en- joying a short vacation atthe parson. Postponed Meetings ------- OF THE ------_ NORTH . RTH Mrs. J. Philp of Listowel ~ aang Sunf In stitute pr guest of her sister, Mrs. G. L. Will be Held as Follows : Miss Margarct Hunter is visiting Rosine, March 9, Afternoon and friends and relatives in Palmers let ening ; : arthaye, | | The sympathy of a large circ pid only; Atwood, friends is extended to Dr. and Mee y; Blake, of Fort Fraucis, in the loss of | 11, ome = i Evening their only child, oe death took place | { on Sunday, Feb.48 Mrs. Mary alee is visiting friends and ives in Listo wel, iss Ella Code. of Listowel spent WASIAy SS Taet Bates bees. many have availed them- 'ies Lot -- Code is visiting relatives in -- Peart ae has been | in securing a position as principal of the Putnam Public § School duties to com- mence March 2nd. Miss Code is spend- ing a few days in bestece _-- East- wood before taking her Mr. Ira Jackson of Poel paid a@ short visit to the village last week. onk- a tai i La 3, 3 Aten. noon and Ser Will Open at 30 and 7.30 p. m. the evangelistic meetings el Reed, a pretty gon co Po 'a the University of Michigan, osives of the opportunity -- ----s I. eae the rarer Mer Combe B a Be PoC GOETZ, President. UGH, Secretary. E os PATENT adele The DORENWEND CO, ot Toronto, Limited. 108 and 105 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. The 7 protect you from Colds, Catarrh, Neuralgia, eto., and will make you look 10 years young- * Bic i a of our Toupees erDon' t fail to see them. RECEIPTS. Townahin rates of 1907...... eee ee) Funeral expenses returned In- DONG. ccrces cece scce.s 23 00 Commutation.... .......... 9 75 S E Smith tile and lumber sold 1 55 Government aid {6 Highways.. 272 66 22954 65 EXPENDITURE. nty Rate 1008......-.... 4148 00 pore Rate 1907.... ...... 8941 00 House of Refuge.... ... ~ 25 00 RR rp mig end yearly pay- ment to SF.............. 1588 50 Borrowed money 1 ed 1800 00 islative -School Grant to PPO nisca viecsee waa 975 58 Trustees S S rates 1907...... 6650 18 unicipal Elections 1907 .... 67 00 Salaries, Allowances an ro 815 96 Divisions 1, 2, 8, 4,5. 752 General Road expenditure. . 1205 88 Gravel Road............-+-- 1l 43 Gravel... 2... ....0. cee eeeee 869 69 } D &.W Courses............ 7 34 bove t Ww perial ; re Sinking 1906 and find it correct. $. -- on hand January Ist rf Archie McEachren use of Grader ¥ 00 ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF the bh ah s Accounts of the TOWNSHIP OF WALLACE from January Ist to December 3ist, 1907, inclusive, -- Men's and Youths' Suits, $3, $4 to $10. All Overcoats to be sold out oe een, and some be- low cost, and must go during this : SPECIAL BARGAINS in Ladies' and Men's Under- wear and Hosiery. ive us a call Gufine February. You can save money by purchasing at this Sal "Lis istowel V Woollen Mill S Store. AS One Tinute WASHER Runs Itself Half the Time. E MIN- Board of Health.... ....... 82 00 Printing. Postage, 'Stationery . 128 84 Law Expenses.............. 8 00 Charity. ..cscsescccsce saves 28 00 SOC De eae 60 weeeencees 21 92 Sundries...... ...... .... 08 75 00 Balance on hand.... ........ 24 80 22954 65 ASSETS. Balance on hand... ........ 24 30 Uncollected Roll of 1907. .... 3088 92 Rock Elm lumber 1350 foet .. 40 50 Concrete tile on hand........ 67 45 166 17 LIABILITIES. -- 8 SNo.11 sai seen Grant...... 2... 04. ' 15 Collectex's Salary'...... .... 65 00 RR Interest........... 2... 900 00 'or payment to Sinking Sen's CNS Ke RUSE RS ES ae 638 50 Assets over Liabilities. - 1546 87 8166 17 SINKING FUND ACCOUNT, To thecredit of thisJan 1, 1908 10677 88 1 DEBENTURE ACCOUNT. Debentaran, ..-. 0 .cseiscsaiecs 20000 00 STATEMENT OF COLLECTOR'S ROLL, 1906. To amount of Collector's Roll. . 13845 00. By Cash in the year 1906.... 10198 28 By Cash in the year 1907.... 8646 72 13845 00 We, the undgrsigned, beg to report that wo have made a full examination of ouchers of the Township of Wallace to the Bist of the Bonds. 7 Also examined Collector's Tell for the year | F G. A. KENNEDY, } WJ. TURNBULL, j ABditors. Fhe--secret of ease in operating the ONE TE WASHE Plies in the fly wheel under the tub U being on ball bearings, The tubs are constructed of clear grain Southern Cypress lumber. Each stave is corrugated, making a washboard on all sides. We shall be pleased to sell you one of these on trial, Get one and try it. Geta CARBO MAGNETIC RAZOR to-day on 30 DAYS' trial. Everyone strictly guaranteed, ADOLPH & BONNETT, LEADING HARDWARE MERCHANTS, LISTOWEL. SE -------- ------------ Executor's Notive to Credi-' tors. --o-- Executor's Notice to Creditors of WIL- LIAM STEPHAN, late of Town of Listowel, in the County of Perth, Tailor, Deceased. --o-- Notice is pent given, the statutes that behalf, mmthat an TWO CASES --_--_- OF ----... =) SPRING HATS, f the sai . 'y the claims of which they may then able fe eacmeie Tis fate Wah All Ge Latest She ws and Shades for the of the es 80 e buted to any person of e Arrivi did not have notice at the time of such distribution. Da' at Listowel this 10th day of ae JENKINS, GEORGE 8 RU TTAN *} Bxeoators. | Taiior and Men's Furnisher,