+ ea » oS ae SPRING BLOOD 18 BAD BLOOD "yet w allowed to attend -- Tow to Get New Health and Strength in the Spring. Tho winter months are trying ae 2a the most robust. even finement indoor in overheated and eae dy always badly ventilated rooms--in "the home, in the shop and in the schoo! faxes tho vitalily of even the slrong- esl. becomes thin and wal- ery, or clogged with impurities, the Saal sluggish, the kidneys weakened. mictimes you get up in the ssereanl just os tired as when se went 'lo bed. ple havo headaches; athers "you strength in-spring is a tonic, and the <ine always reliable tonic and bidod builder is Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills, These pills not only banish spring ills. bul guard you against the more serious ailments that follow, such aS anaemia. rheumatism, Indiges- sid kidney trouble. Every dose of Dr. wv Leevied Pink Pills makes new rich: | blood, which strengthens every ody. is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is the favorite spring medi- cine with thousands and thousands thrughout Canada. Try this medicine this spring and you will have energy pnd ea fo resist the sorrid heat "the coming sumer." Mrs: Jasy Has- kel, Port Maitland, N. S., says: "I was troub headaches, had a bad , and I was cosily tired gana ae from a feeling of depress: supply of Dr. Williams' Pine Tonle vies it was not long before they began help me and I was soon feeling as well as ever I had been." You can get these pAb' from spi medicine dealer or by ail at me cents & box or six boxes fo lor $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine A "Brockville. Ont, -- -4¢--_--_ THREE PAST EXISTENCES|f20" SAW PREVIOUS LIVES IN HYPNOTIC SLEEP. A Marvellous Case of French Girl--Could Iemember Before She Was Some wonderful results, seeming to throw some light on the problems of Me reincarnation have recently been ab | ono. tained through the medium of a young French woman, Mille. Marie Mayo yriame. al She 'vas the ie of a French engineer, who! havi a part of his life in Sa aleae ne poste in the East, died there. Her ev mar | enga: consi ogee of eastern railways. rl was brought up at Beiru in syrie. until she was 9 years ol, th the care of native servants and in tendance at a school kept by nuns, ahs tought her to rend and write in Arabic. Reing brought to France and placed under the care of an aunt who lived in Provence, she came under the observa- tion of Colonel de Roches, who, as one cf the foremost investigators of psycho- eae phenomena upon a scientific asis, had for years boen engaged in the exposure of charlatans and in the study of varying phasas of _personality. undér the influence of hypnosis. WENT OVER CHH-DHOOD. There were thirty seances in all. It wus nol unt) the seventh seance that umiplele exieriarization of the astral "dy was effected, and only i fitteenth did Gol. de Rochas focl justi- fled in corrying the regression o memory back to any previous existence, hus, Miss Mayo was taken back, in her condilion of trance, gradually from 18 years of age to 16, t 14, to 12. fo 10 years of "age She saw her astral body transform ifself in gwith the altered. age, and her "memory re- vived countless facts which she had forgotten in her waking state, BABY AGAIN, At & years of age she was at Boirul, dd could remember all her Turkish, which had slipped etek from her lee ing the years she had | in Fra Al the uge ofl vear her Innguage failed her. a she Could Simply nod "wes" and "r Then ae went info nothingness, feol- ing enly that she existed. She was cartied pack 6lill farther, when she sail she was "all in the gra fnd remenibered having had some earlier existence. TR PRECEDING 'TNISTENCE. With the seventeenth seance the earl or yo "Tum a woman, she calls herecll Lina." "Are you living or dead?' "I am dead," "How did you die?" WAS BRETON GIRL. The tragedy of the' girl's preceding existence was disclosed. The daughter a fisherman in Briltany. she led, the pin hard life of the fisher child. the. parish Schools. es Asie to learn how lo read and w : she grew into meeiienwobd ae hoped for marriage, with the simple, natural desire and am- AA hehe ee oe @ a natural to the young,. innocent ee uk id her Kenai whe' the yiide eke Toned toc _o fisher- man, like ther father. -His name "she w 20 years old; and then, sahe learned what Life and love 'could be, and. what eorrow Ap be. The reincarnated fisher girl of the hypnotic Sancaedas girl as the @uardel ond sheltered young lady of this ration, was ignorant of the test fact of woman's life--passed Bae oy th pa. of childbirth, wed the happiness of the mo with her child, a h the died, a baby only 2 years COMMITTED ecwcine: There were. no other Lit bbs her hvsba a dro ipw ° the precip ices eee 'ative Brittany. H = afresh the agonies of her supposed suf- focation until, in mercy to the living girl before them, the snteasily = ve Ib sags oie of the obscur under the ssbb at the Briltany roan iiad fo be miti Again and sei "Miss meres hypno- ochas Tsed formless, peaceful existence "in the uray' until, impelled to reincarnation, she assumed the amorphous haze of a fresh astral body and descended upon mother, Mme de Mayo, before her new birth took place. But the life of Lina was only ea beginning of her memory's regress Before. "that she was & man--treach- érous, dissipated, cruel. blood-thirsty. For half a cenliry she was Charles Mauville, clerk in a ministerial office blood, and heads were at off in the public ghfares, Mauville himself joined in the sav. lived out 'his petty, bloody life, hated by all who 'knew him well, until he sustainal a chill at the age of 50 years, and died of pneumonia. AT COURT OF LOUIS XIV, Rut Mauville was not the best Jong time previously, but before that d been Madeleine de Saint-Mare, wife . a nen ean attached 3 Ane; 'court ol Touis > a WHEN BABY 18 SIOK "GIVE BABY'S OWN The lite ills of childbood. to prevent si ness or to treat it promptly, if iL con unexpec ecledly, y's Own | constipation -- an: ae at m The Dr. Williams' Medicine C. et Ont. i PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS, Interesting Gossip About Some of - -the World's Leading People. he Kaiser's moustuehe, in its seh Set form, dates back to 1894. It w 2 development of that individuality ¥ the ee nid Nn private perru Ber ho, in the early weeks js a people, for every Shag Since consid- xwermn 1€l }ered it his bounien duty to pay to his Emperor the compliment of the sincer- est form of Nattery, A pretty story is told concerning the Countess of Dudley, in which the ura- matis persinm inchided two well-known Japances jugglers, nae were giving a performance at a Landon music-hall, ond a canary which Teonatiliten a part ot their -stock-In-trade, The Countess occupied a sent in the stalls, and dur- ing the performance one of the fittte birds. affer govering round the aufior- jum for some time, gentiy flew down and perched on her Jap. When an al- fendant came forward to claim the bird the Countess Legged fo be permitied ta Keep it, and the manager having given h's consent Lord Dudley promptly con- structed na tiny enge of his pro- gramme. and in this the litle songster was sufely et soa his house in Carlion House Terra Although her: fordcne Has been «s vlad mated al S15.000.000. the late Raror® A, de Tothschild lived a mast apie and unsssuming Hie, 1¢ mest ex- erg le ser hes we ere served of her table nd the rarest ines set befor: her nie s, but she sean ly. four hed them, In 'ater us f thing to see her take the tram which passed her gate, running from Geneva to Versoix. The -guards all knew her, and mised "to point her cut $ splendor which wealfh and a' high seclal position' can secure, (fe Baroness seemed to be more cons ine ed than anyone of the vanity C rich @ and carthiy magnificence. Ner desire seemed to be to five like the humble, and find peaée and happiness in the routine of their ordinary lives, Mr. Justin MeCarthy is now living in quict retirement at Westgate-on-Sca, England, and his withdrawal from ac- tive literary life has been a distinct loss. No man «¢f onr tite bas seen more of life than this brilliant Irish- AARARARAAA SD A i i i i i i i A New Orleans Because she nourishment from She took Scoft'.s Result; She gained a pound a day in weight ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00 FOSS 0G O 00500 SOS 0000004 did not extract sufficient er food. Tv Cc TFT FT See Se ee woman was thin. Emulsion) rwrryreS Ses S| heel i i i i |i cat whatever I wan! "Uf every suf- f without it." 124 ~EGSt, | E ACT E, ~ JOSEPH Ontario, Canada, w Hee: "I sulfered with backache: headache and dragging pains for over nine months, and nothing relieved me until { took Peruna. This medicine is by far beter than any other. medicine for these troubles. A few bottles relieved me of = "lam now in good health, have nel- ther ache nor ea nor have I had: any far the past yea' "TD every se woman would take Peruna, they would mae ete its valud He "land never be without ekes and ns Joseph Beaudoin, 59 Rue St. Olivier Quebec, P. Q.. Can., writes: "Peruna is aie for a epaipe and no longer ea laving ahaa dys-} 0) | fel anes Specs a. : a tong time a ot remed and having tried lecided to try my miserable half-dead, half-alive con- | gition ion, rece and with. 'the: fourth bottle of it : Spee this reason I a'l these who cin gee ge afflicted in this wa will take Perune /Manalin as | aid." -Catarrb. : H.. Stevens, 122 Sixteenth. SL, Detroit, Mich., writes "It affords me great pleasure to lesti- race the merits of Peruna as a remedy my | suffered for.some time with chromic nasal catarrh, but after ave months' treatment 'during which time I used seven pottles of Peruna pleased to say Jam aainaly well, there nét bei Slightest trace of calarrh left. "Peruna is without @ doubt, in my vale at the greatest remedy known for J a Weak, Tired ee. Miss Marie A. Lesser, 028 W. 36th St., Chicago, dl, Worthy oriaty I. oO. G, a Aa gle Jd ta_give a good word for Peruna, ea I @ that all Rae see this "I took Peruna at the suggestion of n friend, and was more than pleased and spl heioatcn at. the resulis. now pe well and strong, That" se tired feeling has left mo, Evie ae feel Tike a different Person en- The Slavery of Disease, It is wonderful how many women in Canada ond the United States have been pene mude new again by the use Not the violims of any organic disease, but just a half-dead and hall-alive, con- Miserable, dragging pains that keep a woman always from doing her best work, from being 'her best sclf, Cross and petulant, perhaps. Maybe even a Slattern in her household, just because health is oontinually below eer She never feels quite right. the Se ae of pene Sullen, or tg tem; Her fi sels is sy a moral one at all, it is simply a physioal one. Make such © woman well and she immediately be- patted transformed into a new being entally. 'This is exactly wate Peruna has done in a multitude of , Sf ""T have | 4 Baby's Own Tablets for teething, | Prim ills ot chid.| man:wo sworth ed from the British of many tastes and talerits. surveyor, balloonist, explorer, author, ach'sman, and pholographer, E ; ta able to turn a ready hand 'and facile brain to the most unexpec 'as! and the one Clouded spot of a brill ant record is that Boer War incident at Lindley, the ultimate result of ore was us General Colvile was placed 0! Years ago, lon. s a Ey 5 "id B a Er fi Ey PJ 2 st ay 3 J a8 » 23 when he spent the Ai day of his hon- eymoon in navigating a big balloon from the Crystal Palace to fy. He was as much at home on the waters of the Channel as he w be in the air, and on one occasion, when serving in Guards, he paddled a canoe from Dover to Calais in half-a-dozen hours. Sir Henry wes also 'a lover of the drama- tic art, and he has written two or three plays, one of the best of these being "The Nick of Time." the -Guards' play at Chelsea Barracks last year, ee Saenee ab MAGISTRATE ssaogeric ZAM-BUK. Magistrate Rasmussen. of 202 Mar- quelle St.. Montreal, w rites: "For many years 1 was troubled witha serious erup- tion al the s This was not only un- . but it % as at times very - 1 'first inied various household r Te tor '5 "in Not one, bul soveral ' was oie. to were consulted, but I get any pe rmunent retiel. pigs I nolieed & re apes from istrale Perry chranie shin disease : determined to giv wore this everything t tri ad failed ab- antes fo relieve my pain and rid me ef my samba. but thre ¢ boxes of Zar agiete o and | hor pe Duk worked a con rion ng % cozema sores, cults, bruises, burns, beels, eruphons scalp sores, pimples, --_--, srupti« it +h, chapped hands j 3 "ot the skin Zam-Buk is wi thout equal, All druggists and stores sell it, Se. 9 Noe ronto or postpaid, from Zam-Buk Co,, To a TO CURE LONDON'S INSANE. English Dortor Gives $150,000 to Estab. lish Hospital for Mental Disease. A gift of £99.000. offered by Dr, Henry Maudsley, of Mayfair, Landon, the well- known apecintist in mental disease, to- wards the establishment of a hospital * the treulment of mental diseases, was recently accepted by the Council, which passed a resolution of thanks to Dr. saudale ey. Dr, Maudsley stated in an interview that he had offered the money so that of insanity and mental discases, to prevent, if pos- sible, the necessity of sending cases to asylums 2. Research work into the cause and git of insanity. . Educational work; a medical school oe the training é students in the treat- ment of f "The hospital will not be.an asylum." gaid the doclor, "Incurable cases will 4 ante be accommodation for 100 patients a the new hospilal, so that each case orm Bills; -}can be separately treated. The stigma _ Thackeray, John Bright,}of a funatic asylum will not, in any , time z 7 a ustice ep ineuished for their be transferred {o one of the county asy- tums. Insanity can offen be cured in ua early sta by Special and individu- : attention, feh cannot be properly given in a great asylum with a thou- and more paticnts. There will Way, rest upon palients who have been in the hospital." lt will be simply en Boone eset alte insanity will receive ca ention, ust cats es as other |" tals. "We know now Insanity is caused i the b , end discover anti- toxins 3? types of ani ta _---- 2. HE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE CO. . 1907 a Prosperous Year. The annual stakement of The Excel- Sior Life Insurance Company issued re- cently, indicates a year of increased business. The tolal income was $427,- 450. That the Excelsion Life Iisurance Company is preeminently a policyholkd- 's Company, may be judged from the fact that for three successive quinquen- nial periods it has pat very satisfac- tory profits to Its policyholders, and further ils reoord and present position is unexcelled as regards those\features of the business which policyholders are particularly interested sin--security-- interest carnings the highest in Canada --dconomy in muanagement--an paralleled low death rate. The popularity of the "Excelsior Life" may be judged from the fuct that new insurance applied for Ci the year amounted = to * $2,711,0¢ The rte amount of insurance now in reaches almost eleven and one-half mit. lion dollars. The .assets of this Com- pany amount to 81,511.33. It has a Reserve Fund largely in exeess of Gov ernment requirements. Although -- it fius been only eighteen years in ex- tstence The Excelsior Life is one of the strong Canadian Compantes, ifs success i3 indicative of shrewd and capable management. On its Board of Directors are to be found the names of gentlemen integrily and Sinmss capacity, i is largely owing to their executive ahilily that the Excel. Sior high position t does amongst {nsurnmnce cam- Any one thinking of insuring * lives would do well to have the "xeelsior Neure the pro nn silion information may be ebtained oa applicatien fo the [lead Office in Li renta, The Gompany want goém ac agents in every place where if is ae eoresented, --_ 4 CHURCHILL'S ROINOCEROS HUNT. The English M. P. Tells of Wild Game down upon us in a a peculiar trot, nearly as -- as a horse's gallop." The death of the huge beast is de- plored thus: "Heré at the end ts pew A hide, a horn; and a carcase, over as "Oa have already begun to Bessie. Rennie HAVING THE MONEY'S WORTH. - Having been in use for 150 years, & fine old' Axminster carpet is at present in the whew factory at Wilton being Tepair nd Sir W. B. Richmond, R. A:, ts one He hates ugliness as much hates noise, and -equals Ruskin in his antipathy to the unlovely in life. He also stands for pure air in London, and smoke is his abomination. No man "s more ready to lend a helping hand fo struggling genius. It is Sir Wil- a proud boast that when he is at me he has as guest and student every thea Sunday a poor factory boy who has a gift for Sawing. He it was who 'discoyered" Austin O. Spare, the re- markable painter-prodigy. The famous Royal Academician was himself one of ndon's boy: prodigies more than fifty years ago, when he astonished his re- lations hy cartooning a upon doors, walls, tables, and window framos--up- on snything, in fact, which wouki bear the mark of his pencil. Po ee apron Queen Maud of Norway has been de- Scribed as one « cleverest: mem- bers of the British Royal Family. She is talented beyond ithe average, reads hard, writes both prose and poetry, and speaks five langyages fluently, Then she knows many minor arts and crafts, sews and spins well, can carve ng bind a bock, take a photograph, Knit a stocking, play chess, and use a typewriter, And Queen Maud is a gcod- athlete, rides well, can sail a boat, pull an ocr, skate cleverly jand hes ot late taken up the pastime of ski-Ing. She is also # keen cyclist, and may often be seen wheeling aboul the lanes near Sandringham. Children ere one of her greatest interests. The story goes that once, when a school class was Longs examination for her amusement, vw took a shy lille girl on her knee, oni the child's answers instantly show: ed a marked improvement. The seer- ret, however, came out ta! ~ on, when the little one said descr) ma'am, the lady told ine w hat soy." -- '------ ERs CAUSES enemies Colds a WhAXA revi e1 BROMO to May. en -- "44 Hoateons W. Grove on box ise ININE removes cause. WHEREIN "THE DIFFER. Little Willie--"Say, pa, what's the dif- ference between an optimist and a pes- Simist? a or aptimist sess only the dough- my son, while the pessiinist sees st but the hole therein." Something That 1 Should be Rubbed In.--Whenever pain is felt in the limbs or back, lake Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Qil: pour a little in the hand, and ap- plying it to the surface beneath which the pain lies, rub briskly. If the first application does not afford relief, which is not usuatly the case, keep rubbing. The Oil will gradually penetrate to the affected part and relief will come. An. ™ contains ay of u kess information. : ee Expertence and real estate booms aro great teachers, Physteal en and mental anguish affiict be rictine of skin diseases. Get rid of both by ru' bing Wervers Cerate on the heated, itching, aie. figured face. 'The relief given is among the wonders of modicine ALAS! He went lo the doctor, ze tte was nists to cough up. EXPERT SEWING-MACHINE REPAINS,. Also sow valine a ine ofl of absolute purity, aad ae eget hart les re parts for ol machines at lady havi: used any set of Tan souvenir views of Ontario. Free Sor asking, TRUE PREDICTION. "And the clairvoyant told you would be swindled?" "Exactly. "and were yout" "Yes, She charged you that me $2." REST AND RECUPERATION. vide a restful environment without to the average ma r an the needed change from wo and care, and t the mission o arines ell." pply the Catharines, or por Agent of Grand Trunk Railway Syste A TOAST. Here's !o our wives! They fill our lives, Like busy bees. wilh honey: , ur sot - tour mene. The merits of Bie tive Syrup oS & Sst colds are of Africa. Mr. Winston Churchill this wrifes of In South Africa u «Station wonderful spectacle--"the plains crowded with wild anima's. From the windows of the carriage the whole 20- ological gardens can be seen disport- ing ise Herds of antelapes and ga- mlle, troops of rebras -- sormetinies four or five hundred together--watch the train pass with placid assurance, ov scamper a hundred yards farther away, + turn again, Many are quite close t ine, . ss» - Nakaru six yellow gen walked in moo across the rails in seced. daylight." Mr, Gburohill tells an. interesting story of a rhinoceros hunt. Two mon- slers were seen, and the hunter crept to a distance of 1! hi trip "At suc & rango it is easy me so great a target, but the oe Ps & small. 1 red. The thud of a bullet which sirikes with an impact of a ton and a qu through hide and re large rhinoceros started, stumb- led, turned directly toward the sound and the blow, -- then bore straight thee 'at. Price 25 con ENACTI:Y. ae > Mrs. haga its rh se any thyout the br Fy thin reared successfully th at sh oe her m a that the first respuost She pacts if fh { ubketour welt sfpoaw ter ited 4 14-08, "y ISSUE NO. r ~ antl de a slor . alout rn an "whe ne Ares, Rap lOry | There sre is Only One ««Bromo 'Qui That is for this signature on every bor. 2 Alwsys remember the fall name. 'Look oP Laxative Bromo Quinine GOED THE WORLD OVER TE SURE A COLD I ONE GAY. be. CW Lun. Our readers to note made by an eminent F the formula endorsed sicians pain go, medicine. It is nota human ailments. antee marvellous resu hence the years of stu discovery. tee. Neuralgia, Gout, Price 25 and 50 cents. and druggists--PANGO. Latin term signifies i in the English language This remedy is not a patent TED the facts regarding the recent important discovery in medicine rench physician, and by Canadian phy- 'This specific for all of the The company do guar Its in certain cases, These cases are amongst the most painful to which all are more or less subject, and dy resulting in this The company will refund all moneys paid in any case where Pango fails to relieve, and any purchaser.can upon ap- . plication secure the benefit of this guaran- Rheumatism, Colds. The Pango Company, Toronto MOST OFFENSIVE, Caplain--If 1 see jour face in my house again I shall s'ap it." Noble fureigner-- Ahi! but it ees a pun- ishable offence. Captain--Ol course it is. I-want to slap it That is why When you use eansay | ® Paints, you ar ow oy will show house inside Co., 8on Picture "Post Carda of Homes. llow a man docs halt to be grateful for an [l-timed favort In affer years a . courtship may be converted into a hatte ship. Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. Who, then would endure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy ho within reach? eft an atlachment for a sewing-ma- chine." Arthur 'softly--"Thal's nothing. Ive fo on attachment for c sweetest lille sewing-machine in the world, and wouid consider my fortune made if she'd have me. No cards.) PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, Chauhan Tt mteed to a poe Blind." Bleeding or Provading Se itMlage chesney refunded just LIKE A WOMAN. "Isn't that st like a woman gave mo no peace until [ bought her a piano toa play "Well?" "N6W she's loa lazy" to play il, and is aflar me te buy her an yutemate player," To Those of Sadentary Occupalion,-- Men who follow sedentory orcuputions. which deprive them of fresh air und prone to disorder exercise, are more nt the liver and kidnews than these who a five, outdoor lives, The former will prio - Parmelee's Vegelable Pil ive withoul question the most f en the market. They are e¢asity pracurable, easily luken, acl expeditiousiy, and they are surprisingly cheap considering, thas es cellence. ON HIS KNERS. "This will bring your father fe his knees," remarked a woman to her clal dren, as she showed them a coun of} floor paint. ITCH, Mange. Prairie Seratches ont, every form of contagious Itch In human | or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woal- ferd's Sanitary lation. It never fails. | flan fo ye | t Sold by all druggists. | sa) psocrie un even © th ver | Pasinigr ta me choad rf adver sty {abo us] heer aovet ers | oor ' al re out of sorts got a bottle of "Ferrovim: r ' the 5 boat tonic, res ou in be surprivod how "| quickly that 'tired fooling will wear off. $!.00 «. | bottles, A dealers in aedicive Pell \arsy EAT R. OM fob rapier Stich G&S his No onmathad coahd be ti roud: Die greatest Crowd ith Were bs He wil eat sei sleiltl Ml desfress and sie hness in chil wpe | 1 own WWerrnns Mother ) betcs Worm Eaterminater gives re- Hae Se | reneevine The enuse, Give a ! oNvtieed, bo CONCH TERY, ~ want fo which jeft 7 { » lu his @n- wet Pacman. hen he w "put to it' he never foiled 'to make pteinol? un- derstoo, "No, 7 shouldn't want to live tn gee like Philander's," he announced N Lawton on the eVaning of his fee from a visit to a nephew. "His cellar, now--fl's most desperately over. flowed x henever the weather is anyways damp. "Just whal do you meun by desperate ty overflowed?" asked Mrs. Lawton, "I mean," said her husband, mildly, that all they had to do was t open the door that led from the kitchen down ' the apples come floaling m the kitchen floor. Is that WELL DRILLS With one of is' late improved machines ou are sure nee profits on the cap nvested. T! the leaders in gate a Certainly, the greatest money ell Drilling Machinery made in Amer! LOOMIS MACHINE co., TIFFIN, oui. now | AGENTS, $103,50 PER MONTH selling thee wonde Scissors. . rful Cc. n+ gees Columbus, 0, Ti pairs in 8 houra, made $18; you aim: can do us we show how. FREE OUTFIT. Special inducements to CanadianAgents Themas M'f'g Co., 802 K Bt. Dayton, 0, FEATHER DYEING Chsenting ond Curl Cylsee oat Lz EI Gloves Senet _% Thesg BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL *WANTED to hear from owner baring = D. FAR or Please rice and descriptips, and rea- son for Feit . State when possession can be had. Wil deal with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Box 984, Rochester, N. Y_ = He ETERBDROUSG, TOO FULL FOR UTTERANCE. "How is it, Maggie." asked the mis- tress of the house. "that when this new beau of yours is with you one never "sad conk with a broad "as vel the pour fellow is tha lnut eal the smale, bashful he com de nothin' whole lime he's hei ----_ hen you use Ramsay's Paints, you are astonished to find Low Bon Co,, Mont . for pack o Picture Post Cards of Homes f Souvenir aking i] of there there wilh Wien it neibbors task the goad, eatines ba six a) ee TO une A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine a Suites te ratunt asney it it bara - cure ois on en 250. Hol Wootna Cre tover Wueed vith burnin Watts Called her hes cluver nes The other angde her warm Cs "his mt My eimply baring tna A Sere Cure' of Hendach ie us headache, ta witch wernen ' : stihyerd thar iene > sole shy "the Ural the vee athe " j lrsvteel. "t ormach veftses fied ! {there is a constant nid dositessiar fort to free the stomach from bile w has beoume unduly se melee's Vegelable Pills ternalive. and in neutralizing fects of the tntruding bile relieves the pressure on the nerves Which Catists the headache. Try ther. THE SMALI. BC BOYS JOKE. is it true ait flesh is yprass!* asked the inqiis: vt boy. y, replicd the proud pat Bible , felis tts P vin he Wve the fawn mower then: Remark- Blac able for Wat ch nee peso flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2267 run over