Listowel Standard, 10 Apr 1908, p. 6

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- . design. E. L. Harris, United States Consul |* al Smyrna, has made a report onthe ert weey of carpets in Persia and * Asia The market value of the car- +fels may be the same in "the two coun- tries, yet a preat'differenco exists in cGlors as well. which enables even one ish betwee seid ix the world's markets ng the cole- brated Stuyrna carpet is not made in of ee of which Smyrna. is. the. ca- pi a 'MANCF ACTURNG CENTRES. "The chief placés af sucetialk are the viltages of Uschak, Koule, Ghiardis, Mokri, Melessus, Kurkugatsch, Axar, aid * Demirdji,, Tho production of carpets in Asia Minor is essentiolly a house in- dlustry, and the natives, are exceodingly Sshilkful<in their hundhwerk,. "The industry gives employment and a livelihood . thousands of needy pOaple. especially women, who aro Pouiped lo do he bai almost entirely. while the men spend their time in the 'coffee houses drinking strong coffee and smoking numberless: cigarettes, ail iat true Oriental fashion, Little girls = compeliad to lake up {he work 'early, at 7 or 10 years of age at the Natest!, and they keep at it uncesasingly juutil they go to their graves, j "Some efforts have been, recently tmade . iritroduce -the carpet factory system ints Smyrna, which has been 'altended with indifferent success, Labor 'is dearer in Smyrna than it is in the ccuntry districts, and the girls and wo- amen must pay more for food and lodg- ing in this city than in the country vil- dages. Many claim that the work done on the Jooms at Smyrna-is: more éxact Ip measurement and neater in appear- unoe, for the mason that the manufac- durer or merchant {s able to superin-| 4 thus preventing mistakes which might prove fatal to, some beautiful The looms set up in Smyrna ond aperated hy some sixty girls, n num- ber twanty. On the whole, the experi- -menl does. nol soem fo be a success, and the number is not increasing, PRICES OF GOODS, "Uschak carpels -ara made in fwe They ure made erie 'of spun 'sly les. wool or long wool, those o} ae former costing from n 1,63 per square.-yard, the latter $2.43 to $4.90, according!to tho design and color and size Of the carpet. The web and 'the wool of the Uschak carpets aro' made of (he wool.of the fat-tailed erin The men wash this wool in the rivers and the women comb and-twist it soft. 'ty in such a way as torallow the threads of ye mi colors to lightly. blend, on the edges in the same way as differ- ent tones on a picture, "The market for the weols which have been 'thus spun -and colored ready ia, the carpet: weavers .is held every Thursday from dawn to sunset h bazaar of Uschak, which is then filled with purchasers who have arrived on buffaloes, camels, donkeys, and other picturesque beasts of burden, The spun 'wools are nol ge by the weavers a maine but by as short time "priificial dyes were ey "putt their use was soon a ed in favor of the better taste displayed by the amateurs of arpels jt who desired the ancient models ond cclors, thus reviving the uso of vege- acta colors eo, from madder, 'low berry, and yalonia, and other bode ts of tho gin rs and from in- digo brought hence by caravans, WEAVING METHODS AND WAGES. "More than 3,000 female weavers are employed at Uschak in the preparation curpels, The looms are seb up! in about 1.000 houses.- T eich house are generally members of the sarne [nmily, but there are ja num- ver of girls who carn about 6 or 7 «nts a day. The Ghiardis carpels are generally smaller than those of Uschak, Very fine prayer carpets, clesely woven and of harmonious colers, are produc: in imitatien of the Persian carpets. The dimensions of these carpets average 5 fo 7 feet by 3 feet 10 rnches. The airy ers of Kaule and Ghiradis use woel of a superior quality to that of the Uschak weavers for the wool, while the web is nade of hemp. Large carpets as well 43 prayer rugs.aro made in Koule, "In the village of Denmrdji the car. pe' industry was for same time ne, leeted, but ancient Oriental models hay- n. the int ys has amproved, new produces a very The web, like that of the Persian and Ghiardis article. is of cotten WORTH 81,000,000 A YEAR. - "It is estimated that Uhe three cen- {res of carpet manufacture of Ghinrdis. Kowle and Demirdji produce more car- pels than the Uschak centre, -- Their prices ure also a little higher, fur they se} al not less than $3.26 to $$.90 the square yard, the supericr qualities ut from $9.78 to $16.50 per vard. and for certain old carpets which have become very rare the prices ore exorbitan "The annual production of these car- j<'ts is estimated at $40,454 square yards, worth 814.347.9600, "The carpels are made into bales of 280 pounds eac Covered with poal skins. The caravans piss the night un the open country al the fuot of some hill, the drivers undef tents and the cumels ond their loads in the o --_------ ee nerve force. in*} Indian agive. - | have ieee Baby's Own Tablets - on the battle-fleld, A man died jate- rnied'a& 'as @ mero lad, employed as an assistant in the telegraph service, His name was W. Brendi a sent, Delhi Umballag which bore the news of the outbreak. repealed to every: tawn which fells the story 'of how, to quote - dicial commissioner of igh Pun, ine 'loctric telegraph save nd " It was the custom i cinco "the ine raph offices on Sunday seen "a a cot nine and fours On May-10,.05 the operator at Delhi wos about to close his station, he reccived a message ae 'The tele <graph force at t Delhi consisted "f the chief and twa young assistants, Rremdith and Pilkington, The atlice was situnted outside of the cily, about a mile [rom the pales. On discovering the. preak in the con- nections, the chief sent the two lads 33 test {he cable across the river. They found that. they could signat: to Detht, bul not to Meerul, and reporiéd the fact cn their return. It was too Ite to do ing Mr. Todd. chiel, went out him- self ny 'remit 'the jine. He never returned, and although his sate is un- known. there is dite doubb that t he}. was murdered, The OMce was thus: lett in charge. al the twevduds. Signs of trouble began | to be evident clase at hand. Brendish,. slepping from the: i nded ociicr, who -crle ibs sako get insid uh rovall 'erep' he boys: felt: it temporary sinsens: Sables' may Kit the "child. When ou give your Hite one Baby's Own 'tablets yuu "have the 'guarantee of a gcvernment analyst that this: Side is safe. nd you have the wo thousands of grateful mothers thal this medicine will pramptly cure all the unor ae of childhood. Mrs. 1. W. Sm St, Giles, Que., 'pays "I for my ue girl for stipalion and other roubles and have patie them the bes' medicine T have ever used." modicing dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,. Ont, oo ; THE PEANUT DIET. Four Ounces of Goobers and One Fruit Meal a Day Recommended. Dr. Thomas J, Allen, the man who lived sixty days on peanuts, declares that the peanut is "a safe, substantial and yaluable articio of diet." Yet he does not advise every one to cling to geobers alone. "The exclusive peanut diet," he says in the Vegetarian, "niay do much harm, The peanut is loaded. It is g highly oancentrale! dict. Ik cuntains 25 per ie albumen, which ts at least twice much os one ata vigorous mental Wonk should ca he first at I lost ten cogggel he a ina of the sudden change, ¢ though 1 had tested foods hl by exclusive dieting of three or four days. "The news was herahted that the pea- nut man was losing flesh rapidly,..yjul was as well physically and mentally as ever. Immediately Jelters began lo pour in. 'How do you eat peanuts lo reduce your. weight; raw or roasted? "Four ounces of unroas peanuts sou can fearn fa like them that way, for it's' natural) daily is a geod ration foc the average case. The best lime to eat them, generally, is the fore part of the day. the substantial fruit meal being Inken in the evening, Et requires on eur al jeast to eat them property, this need pot interfere with business or pleasure. "The peanut is a natural narcotic. U you are troubled with insomnia and consequent nervaus exhaustion = {for sleep is nature's sweet restorer}. cata few pornula an hau befere retiring-- pulverizing them thoroughly," ------_---------- JING CERTAIN. Sapleigh--"Tve got a could or some in my head, dane her know. ONC open air, Scott's Emulsion strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. MF ave orvacists; 500. AND 81.00. Miss Cutting--"Weil. if there's any- thing there it must be a cold." r-wwewTwwwT}wewe * Not "all the courage of war Is _-- 8p ahh that ss but the next morn- | _ Whe u give oh hing". ioelicine ga you are pote ness, You. are ily, droge ity, ing meditines contain: ethics and cree cS A Tonio is All People Heed. "exactly sick--but not feeling That's way mos' ¥ Easily tired, imples may be twinges of umatism or neu- rulgia. Any of these indicate that the blood is oul.of order; that the in-door life of winter has left its mark upon ou and may easily develop gel more serious bag uble, Dont dose yourself 43 aminy people foolishly do with pur- deniaa "in the hope that-you can put ur blood righl, Purgatives gallop Thestigh the . system and weaken stead of giving --, What you need in spring is a tonic medicine thal will make new, rich bload, build up the weakened nerves, nnd thus give you new health and strength, Dr, Willian: Pink Pills is the one medicine that Can dc this speedily, safely and surely. Every ose of this medicine mukes new, rich, red bieod, strengthens the ap) lite, clears the skin, and makes tred depressed men and women. bright. ac- five and strong, . Harey Huggins. Oshawn, Ont. sityst--""1 dent Uhink there is snvthing «qual le Dr. Wil Homes' Pink PAls us a cure for nére OUANESS, down indigestion and a run condition ofthe bier. For some lime : Was 4 fe al sufferer fram these trou. bles, rod several remedies, but neo- thing jana me dintil & began takin: bro Wilhiums' Pink Pills. --Nefore tak- ing them f fit like on .old man, but hy Whe time f liad taken four bones ony strength had vefurned, my roved. my nerves were steady I ve feeling a renewed man." wu need a med and Bie people de--try. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills 'and 'see how speadily they will minke you feel like a new. person. nh box Beockeiile, Ont De Hot Dooe Wisk. Parpatinas-- (or apootite im- and icine this spring-- rwho = ye atl ahs da ees or by mail nes: for 82.50 | 06 ee AS 'The Dr. witha Medicine "o., re aoe cat ke ¢ ee other men oe Sane to tha he went again and brought "up 'another of comrades. At jast he was ' as gone [ro evidently wandered. 8 long way into the workings. DEVOTION OF MINE OFFICIALS. The courage and devotion of the mine offgials was beyond all praise. For forty hours Mr. Insley, the check- welghman, did not close his cyes, and David en the surveyor, during all days of anxiety,' scarcely ieft the pit's my h. Five rescue parties were headed by*'Mr. Waterhouse. the manager, w andi le efforfis will not soon be fodeolten by the English peopte, a TRAMP WAS WEALTHY. Had Five Thousand Dollars on and About Is Person. The "splendid tramp" bas turned up 'r the shape of Patrick Halloran, at the Middleton workhouse, Dublin. Ia!- Joran demanded lodging. was accom. module. and mer several days he change his clothes. {he lining ©: various ous garments he had ld sovercigns and half sovereigns to tne value of more n $1,000. tte was "reported to the guardians, al first wanted to turn him oul. dul che pledded that if he were to go cut hoe might Le robbed, and the sofl- hearted guardinns decided to lel him stay while they: gave lis case further consideration, They direcled that the money Be spnoe om : Sen for him. and he wos tuken back to the work- its --+ AGONIZING PILEs. Cured by y Zam Buk. Mr. ake cenisloaa aH 3 Sts ran Street, i "For five por Safaag T went to several doctors, i 'ould. little hope of rer gelling Pig, GE them and I 'finally One doy a sir nt fold me of someone wh é try if, and the re j let, T got was cioouraging. 1 bought ~~ 1 box, and tho. piles kept on diminishing. 41 us Mr. picely ake, "reach the 'bo! s and returned, several being an a state, ot Sebacane DESOLATE 'SCENE. About » aaa nine a second de- scent Hider -made. -by-- a rescue party, who mbed miners, A little later another tan was made ut the rescuers were driven back by {he smoke, . At half-past one in the morming a final effort was made with the same result, Messrs, Wright and Owbridge being Bases oul of the cage in a fainting co Slowly the aight ouciel, 'and -the grey. light of morning showed a deso- late scenc--row yea row of men, with strained, cager the* muscles of their mouths twttoning with the long vigil and the agony. of their emotions. men who had waited all night had to be held back simost by force, ne el were they to join in the work rescue. . There was not a miner . 'he woud nad have risked his life lo save those be AN: ATTING FOR DADDY." Al three o'clock, his tear-stained lace iil up by the glare of a fire which had Loen built on a mound, a small eight or nine-year-old boy stood sobbing his heart out. Ie was "waiting for daddy, be said. y" and the poor lithe chap was led away {6 spend his vigil in more comfortable surroundings. Women waited all night through. 'DOCTORS STOOD .READY. Beginning al four o'clock in the morning on Thursday wonderfully dar- ing but fruitless attempts, In one of which pour Welby lost ms Ife, ° made fo pet lo the miners. At nine od¢lock Friday forr men went down the shafl. A cole of tapping signals tad been agreed upon. and the grimy men at fhe top Vstened intently and called for "Silene!" as the daring quar- elle wore stowly lowered. The allempl was os fulite as the others. They did vot even reach the bottom. Whilst they were SLT! fifteen yards away they gave be fn 4 th their phials and ther instruments. The four queer figures stepped out of the cage, ond if was seen at once that all of them were suffering severely fram the effects of their descent. When thes went down they look with Jhem a frightened linnel. When they returned the bird was dead, WAS RAGING FURNACE. Angther fruilless descent was seon ynade, and one of the men who Came tp sald that Uere wos a raging fur nace at the bottom, and that the hiss and crackling of the wood could heard distinctly. Later in the day all available hands were set to work at the pithead giving effeot to scheme 'or Tevefsing the ventilation, which scheme had been formed by mining experts called to the scene. The instant the decision of the con. {erence was sre fifty men flung off their coats, and, seizing pick and spade, worked mightily, diging a trench for new pipes . Little they recked of the rain and 'the cold if thetr efforts could save their com- rades, THREE MEN OVERCOME. When Welby, the Healy} tg Ln fod su ucceeded this time in reaching}: the Solon of the shal Du cou hear |. no d.-from thee. Yorkshire man, Bates three boxes and am now com- cured, e thousand dollars 'would be none' ane $inall an amount j as eer "burns, chapped res, (t Hi, oma running sores, catarrh, nites, bad legs, abstesses, face sorés, spring eruplions, and all skin discases. Of all druggists and stores, 50c., or from Zam-Buk Go.. Toronto, a Sa BAGS AS DRUMMERS. A curious custem connecled with the Servian army is the manner in which e regiments carry the big thum, It is not, as in most countries, slung in front of the man who plays il, but plac upon a small Lwo- whee! cart drawn by a * dog. which has been so trained thal it keeps ile place even through the longest and past tedious of marches. The drum- mer lakes up posilion behind the cart, and performs on the insirument as it MOVES 2B -------- RAPID ADVANCE. A century ago the Hawaiians were Snhyages and' cannibals, Now there pe over 300 felephone wires in use in city of Honolulu, and even the planter ms are in telephonic communication with the capital. Some of the planters row cut their cane at night with the ald of electric light. a The Flagging Energies Revive Constant application to business is a tex upon the energies, and if there be not relaxntion, lassitude and depres, sion are sure to infervene. These comes trom slomachic troubles, The want of exercise brings on nervous Lr regilarilies, and the slomach ceases to assimilate food property. In this con- ition Parmetee's Vegcluble Pills will be fiund a recuperative of rare power, re- stormy the « ms to healthful action... spelling depression and reviving the Naggiug energies, & Mother--"To .hink that my litle Eth- 1 should have spoken so unpertine nl 'y te papa loalay at dinner' wars me Ik in that ways Ethel 'stouthyy}--" Well, bul yuu choused fan. ind 1 didn WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. RSE ea as canes of QUarin remoranenase Hm "How can I repay you for that delightful wollte?" She owhase train has suffered}--"Oh. dent repay me, sellie with my dressmaker? (TCH, Mange [rairie Scratches and every form of contagious I!ch on human ut animals cured in 30 minules by Wel- ford's Sanitary Letion. Tt never inils, Sold by all druggists. Even hard cash Is casy to get rid f. Few people will fl take advice unless deere for il. --_--_-- Thos. Sabin of Eglington. says: 'I have removed ten corns from iny foet with: Hotloway"s Corn Cure." Reader. fo thou and do likewise. Do nel neglect to keep your boots pohishal, You can alwavs shine at one end, if you cannot al the o! Bs iages 'ASO OTWTMENT ts, yarn eg ha EB THERE'S EVERYTHING - nN BEING FIRST. The first train in Canada was operated on SY tattery suki aouk coon ---- Railway .and this great ever = hig alert to aya in ine first rank. In keeping with this general ood the oe te Lim- ite," the he Grand yatem, is also the Guest and tn: Stest train in Canada, and one of the fastest long distance trains in the world. Leaves Moniredl every day at 9.00 aum., Toronto 4.40-p.m., arriving at Detroit at 10,00 p.m, and Chicago al 7.40 a.ui. UP-TO-DATE. Gladys--"Got yer spring hal yet, Mamie" Muamie--'Sure nother got il for me throe yedrs ago." Sleeplessness,--When the peers are | unslrung and the whole body given up tu wretchedness, when tho aie is fil. od with gloom and dismal forebudings, the result of derangement of the diges- tive organs, sleoplessness cumes to add io the distress. If only the subjert ould sleep, there would) be, ablivyen hee a while and temporary relief. Par- melee's Vegetable Pills will net only wn: Guce stoop, but will act-so beneficially thut the subject will and restored fo Repplorts. NO TIME TO" TO WASTE. Lady flo rte Rell wen'h mand om y Lolug an with my work wh uke Mayet & Bo veiir Picture Post Cards of Hom THE POOR ROARDER. ere usuaily very respectful ta those who pore them. 'Weak and Sickty Beepke th. No need te "The mast extreor Ord inary thing about "Yes, that is plain Ww Trot sa, such an opinion of himsclf?" Externally or Internally. It Is Good,-- Ww hen appheal ¢ Administered rae mi iv. SHV fhe irritation in the Miecat which induces coughin ens of the bronchial piralery organs. Try it vinced, and Le con- --_+----_ AT THE DINNER TABLE. He sal at the dinner tnble With a disgontented [rown; And the bread was bik loo brown; The pie was heavy, the pubihng two sweel, And the meal was much too fil; The soup so gtvasy. loo, and sall. 'Twas hardly fit fur the cal, "I wish yor could taste the breud and rio I've seen my mother make; They are something like, and do 'you j Just to look ata slice of her cake." Said ths sinding wife: FIL improve wilh ago-- Just naw Pm bul a begenner; But your mother hes came to Viol us And to-day she cooked the dinner, "twould ------s TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY re ie fund money i atte cere. EW. F Bs aia onen bez. 250. "Does vou W ife ae lake any interest in current politics?" usked the earnest wo. man. "Ne! peplhed Mr. Fucnen, "she dent. But if is currant yelly or curs rant rely-poly, why, FP beliete she eould tel veu mere things @bout en than sou ever dreamt of." In ws initial stages a coll a tocal Rut mans in aften The ailment easily dealt with, ard Uhe mothe handy medtone dine s+ in curative resulls as Rickie s Anti-CGon- sumphwe Sarup. the far-faneed remedy eroeeds and coughs, TOO PROSPEROUS. Relingstone --"This here counters ia Univ too [bfersperoatts 7 Tatlerdan-!Phats right to was wake refreshe ty here, will you Then [ shan t fost fin Wasting time," \ | This is the time to paint with Ramsary's Paints. Paint your roof, paint yor tepa, peint your whoie house. RK. ay's Paints ure the oldest and beat known in nada for style, beauty, wear and tear, Your dealer has a large stock at his color eards. hey are beautiful. Write A. Ra nay n Mo ntreal, for pack of Sou- mcs. "1Do You Hear Well ? Woe Agreo to Make You Hear Ordinary Conversation Providing You Can Still Hear Thunder. Phe envy th ose in robust nick en by by the use of @ best tonic, " Fervor ae fo ad can got rich bipod him is that he always allaches imyxairt- ance to fhe most insignificant Mungs." JHE it how else corld "he have The potatos nd steak were Rosas nigne There is no.piace where those w find so much that is eoonomical an highest artistic taste, and in Turkish Rugs indian Rugs Persian Rugs Interesting. t such a variet in keeping with any style of decoration. Oriental Brassware Russian Brassware ~ - Japanese Art Warcs - Visitors are always welcome, and they will find our collection very Shoppers and House Owriers When You Visit Toronto are refurnishing for Spring. can beavliful; ao much that ls in the things that are as to offer Our offerings consist of-- COURIAN, BABAYAN & Co., £0 King &t, East, Teronte, Ont. The Creat French External Remedy cO The Pango Company, - WE CUARANTER RELIEF, "Will Relleve Those Suffering From Ecrains ar@ Pains Price 23 erd go Centa. or by mail from WOTHIEG LIKE {T. Neuralgia Rheumatism, Ccut, Colts, Sore Throat AU Drugglsts. Toronto instruments subyre t fei 'th ith Free Trial to Ali Who Call. one and Patenteess : He made no compleint for, you see. here Was really ny team for come h you to sce a new electrically sensitized hearing device called the Electrophoue, that instantly AU hoe nm the deafest peopl ar ¢ on . \ The very best result we mise you A MACIIINE FOR WOMEN. ward for using the Ele setropbone ir the complete, last. should be the best obtainable. The Singer and ing Fes orauon of your hraring Wheole: Oe Wilsen wowing machines aro acknow- * to tha ia 1 portal tho certainty that ledged "the lightest running, most saravle and the nt you apply thls marvellous little instru- conrenien avy. Lovk for the Red Ment you will be able to hea arly and distinctly Any lady having wate Ciany make "Ot sewing either in publie or priv i machine Lor 5 year re serie Sises fa arlentt&c electrical {netra- seeing ser euil o ie tae vouvent ent fits anugly over t rT. aa own in cut, and Torout fa no all that {t usualiy escapes observation Ita views of Oatar _Free for aakt: purpose [a t a wears a cele w and throw them dirretly o the ear-drum & manner according to Firat Disputant- {The wn Pm a hart nature The reel in your deaf ear in exercisnd Jnat " : a el] aoare, and after a while taneople find Second Iniftt-- "On | comlrnry. ay Electraphone their bearing haa become an AR ever ean dear fellow; you have just spoha the P id . howesrr, with the Electrophene attached you ruth" In uss. tan hear even the faintest sound without strain, ef. . fort ar embarrassment, and your pleasuro in vastly . Se - Increnaed by the assurance that no harm is being done, aa in the case with Mother Graves! Worn Exterminator artificial) car-drums, trumprta, ete poisnn and roin the eare of all wha has no equal fer destroying warnts on them Come and teat the Flertrophone frae We agr make vou hear chifdren mink adults, See at yeu ¢ Ton haf i receive courteous attention and net he urged to purchase a . . ? b would advise, howrter, that c n have tried an He frophone exact! the genuine when pi hasiuy. alted to your degree deafne ou & deporit o} try it at supine hom o cannot call should write for our froe iicutraeea booklet --_ poaple decry riches; bul they ry Siiet ot epatlofie uscra of the Eloctrophone. Sent on Trial Anywhere In Canada, Teermetaate re Ihe Heetrophones wal open up a mew World bro you. ger. haps you kre only ooking fer temporary relef but yeu with tind that ot wilh deomurh more. the Eero ane gradually restores the natural bearing. We satiety per eur pateans, dvsness sell aol Nis atts' front, Free Booklet to All Who Write. Excursion rates on all rail reads Easter Holidays. Migre. The Stolz Electrophone Co. CANADIAN OFFICE ; THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE, temrreD 334 SPADINA AVE., TORONTO, April 16th to .2ist., over Wo par highest Brice ter a yee ne To us Libera) as D. H. BASTEDO. & co. Manofactorers aod Exporters 77 King &t. Hast, Yorenjo. E. stablishec 1st A SPECIAL SALE. BURINC ALTERATIONS, ----- . 18 INOH Natural Wavy Switches s Please send Cash with ordar. SEND POR CaATALOODUK. The Pember Store 127-138 YONOS STREET, TORONTO, - ONT Singie Fare f£xoursions to Toronto April 16th to 20th. Jowsiry to sella Bu searwsrrs SOLID GOLD {tall charges pald. STAR MPa. CO, "4 Bay 8 ec YAovIDENCNRI,UOA. solling these = wondertel Scissors V c Giehnar, Columbus, O , acid 24 pair. In 3 hours, made a3; tan OUTFIT. Bpocial inducements to ('anadtanAgents. Themas M'f'g Ce., 802 K Bt. Dayton, O. REP AATEL. "Tog Dheates. the Presh otie mber of t) parkaanent, te gueek ot pesiattes 4 Pyeter anee anfergiest dens tiatt lie world je wr Vole fer th devel thom fea tle Bul Lossibls your freind miny ye furm utp," soed Tet aelelanigt pod fete oof mitt emeparsy. Vevhupes You Weukl support rue they! A bat care right in regarddi Pe] ' an rites: | akin with | Weaver's Cera! } Syrup inte mally. 1 ----~--~-sp-- -- POSED 48 4 GOVERNESS. ob! -- fa refuse six atl tifids mg Me NN LS «~ DODDS How a Clever Frenchwonan Thiel Car- ried on Business. Blanche feclare, who as hwenty-five years of age, and is kniawn de the poaoe as "Isobel," was arrested recently fer 27) thefts, all af whith she charged with having committed duriaig the last four years in Paris. France, She has fale hair, blue e¢ and an express.on of trusting innocen: she made o practice of taking « ments as governess. and u ing wih her emplovers tong help herself to the valnables in the use, departing to fresh fields of ene torprise She "had never been cangh! ond might nol have been caught! yet ufo she had not been careless enough to apply fer the post of geverness in a family whem solid send us the | ACENTS, $193,50 PER MONTH The Pember Store fa RAW FURS] Wouk_overcoats pr pelle apintey Piggy iva vant hereby it oe wv 2 your town, Write di Bor SAITISM AMERICAN DYEING OC. WANTED to hear {from orner having for sal reticular about location: Please give price and descriptioa, sad rea. pon or ate whon ponesses can be nar d with own oly. GOOD FARM i } lo t T perely, the greatest ae ig Machinery 33 placer 2 "LOOMIS MACHINE wa TIFFIN, oid. zou Seater te ath atliesed EARN ANA. Anko oint he * Ale len. Weng Aad take Wea ve WELL DRILLS Loomis' late improved machines of fan fits on the capital ros sre, ey aro the leadern in this line, on ing Well + .For kh one or target practice rifie is ou ¢ death to small this eal te any who pechne us Bluine Jor us. trust hed BC are, ' Mtr "Srsn, | bee wkagee A 10 conte eax you the rifle ot] Ismasiately said charges pre: RIFLE The king alr give nty fire peat bed the pulse lide * na all THE COLONIAL MANUPACTURING CO., . B, Hhmilten, ten, Oat. jen « enuly 3X rsyattts ' TH uinber at «ft whit dlonvety is the excuse Tals of gve for Lewmig pour. Bevery rath Unaiks be contd go pace af he wasn't haart capped. then the Chewing Tobacco ich and satisfying. «

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