Listowel Standard, 20 Mar 1908, p. 3

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oo) fz i 3 More. Than : ig E i Ti TEGISLATU os Hundred 'Seats ; Provided For. A despatch from Toronto says: In Acoordance with the plan suggésied by -Hon. Mr, Whitney, the bill respecting representation fo the Legislative As- sembly, the redistribution measure, was tead a second time on Thursday and referred to a special committee. T "duly of that body will bé "to prepar schedu'es -contsining and deocrhinn the eectoral districts entitled to re- turn Betreorid to th? House." It. 's pombe five Conservative mem- ers, Hon. Meta. Whilney, Matheson and Hanne, and Messrs. Dargavel (Leeds) and McDiarmid (West Elgin) and -three Opposition membcrs, Mes C, M."Bowman, S. Clarke (Nothunber: Jand) and Muy (Ottawa). In speaking of the bill. the Prime Minister quoted pre- pe etile for the method of procedure dted. In his address he did not add pee fo the knowledge of the|six ese - to the changes to the representaton re fetating 'at the schedules were to be prepared by the committee. He assert: | ture would be incre ce} the' City of Toronto would be given ad- dit'onal representatives. He repea that county lines would be adhered to and that inequalities of population in- troduced by former Governments would be corre The chief point of imporlance in the remarks of the leader of the era as his reference to Taranto. distinclly opposed'the fixing of the ce ber of memers to be elected in the city {ts maximum representation should be LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS, Toronto, March 17.--Manitoba Wheat --No, 1 northern, $1.214%; No. 2 north. ern, $1.18; a * $1.13; feed wheal, G74gc; No. 2 fred, 6G1Xc. Ontario W Rebs ait 2 while, 943c to 2c outside; No, 2 red, 4c to 943¥c; No. 2 mixed, 93}¢c; goose, tec to Corn--Firm; No. 3 yellow American Tie to Tie, Toronto freights; No. 3 mixed, Me les. ae Ie. --No, 2 white, ae outside, 58¢ o trneiet Ryoronts; No, 2 mixed, 49c Peon, Flour -- ae patents, pei ny seconds, $5.40; strong » $5.90; w anlage wheat patents, $3.50. bia Full cars, $25 to $26, bags in- cluded, outside. Shorls--Scarve, $23 6 $21. Cali board quatation Rran--A cur offered "al t North Bay for $26, ment; $25.25 bi Onlurio Wheal--No, 2 mixed, offered oi Be Grand Trunk west, 92}¢¢ bid. arley--No. 2 offered at 7c oulside, Peas--No, 2 offered at 87c outside. 2 while offered at Sic out- Carn--No, Toronto, 3 yellow, 68¢ bid on track | | COUNTRY PRODUCE, ~ Poullry--Very quict. Young rt extra choice . es oe Young goose wo... .... roe es 0 lic Young rine 5 ie Chickens,;.choice .... .... 4. 12¢ to 120 OO} fow) ae eee fo 10¢ Inf ae chicks and. fowls 5c lo Te Givemete prints cieses bibs Sic a 32c ay solids ove conde cpake wee 0 3ic airy print + tebenteseuge: R5c to 27 do jarge rolls «.. 24e lo 25¢ da in ois dev on he 8 Sere wesaneles Sites Enterta sicc siya eee Ic Honey--Strained sleady al lic to 120 Potatoes--Ontarlo, 906 to ware, 95¢ here 5c; Dela- fo Sl in car lots on track Chec se--13¥e to 1h for ree and lic W 14X%c for twins, in job lots here Beans--$1.70 to $1.75 for pile and £1.89 to $L.85 for epee, gies Raled eae fo $10 per ton on track he Balad Hays -Timothy a fc et $16 to $17 in car lots on here. "PROVISIONS. Pork--Short. cit, =! 'fo $21.50 .per -- 1; mess, $17.50 to SIR, ,Lard---Tierees, 1g; tybs; 113¢c; pails, *SFioked and Dry Salled Meats--Long clear bacon, 9%e for tons und. enses: homs, medium and light, 12ke lo Ue; hams, large, 1L4%e to 12c: backs. Gc to 16%; shoulders, O%e lo § 9¥%c ta 106; 15c; green meats out of pickle 1¢ less than smoked, MONTREAL MARKETS, _. Montreal, March 17.----There is a Ginand for Manitoba feed wheat, which is stronger at an advance of 1 to 2 cents per bushel, wit de 62c per bushel, ex nada, No. 2 while oats, Eastern Ca- S2c; No. 3, 49¢ bags included, for prompt ship- ' bid. 20c to 2 Bus New: laid, 23¢ ie Qos limed, 19¢ ' te . | Were several exceptionally nas steers, "I } which made the price go a liltle higher. Tho demend for flour is good, Choice sping. wheil patents, 86.10; seco $5.50 fo $5.60; winter ees patents, $5.30; straight rollers, $4.75 | in eee $2.25 to $2.35; ares $1.80 40 $1.99. Manitoba bran, $22 to $23; shorls. ihe to $24; Ontario grain, shdrts, $22 to $22.50; middlings, $24 to 825; shorts, $35 to pure srt pe t $32 to $34. 'Rolled oats. $2.75; corn, $1.60 to $f.- 7 per ee There is no material change in the local cheese market. Scptember west- erns arp selling at 13c for white and 18ke for colored; September easterns. For bulter the demand is active; grass 30. In eggs a good demand exists for fresh stock. Canadian fresti are selling . 29c to 30c: American fresh, at 28c fo 29c¢; Cansdian peat 27e to B8e; geet: Iimed. al 21e to 23¢. jons-- barrels short cut ness, ft: half i : 0.50; dry salt long clear backs, ibe: barrels: plate j tee ing to size; b reakfast oo fon, 1 to a abattoir-drese hogs. 've, $5.75 to 85.85. BUFFALO MA "MARKETS, oe : ' sulla: a 17. --Wheat _ _ Spring rihern, BL.07%; N OR; i é Com--Fit er, No. 2 yellow, 69%. Oats--Steady No. 2 mixed. 54c; No. 2 white, S730 | Lc to 81. O14. Rye--No, 1 track, | NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET, . York, March 17.--Wheat--Spot + No. 2 poe elevalor; No, 2 - $1.00% f.0.b. aflont; No. 1 north- érn Duluth, $1 3% f.0.h. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.10% f.0.b. afloat LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, March 17.--The exporters.of- fered were very few. bul among them which brough é load of heavy bulls sold for part at $3.75 to $4.12 Common and medium butchers' sold very slowly at Tuesday's lowest prices. One fair load of butoers -Saltle brought only $3.50 to $4. -, While last eerste it could have aol cally for $4 4.50, Good butchers' Spry were in fair de- mand, but were. . Fair ma as there. was lIlttle demand, most of 'what there were sold round 3c per pound. as a good demand for the best grade of grain-fed lambs, But beside lambs sold slowly at form- large run . Bs to-day kept the prices {rom goin NORTHLANDS OF CANADA) The West Could Produce 1,300 Million Bushels of Wheat. . A despatch fram Ottawa says: In the grown Agricultural Committee the other day, E. Young, Superlintendeat of the railway and swamp lends' branch of the Department of Inferior, gave some nost po Sic figures and estimates in re- to the Possibilities af grain-grow- a in the Canadian West. If the wheat crop of 196 folalled cne hundred mii ule tion bushels on a settled area of 36 Heres, il was, he cliuimed, no élretch of imagination to took in the future for a wheat production of 1.200.- OCG bushels, worth practically (lree times the tolal foreign ye of Canada al the present time. 86. acres, with which he was acquaint- ". an <i cocgell ye iven a net n of $I4 an acre. ca Tautede 'ddr ont govern the climate ---- it was just es Simpson, on the Mac- eas it was in Winnipeg or such os cabbage, foltuce, el a had been success- fully grown os fer corth as Fort Good Hops. within 14 tan of the Arctie cir- cle. Lash sunmer Mr. Gonway, inspec- far Qf indian Affedsa, caw as fice veye- frblas at Fort Good Hope ns cver were anywhere in Canada. The growth in the far north, ewing to the lung days. was rapid beyond belief, Wheat of good quality there ran 62 Pounds ta the args , Rtuwit al Fort Simpsen, in latitude A good many statements had been vcnane tothe avail able area of agricultural land in the romole northwest, One pentieman, who had traveled over a great portion of th.s country, declared that there was 160140,000 wiehs west end rorth of the } Athubusea, Another ecm« tout witness ; had said there was as much available land in that region as was now selftled west of Winnipeg. The southern boun- dary of the Province of Tokalsk in Si. Leria was a hundred miles further north than Edmonton, yet in Fy Tokolsk had a population of 1,500 this was an equal profit from the portions of our Norihwest Territories, which at pre- sent sre remote Irom setilement. Bul in. addition to its agricultural possibilities, enough was kno sepied nbout the mineral resources of tho country to prove that il was pec sessed ef unteid wealth «f guld, silver. cop- "| last year, when labor was more scarce ed that the membership of the Legisia- | 4° says: 5 Bell's hew aerodrome, the Redwing. on beef. $13.50 to $15.00; hall betrels do., | a A. despatch trom Olas says: Ten for the cofstruction of 365 miles of the National sraussealionata tal Rail- this mstruction work on the national railway than was the cuse missions engineers the figures quoled on each class of work. The Grand Trunk Pacific, as usual, tender- ec for each contract, In accordance plate the policy of the Regs rid fo make he construction of t as Bers So as to r e fo a mini- pave. to be paid. --- ----j.--_ STABBING AT DUNDAS. Quarrel ae Hajian Laborers af a ne Quarry. A despatch EE Hamilton says: Hlalian who cannot speak English was taken fo the City Hospital at a late hour <n Thursday night, in a very danger. "us-condition---as--a--result-of--a--wound fn the bowéls which was inflicted by a fellow-countryman in a quarrel. The mien wa employed al ate slohe at Dundas. and it is u that they had words. One pulled a knife on the man who is in the hos- WSS Was notified--and--at-once-wen lo the s:ene. He gave instructions for tne removal of the injured man he cily, and he-was brought on the 11.15 enr, opens by a couple Itali- either of whom can speak Eng- lish. "Chief Pilea at midnight h had not Suce: in arresting the man who did the mas It is feared that the Wounded man may be falally injured. men mmmera games FLEW A HUNDRED YARDS. Professor Bell's New Aerodrome Makes ' a Record. _A despatch from Hammondsport, N. Professor Alexander Graham Bot qauredey) in the presence of a commit- iment ®| Nos, 29 a ine machine in- America. oH _ SQUADRON FO FOR PACIFIC, the end of the month © the Pacific Coast. The despatch states further ae the British Government and the paar a teritet 1. as a dangerous strategic weak- nae but that the disturbing ERA 'of events in the Pacific makes it absolute- ty necessary that the China aru be reinforced by a strong flee f=) r and we 4 It is understood | ments and full snstrileege for conduct- | cro' that the figures fed this spring by ing them are furnished on the un-- contractors ere a little lower than last derstanding that _experime menter The names of the successful ten- will report. the results of: his experiment acti will not be known for sorhe| at the ¢ ecks. pending the report of the com- fag the great nd for the pds as cheap | ¢ m the amount on which rental will . AN | thern pont fie where the ia f $87 per ton, including cagh-and: Tw and then made his schpe. Chie? | no, in experiments ee te Src of of th psig and are profiting The seeds or plants "for these experi- funds* for jhe eae ae for this the sup of these for purpose, is a - But we have on hand a good ly of seeds rthe ¢e gs agreed Fo fue ni hope to bp able ish these te all merase' Te ing of the best kind of gar es. ree of the leading jes of cach les are ly tomatoes are best for nor- fer varieties. cannot be p. Gepended upon to ripen Any person in Ontarte who wishes to | 1 for conducting {he sa } successful or nol, Applications will be filed in thie order they are recelvad until the supply of seeds is exhausled. Address all appli- cations to, + L. HUTT, t Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. ieee, eres TRIS _ DISGUISED FOR LIFE. Citizens: of Cansry jee Have Tat- A-cable Senge nue The New York ae Palmas spe Islands, tell of émus using case Eighty persons have brought quite' for erg inst' a Deere named anne & carnive! a raovel kind of teciat disguise, and the chemist painted on the man's face a tal ae green fly.. This carnival deoora- {ion proved a popular success and many ene revel'ers fale ot had their fore- a4 & = 8. ers e ze esb8 g > z = rations discovered that ere was ng soap strong enough to t, and complained to the remove the aulhorities. local expert declares the method employed is ; by Only Two Adulterated-Saniples Found |! by 'Government Analysts. j A despatch from Ottawa says: A itt t letin of the Inland Revenue Departn just issued, shows that of 141 camming ci honey trom I by ihe paris of the Do-|¢ minion enalyzed b. wero genuine, 3 i doubtful, sold as a compound, and only 2 were adulterated. The report shows that strained honey sold in servation on the North Manica Paci- fic Coast. nearly always. be relied upon as being genuine article, IM Wilh The members of the Ontario Agricul- tural and Experimental Union are pleas- @1 to stale that for 1908 they are pre- pared to distribute into every Town- er price: ship «f Ontario material for experiments The price of hogs ts unchanged. with fodder crops, roots, grains, grass- ferings have: 'been light, but a fairly €s, Clovers and fertilizers. About 2,200 varieties of farm crops have been Hen ec in the E the Ontario Agricultural Co} lege, Guelph, '| Na, 1 --Three varieties of Onts 3 --Two aed of Hulless Barley 5 ' 6 --Two variclles a Field Peas 7 --Emmer and § 8 --Two varic' 'ties ol Sey The size of each plot in each of th first rons Spe experimen: o| 30 is to be two rods ions ty one rod wide; and in No, 28, one rod square, tc join in the work may choose * ONE of the experiments for 1908, apply for the same. The material with te furnished in the order in which the applications are received until the sup- pr, fron. and many other minerals, ply is exhausted. It might be well for of charge for co-operative a mea oVowing iv | [Unda the list agriculture for 1 EXPERIMENTS, , c :a--Three varicties of Six- rowed Barley 2b--Tw varielics of Two-rowed Barley Eech person {n Ontario who wishes mroperty of the person. "who conducts for at least five years in succession. | ! These consist of variolles from nearly al! parts of the world, some of Which have done exceedingly well in the care- | ¢ fully conducted experiments at the Col- lege and are now being distributed free throughout Ontario. The { of cooperative pills asi in 1908; ! {CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS MAFPENINGS FROM ALL O\n1 THE se i cne firm has a supply of maple ani bens, ply P require > schools of ay Province. the Winnipeg dair: nl = said to b fected with tubercuio will make a ten per o under the Natal act, will be appealed. Herald from Madrid says: Reports from | been appears that/ the Nova @ man applied for _ the expenditure for the year ex- v T weer-j|dian Head, Sask., arrived at an William purchases that portion of the railway within the corporation limits, he department, 135 | {i distance Dauht's Rock in five days and five min- ules, clipping over two Lair a half hours from her previous rec al Vancleave, Miss., Ti wood, N. Williamsport, - ix sed wanted Washington, #| senae seeree wens es Pa., in the building of the State Capitol have o'l been found guilty. ek ert fe eget and | Telegraph .Briels From Our Own and i ng, ruit- growing or ta cartsing o Obes Courtirics of Recent Events. * CANADA. Chatham General Hospital is over. | Legislature is to meet on April'? 2nd oct is an outbreak of glanders ul poses illicit stills were seized last od in the ee district. son of Huntsville was Ir. J. H. Jackso: ag by folling from a ladder, on Fri- 4 laboratory for testing ores, metals 1 an ling food is to be established in "Wood is scarce in Peterboro. Only Norris Stevens, a St. Catharines Hote!- offered ting (Wie spring, viz.:| keeper, was fined $100 for selling liquor beets, ci , onions, ce, early to-j after hours mpeg ty later tonraloes, Caretakers of Galt public schools must not we their buildings during and bet- | school ho The Onleny ogee of Education wilt re fire drills to be practised in all foi in~this~ e testing may 'O-gold-has been brought out of the ch-ose any je experiments | Findlater a district, B. C., dcspile above ssentioned esd oo in his appli- {the finds ri cation for the seeds and tructions | = About seventy per cent. of (he cows in 2 ane Counterfeit einney prevalent in e- | Peterborough, and is Slieged. to be com ty suits-at the end-of-the season, whether | ! dso mg from. Lin: The Grand Trunk Railway has been granted special leave to appeal to the Privy Council on the two-cent fare ques- n. - the s!ee] market soon improves, he N. S. Steel Co. at Sydney Mines cent. cut in wages, Bightcen Hindus were fined $500 each at Vancouver for failing to pass the test Lut the sentences Judge Snider has given his award 'n the arbitration at Hamilton reducing _ price of street-lighting to be paid y the city by $15.50 per lamp yearly. m rsley Bros., Larsen & Stewart have rded. the contract for the firet hundred-mile section of the Grand Trunk Pacific, from Prince Rupert eastward. Financial returns Sootia hrought down in legislature showed ed the revenue by over $100,000. wThoniad Anderson, chief trader of the Hudson's Bay Company in Mackenzie district, died while on his way oul, having retired from the company's ser- ice. he H. H. Campkin Company of In- was driven to assign by the detalcations of Secretary-Treas.- urer Manford,' who is --* to have Stolen filly thou sand dollar Port Arthur and Fort William have agreement whereby Fort i green pictures | und the road wiil L ted b int i Three Armored Cruisers Will be Sent for the rest of their lives. Alonsc | commission e operated by a jo British Columbia Coast. ly esca, _lyne -- A {ch from'Léndon Mat thes = ot sata ieeetes ve GREAT BRITAIN. armored tears Euryalus, uae and iE President Fallieres at ieee will pay Cressy, of the Fourth Eau : AS ' a visit to London in Ma ron, now at Genie: will proceed at HONEYMAKEAS MONEST. The health of Mr. ad Chamber- ain is reported to be ene Inspection of London, England schools 8 said to show faulls which might lead tragedies. By a vole of 153 t 33 the House of Lerds rejected the -- smal hold- t up fo them a second m the Commons Ther was inaugurated in London, England, on Monday night, a campaign, supported by every religious denomina- Canada can|tion, to make Londoners goo The steamer Mauretania covered the between Sandy Hook and e UNITED. STATES, Four negroes were lynched by a mob on Tuesday. hree lives were lost in a fire in an alms house at Sun Sraneleds on Tues. da y. Eight prisoners, four being negroes, | Fodder Crops, Reots, Grains, Grasses, Cloy-|w:re mie tages at Wuningion, ers, and Fertilizers Three -- beys are dend at Nor- , from eating skunk cabbage 'oot, A Danville, TL, hen has recently aid her ray agin egg. This is be lieved to be t rd, he licenses of 36 local saloans tn Pa., were held up on ae- gunt of gambling disclosures. The Mayor of Terre Haute, Ind., re the request of ministers who the fown theatres clused on y. While dreaming of burglars. Mugh follis, a Treasury Department cierk at shot and killed his. wife n Friday night. The four men on trial ot Harrisburg, on charges of defrauding the State The California Supreme Court has de. chied) that Eugone Sehmitz, formerty Mayor of San Francisco, was inlaw ASRCOR Avice HUNTS! GEMHEW RTRR MERE fully convicted of extortion. site Beans ... for fear the first couk! not be ted. 'Ali material will be furnished entirely te of charge to yond Sess, and produce wiH, of co . become the the experiment. Ontario Agricultura! College, Guelph, 1908, who has become heiress S McClellan and Bingham of New York, and has asked fcr their removal from office. was begun at Chattanooga, T Fditha Cable, aged 13, of Brooklyn, to $100,000, Soja, or 4 9 --Three varicties of 'Husking ¢ Corn 3 says she will keep to her choawe of HK) --Three varieties of Mangels ........ .2...0.- x | work and be a eacher, 11 --Two varieties of Sugar Beets for feeding purposes sees 2 . Ewing, President af the (hristlar 12 --Three varictics of Swedish Turnips ...... .. 3 College at Allahabad, lo!d the Mi-sion- 13 --Two varicties of ed om TUPS... 20000 coos ceneve eos 2 ary Congress at Pillsburg that an up- 14 --Two varieties of Carrots 0.0.0... ....c..2 seen eee 2 rising in India was inevitable, 15 --Three varicties of to or Silage Corn 3 tt has been decided that the United 16 --Three varieties of Millet . 3 Stales battleship fleet cwill visit) Mel- 17 --Three variclies of Sorghum 3 bourne and Sydney. Same of the ves- 18 ~Grass Peas and-two varieties of Velches" 3 sels may be sent to Vaneouver. 19 --Rape, Kale and Field Sarna, 3 Judge Norman Dike, af the Supreme ®) --Three varieties of Clover .......ccc00 cece cece cece ebeeee eeuee « 2 Court. Brooklyn, received a Black Hand 21 --Sainfoin, Lucerne and Darna vaeeesenee cece eeeeee . S eeaeus 3 leer thre alesinng death because of 22 --Four varieties of Grasses ...........0. i Seenneoeesee eons wean sane 4 severe sentences, 23 --Three varielies of Field Bree suteweay Berens: wees SseNED sosecess 3 Join EK. Stevens, former ly chief en- 24 --Three variclies of Swoet Corm.......... aeccce . secoen @ ginecr of the Panama Cana:, says the 26 ~-Fertilizers with Swedish Turmips...... 00. ccec eeee cece teceeeee 6 canal will never te other ae u greal 27 --Sowing Mangels on the level, Sams IN Grills .....2 eves cece cove 2 a to the United State: 28a--Two varieties < Early Potatoes...... .... eaee wine Sueree Wascne B A pet ne bit Arthur Brown al Mill- 28b--Two -varietles of medium sipuatng Potatoes .... ... 2 ville, N. J., th tearing the young 28c--Two varieties of Late Potatoes........ ...... 2 man's eels and bruising br eyeball, 20 --Three grain mixtures jor grain - a ghee the fight may be 30 --Three mixt man, supposed to be a lunatic, en- ae Seas es pire - hey 3 we the rgd National Bank at erch applicant fo make a second choice, ae ond threatened to blow up the building unless he pn paid Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst of New has filed -- against Mayor Commissioner for state prohibition enn., on demonstration in the ev- A movement A ening? was altended by 7,000 Dur persons uring the absence of Frank Moni- err ae ' . inc ppp rin nap oan witha. rate J a measles. I. (ENGINE AND CARS DITCPED Scores of Passengers Hurt on Newfound- land Railway. A despatch from fialifax, N. S.,-says: The sleamer Bruce, arriving at North Sydney on Friday, hud over one hun- dred passengers, the pert of whom a suffering from i rn the Mietneatund Railway on a in one of the worst accidents in the history of the Heid road. Many passengers wero obliged to remain 'at Port Aux per. with injuries so seri- ous as not to permit of their continu- ing their journey, The accident occurred six and a hail Ss in Port Basque, when mast of the passengers were asleep. The train was moving rapidly along when the engine and forward cars rolled over and over, hurling men, wo men and = from their berths ia the tangled reckage. None were killed curigtt. although the cock on { train received injuries which are likely lo prove fatal hhis wife and child recaived| lips. Andrew Snow, en Wm. Babcock, going to Alliston, Mass., had his head badly cut, and were also severely injured. One girl, bound for Vanoou- ver, had her face covered with band- eges, her lecth having penetrated her route to Fer- nie, B. C., had his arm badly dislocat- ed. In fact, all the passengers sustained more or less serious injuries. denness of the the work of rescue di nearly six urs the injured passen- gers were obliged to do the best they could until a wrecking train reached {be scene. During this time many pity ful scenes were enacted, distracted varents fearing that their children were ----s under the wreckage. place where the cars -- over Had no ere log if not all, would have been killed, USED NEW AN ASTHETIC Doctors Hope for Good Results From the Experiment. A despatch from Toronto says: The other day at the General Hospital, an parcel A named Folvaine, which had never before been used in Canada, was tried on & man who had to bo operated on for a serious injury to his bowels. Frank Simpson was taken lo the hos- pital some {lime ago suffering from a terrible laceration of dhe bowels through being hicked by a horse hree times had the man been operated on, the ordinary anaesthetic bein ed. An other operation was considered neces- sary, bat it was found he could nol survive an application of the same anaesthetic and still lve. Dr, Norman Anderson. of th cal staff, then decided to try surg:- the pre- Paration discovered by Fourneau, a Parisian chemist, which conta:ns no cocaine, yet deprives the person of any sensation of pain, allhough they are shill in full possession of their senses. fr. Anderson made an injection o finid into the sac covering the patient's Spinal cord and = successfully united scveral portions of tal atic: Simp- son ulterwands no pain whatever, although 7 ee tens con- scious all the tim This cearelion had been used by Prof. Universily College, London, England, and out of two hun- dre! cases only eight had failed. This new anaesthetic does away with the ill effects of lhe unconsclous producing ind, cal, of Norman, Okla., his wile sold from the barn an old incubator, in which he had hidden 855. By a quick ride he got the money back. E. D. Morlon, town clerk of North Canaan, Conn., has a bargain in mar- ringe licenses, 'offering them to women free, al half prices to single men, and at a reduction in clubs of five GENERAL. Fifteen hundred houses were des el = Sunday by a fire al Niigata, a "There have been twenty important bank failures in Japan in the last fort- night. Gustave Adolf, cen, is confined to his bed Crown Prince af Swe with Che There are rumore afloat at Pekin that China ts about to spend $50,000,000 in naval equipment, The champion ski-runner of Switzer- lund was swept over a precipice by an avalenche and killed. ------ NATAL ACT IS ULTRA VINES. Peciston in Case of Hindus Given by British Columbia Judge. A despatch from Veneouver, B. C, says: The Natal Act has again been pronounced unconstitutional, this tune in the case the Hindus recently ar- rested for inability fo comply with tis pa tions. The decision was given on Iriday by Judge Morrison, of the Pro- vincial Supreme Court, and an order fcr the release of the men atresied was issued. ---- WILL BE BIG FLEET. Six Battleships in Squadron Accompany. ing Prince to Quebec. & despateh from London says: The Prince of Wales will be accompanied w Quebec by the Atlantic Meet of six battleships and ten ertisers with ils al- tached second cruiser squadron. Afler leaving Quebec the fleet will cruise along the Canatian coast, visiling sev- éral places, OTTER NOW CHIEF OF STAFF. Militia Order Was Issued To-day Mak- Ing Appomiment. z A despatch from Ollawa says: A mi Ltin order was issued on Wednesday appointing Major-General Luke to be Inspector-General and Brigadier-Grneral Otter fo be chief of staff, from April ist, CHOPPED HORSE TO DEATH. Brutal Crime Committed in a Stable at A despalch from Montre Police on Thursday were brutal act committed on Tuesday night ina stable owned by Mr. A. Gauthier on Volt:geurs stirect. Me. Gauthier Stales thal on going ta his 5 -- in th e al says The enimal ail con heck ea aboul the head and body in a fear- ful manner with an axe, wounds were ulmost cut asunder. Mr. convinced thal the cruel dead was the work of enemies who wreuked their vengeance upon his horse a eee FOUR HUNDRED SLAIN, Battle Between Hallans and Tribrsmen in Somaliland. A despatch from Rome says: News has been received here from Hatan Somaliland to the effect that a locnl tribe, helped by soldiers of the Mullah, allacked fnoth3e tribe under the protec- tion of Italy and killed thirty of their sent in to the disturbed section to pun- ish Jhe raiders, In this they were suc- cessful, for in one engagement they killed four hundred of the tribesmen and sixty of the Mullalh's soldiers. The Italians had one man hilled and two wounded. ----_--4- ---- WOMAN BR = ES WILDERNESS. First to Travel a Fort Churchill and Reaches Winnipeg. A despatch from "Winnipeg says: Mrs, Reech, the first while woman to traverse the country belween Fort Churchill and Norway House, vin York Factory, ond Wii. Beech and Carl Beech, the first While men fo bring dogs from Fort Churchill to Winnipeg over the same reule, over 1,100 miles through the wile derness, arrived in Winnipeg on Wed nesday, after a mest untgue trip, which was fraught with no hitle trouble and River, and during ail that time the dogs were without food. and the rations of the party were reduced to a minimum. SLAVES BEATEN 10 DRATH Tales of Horrible Cruelty in Portuguese West Africa. A despatch from Washington says: A vivid description of atrocities alleged be be perpetrated upon slave laborers mgpocoa plantations on the Islands of Prnvelpe end Saint Thome, Portu West Africa, was given in an address cn "Children's Lives in Africe," by Gen. Jcubert Pienaer of South Africa, at a session of the International Congress on the welfare of the child, uader ihe auspices of the National Mothers' Con- gress. "The atrocities I have witnessed in Portuguese West Africa have taken a held upon fhe," declared Gen. Pie- om. "that I cut myself loose froin all my business, and feaving my family 'e thousands of miles away, f have coa-clher secrated my life to the freeing of the men and women that are dai --_ done fo death, Pe the litle Childrea 1 have oe belng beaten uatil the ow to the und.* Alter stati a , he a pe "crueltles mef- out to these d human beings i tho mai ind were beyond descrip- tion," =. i : '© tor agli from the breastg of their seeties = a Holl 'a0 omnis." body aro hung on trees lo terfer: natives. Ne ~

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