Listowel Standard, 1 May 1908, p. 2

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, Mr. J. E. Carson, 218 St. Clarens Ave, stabsve Canada, Inspector Lon- don Life Insurance Co., London, Canada, wri "I have used the popular remedy known as oe Peston and me can testify as arket."* to ite merita, L regard it ae-one-of the best tonics now -on_the city of homes and churches, a mens a_city is the Tine of J. E. Carson, 218 St. wed as a fami i medicine, flict the family. ginning of very scrious diseas Ad tedious' if not fatal int inesses. oy ORONT is one of the most 'eauliful cities in the world. It is: of healthful climate and beautiful scenery. anys the igs beautiful homes which make up the cily of Clarens Ave. Peruna cay boast of being o fixture in over o million such happy homes on this continent, where itis used for the petly ailments that af » Coughs and colds, catarrh of {he head and throat, Sore throat in varl- ous forms, disturbances df digestion. catarrh of the stomach, and other internal orguns, These mtapene nelly in themselves, are offen the be lose or two of Peruna tiken in the beginning ny quickly avert -- cily of intelligence and good pend i Toronto, In this home Peruna is Head Stopped Up. Mr. G. W. aaest Hartford, Ontario, choir Jeader at Paul's Episcopal Church. writes : "Dhuve been 'droubled with catarrh for always teat: . grent niany years, and a something for it, bul was wble only t secure' temporary relief until T used Pe: rina, Only five botiles rid my system of alt traces of calarvh, and noticed the slightest trouble for several months. My head was stop 1 have Ove: ps and Bronchial Tubes. Mr. C, Hervus Pelletior. Dept. de I ApHeu ae Otlawa, Ont.> writes: The Peruna is napa ne? efficacious 'a the cure of calarrhat affections of ORIGIN: OF SPEGTAGLES ROGER BACON WAS THE INVENTOR} % IN THE 13TH CENTURY. He Introduced Their Use Into Europe-- Were Previously in Use in_ China. Spectacles are supposed to ¢ been invented by ieee: Bacon be ght 13th a great linguist dnd grammarian, oom versed in the theory of perspective and. optics, knew the ae Sf -convex and concaye ~ glasses. was on English monk, educated al ox. ford under the auspices of peter Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln. Baco! Wus also encouraged nerd ce @ learning by Edmund Rich, Archbishop of Canterbury, by William Shirwo Chancellor of Linco 'oin, al hara Fishacce, an uble professor of Oxford _Paris. - REGARDED AS MAGICIAN. last-named = university at that France he retired to Oxford, and a scphy und mathematics, and so ardent was he in their pursuit that he spent inthe course of twenty years, £2,000 enlireiy dpon thei, which, faking into consideration the time in which he lived, was no contemptible sun. fame he got excited the malice and envy of the monks. IL was reported} i and: believed that he had recourse to the agency of evil spirits, and that 'all a magician, and was confined lo his cell without supply of food, Engiond, requesting a capy ae Avhich Bheon at lirst declined, the upks and bronchial tubes. "Six bottles cured me this winter ol Search T am completely. Peet and 1! owe thanks to the Peruna. "T have recommended this aioaiy | a large number of my friends aMicted ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 'THE PANGO CO., LYMAN BROS. & CO., LTD LYMAN, KNOX & CLARKSON, LTD. PAN a5 AND 50 ae BY naIL, WHOLESALE " Teronto and Montreal! Toronto and Montreal on TRAIN DE LUXE OF CANADA, "International Linntted," sides pre: mer train of Canada. is-indorse| by every body who hus ever had the experi- ence of rid ugen it, It leaves Montreal At 0.00 dm. every day in the year. ar riving at Toronto at 4.30 pim., Tam- n.. Lond an 7.48, De- ails iy ith and Library car service, Tiuve the ex- perience on you next trip west, nS? "See "TD suppose ol! Cashman has. more honey Thin he knows what ls de with?" "Yes; but his wile and dé faghier. are ready ta sunply the ne ded inform tion." Whenever Rawsav's P, 'a ints are applied Jo pny hovse in town. that house fn tdhately cones into prominence jor Aivle and hoautv. These paints are sdld bys your dealer, and tis price is just right far ged honest paints Ask to sic Color fat Write AL Raneay i& Son tn. Mant. al for venir Pictore Post Cards pack af Sou if Teiries, - Th is a curivais nalts that a butter "ly cant be frezen et nd felt su for sone heures. Velen being removed to warnih Hie dnsesbowill recavér and ty aay. More then {wn dozen species of but- terflies are hiown abey md the Arctic + Provent Disorder,--AL the first) symyp- foams of infernal diss iitder, Parmetee s ie Sulutury petlots, taken: before poing fo bed, followed by duses of one or two pills for two or three nights in sueres- Bian, Will serve us a preventive of at lucks of dyspepsia and at! the diseom- forts which follow in the é@rsin of that fell disorder, The means ire simyple when the way is known A doctor was called in haste to on old ikdy who wos suddenly tuken very il When he arrived he asked her sevcral questions as fo how she felt before he order her medicine of any kind, Aniung other things, he asked her how she felt en seized with her complaint. "1 had a t@rrible shivering." said the lady, "Did your teeth all clatter when the chit came en your" "I do not know, I'm sure, doc- ter." she reptied: "they were lying on oe, inte at 'the ime, and I didn't no- tic emer A Se An mee ------ "TELLING AGE OF COLORS. Japanese Girl's Altire Merges From One Shade to Another as She Grows Older, There is a candor aboul Japanese wo- en in which few Englishwomen would have courage to aspire, and such a sea fon as that of a girl representing i fact a "walking census" by Tinting herself fo a particular range of colors according to her age would be econsid- f preposterous idea in this coun- try, says the London creme Standard, 4 And yet such fs said to be the fashion in Jupan. a girls rire merging ine {he colors in a prisin frem one shade fe the other as the years speed o} Midwiy belween the early twenties and the next decade purple. chestnut and pink, where the kimono is concern- eded, ave made to take the place of the « reliquished practically at 25. a ruling which would seem arbitrary ino Eng land in these days when white toilettes are regarded an almost grandmotheriy. Whetroin-her-twently-seventh -vear, Japanese woman acquires a new dig- nily when she lakes her first step into tie importent realm of striped fabrics, which give such an added status to their wearer, «AS the vears go on the wide stripes which prochimed- her initia! plunge info a different category: to that of her younger Iniends and companions narrow with each succeeding year, un- lit the finest hair line-announces with aimost offensive honesty that she has reached the age of thirty, when without sign or protest she leaves n't bright tones to her younger sisters, dull, ray her ciriged cimony is chespat 'Tor a checked brown. or gray forty-five. This is exchanged finally a few years afer fer black or very dull gray. in wich sober garb a Japanese wmnan eontinues until the end of her life. ----+- RATHER PREMATURE. Hiishand 'on overland train) --- "You mustn't mind it. Maria, if 1 take sev- fral duses of spirits duri ng the day. from now. on.. It's the only thing that Wil cut this: alkali dust that gets inte Ones throat. have to do it to- day, John. I've beon making some en- "frat and I find we don't strike the kall region for 500 miles yet." Convalescents need a large amount of nourish- ment in easily digested form. Scott's Emulsion is Sent it to his. Sumies about half of the entire produc- tion' of metallic, white, red and stilaw used in pyrotechny. and in the manu- fnctwre of shot, as well as for medi. cine and the making of. Ny-powders, ee MOTHERS FEEL SAFE . WITH BABYS OWN TABLETS Mothers who have used Baby's Own Fublets say that they fect safe when they have this rmelicine in the house, He They area nes lains no poisonous opiate, dard, Haldimand, Ont., usm Babys tion, vomiting ane stlessness, nn have found them a sieallid mevlicine. In my experience no other medicine can equal the Tablets for tithe ones." Sold by oimneddicine dealers-or by mail at 25 comnts a box from the Dr. Willlams* it, Medicine Cy., Brockville, O --_-- Ht SETTING AN EXAMPLE. "He That + Ruleth "Tis Spirit is Better Than We That Taketh a City,' "There, there, my dear," son. soothingly and pentiy, ta his wife. When he came tome to dinner one even- ing, and found her on Sterics, because the Preske n, anitoall the "white things" hod been smothered witb mud. use crying over spilled milk, ond you know that 'He thal ruleth his spirit is better than he that taketh a city. Cheer up, like a brave litde girl, [ hate ta see you lose your usually admivab! e self. poise over a trifle, an "Trifle!" exclaimed Mrs s ® Hobbson, "a don't call it very much of a trifle to have a who'e weck"s washing oui in the mud. Everything's gone aD to-day! The fire is-out, and- "Whal?" "There isn't a spark furnace, and I for----" of fire in the wunt you to make jt "Well, Dll be everlustingly and eter- nally----" ""He that ruteth -his..spirit---"» pe. gan Mrs. Hobbson, tauntingly: "but she cid not finish the sentence, for lflobbson kicked ever a chair, fung his coat and a corner, and suid, Seage he 8 i ou and the girl fool with it all the ried You needn't deny, for.I know that you do! If you'd leave it alone just as I leave it when go to town in the morning, it'd be sit right. But, no! You must poke and dig and shake away at it and slam in more conl and open the dampers "We never touch-----" "lt know better! That fire wouldn't go out every blessed day if it was not meddied with. Here I've got to go down and chop some wood rake out ash- es and workatiliwohours and a half, "Ww by T the sume time entered the ofder of SL. Francis, He now devoted emer principally to chemistry, nitural philo- The discoveries he made and the} 'to seer est oad tind seemed to realize that eo beyi his knowledge consisted-in his skill as hn Conseqt tence of this le was for- bidden to dechure in the Universily,| shee his atta oe B have a proper bigoted conduct of the monks ae ae fo have ex- tend his repulution. for while he "wis suffering from their persecution he received a letter from the Cardinal Recommend illiams' Pink Pills," OSLERISM A MISTAKE. Records Poul a * san's Best producing Age at 50 Rather Than 40. . tt Appears that to backseat men at 40 woud! simply rob the world of most of The Particulars "Of a Remarkable Cure Told by a| d'7%is.0% the inoue ils masterpieces, the creation of which! ing article in the Century .gives the avy- - Presbyterian Clergyman--The Sufferer Brought | 'irtus nce nse teen srattecd "| - Back from Death's Door, According to the wriler.of the article the records give an average age of 50 for the performance of the masterwork. St. Andrews Mahse, Cardigan, P.E.1., Jan. 1908, have never been sick my- Self, ape have not had occasion to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 1 thought you ought to kno they hea "wrgught in Mr, Oldings case. Ww Of the remarkable cure uring a Mi to. my home in Meri- gomish, N. S,, grieved years ugo, I was ind om next door neighbor and es Pe Mlehael Olding, very low. ted to live," my mother intoeried: ne "And you must go over id os He as he is any moment." "Nol expected e of his wife and dahitly as well, Upon isiting. him myse evidence to confirm: Abeir opinion. Mrv Olding had for years been affiict- ed with asthma a 'onchitis, bul now a complication of S$ was ravish- ing' his system. He fo his bed for months and was reduced 0 & skeleton. abundant had been confined Though evidently glad me, he conversed with the great- of the end, He itl was da ity growing weaker; his feet were swollen lo twiee thelr n the cold hand of death was upon. his TOV atural size, und Is no use,' he said foebly, ee doctors medicine is not helping ive nd Lam going down rapidly." I mrayed vith him fs for 'a man soon 10 pass in- » elernity, and when I took his hand in parting it was 'the last time F expect- ed to see him in the flesh, Three yenrs later uate on another visit to--my -molher ichael Olding was ey | in baller peat than i scon began to help him neighbors and the confidently believe that his For workers the average age is 47 and for thinkers 52. Che had ever seen him, for, as I sakk, be cists arenes' | the aa had. always been ailing. In eons des- their highest efficiency peration he had asked his him Dr. Williams' Pink Pils. They His appettie | "Hramaticts and playwrights, pocts and strength began to improve, and to! and inventors fo! tow al £6: novelists giv the"astonishment "ot the family and } gy average of $6; explorers and warri- friends he rapidly regained his health. ors. $7; musical composers and actors Now, though the bu i "i four casubil years is spon him, be is able | sition af equ 10 do a r day's work ieiieihiont rot good health, even the as surgeons line up with the statesmen ma has ceased fo trouble him as in] at 52: philoso): chor- give an average of former yenrs 54; aslronomers and mathematicians, t. . Py a : Mr, Olding "himself. ns well' as his | gatirists and humorists 56: historians | writer of this letter, | 57, naturatists and jurists, 58, | rescue from "As may be noted." sass the writer.) the very jaws of death--seemingly so} "there is a re arrangement of fhe orde ri miraculous--is due under the blessing of | qs this lime, bu! the thinkers, as be God to the timely and continnous use fore, and as would naturally be expect. | of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ed REV. EDWIN SMITH, M.A. ath is evident. Provided hentth and optim- J am remain thé man of 50 con oe m d uth has written you readily us (he man of ¢ sueress as ren pe rind fhan fhe worker Mr. Olding himself wriles:-- glad- Rev. Mr. Sn about my woridertat cure. for 1 confi slently believe that if it had not abe ---- saan for*Dr. Willioms? Pink Pills To wauk bal the Law Of loath, have been dead Jong ago. Tt would 1 in ben attend fv aleeraeban vo | imipessible to exngyerate (he desperat out Hor hidiaeplare of tinged condition Twas in when TP began te use Whe a wiardien of th pen hewn | he Pills. Na one thought | coukd get deapiede 1 tipoons if ated seas, "Pareestaond, | betler seureely dared hope myself] pesistanece is tselew. cas th Ay cal poe 1 eto iinpases a sentences «8. perpetiic : ! I. Pheonas anove? I am Seven! y-nine do a fuir dass work, a and T yim in every way than Thad been for s "1b I cannot say too much in prais 4 en Williams' Pink Pills and I oki ' épportunily 1 can to reeimmend ! te friends who are ailing. eed of Sabina, the Pope's legale a h bat when that prelate was raised to the Papa] Chair as Clement IV. he col- lected his ect info a volume and Holiness, who ne ; ne his. SNe : | On the a . however, of Clement |. es and more urnace blew rigtit iis atlerance was choked Oy This: questio dhe light it throw®on the of the earth, has: had Seany answers. The Jatest is that of Dr, J. W. Spencer, who, from recent studies on the spot, finds that the mean rale of recession ef the falls at present is 4.2 fect per year, and that this has been the rate for approximately ing fo the fact that originally the waters wake Erie only were di ihe Talls, giving but one-fifteenth of the present .water-supply, the rate of reces- gion was al first much slower, den w idening: af the gorge. above Fos- y now \pn st quan- fy rat ss amt whit eene. Eng- which ied t orld's production it 1908, having ace fallen behind. It : ie estimate! that the United States con- er-fuiling cure for the s af Imbyhood and childhood, And a thother has the guarantee of a gov. ernment analyst that this medicine con- Tt is always sie. Good fer the new born-babe or Well prawn chill, | Mrs. Alfred pus Own Tablets for constipa- pon a oe al because--I irae {hat someone "a been meddling with that fire, and yo couldn't make me think differentiy it you oe. ns now until the crack it kes fern ally an: oem pbs alae that Set oh "sir rit j ae: So raging, so Sopp 'Hobbson ha a leatag oe the seller Stairs i. 'nabiee wildly Capon | balls threatening to fall out of his Wend: "You'd beller look out o: | something Mrs. Hobbsdn cu from | the airs. iil break will! Hope lo goodness 1 ope I Td like to fake the anne and--" But an accumulation of Jo ust loosened n's violent Gaalar Ent on the into his face, so that for several it would nol be right for self-respecting journal {o print any '| what Hobbson a when he had re ga 227 years. But ow- scharged over zan fo discharge into Like Erie. From tis: data, entire age of the The culling, with the full power of the four lnkes, is years. Doctor Spencer calculates the falls al 39.000 years. estimated to have lasted -- > CONFLICTING TOOTS. Mifkins--"T wonder why Windig Rifkins---"Oh,. 1 guess he's so. bu Mowing his own hon that he can't hea 'fo the factory whist WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. x to May. Colds are the most fre- From Octo! cent cause of Heatachs,. cae ATIVE BROMO ULNINE removes cause. . Grove on box 256 ' honear of being the tallest Eng- Hshman--seoms to have "belonged to John Middleton, of Hale, i the linie Of James 1... and was % fech3 in. height, Ile was this_five tees qnnee than the famous Irish giant suid Hobb- A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY Bankers:and Brokers Transact a general financial busi- ness, Stocks cash or margin on all exchanges, Orders for Cobak Stocks exccut- ed far cash. Corréspondents--New York. Bos- ton, Philadelphia, Montreal. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO bought and sold for ISSUE NO. 18--08. jiny influence with pa to buy o, prope rby the milk of innferted ae. Neurly x owiot t a MIGHTY. work OF EARTHQUAKES. | Pet EU A herded sear Dr. John M. Chitke, from recent| - _ An interest: j may account for the theories of Dr. Os- | ler LOW PRICES--PROMPT SHIPMENT MetallicRoofing Co. Man: TORONTO & WINNIPEG : (a) men of well nigh &&: artists anid ivines orcupy the po-! and is in the | reférmers ens at St: "physicians and | OHENILLE CURTAINS -- attain their full muturite at a Daten | pai son dor selling ope aan possession be b Will dea & owners only. | lecwace fe Rochester, N. Y, LAOE CURTAINS Y*2.ce Stan sarin auemenn SYaine O0., Box '108, Meatresd WANTED to hear from owner having A GOOD FARM articular about locatl PETERBOROUGH heel want sts build them | We have P- - => By . 'Te ah e ceap ete or hut Ex aed you | Rrwest | ean instal your Oanoe own motu: | When yuu buy @ and Skiff Canoe, 8) or Saund hat | Factory it bears the) in Canada. atan | The Poterborough Canoe 2 Co'y. Yo eludies of records confemparary dccuments conmmbined with that of geu- Wlogical dislocaliofis in the St. Lawrence and Camplain valleys, concludes {hat the Canodian carthquake of 1663 was tie reverest disturbance th's continent has ever suffered from ferrestrin] disioen- Con. There was a great movement of the crust ae the course « Le St, giwrence River, the patec rocks slipping sfainst the shield of gertin line rocks where they are in contact, «and the destructive effects from, Mant. real down to Tadousne were tromend. ous. Doctor Clarke thinks that the dis- placement of the rocks wes continued in the direction of the Lake Champla There fs Only One That Is mo for this signature on every box. Always remember the full name. Look "Bromo Quinine"? Laxative Brome Cuinine USED THE WORLD OVE? TO CURE A COLD IM OHE DAY. valley along the line of contact wi th -- the great. crystalline mass of the Adir. GALLANT RESCUE «ndac n. _-- " Brave Sailor Who. Rescued Another | "FERROVIM" A GENTLE From a Shark-Infested River. 1s STIMULANT. to the Stomach. thereby ng digestion. Aa onic for fie Rowal 7 fi socel t means Be recovering from fevers and all Th Selene ye Great | Giseanes lowering the vitality, it is Britain bn 'presented the St hope piel: sabbtplche ts Le rival. At all drug atd gene /'ul for {hr rescue of thy. 4 eral Wisin i. ere for the fallawing gal: ---- ; & &i By a rweent-cdict, the cultivation of | Mit when: * : "3.8 ' vit or fore. opium in China must cease entirely by with Jame- Maore, The year 1917, The erop is to be reduecd by one-tenth cach year, and all thase sate using Opium in 1917 will be ban- ed, hen ul goachor ta the bibsarnbans i. wwurg the extreme danger uunmieruus sharks which infest the river, overboard. Aller tq | Sprang fy from the the frantic nat clutched roy ng han coder "ih: water, reng Las from: the ship. and hberating struggling nutives away wilh him, but owing he wh 'the men were picked up. afler bein im the water und drifting cut on sth middle finger of the left hand. Blood agony, Hes.ys: "My hand was so sw be said my finger would have to be taken ) oom ~ BUK SAVED THIS MAN'S FINGER! r. William C. Edwards, Peter Street, ES shoe (late steward Elks' Club), sustained a severe ed I was under the care of a well- igi doctor in Toro onto for several weeks Nest i 2 th © wound ees to bleed. It was a able to discard the bandage. A little inore perseverence anal Zam- Bik cured the wound amc Za ok Cares cuts, burns, chafings, Itch, eczema, ranning H sores, re Soegels en --_ legs, Lnerecry wounds and all skuad ieasee Ali d Zam-Buk Co., Taranto, THIS GUT anc mail to me Zam, "Buk Co YOUTHFUL DIPLOMAT. Just offer dist wears San) Franeisen "Now, for that," said: the ariel boy's, " . t "y teh ie a Siielas mgr "rin going to Spank. you." oR Mt he "aile Moi ona." he be wded, "let's aii - ize the thing. Call it quils and iii use you, that spring suit you wanted," ~~ PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMEN? is Burin: pote Trustworthy is the Ci Bites ia dio istiagh es an tasaee refunded. 500 -- Anti-Comsungolive | 0 Syruyh Tt can be us user With the utmost | El-be a 0 G4 ):"0 di ane c e mfidence tht will da what isclaim- | pian vel mares toe 4 whe ed it, Tt is sure in its effects. 8S) Aut Mn res Wiles 2 re th use of it will clearly demon trate enuse Ls ant lo te ay duchess, and can be veljad upon to drive it ould ------ Gut of the wien mave cffertively ITCH, Mange, Prairie Se ratches an! any other mesticit Try i! und le e¢ every form of "contagious teh in human vinced that it is 'wint it is cla mss toler animels cured in 39 minutes by Wo be. ° ferd's Suntlary lation. ( ever fuits, --- Seid by ail ermeeats. "Perfectly An important medient di-cavery of tne t year was thal Malia sri Wits Fastmrre te due to a specilic micr A.vessels tonnage is found rue Mul. eply the inside longth of the et in feet ba the length of the midshia 'teen, wel yi re sill Jin thar de pth. Divide the pro- Is half the a9 in the island were found tu be affeated. SEWING-MACHINE NEEDLES. PLGASE WEAR IN devs Yast, what is owticl a skin dixense y be but mptom of, Seo bash as Ph that case, for all makes of machines at Fire Cents per pack enver's nally applied, age, and everything else pertaining to sew nz thou ba hati " cemented with Weaver's machines at greatly reduced prices. J.ook forthe rup, taken daily. Roi 8, a or : PP hg hag ge ma Rage bargin of Sin ing Iwenty Years ago there were in the Sewin lachine Co., Manning Chambery. [ta irae 362.000) persons em- Toronto, for beauty ul art of ic souvenir views of Ontario. Free for askin "diy the mum- ed Gt agri Te coy has falles o 12,100,404). ai | 208 "You say the victim was oli win hie! 1, These two desirable qualifications, head?" queried the carener. aime i at ta the fdaste and rt the some replied Me ryokan "Presi ans is the i fane effectual, are te be found it " Sboating. had there been aay beatmbe ar Ke rotraves Wenn dextertiimiitor, (hil threats that would hate hed Hae vietime | ey oe at, Ly expeet othe sholl' Ne. sires Doo dbavtt - or auc bon thing ever entercd iis had --- + 8+ belo THE TROUBLSEOME Tl, i 1 } oa South Afrien there is an inseet lealied the "tick." which is o great tor- Shiloh' Fuh miles pare 4 ment to the horses, bullocks, ete., in the warm season. rics ough their skins, and is very diflicull to re- Cure move. But Nature has provided a4 ' remedy. While the animals are: brows- Cures ing on the veldt a small bird, about the Coughs then onylag al guts on their backs, and after picking rs all the ticks it can find. flies off to ta = pl new, The animals are quite and Colds it to hurt even a) raced at the visits of these lille binds, --. 34 him ot wand make no remonsirance. Ir size of o pigeon. and known as the "tick- bird," comes round and = deliberately UICKLY : uscess commend) i. or (hirer tickbirds may be seen oo : Care-- a gaily on (he back of a single oes ic, SL. toch. . Scheel hy aiding or Prota ti ng 1p gisty re Tait mone y if it Her, disaster, . tale Pitts will in found aomec! virtue > and effective nicdicine fo assail the inner with, Tieners ent Old Gent (to rethokesBGs- } how ac Teacher--"If your should smite you ow one check, 'Tommy Tullnut- vonld d Ppeidoon heaw bey be was," dher dora gue tratans Cail, wan Com. tlre, Nou pain and he Micenvetienee In Us {tie eorth is naw believed AD tiles Uieh. an it, tem- " the fower edge abort 2,700 "Th de droes r ahr, TO ond 4 COLD.IN ONE DAY BROMO Qainine Ricemia i faite bag cur kK. W. Vi's signature is One weh bo pes the ldide awa ler { the ceremony. and Fanny. youve geet hun at fast! Do Not Delay detyl nods ata dena rapidly as = We fe. Del Vee. They never fall, They > the seal af the trouble and work a permanent cure, - oy s ust we travel! | have wer Hheught of m < ight of time?" Think of the feet. ins hours of youth, the golden diys that piss away! Have you ever pacer the minutes---- regenerate and suspicious): "What are you trying to do--sell me a wately" " Batlersby (une It fastens Itself on to} Black casio. A real Wateh pleasure a | | | | shevaren.: yittaalnsin ee ae Se J

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