Listowel Standard, 8 May 1908, p. 1

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+ a VOL. XXXI --NO. 14 0 FRIDAY, MAY 8 1908 A Editor and Prepricter "~_ P, a> So) me mo a ae = ar awe Pee eee rN ee ee a i oe ee ee ae ee ee = wr a ern a Ss ae mt pent A be ee es ee ae a ae eee ae eee ~ ae ee Ae --_ WALTER pat ARE You Coming to Listowel to do Your Spring Buying ? The Store on the Corner Is the Bargain Centre of Listowel. You will find here Bargains in Lace Curtains, - Carpets, Dress Goods, Silks, Tweeds for Men's Suits or Odd Pantings, Ready-to-wear Clothing i in all sizes for Men and Boys at Prices You Will Find Hard to Duplicate if You "Consider Value. We are giving EXCEPTIONAL GOOD VALUES -- IN :-- ALL LINES OF DRESS G00DS let it be what it will. We are bound to cut our stock in two. the past and have decided to cut our stock down, and in order to reduce cur stock rapidly we must re- duce the price on many lines. You will find i itn trouble to satisfy yourself that this is a Money-Saving Opportunity for 00 We pay highest price for Bae and eee cash or trade. Walter. Bros. 'aired egeige pee ~The e- Corner. s We have bea carrying too much stock in i ae ee ee ae ee i ee ae eee --_-- ee eegene oa eh A ie cnet a be | eel le | Rev. N. A. Frrzeoy BouRne, Rector. 11 a ee Prayer, Litany and ermo 7 m. '= Sanday School and Bible" 7p. m. --Evensong and Sermon. GOSPEL SERVICES. >t In Hall over Miss Schaefer', storé.every Sunday night at 7 ie lock, 'dock, achines, cream separators, esi, ets wringers, guns, electric Scissors, clippers, ore lawn ste knives, meat Avan ., sharpened, at th @ old stand. J. ae ENTS WANTED. traits a0 cents, w, 1208 W. tiger ae go in. A. M. Trem a ivrat ote aif he doen drop a post card to Listowel, B BowMan & Son Co., Lia Ridgeville, Ont. é Le TO THE E PUBLIC c to > St > aah tate fe NK ee) ee rt =a | 7 ~ Hl Ok OES Nee ee ae ae ea ae a ee ee oe ee ee a rg : a FINE DRESS GOODS NOW READY AT Robert Thompson's Peoples' Cash Store. Our Spring 1908 ccllection of Dress Goods pro- nounced by good judges are taking the lead, We wish to call your attention to the four most popular Fabrics : French Wool Voile, A high class Fabric tor the trade that wants the best, greatly in vogue for street and evening wear, crisp, wiry finish, made over fancy linings, in the leading popular shades, also black, from 65c. to $1.50 per yard. Silk and Wool Eolienne, This well advertised "Dress Fabric, -soft, silky, very stylish and effective coloring for evening or wedding costumes, all new shades and black, 85c. to $1.50 per yard. : Satin Cloth, This beautiful lustrous Fabric, mediuin weight, all wool, comes-in-black and the new-shades for spring and summer costumes, 5oc, to $1,25 per yard. Chiffon Panama Is all wool of exceptional beauty and is by long odds the best Fabric offered this season and makes a very smart street costume, all the newest shades for spring, also black, 65c. to $1.25 per yard, Our new SPRING COATS are pemiete see them is to buy them, from $5 up. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, Cash or Trade. R. THOSIPSON. j -+of- Wallace 9 will be helt in the latest citizen, 5 D. CAMERON, Star Grocery, Main Street, Listowel. See? e T.J.McDOWELL,D. D.S.L.D,S, DENTI ST. Graduate Royal College Dental Sur- geons, Grad i i w Mini Detroit lta of Medicine Office over Schinbein's Store, ---- entrance as Murphy & Carthew, J. E. Terhune and Dr. 7 Msoes: Telegraphy. any subject. Wingham Business College, GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF LISTOWEL, Public potiee is is hereby given that the the, session of the Court i id in the Counc Chamber (Public Library building) ria towel, on Friday, the 29th Day of May, 19c5, = at the hour of eight o'clock .m. Appea: be ie not later than. eet 15th th day rahi e Roll ited in the Clerk's ao ice, ." She' f bile ar pd building, ee dag may be examined by interes LLIAM BRIGHT, Clark. Listowel, ain 6th, COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF WALLACE. Public notice is here! here! that th first pearion a the a Court Sf Revision of f the Assess: Hon the 'Townatip wnshi Hall, Gowanstown, on P Monday the 25th day May, 1907, om at the hour of ten o'clock of Roll has been n deposited-in the clerk 8 Office' 'Shipley, where it may be examined by interested parties R. G. RO ERTS, Clerk. Shipley, May 4th, 1908. FOR 7 Mr. Alex. Yule of Harristoy is spend- 1g wo with ee, Alex. intends lea ing next month on a trip to the old land, and will probably join the Canadian bowling team in Scotland. His daugh.- ter, Miss Yule, will accompany him on ne trip, The Tug-of: War, Elma vs. Wallace, will be a highly interesting feature of the Victoria Day celebration i in Listowel. handsome silver savelty will be given the winning YAL SCARLET CHAPTER, -- The Rovel Scarlet Chapter of the District of Elma will be opened in the hall of L.O. L. No. 630, Atwood, on Thursday even- ing next, 14th inst., at "8 o'clock, for the enenee of geen business. Visit- ing oon anee will be eo wel- come. A. Willoughby, Ww. in C, Mr. J. C. Breithaupt and Mr. Chas. Anderson of Berlin were in town on Wednesday, looking over the tannery property, Their visit was a to see the condition of the prope I Company is not making any arcana ments for starting up the y present, whatever may bé done later on. Crrist CHURCH ANNIVERSARY.--The apniversary services of Christ Church will _ held on re May 17th. Rev. T. G. A. Wright, B.A., Yalkerton, will the special pi ae On Monda evening, 18th, a Mr. Wright will de- liver a lecture on St. Patrick. Further announcement will be made next week. < MusicaL TrREAT.-- The Morzis Piano Co. extend a cordial invitation to the citizens of Listowel to visit their ware- hearing it play will convince all of its high merit and utility The Provincial election is now on and isi i m to da Party leadeas are touring the Province and issues affecting Ontario electors are being disc all sides. THE News (Toronto) is reporting very fully the events ap the campaign. For rere five cents nice! - will be sent to you daily to June ADJOURNED VESTRY.--The adjourned E. Vestry of Christ Church was held on Monday evening, when the auditors' report was received and adopt- . The report showed the past year to have been a fairly prosperous one. Hearty and appreciative votes of thanks the Woman's A v assistance in the ch and the auditcrs. Mr. Bamford sub- mitted a plan for a new rectory, but the was deferred for the present. Messrs. J. A. Collins and J. io ities tye dele- gates to uxiliary | w for their financial aid ; the choir for its |. urch services, Towx ASSESSMENT.--Mr. B. B. Sar- vis, to returned his roll last week. "Following are the totals Rivea tal, $894,- Population, 2.370. School child- ren between 5 and 16 years, 419. The births ve 58, and deaths 26. Number of dogs, CONSERY. ATIVE CLUB _Room.-- government to get hus political campaign Without cartoons hs ike a book witho wi the pen The cartoonist of THE NEws (Toronto) yore the events of the present Pro- campaignin a graphic manner Neri day today. His cartoons deliver their stories instantly and convincingly. By iecgerd advantage of the special cam- offer youcan have THE NEWS daily to June 18th for 25 cents. . Lewis Bolton, D. L. S., left on Monday for Stetler, Alta. Mr. Bolton has been co' He will have two assistant survey- ors, besides a dozen or more helpers. He i is securing his Bags mer through Mr. John Riggs, who is in business in Stet- ler. Mr. Wm. Riller of town and one or two others accompany him out. He expects to secure all the men needed at Stetler. Sunday, May 10th. Rev. W. J. Spence will begin the third year of his ministry' in Trinity a 12th con. Elma. The occasion will be marked by @ special service at 3 m., when the choir will render appropriate music. Master Wifred Morison, soloist of All Saints Church, Toronto, will sing a solo. Master Wilfred is only eleven years old and is considered tha best boy igre on the ms ae is eng to bas recently graduated at the Ontario Dental College. Mr. Pollock's home is in Ripley, and he comes well recom- mended. Dr. Bruce will leave shortly on a trip to England, as representative of 4 company in which he is interested, who have. purchased the right for Great Britain and the colonies of a new meth- fod of cleaning tubular boilers. The company are disposing of rights for manufacture. Dr. Bruce's family will spend the summer at Southampton. PITCH-IN AT MOOREFIELD.-Theexpress from Guelph to Palmerston ran past the station at Moorefield Saturday night and collided with the rear cars of a freight rain was standing on the siding, but which overlapped the main line #e- cause the siding was too short to ac- commodate it. The express was due to stop at the station, when the freight would have pulled forward to clear the line, but the air brakes on the express failed to work, and passengers who were on the eeies at Mooretield waiting to take the train say i me ass them at a speed of at least twenty miles an hour, Three freight cars were hur- led into the ditch, and the passenger en- gine was torn from its trucks, badly smashed and partly buried in the earth. si only people injured were the fire- Alf. Smith, and, the conductor Joseph Cox, the former rather serious- P.R. Track Laip To STATION, hon Wednesday afternoon the C. P. R. construction train reached the station, and shortly before 4p. m. had the ties and rails laid tothe vorth end of the at Alma street. This is as far as the track will be laid at present A large number of citizens were at the ee to witness the sight, and Mr. C. . Lee wason hand with his camera aoa got a good snap-shot of the train and crowd, The construction force is now at work putting in the Y, and will afterwards proceed with the ballast- ing. A round house to accommodate two engines, is Hig built east of the water tank, and the concrete work at the freight house is being along as rapidly as permit. at Gordon's cut, from which material is being taken for levelling the track. - cording to present calculations it will be fully a month yet before the road will be ready for opening. Home FroM Trip AROUND WorLD.--Mr. Valentine Wells, trav eller for the Mt. Forest Carriage Co., who was one of the lucky travellers whom the Toronto News furnished with trans- portation for a trip around poi world, re- turned home last w as in town on Wednesday. Mr. Walls was much impressed with his trip and the coun- tries visited. The party left early in January, taking the C.P. Van- couver, and cro: e Pacific to China and Japan, and from there to Europe via the Suez canal, visiting Ceylon, It- Mr. Wells brought blackthorns wil him from Belfast, one of which he pre- sented to Mr. F.S. Howe. From his observations while abroad, Mr, Wells is convinced that no country offers as great opportunities or has as bright a future as Canada, Ath inst. Davis--Cosens NUPTIALS.-~"Brook- ee the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.Cosens of Palmerston, was the --_ of 8 pleasing social event on Wed- nesday, April 29th, when-their eldest daughter, Elizabeth ceremony took Place at two o'clock and was performed by Elder William Fligg of the Reorgan- ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter ied a boquet of white bridal roses and smilax. Little Miss Hazel Cosens, sister of the bride, acted as maid of hon- or, while Miss Myrtle Young of Listowel (boundary west), cousin of the bride, eases the wedding march. The bride the recipient of many useful and beautiful presents. The groom's pres- ent to her was a gold watch and chain and a purse of gold; to the two witness. es, Mr. J. W. Cosens and Miss Belle Lawrence, a gold tie pin and a crescent 'of pearls, and to tho little maid of honor agold brooch. Th ee travelling suit was of navy bi ulcloth, with lace waist and ha uch. Mr = Mrs. Davis left for .vrcnto on the 4.15 train, where they will visit before leaving for their home in Virginia. visit- ing friends in Stratford, Detroit and Columbia en route, The Standard joins with the bride's many friends in this section in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Davis a very happy wedded life. TOWN COUNCIL. The regular May meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening, Present, Mayor Foerch in the Reeve Hacking and Councillors Walter, Meyers, Lee, Hawkins, Climie and Watson. After confirmation of minutes, the Treasurer's statement for April was r showing receipts for ree water rates $250, street license $1. total $251. Paid out during month, $900. Balance due Bank April 30th, $14,610.89, of which $5,958.57 is water- works debit and $8,651,82 is geneval. The "oo accounts were read and referred to proper committess: C. F. Vandrick, relief, 80c, and 50c, ; A. Gray, teaming, $7.25 ; do. re fire at rink, $2; M. McGillivray, 17 g inch concrete tile, $85; J, C. Hay & Son, coal, $1.85, kindling 65c.; Standard, printing, $6; chair, Joseph Doust, Municipal $4.75 ; Bell Telephone Co. 80c., 45c; aud $4.20, The bi Board of "Works re- M ivtay's -aceount ington pir culvert connectin ng ~wi the C. P. R, drain, $85. A motion was made by Councillors Hawkins and Lee to adopt the report. Reeve Hacking and Councillor Climie objected to the report, on the ground that the culvert should have been placed where the old one is, and claiming that the town would now have to provide two culverts in place of one. Chairman Hawkins ex- plained that the culvert as placed con- nected with the 30-inch tile drain across the C. P. R. property. that the residents of the street desired to have itso placed, and that r. Seburger had agreed to put in a 24-inch wooden culvert in place of the old one, at his own expense, The chairman expressed the opinion rags the town could well affor more liberal view of such uae as drainage, as affecting the C. P. R., than some members of the Council were dis- posed to take. An amendment was ved by J. Watson, seconded by J. P. Walter, that the report of the Board of Works be laid over until next meeting of the Council, and that the chairman notify Mr. Seburger to have the culvert placed across Wellington strect accord ing to his promise that-he would place the culvert there at his own expense. The amendment was carried: The Chairman of Finance reported on matters in reference to. By-law re $15, 000 debentures, and submitted draft of ahamending By-law, as suggested by brokers' solicitor ; recommended pay- ment of accounts Montreal Star and Mail Printing Co., $5 each, for advertis ing sale of debentures, Bell Telephone Co., $4.20, and Chairman's expenses re de bentures, $$; and submitted a letter rom Messrs. Blewett and Bray re Elec- tric Light By-law. The report included a statement of expenditure to end o ee adopted. 4 irman of Fire, Water and 'Light reported that he had been in fur- ther communication with Mr. Read of the Colonial Producer Gas Co. in refer- ence to electric light ; and that Mr. Thomas of Windsor had been that day, and would be back again at the end of this week or the beginning of next, to make a definite proposition to installa complete system, either to be opera by the Company with which he is connected, or to be taken over by the town after being installed--Report adopted. On motions the following accounts were passed : Hay & Son, coal, $1.85; J. Donegan. flushing sewer, 30c.; J. Stewart, work at town hall, $5; J. 5. Meyers $20.85, seer World $3.12, e W. Climig $30.78, G, Hawkins $5, Joseph Doust $4.75. Moved by J. P. Walter, seconded by J.S. Meyers, that the By-laws and Licenses Committee be authorized to have a competent person prepare a by- law for the inspection of all meats of- fered for food within the town. and ani- to be slaughtered for food.--Car- | ied. r. J. W. Scott, Chairman of the High School Board, was present and ad dressed the Council in reference to the town grant tothe school. The Board was incurring considerable | extra ,ex- pense this year in putting in lavatories and -- other improvements at the school, hoped, however, to sub along with the same grant from the bown as last yoar, namely, $1.500. t for tile tor = Board has already received .$300. A to pay the High motion School $700 more. By-law No, 522, oe By-law No. 517, was introduced, and pass- ed. The amending By- Benge provides for issuing the $15,000 (Hess) debentares with coupons attached, By-law No. 525, to issue ures under authority of the Act respects ing the Town of Listo = electric light plant, . and passed. assessment roll for 1908 wag Inid on mm the table, and on motion wag accepted, On motion of Lee Messrs. Climie, wel was algo intro- motion fived Friday. evening, May 29th, at 8 o'clock, in the Council chamber, as the time for the first sittlng of the Court of Revision. (Account of Wm. Bright, $10, for making copy of 1907 roll for County officials, was Moved by J. Watson, seconded by C. A. Lee, that pe the Mayor, Reeve and members o is and Mrs. ier ers a long, happy and prospereus 'e --Carried. Moved by C. A. Lee, seconded by J. Watson, that a new uniform and cap be purchased for Chief Hantwink, and that it = left with the Property Committee tried. Council adjourned until Monday evening next, 11th inst, PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT, For Monith of April. The names are in order of merit. ROOM 1. Total 600--Fanny Stricker 545, Flor- ence Karges 539, Clarkson Long 533, Alberta Dietrich 521, James Inglis 506, Nettie Howe 505, Alice Campbell 492, Gladys Philp 483, Mabel Hill 476, Elva Sanderson 474, Olive Bamford 172, Howard Hall 472, Charlie Tatham 478, George Hinning 466, Charlie Tremain 44, Andrew Mckeever 446, Adam Hamilton 443, Eda Kritzer 441, --r Vandrick 434, Charlie Cavell 43 i Alicra Fritz 426, Wesley Brandla 424, Nei] Hay 424, Clifford Law 418, Clara Pollock 397, Frank Howe ~ 396, Ruby Edmundson 388, Leonard Rogers 884, Richmond Lockhart 475, Ruby on 875, Mabel Stainton 875, Reggie Thomp. son "¥2- raged Gee 368, Jack Paul 366, * arene pails absent for a number of examinati E.G. McDonatn, Principal, Sa CNG eR me Jr. TV. Class; total 890, Class A -- D. Paul 769, E. Heinbecker 755, M. Thornton 749, D, Kay 740, N. Hicks 707, A. Klemm 691, F. Kelly 690, a McDonald 676, M. Hanna 674, L. Camus 660, W. Forbes 649, J. 649, B, Thompson 648, L. MeMinn 619, C, Caider borne 592. D. Gabel 587, S. Walker 5354. Class B--D_ Karges 516, KR, Winslow 501, F, Ainley 491, L. Pollock 190, L. Scott 462, B. Hawke 455, G. Kemp 455. M. Gunther 451, H. Twamley 439, H. Ringler 387, W. Wen- W. Yule 545, 529, V. Walker zel 284 M. C. AUSTIN. ROOM III. Report for March and April. Test examinations; total 800 480-- Pearl Hedrich 725, Maud Climie 666, Howard McLachlan 601, Jessie Bourne 599, Vera Gray 590, Hilda Tremain 580, Marjorie Spears 576, Dora Price 572, Frances McDonald 563, Howe 557, Alma Fleming 556, Hill 550, Arthur Bourne 543, Agnes McGillivray 533, Leslie Doadt 531, Cecil Morphy 521, Rob Porter 521, Vera Sea- man 516,Laura Runge 507,Tom Tuttleis4 Marguerite McDonald 482, Arthur Baker 464, Alberta Bartley 458, Blake Hay . Floyd Tremain 428, Willie Baker . Morton Squires 386, Harold Fritz i . Wilfred Horn 356, Tillie Robertson 354, Shirley Foerch 351, Lizzie Martin . Alvin Calder 321, Ernest McDonald . Sidney Bassett 248 : ROOM IV, examinations for March and Second Class, total 600, pass mark 360---Harold Lrownson 527, Hazel Tuttle 490, Fred Johnston 484, Stanley Kaufman 483, Lauretta Horn 479, Edna Test April, Schell 465, John Climie 464, Ludwig Gabel 446, Hugh McGillivray 441, Her- bert Zilliax 411, Milton MecLanchlin 404. Annie Lytle 401, Lloyd Barber 400, Harold Large 354, Marguerite Mc- Intyre 378, Charlie Stewart 872, Grant Underhay 371, Adem 338, He arris Kress "pper 255, Wakeford 17 axa Jr. 'lass, total 740 -- Welling ton Donegan 609, Carman Thornton 6 608, Noble Bruce 584, Willie Goldener 584, Hazel McLachlan 576, Arthur Windsor 545, Cecil Blackmore 514, Fleming Mc. Intyre 499, Newman Cluff 490, Willie Ament 480, Marjoric McKeever 475, Jennie Wright 465. Albert Terhune 453, Clementine Ebel 442, Dorothy Pefiers 426, Lenora' Stevenson 424, Edwin Sieg 370, Marion Hardwick 865, Revé Foster 541, oe Vandrick '339, Gordon Underhay 337. Katie Cavell 327, Shirley Kincade Md, Beverley Walkey 804, Alice Peatchy 254. B, TATHAM. otter ROOM ¥. Jr, IHL. Class,.max, 800--Mary Noth- well 668, Mina Large 655, Willie Hicks 625, Willie Terry 609, Cecil Cavell 608, Walter Goldiner 607, Gordon Hawke 605, George Watson 500, Lyle Kidd 561, Harold Winslow 558, Maggie Bailey 552, Bessie Inglis 543, Tillie Nickel 54:5, Douglas Kidd 588, Clarence Gibson 334, Marry Gunther 515, Mabel Washburn 514, Elwin "Cumberland 486, George Kritzer 456, Dora" Gabel 429, Annio Wahl 423, Frank Kemp 404, Evaiena The * Ogram 355, Emily Ogram 275, Lyla (Continued on last page, ) St. Geo. Hawkins, - CAE ee

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