JOHN BULL'S COLONIES 'MANY OF THEM WERE FORCED ON ~ (HIM AGAINST mS WILL, "Which Fly the British - Flag. - it is surpri in, how much -of John Bulls vast Empire has Merced on him pric bogs 'much of has received with h geumb- jing Protests instead of of 'berg ie }. Singapo: and away John's most jalued the Farthest East. 1, has + called a Gibraltar and a vi and its pos jon 9, Singapore, which is now 6 magnificent noe with i adeccitin ware- dise ie, USES, 'and 4 big harhce crowded wilh el way to the front by sheer merit, & SMART MAN RECALLED JN DIS: eae sal in Sumatra, aid, through his fstig gation, Singapore was he Malayan Sultan of Johor for so i his Was a foo enlerp: ising a ¥deul" a plese stolid Ace Bull_ort Govern: of the d aa sions Raflies was practically re- ca "But ees impelled them to keep it Tlow many Dares the islund is worth now nobody co ! The aes of the Straits Settlements (Were practically forced on Jolin Bull. HI 'didn' to be bothered with the ace or their islands. But his enter- ng ons went oul there and (60k | ox, on their own account, One] Speer Sir Jumes Brooke, had him- 'seit made Rajah of Sarawak, a Milay 'State, wilhout waitiny to ask for peruiis- 'sion from the Honie authorilies: and when he requested to be taken, ain jwilh his newly-acquired kingdom, yndee jhe protection of the Urilish fag, hi ts esl was ACO mae to rable in the ea | -£rvdging spiri as bought from rian -- Even then he only-consent he was in. if idn't the white séltlers would m unpleasant. Her 4 Fretich "Kin ing It is entirely John Bull's own fault that not belong nea was actually in at sion of John in 1793; but he w ent to it, and leftit lying unguarded'and ied in the sea. er. ueens- land, the people of the latter colony were uneasy at the prospect of having nee Sioa Dutch neighbors so near to' WE wou HAVE NEW GUINEA. r time the Qu bil of it, Finally, in 1883, .. | Melwraith, =| Gacenaiany pera and, lely taking action into his San nea gave instructions for the an- nexelion of New Guinea. John Bull was actually Asad bad: tem- pered oyer this, He al first refused ab- steaoeetat hy had not stood resolutely y their Prime ten tee would prob- oy. | EVERYONE Hoods a Yoni in 6 r Governor be silting in the seat of the late Dick" ribs cendition the whole of the island of New Guinea, |? which is nearly three 'ge as Great Piahea to him. the Prime Minister of | P¢ BANISH PIMPLES -- AND ERUPT To Purify and Bad Up Blood. j,i 0u want mew with a ine the oe winter months is respon- le fo seeing aH Coane tiredness which @ efabaay eat Poor appetite, frequent head- aches, and a faa fo avoid exertion is also A to bad blood. Any or all of these troubles can be a fair use of pies a tonic medicin . Williams' Pink auinulnies every organ, every nerve and brings a ling of new health and new fo weak, tired out, ailing men a ae ee men. Here is proof that Dr. williams" «<i me much trouble. 1 tried medicines, but without the least benec- Hf have insisted on rlion of the lec e advice isi saad which had been Reeated being | and give the pills a trial, 1 ot a half ferthwith ulandoned, dozen opine be the result was that ed In the end, however, he growlingly the ti were finished I felt } nsented * Se ae what his sons in} in out. different man. They one Queens hing forced on him as apres. | fed my blood, built up my w je Sys ent. All though his apes sae instead 4em, and I have not had a pimple on a! bein whole of New | my flesh, ' ce, Guinea, sche nog This" highly (han a We a oli D: This article does no haust tthe Is og ies JOUN BULL GROWLED AT GIBRALTAR own oe John didn't have any notich of taking Gibraitus for himsell" A wonderful son of bis, nanied Admiral Sir George pikes rolurning hone irom a mere qr Successful cruise, nade a Sudder, ie ns 'pected. ssvoop py the veck oy his own berpison before they knew ae he was 'really there. so jo say { first John 'Tiecount, and touk it from a weak Spanisi: : Biull growled and didn't éee what good: Wie the key of ie Mediteivancan wos gong], fo be lo hin John Bill t per ee an ays, of hy SUPse, as Iv dad vely little to do Sr 'of his Indian Enipire. jhe deciined ta send offvial tives lo Tndia, but allowed a dy 6) irate merchants, who ba ine founding ary their luck in the Dei 'Asia tie fins. i t first the company were sulisfied with hee of | na on i to build ! He was the French GoReCGEE who first aimedats Pavopean Indian pine, ond sent two brililant adventurers, Dit wplelx, and Lath. to ere if they eauld win en if was that the eonipany ria te ght. nat al first with any idea of iv wking conquests. tit simply to save ithe mselves fren: being swept into the Seen 'iy thelr French rivals, THE COMPANY THAT RULED INDIA. / Afferwards, however, they hegin to swender if they couldnt turn the tables Jy turning the French eal, and avith the Hindoo rajulis foniewrd, 2 Brltish kt 'fis : che in india by winnin Z the great bathe of Plasse ey. The ot gentionun saw a n of more responsibility for lim, end eu Umnbled, as usual, ; first great) conquests in Indin were rotate by soldiers who weressthicny | Fpedhing, not John Bull's at jail. They (were Made by troops enlisted) and paid hy the company. and iL was "Sohn Cam- peny,' as the sepoys culled it, which gave Clive his first commission. The} Jompany Tuled in India for a) Mnaidred years before the British Government took ahs the task. 'the Chartered Company forced a big track of Aftiea on John Bilt Ta had no avish lo grab it hinsell. and would have feched on with ce tn indifference while ast pee at South Africa were being 'arn exed by the Germans and the Rorrs. Bul the Chileon ed Company, with Cecil Rhodes as its sou) MADE WAR ON LOBENGULA, tnd conquered Matabeleland and chick. cd the Boer and German advance, Atad Join not hi S sons in check and frowned on them when they wanted de be enterprising. in South-West never hive - beeatse th at jpartof the world weuld have been paint. | teal Briti- h red before the subjects of the Jolin Bull certainly grabbed Canada an en ue on his own initiative, But Nes land. i} is nol owing to 1< hn ch imée} f "thu " 100 S Own eanntey" yohine ta ' Caplain Cook paid his first visit to 'he Ru and in 1769-- the suine veary by the Uyeowhich sev Wolfe 'tik Quebec but lar generations 'John Bull would have nothing to do with = left sisal ne for-any.nution wha Carcied it to tek As late os ISth obstinate "J, Bo as ood as told the missionaries who weit to New Zealand to try a, iat Be the Maoris that the risk they omg was en- tircly their oe pein oi and he v abate ate Le responsible fer what happene them. Later on the New Zealand: prey Brits Th the oo days], A ee have ust : d i ' ee a oe of B ee the' house." Sok - lers of lw mail at 25 pid pouring ie ville Be cae SAVED BY THE MUD. S Hunter's Narrow Escape While Munt- ing Elephants. During a Inuiting trip in Africa Mr. A, Tory Savage Lander had a narrow es- cape from tye elephants which he was shiking, Hoe had got to within ten yards Of te tale elephant, and taking careful &in, pulled the trigger. . 'Ine story of what followed is told in' Mr. Landor's beak, "Across Widest Africa" The cartridge never went olf, pee ae fortunately iy a who re sliectivencss oln pon, fired a the 4500 Moment with his miatch-lock, We yore such a short distance from the ani- ae that T shall never forget my surprise when the elephant lifted his trunk akyward, and in his fitry roared like thunder, A moment later the elephant, with his trunk extended, dashed after us, 1. foo, with iny useless rifle in my hand, hav- ing hy that time eee 4a high rate of peed, 'iad | been running & race for the werld's record, 1 am sure 1 snould have wen the prize, It was aniiaing to me hea fast 1 could run, as 1 confess my Linad turned perfectly cold when [ cou! fect the hoarse blowing trunk of the ele- plant enly a few yards behind Fs nnd lexpected every minute toa he crushed inioua jelly In that parti wing partlof the omantry fiiese marshy plains are extraordinarily sticky and slushy, so the moment I dash- ed into the geass, at the record-breaking Seed at which I was travelling, niy feet ira | Stuck in the soft and slushy mud, and I was precipitated with my face and hands inte the stush, niy rile sinkit 'This was the supreme rica of ap- prehension. 1 said good-hy fo the world and imagined myself dead. No one could lave Leen more eitprised than" bh was when, a Alert time to be killed in having elapsed, I got up ey and per- ceived the Jeol a few yards off, can- tiring away in the opeale: direction, hack view was a great relief to me. He had eine ta within two or three vards ef where Thad falien, and having himself sunk in the seft mud, had turned round ond struggled away, Waving big circular OlGtRKS Tepito holes feuit-er ae feet avep in the mud, -- -- int the world. as nearly as ipule 1.580.000,000 pecple, so millions live under the Simply the-visible sign that sere tiny bones ~ are not -- rapidly eno Lack of nourishment Scott s Emulsion nourishes baby's entire system. Stimulates and makes bone, Exactly what baby needs. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50, 9099000000000000000005. , bike hoe AND $1.00 the ay Me Medicine Co., Bioek ke} rat ne neniany it hin i Mie head. | fr temptin health and strength) mm epring you must pages heigl tonic " | for real new laid [a irae repe) s é upon she fora time to Metz, where she had relatives} but. aflerward her: dead body was found on the footpath fuse le the house of the men she Feminine t tion is sometimes ul- '| terly ini a wet SS ENGLAND'S VAST EGG HUNGER. Not Fresh Eggs Enough to Satisfy It, Though Many Regions Contribute. Raising eg gs for 1 et iat market oflers 4 Great vial 1@ 'French farmers. fico! 'to' an article by G. Lagrave tess the Figaro 000 sed a year, he says, and the demand eggs is far in excess of supply. This is where the oppor- London dealers that they come procs Belgie. and Holland. They don't, As a matter Of fact, the African eggs Bek topericd to be eaten, "even b: 1 for the cure of stomech end | year the ineid roubles, ji ae ais Tn a : 'that a bea Vabebots girl bed taken iain st the} lege, It was al a ball: in Vienn: thilted suicide. Ht may be that the ie pauci(y of Teminine roposals is directly due to the fact that lee peur is the only year in which they are considered permissible, At any rale, a most cases in which offers of marriage lave been made by members of the sex which usually receives them the "leap" line been made with supreme indifference as to the For example, the ledy who boldly offered her hand and heart to Ear) Slow. el brottier of Lord Eldon, did not rtred lo reflect as to the Fear. His lords! was = Adinirally judge. and once had fe ity a son of the Marchioness of Sligo lo his yocht in the Medtlerrane: While the judge was ecunar | the de- linguent the marchioness. who was in eeurt, was much impressed by the sound adviee he wag givin, In it im- pressed her 60 much 'that she immedt- alely wrote out a proposal of marriage, Which the usher obligingly handed up {6 the bench. With admirable prompti- tude, ey ju rserres luminary accepted the proposal ¢ spol, the lady's bold move being nite justified, MAY AND DECEMBER. The same beppy result ts Bee attend |, A sitiilar offer made less than a decade 6ge by a young lady peiongtie fo one of the most noble families of Rome. She was Signorina Maria Colonna, and, though only in her twentieth year, had Each and all of these she firmly Di fused, afd on returning to Rome founded her friends by presenting heh. sell to M. Guillaume, the famous octo- ts genarian seuiplor, and begging him to marry her. Like the sensible man he was,.Guillauine did his best ta convince her Usit no happiness could result from the union of Muy and December. In this, however, he utlerly failed, Bas fair proposer becoming groatly distr ec, und, indewd, quite inconsolahle. She declaral herself to all intents and pur- peses a widow, and arrayed herself in sombre mourning garb, which she vowed she would never lay aside until a' change came over her hero, oo she could real- we the wish of her hea This young lady was ee of the most beautiful girts in the Italian capital, and apparently aso one of the most. whim- ect. It ix Interesting to recall that the late Baron de les sts enjoyed 4 a like novel 'od whom was 'ae glamour of a most romantic descent. This fair creature was the great-grand- daughter of a woman of rare beauty. who was picked up when a babe on the battle- fight Ww hat is more extraordinary still, the proposal was made in the presence of the Baron's own son. Smail wonder, there- fore, that he thought it was not intend- = for a, but for his sop, However, n being enlightened, he did not ref ine olen: but accepted it, and married the air proposer. Nor did he have occasion lo regret co doing, for vider de the trying lime of the sensational Panama scandals |e DP | market. Lagra "some naval wen = desert hea il Hp of W aterloo, immediately after the 7 g@ is in. special 2 yolk 'of ideep orange Ue attained her way. They a ai emit Po the black Asalosien hen Mia on of 'Stel eens are a SAAS Son; purveyors in reson to eupelying the demand. Swe- ta first rate egg pro- Gilets country, nd tho sleamer service to England is { uate. Germany is a great eating try and practically uses up all she di s. America can send inferior grade.s bul of course not de laid eggs. Holland and Belgium cde a so millions annually above their Danish eggs are not popu AY in England because of their peculiarly S s the con mplion of fresh eggs is acti resi in England by the present impodglbilily of supplying the the of of eggs. He urges them facthes lo raise = of black or brilliant eggs with dark yel- Ss, as these se)! in a t fo sien cents a dozen Asst in advance of the pale cit Sa: SS ASE DISFIGURING FACE SORES. Pimples, fade gores, and the kindred eruptions co m to, late winter and ing, Sere the worst disfigure- mus of the skin stimulate us applications of Zam- uk mornin, d night, ond washing frequently wi -Buk Médicinal Soap Zam-Buk reaches the t of the disease by soaking th h the skin and tissue and its y jul herbal juices expel discase and skin do ils work which can'} bg done simply By 'th use nnoyed me dreadfuliy I et advised to try Zam- Buk end J 'amt glad I did for it quickly Trermaved the trouble and my face is now clear ofall eruptions." Zam-Buk contains no,animal fat what- ever, bul is @ pure healing salve. ft cures cuts, burns, thalings, cold sores, iIch, eczema, fanning sores, ringworm, piles, bad inflamed patches, and al! disensed.fgjured and irritated con- d tions in, --Obteineble at 'all druggists endipiores 50c.. or Goer -paid from the ZaméBuk Co,, Toro CZAR'S THRONE A PRESENT. The en Pe i of Russia has many thrones. three chief ones in Kremlin at he last i 8 resen . r P Alexie in 1660 from the Shah of | It is entirely cov- ered with 'plates of gold set with precious slo and alternating with very chiseled in high relief, the double' with angels on either side supporting the perial crown, ce oa ~ hes pleasant and effectual ther Graves' Warm Fx- «1 consumes 4,400,000,- | Rai to } Boston firms has "SIMPLE LIFE ALRIGHT. A cabinet-maker, George Murr, who has died at Grantham, England, at the age of seventy-eight years, was em? Ployed by the same firm for thirty-sey- - hae He not only worked in the me shop, but actually at the same rent Murr took the only holiday of his life twenty-six years ago, when he avent to Skegness, intending to stay a fortnight. He returned the same day, however, saying that he could not set dle away from work. -- 7 --------_. A NEW FINANCIAL FIRM. The firm of A. J. Pattison and Com- pany, bankers and soeepee agents, has been formed in The senior member of the na was until recently president of the Brantford Street Rail- way, the Grand Valley Railway and the Woodstock Thames Valley and Ingersoll way,' -Mr.-Patlison sold the control- Ving interest in his railways to a Pitis- burg railway magnate. Mr. Pattison is a Canadian by birth, a Lambton county boy, and has been in business in a fidu- ciary position in Toronto for twenty-five | @ years and has been a resident of Toron- to | lo for over thirty-five years. The record of the Canadian Homestead Loan and Sevin under his adminis- tration for over twenty years, loanin upon mortgoge that is one foreclosure, has not been equalled by any Toronto rocco | leaning coming. The new firm will have a strong repulation for inlegrily and ad- suintaweiive abilily,, and a high finan- cial ra iredt Naw York, Beston, Philadelphia and Montreal Stock Exchange wires with one of the largest New York and been arranged for. The firm will have dircct-wires also to Chi- cego and Cobalt, and are in a position lo give not only excellent service but the most conservalive advice upon finan J cia' investments that can possibly be had. The firm's adverlisement appears in an- other column. ee a ee MEDICAL ITEM. A doctor can hardiy be blamed for los- ing his temper when he gels 'oul of patients, ~*~ it cause of Headache. an ATIVE BROMO Quinine removes cause, K. W, Grove on box te DIFFERES NCE. T give you all the money you neear her husband complained. "Yes," she replicd, "but you t fore we were married that' y give me all I wanted." me be- would A Clear Healthy S Skin--Eruptions ol the ekin and: the blotches which blen- ish beauty are the result of impure blood caused by unhealthy auction of the liver and kidneys. In correcti (his unhealthy action and restoring the organs to their normal condition, Par- melee's Vegetable Pills will at the game lime cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruplions will disappear without leaving amy trace. Why is it that every time a girl goes out with a young man of whom she is ashamed she meets all her friends? fire in-a hot, itching, unhegtthy £9) put out the skin with Weaver's Cerate. Use rt tor oeme, her cap for him. i eae "Do you really think she cares for him?' Jess: " indeed! -You know her- full name. is Ur- le May Hope. Well, she sings all her lellers to him now, 'U. May Hpe.'" Be There a Will Wisdom [Points i Way.--The sick man pines for relie but he dislikes sending for the B ir which means bolties of 'drugs never consum: He has not the resolulion fond his stomach with compounds which smell villainously and taste But if he have the will to dei! bimsell with his ailment, wisdom well direct his altentiqn to Parineloe's Vegi lable Pills, which, as a specific for in- digestion and disorders of the divestive crgans, have no equa << The avorid may owe you 4 living, but try to collect it ahd it will have as many excuses on lap as a man who is asked to poy a bill. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 44 DAYS. FAO OINTMENT is guaranteo! t> co of Ttebl: Blind, Bleeding or Protuding Piles in 6to 14 lays ee refundod. THE RUDE. GIRL, "I wish sometimes that I could fly And soar through ihe air. Sa quoth the callow dude, 'Then"said the maiden rude: "Of flying fish I've often' heard, But flying lobsters. on my word, Are rere, oh, very rare." Som "DODDS fennel ing equals: it. Procure bottle 'and. ft home. THERES el eee The first train in ie was operated on what is no General policy the Boren, Mate Lim- Trunk System, is also the fastest train in Canada, and one of the fastest long distance trains in the world, Leaves } Toronto 440 p.m., at 10.00 p.m. and Chi cago at 7.40 a.m. heap o} six weeks after marriage ils a your heart Brag 60z., and a wineglass 202 Vhen &@ mon marries. a girl for her ey is apt to be on him later. works rs nicely and looks so frexh. Souvenir Picture Post ¢ Cards of Home: presents with strings attache: necessarily {ijl a position in a chop house, Have you tried Holinway's Corn Cure? It has no equal fer removing these troublesome excresenees es many have tostified who have tried it. ever repay you, doctor?' Doctor tpric From October to May. Colds dre the most fre. |} hope soon, iny dear sir." give up whatever doesnt agree Ww ith me ing a woman the chances are that she nettle rash, totter and salt rheam. 7 is fooling hin. Teas: "There tae Ursula Hope with A refermer is a man whe ) has no p Jack Timmid." "Yes, she's selling] tjence willk the mortals conmnitting ASK YOUR _ DRUGGIST FOR THE PANGO CO., LYMAN BROS. & CO., LTD. LYMAN, KNOX & GLARKSON, LTD. IN BEING wa part of the Grand Trunk Railway and this great: pe ag . PANGO + INSTANT RELIEP TO THOSE SUFFERING FROM HEADACHE, NEURALCIA, aur, UT, RHEUMATISM | ag AND 50 CENTS, BY NAIL. WHOLESALE TORONTO, Torente and Montrkal " Tereuto and Mon. real YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Bults would St sam in gout woes ote ee, It no Box GRITIGH AMERICAN DYEING OO. has ever been on ~ alert to slay i the first rank. In ecping with thie life," the premier train of the Grand est and ontreal every day at 9.00 a.m., | #2 arriving at Detroit o::@ Butea: faa ete oa STAR MPO. CO-A8 A pe . ao lucre isn nbn necessarily a dirt. If a bride isn't homesick for her family sign she married the right man = MACHINES dic RENT. ™ convenient of any. vate agninced., Only at the et a A FREEHOLD, He-*Woutd you give nie a place in; A Not pa Pi jeans oe price one sesorly: tion, son for sellin, Ming. Sta! be bad, deal w ACENTS, $1 03, 50 PER MONTH selli esos wonderfql Beised a = By heeas Y id 93 pairs : fas he h ae 8 ean do wit we sho ne chow. Spretet (daeemants to CanadianAgents. . Themas M'f'g Co,, 802 K Bt. sayees he =WANTED to hear from owner having GOOD FARM ticular about location. and rea- can ithe owners only, L. Darbyshbire, Box 964, Rochester, N. Y, She "Yes, if you can pay the rent." ye al 4 COLD IN ONE DAY BROMO Quinine Tablets. no anes money if it falls a cure. E'S signature is on each box. 25c. A tumbler contains 100z., a tea-cup ----- liful fnee and re form the joke It's easy to paint with good print, it . eee S = : result from A lot of entanglements ven a first-class woodworker cannol ------= Convalescent feffusively): "How cen 1 '\By--cheque, + Rales, .OF gold, and re heg Mange, 'Prat rie rm of py ge fich in' in 'human "Wel, and what did the deetor ar "Suid I _-- dict and get a divorce "A dive "Well, nrecticolt y What. He said Tim ust unquestionably est AND PATIIOS. on ideache fs foal- PITH, POIN POINT When a man gets A. Transacls on business, & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS J. PATTISON TORONTO investment and Stocks bought outright or on margin. -- Direct | Wire. estensively ealenh py the gerfs, sects usti ly are singhed in the-fest in- etanec Like tis When idiot red for consumption the 5 fo Boston, New York Phila- de deipia, Chicago Recep a e . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED suged in 30 mmipuies: by Wok Refer enves:--R. G. Dun & Com ferd's 5 anit p. I never fails. res The reas DE Oe ee al 1 dru he Lei Jammer Sold by all druggis aig "y WIFE WAS WAS.IT. -idaeciniminicasiianieeeninssinissit {he in- Sa kegs and wings are broken off end the Rickle's -Anti-Consumplive Syrap needs | h& dies wre Foiled. roastal, stewed. fried i rai 4 eds ne"recommendation., To ull who me we The flaver of lecusts. while 1 with it, it speaks for ffs strong and disagnecabie, becomes mild i val ae in 'the fedun ent af ealds | aNd re atily disguise a when canked. ears © A aid coughs and alt affeckons ol the | Seme sé rely of oO be throat hk distingitiot Led from beet breth, Fried in ror their Gwa oil and slightly satled they ils place among ~_ ty best iT vat acquire a pleasant nutly flavor, far such disease 2 f Ce at Locust enting tribes invariably praw you will not regre aed. ' fut when the food is plentiful. Grubs it 25 cents well ves oe and caterpillars are eaten with avidity hy Parisians, and butlerfies are ealen hy the natives of Aust ina end hérvest flies hy seme Alfie aia, silkworms in the sins he used fo. A moaiefactor is onty feo rich-to be fabeled will the common word. cviming - _ om | SHILON'S ck ease for the worat cough--quick re oat to the heavies SAFE cold--and F An oplimist ts a man who polishes tio ie even for a child Hile's she at mig: antl -tee~e ings. forth rhe is Shiloh's Cures stamething bright, _| Bold under a teauee Coughs inity is what makes a wenn s tty cure colds and ¢ wtbe &c ld skirts bother her, se nich when she quicker than any ol a olds knows ste has pretly ankles. medicine--or your mone 34 years If men really remembers! their own Ie yhood they pe chabiy would quit giv- ings advice to ik sins. 'uppreei ialel the sun- Na yan ever shine quile so much as when he had} snow ta meen from the sidewalk, list is ae ig commend Shiob's "tare 2 QUICKLY? wand n stage and the sum oa spotlight 7 oes > Le played on him atone, 4 TRIAL BY BREAD AND CHEESE ee 3 s ' cald ways in anel- st " There &s The H dd wiry It ts Brg nei ver ie v 7 1 = cnt Giles oF Cele g erimi 'nals? Our not a city, town > eles ae or n p | Ghieeste hud nol Hved klong enough where Dr. Thor eis ! 7 oil fon asl ; yp fise their faith in the gnawing of aw * intnadhipy i s 3 a ; f cnved | treteinetiioye its t™ - t resem nendatians 1 vith deuwtt. There is 0 h. goed Chat jis Dr. Thomas. thing else, Weuld da if pear, ain Your Strength by teking Perrovim,* | in TT) ary in = ' nih 1; ws the beat tonic evercompounded. It nourishes it he ma SWS strengthens the wh " systeip.. Wiis aeqi ed. dat if he wis -ctinidemned, Foon, Sits 'ot intloceut folk were (hos dene WHERE LO wsTS ARE death. Talle Luxury in Some Places -How They Are Made Palatable. Locusts are a table luxury in Palestine ond other places. 'The Jews fry them in sesame ot. In Arabia Petren locusis are dried in the sun and ground into a kind of flour for baking. In Central Africa cértain tribes make then into -- thick brown soup. In Madagasear (he y are baked indinge jars, then fried in grease and mixed with riee., In Alneit they simply are boiled in walter and anlted to tastes The Arabs grind and bake them as cukes. ronst then in- butler, or crush them with eam- cl's cheese and dates. But they oniy re sort fo this fare in times of famine. In aeaCQrT scuthern Russia, where locusts still- are Black Watch The big black plug, keen Tehacce