SEEDS. All of our Clover and othy is guaranteed Govern- ment Standard and free from | j noxious weeds. Flower and Garden Package | E Seeds 2 for 5 cents, regular ; Price 5 cents. WALL PAPER. New Spring Patterns now on hand, largest stock and prettiest designs, ~ Call and see for yourself, J. A: HACKING, ListowelStandard ' FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1908. THREE YEARS OF CONSER- : VATIVE | RULE. - The Whitney Gareiiniioat has bean in office for rather more than three years. During its ee it has abolished the numbered ballot and has destroyed the stuffed ballot- box ¢ To education it es eren larger grants. From the school-book mouopoly it has relieved the people. Agriculture is received a new impet- us, and st at wining been enco! foodie statis have been protected by a Railway pare appointed to conserve them, and labor is offered pro- ia from prison soinsats oes w Ontario has been made a more promising field for settlement. AT] Ontar- as been benefited by careful adminis- eatin The revenue of the province has been augmented without any increase in taxes. While the public services are more liberally assisted, the public debt has been reduced by $670,000, and a cash surplus of $1,600,000 has been recorded. The three years have been fruitful of good legislation and of honest work for * the public, Another term will be will- ingly accorded to Mr. Whitney and _ his colleagues. DOES MARRIAGE GIVE HUSBAND WIFE'S JOB? . =O. : nteresting Point-Raised in Effort to Quash Howick cipal Option Vole: Toronto, May 1. abr, 3 J. B. Macken- zie is moving on behalf of Richard Mc- Grath to quash the local option by-law of the Township of Howick, County of Huron, Among the reasons alleged is one, the novelty of which is most re- freshin It t appears that formerly a Mr. Dean was clerk of the township. He dieda number of years ayo and his widow was appointed to-succeed him, Subsequent- ly the lady married again and is now Mrs. Walker. Her present husband has been doing the work, such as attending council meetings, ete,, but she has been _ Signing all documents, such as by-laws, t is held apparently on the sound- est of legal precede nts that as soon as she married again her individuality be- came merged in that of her hustand, and the position of clerk became ipso acant. This' means that fora number of years the township has in reality been without a clerk at all, and consequently most, if not all of its pro- ceedings, have been irregular, among them, of course, the by-law appealed against. There are alsoa number of other grounds alleged. 'The by-law: was only passed by a plurality of four 'Votes over the necessary three-fifths majority. MOIR AT "DUNNVILLE. Had a Drink at {Grand Central Just Before Closing, and Then Disappear- ed, ---- Dunnville, May 3. -- There is reason to believe that Moir, the London fugi- tive, was here last evening, but unfor- tunately he was permitted to escape without being arrested. About 6.30 in the evening Constable Winslow saw aman standing on the street within a block of the station who answered Moir's description. The con- blo's attention was drawn to him, snagged by the fact that one of his ofa peculiar shape and in other respects he tallied with Winslow's recollection of the photograph and de- scription of the murderer he had secured from the London authorities. The stranger stood on the corner about five usinutes, then walked south a block and stood near the butcher shop of C. A. Robin's, going from there toW. E Werner's grocery store and then crossing the road to the Grand Pacific Hotel, -- he had a drink just before closing had Hone to get with the object of ceetiian his identification be- fore making an arrest, but when he re- turned the stranger had "Riaeheared completely, and, although scarch was kept up till midnizlit, no trace of him on be found. Those who saw the and were afterwards shown Moir's pra e say they have no donbt it was the murderer. He is said al have spoken with a slight Scotch accent and to have tallied with the doecxiption of Moir in almost every detail. How he got here is not known, nor can his disappearance be explained. Constable Winslow is greatly chagrined that the -- should have given hiin the slip "Meanwhile Ww pin 9s nd d A force of Afghans of from 13,000 to 20,000, which crossed the Indian border to support the Mahmouds, has been re- pulsed with small loss on the part of the British. industry has. LEBANON. af 8. S. No.1, Lebanon, for the ™: month of April. Total marks 520. Sr. + | IV.-- Addie ; Wi 844, . dr tV.-- Ver- Long 858 Biddolls 888, Robert Etinson 266. Sr oe 834, Jr.I0. Pcie tt > = ac i aalteon. .--Hazel D , L P ford, "Florence Wells, Stention Playford Russel Stinson, Beatrice Blough, Lillie Wilson,. Jr. Pt. 1--Edward Riddolls. MAE MELVIN, Teacher, --o-- BRUSSELS. Lawyer McDonald is removing fro) town to Cranbrook, B.¢ C.,; where he will ractice. e mem bers of the Bowling Club presented him with a fine gold headed cane. He was the president. Mr. Monteith, of Stratford, Mr. McDon- ald's successor, has taken charge of the office vacated. The newcomer is a nep- hew of Hon. Nelson Monteith. Brusse! ites wish Mr. McDonald success in th west and bid Mr. Monteith welcome. East Huron license et here last week and granted the hotel licenses for the riding barring Howick dalemsn d whose four hotels are ed owing to local option being adopted. An appeal is pore the courts against the oe law. ssels lost one of their splendid for- ae is on their interm ball team ct ti by the removal of Earl McLeod to the te of Washington. His place will 8 sg by another good man. i TOWN LINE WEST. The followi ing is the report of U.S. S. N a and Wallace, for the month of April: V. Class--Hazel Queenie Jackson, Sr. IY. Nichol, Wilfred Curtis. Martin, Gladys Jackson. Bessie Sanderson, Susan Le Graham Clyde, Orton Chapman, Harris Williams, Jr. III.--Sherwood Mann, James Nichol. Sr. I1.--Stanley Riehm, Lizzie McUallum, Hazel Mann, Jr. nnie McCallum, Lawson Sanderson (equal,) Agnes Sanderson, Clinton .Mann. Pt. 1--Lulu alley Cecil Curtis, Geraldene Hewitt (eq Glen Jackson, Norman Nichol, Blake Nesbitt, Sr. 1--Elma 1 ppard, Agnes Wakefield, Myrtle \Riehm, Hazel Dewar, 'Hilda Hewitt, Fred inex, Sidney a ae peace Willie Sanderson, 'akefield, Nellie Sanderson, Wilbert eenlons Mervin Purcell, . Roy Parcell, Bertie Mann, Russell Mann, ~ A. BALLAST ATS Teacher. SHIPLEY. fe month of Sr. Lv, Monta Milles SeatL, Jago Rok, trice Turnbull, Lizzie Nickel, Eddie Orth, La: Sr. I.--Mabel Oscar" Bartmann, Mehring, Maggie. Bender, Viola Bender, Turnbull, ence Ott, Annie Nickel, Elva Stauffer, ay Nickel, Minerva Fil- singer, Elto: ckel, Russell Knipe, Clarence Ni antec i. -- Wi Hilpert, 0: "Fatum, Laura . mann, Arthur Bowman, Lydia Bender, Inez Stauffer, camer ph Part IL.-- Cc artmann, e Good, Earl MclIiroy, Eddie = eisai Wilfred Fish- er. Senior Part I--Beulah Turnbull, Lorena Nickel, Percy Fatum, Clarence Koch. Junior Part I.-- Edith Bart- mann, Tena Nickel, Katie Nickel, Pearl Good, Etta Bowman, Florence Hilde- brand, Hilda Oswald, Stanley Fisher. The honor pupils for me month were : Beatrice Turnbull, Mabel Miller, and Clara Bartmann. . O, D, STEVENSON, Teacher. : _--o- ELMA, The first half of April cheese, 105 boxes, was shipped from Elma factory to Hodgson Brothers, Montreal. Miss Martha Magerpate of the 6th con. left on Monday of week for a year's visit with her eotier Wm. of ore poms and with her sister, rs, C, } tewart, of Vancouver. Another Elma's highly respected residents passed aw *y on April 28rd in the person of Mrs. 8. S, 'Ruttan, in her 63rd year. Mrs, away very suddenly, only suffering for a few hours aes paralysis. \She leaves to mourn her loss a devoted husband, two daughters and one son, also two brothers and one sister. The funeral took place from her late residence on = 10th concession to Elma Centre The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the whole com- mupity. A meeting of directors of the Elma or ae Fire Insurance Co. was he nthe Agricultural hall, At- wood, on April 21st. Members of the Board all anil but Mr. Cleland. The president reported having adjusted the uerrin claim for $7, which was satis- factory to the board. A claim was presented by Geo. Diehl, of Ellice, for $45 for a3 year old heifer killed by lightning, The majority ofthe board contended that the valuation was ex- cessively high, and after careful consid- eration it was moved by Cowan, second- ed by Baker, that Mr. Diehl's claim be adjusted at $35 and paid forthwith-- Carried. .A communication was read from the secretary of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., advising the calling of a convention in June, at Dublin, Ont., to discuss the proper way to deal with the gasoline engine, also the incubator, and asking that delegates be sent from this Com pany. After considerable discussion it was moved by Grieve, seconded b Cowan, that the President and Secre- tary be delegates to attend. the conven- tion, if capa ied. Applications for insurance w accépted amounting $129,950. Mocting adjourned till Tues- day the 19th day of May, to meet at usual time an Wiliam page ae to be from ~_ Ont., was found dead on a barge the Thames a seh England. officially announced that the m. AAS and White Star Lines will ada commence a joint service bext spring. t ] 'Chapman, Maurice Hewitt, Loyd Curtis. I. -- Win Bristow. Jr... classmates a' floral sigs pd on -. casket fr '| teacher. The See of Shipley School for tie Y. Class--Geo. A PARLIAMENTARIAN IN EMBRYO, Hon. J.P, Winey hn has a grandson w is iy in social and molt, cal circles as "Pat." Pat is about five or six years old, but is s very knowing child. Inheriting instinct of - House, chums wi gallery. Onc day he was in the press. and, looking down, he saw ery ae ais. tinguished grandfather had some choco- lates.. Now Pat is fond of chocolates. "See ! Ihe ex bo entbusi- asm, "look what grandpa has rf Then he secured a piece per and wrote these words: "I sade five preg tes. Pat." He is popular - With the dignity of a Minister he snapped his fingers and a page boy an- swered the call. Thé note was forth- with sent to the Premier. Mr, Whitney read it. Without looking up the pre- cedents in the matter, he ed fill the order, quietly putting the five hocolates into the waiting hand of the of . bliss, page. Pat ted afew minutes YOUNG BOY WAS KILLED. --o By Kick of Horse Near Mt. Forest. ---- Inspector Harris of the Guelph and County of este Humane Society has been tified of an accident at Mount Forse" Senalting i in the death of William Colwell, a young orphan 'boy and a ward of the Society. Of the ac- -- the Mount Forest Representative o William Colwell, an orphan boy, one of Mr. Kelso's Canadian home _ proteges, who was adopted between twoand three years ago by Mr. P. B. Hassett, Pike Lake road, Normanby, met with an ac- cident Wednesday of last week, which terminated in the lad's death on F ee: He was hitching Mr. Hassett's team to a stoneboat, when one of the horses kick- ed sachet helpless. aeak: the boy was picked up firamediate: Miss Hassett, who was near ns injury in fact no signs of external i injury wae visible, rupture of the bowels it thought being the cause of death, The funeral took place on Sunday alpen to the Mount Forest cemetery and largely attended, Rev, D. W. Snider es f igolonracoarye ene well liked was a member of the Methodist Sunday School of the ie fellow funeral, ch ¥ - EMDENTLY MURDER, € --_--o--- Body of leben Found pits vvieiooess Crushed in Peel Coun County B Clarkson, Peel Con County, May 4.-- they came upon a that given rise to the apparently wall oo on that murder was suspici ted within the lant Gio uk tenes wi cooks. Lying i in a sort of natural grave - and eyidently placed there was the badly mortified body of a man. Closer in spection saeoilad the fact aa the side of the head was crushed in as if from a heavy blow, and from the Siihing that he wore it was apparent ne he wasa Russian or Slay, Near ly was the remains of what had een a camp. There was a pile of ashes and a couple of empty whiskey bottles. To one side lay a pair of military underdrawers of heavy material and foreign make. They z = brass buttons on them and written a piece of pepe opens was the name Dieutek: e@ young men xa insnediataly reported their discovery to Coroner Sutton, and an inquest was held to-night, which viewed the body and adjourned until ay 14, In the pockets of the dead man were found-two York Radial tickets from Sunnyside to Port Credit. The attorney- general's department las been notified and the provincial police force will start on case. He FRACTURED HIS SKULL, --o-- William J. Lavis Was Fatally Injured by a Fall at Stratford. --o-- Stratford, May 5.--Falling from the stone --_ 8 of the Mansion Nicos this pa William J. Lavis, representa.- tive of the Fonthill Nurseries, Torgnto, had his skull so severely fractured ties he is now in the hospital in an uncon scious er with no hope of his recov- . was seen walking up the sae of the hotel when he suddenly tot- tered and fell headlong to the pavement striking his head. His home is un- kn BREATHE HELP FOR CATARRH, --o Droggist J. Livingstone jr. is Having Splendid Reports From Hyomei Users, es It's the poison germs in the air you breathe that creates and feeds catarrh. Tyomei simply -- these germs on their way to work and destroys them. The first breath of Hyomei air kills all catarrhal poison. This makes the air you are breathing inward helpful, it goes on its way through the air passages, bronchial tubes and ungs charged with germ destroying power that cannot be resisted, it soothes and heals the wounded and inflamed membrane. Thatis why Hyomei is so instantly helpfal for any distress of the breathing organs, colds, croup, bronchitis, asthma pneumonia, they are the gewm life that Hyomei kills. Complete guaranteed outfit $1.00. Sold by J. Livingstone jr., talk to him about it. So far no Liberal newspaper has had the courage to do more than plead for a stronger ---- meaning the pre- sent one, no doubt. members, and Sestinsly visits the press | with all ee Ka was second lowest rate in the Province. men who politician who belonged to that ministry. For not fositing and watering cattle during a space of forty. hours, while costs. de- clared va the law which towed the companies ~ to carry Pca 28 hours Nthonk food was ade- quate and eight hours was eo of exemption. DO YOU EAT RIGHT ? OS Slow eating and regular meals is of groat benefit to a wrong ac! stomach. Those who suffer with indigestion and weak stomach can with care and the use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets restore the digestion to a healthy condition, so that they caneat what they want at ae without fear of distress or suf- ferin After a few days' useof Mi-o-na stom- ach tablets, the headaches, dizzy feeling, taste in the mouth, distress after Prana da these symptoms of a weak stomach--vwill disappear, and perfect digestion and good health will be res! J. Livingstone jr. has so much confi- dence in the power of Mi-o-na to cure indigestion that he guarantees satisfac- tion or money back. Price 50 cents. The people of Ontario have nothing to dangers in too small a majority. T Ross Government was au evidence this. arranging to establish a thas been deci aol te raise the sum -of ss 000 by the sale of shares to the number of 150 at $20 per "Tar has Canvass sO' been a success, Are Your Children "Croupy" --_--oO-- _ This trouble is ah ly~-must inet dee stop ick]: eine | airs, Give it moereny. rub it on the throat and ches d then rve! er of Nerviline, both as Agyiiesang. fels in p form, will For a asl coughs, pleurisy alone, it is used b tatonanda Ase day. Invaluable in the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all chil are bound tch. Large bottles 25 cts. eac' iline Plas same price, at dealers or N. C. Polson _& Co., Kingston, ye nia MoCarthy and Earnest Cyr add their names to the growing list of Liberal members of the Canadian House of Commons who have wearied of de- fending the Laurier administration. Toronto's liquor license commission is no respector of persons, when one of the large hotels and a fashionable cafe lose their licenses. Thirty arrests have been made at Calcutta in connection with the conspir- acy to assassinate Europeans. General Sir James Willcocks has re- pulsed the invading oe and driven the m back across the fro 4 Just The Medictae You Need, Your color is bad te nee is go eyes are dull, appetite is r, stomach n Bh our liver soma awakening. amilton's Pills. Dr. In just one night you'll notice a differ- ence, for Dr. po pa n's Pills sea: on out every trace of troutse You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better ou will gain in strength, have a clear re experience the joy of robust healt! 'o tone, . purify enliven the s sys tem nothin ng Hamilton's Pills. '25 cts. at all dealexs. is peace 4g ee on Satur- day were : . P, Downey for South hirer Hoa. 'Col. Hendrie and Mr. kK. C., for West and East Mr, J. C. Milligan for W. R. Flewelling, Deputy Surveyor- General of New Brunswick, committed suicide by shooting. The new Methodist Church at Wel- land, to replace the burned building, was dedicated by Rey. Dr. Carman Muskoka Conservatives nominated Mr. William Wright, M. P., for tke Commons, and Mr, Mahaffy for the Legislature. Nineteen hundred immigrants arrived at oes by the steamers Virginian and The burial plot where the ---- who fell at Stony Creek rest was : crated by Bishop DuMoulin. Scott Moncrieff, a British subject, has been slain by order of a sheik in the Blue Nile Province. 7 Why a Catarrh Remedies Fail, --o- nose an cure. "Onl by cleansi passages b: i eving the tng the aud killing germs 1s cure py No ma . are cured, The new Quebec bridge may be hain further up the river, near Batiscan cure for catarrh, nothing equals Catarrh- ozone, 25 cts, and $1.00 at all dealers. 3 heyday ; Few People in Listowel Really Know pate ow, Put ona 2 ened Porous Plaster. The: a rere RECOM- cnigus| MENDED IN THE SPRING In This Way The Syst System is Strength- | ened And Better Health Assured. From the earliest tim: --_-- it has been uni- versally Foo grwvivdess jad t the transi- rach ae Fie sae vista and spring e ane es f disease. it to take auitab ie per ives the pa cera oe and weakness e hold. * Don't t wait, think of 7par small og ing powers, and ovarwrcr rescribe Ferrozone; let it help you now the blo th and power are instilled = thi - es new. strength t act fire of of antl will'dance in your veins, and new found = nergy will in- crgeee your ieitre to w e supplies the t nourishing and tissue building mai terial your system lacks. Isn't this "a rea hy?' From rmere, Ont., Mrs. Jno. m! t.. = ve seen tee a number years I was sic in the s time. 4 felt tired, nervous and ee blood was w -- time. days my appetite , and I -- feel a builuing-up process going on. This gres a new person of me and I don't think a sie medicine for the get and Vigor? Zone m mence to-day. Sold by all all dealers, 50c. per box or six boxes for $2.50 noe t least twelve lives were lost ina hotel fire at Fort Wayne, Ind. Hon. Frank Cochrane "threatens legal action in respect to the Loughrin charg- es, The Ontario Legislature was dissolv- ed by > _ecuenaaee by the Lieutenant. Govern dina' Cured For 25 Cents, ------ A guarantee of painless cure goes with eve y bottle of Putnam' 8 Corn Extract- or. e Putnam's and your corn goes Bina' 'of substitutes. A KING'S DREAM. Belief In the Vision Might Have Changed History. On June 12, 1645, Charles 1, slept at the litte inuwin Naseby village. Scouts had brought news of the approach of the parliamentary army, and the king Wus rexolved'to give them battle. In the middle of the night the lords of the bedchaumber, who slept in the outer room, were disturbed by an ex- trnordinary noise In the king's room Upon entering they found Charles sit ting bolt upright In bis bed and ip a much excited state. king snid be had beard no nolse, but that their entry had roused him from an extraordhinry dream, Te said that Strafford had stood at the foot of his bed and implored bim not to give bat- tle, for if be did he would be so disns- trously defented as to threaten bis ,crown und even his life. The next worning Charles told Prince Rupert and bis generals of his dream, but declared that he would fight. They in vain tried to dissunde him. In the evening news arrived that the enemy Were ciosent hand, That night Charles again dreamed the same dream. Straf- ford warned him that It was the last time be would try to help tim. The nest morning the k:ng led his army out and by sunset Le had lost cannon, bagenge and four-fifths of his troops and, as events proved, the war as well Strafford's ghost was right. Had Charles pot met Cromwell at Naseby {t is quite likely he would not have met his death at Whitehall. Not Caught Yet The young Gubman bad been Intro- duced to the beautiful Russiau actress. He was charmed, cutrauced, and be finally led ber to the conservatory, where they wight have a quiet minute to themselves, "Pardon me be sald," "I did not quite enateb your uanie." "What is it that you did not do?" she asked In bewllderment. "Oh, your language is so strange. Do you want my name?" "Yes; your own full onme." "Will you enteb It this thue?" ~ "I'll do my best." "Well, it's Vera Federovina Kommis- arjewskaya." Tle muted It. wed Him H The ws her oat the. Jardin des Plantes In Paris gave an undergar- dener two of the first ripe figs to take to one of the governors. On the way the man gnve way to temptation and ate ¢ "yy il is the other fig?" said the governor to him, baving been told of the errs beforeband. ate "But tol could you do that?" "Like this," sald the servant, swal- lowing the other. N on-alcoholic | alo a If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. oo We publish our | formulas We urge you to eonselt your Gooter Ask your doctor to name sonie of the results of constipation. His long list will n with sick-headache, biliousness, dyere sia og Peet at skin. Then him it 'ould recommend your en ire Pill --Mase by 3.0. Ayer Os., Lowell, Mass.--= . Ov asking what the noise was, the pecial Bargains FOR Friday and Saturday LI AT GRAY, BERNIE & CO. The Low Price Makers, STOWELL. AYS.. 00. 100 yds Linoleum, wide, ail new, 40 new Carpet Squares to for baryain days for bargain days, Special B; Bargains for bargain days 10 dozen Brooms, 50 pairs 3§ yds Lace curtains, white, patterns, best $1 value in the land, bargain the heavy weight, bargain days ONnlyssevees. 4 pieces Tapestry Carpet, regular 50c, to clear atterns, this season's make, all reduced ' All Carpets, Oil Cloths and Linoleums reduced Call and see the lot. 38 pieces new up-to-date Dress Goods reduced 29 Boys' new two-piece Suits for bargain days 2,78 best 25c line in town, bar- gain days......eeeeeeeees See Us on Bargain Days--You Will Find Some- thing to interest You. GRAY, BERNIE & CO. Seemmemriem ass all new sae seeene 7 4 yards 45 +39 select from, all new in Bress Boots, +19 Great Clubbing Offer, The Weekly Mail and Empire AND The Standard FOR $1.30 Up to the End of 1908. gem san es El er Bi t ; -") (- aefing' a oo --_ es tuedsure taken by an opponent in a pro. | posal aphor,. the chair ; $ } We have effected arrangements whereby we can make this unprecedented offer, which means 'Two Papers for Almost the Price of One. Send in names at once and get the full advant- } age of this great clubbing offer. peony wre AE CD bring hts men were killed in La Rose | mine at Cobalt by an explosion. An Irish M. P. was denouncing the that was before the House of Lords, Argument waxed keen, and the Irishman, iu his earnestness and anxie- ty to carry his point, convulsed the House with this hope lessly mixed met- "My lord," he said, addressing "T smell a rat. | see it float ing in the air; but, Mr. Speaker, I nip it in the bad." VEVETSE BOB OBB" BOD | ZDCERT Tig "ay nee, ie Is the leading business jrainieg school in Western Onta We give a tho orough, practical 'raining i on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pit- § | man's Shorthand, Touc Type e- § | writing, and Commercial and n Railroad Operating. Each depart- @ ment is in the hands of experienced @ e assist students to Our graduates always @' our courses are the g/ best. Get our free catalogue and 9 ! Jearn more about us. You may § | enter now | ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, @| Principals. @ | VOSSEET FETE OO | | First-class Watches from $5 up, | Waranted, ;feasonable and "ratielaction Jaci 'anteed at old stand. NEY hs | -- (Issuer of 'CLEARING. SALE OF | WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, EYE- GLASSES, SPECTACLES, Gold Glasses from $4 up au Repa airing prom S. M. SMITH. WATCH OUR I! NDOW for the latest designs in Jewelery, Fancy Goods, Post Cards, Etc. | We Always Endeavor to Show the NEWEST STYLES. J. GABEL, Jeweler, Optician, Engraver, Marriage Licenses, Wallace Street,