. bite: ee é 4 | LB iy t ? price 5 cents, w - SEEDS. The All of our Face Closes an and Tim- fields of y is guaranteed Govern- ment Standard and free from noxious weeds. Flower and Garden gsm os Seeds 2 for 5 cents, regular WALL PAPER. New Spring Patterns now f on hand, largest stock and prettiest_ desi igns. _ Call and see for yourself. uJ. A. HAGKING. ListowelStandard| . > FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1908. THE COMMISSION'S BOMBSHELL. The report of the civil service com- mission on the laxity and prodigality at Ottawa falls like a thunderbolt in min- ranks, says the London Free Press. It corroborates the worst charg- es of .graft, corruption and incapacity made on the part of the Opposition, It seems impossible that the Minister _Mr. Brodeur, can erent . [ sign rps - . single directing head or an intelli unless it be that of renting sas money as possible," Words could notexpress a more dis- creditable state of affairs in the public administration. Every criticism of the marine branch by members of the Opposition is more than justified by the commission's re- port, The increase in n the one item of lighthouse and coas' $466, 000 in 1896 a finds here an explanati It was shown in the piaicinie ion be- fore the public accounts committee how one combination of contractors, dealing with the Government in different firm and company names, had: received in two years $980,000 without 'tender. The possibilities of plunder and extor- tion were shown in the Merwin deals, affording profits over jobbers' prices ranging from 50 to 187 per cent. The besiegers of the treasury of the class that Mr. Mackenzie tried to keep at bay, as a sentinel lying on his arms, have been admitted to a free revel in the nation's resources. he report is a condemnation in gen- vice alone from #3. a 00 in 1907, cipline, zeal for public service and re cart for economy are all conspicuously t." No one seems to have any mates to do otherwise than waste the eS papal t so crushing a revelation eman- nat from men appointed by the Goy- ernment itself is proof enough of its truth and justice. Any ordinary lapses, anything admitting of palliation, Scala inevitably be glossed over, leniently stated, or gingerly hinted at. The wording of the report, its candor,.and evident conscientious finding, can only proceed from men resolved, under every impulse of interest to refrain, to tear the, mask from the face of this admin- istration and show it as it is. it is an exhibition humiliating to the whole country. makes the min- istration of Canadian affairs a by-word every where. TO ADVERTISE CANADA. The London Standard' Will Issue a Weekly irene Editon, ' The Vancouver Vor orld of March 20th contained the following announcement : Beginning on May 22nd the vast pos- sibilities of Canada, her unlimited re- sources, the news of the Dominion, etc., will be literally "pumped" into the people of Great Britain by the London Standard, one of the oldest and most widely-read newspapers in the mother country. On the date above mentioned, an Overseas Edition, called the "The Standard of Empire," to comprise six- teen pages, ee, chiefly news of this Dominion, will be inser! weekly in the regular daily edition of the Stan- dard so as to form an integral part of this influential newspaper. A visitor to 'the city fora few hours to-day was Mr. A. J. Dawson, The Stan- dard's representative, who was here a year agoas Sir Thomas Shaughnessy's guest, Qwith other British journalists. Mr. Dawson is editor of the new Over- seas Edition and is completing a tour of Canada in the interests of this new fea- ture of the paper. Mr; Dawson arrived from Victoria this morning and left for the east this noon, leaving be hin im Mr. Stoer, who will -remain here a 'ew weeks attending tothe re- maining details in connection with the western Canada department of the new journal. "Tt is quite apparent to me," said Mr. Dawson 'oa World reporter at the Hotel Vancouver to-day, "that the interests of _,the Dominion could not be served by a publication that only reaches ~_ apes as are directly interested in and who, from motives of self- ihe ---- i emselves posted the masses, such a scheme as the = I have outlined is the only possible jan news, sent broadcast with no afditional cost The Standard, will be pumped into our garding reach greatest Dominion within the em- - Between sixty-five and seventy min- ers perished in two gener. in the Union = Company's coal mine at Hanna, W . Larger Provincial Grant This' Year tl and as a part of | C CROP COMPETITION. from smut and insects. The competitions excited much interest last year in the were leading at prices from 25 to 50 per cent. above market beatae This TOOK $1,000 IN. BILLS. Oo Daring Robbery of Express Company's | thin Package at Collingwood Depot, ---- wood, March 27.--Superinten- Collingw dent Allan, of the Canadian Express Company, who arrived here this otiee: noon to ae the mysterious disap- pearance containing $1, 000 in $1 bills, anton to- ee ce he has made. little progress, but is he theft was a bold one re was com- ited at the G, T. R. station yesterday at noon, while the company's local agent, Mr--L. E; Wright, was engaged in-- his midday trai Mr, Wright received the parcel from e messenger in the train, and having signed for it, plaaad it on a truck while he attended to other matters. He left time the robbery wee comnntiiner The thief made good his The parcel was sacronaeh to the local baie cn the Bank of Montreal, and was Toron The at once solid but up ig the present have failed trace of the missing mare, or the Mr, Wright, who had ened for the is ferring of express matter. aarp es WASHOUT NEAR CLINTON, -- G. T. R. Trata ans Into Washed nivale Engineer and Fireman Sustain Tie serio! te of ribs broken and 'is : jured. Fortunately accident hap- pened in a cut, or vit galt have bod amore serious. As it was, the front of the engine plowed into the embankment and the tender flew off on the other side. The perante © ner a two coaches are all stripped of trucks and are side- ways on the pet while the parlor car spans the culvert. Mrs. Jas. Fair and L. Jackson jr., of Clinton, were on board in the parlor car, but both escaped injury. MANY WILL BE HELPED BY IT, --e-- To relieve the worst forms of Rhen- matism, take a teaspoonful of the fol- lowing mixture after each meal and at bedtime : Fluid Extract Dandelion, ~ one-half ounce; Compound Kargon,.one ounce ; Compound Syrup ree ov These harmless ingredients can be ob- tained from our home druggists, and are easily mixed by shaking them well in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the first few doses. is prescription, statesa well-known authority in a Cleveland morning paper, forces the clogged-up, in active kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poisonous waste matter and uric acid, which causes Rheumatism. As Rheumatism is not only the most painful and torturous disease, gerous to life, this simple receipt will no doubt be greatly valued by man sufferers here at home, who should at once prepare the mixture to get this re- ief, It is said that a person who would take this prescripton regularly, a dose or two daily, or even a few times a woek, would never have serious Kidney or Urinary disorders or Rheumatism. Cut this ont and preserve it. Good Rheumatism prescriptions which really relieve are scarce, indeed, and when you need it, you want it badly. Our Sreegiats here say they will either sup- ply these ingredients or make the mix- ture ready to tako, if any of our readers so prefer. -- THE CANADIAN'S COMPLIMENT, _-- In a recent speech in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux told a story which pleased his farming audience. _ was dealing with the dev velopmen anadian bi utter & told-of a visit ny th Queen ee the Canadian Pavilion at Dublin. Among the exhibits was some butter labelled "the best i world." Her Majesty, who --_ her long residence in England has al as Pay pe held, and the | 8*® customary eee upon the arrival of the a it for but a minute or two, during which | Hades life many | Ch THE GOSPEL OF THE HERE- ~ AFTER. ------- | The Gospel of Heaven. ----- Sermon No. 8, (Concluded.) By the Rev. J. Paterson:Smythe, B.D., L.L.D., Litt. D., sereschaigerlgeeas als Montreal, late _ Theology, University of Dublin Be sure tik Ges repose of Heaven meadows or re, piously about our 10" ld - be necessary--that one would only beliove init isa suffi- ont answer to all. Bible says very little about the next world. But it comforts the mourners wi thought of meeting those whom Christ Dives and ife as knowing each other. He says tothe d thief as went within the vail, "To-lay shalt, be ney widow shall, meet her hus- on of God in that rapturous pinking: rist's benediction resting on 'tien And yet, I see one clear difficul- capa lease I see so mother aski tened that you would forget F tae' boy. forbid! I have seen it said to my hor- ror lately by a prominent English theologian that those in Heaven will ts glory. Nay,a thousand times over i God forbid. If you grow like Christ it | o¢}), is more likely that you should say--Ob, let me go out of Heaven; let me sacri fice myself if so be that I should bring this ? H And He will be near you to comfort you, and to sympathize in your pain. Andas you learn more of His re and His longing, as you find. that not forgotten him any more than your- self, who knows what sweet hope and comfort will steal into your soul? Who dare censure us for speaking of such hope? Who dare limit what the power of Christ's atonement and depth of rist's love can do for your boy in the infinite ages of the future, there are farther questions arising in your hearts. our dear ones re- em me? Will they, in all the years of progress, have grown too good and great ~~ 'fellowship with me? There i is no 8 cc answer save what we can infer seal ner boundless good- ness and kin of God. Since He does not forget = we may be sure they will not forget us. superior reatness and holiness does not put Him beyond our reach--we -- be sure that theirs will not -- their growth will be mainly a growth of love which and ever, In. HOW DO MEN ENTER HEAVEN ? We have asked, what is meant by Heaven? Whatcan be known of the details of life in Heaven ? And now we sh: we enter Heaven? And if you -- followed me thus far the answer is Though there is a special place which shall b be Heaven, yet, if Heaven eons it means to RO waiwtene too, bu Sten comes frets Caleta!" com r We begin Heaven here on Mr. Hutchinson replied, with courtesy : } not by taking a to sun and Pesientice se Pe Majesty. The bent the planets. Not by taking d journey queens from Dublin up through the air. Bat from Denmark. but the best 7 talk belief in God's 8 ith the! the and they shall loarn fally the me will only bring them closer to us forever Grie be go somewhere, | occurs April 8. i PEGE ite Lr B la F if 28 R aii! E E ie ef ' i : g Et Hi eEeeS those who are humbly aiden ed ier - that will on earth. These shall everlasting Kingdom. sary anes blessed Kingdom any He vouchsafe, to bring us all, MI-0-NA MEANS STOMACH COMFORT --~-- Its of Special Value to Many Here in rina i olable aiconery a = one set nih rads =. that the next world y to come ig thie Seat tice f oacks God who is the same always. We know} help in the Mi. bition of This that in this world He has bound us up i onders in case of in groups by knowing and loying and| jdigestion or we stomach. sympathizing with each other. Unless} It acta directly upon the walls of the His method utterly changes He must bowels, strengthening and do the same hereafter. Do you want | sti ing thém so that they readily farther proof. Think of the nature He | take care of the oe has implanted in us. If we shall not} out distress or suff know one another why is there this Siaioallive axa the goed effects follow. undying memory of our departed ones, } ing the use of Mi-o-na that the remedy the void that is never filled on | is sold by J. jr. under an earth ? calf is taken from the cow, ute guarantee to refund the money the kittens are taken from their mother, | if it fails to cure. A 60 cent box of Mi aye iceltts they are memo: -na will do needs, juman mother never . 4 gaia: 7 Webel her heed! ie bowed. with | Work. ee S toto See ee ee ey ssceamen on earth, you can bring re arial ; lorty years Did God implant that divine love in Cog es Laat aa tea seth cgrond esi well pie) ota ot . Absence from examinations thousand times { wor ao taaher "ohall ae accounts for the low standing of some of = a Geahaan a, eon McCallum, Orton en Harris Williams, Susan Leopard. Jr. II.--James agg Sher- Riehm Mann Maurice Hewitt. Jr. I .--Lawsie Sand- erson, Agnes Sanderson, Winnie Mc- ecg Clinton Mann. ulu Sr, I--Elma Riehm, cfc, | took Hazel Dewar, ane Wakefield, Hilda Hewitt, Fred Lemm (ae © Tilly McCallum, Willie Sanderson, Wil- bert y alames. Roy Purcell, Mervin Pur- A, BALLANTYNE, Teacher. "Gah bol eco ATWOOD. Elma Spring Fair will be beld on Wednesday, April 15th. After an illness of over a year Mrs. Frank Grslats of Atwood passed away pas the 11th of March at the age of 62 was the widow of the inte F Frank ig who died twenty- five years ago, The surviving members of the family are: ene son, Frank, of Ima, and two daughters, Mrs. Jas. Brown, of Atwood, and Beatrice at home. One daughtér, Mrs. Wilson, died seven years ago. Her husband was killed a few days before her death, leaving three small children, who have lived with their grandmother ever since. Great sympathy is now expressed for the three orphan children. A meeting of the Directors ef the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany was held in the Elma Hoitse, At- wood, on 17th. Members of the present but Mr. Cowan. A claim was presented by Mr. McCloy for Wellington Smith of Mornington for wagon burned. Mov ve and drew Querrin's (Maryboro) claim was gate and adjust the a plications for insurance were accepted amounting to $152,550. "Meeting ad- journed till Tuesday 21 21st April, Are You Drowsy J After Meals ? Is there @ fulness in your stomach-- --this taking s journey from-a bad state-of only when the is torpid. You need a stim tonic-- need Dr. Hamilton's Pills to stir your liver and pat life into sleepy You'll eel brisk and lively--you'll eat, digest sleep well after lating with Dr. Hamilton's i. on medicine 80 universally used, so , BO sure to benefit as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Cecil Chapman, Lett coun' on cheatin $4.07, is M. Sweeton re drainage money $2, Chas. Blair 165- yards gravel Riddell, p.m. $19.80, Curtain & Smith 4 day sho- velling snow gravel road 50c., Geo, Gor don 5 day ploughing snow gravel road $1.50, Geo. Chapman ploughing snow and tad axntce $8.40, Morphy & Carthew payment wt $25, Morphy & $2.50--Carried. Council adjourned to meet againon Saturday, March 28th, at 10 o'clock a. m., asa Court of Revi- sion on By- law No. 542, and for general township busin Gronox LOCHHEAD, Clerk. Editor Standard: I notice by the minutes of Council and Court of Re- vision on the Burnett Drain, published in the Bee, that no reference is made to § There are about fifty appeals in all, the majority of them being against the scheme, and the remainder against the assessment. Bo- ing an interested ratepayer, I should like to know what the Council is doing, or is going to do about it, and think a a full report of the proceediggs of th Court of Revision should be published. - EtMA RATEPAYER, THIS IS BEST TIME FOR SPRING MEDICINE, Taken now the bloood is renewed germs a he good sum- mer health ie aneer That uliar weakness 80 common in Friday a Listowel's Low SPECIAL, BARGAIN DAYS GRAY. BERNIE & CO. Saturday Price Makers. 000 yards heavy 3 H only good En special | only ove OVERALL ? only Bargain Days 98c. in town, special 18¢ sold sqervmner at12%4c. and 14c. Bargain Days 100 pieces English Prints, Crum's and other Fine makes, a big assortment of patterns, 10 dozen Men's Heavy Black Overalls, the ae quality, sold everywhere at $1, Bargain Days you ever tried MECHANIC KING A good heavy line, large make with bib ; here is your chance to try them at a low price, UITS <= 100 boys' Suits, Norfolk style, all new, nice pattern Tweeds, and a splendid wearing line, for Bargain Days only 98 pairs Woman's Wool Hose, best 25c,. quality 5090 yards Canadian Print, this is the best 10c. cloth sold, Bargain Days your choice 8c. printed duck, full width, 2 piece Come in and See Us on Our Bargain Days. We Have a Lot of Good Things for You. GRAY, BERNIE & CO. 'errozone. In a short time it makes you feel fit and fine, -- a feeling of youth and strength that's sys' makes you. "feel ven had a palpitation of the heart, 1. pg form--that's 50c. r box or six hoxes for $2.5 $2. 50 'at all deniers. _ OS Gladstone, a Jamaican negro, was as- sistant to a district -- in the Canal Zone, and, being rai ed for his benefit. One day a Spanish laborer came in for medicine, and the doctor told his worthy assistant to give him two pills out offmumber six. After adstone, on you give the man a dose of number si "Oh, no, sah, ale numbah six war finished, so I just give him one pill out of numbah foah and one out of numbah two." Selig Silverstein attempted to destroy a squad of police with a bomb in Union square, New York, but was himself fa- tally injured in the explosion, A by- stander was killed. Throat |Coughs Ask your i about these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. We _ Ayers are Who makes the best oe pills? The C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass. They have been making Ayer's for sixty years. If you have est doubt about using these Great Clubbing Offer, The Weekly ail and Empire AND The Standard FOR $1.30 Up to the End of 1908. Aberliay Par s!) We have effected arrangements whereby we can make this unprecedented offer, which means Two Papers for Almost the Price of One. i Send in names at once and get the full advant- age of this great clubbing offer. et A he if eek ate --_-- a Contains No Caustic Acids It's healing and 4 drawing -- outs why Putnam's Corn Extractor is ter than cheap acid substitutes. sist on Putnam's only. " The Czar of Russia has lost his suit against Stefan Ludrofsky, defaulting reasurer of Turkestan, Mr. Justice Mathers of Winnipeg dismissing it for want of jurisdicticn Sta a an te a hh a a a te a a SPRING TERM: OPENS APRIL 18ST. GENTRAL (OU, - STRATFORD, ONT. THOROUGHNESS is the key- note of this institution. Our cation. Je have three de ments--COMMERCIAL, SHORT- HAND and TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates -- succeed. If in- terested get FREE CATA. LOGUE. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. WVesteseT 60et GLEARING SALE OF '| WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, EYE- GLASSES, SPECTACLES, First-class Watches from $5 up, Gold Glasses from ve up all waranted, Repairin prompt, reasonable and watiefastion quar- anteed at old stand. - S. M, SMITH. WATCH OUR WINDOW for the latest designs in Jewelery, Fancy Goods, ~ Post Cards, Ete. We Always Endeavor to Show the NEWEST STYLES. J. GABEL, Jeweler, Optician, Engraver, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Wallace Street.