Listowel Standard, 1 May 1908, p. 7

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Se 'A desnich from Atianta, Georgin, ys: A wind of cyclonic proportions opt over portions of Louisana, Missis- oh and Alwbama jale on Friday, nving a trail of dend and injured, The led is estininted al close fo 100, and: the humber of injured at } : 1 of killed ts hear from, Must . comes a report secired a negroes. Perhaps thal a woman and he p child wene killed persons were caught in} outright, while o auiniber of other per- od or cashes ; In -Louisinna it" is atten thai * a ore of small fowns were = destruy parlly: wrecked? ee include Amite Ce, pove, Mélton, Lorman, Quitman Landing, Fairchilds shia } vis and Luinberton,, Miss., pl seriously damaged by 'ie: TSOns. are. rey an sistie! } ; ty; Arcadia un Independe: : mate a injured. Cars were wptenpam~ 4 i totally in- abled, from the railroad.tracks and cineiier: arte other prope destroyed. Reports also suy that und destro. 'e nort 'bon of ihe town, port from this section. gives the deal S inju From MeFidan. ny Miss. sons were Lurt. Richland and 'Lame! ed} af their population Inj Belle} reported. wiped out, Pineridge,' Pur- ried killed al Amiile, Jora was the chief gut Y persons. al-the lowest -esti- Dlown Winchester, Miss... a small "town, is though only two other persons are known to haye been ki Natchez, Miss... * known & be oe Tauisana orn Mobile Renoral nine dead in-Hatties- estate "Miss.;-but-this 'ar gin 'been ahh firmed. roporls sixly are din the northern BREADSTUFFS. (LEADING MARKETS): Toronto, April 28--Muniloba Wheat P-For immediaio dclivery, No. 1 north- 3 ee n Bay ports; feed ton, and -prices are without change, selling ab 16% therefore firm, prceh @ggs are to-day colored 3c, and oid while at ais = ae Re cine to-day were 74 box Provisians--Barrels aa cut. $21; hall barrels do., $10.75; ever it at the storm struck Atsrlyilie,. Ala,, ale Friday afternoon, per: An unconfirmed rs list os from 30 to 35, with scures ot La. were siruck by the storin- eae nearly a fitth FADS AND FANCIES. < There is a craze AOE ® tolich of color in aH sufniner shoes, he tongue of et evenin, slipper is tiuch sik ety than last ede Brown p runlaek sa eolor- for "men's suits Mirage is one of the iibale faneiad at tho weaves of the new summer silks. stout iobeteag oo beware of {le bordered 5 unless s nges the gororation denainee : be the Ores. ailing this y {tr inch and in the hair line. Polka dot silks are more popular Sta and they require, bul little Ge ing. Neatly a { the Parisinn gowns have Sleeves aSUE the fullness at the top. A popular sleeve device is to-simulate the wide armhole by a band of geet Re, innovation is the wearing of ta: gloves to miatch the tan Monanee of vodltinesy. the two most insistent rb shades "are taupe and pome- grana The latest in inte is the. long cha- | mois with the buttoned slap. across. the "wrist. Crefonne, the mast adapled of all fa- brics, tain hats, covers buttons" and is uced in 'parasols. Fancy cuffs have onlered the domain ol shiridom. A populsr one is the 'turned a gauntict-cuff. Red half shues are shown for men, f will: dare to wear enormous sailor there now spats b heats ne: feed, 63c at North backs, $22 lo $23; long cut heavy m Bay. Kor May delivery, No. 1 northern, | $207 half, barrels do., $10.50; "dry sai 5; No, 2 northern, Stil; Ne, 3 ies clei backs, plate hern, 81. 4f, $12.50 to $15: Ontario W. heat--No, 2 whi if axe {o $1.25 to at point of shipment; 2 red, | SIO ty Bit; ae Oc; No. 2 inixed, 88%e; ues! 87e to | ©:mpoun €: 11ize to 1434e: ~ Corn--No. 2 yellow American, The; } 12s: hams, 120 ro. 3 wl: We orouts freight; ] size; breakfast bacon, te 3m Hae less, ser bacan. 14ige to: oe Barley_Very dull; No. 2, 580 to Sac. | ah: peepee bes: hogs, 89. Peas--No, 2, 89¢ tu We, outside. "| $6.50 to 86.75. Ryc--Stro rong; No. 2, 86c to Sic. Buckwheat--No. 2, 61Me to 654, Oals.--No, 2 "while, RAE outsids, ma Shae on track _Toronta; . 2 mixed, Erica - Matiitoba vatents, | Speci brands, $6; seconds, 85.40: st stron nae ers', $5.30; winler whenl patents, -- opiates: cars, 524.50 to $35, Tento {rei Dramas cars, $34. 50 lo, $25, Toron- 4) freights E>} hts oris--Scarce, §%4 f.0.b. mills, COUNTRY PI PRODUCE. So a laid, 16c to Cher 17¢ * Buller--Is becoming more. plentiful. San the market is easier, 'Creamery vase do solids .:.. 2... 4. Aty Prinls jicccis swe eae rr do Jarge rolls .... .... ... 24¢ lo vse mio so CT ae tee sone sens QC lo Zhe rahe ee gen crenenes 20¢ to 21¢ lee tutoos Ontario, &Se to Dela- e, 9oc to $1, in id $1.89 to $1 5 for hand-picked, We for 4 to pot piilis. { SL.75 lo 82.50 per dozen, ime Checse--I4° for acts and «in job lots here: new eljelas car lots on track > cy p ans--Firm; $1.70 to 81.75 for primts. loney--Strained steady ot 11c to 12¢ Pr pound for 6O-pound pails and 12¢ Cambs 1c for 3c B sapte Syvrup--81 fo St: 10. oe gallon, Ball Siraw--S8 lo 89 ins. large and 13%c° for twins + | es t lon. 'Bated May---Timothy is poate ut $15 0 $15.50 in car lots on tracks here, PROVISIONS. & Pork--Short cut." $21 barrel; mess, $17.50 to SIR. --Tierces, 11 3ge; tubs, Ager | ts $21.50 per ails, d2e. i Smoked ond Dry Salted | 4 clear beeon, Me fo lige, ¢e6, hams. médinm and Mites hams, large. 16%c: shoulders. to 10%c; breakfast hacen, axe to "We: He ln fins and cas- 1e tn Me t backs, 16¢ le green ments oul of pickle. le less Han smoked, ) -Following are the 'si or fancy A G nial shes Siarhie Fples mixed "wilh timothy, "etal or ' 'aveeds, necordifig tn quality. © Red ver. ---Firmer: Ne. 1 cleaned. Si. anda dtth higher for yJotsy NS 8S 8h vo dols. mixed woth weeds. peording ty quality. ' prides pias out. fo $11.25; are 1 Sow: in MONTREAL, MARKETS. » Montreal, Aprd 28.--A standy vaituine of trids is passing in) fear, Chace g)ring wheat patents. S610, sew 5.50; winter wheal patents, PStraight rollers. $5 to a alo P bags, $2.35 lo $2.50;. extras. St, 80 {6 Feeds, ef¢--Maniloba bran, $22 to $33: shorts. P S2¥ to $22.50; middling~. Shorts. $25 {0 $27 per ton, inehodi uigs, and pure grain-imeaife at $32 Cerents--Roiled oats. cornmeal, $1.6735 to $1.75 per hag. py tf good depand eggs on the local market, Recei S23 to S26; Ontario grain sans: nie ti S3.1244 per bag: prevails fer pts are hurdly keeping pace with the consutiip- r cwt, oe ewes sald al st.50 : aml culls, $3.50 to 84; 'ame, 'grain ed ewl. h ta 87 ber ev re "UnFNA ed at $6.40 lecls, fad: 86.15. for lights. and "a 5 ied = rere ----* : c "A DASH FoR LIBERTY. : ef hee ats sprigs upon which dre} 4 ng some of the 5 Stripes will be much used in the 4 but it ene lo be seen whether they i comes an equally enorinous Vell with ts: the ; : 1 q a The continental 'omigration, 13 compared with 11,600, a d i heicicn frora ed States was 14.390, as comp #.626, an increase of' bee ; The immigration for. the 1 year, ending with ne sponth: 262,- 409, made up of 120.182 Britiggs.975 centinental and 58.312 from {ignited States. For the the. correspondin}yelve ty byvelye months was 30,767. CONFERENCES ARE FRUITBS. Railways and Mechanics at Whipeg are Still Far Apart. A despatch from Winnipeg sa} The Situation belween the: Piguet Ae: f os and the cou pailiee rer ac tically ih sane, he. GEN CPT. mechanics. ssh air Snore sii "the companiés co: Soleorni Briefs From oer Own 208 th Moria! at Brantford anrount to $40,700. damiuged by fire on Friday. 2, made up of 103,946 Brij, 59-}° 473 continental and 59,213 fh the nited States. The increase' {he =} 80 -) fan en Sunday. -- Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA, The subscriptions for the Bell me The Lindsay roller rink was badly Teronty's tux rate was struck by the Board of Control at 184% mills. { is said at Ottawa that the insur- ey DHL will be left over to next Se5- "S ame' Toronto doctors are objecting to the aes éigns in the drug store window "the rai} mill at Sault Ste. Marie nes repel closed indefinitely 'owing to Jack ° The iti trade of Canada for the fast. fiscal year umounted to 8 200,- 20. a Isrgée increase The Forneto, from Sydnes, C. B., with cial, was the ct gee beat to arrive at Quebec this se eaten Kingstord, of Toronio, has dacided {hut an automatic cent-in-the machine. must t sell. chewing miorntngy but nothi ng was givenpul at ether place, The officials obdutely refuse to talk on the subject a 2 and appears that neither party sops to gk Where they . mechanics were asl with' Grant Hall for over on ont the conference ended wi tosel- hour put 2 f eo haurs anid nm the: meeting ended both pa res dl to give oo ered aaemcn e 5 G3 Wa- reached That Jo-eilt "Gauthier, "a Taboror at Mont Wal, was crushed 'o death under a large Bae that fell from a building. on Fri- "The Cataract Power Company has, ac- gepted the offer af the city of Hamil- thn. modify ing the terms of the street ave ay fran RB. Chives: clerk for a Montreal lee dealer, has disappeared with a sum of his employer's money. accom- punied. it is said. by a young woman employed us bookkeeper by another firm. Deposits in Canadian 'hanks, which have feen stendily declining. increased Sine re strikitig, is that of cing among the feathery grasses little humming rds,. Tho eniormonis earls Introduced into and the huge. UNS Pr aes. Pei ineattetony av ie 1 ue fifteen millians during March. The Slateinent of the banks for the month shows a healthy revival and prospect cf easier money GREAT BRITAIN. { impin:t Lake | fo. nate ie ~heay: rin I total "whe 970 000,000, Eosnes: Last ar about 75,000,000 pou were. pro- < crop ¢ 213,000,000 - aiuale This deficit is ex. ahaa' fo send -prices shyward, hemeseen mens) , nrtmmrarrorence » THREE om. POISONED, he Churchill declared himself h the Honrd of Education, the first of Mr a new Cabinet Ministers lo go Wy paeieany by 1,148 votes. es poisontd "by eating wild parsnips +orhitration treaty with on Britain, "I sentatives to inquire ks a question Chinaman Tries- to Fs Escape at st. Both New Brunswick. Bis despatch fron; St. John Ba ays: A Chinaman mie was aes oe ore der of ay fais para here, made a "bald | * dash for liberly on Thursday, but was recaphiar red He caine oul as a passen- wer Ss - John-on the Allan liner Vir- Hinton, Tn fraveled ns a Japanese {1+ was minus a quete. The Customs De- pariment decided that his features de Ciared him a Chinese, and unless > 't cond be proven he were n Japanese he must pay) $500-ar go back, He was then} placed under guard on the steanier, On Thursday he ¢hudel his jumped oreelonre: . yeling or Ok: Walehéers and He swam posal followed ty PX: but swwas Seaniae ¢a and put back abourd the steamer, betes GRASPING THE LEVER. Englocer Rigger Killed on CNL Th. Near Roblin, Raina on Acitspateh from Rant ACC tt Mig 'iain fap ting fay les about fotr eritshing " Engines: jumped the track miles east ef RNoblia on Thursdays morning ond--robe Siiys: Northern fe c ee Aive. draw Edmonton in «cut. "lover. Edward Rigger to death The fireman jumped ani escaped vw thout injury, at his past, The cugincer met death When renoVing his body . Wits found that his hand was. stil ghily grasping the throttle, a ad with wheat following molive Were deralled. Rigger was a single Detuphin. of Ww Lis Ten cars the loeo- aml considerable Wheat was spilled on the track Mr. nin and lived in Ile was formerly a resident MANGLED BY WHEEL OF Mi Two Little Nova Scotia Girls Meet With A despatch from N.S., says: hos report ot past unusual accident Lahave rg? & Shick two little daughters Rernette, aged 9 and 11 foe lost Ives whi le on thelr wa ther eobuchon peat, which, Seg imi) tation, lock so renl. are characteristic «f the sulenitor that now ts the domin- ent rote of dress. Bub there [s nothing incall tha display 'that detracts fram aod stern beeen of fo-hions for stiudi- Us -Te! The Talest pall Coat onl rv alt others hi ale Sheath-fitting effect «f the hips, re is a deep belt that extenils the entire depth of the hips, and-from: this wre falls a fat founce trimmed = iunumerable insertions or rows of ri tans. The beittom is finishal with aL Ue fils fd rushes, Such a. skirt takes up Tittle a room and ad Is aii shinee Fa hu Long: Hnes aa #y most faceiant itt of the fashionable eastume. and fe oditdin such effects many res tirces ate ayn sar B Cont effects, tunies that hang gracefully. on the figures from eboulder tia lew. polit en thes skirl, tunies with tong uinging points. sash- falis. and all the devices known lo the dressmaker are sbrought into. use, The sash of the diréctyire pericd-- the Driad sash whieh the leaders of Hrane= great revelulionary movement rannd their waists--is one ef the eetiva of the season's acces. This sists. whieh is swathal about the hips and waists 'ane as. in stiwh a way that the ends droop ta the knees. is used with all toilets. Rat fied arqund ane of the direclerie coats | of striped velvet iL achieves a success that mikes one think that the present modes are the most picturesque of many a year, le anion cA Sgn soma LOG CAR RAN AWAY. killed Nine Men on the Susquehanna Railroad. Ps despatch from Ralston, Pa., says: work train on the Susquehanna. & New York Railroad, near Laquin, Pa., was wrecked on Wednesday mornin; by a runaway car which dashed into the train alter descending a steep grade. Exght lumbermen' were killed outright, cne died later while being taken to a hespital. and fifteen were seriously in- Daughters of Mr. George Scars of Wel- ~ <tand--Canned Salmon Blamed. . A despatch from Welland says: Th three daughters of Mr. of-The poisoned. by ptomeine through « ate couned safmon on Wednesday night. They did not notice any {il-effects until nhoul 10 o'clock, when intense niusca set in, followed ty vobiling, The gueck appearance of Dr. Hewell prevented more disastrous oonsequences. Mr. Welland Telegraph staff Sears, who also partook freely of the ope neil, snimon, was not affected. nor were shy oller members of the family, ------eeen gee: REGISTERED MAIL STOLEN. Thieves' Work at Edmonton--Onc Bag Recovered. from Edmonton, containing registered ket- era: wis stolen on the arrival of the W inniee train on Thursday. The socks were loaded en the mail wagon, and oe arrival at the peice it ap- pears, were overlooked. nia ned registered matter for the Calgary and Edmonten Railway, south. A search revealed the Calgary and Edmonton hag caneath some empty sacks near by. the other was gone. Two or three S specks are under sturveillange, and ar- rests are probable. ' despate h AS bug PIERCED ms: BREAST, H. Codee Instantly ly Killed » Lumber Mills at Waldo, B. C. A despateh from Fernie, Details of an accident in the "jumber mills at Waldo, in ists H. Codee was killed, have ben Codee was pulting a belbon a parllex: and, finding that it was too stiff for his hands, he look a picce of heavy steam pipe wilh which fo stip on the leather. As he w8s manipulating the belt the pipe was, caught in the revolving pulley. and in- slanily the iron was reversed. and shot through his breast, entering the wall behind and pinioning him there. jured. The wreck occurred on the La- PA quin Lumber Company's log road lead- ; ing up_into ji ag genom om BATTLE WITO MAIMOLDs. ° twenty-six miles from Ra e ' -- men were riding on the train, cco incuba > gic a, Horrible Death. which wes Peg -- ] e steep scent by the engine. rnd away pas came down the grade er A despatch trom n Sin, de ts rifle speed to . An atl in co consequence of an at S:| direction 'as the mill sey a #r, | tempt was made to reverse the en the Mahmoud { cut his lines ing that afternoon. se i nm the ig train to avoid the =, off of communication.Sir James Wi by | not fa collajon, but runeway car] the commander of tish force sent ag Sony wer ch to the Bis ore anyihing out Parshawur a the | wey Un-/ co eae The engineer and fire | ing natives, attacked the enemy on Fri- Ma a te man and oe in the train who were| day morning with two columns, com- ihe ~ ba te "ad near the engine escaped injury, g all his avai > -- . 2) : x ot steam of im: ot ; nc The steam of immigrants coming in-f tions. The British casualties are given ones } a8 to belto the Province from the old country at sixty. The Ineses of: the Melimowis | beyond '}is felling off, are not known, fies Winston Churchill was beaten in Wy » in Sone Manches- su you aionily at te Shipbuilding E cipliveds Associa- wn has erde a lock-owt in every sinning yard in the United King- election One ot Manchester, Mr. Winston in favor of Sebtiing the vow question on broad ani generous line Mr W Biee "Runciman, President of is constituents, was re<lected in UNITED STATES." Two boys al Hawthorne, Pa., were ~The United States Senate ratifir od the ¢ anti-bueket shop bill has passe pou Houses of the Legislature at Al- ban The Rothschilds of Lonilon will take 40 iasuie of $10,000,000 of Seyeer 4 ber eae nds at. Trento <f A committee of six has been appointed! ty.the Unilod States House of Repre- of the price 'of print pay he New York State Senate has passxd a bill plating telegraph and telephone eee. under the yereaiction of the Public Service G TLE CROP AVERAGE, ottatiations Point to Record Yield in the West This Year. A despatch from Ottawa says; Official returns received' by the Immigration De partment from agents throughout. the 'West show that the atreage under crop if Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alber- 1 this year will be about twenly per cent. greater than Ias All indi- cations now point to a record yield of Wheat from "the 'granary of the Em- pire" this year: The increased acreage, i3, of course, largely due lo the influx of new se Reports from. agents of the Wepart- ment in the igo ge States indicate that the number of Amencan fa who will take up Be in the Canadi- an West this year will be very largely -- in vxcess of Jast year, On the other hand, owing to the restrictive regula- tions aera +4 put-in force by the-Gov- ern . the immigration from "Get Britain this year shows a very consid- erable fall ing off. For March, the ar- rivals of British Immigrants were 50 r cent. less than for the correspon nd if AMD e ing month of last year, Extraordinary Malformation of a St. Louis Judge. A despatch from Baltimore, Md.. says: Surgeons in John Hopkins Hospital dur- ing an oe on the pends of Judge MecKeighar { St. Lou were os ts Mm ished to ai scover thal inste sad of the jisual setting of the, organs, those in the body were scuttered about im al- most unbelievable ways. His heart was turned in a position the reverse of nor- mal, his kidneys were united by a ment in the shape of a horse-shee. and the liver was upside down, with the gall bladder on top. Many <«f the aggre organs were a chaos <f entang- ling cords and fatty substan: vs. How Judge MecKeighan led with such strange transpositen of the ma chinery of his body appears marvel: Gus. > Surgeons are mystifiel at 'tL Whether he was born with his organs ta. abnormal positions or thty were put in this state through disease or Seme fresk of nature is not known. " tdze Me xe ighan lived to be sixty-six sald, and was considered one of the obiest lawyers in St. Lotis. Ehs lrain «hd net seem to suffer through fhe stale of his organs, ond he was able to ert heartily until within a , 7 weeks of March 1, when brought to the Johns Hopkins Hospi. tat in a eritical -- on He fad become so viously it! fn St Louis in February. and his physicians were quite unable te fathom his symp- {foms. He was fina'ly brought to the Johns Hepkins Hospital, where a eration was performed, discoveries were made of such a stare bong nature that the family consented t. the aulopsy. which was pérformed almost immediately after death, CIGARETTE IGNITED FUSP. Frank Foulsham, Employed on C. P. R. Near Fort Willinm, Loses Hands. A despatch from Winnipeg Frank Foulsham, a young man em le ed in the construction camp of the C. hands shattered by a detonator on PR. west of Fort William, had his Thureday. He was sent to set the fuse, and the accident was the result ef im excusable carelessness. He was smok- ignited the fuse, winch exploded | detonator in his hands, 'bi ywing both of thom-alinost-olf.He-is-now in-Port William Hospital. --j MR. DRINKWATER'S DEATH, - Was Assistant to the ident of U1 Cc. P. KR. Company. : A despatch from Montreal says: ¥; Charles Drinkwater, ass:stant 'to Sh President of the €. Py R., died ay Thursday night after an ines totd mMMISs Al nthe American Noaspaper Pubifsh- ers' bonquet fn New York W. 2 Rrvan Suggested a non-partisan vied af pape r With signed editorials on both sides of GENERAL, The port of La Guetea, Venzuela, has rg? ea en the Afghan frontier, sold by his father, Nita, punitive expedition. . SBYS! | creased by Leen closed on account of the plugue. Sirdames Willooeks will load a puni- live expedition against the 'Mahimuuds. aren insurgents made an unstc- essful allempt to wreek a train: in wikis h Marquis Ito was travelling. King Manuel of Portugal has promised to refund the valuooof the Crown jowels dispute ke hat boon re olfds have The Chientag boundary tween Japan and (hina sett Six Japeyic San iron en daspatehed to Any "Hightoon persons baie. tisniin shot at Guatemala for conspiring ta ale the ae ssident, and other extuulione ASSAF St will follo The saisaiiaivihers on the Perstan fron- fier nre Qecking to the aid of the Kurds, whe ore menaced by a Russian Strangers conrmitted sacrilege in the Vatican by receiving Ganmmmunion at the hands of the Pope and then. spitting ont the consecrated wof a TWO MEZARNS A DAY. Enormous wai ~* vin lagi Foreign A despatch trom Otlawa says: F the fiscal year ending with fast month Cunudas tuts ul tr : reached the ree ord an increase «af corres} oudiog e oimnperts Tor the year totailed § crease of Exports of the $230.016,606."un Ine rease of $7,810,000. The oO revenue for the year in- S3U.281, the total being $58 ,320,73 oh largest increase in d? mesic exports was fin agricultural pro- duels, which totalled $66,069,939, os compared with $$9.544,327 for the pre- ceeding twelve months. Evpor's o nianulactures totalled $28.507.124. an in crease of $2,288,075. Exports of the mine lotallal $39.177.133. an inerease f 83,030,993. Fisheries exports remain- ed practically stationary, totalling $13.- 87.968, A large decrease is shown in the exports of animals and their pro- rg which reache only $55,101.200 last year, os comp..ed with $67.877.- MA for the preceding twelve months. Exports of the forest Sotalled -- 170, 470, a decrease 6 72. or the last en, the imports totalled $30,- 082,272, 8 of 86. . Ex perts a "4 $18.572.085, an in- crease of $2,442,080. Se RUSSIA'S NEW WARSHIPS, Five ones S From Clyde Firm--Larger A haces from London says: Russian Government, acconiing to a r than the Clyde ship- ships, "each one to ught, from a firm o six days' dura ener : indeed duration. * He Cheveloped -- into a week ago. W ae pn umonia, wer BEE inkwater was in his : 'anving been born at Ash- 1 edad, in 1843. He began as tay career in England at the years, and had. ther ne, teen nearly hulf a century engape! in rk. ee FEARS Tp YELLOW MAN. Austarlian Premier Tells English Peo- ple a Struggle is Coming. A despateh fean Lenden adys: In addressing a gathering in the Liverpout Produce Exchange on Thursday, the Hon, T. Price. Premier of south Au- Siratin, said th at Great Britain could not keep the country poling by lying Une fag oo i, The Australians, he suid, saw » yellow peril ahead. and were qctling g "ond lo face it. hoped that every man under 30 wi vata learn how to use aerifle, so that he weuld be ubie fu assist in resisting the advance Cf the yellow gien. nd OUR STANDING ARMY, ~~ to Five Thon- Af) Ranks The Force Now A mated " m Ottawa save: The mit fers Issued lo-dav give the « tablish ou 's of the various pern incr corps fur this year, and the recapsta es nm shows that fannda s standnyg my now tulils 4854 cffivers and men, ing a cigaretle, and a spark from thisiw he - INSANE, TOOK HS LIFE. Farmer Living Near Lipdsay Committed Suicide, 4 despatch from Lindsay says: Wm sawwre. a farmer ving about ten mules horth af lere, commilted Suicide on Thursby night by hanging. He was well-fege, and na cause con Le given for hisjaection other than that he was suffering {rom temporary insanity, He atlemp! W suicide two Weeks age, but as peed fed by hb wife, a FOR THE INVALID. Foot Bath in Red.--Lay a lacce fowel in bed where the knees of the patient Slide the bathtwb in Sian h the "Tetlin ng it rest on the on his back, his Knees so his tub, placed where h anether tawel over the tub steam from dampening the When the tub ts removed by the nurse Ihe patient's foe under the tub, cp this towel. Not a drop of water Lhe patient chilied. for penis -- fea attract as spilled ner ia ve dish eg fot - invalid is nwide by whippeny tha White of at a adding a few yrains uf pany and arranging it on a circulac sieve of bread whorl hus been dipped foe an instan! in being water. Muke. a depression in the centre, drop on the unbroken ye and bake t nie Ven und) the white Garnish w brown, ith pars Dish for Go areloerst. Gets too drv tou diintily served by tin thick slices with cauhkie ¢ utters in stac mand heart aa di the pieces tn bewlen edd tnd milk. fry in Jauitior untit a deep Drewn. arrange ne an fancy plate. and serve woth maple sagar. --- ----t balou Ans Mary mime ate tf, And then he r Nod the angels sa nsthg "ts And he went. ' MUTUAL. Lamndedy-- Yau with That) Mite Ronrde?t-- Wet, Pir vi te _ Landiiudy -So's everyin ay et make an awful noise 'ar it. ear PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PAY Annual Report of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. A despatch from Terunta says: That municipal ownership pays is one of the things the second annual report of the Ontario Builway Board shows, It patd in 1906 with a profit of over half a nillion.. Important figures are given respect ing public suites in the province, The total investment is $21,824,565. divided as follows:--Waterworks, $19,- 0€5,116; Electric Light & Power, $1.- 716,667; Gas Works, $916,785; Tele- 4. phones, $106 sc -- ond other debis are: alerworks, 812,502,301; Electric,. $t,- sale: Gas, $737,948; Telephones, $100,- 858. For the past 'year the retums were as follows: Waterworks, gross income, 730, net, $40,901; Telephone, gross, $26,- 797, net, 96,1 past year the pub- Thus during 'the lic ulililfes fg fo the municipall- ties owning them the neat little profit Dreadno builders, ef $345.176, after baying all a ond giving neitae on a eost bas 32 PERSONS KILLED, During it year 3 persons were killedl and 320 injured on oA pao under the Jurisdiction Board. O( the killed seven were seen seven employes; 17 'travellers bein the highweys; one trespasser; on level crossin Ot the snjueed 1Bt were passengers, 38 employes, ; in- Eleciric railway business creased all along the line during the ~ The mileago increased from 405 36; pessengers carried --_ 111.316. 577 to 123,417,057; peng ings from $53 85,698 456. nef earnings from $2,107,463 to saute lion of jurisdiction and re-alfirms its pusition as set forward In the leller of Chairman Leitch to Premier Whit- ney a short-time ago. The facts respecting Toronto's com- plaints against the Strect Railway are also reviewed at some length, The report also deals with the ques. -

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