Listowel Standard, 1 May 1908, p. 4

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VT rTe al on hand, _ acter unimpeachable. - aad ini ry > a came to Moir's room, and saw Moir| The annual meeting of the vestry "| Wahi Taylor with «sis te bie hand, The witnées | $04 congregation of St. David's Church, that Spring Fever is Prevalent, a a cos afar date apa geval se! img toligeeces. gg emery even- y, Doll, Dead comply with order, witness 21st. financial state- Tired, All of our Clover and Tim- rar se said-to--Lloyd, ."Take.that gun away | Ment} eo the wardens showed othy is guaranteed Govern- eters Apel 26k new vary of from him." Loyd weet towards. Moir | 82 ee ot HO pad othe sips wie ype wack orthecs | ment Standard and ite from de tes Honies this afternoon by Mr. Tay. of eels ia tet o, Se end caer cane, ane Hc pa ake g that rest and, sleep. should noxious weeds. done in Quebec harbor in 1908. by Dus. | Lloyd did not take any heed. Hemade | $46.52 after allexpenses were paid. ing over with vim, but instead of this cali & Lemi¢hx, for which $614,000 | ® grab for the rifle, and received the fatal | The following is the result of the elec- | there's dullness, languor aud disinclina. Flower and Garden Package| wii pa : shot. Moir then turned the gun on the| tions: Lay delegate to Synod, J. H ton to do things, 3 . Seeds 2 for 5 cents, regular| 'The contractors were paid 75 cents a who fied jeer -- -- / ee ee a0 wotoaid 5 azy Tver ly. kd teolcghd al prge 2 F gee eestor e + at Naeeiace Thom t doing price 5 cents, east atti "farmed | turn out." It was evident Moir fied | ham ; fa Roy pson ete aie othe work oma ss are WALL PAPER. New Spring Patterns now largest stock and prettiest designs. Call and see fur yourself. J. A. HAGKING, ListowelStandard. FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1908. WHITNEY EXPOSES OPPOSI- TION ATTA CK. Premier's Spirited Re Reply to Mr, Mc- Kay's ieee Efforts to Find Capital Toronto, April Fe -- Premier Whitney Be handed out the following statement in regard to the guarantee o! e Cana- dian * Northern Railway bonds: The ster ee to the guarantee of bonds o Canadian Nort Railway sa pe simple and easy be understood,-and will be put fully be fore the public at the proper time. Just now the Globe and the Hon. A. G, Mac kay, seeking for material to attack the Government, and. finding none, are en- deavoring to raise a storm over this question, but, as I said some time ago with reference to another subject, it was simply twaddle, and then again more twaddle. The policy of the di lbuee pion has been, and is now, against co tinuing grants or bonuses or pe gis to railway enterprises. The then Op- position went on Se cre the original guarantee he Canadian Northern appa bis ant ic sould repeat" that.action to-m "When we Gains eee power we found the guarantee in existence of $20,000 a mile for 268 miles--$5,360. ,000--but no terminals had beeu provided for. short line leading into the Hutton mine, probably the richest mine in Canada, had not been provided for, A short line from the main line to the Key Inlet on Georgian Bay, the main port to business would come to the railway from the Northwest, liad not been pro- vided for, nor had one or two other short ere lines. terminals at Torontoand Key Inlet wil include large areas of land, buildings. piers, «levators and other en- terprise:, without which the railway at would be not only incomplete, but prac- tically useless. Conseyuently the Goy- ernment agreed to puarantee bonds for Pugsley got into'a lively quarrel, Mr. Taylor warning i he ani done in New Brunswick's Legislature. "You can't bluff me," said the Conser- vative whip. MANCHESTER DEFEATS WINSTON CHURCHILL. a Young Minister Goés Down Before Un- ionist in the Bye-Election. --o- Manchester, April 24.--The north- west division of-- Manchester, --by- the: heaviest poll cast in twenty years, to- day reversed its verdict-of 1906 by a majority of 429, votes, unseating as its ae new Asquith cabinet, and who. that ly wrested the seat from pppenee of to-day. can stood for plecthiae and the result was as follows : W. Joynson Hicks, ounces 5,417. Yinston Spencer Churchill, Liberal, ig, Socialist, 276. Tha pita of Mr, Churchill _iga.crush- ing blow to the prestige of the Govern- ment and a young and confident min- ister w influence a Ae: bye-elections, -- VERDICT OF WILFUL {URDER. Private Moir Deliberate! Lu His Victiny te Dele Mee of Private Bead ac Ut Vicious the construction of the short lines 1} Ll have mentioned, tlie guarantee amount- ing to a illion dollars, also the amount already expended on the terminals, and 65 per cent of the futire expenditure on the terminals, the whole guarantee re- garding terminals not to exceed a million and a half of dollars "It was not a grant or guarantee to a speculative railway enterprise, or something which might come into being in the future. It was a straight aninees tiunsaction between two parties already } a} rested in a business way. We found the credit of the province pledged with a security by way of mortgage, which, under some circumstances, would be practically valueless. Speaking for myself, I would rather own the short line, 30 miles long, "leading into the aerate mine, than all the rest of the railw "Finding the province already in the position mentioned, and likely to have its security dwindle in value, we ag to the further guarantee of bonds to the maaet I have mentioned, and will 're- ceive in return a mortgage covering the entire line, terminals, short lines and all, in this rehabilitating and making certain the financial position of the pro- vince with regard to this railway. Should it ever come to pass that tho province be compelled to take over this property as mortyagces it will have a property costing a great deal more than the province would have to pay for it, .and complete in every respect, instead of a mere mortgaze on part ofa prop-| erty which would be practically useless, What more need be said ? "Then, so far as the last hours of the session is concerned, this expression is simple nonsense, or, if you like it, more twaddle, The session closed on Tues- day... This bill was introduced and explained on the preceding © Thurs: day. It could have been debated until to-day if the Opposition had wanted to do so. But they did not want to do so : 3 and in spite of that are not ashamed to object to it to-day in order to, as they desire, cast seme odium upon the Gov- ernment. The Opposition. ¢ did not call for a division. 'They did not say one word in opposition tothe bill. They wanted the bill to pass. Consequently it"was carried unanimously, they voting with the rest of the members in favor of it. There we be amore to be said later on," roe A. H. Musgrove, the Conservative = candidate in North Huron, is one of the most popular platform speakers in Hur- on County, being fluent and ioccible He is in the prime of life and his char- He has had a long experience as public school teacher, and for seventecn years has been principal of Wingham public school, over which he has presided with marked ability and dratifying success. An almost inexhaus- tible fund of infornintion enables hin to discuss intelligent! wainy public question, and should he be clected he will ca most valuable addition " the debating talent of the Logislatur South Wellington Liberals nominated Mr. A. W. Tyson for the Logislature. AN EYE. WITNESS. Private Wm, Brady, A. M. C., was sworn, and testified that he occupied a room in the hospital barracks in com- pany with Private Moir. On Friday, 17th, the witness went to bed at 9.30 p. m. Moir awak. ened witness, and asked for a loan of witness' revolver. Witness did not hear him come in. The witness told him to take it. It was in the witness' regiment. al box. He took the revolver out of the box, and went out of the room. The revolver was loaded. Five min- utes after the witness heard a report. Moir had often asked for the ure before. He did not appear so! made no remarks, It was 11.55 ae Moir first came inte.the room. After witness heard the shot, Moir came im- mediately back into the room. Moir said nothing, but went directly to his own cot an k off his coat.. The witness asked what was the row about ? aie replied it was just as well for the witness to keep quiet. The witness ate around, and found Moir had tak- en a bandolier belt off one of the shel- ves and strapped it around waist. There were 28 rounds of rifle ammuni- tion in the belt. He then filled up his waist and the band of his trousers with more cartridges, taking them from a bag. He put on a regimental coat first, muttering something about teaching, them to interfere with him, He then put ona civilian undercoat, and fillea | pockets of this coat with cartridges While he was filling the pockets he heard someone coming down stairs. He at once picked up the rifle from a cor- ner and flung in some ammunition, LLOYD WARNED, The witness shouted "Hello" three times, "Look out, he's got a rifle Ilcaded with ball ammunition" to Lloyd and Lieut. Morris, who came into the room, and the witness heard somebody say, "Pat down that gun." Moir had the rifle in his hands in a "ready" r Then Lloyd advanced in the room with hand outstretched to grab the rifle, his body coming within one yard of the rifle and left hand nearly grabbing Moir' 8 rifle. Moir fired, and fy Moir and the witness had roorned to- owe for two months. He had or times, once because he .thought his pay was being held back. pe MORRIS TESTIFIES, Lieut. Geo. Morris was sworn. On the night of the 17th. the witness was heard a'shot and ran down stairs to the bree room aud asked a Sergt. tod ifhe had heard the _Lioyd Kies E : & 3 E E 4 FE 4 e ° cam eon aud he a it fod Moir. The wit- Moir was. Lioyd | is where said ia tie hostel The witness and s0 brilliantl WJ Toren Hicks, Unionist, his, chief | P Cidates nd to have a marked | houses impending | out the cast gate. After a short deliberation the above | verdict was reached. Crown Attorney McKillop cross examined all witnesses. et | VILLAGE WIPED OUT By a Landslide. * | Nearly Forty People Lost Their L ives and Many Were Hurt. --o-- LOT OF HOUSES BURNED. Village of Notre Dame De La Salette, Quebec, the of Terrible Tragedy. Buckingham, eee April 27, -- Notre Dame de la Salette, a small evite eighteen miles from here, has been vis ited by a terrible disaster, which peta the loss of nearly said livés and many people are in On Sunday morning, 80 early -- everyone was in bed, th life, several houses ae swept away by the flood. TWENTY-FIVE COFFINS, the upon the work of rescue, but as the c overwhelmed stretched over a cont © area, and the location of _| some of them was in progress was upstairs in his room studying. He | more buildings the side tory vi m are on ver Henry | pposite the slide. i ONLY THREE HOUSES LEFT. . Details coming in show that from Mr. Louis sears general store south to Desjardins Hotel, post-office and _ store, half a mile away, only ee se in are Jeft. Sixteon buildings ere damajed, and of these ten were completely de- molished, The earth slide started along the river on the west side, where there is a_ hill 125 feet high. The ground slid off the blue clay bottom and into the _ river. were forced up by the sudden weight of the pesteg The main dam caused by the ice, which smashed the houses into match- wood. Very little earth went off on the eastern pid of the river, but it is piled fifteen feet above the level of the water. The water at the point was thirty feet deep. The ice was ten to fifteen inches thick, and was shoved with terrific force through: the buildings on the east side, Desjardins' building, which includ- ed the general store, hotel post-office oF dwelling, was reduced to _ ing remaining on the site, SIXTEEN BODIES FOUND. For about an hour after the slide the water was dammed, but eventually it made a way to the regular channel, and it is thought some bodies were carried away when it broke through. Most of the ies recov: were taken from the creek which empties into the river, and into which the water was forced by the slide. So far sixteen bodies have recovered and the parties hope to recover more to-day: DEAD NUMBER 383, Buckingham, Que., April 27.--The total number of those who were killed in the Notre Dame De ~La Salette's-- land- slide Sunday morning is thirty-three. Up tothe present, with the work of rescue being unceasingly and untiringly carried on, those whose dead bodies have been taken out number seventeen. : 7 be days before they are all dug onthe tates of escape read like fiction. More particularly is this the caso in the stories that have come of the marvelous : a re j little" plata Rigor of when were car- ried dow. stream on floating ice cakes, on 'ie on eer had. been cast, for hundreds of yards, before they were res- cued, or ieee up on the shore, -- Have You Bronchial Catarrh? throat hoarse, a had great dis- tress in my chest. Ca' e ed the got and ga' ie immed- iate relief. Since usi raat i Gace ant py is ecko abou et Cattrehononeseysit | © it * Bold everywhere. re Be. and $1.00 in i f HTL esipeenpagr Feet PErRrEE z fait 5 E TEs: prairie : i : were m ies, Guelph, Listowel, Atwood, Trowbridge and Gorrie. 8 e number and the bride's travelling suit pein of navy blue peicten cloth with to match. : FORTY.SIX TOWNS WRECKED IN STORM. ee Terrible Results of Southern Tornado. et THE DEAD NUMBER 350. 8 | | eves Are harp -- Hundreds 3 Injared, --o New Orlcsie. La, April 26,--The and ruin caused in four southern States by Friday's tornadoes i 'came to hand today in approximately : sepes 'correct form. Briefly stated the Killed, about 350. Gace arainisly or ecouly, 1,200. ~ "Homeless, several - Towns reporting serious wreckage, | 46. of the first gg giving apparently reliable death have since proved unreliable, ne Leora te p which were late in reporting their dead have served to hold the total death list uniformly around 850. The manner in which this death list has grown for two ae in spite of continual subtr rae, from the early reports, has been at sar of the interstate scope of the dis. re MI-0-NA MEANS STOMACH COMFORT Its of Special sie . Many Here In Listowel, i eal A notable discovery and one that ap- peals especially to many people in Listo- wél is the combination of stomach help in the Mi-o-na treatment. This prepar- ation works wonders in case of indiges- tion or weak stomac It acts directly upon the walls of the stomach and bowels, strengthening and stimulating them so that they readily take care of the food that is eaten witl- out distress or suffering. So positive are the good effects follow- ing the use of Mi-o-na that the remedy is sold by J. Livingstone' jr. under an ab- solute guarantee to refund the money a it fails to cure. A 50 cent box of na will do the good the stomach pied: which is painiy to make it do its own ork. { A SEVERE BLIZZARD IN GREAT BRITAIN. : --e-- In Many Places Drifts Are Eight Feet Deep--Some Deaths From Exposure Are Repo London, April 27 nA remarkable bliz- zard, the worst experi inthe south of England sinc8 1881, continued practi- cally all over the United Kingdom throughout Friday and Saturday, until, sepesey midnight. 1t was accompanied by a violent nor- our pats and a low temperature, and in many places the snow Srits are eight feet deep. Railway tr been ser- iously delayed and silerearh and tele- phone systems are completely disorgan- ized. Tramway cars and motor cars have been snowed up in every section of the country, Many of the outlying districts are isolated 2 some ths from exposure are reported. raga damage has been Paes especially to young fruit crops. London, ane much snow has fallen during the past week, was bathed in sunshine yesterdey, though it is still very cold. U ndoubtedly this April has fob the coldes: soond Many important races were run ai storms, while others had to be abandon. ed. The abnormally severe weather, as might have been expected, proved promising so Well, me --_ resp toa eee extent. Farm ell nigh by the ain of t ieeanasiie of lambs which have perished on hills in frost and snow, 4 'errozone element that is ocean to render in tally surface. Now it piers ebar inte all the activities of women and children-- "| money. The complete Hyomei outfit Take Ferrozone and note the oe e. tol i esgratcel improves and tion soon = ever. # and then disappears. we oe restores all the powers ror randasa J Ecobsoge esiobhnes active and In the old condition it sie on the the Now you know that Ferrozone spouse lates appetite and a rich, red blood. Now ou feel that Ferrozone gives Y. wer is as strong as ever, and your enjoyment of life vn ae new zes' use 80 vigorous] a bracing, uplifting toate for men, --as a medicine for ic, weakness or eSenn dot troubles nothing = Ferro: a bor: i as for $2.50, at all dealers The steamer St. Paul struck and sank the British cruiser Gladiator in the So- lent. Twenty- -eight of the Gladiator's crew are dead or missing. Insurgents in the Province of Santi- ago, Argentine, drove the Governor and his Ministers from the State and pro- claimed a pvusoael Government, INA BREATH 7 THERE'S REST, --o- : Breathe Hyomei and be Cured of Cat- arrh, Bronchitis, is, Asthma, Nature has a sccaeily for catarrh, epi- demic colds and bronchitis that is far better than dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs. It is the healing oils and balsams of cells i in the nose, throat and lungs, kill. ing all catarrhal germs and restoring health to the mucous membrane. Hyomei acts like a curative internal air bath, and has the same healing and antiseptic effect asthe air where the e and Eucalyptic forests give off their fragrance an Breathe healing Hyomei 'and see how auickly you will get rehef from catarrh id head colds, If it does not help ir shane will not be a penny's expense J. Livingstone jr. agrees to refund 'the one only $1.00 Exno-sive Svites * When * 'ha m ie amd t's 'l taughs Wi tts themselves 'in fury tine it he ic He tae long journey, waa we ' mood to be trifled wi A> Passing through his anertments h slipped' on a bearskin mut that it is the polished floor. Obiteh ing at his attendants, he nearly brought himself am itis suppert to the floor, Jaron -- Knidoff, Aue rw poutine an al fish Vise et erve, aressed fror his office, and lost the sixty Ainisand dollars attached to the post. Another ruler whois not to be trifled with is William of Genouny Gough Milbanke, g was an expert in colonial aderinistras tion, was once taken up by the Kaiser, who wished his: ip j Eastern affairs, and give him an important posit one of their confereness the made an absurd Eastern diplomacy. Milb The Empero r wished him a fr good night and suceost gz him never received Again Another: = ottish administrator, Dun- ean MeV Was advising the plens- nt but touchs Sing of Porteval, whe | 2 had planned to pat the shaky Goy- | § > Islands in the handa of this skilful manager. The King became much excited, and made a ludicrous botch of -his Ene lish, which is usually excellont. Me- ea siniled audibly, and was prompt- ly ordered away. He was never ip- pointed to the governorship, whieh carried a polnry of twenty-five thous- and dollar: Alcohol harmless ane always cures. "Putnam Stock of Boys Clothing Agents for the Invictus Shoe for men, made by Geo, A, Slater. Cali and see them. Clothing for Spring and Summer Wear. Our stock of the: cele- brated Clothing 4 ries Is now complete. This is the best line on the Can- adian market, equal in every way to. made-tc- order-- the difference is the price. AE priate MAIS cus Great Clubbing Offer, ? The Weekly ail ad Empire AND The Standard FOR $1.30 Up to the End of 1908. elim o- We. have effected arrangements whereby we can make this unprecedented offer, which means Two Papers for Almost the Price of Gye. I Send in names at once age of this great clubbing offe ae ee the full advant- sail Major J. J. Craig, M.P.P., was on Fri.| day chosen in convention to again con- \ test East Wellington for the Legislature, | Peter Hing, a chinaman, heads tho! list in the law examinations at McUill. | A Case of Deletes. } ---Oo-- Not unfrequently caused by clean Laci | corn salve. Be safe and use Putn 8} Jorn Extracter. Purely veget: aEIa, Insist on not needed Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a strong drink. As now made,} there is not a drop of alcohol in it. It isa non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice fei ee \ ZAGER fe Gh Oe Ge STRA Sono, CNT. Is a leading business training in Western Ontario. We give mercial practical training epee arte janes c¢ Pit- every time. He 'nba isi ieee man's Shor To Type- writing, ea if sinter iat and a ye ge our a rating. Each depart- Danish aleehel @ mentis in the hands of experienced our megicines instru 'e assivt students to é@ rs Ss woes vou se $ positions. Our graduates always rng i. for on ncurses are ° set our free catalogue st | Ask your doctor, ""What is the first great | @ learn more about us. You ia rule of healthP" Nine docters out of enter ten will quick DT reply, nee the bowels tion, "What do a For 'apers ik ELLIOTT & MELOCHLAN, Pills'for constipation"? Principals. ----Made by thed. 0. Aver Ge, Lowell, Mam ~ = BOO00284U88888 anteed at old stand. , Jewelery, Fancy Goods, We Always Endeavor to Show the i Issuer of. Marriage Licenses. | GLEARING SALE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, EYE- GLASSES, SPECTACLES, 'First-class Watches from $5 up, xold Glasses from $4 up _ waranted. Repairing prom reasonable' and satisfaction an S. M, SMITH. WATCH OUR WINDOW for the latest designs in Post Cards, Ete. NEWEST STYLES, Fd. GABEL, Jeweler, Optician, Engraver, Wallace Street,

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