Listowel Standard, 20 Mar 1908, p. 4

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re mt re ao aan DR. COATES') J. AL HACKING. DRUGGIST, Ont. LisTowEL - ListowelStandard ARCH 20, 1908, FRIDAY, M. @ AN FAPERSVE CHANGE, Mr, Kenneth es a of Montreal, was called in by the De epartment of Marine and Fisheries te revise and im prove the system of bookkeeping. There is nothing objectionable in of labor-saving devices. The new system is admittedly better than the old. But Mr. Falconer was paid $42,000 for himself and his assist- ants, He had not originally asked for that amount. He had made no agree- ment with the Minister as to what his charges would be. But he got $42,000, He brought a staff of. men from New York, Some of them got $75 Others got $50a day. Mr. himself collected $40. Other henge inns portant members of the staff receiv $30, $25 and $15 a day respectively. The charge for transportation was half- pay. Board in Ottawa was also charged Committeo that this charge for board was suggested by the Deputy Minister. Undoubtedly "Col. Gourdeau will be called to make an explanation, The whole expenditure was $42,000. ore- over, Mr. Falconer is nota chartered accountant. If he had been he could not have done much better out of a single transaction.--Toronto News. GRAND ORANGE LODGE. St. Thomas Chosen For 1909 Meeting. ar trig M, P., eal Dr. Pyne, Min- du ucation, Address Public Mecting. a Forest, March 1 12.--E, T. Essery, London, was re-clected . grand-master of the Graud Orange Lodge of Ontario West at to-day's session. St. Thomas was chosen for the annual meeting in 1909. The other officers elected were : Deputy grand master, Harry Love- lock, Toronto. Deputy grand master, Fred. Dale, To- onto, Grand treasurer, John Hewitt, Toron- 'Grand secretary, Win. M, Fitzgerald, 142 Morse strect, Toronto, Chaplain, Rev. Bro. eek London. Grand lecturer, Bro. J.J. Branting, Cookstown. Grand director of ceremonies, Bro. W. Thompsen, Mitchell. Grand auditors, Bros, Wright and Tay- or. Deputy grand secretary; Bro. W m. Cook, Meaford. The day's sessions were, full of inter- est, At this afternoon's session the mat- ter of decre: anne the per capita tax came up and was at some length. On a vote being t taken it was decided to keep the per capita as it is at present. On motion of W. H. Sanders, a reso- lution against bonuses being paid forany class of immigrants and against adinit- ting to Canada Doukobors, Galicians, Armenians, Assyrians and generally the people of Southeastern Europe, many o} whom are members of o> ihre secret societies, was unanimously ador At the public meeting held in " the opera house, Mr, Easery, of London, grand master of the Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario West, in introducing Dr, Sproule, M. P.,.said : "I introduce to you the Sovereign Grand Master of Bri- tish America, the greatest Urangoman of the émpire. Dr. Sproule in his reply defended the Orange order, --* that it was the champion of free specch, a free press, and of religious liberty. "When I thought it was my duty to stand up in the House of Commons to say something I considered it my duty cod say," eed Mr. Sproule, " there '0 to fifteen French and Irish Ronse Catholics jumping up to in- terrupt me, and I regret tosay some Protes' tostants joining in these interrup- tions. Dr. Sproule higgins the action of the late Mr. Martin when the member for the riding in which Mt. Forest is locat ed, and other members who had refused to present to the House petitions from the Orangemen. He thought it a shame that istian ministers were not among the ---- order in greater numbers. Pyne gave a brief address along te cas of education ; his desire was that every boy and girl should go out equaipp- ed for the duties of life upon which they were about to enter. Among other speakers were Mr. H. C. Hocken, Rev. Mr. Lowe, = c erty John McMillan, P. G. M. ; Birming ham, Rev. W. Waish, grand chaplain of the Sovereign Grand Lodge ; T. G. Wal- _-- and Colonel Scott, of Walkerton, A short programme was given by the Mt. Forest ae Miss King, Miss rebber, ape Toronto, and the Mt. Forest' tte. ' IIl.--2--Again, " awed translated Theology, Minhvorniiy of Dublin "Ht make my bed in Hell, thou art thete sleo---Fa --Ps. 189 :8," "ever erlasting" is a word of vague == ing--aeonian-- age-long--or to the other world. It Gare not of 'ie self mean ev . It is applied to God, but also to Aaron's priesthood and Gehazi's leprosy, ete. out Se -- but - -* never.uses itin this , again the Revisers "hig plo the mi 'word Everlasting in every case and substitat- ed another word, Eternal, which, in scholarly usage, means the opposite of temporal which is above the TTL of time and space, that which belongs to the other world. a the famous proof text for this doctrin should read, "These shall go away unto the aeonian or other world punishment," and so of the other texts in which this word Hell in them. The word our Lord used was Gehenna, the name of the valley where things were cast to be meant something very solemn and awful. But He certainly did not mean the idea in-our minds ofa vast prison, n which the souls of the lost are pierced pec with agony for ever aad. ever, with no hope of repentance, or amend- | ment, or escape. How can I know what | our Lord meant by it? How could I know what Shakespeare meant by a wor I eal + read up ee the it commeny meant to the people of Shakesperre,s time I should accept as being what Shakespeare meant. That looks interesting Bbtmien dso has been made ry usscholars. They have examined all the existing Jewish records where.the word Gehenna was used from 800 ptt ent," t of all modern J. manuel Deutsch, who doesnot love Christians bisa § us very 8 ly, though ery politely: "There is no word in the Talmud that lends any countenance to your damnable 'doctrine of Christian Everlasting Torment," ill. i I.--So we need feel no Jonger forced 'to belie scien But does n that there isno Hell? God forbid! The ing that could ha) to si id be ppen woul that--that there should seal no Hell-- that God should leave them alone in the Bible doctrine of Hell, which is solutely certain, but the horrible, popular Boctetne which is absolutely false, The doctrine of Hell is unfair, unreasonable, unutterably cruel, impossible to recon. cile with the nature of God, The Bible doctrine of Hell is stern, solemn, awful, unutterably awful, but not unfair, not unending, not unhopeful, not impossible & reconcile with the nature of God. What does the Bible really teach? Shall there be a Hell? Most certainly. Shall its sufferings be awful? Yes. The Bible almost exhausts language in ex- pressing the unutterablé loss and shame and misery of going into the outer dark- e loss of G f Christ, of a of life, oy unquenchable fire of remorse. What is the difference be- tween the false doctaine and the true? The difference is that between- Nero torturing criminals in the amphitheatre By the Rev. J . Paterson-Smythe, , "L.L.D., Litt. D., Retro St Gorges Montreal, late word occurs. . a IV.--38--Now, take the texts with the dar burnt for keeping the city pure. Our . sensible, does it not ? Well, a very me 800 B.C. t0| ie hell the last and most awful effort of Him ' who is always seeking that which is lost, if so be that He may find it? Iv. - Someone says: Are you not afraid that this teaching will make men pre- . - ; I repar k that there may be a possibility of being lost forever, owing to the ee of character to grow permanent. Let him think that, though the sath 'repentance may never be'cl: 5 terrible that path may be, through aint deep shame, and agony, and corruption it may lead. Aye, let him real- ize the meaning of going out into the 'kness, outer dar! , al All the raded gs of senseand a ite are gone. He is torn by appetite and cravings e has no power to in- dulge.. That poor soul of Sees polluted id d ds in the dread lon- e838 » full the sense of Dees as ie Sas hie the ee ledge of God's love--if over rsa own evil one--no Hell--no damned sou How? I don't ow. Some people say that all men shall at length be sav- ed. Oh, God grant it, but I canpot find in the Bible sufficient reason to believ ve it, who are beyond hope of Oh, I don't know. I can't find that in the Bible either, and I don't want to know where God has.not ed it, last sight of humanity in that drcma of i Judgment, those on the left hand assing into the outer darkness into the other world punishment, and as more. We dare not dogmatize here. We can only watch outside the darkness as a mother watches -- bong closed surgery door, where the strong surgeon is dealing with her boy. What is happening therein that other world and a surgeon wi een pain in his heart, submitting his own son tos fearful operation. Oh! it makes a difference wide as the poles asunder to learn that Hell is nota place where a vengeful God sends the sinner, but a state and temper which the sinner -- pe himself, and of his own will to believe that no one can toat thtvugh all eternity who does not through all eternity keep on refusing to be saved ; to believe that the worm that dicth not and the fire that quencheth not are the agonizing remorse of con- scicuce and the horrible memory of fgul deeds done and unrepen to ----s that all the time the love and pain is God's heart for every soul in the oni darkness, that for ever and ever and ever the Shepherd is out on th esolate ---- secking that which is lost, if , 25 He tonchingly puts it, if so be that He may find it. --""The love and pain of God for "someone says, "Im- Are you quite sure ? id you ever see aman in Hell? I He told me himseff. "Iam in Hell," he said, and | believed him. His Hell was begun. Did you ever seea di beginning his Hell when his temptation has mastered him, and_ his ig ner- vous system has become a m of tor- ment? Delirium tremens om come on --the horror, the agony, the crawling insects, the face of grinning devils look- ing out at him in his Yhy e suffer these horrors, the agony, the grinning devils, the sense of éver falling, into an abyss. cause God inflicts them ? ty how drunkenness blasts, and do- , and brutalizes, has attached this horrible consequence to it. Do you gr think that there is love and pain God's heart for that sinner in his Hell ? ? is true of the present Hell? Is it anguish, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth? Areany souls being born again through sorrow and shame? being remoulded in that awful -- of God? Will all be restored? Will some be beyond restoration, fit only to fling out in Ag rubbish heap of the universe ? ! Weknow not, we know not. -We-can pit whisper pag of our hope. Only one thing we > pure ofthat the Refiner of silver er is watch- ing over His seer 9 and that nothing shall be but tcomes of the deep pain and love « of the Father, But as we watch the awful shadows of that outer darkness, there comes beyond it on the far horizon the quivering of a coming dawn. Gehenna away the day will dawn for which the whole creation groaneth and travaileth together: when death and Hell, the evil and the Evil One shall be cast into the lake of fire ; when at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in Heav- en and earth, and under the earth, in the world of the dead. And every tongue, every tongue shall cenfess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Then cometh the end, says St. Paul, when Christ shall deliver up the Kingdom to God, even the Fath- er, when all His enemies shall ted unto Him. And when all His enemies have been subjected unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be sub- ected unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all i Thanks be to God for His holy Gospel. Medical Science Advancing Fast. | * Formerly doctors prescsiivad stomach semapenc for Catarrh and Bronchitis. Th m cured snd and Catarrh has be- wrong to hope that it may be true also Catarrhozone. and Sold wuyeene a Get it Pa fl a fruits and the limited of plants for this | punpens, he Seneey ot thane for tile your 'sone ly exhausted. But we have on | hand a quod sangiy of ence for the ex- periments with vegetables and hope to able to furnish these to all interestaed 5 plications to H. L. Hurt, Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph, Ont, WARM AND DRY TO STAY WELL, --s- Now is the time. when the doctdr gets busy, and the patent medicine manu- pomcers reap the harvest, unless great to dress warmly and keep the foot dry. This is the advice dencll eminent authority, who says that Rheu- matism and'Kidney trouble weather is See oe what to do in case Get from any good prescription phar- macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dan- 'delion, one ounce ng Sm Kargon, three ounces Compoun Syrup Sarsa- meals and at y es: Mix ieaekiog in. bottle and 8 teaspoonful after arya oe this simple home-made mixture at the first sign of Rehumatism, or if your back aches or if you feel that the kidneys are not acting just t, This is said to be a did kidney regulator, and almost remedy for all forms of which is cai Se ore nnd st szhall cos town 'and Taelaity y, when shown the Prescription, stated that gad can either supply thegejngred- aoc or, if our readers prefer, al will und the mixture for them oe * ELMA. Following is the remainder of the las Wook Council proceedingr, held over from A.M Swéeton, signing debentures Lo- gan Maitland, $2, A M Sweeton signing debentures McCourt drain $2, John Hamilton, signing debentures Logan Maitland $2, John Hamilton signing de- tures McCourt drain $2--Car: ried, By-law No, 545, appointing Pathmast- ers, Poundkee and Fenceviewers for the township of Elma for the yak 1908, was read the first time, making the fol- lowing appointments : i eenaatore--Folp Hamilton, Amos Weber, E, Mann, Geo. Nichol, uel oe Geo. Shearer, David Park, Adam Park, Sam- uel Johnston, Geo, Sanderson, Wm. Booth, W.J. Hunter, Geo. Porter, John Coghlin, Robert Gilbraith, Jas. Newbigging, Jas, M, Dickson, Chas, Mc- Nichol, Geo. Keith, Geo. Hamilton, An- drew Stevenson, Thos. Hamilton, J. W. Dickson, Fred Curtis, Geo. Hume, Thos. Hymer, G. W. Foulston, Jas. Thompson, Mat. Stevenson, John Love, jr., James Coulter, Wm. Morrison, Jas. Danbrook, John S. Cowan, James Barton, Alex. Herd, jr., Sam. Love, Sampson Burnett, Carson, Kirby Newstead, Allan McMane, Wm. Struthers, Robt. Barton, Russel Riddell, John W. Smith, George iles, James Hinks, Joseph Horn, James Buchanan, Thos. Cockwell, Samuel ~ Court, Robt. Roe, , Allan Steckley, Wm. Ovans, Alex. Robbie ho olman, Thos, aco! has. Prost, jr., Lambert, Wflson castle Jobn Flood, David Bartza, Alex. Stewart," Thos Sherwin, Robt. Adair, Wm. Merryfeld, Alex. Inglis, Isaac Parkinson, Wm White. Trowbridge, William F urtney ; : Atwood North, John eee Atwood South, Dennis Barton ; ton, Jas. Kelly ; Newry, John sorties Fenceviewers--J. A. Turnbull, Henry Moore, Archibald Tughen, Thomas New. bigging, R. S. Ballantyne, Alex. Simp- son, Edward Corry, Wm. Burnett, Geo. leland, James Broughton, Sampson Bennett, Geo. Struthers John Gernheld- er, Frederick Seelhoff, W. H. Gilmer. Poundkeepers--Ivy D. Smith, Whit- field McCormick, John Hamilton, Jas. re Richard Coghlin, Chas. Lucas, ston, G. W. Foulston, Jas. Buchan ony ugust Bauer, Edward Broughton, Peer Hood, Joseph Lam ad Wm. Cuthbertsdn, Alex. tnglis. Hilo e y of each school section in the somnaliis is required by Scc. 19, sub. 5. 8 of tho R. S, of Ontario, to give notice to the Cleric of the names and dresses several Coancil adjourned to meeton Monday, March 6th! at 10 o'clock a.m., asa rt of Revision on pee Burnett drain by- ine and for general b GEORGE n LOcHEAD, 'Clerk. Does tho Ottawa Go Government get full value for its expenditure of -- two willions a week ? asks the Toronto News, Ferrozone will : & | meng and Wolldig tated Senne, | WHEN § RUN-DOWN, WN, "DRAGGY, myo aoe t comes and it's hi hard to a. and you ware that some powerful Ed is building up de- gt ea. once you feel brac- ed, strengthen the ps over and you won't find an eoything weak system like Ferro- fo tone u x ysicians claim itis the most serge uplifting medicine ever No of tiredness, but bounding, } joyful health when e Ferrozone, of which Mrs. H. ld, of weman, Man., speaks in the follow- ing wore of praise : T state a ges it may assist other women to health. A year ago I was it k. I was pale and emaciated, suffering from r and hysteria. Little things goin ng in the house me. vised diff t treatments but they didn't help. He said my low ndition was du t might never be oe ~ teful effect and built me up quick] onthe ils I suffe from are cured. I am now strong and vigor- ous le so by Ferrozone."' not cast aside the chains of tHE enter the bright, happy life bust health. Let Ferrozone help you--let it cure you -- and for- | ay Price 0c. per r six buxes for $2.50, e) all asclovs, 7 N.C Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn., U USA. and The system of double constituencies in Toronto was established by a Liberal Government. No doubt the teeta as of the divisions were fixed as the result of long and on consultation with the local organizations. The object was rt elect one or two Liberal candi to seats in the Assembly. Is which con- tinues the system becom as Shiner guilty of any great wickednes: Premier Deakin, of Anstralia, speak- ing at Sydney, advocated the expendi- tare of $9,000,000 for an army of 200,- 000 men and fifteen coast defense ves- sels. An effort may be made to delay the general opening of navigation on the great lakes, with a view of preventing cutting of rates on ore shipmen The body of a colored man was found in the river near Simcoe. He is supposed to be Daniel Ross of St. Thomas. "SHOW ME" PROOF -o-- This is what Hyomei will do in all forms of Catarrh and Troubles of The Breathing 'Organs, It's not a question aa Hyomei having cured some ono else, but will it reach your own particular case. If its Cold in the head, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Pneumo- nia, Croup or oe a of the LI New Spring Goods GRAY, BERNIE & GO. The Low Price Makers. STOWELL. and passing into stock "Bar the past week we have been busy marking New Spring Goods. Goods from all parts of the world ; our own direct importing. All that is new we have. Dress Goods, Mantles, Lawns, Prints, Sateens, Table Linens, Drawing Linens, Silks, in fact everything imported we have in this lot. Then by us importing direct from the Old Country, think of the saving for you. class Garment. SEE OUR STOCK OF Spring Coats, the Roger Brand. Look for that Brand and you are sure of a high Call and look over our New Goods, You won't be pressed to buy. GRAY, BERNIE & GO. a ae] tegen agen ingtone .- jr. says yes, oP will retonl the money if it fails. No other preparation for the system of treat ment is different from anything else. You simply breathe and inhale its medication in dry air form which des- troys the germ life that causes oppress- ed breathing, Nasa atarrh, Throat irritation and Lung Troubles. It brings to these suffering organs the balsam laden air they would get in the Pine and Eucalyptus forests." The air that ' stamps out Bronchial trouble: ; The prince of entertainers Marshal P. Wilder says : Hyomei i is easy to use, and swift tocure. It insures against coughs and colds. It gives you Ras airand kills the germ cf discas It helps the voice. ° Hyomei complete outfit, $1.00, A The Age of Niagara. © question, always interesting for the light it throws on the past history of the earth, has had many answers, The latest is that of Dr. J) W. Spen- cer, who, from recent studies on the spot, finds that the mean rate of re- cession of the falls at present is 4.2 feet a year, and that this has been the rate for i ge td 227 years. » giving only one-fifteenth of the present water sup- ply, the rate of os was at first A sudden widening of » above Foster's Flat. indi- w position of the falls when the other Great i From this . Spencer calculates the en- tire age of the falls at thirty-nine thousand years. The cutting, with the oa of the four lakes is estimated > have lasted thirty-five hundrod years Forced Reform. "I judge that young Goit is broke." "What makes zou think that?' ae he says he is on the men The F. amily Physician The ed medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken iJ}, the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Thep ¢ it or not, as he says. - Ask as Pills in these cases. is small, one a t oreat Clubbing Offer i The Weekly Mail and Empire AND The Standard FOR $1.80 Up to the End of 1908. 2 pling Hf We have effected arrangements whereby we can make this unprecedented offer, which means Two Papers for Almost the Price of One. Send in names at once and get the full advant- age of this great clubbing offer. =tst en a") eng ae me | A Montreal woman, Mrs. Foran, Secale -- in front of a street car, drank a lot of benzine and then stabbed herself with a pair of scissors. ably die. It is peculiarly significant that in Provincial election which is impending absolutely no charge of departmental jobbery or of electoral crookedness can be brought ayainst the Whitney Admin. istration. WAO224 202 ce te-c88 SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 18ST. YY mn TRAL Wy Wp STRATFORD, ONT. THOROUGHNESS is the key- note of this in school stands for what ie HIG EST AN D oe in business Pi cation. e three de ments-- COMMERCIAT. SHORT- HAND and TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates always succeed. If paeted get our FREE CATA- ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. 6OOO04 08S 087, 6888 'GLEARING §=©SALE OF She will prob-/ WATCH ES, CLOCKS, | the | JEWELERY, EYE- GLASSES, SPECTACLES, | First-class Watches from $5 up, | | i } | | | | | | j = Glasses from $4 up ranted. Repairing: prompt, reasduable and satisfaction guar- anteed at old stand. S. M. SMITH. WATCH OUR WINDOW for the latést designs in Jewelery, Fancy Goods, Post Cards, Etc. We Always Endeavor to Show the NEWEST STYLES. J. GABEL, Jeweler, Optician, Engraver, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Wallace Street. all

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