Listowel Standard, 20 Mar 1908, p. 5

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ee ae E ae BA CITORS Ai the Bank of Hamilton. Nuraries Public and Commissioners. Money H. B. Mouray, "3. Mi Castasw Blewett & Bray- BARRISTERS led aot eam @otaries Publicand Conve: MUXNEY TO LOAN AT 4 f-@ PER CENT. rR. Rue zo, Bray. B. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrist +, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN art 4; PER CENT ee. Stal aes next to Dr, Foster, Dentist. ss re ce in Atwood every Wodnesday f ices r DR. W. _f- BRUCE, R. G. Roberts, Kentucky, rd ps How Founder of the Fa: the Family First Won His Honors. The accession of Sir Gordon John- son, as fifth baronet, to. the title recalls two 'incidents; the sig- nal services to the crown of the foun- der of the family, and of his son's unselfish devotion to that green at 'the loss of an immense fortun William Johnson, of Johnson "Hall, near the Mohawk, in the then colony, and now gat of sag i possesse cons with races of all shades of color-- his word was ed and ere were but two baronets creat- a America up to the declaration - independence, and, for that matter, r long afterwards. att were con- .8.; R.C.D.8., tai! D.D.8,. Trint Vai; ae in a large measure for similar raity, Toronto; Post Graduate te Haske! _ Services ; one otis to William Pep- at Erosmiale Dealisssy. ChGk es. s over W. pe rrell of New Hampshire; the other Zpears' Store. Entrance by same stairway to William "JounwON, The former was Dr. Ratherford, Main St., Listowe., R recognition of his happy capture . of ia pa iy 1745. That scourge wards, -- whdo 1755. oma La SHIPLEY, ONT. Nouvelle' France was dn than AGENT 1 tor the oman" Also Money to Coa i ever, and increasingly aggressive. The aiyers tom apr wards at mlow rateof) War whoop of the Indian allies of Bterest. Gouveyanctog of all descriptions done | Louis XV. regounded from Maine to 2m easy to a 2 blood and _ {fire . FRED. VANDRICK, oe er For the Counties of Perth, Huron and the Township of Maryborough, . am prepared to handle all kinds of sales a firs tela manner, "Orders lef tat A.J. Vandrick's store, Lia- towel, will be given prompt attention' DAVID N. WATSON, - LISTOWEL. ed and dates fixed at Standard office.. > LICENSED "AUCTIONEER, LISTOWEL P. OQ. Sales conducted in any part of Perth or Wellington Counties at moderate charges, -- guarantee may be arranged for at Standard te office, 36--0. t G. T. R. TIME CARD Borth: Pastengor 8.19 a.m. ; passonger 11.31 a. m. aad 7.20 p. PALMERSTON AND KINCARDINE --For Palmerston : és ger Ee enge ENTIRELY NEW STACK OF Pure Drugs acquired the sole interest, will | ! in future attend to the want ot his Customers personally Family recipes a specialty. . € t &reall dus to STEVENS FIREARMS EDUCATION. Shotguns--Pistols.¥ Insist on our emg { honored make. ae you. cannot obta we ship direct, repaid tapon ---- of Catalos? a « you want to know about the STEVENS Etoued found | in 140 Paye Illustrated Catalog, Mailed t for four cents in stamps to pay ge. Heaxti- Le! aos Color Hanger--fine decoration for your club room--mailed for 6 centa in stampa. x 4097 Catcepes Falis. 'Mass., U.S.A. * t t "Anyone sending a sketch and Corrn : see reste. NOW e solicit ¢ business o Manufacturers, and oF hers who realize the advisati!- ty of oa Shots Patent pusiness transacted iminary advice free, Charges moderate, ie ane sent upon it. Marion & Marion, Reg'd., New York Le Montreal; acd Washington, D.C, dian Ted men--so many LIOENSED AUOTIONEER sealp. The and vacillating, and confined within the narrow stri betWeen the present Pittsburg and" the snipeaied to, and Gen. Braddock, we fight, against an unseen numerous. whole land, one could see the cavalry P- m.; . Benger 19.10a. tm. ; passenger 1.10 p. m., and Bi B16 the" forest, . Ponti ac an pm let: coats and vain valor. a prisoner, dangerously wounded, Johnson's tent, gained of the series which ada. The R. A. Hunter Axe ad name of Lake George, baronet, ! whole Levigy 4 planned lines of em- Ask your Dealer"for Stevens' Rifles-- net but he was not of tha preferred the British fl J. STEVENS -- & TOOL Co. purchased at P tion and came to Canada heading the noble roll of Loyalists, confiscated which an Astor or a Van derbilt might envy by skill and industry, officers. One a doth am and in St. Paul's Ctahedral beloved and esteemed by all. married a charming E nglish lady, dence, his n BUGGIES. | -|FOR SALE Top Bug¢gies, stock on head aad od will eal sell at eo d the English settlers. Hun- dreds of scalps, many the long, ligit- colored tresses.of--m atrons-and. girls, waved before the ows of the Cana- francs a colonies were disunited sea. England was of regulars, came ou destination was oie oily aS out post we have just n : axe had to clear a road throwgh the for- - es here was a brave display of scarlet and of brave men. The colon- ists, for whose safety they were to who knew the woods, should ilso have Khown better the skill of LICENSED foun FOR the F. 1 . j PERTH COUNTY. nities The officers and their' Indian si Sales conducted in s in any part of the] the and th County. Terms moderate, Satisfac-} forest glades were strewn with scat- tion guaranteed. Sales can be arrang-| }.¢ coats, and vain was English valor earts sun 'oe. n the colonies. At the Chateau of St. Louis. at Quebec, and in Jacques LOUIS » GABEL, reer! Square, at Montreal, many pedis were drunk to the success of ar Gen: piseran: a soldier of Marshal Saxe, comman anada, and vith him were Aegis itt regalar. French regim Johnson, of Tobin Hall. was made major-general. The Indi lis- ening and thinking, stood between he advancing aga and d Cross, egan to see end = store for t they ee sere: They wi Toaken Across vine Trains leave Listowel station dail on follows': | squadrons of their people extendin: DOPRETeH, OWEN SOUND PORT he Rocky Mountains. "About half xeouth: Passenger Pee ® m.: passenger 12.50 p. m,; passenger 4.30 p.m. Going | a century before the massacre of La- f died, the ne of extermination was: an see afar off, aig AR more scar- "Tf T kill a bear," said a Sachem, "I cannot eee e his carcass; some white man vol ae the land on which I slay him Toh nm alone could control the red man of the colonies, and eae ee him not to join his kinsmen of if Dieskau, flushed with thes niet ver Braddock, descended Lake and Chemicals. Chin stay lei me met Johnson at ag "© head of the Lac du Saint Sacramen R. A. HUNTER having This time it was the site uniforms hat strewed the forest a in and the first victory ended, five years later, in the sufrender of Can e joy-bells rang. A baronetey and ive thousand pounds came to John- with his victory came the after the later--when the Four years sibrodh of the 78th. Highlanders-was borne on anxious ear of the-gallant Montcalm -- Johnson was in the trenches before Niagara, defended by as oe and as brave a regular o regiment os ever drew a sword. When the Quebse breezes to the the Bearn down, crumbled aire from ol Great Lakes to the milf of Mexic Thus two of "the great victories of he war were battle honors for the © shoot well and Revolution of these same colonies to mee. which be had gut en of such value. SELF-CONTROL, DECISION, AND His eldest son, Sir John, inherited his MANLIN on" Like some other is a knicht at his birth, but fur- her honers had been conferred on Sir John by a special knighthood at St. James in Had he chosen even to remain neu- ral, he could have _-- his estates, metal. e . to a fortune st of dissimula- with property honored list is found he other Colonial Baronet Pepperrell, he founder of which family had also secured a grent estate, and two of whose deszendants were rescued from a poorhouse by the kindness of strangers, Five of Sir John's sons were British fell at + a son- ong the slain at Salamanca The late baronet was also an officer de but ailing issue, in the or , the title has ee passed to nephew, Sir Gordon. Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wag ons If vou waotianything in ~ vehicle line now 1s th to bu have © closest prion, 4 oall at_my carrisge shop will convinos. J F WILSON, Main Street Listowel Serr BORDER INDI: INDIAN BANDS. * Their Deenorplisat at ca T E ministrative and he ad preaiive qualities of is in civiliza- tl good citi- zens, professional men and even distinguished figures What a chasm there lies, however, between the healthful surroundings made possible in one nd the damning, soul- -blighting, death-dealing conditions under which some of the border tribes are forced exist. The may yet come when the little Indian boys or girls may enter the schools with some slight .chance of ® "reaching physical maturity before filling graves in the reservation cemete The Indian Department. while cog- nizant and doubtless appreciably con- cerned abort . 'conditions. is also are of ecaliar difficulties which conttont hens who are work- ing on half of the Indian bands November inst along the Rainy River. There are 14 reservations" and eighteen bands in this jurisdiction. Many of the reser- vations are located along the river directly opposite the state of Minne- 8D tis not against the law in that state to sell liquor to a Canadian ndian, i Sere beams these unfortunate people have been exploit- ol and degraded almost beyond cred- ence, Men of vicious character have established across the river from the reservations "blind igs,"" where ey of the most vicious kind is 8OlC men who lend themselves to this de- frading business is almost beyond be- fief, and the Indians go blindly, even willingly to the acenies is annual pH Bak o the De- partment, J. P. Wright Tanta agent, tells, for example, of the Hun, Hall bands of Objibwa felt Teserves. cov: er. , heres Ss, an "These Indians," says nn agent, "nre addicted to the use of intoxi- 'canits, uldece they mately get on the America side," Again of the Long Sault bands, «he writes: "I re A to Mette ee Lay oe Indians alon; ¢ Rainy re much @ dicted to the a of ate cants, which they can Sasily pro- i obese ide, Shi etic) there is no pen- at fo nd supplying liquor on Canad an m the American side cure in i3.a "olin d pis kept on oe ception ule opps ite serve, ada can BLE, all the Nae. ae ean pay for, consequently a great deal eir money is spent in liquor. In wo of these Indians- anguage of the official re- porte conveys secant information of the demoralizing influences exercised on- the lives of these people by condi- tions across the river tren their reser- vations. What chance has son little Indian layfully by site one of the border reservations? While his black eyes gleam vig snug niet now, and in childish play 'runs around the tepee, his og is as surely blight- ed as the flower that withers and falls with the first frost of winter. He is one of those who must grow up and contribute to the men across the river. These = bands range in nu ber from 40 to 110. There are 18 Ot them in the hin , recommend after making a personal investiga- tion and knowing full well the na- ture of the information in possession of the Department. Remove the re- a far back from the border. It will help to save these people and will remove at the same time one o the greatest obstacles in the ge ment and settlement o River valley. Then, let the Tiepare ment of Indian Affairs approach the United States and Minnesota authori- ties with a view to securing their co- operation for the prdcetion of the border tribes of Indian The Indian population of Canada is 110.345, of whom 10.547 are pagans. n 1905 the soc rales was 107,637, of chom 10,906 wer ur : Any _ infe renee to be drawn from these figures is left to readers who may be interested in this article. Czar Enters Lawsuit. An extraordinary suit at law which is exciting mu uch interest among Manitoba rg is now in progress in Winnipeg. o less a@ person than the Czar of Ruste is suing a citizen The stfte- sumed name of Stefan Tudkofski, was formerly treasurer of the Department of the Interior of the Russian Govern- ment in the province of Turkeston, and that he absconded with funda to the amount o roubles. The alleged unfaithful steward went ia Winnipeg, taking with him a Russian lady, pretty and of high degree. There he invested in real estate, and lived luxuriously, Czar Nicholas is now an _ for pas delivery to hi f tbe alleged delinquent's property. Proskurekoff has not been seen sings the : suit was begun. For Over Sixty Years, Phi mothers. disturbed 4 night ead broken y ® wick obild w: enffering and a suff imrowd! Shere § is oa mistake about . It oures oan tke Bouse aad under the June th. 1908.59 Seria Sih caer ime. Mr, J. &. Crate Enter Enters Plea Against" The utter soullessness of the, vr bas . shudree are, Paints Dils, -'Tinware, Tinsmithing, Plumbing and Furnaces, . mendatioa. success of our first-class an to you. Our aim is to make this Store the place in which you delight to deal and help us by your words of com- .Our years of experience in the retail part and the , practical part should be some guarantee of satistaction You will soon be into SPRING HOUSE CLEANING and PAINTING, an absolutely pure Paint buy JAS. ROBERTSON. d expert workmen in the If you appreciate the Our Home-made Kind That Pays the Users~~ the CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND - Imperial Bank OF CANADA. D R. Wilkie Pres. Hon, R. Jaffray Vice-Pres, CAPITAL AUTHORIZED - $10,000,000.00 . $4,910,000.00 "23 * . $4,910,000,00 =33 Savings Bank. rates and added notice. vogue of" Farmers' Business a Specialty. Sate fe note General Banking Business , Transacted. Special Attention given'to this Department." Interest allow ea ffm ate of deposit at current pel & Sines es @ year. 1 withou' Money may be wi wn by cheque t forwarded to [depositors by mail on ible 'Discounted. Cheese Cheques collected and es made thereon. On any bank oeahel or taken on de- posit without charge, H. 0. SECORD, LISTOWEL =e NCH, PHONE 40. F. HOWES, Listowel. WILD SPRING MOVEMENT, Seven Thousand Maked Fanatics Will . Make Pilgrimage. Reports received at Wi cata that the innipeg indi- pilgrimage. accounts the fanaticism of ae: aaa has no par- allel in modern ti Doukhobor pers 'ones in janicting hardship on ante ag al Said to d the doce 9) proper food. ee tor €@ paupers, They hay Loca an order to sell all thes eat cat. the lands go to the sect leaders. chickens have been sold j : a decree. isicotlapsen ae ean and ancakes have been and the beneeal diet has been tl to raw toes, onions, carrots, turnips, and a few other vegetables. taken away from the people about 000 worth of clocks and watches. One of Peter Ve i ed ~ cones 1 or. n folk, who are noted for | their « dettness with their needles, have ea rd forbidden te on ake any more em- roi The Deckhobor « wheat is ended by a committee which does at it pleases with. it. This ecoumnitten o con- trols "ype nearly everything in the way of on the eailwag brickyard pay But eta it comes orers Pr tie their meagre food aiiowancas from the com- mittee, they are -- to give a receipt for every ou n one district ea be ndred per- sons are living in two ieoudiag, Each adult is allowed a sleepin space four feet wide. All have to climb into their beds over the foot boards. The young: er men are stowed away in the aul rets of the ee after the fashio of canned sardin Nobody is permitted to wear more than one shirt, no matter how cold the weather may MANITOBA'S BUDGET. Increased Subsidy Keeps Balance on Right Side. = The annual budget speech of the Provincial Treasurer commences with a note of warning as to the fu- ture to the "rich man's panic," through which the financial world has been pas to a or the financial year just He showed how he arrived at this hig a which was by taking the ammae Taming act of Eliza crossing the ice pursued by bloodhounds was beaten about a hundred blocks r t a couple of game war- 5 rate duck hunters made a dra matic attempt at escape by crossing the ice on the One was y giving his name S58, Was tet The wo hunters were busy on the sandbar cs. al. son, when suddenly two strangers appe ared. Not liking their appearance, the hunters decided to decamp, and started away towards the gap. Then the chase beg One was quickly caught, but the vother, reach- ibwork, made a desperate jump on to the .cracking ice halon and, in view of spectators on t through a ice and, at the least, La a col pped his gun half- Way over and did. not wait to recover it. One of the game wardens followed in his path and seeured the gun, which, was impounde ~" EAT WHAT YOU WANT --o- But Find the Way e° Digest What You io Eat, peal The first thing to do in a case of indi. estion or stomach weakness is strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and the intestines, so that they will care for the food that is eaten. In no other way can this be done as well as by taking a Mi-o-na tablet before each meal. This restores strength tothe stomach muscles and stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices, then the food digests readily and you begin to get the full benefit from what you eat. Use Mi-o-na whenever you have headache, heartburn, tein the mouth, coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sleeplessness and the many other symptom: at are the direct result indigestion. J. rails srr jr. gives with every 50 cent box o-na a guarantee to r fund the acme anton the remedy cur-4 es. sick How Cold 80 Degrees of Frost 1s. It is difficult for us to form any conception of the degree of cold repre- sented by the 80 = tn of frost re- corded from certa ussia Sir Leopold McC lintock 'tela how in wan door work at precisely ature. His hands froze, a he rushed into the cabin and plunged one of them into a basin of water so cold was the hand that the water was instantly converted into a block of ce, At 25 degrees, Dr. Kane says. "the moustache and under lip form pen- dulous beads of dangling ice Put out ceipts from the consolidated reve- Lbs for sha year 1 ed to $2,118,734.12, and deducting therefrom the ordinary expendituré, which, he claimed, amounted (exclud- ing capital expenditure) to $1,824,- 381.01, which leaves a surplus of $294,- 353 The decrease in the surplus is not due to hard times, as later on the ih mad Treasurer Possth the fig- ures of his own estimates in 190 and the sotnal receipts in that year. The estimates made by Mr. Agnew amounted to $2,047,497.46, whereas the total actual receipts were $2,118,734,12, an increase of $71,236.66 over the esti- mate. The actual receipta were also $29,082.05 in exeess of the previous year. Concluding ting his estimates for the year 1908, the Provincial Treasur- er assumes that the revenue will amount to $2,827,997 46. This startling increase over previous years is prin- cipally due to an estimated income = 907, which amoun> it your tongue, and it instantly freezes » this icy crusting. Your chin has zing to your upper jaw by the luting aid of your beatd. My eyes have often been so glued aS to show that even a wink was unsafe. Virtues of the Scot. A prominent Presbyterian minister in N.S., while rambling about the pei one afternoon ran respectable looking "brither Seat. who, _ being slightly "under the tadhaniee," in a com- municative and patriotic mood, ae- costed the minister whose denomina- tion and nationality he at once divin- ed. He forthwith commenced an en thusiastic panegyric on old Seatia Seotland, he declared, produced the rentest writers, poets, politicians merchants, divines, etc,, ete. in the world, nd," he concluded, "they are t e most religious people in the world," A 2 a S diture for 1908 Mr. new $2,440,839.37. In his closing xevie he admitted that the Government had made mistakes, but, it is claim they were made honestly and they expected ¢ cian ae ea! Question 1 For we Brey Reader. , If you could find a nds simple ly on table "That may be, my friend," rejoined- the minister, "but I'm weet they _ a good deal of whites Whusky, whu sky." siatie red re other scornfully, 'what has whus pe ot to do with releegion." ------$--$-- $-- A slip of the tongue !s worse than that of the foot.--Spvanish Proverb. Have You A Horse? | nal If you want to keep _ in are, never let him suffer Rub o rviline"--it is rma c ps and colic, Nerviline is a perfec and s --woul yi you use tse it ? Most pills ry cause pain, and sick r ¢ stomach. Hamilton's Pills are dif- Reed In every good train stable fgrent--they late and cl the 'll find Nerviline because it k system act s0 in trim and reduces the ve scarcely ou've taken m e. | ary bill. Farmers, kmen and all You are = improves-- | horse 0 should Nerviline coler clears Eve? De | Prove how invaluable it Good for man, woman 25c. per bottle at all Hamilton's 7. Trya : afisbes," Boot an Shoe Sale. Every Pair Reduced. ee Mba St Ladies' HALF PRICE. J.S.GEE Has moved his Stock of Boots and Shoes to the Store next to his General Store and COMMENCES TO-DAY A THIRTY DAYS' SALE. Bargains in Boots and Shoes" as the ust be Sold. Also balance of stock of China Goods, together with all lines in Gents' Underwear, Winter Caps, Furs, Men's Paats, Heavy Ready-to-wear Skirts, al!*to clear out at Now is Your Time to Save Money. FARMERS BRING YOUR PRODUCE, ¢ J. S. GEE. WHAT CANADA HAS DONE. Reply to Taunt That the Dominion Has Lagged Behind. Commenting on the recent declara- tion of Dr. Parkin before the Toronto Empire Club that the time was not far distant when Canada would con- tribute of her own free will to the defence of the Empire, La Presse says: Who saved the colonies at the time of the American revolution, if not our count yho was 1A12 American invasien, that British North Amerieat not our country Yho, again in ING. at the time af the Fenian inva-syen, contritimted most towards conserving our couptry te thr British crow? awsot Canada or the U the the f during saved eolonies, it, in chor Greut eontre towards saving Manitoba to the {sh crown during the diet Riel re- bellion? o also, in Isso. at the Riel rebellion, conserved eouetedes second » porth- at the time 4 expedition Nile, contributed more than Can: da to secure the prestige of Great tain in these reg 3 Ww » British colones » South African war in 1899, furnished ao qore numerous or braver contingent te Lor Rote erte' army than this Dominion of Canada? e is it, if not Canada, siner the withdrawal of the Briti-h troops fram Canada, that has Fd di itself with the defence of the Briti-h ) ae in thi country, and who a ts the maval stations at Halifax and ay ulinalt? New Alaskan Dish. bhi nose of a big Alaska bull monse 1 wel 8 eight pounds, and when boilec te he ito gelatine makes the sholeest and mest nutritious article of diet to be rie moall Aluska. At least this is what Webster Brown whoa has hunted and surveved oA over A bark says, and he ought to know aska moote,"' sand Brown, "'L the. vent game food to be had in Alaska, and those who subsist for a large part of the time on the game of the country are careful when they kill a big moose ur any other kind of big game to have means at hand to take care of the ca*cass and save it "T remember not many months ago in the White River country when our food ran short and we killed a big bull monse and made away in the next few days with the sro of his good points We woe aveling over a rolling, partly cnet gett in the direction of the Tanama Valley, and very particle of fresh meat cou When the earcass was all butchered up and packed away I boiled the big, sristhy, fat nose of this moose about 24 hours, after spending five hours satehing the hatr off the hide and eine it out by the roots : Well, sir, T bowled that moose's until it made the finest sort of cg latine you ever saw, absolutely clear anda a delicious sweet and nutty flav- It mady # meol for the whole out- fit for every day three days, and my judgment the dish contains mere lasting and nourishing qualities than anything that we had.' nese 'Teony of Fate. Hewitt--I see that Gruet, the life isuranee agent, is married. Jewett Yes, und lis murvinge is a case of the irony of fate. ewilt--How ts that? Jewett--He didn't know unt) after he was married gy ~ woman in the ease carried a { life in- surance, and now he oa yom to hoop up the premiums on her policies, man often thinks he is. Mates a man or. beast. dealers. Vancouver, B. €. Spokane, Wash. she i Mh pan aaa Cal. Mexico City RAILWAY NO TRUNK SYSTEM ONE WAY Colonist Excursions TO THE WEST COMMENCING Feb. 29th and Continuing Daily Until April 29th, '08 TO THE FOLLOWING VLOINTs : 46.90 47.55 53.05 Tickets also sold to other cer- rtland, W os Angeles, Cal. tain points in proportion. Full information may be ob- tained from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or write e D. McDONALD, . P. A., Toronto, Ont. J. A. BACKING, Town Agent. A. M. SMITH, Depot Agent. Bologna, best, and prices m FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS, §. L. KIDD & SON, having Business of S. J. Ste evenson, are continuing the business in the Shop on Wallace St., purchased the Butcher Ewhere they handle only the Choicest wee of all inds, Home-made Sausages, Summer Sau- sage, Cured Meats, Etc. Our stock is alw ways th the very Give us a trial and you will come again, S: L- KIDD & SON Garbutt Kidd, Manager Builders all classes of buildings. ete,, ing line will be given gin how to kiss when she is taking s postgraduate couraa Listowel Sash and Door Factory: BAMFORD BROS. and Contractors to contract for the erection of Plans and specifi- catioas drawn, and estimates furniahed on re prepared application SASH, DUOR FRAMES, BLINDS, turnished on short notice. Planin order. Srenyening in the bui-d prompt attention and toed ae to Firet clase Workmanship Charges Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros, ss

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