Listowel Standard, 8 May 1908, p. 2

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CONDENSED NEWS iTEMS| Ae -_. 3 'Six Goel Cotton Operators, Went On _ 'Btrike on Bey : A despatch from Montreal says: La- bor troubles are accumulating. here very rapidly. Some six thousand cot- ton Hasselt went on strike on Mon- day because on Textile Com- PDomm pany eal the Mania Gatton Company, hare decided by ten por cent, The Smithy: wire gh running four days & week, being idle on basi i rs, 'but 'the manage conditions of oO ina ras "istic tv been done them, ied to quit wol'k. "Speaking for the textile work, Mr. Wilrid Paquette, their Secretar: "We can afford to be out a Aork till the autumn without or Vous iffecing. @ will never a ot the sna. because four weeks cared a dividend of cight per cent., and the Dominion ee ey of sev- Fe went on strike here on Friday mor! ng. ; Bh Want. a wage. of filly niform cents an hour, while the Builders' Ex- aaa will giv lass and thirtyflive cents to second- ery pe So : contemplate follow- ing the bricklayers' example, a THE CHILD WAS SACRIFICED Uncle Killed Her Because He Had a Com- ee PS mand From Heaven to Do So A despatch from Easton, Penn., s8ys: A coroner's jury al Nezareth, near here, jatlo on Wednesday returned a verdict charging Robert Bachman with ths anurder of Irene May Smith, his ses- ten-year-old niece, who, it is alleged, was offered as a sacrifice by her par- ea! religious secl. The m 1 hod Leen urresied in connection wilh , the child's Sa was released) froin " eustady. Seite in ea 2 Bachman Tae that the child v poss ssed of the devil tne that he Kitled cher by comma at heaven. He ¥ physically, wsday seized with HGES fits and rolled '{ro) Thirds Armed. Men. Suspected . ix ' Bandits, patch om 'epenue = oO! 40s spectacular, as the Chi with drawn revolvers, f spects to throw me Their Chief was assisted b Kelly and David W right. robbers entered mates house . farmer, town, al it o'clock, ond tisked for food. dynamite and many man was captured in the railway yards. They story is not belie followed to the border by the Un States authorities, VAULT WALL TUNNELED. Unsuccessful Attempt to, Nob Bank of Commerce ip Winnipeg Suburb. A despatch from Siang 4 says: at- Wes a 6u cori "The fact developed 0 yw a hole six ees saiuoke was "tunneled aurotge Ahe pire wallcof the vaull, "but the burglars did net succeed in securing' entrance or getling- away with any booty. oe BOY SHOOTS LITTLE SISTER. Was Playing With Gun When Weapon A despatch from Sackville. N, B., guy's: News has come here of a tragedy et Upper Rockport on Wednesday alf- ernosn whereby the three-year-old pee nad of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Towor Dad the lop of her. head blown off Abrough the discharge of a gun in the mands of her six-vear-cid brother. -- It 4s understood that in the absence of the parents the boy took the gun from is | cus system in Thache is shown Tay fs no histery: of Omadecics of a re, ases his cot to the fee ahs co tossed ting and praying. the ands, The} ty Will, Kelly, Bert} a sta) of the W. the esis of the}; sufferers sick-] wr by the yee that the dis- case is often, if not always, hereditary. y not have exisled in « parents or ae -pare to may bg an actual necy- ous disease such a: i ia defect in the ieee ous equil briuni ists as the foundation of the troub'c. allacks of wigraine. 1eS® are excil- ol by some other abnormality--it ney be in the nose or in the gar or in the Cigestive tract, or, and most common- Ix, in th: eyes. The irritation of these Tle physical deketts reacts upon the nervius system, imperceptibly ut cate huletir a cumulative way, until finaliv there is s af sitk-headache follows, This, like the discharge frony a Leyden jar, removes ihe fenson and restores the equilibrium for a whie- Then. the irritability is cradually increased ae another ox- plosion occurs--and so The treatment nial: in removal of ths umderiving physical defect, The puteee the papain lusts the moresdif- ficult it becames to cure. but if taken in youth, belies a habit, as it were, has become established. the resull ol feainet is offen most happy. stigmatism or som" other visual de. fect is offen the root of the trouble and "At glasses afford ne relirf. then the cars and the other organs should be exaniined in turn, Older sufferers cane greatly rekev- alse. even if it is too late for a per- place and in some way discharged it. feck cure,--Y outh' s Companion. A HIRED MAN'S REVENGE Burned Farm House With a Woman and Three Children. A despatch from Laperte, Indiana. gays: The removal of Qodies, the blackened forms of three ehildren huddled about thitof the mo- r protection; Me arrest of Ray pacanhee formerly employed by Mrs. E may at momenl break forth into vio'ence. Mrs. Gunnes tived at her fagm near dere wilh her bn chi'dren. At Uirer any o'ebick on sy morning Joseph Maxwell, an Nie on Abe place was awakened by smoke, Te apace bul bias the failed. Late in the aflernoon the Lodies ef Mrs. Gunnes ang her three chi igher Myrtle, agel Crilkp, aged, 5. were removed from "ihe Bmouldering ruins. There was a remor that the home had been fired Léecause of malice, und fdvunced the pale took { and began oan investiga- tan. resulted tn thes arrast of Ampher on Lucsday evening, Lampher had hreoneniployedontixe Guanes furm and was Habs? With Mos. Ginites, ullful womaji. she de- 2 in an ATG" i her. wns every cffert to rescue the fej gaily, ed insane,' bul a jury found lim sun, reduction Of | show I fail to AieRane the action 'aga the Montreal Cotton Company de-| "Pp going to make fifty. cents to first- ja hurricane al Hankew tat th's in itself would nol catise the | ste elurms al Toronto for April of $167,030. Four: hotel licenses were cut off" by mmissioners. coll act was sustained at Frxul- rie N. B., after a hard-fought con- Martin Price was sentenced at Gue'ph = fifteen years in penilentiary for burg: jury. Two boys named .Dyell were drowned at Blue Bonnets, near Montreal, on Friday. Americans are making Sie, purchas | ¢. ts of pulpwood akong: the line <f the Tciniskaming Railw: Londen iene Comiilesioners pro- pose a scheme to d the wa lerworks, es * Peags of 000. E, A. A. Grange, New York, was append Prin a the Ontario. Vet- eriary College, T The police 'ure os One for tho perpe- trofors of four jowelliry' robberies that ocauaed. om Thurslis ab 7 cpl se Willtam Aeuian: ¥ho is already se pane for eres: uclph "to an addi- Uonal twelve yea A. lady's ninabi was found at 3 railway station at Montreal with $35. 000 worth of eitoiog in it, The own- oN a ene was fined fifty. dollars a union juoukler during a row at the Buck stove works. a Bitel "Skitch was brutally bea- a Fi imk mue strect, Toronta. RR. steamers -- will run a 'emul nay aban St 4 red $32,500 da ce or = eee in w wreck on the 2 York Cen GENERA RAL. Honduras is conceritratinig her troops: on the Guatemalan fro Two hundred pia 'vie wee by ersia is organizing a jones: 'of len thousand olell to punish the Kurds in Arnen It is renoried in Teheran that the Kirds heve massacred two J iiowean: persons in Persian Armenia eaicemerm Tes ~ecranrpemnnna i TFALIAN a KILLED. Murdered "Bervian Miner Near Lethbridge. A é Sse oe Lethbridge. Alberta, Sus s: Zagaly, a Servian coal miner, sla est aS engineer on screenings ia Galt's amine. brutally murdered Mrs. Braeedi, an Talian womon, on the reaa lett here and the mines on Friday, had Leen boardug with and he eee wid had given her money to Ree p for him. When he met her on sashel for it and she refused iim. This s2 incensed ' + shot her sand then cut ver. throal. murdered womun's nine-year-old son was with her at the The miuntersr then » shoot. Nine small .by a : ing Wimsell three times, children are left mutherless. , GREAT SHIPYARD LOCKOUT. Every Shipbuilding Yard in Britain to Close To-day. A ~ ie acho fiom London says: The ne pedintia fur a seltlement of the SLipl) wig dispute have fautled ngain, und the luckoul went info effect un Sat- rans. at ul the yards of the Uniled Kingdom. ; -- 873,000 STOLEN FROM TRAIN. ---- Well4Fargo Express Car Robbed Near Torreon, Mexteo. A thespaitehy ig oni ty 'vf Mexico says say hab when thie Auvices "ty an Torpen northbourt agin trata on the Mes. fetn Raita rencted that place on Friday it was found thal a Wells-Fargo s ebnk nining S70.000 missing fran the express cur, Tiere is no the robberyeand so far a Knowa ne arrest has been made, -- a * -- he IMPORTS FALLING OFF. Dominion Cusfoms Returns. for :the wilh April of last year, due to the eon- tinued decrease in imperts, consequent vw the caution baw be up ite exercised 14. wholesale merchants and others in the at TBrealtord for pointing a revolver ut j 7 anil the onder yaspene expected mpete sae + m nd-| Wesleyan temperance pelilicn, reach Ral within 30 miles of. Winnipeg to Baltle River» and from Battle River west to bridge over the---Battle River The bridge ig over one mile long and 180 eet high perienced by ang contraciors in gelling labor this year, and the whole situa stad sO. {nr as "the contractors .are ¢nn- a ar ie considerably improved since ast > Sc a va FELL TWO THOUSAND FEET. An Aereoaut's Drop: ae to wank abled Parachute. A ich from poe Worth, Texas, Says: from a height of 2.000 fect, clinging to ao bled parachute} which d him) ebout in the uir tike a top, A. McCormick, an acronau of Ouiaha, was dashed to the earth here + but miraculously és- per death. He was ed up uncon- Scious and was red, but was serious! u Will recover. ~McCormick hed made an ! Imos jiad no parachuse, which at ay jerked aoues 'clear over the iron ring a pes. ¢ he timed a conipicte peeaiulion, ment to see nmched from his rip, but he une on 'NUDE DOLKHOBORS KEPT IN CARS. ton Aghast at Arrival of the Vag: Font Pilgrkns. ch from Yorkton, Sask., ne' Do seve arrived special hl on ay. ' rere et t cleased y official of that Govern- miple are all destitule homes to go to and a num- are "Perley nude, There ukhobors in this vicinity, aces pending instructions 'The Mounted Police are soliches : : 'SEVEN MILES LONG. Protest Against Bul. sii Le ma seven miles lon quarters of a ton in weight, : signatures, will be prese pehited: mday to the House of Commons. The Ww Hs signatures. will ne! tNouse before the second reading of the Lill. The apoenent Alliance petitton, with 700.000 signatures, asking for a = | ve | Commission at Enquiry into the condi- fon of canventual and monastic insti- tutions, will be presented next week, -- -$---- C. 'N.. Re MEN: ACCEPT. 5 (abcoaiain of Wagds in Mechanical De- partments. A despatch from lia +ays: The agreement, between the R. end iis shopmen has benti gies: as a re- sull of the conference between the of unions oak Iwe cents per labor are not abetted at all by the re duction, and ve status of the viene will not be fnterfered with. Bate greatly sensed w: ih the 'spirit shows 7 by the men, and it i eae Bl il have en anporisal bearing 'a . PL 1. negotiations. hh a THE TIDE OF EMIGRATION. Effort WHI be Made to Turn It to: Au- straolia and Other *Colonirs. A despatch from Londoy saves: Combereell Distress Committee has asked the Central Unemployed Body whether, in, view serious ob- slatles placed inthe wey of emigration hy the Canadian Government, suilad!e ear atid theie familes could not "i a » Australia and the other colon "Ghe G Glasgow conimillee hasdeckieéte discontinue «migration in conéequence al the teiief that while the type.of men required by Canada would be benefice sial lo the Dominion, it would be a disad- vantage to Glasgow to lose them, _ >] ° TO STRENGTHEN CHINA'S NAVY. Large aaa a Ratileships to be based, A despat th a Shanghai says: The Board of 'War has -framed a scheme which wil greatly strengthen Chinas nave, proposes formition of three new squadrons, each fo consist of one battleship, two first-class, four o five second-class and five or six thitd-class criisers, seve gunboats, destroyers. lorpedy boats, one or two submarines. and transports, It is. in- fended to build end maintain the navy with reventi# fromthe coast provinces. +------_ : WILD DUCK oe BY SCORES. §mall Insect Found | in Head Feathers ol the Dead Birds A despalch from Sa andusky, Ohio., snys: Again, 4s for several seasons a : 7 sast, wild duck are rine by lhe hun- ; Month: Show Decrease. Seeds daily in the marshy regions bot- A despatch from Oltawa suys: | dering on Lake Erie, between Huron, case nis revenue of the Dominion for] ten miles east of this cily, and the the month of April was 83,440,017. a month al the Maumee River, near To- decrease of SIAISAi6, a8 sy aioe f bills, canvas backs. and oe- eas ailly - red head are attacked alike, In the head feathers of the dead duck is found a small insect not 5 eg flea, but whether this ts responsi a aa the whalesale destruction Ut is ao! ng mitler of purchases abroad during the per of depressivga, ™~ ~. on has nol been determined, No difficulty is" being ex- | de. 0 54.00 to ea $21; half barrels, #2. ' The | 82 AALS CES SES ER Raa eS FEE eR to-he-Opened fA MAFPENINGS FIOM ALL O\Wt TOR res despatch from. -- says: ah PREADGTUFFS. ---- : vernme consulting for the National Toronto, May 5.--Man.tuba Wheat-- --_. | Branscontinental | Raliway, stated. on a eos ean lo. 1 northern, $1.- : a ursday rand. Trunk Paci-} ° '7 z No. 3, $1.0834; feed Telegraph Briela From Our Own 804; -. from Winnipeg to Prince Rupert| ¥he!, SXCz-N 2 feed, 59c; Georgian Other Countries of Mecent: "under et, with the| Pay parts « "Bvents, exception: of about 500 miles on the ead a "Whéal-- No. 2 white, (fe +t reas Mountain sae The whole prairie] PO-Ot of shipment; No. 2 Bg Bee ge at a CANADA. section fro m Winn ipeg the Rockies, point of shipment; No. 1c; ne! ig about 100. miles west of Eu- * ot txaton aCe eatin struck "the rate mon wo open for business | ~ Corn No. 2, non ype act next fail. Is are now Isid. from about We to arrive; No. eilow, T2ch K Te, Toronta freight; Ic less, Flour--Maniloba ' Ko 3 mixed, monton much of the grading is now : patents special ene, The delay until fall in opening brands, $6 to $6.10; seconds, $5.40 fo ee through line from Edmonton ; Strong Lakers', $5.30; winter Witnipeg*is due, says Mr. Schreiber, | Wheat patents, 33.40 constructions of the,immense| Barley--No. 52¢ ha 55c, eee, hey iside. Rye--Strong; No. "ss 87c to Re out: 4 Buckwheat--No. 2, GAlic to Gr. <--No. 2 white, 46. oubside: 4Se én track Toranto; No. 2 mixed, Bran--$25 on track Toronte, Shortse@carce, $24 f.0.b. miiils. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Wholesale quotations are: " Eggs--New-laid, 16¢ to 7c. Butter--The ares fends to be weak- er on larger offerings. Creamery, ahs + Be... We torte do 'solids Seah waive « 28 to 200 | Dairy prints: baturebne" wwenee 2c lo Lhe IGA ged PONS eve ceres were REC Lo 25 do solids . » «. 23¢ to 2éc 101] (a Cs] eee OR a We to 21 Pota in tario Bc lo 9c; Deia- keg %e to $1, in cur lols on track Beans--$i.70 to $1.75 for primes and Sener oe, nent: ked. Honey--Strained steady al lic to l2c und pails. Combs at '$1. 75 tof $2.50 er '4 jozen. r large and 4c 'or twins, in Job lots here; new-mueke, 13¢ for large and 13Xc for "twins Maple Syrup--$1 -to Baled Straw--$8 lo $9 per to pound in case lots; mess apres short, go $21 to s--Light to medium, 13 x 13}4¢; do., NeaLy, 1134 lo 12¢; ralls, 9% to 10¢; shoullers, S3c; 16¢; : oe $18 'o backs, breakfast wm, A Lard--Tierces, i14c; tubs, 11%Z¢; pails, 12c¢ » MONTREAL MARKETS, Montreal May 5.--Lacal ing foreign demand for spring wheut flour is fa'rly n aclive and a modera'e trade is pass- an. yonre spring w sie pi agora $6.10 ond, $5.5 -10, winter thea! patents, $5.10; straight rovers, 4.7 be do in bARS $2.15 lo $2.35; extra, $1.85 to $1.90 » Bran--The market for Ontario bran is easier and several cars were offered ut $23.50 per ton, including bags. which shows a decline of $1 per lon on presi- cus sales. Manitoba bran. $23; shorts $25; Ontario bran, $23.50 lo ig mid- dlings, $26 to $27; shorts, $24.50 to $25 per ton, including bags; otro grain j how'te: 834- to $35,-any milled grades, $25 30 per ton. Provisions--Barrels short cut _-- ack, $10.75; char fat b coar backs. Wige: barrets plate beef. $13.50 lo $15; half barreis do 7.25 ta £7.75; barrels heavy is "gst leet, SIO 'o $l; hail Larrels ado.. $5.50 to. £6; com- Lpound lard, 8c to 95; pure lard. Ie li, WC wie rendered, hams Sige, according to size breakfast Bs Ie ty Ie; Windsor bacon, 4c le 153ge; fresh killed abal- lair dressed hogs. $9.75 to $10; live, $0.50 to = 2 Eges-- r dozen for single cases and 16¢ Ge solinid lots, Cheese--Old cotored 'quoted at 12%c ce 13e 'und white at 124 cake is quoted at 11 Ye es ithe. ceipts lo-dsy were $38 bo Butter--New-make preniies 7 'qu: sled st fhe to 28 29c to grocers 4c lo 123c; new ae- UNITED STATES Buffalo, May steady; No.1 loads; Winter, Corn--Strong; MARKETS. 5.--Wheat -- Spring, Northern, $1.003¢. firiner; No. 2 red, $1. Na; 2 yellow, ewer; No. 2 white, 56c; Re. Ba rley--83 to ec. No. 1, on track, ®8c. "Minneapolis, May 5.-- May, $1.53; July. . Xe; me: Now 1 Northern. . 2 Northern, os Wheal--C€ash. 8. first clears, $4.1 $3.40. Bran. In bulk, $21 to Nliwaulee.7 May 5.--Wheat--No. 1 2. Sle; sum- cash. 66 New York. "May 5 Wheat -- Spot. j $1.06, ejevalor; No. t ul; No. 1 north Lt, 1h3,. . atoal; Ne. 2 $l. co f.o.b. afloat crn, hard winter. CATTL EMA May MARKET. Toronto, a-Choice cattle were perlinps a little firmer, as there b? few offered. No excepheniily callle were on fhe market, only a few Sealing al ever Sh. 5 port bulls brought $4.25 is a better demand fur rs Cows and bulls were unchangeal from last week, cows ranging from $2.50 to $4.60; and bulls from $3 to 84.60 A number of slockhers and feeders which were bound for the cast stopper eff dere. but were not for sale, The few louds that were offered old ut $3 to $4.50. reduc- T = Consiguments of calves were 4oand prices wren a tithe firmer, ollerings of s nd lambs were u peligro A Wight whieh kept ee steady. ring ka ecoming 0 little nore plentiful, '0 are slightly "The hog market is sleady, but rather weak, as there was a large run of hogs. The average price for selects was $6.49, fed and watered, Toronto, and $6.15 for heavies. ---------§ --__----= President Roosevells programme for {he construction of four new battleships ington. Governor Johnson of Minnesota nh Detroit wholesale en to work to ob literate the boundary belween Canada and the Uniked Slates. ~~ $1.10 per gallon. | © 4ge in round juls and vse to; was -voled down in the Senate at Wasn- w TAY GLASS Two Brothers Graduated First and Second at McGill and Won Scholarships. A despatch from Mentreal says: 'mlerceting story of brotherly kove and courageous work the aMictoa o total bindness was unveiled at McGill University on Thursday, two brethers. Themas S. amd Wil'ua gradustd in law, coming te- first and second in ther und wi ning two out of thee: Kenias S. Slewart is 3 ; the carele-sness Nites yours ap he in- jured one or hes ¢yes witha knife, and Specialists declared that to save the Sght of the olher the bad eye nist be removed. Mr. Stewart underwent the cperal.on, but by some extraordinary - With the result that when the pitient came Gul of 'the ether he was completely blind. Undismayed 'An, ~ by this, he undertook to pursue his studies in law at McG: Il, and ever since then his brother has devoted himselt tn him, making his studies with him urd accompanying him to college sporis and through al! the phases of university Ufle--pructically making him- Sf a seelmy medium fer his blind bro- her, As . result of this uncsual devo- tion the blind Stewart came out at the head of sits -- while his brother came second, and each-won thie. Sir Wiliam Masionai scholarship, which entitles the e kc} 7 Paid a warm éuloglum to the twe bro- thers in conferring the degre, und the twa were-hearlily cheered by the au- dience es Uy came forwa = YOUNG FOLKS _A LITTLE INDIAN BOY. Juan was a }illle Pueblo bo Far away, on the great y: ew of New and Arizona. ve soine In- dit an 'trom have never roamed the plains and forests, Baicd Hay---Timothy is quoted al $15 like these others, but have always lived lo $15.50 in car lots on tracks here. x viel, peaceable lives in queer little ald , p¥ulages, which were standing on the} hOG PRODUCTS. same spot when the Spaniards came lo the Southwest. hundreds of yeurs Bacon--Long clear, 10 to 10%c¢ perja The Spanish word for "village rome to be calied the Pueblos, lige Indians. There are wbout ten thou- sand of them in all. Juan lived with his mother ond father nd tes httie sister, Fosita, a the end of the pueblo, * pleza, except for little places here and there fo get in and out of the pue- off into Lite flats of twee rooms each, end in each flat lived one family. top of the first story was another row ef houses. amt on sume parts of the etl tO there was still a third story peeple whe lived in the upper Me s went up and down by ladders outside, The hu uses were made out of adsbe clay, wheh was just the dirt Irom the pinio round-alsut, mixed with water shaped into bricks and dr adi in the sunt. mother used fo sprinkle tne 0 keep it eam, because turned -- on. frer house, and here they us d ty burn Live Wnion 5, The pinen i Oleist the only tree ls of psd reading, ' vewhle h maken vevy clear, beau- <d to go oul on the hills and rather He a bits at pinion In the lang winter even.nys the only vutvon one side of the fireplace, so that it cut off all cobl draughts from the = made a warm ¢ the fire, A soft old bearskh.n jay in font . women, boys and girls. chat ng and laughing. and bait slor- ta a very gay. hthearted thg oe '- le told Inge [apple and slories Of cit days, when the animals talked and ecled like human teings. and when there were «vitches and demons and goblins of all kinds aboul. Juan always remembered thase slories to!d in frunt of the fire in the wenter cvenaigs. But the greatest execeoment in the puebks would come when there was to eon cance fhe Indlans were busy getting reatly for it fer days before hand, I was not ke a white man's ance. tn- «an dances are ail o partief their eld rcligion, practiged ages belsre the while mhn came, and the Indian uses them wi someth'ng as a witte mon dees prayer, if it is very dry and they need rain for ther enops, they will have a rain Gonse. which is a prayer for ran, When the plant the corn, they hold ome which is a n January hufiste ee in Juan's pueblo. ie a Det) yer ~ hen they start doen thelr anninal buf daio hunt. There are no buffalo now, hut they still dance the old dance. ere are many peculiar figures in the buffaso dance of which no while man widerslands the exact meanuig. Two lite Boys take a prominent put t in it, and one year Juan was high! --. -- xen he was clesen for ae wf thet long tekin "eo he had learned the In- chan dance steps, fis father tatong him tom el santo a' quiet corner behind the hotees For and wachug tem with great care, wilh the fir-t tame new he was Etken -'the men into the secret rooms where 4 The long block was partitioned d On i ep il the ms the cari hey practiced for the dances. And s bad come from ty the los in that part 4 a = were crowds of Mex'c plaza was full of pe os te, "oe the roofs, first, second and third, were all packed. The sun shone brighter than it ever shines in the East, and the air was full of the bealing ef the tomtoms, or lied an drums, aml of the strange, shrill yelping of the daseers, Every men vel ed each py he danced a step, and this yelp ng 6 unded nor Lke coyotes bark ng than anstiane cbse. The dane ers separated into twe lines. leaving a wdc spece between. In this spree were two very tall men, the largest Indians -n the puebls. whe weve dressed to ce. present buffaloes, and two litte boys, who were supposed ta be antelope. On: of | bors was our (riend Juan. His body wes pa'ntied back, and hs had a lovg fringe of fealh rs anmund hs waist. and a [vather head-lress on his head. Stuck . ue Was a cunning 1(he antelbape ta Tre dancing ee up at ervals, all * y and alinust be night. i pay.d his part well, . though he was so trod when the 'ond' ¢ came thal he oud hady wack. te was very happy to har hs father tell his iether that Juan wis going lo be ene ef tho lest if WV ne no te had lecome nin ays thought of the first tir doin the buffats dance as the i: at day ol his ies INDOMIT ABL FE sw IFTEST VESSEL. Cruiser Made Twenty- cight Knots, A despaleh from Glasgew says: It fs wmefliciady reported that the new era ser Indamitable, which is now underg- ing her speed frals, has beaten all re . raking 28 fknals over @ mieasur- ed mle on the Clyde, and 26% knots in fhe continuous steaming trial The In- dumilable is fitted with lurhines, her contract speed is only 25 knots 7.250 tuns displacement, and Say fect in kength, She was launched on Mareh 16 lust. New T erbine ----_--_-- ANOTHER SLIDE OF RIVER BANK. Further Damage at Quebec Village ts Feared. \ode-spateh frei Notre Dame de la Sulelte, Que. says: Another 'ndstide here on Thurday night, when wt 20 fect of the west bunk slid in- ver. Tlis feared that if the rain cease Une whole of the west bank within a distance uf 100 feet to the river, No more bod- ics have been reclaimed, and il is now feured that they will not be. dees not BURIED UNDER ' fASS OF BRICK. Two Men Met Death im Mine fn Brit. ®h Columbia. A despatch from Vancouver says: News has reached here of a fatal cawe- i: at the mine near Phoenix. Christo- pher Mart n, aged forty-five. and Kings- ley Smith, a young Englishman, were ° work ng on the 300-foot level on Sunday afternoon, when an enormous mass of rock was dislddged, completely bury- ing them. --_--_--_--_----_--_-- MINE EXPLODED | ON WARSTIP, Two Sailors of a German Vesse} Killed, Six tnjured, A despatch from Kel savs; Two sea- oof the German battleship Alsace were killed and six clhers were wound- ca on Wednesday as the result of the explos.on of a mine, A launch lad been cul from the baiveship lo experment mm the blow ngup of cbs'ructicns in the waler, During the manmuvres one of mines on board exploded prema- turely, with the above result. ---- . >» Mavor of Fort de Franee, Mar- ue, was killed in the Tewn Ifalp during e'ection riots. The Mahmoud tribe in northern In- din have smt a delegation to the Brit ish to negotiate terms of peace. Japan is secking the support of Great Britain in ler representalians fo China t have the boyroott on Japanese goods- ended. XPLOSION ON A CRUISER ™~" Two Hundred and a Forty Killed on Japanese Warship. A despatch from Tokto says About two hundred and ferty men ry olficers Thursday werning uining erui-ut nm took place} merch ring at Mia alee ca nile Ihe ert biser Wis w as V2 Th 1 and itty "catcls Pi 'oie fs ul poor ha . sis wht to eg been cruiser at the lime of ue accident, OF these about 175 were rescued vy boals from the cruisers Hashoidate and sue kushima, The majority ol the officers, "Mover, and it is believed more than half the endets, were lost. Among tha ier were the sans of Prince Oyama Poll Morshal, and of Baron China, Ve as net : af Foreizn Affairs, Ca la Yi 1 sli ad Yoshimeri are also ' The cause s ef the cx;losion is unknown.

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