i K ot t. '<"Saien --a -- "MONEY TO Toe L.D.8.; BR. versity, Torn of Provthetis Dentistry, Chica: " April 24, Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICTIORS £0. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. ~ Nuwarios Publio and Commissioners. Monsy . B. Monrxy, Mo toun- 5, M. Canraxw Blewett. & Bray RS AND SOLICTTORS, - RISTE. duciases @ Pablicand v Conveyancers, to Loan, , solicitors for Scott'- t's Ranking' Honse and Ont. Perm. Bldg & Loan Ansociation. ® 8. Riew Geo, Bray. B. A, Jy. Cecil Hamilton, B.A. Barrist +, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER CENT meee, ts ar Peli aft OR. W. W. BRUCE, C.D.8., Dealers D. in 8. Trinit Le nto; Post Graduate Haskel pol Office removed-from old ata: to rooms over W. Entrance by same stairway an Spears' Store. Liatows, Dr, Rutherford, Main St., R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, ONT. QENT forthe omens and Lancashire Fire Insurance Compan. 4 Also Money te Loanin any sams from $200 an ss belie at alow Tate of aterest. 2m easy termes. FRED. VANDRICK, ------ LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of bei Huron and the Township of Marybo! prepared to boosie: at 'Kinds of sales na First Pinas manner, Orders left at A. J. Vandrick's store, Lis- towel, will be given prompt attention$ DAVID N. WATSON, LISTOWEL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR PRETE ee COUNTY. . Sales conducted ins in any part of the County. istic Papen " Satisfac- tion guarante ales can be arrang- ed and dates fixed at Standard office. LOUIS GABEL, LICENSED "AUCTIONEER. LISTOWEL P. O. --_-- Salés condusted in any part of Perth or Wellington Counties sche nioderate charges, Batisfaction quarante may be eriankae for ab Standard 36--c. At 4 1-2 PIER CENT. GT. TIME CARD 'Trains loave Listowel salons dail fog follows ; WEARTON, Ove ttn PORT VER--Going south: passonger 12.50 p. Sal t pasnenice north : Passenger 8.19 a.m. ; passenger 11.31 a, m. aad 7.20 PALME RSTON AND KINCARDINE -- For erato ni Beer ried 7. ba Ain. ; passenger ee secede -------euriocliy WW a OF Fit Pure Drugs "and Chemicals. R. A. HUNI 'ER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want ot his Customers personally Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter STEY YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE If you obtain a Firearm of doubt- ful quality ; The experienced Hunter's and Marksman's Ideal is areliable, unerring STEVENS FIND OUT WHY by shooting our popular RIFLES--SHOTGUNS PISTOLS Ask your local Hardware ship direct, express pre- 4 paid, ss ea receipt of Cata- Send 4 cents in arg! for 140 Page] lara of latest ndditions to our line. of a firearm, clive Ten Color Lig any- | fola-aped ; the proper ea: care Jur at I Litiscgraphed Lai aueke gett Mass., U. SoAy eo sending a ketch and description may okt mscertals our opinion wbetwen an m is probably 'ommunica- ential. on Farts --y Stifie Han receive Afton ulation tn any Scientifie Amer Terns for Wt ot facturers, of Manuf; eaten others who precites the advisatit- carob and ty of having thelr Patent Pees moderate, Our Inventor's A aacreni cme spn Bigs Mon Marion & Marion, eras New York 1 Life Moutreal: and Washiagton, DG, Utbd ror aad . pte "Going! AMID. GREAT. SILENCES | ON THE TRAIL IN THE NORTH- LAND OF CANADA. Call of Spring to Men of the Woods-- Feverish Desire to Leave Smoke and Din of the City--Sounds of Awakening Life--Life In the Wilds --Beset by Fires -- Scenes Around the Campfire at Night. Ona clear, frosty morning when the air 18 crisp and sharp, the sun, rising higher and higher, starts my- riads of scintillating crystals floating down from the trees. It .¢ then that the blood stirs in the man of the woods, ~ He puts ms nose in the air and sniffs like a dog. Instinct tells him ae is coming, an sith it that old OAainE. that mild, shots fever to get back to the woods. . reatle: es sa which increases on hina as the days grow longer and the orb swings higher and higher, he can- not ribet Sek so mysterious is its nature, so subtly "does it come, but so sure The inertia of the winter hus onde to satisfy him, and his Blood eries out for action. The latent prings of magic sweep his soul. He land calling him to forest and stream und he longs to be away where life is strenusus but go Such was the feeling I experienced lust spring, says a-writer, when the sun grew strong and warm and the sult winds of March began to arouse the slecping vegetable world. Though I fought age ainst the fever to go north again, there that something in me which would brook no denial-- something deep down and hidden-- which cried out to be free once more, to leavé the city's smoke an hind, to shake the dust from my feet, the remembrance from my mind, and to get away to that great new world of niystery and silence. 1 remember while digaming one night of the woods that T raised up on my elbow to lis- | ten, and distinctly heard the crickets ] chirping. Sweet content was mine-- which lasted only ti awoke in the morning, disappointed and petu- lent, to close a creaking window! So comple 'tely was [in a poe of this wildwood home sic! In the sone of anakening ue a our Canadian. memory and 5 Peet ieee the Some o ring e gain acme and eat as you od to eat, with on Hila. SWliaciesty leaving the baa and you satisfied. ateceard. filing your pee: you have your first 5: e in the for- est home, seeing in itera wreaths }- your kingdom--for in the big woods every man mere ng. Bs us black fi ac an wt DY blac! es by day spiel nosquitees all the time. This, hough true, is true only in part. In or in the canoe there is a minimum of danger compared to life in a city, with all its modern death-dedling con- trivances for rapid transit. in- sect pests Jast but for a season, and are trying at times to a man's er owever, a little "dope" on the hands and face will drive away the tormentors, or a smudge made of -punk will have the neces- sary effect when sitting around camp in the evening. Although the monetary induce ments of a life in the wilds gain strength from the fact that there are few ways of spending money, you get back to the woods, yet is another reason, more human and nearer the heart. I think it is man's innate love-of freedom. To be away » and exhilarat- ing, zation has not 4s yet laid down laws oi trespass and. interference; ,where the mediaeval forest reigns supreme, having felt no devastating axe, and where you can make camp, call it your home-and-live there as long as you chasse, unmolested by petty trou- bles, such as book agents or gossip- ing neighbors. The kindred folk of the forest are the best of neichbors always respectful and peaceable. The most memorable event or ser- ies of events of last summer's trip occurred when we camped en Sharp wake. never forget. the beauti- ful scene as it presented itself to. me when I first caught sight of the lake. with its little inland set in the sparkl- ing blue water like a jewel. It was noon of a perfect Ais when T reached the lake by an Old Hudson Bay trail, aw cr bringing out our canoe and suppli T siya on the shore of the lake gazed at the shimmering blue Waiter, daneing- and. aparkling in a light breeze, its heavily timbered. clear-cut shore_line, and all its wild. natural beauty, with mingled feelings of wonder admiration here was no sign of man's pre sence, camper's smoke or any moving objects visible, except one lonely loon swim- ming about not far away. Impossible at such a moment not to turn in theught to the history of our fore- fathers who had braved the dangers of the days in the early settlements and-hewn out homes for themselves in the backwoods, forming those little colonies which are now our cities and towns. After loading pe aanoe I started an the leke find » camping BUGGIES, FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons If vou want{anything in the vehicle line now is the time to Ly, ae stock on hand and A call at my carriage shop will and | Th © | Cuentio sexes -- is mle fe an interesting camp left yd with its piling growth of balsam and Norway int, and there, stan: no Str ame 1 0 tle was a prety Pica in ats at me with its Fs ws es, more full of oes tee ene 2 ts curiosity than 5 ng ee of aptio eg ea adden] 'b- nimal 60 su mg od drinkiog After "it gore ing it ¢ t gave = jin shake of - tails oa trotted off in the bushes to ts parent LaSian: Seiag eer: Thus I oth = firab neighbor. as while cmos at this place one time had been a faving beaver alge with its dams and houses, since covered with beaver grass, whe this charming forest home. With its rough walls, which had weathered a shee ante bered. Among t els back to the arenas spent around -telling, songs Fi rple shadows creep out from the weak rand farat baitas sur- rounding landscape almost o sudden is the silence incomprehensible; the ¢ seems to settle down upon the land, in its rete bare fee of a night by some furr keepin vig! ith the aoe or the dneiy ibe oo! hoo! of the great owl scale eat pat watchfu' the spaces where the beaver meadow breaks the satis have echoed and re-echoed themselves away into the night. Ta it Li be won- dered at th wn away when the aroma "the soft sprin an let ae "3 in en breath is that stra: and luring pe ie of the wil id," the piehiand's yearning call of blooming earth? TIME FOR A CHANGE. No Necessity for Constant Stream of : Immigrants, "sad geeks Smith. | Our Governm ne well iv 'sending our Devaty per ists -at Lab or to confer wi e@ British Govern- 'ment on the subject of immigration. for us is far the most eat day. We can af- ford to leave it in private end tae nds, not even in those of the Salvation Army, great nos is the "which the Salvation Army in its own ssa We have been 1 "away by the mmon impression that increase of ee ee is_ always ee ion of the e demand for their Taber? Mees is his character, how 5 it congen- ial to that of the matian 'with which they are to blend? The Doukhobors, introduced into Yad Northwest, who run about naked in religious frenzy, and leave their dead to wild beasts, ae very extreme but not a solitary tance of an uncongenial incorpora- tion. Political eee especially is apt to suffer by the influx of aliens, who fall blindly under the influence of corruption. This seems ee case in the Northwest. Ner should we be too hasty even in. filling up our lands, which may be needed for our own ex- pansion. On this momentous subject at present all is confusion, and divers influences are oa _ against each ans ar. he fruit of King's visit to England, let us hope, will be a de pile po policy. --Goldwin Smith in Week- Chokes Coyote to Death. oking a coyote to death after the ential had fastened hig teeth in her breast a the experience related of Mrs. T. A. Caldwell, who lives on a ranch oer west. She was attracted to the barnyard by a commotion _ the poultry. Discovering that a coy- ote was ge a tald on her chick. ens, Mrs. Caldwell sought to scare y the saree. She had no idea » wolf would attack her, but, releasing his hold on a hen, the ani- faa turned fiercely on the woman, The coyote r in a moment and fas- tened his teeth in her breast, Caldwell grabbed the beast by , and eyes his des- perate efforts to free himself from the woman's clutch ane nimal finally sank exhausted, but the brave wo: did not release hor hold until 9 ani- The ; * ald. well will keep the animal's hide as a souvenir of the most bloodcurdling ex- perience in all her Canada and the Empire. treaty only be made by a whee state which can bring for- ward as a sanction all the mig a of ita armed forces. The breach of ao treaty made with Britain involves war wer it can- count, she would carry the only of a fourth-class power. Review restige cottish For Over Sixty Years. ae WILUSON, Main Stroet-{,Listows); ones bobo ne ag in m a Babe erings I came uddenly upon a little log cabin. Near tos end .of a little valley, which at { What day's physical' mifort,"' and who aa y " - = vet--e-} apes menaced ot sO much of ian life. Here is the new tr which i has pos- sessed. "Thus, @ 6p 1 e: tant should carry ene roll, nbe direct r the us- ters, the lations is Pea 'to nee after manner of d the 4 > o a 4 Bs ae it rather ations 5% of the influences to n.' lies ope: th Africa "Kibling had noted dove e Canadians, even when tired, slackened off les' than the the hot courreies "as a ru slept not on baek or face, but on-the'r side, with a leg 'doubled under "ready to rise in aaa surge." a habit of semi-tense' Canadians keep a home, nee writer thi ag and it is the compliment of "the man's still itech and even, lowered voice.'"" We see an almost vgs, ag saat aa the ground when w the hair on r fas aces," or otherwise conduct eee like Harry Thaw. Mr. Kipling malas, that these a: yations are trifling, but, as ne gays reeds ae in he world's pie up over the shoulder of the pode spectacle, as t might be, out of some tremendous Norse legend. ; (0 Calgary he found the paeninaat. note to be "Drivo, ive and finish up.' reason is, of course, that we have to cram twelve months' zor into six, although it may be necessary to cor rect this new expression "at this ald poetic slander--"'the weight of a half- year's winter."- Ripling noted our sereen doors, and our storm wi as impress- reparations on every and, especially on the railways for handling the crops in the fall. To everyone but those who actually know, the preparations must appear on a gigantic scale, and perhaps Mr. Kipling needs to be told that they ea ahd on & large enough scale for the Gar sola turns aside to jar i "gentlemen across e water, w were never f to endure one ninele ye pertinent question he puts to m: "I wonder sometimes whether aay eminent novelist, philosopher, dramatist or divine y has to exercise half the pure imagination, not z to mention insight, endurance and i abhandabtoabe which is accepted with- out col n what is Ralled the Sraterial Yexploltation ofa can coun- try? Take poy the question ot 5 city, at the junction of two li nae call three in the air. The mere drama of it, the play oF une ide man virtues, would fi its % when the work ig fitisked. w an oe city is, when the new lines embrace a new belt of farms and the tide of the wheat has. rolled north another un- his has something of the Kip- na: Mate to it, will not strike any thoughtful Canadian a over- drawn, as does much of the matter contained in "Letters Home." It may be that we take Mr. Kipling tov seriously, and judge him by the stand- ards that we should a ply to one of our own Sorresponitents sent out ona special mission. We should be glad find him nictareeque in his de- spatches, dramatic, humorous, apy we should insist that he be accurate, never permit his faney to coquette w vith hard facts. Now Kipling is a poet, a novelist and an liipavigtiet before he 8S A corre: spoulent or a Historian may be a little prudish to watch for his little skips and slips, so long as entertains us; especially as he seems to like us 20 much. _ S Days of Prize Fight. Those whose memory reaches back to the early part of the last centu can attest a great soclal improvement in almost every line. But in one line the change has been backward. The nga Tig worship of muscle go- with the passion for athletics has xen off the art of prize-fight, nor newspaper have reported one, or given engravings of the champions. Two low papers that did report prize-fights were strictly excluded from places of education. Surely the press may afford to keep itself clear of such a stain Should not the ptactice be restrained by law? Why do not people rise against it as they do against drink? Surely the prize ring is as bad as the gun --Goldwin Smith in Weekly Great Danger in Headaches, --o-- It's often dangerous to consider head- ache a trifling ailment. lf the head --_, the stomach is out Mad = ah thful witect | on the stomach pos dof ane ber that life isn »; The the incl is always NINE MEN KILLED. Foreman a nd Eight Laborers Meet Terrible Death on 6.7. Constraction, 19. 19.--Without an in- tinen m atacamp at St, Ca- geati do Armegh, --. ee Bellechasse ' here in The dead comp: viet Foomdia Camp- bell from New Brahswick, an English- man named A. Hinkston, and, seven Frencb- Canadian laborers. Three oth- ured, been cacmeetts notice the explosion occurred, Thea victims were all within 20 feet, and four of them were blown into fragments. CAUSE FOR ALARM Epidemic sidisaann, 0 Grippe, Catarrhal Troubles, Paeumonia Increasing. A marked increase in -- of the breathing organs is noted in many locali- ties, Ifyou will only have H pomet at hand with the first attack of Cold in the head, Pneumonia, Colds, Bron- Paap oH Hoarseness , Sore throat, Croup, respiratory affection, the jcontle will be quickly overcome. If the attack is neglected and become severe, speedy relief will come in most cases and a persistent use of Hyomei will cure. directions for using it vary, but the same, that of destroying all the germs in the air passages with dry medication from the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. Remember that liquids or moisture is J. Livingstone jr. guarantees it, Complete outfit, $1. Do You Romeaber the Stone Man ? The late John . i. Shaw, of Elora, was & newspaper man of whom many in the business like to tell recollections. He was an unusually bright local para- grapher. "I remember," sai an old acquaintance of his the other day, "that at the time of the Fenian raid he made ite a sensation by publishing a para- effect that trouble had settlement in Wellington county, and that a cow had been shot by the~ rebels. People were sovexcited at the time that they were ready to believe anything, and scouts were on guard on various hill-tops watching for the slayers of the cow. erhaps you may recall a sensational story,"' continued this old-timer, "that went the rounds of the press back in 1881, about a man--~a very profane man lie was---who had lived in the township of Pecl, and one day, indulging in a particularly a outburst of blasphemy, was turned into stone where he stood in the open field. The story went on to say that there he stood day and night. Asa matter of fact people drove long distances to see this stone man--but, course, he wasn't there. That sensa- tional story first saw print in J. M. Shaw' ,» the Flora Express. Ho explained, however, that the story was in circulation and he gave itas news without vouching for it." oO * Sir Adolphe Caron died in Montreal. Much damage "y been done by prair- ie fires in the we South Bruce teenie nominated Mr. Robert Clapp for the Legislature. The Prince of Wales will reach Que- bec on July 23, and leave the city on the 29th. D. Sullivan, a G. T. R. clerk at Mont- New York nere has recently been an outery against the deterioration in modern letter writing, but the following episto- lary triumph from a London tailor has lev eled things up: have to-day issued a writ against you," wrote the tailor, whose letter was produced in Westminster county court yesterday, bill. your esteemed favor, I remain, etc." La Grippe Coming Again. rope is now in ite rasp, and in a short time America will be over run with this awful epidemic. surplus of of vigor by Ferrozone, ale Sold by all dealers 25c, 40 ACRE LOT FOR SALE OR RENT. - --~o-- Adjoining the Town of Listowel. --9-- The undersigned offers for sale 40 acres belonging to the estate of the late bi Stevenson, in the lst concession Elma, gery the town of Listo- y ist of i will be rented. ooo to suit purchaser. Ap- MRS. WM. STEVENSON, Listowel, or to W, J. GILKINSON, Newry. Listowel Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Buiiders and - Contractors are prepared to contract for tke erection of allciasses of buildings. Plane and specifi- catioas gig and estimates furnished op applicatio: SASH, DUOR FRAMES, 7 BLINDS, ~ turnished - short notice. Planit d aeto order. Everything in the cy ~<-- will be given prompt attention and ret, class Workmanship guaran Charges Moderate. Remem ife isn't a balloan ; you must get rid of the gas and keep the sand,--Ex, ° Bamfcrd Bros, mad ,' Won a5 - iven to leave, when without a| real, was killed by a subway train in' 7 SAEBOIGA A aA LIS PLDI we RAEDDPADDDD "Imperial Bank | -OF CANADA. D R. Wilkie Pres. Hon, R. Jaffray Vice-Pres, CAPITAL.AUTHORIZED - $10,000,000.00 CAPITALPAIDUP = - $4,925,000.00 : RESERVE FUND{J - -- $4,925,000.00 ~~ Ons LI NON ON ne IIS WS General Banking Business Transacted. $ Savings Bank. rincipal 4 times me aot by { ccheqne Jithout no' Money fozwarded to depositors by mail on reques otes- of responsible Farmers' Business a Specialty, -- advan = made thereon. or taken on de- é Cheese Cheques posit Sithout change, --SOI OO III, WA LISTOWEL eileen H. ©. SECORD, - - t AAG AAP PPP PPP PAP PPP Aw ~~ wow J.S.GEE Is SHOWING ALG LE ADING SHADES New Spring Dress Goods. See our Venetian Cloth in all shades. See our Ladies'Clo See our Yaspe Cloth, 'all shades. See our New Weave in Black Voile. See our Navy and Seal Voiles, 60c, a yard. All Farm Pruduce Taken. Family Groceries Complete. J.-S. G@aHE. ace Where Shaking is Respectable A Draft off furnace dome, with no other assistance, !s powerless to overcome the dust nufeance in shaking time, Only surplus dust rises of itaelf above the fire, @reat bulh descends Into ash-pit, and unless fegiti- mate outlet Is therein provided, dust will escape throwgh ash-door slits and into operator's face. n "Sunshine" Furnace the legitimate dust outlet is pro- vided. It's a great big dust- pipe running straight from ash-pit to dome, thence to chimney. When big pipe damper . is opened, all dust in ash-pit ascends to dome; then, when direct drafts are opened, ali dust passes up chimney. Always the elean and quick dust route in "Sunshine" Furnace -- sia grate, to'pan, to dust - pipe, to dome, to Write to us for "Sunshine" testimonials received from your own chimney, to open air. townspeople. C VAN = TORONT® ST. JOHN, N. ce. MClarys si WIN GARY ADOLPH & BONNETT, Local \enra FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Re Christopher Ash Estate. Lot 43, Concession 2, Wallace, bein m occupied by George Ash, Ful- ler information on application. MORPHY &« CARTHEW, Solicitors, Listowel. FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS, S- L. KIGD & SON, Crop reports from Ontario points indi- cate that the fall wheat and clover win- { tered fairly well. | The Allan Live has becn awarded tho | contract for the direct steamship service between Canada and France. GRAND TRUN Easter Excursions RAILWAY 7SYSTEM Good going H having" purchased the Butcher Thursday, April 16th, Business of S. J. Stevenson, are TILL continuing the business in the Shop on: Wallace St., where they handle only the, | . Choicest Meats of all Tuesday, April 21st. Kinds, At Single First Home-made Sausages, Bologna, Summer Sau- sage, Cured Meats, Etc. Class Fares, J. DD». McDONALD, D Our stock is always the very . P. A., Toronto, Ont. best, and prices moderate. J. A. HACKING, Town Agent. Monday, April 20th. Good returning on or before come again, S. L- KIDD & SON Give us a trial and you will A. M. SMITH, Depot Agent.' Garbutt 'Kidd, Manager